PAGE 20-McHENRY PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1984 { To Place Your Classified Display Ad Call 385-0170 Line Ad 344-4800 Automobiles «« For Sale mm ORMSBY MOTORS SPRING SALE ON ALL NEW AND USED CARS! IN STOCK SUNBIRD CONVERTIBLE!!! IN STOCK STE'SAND CONVERSION VANS G R E A T B U Y 3 O N U S E D C A R S Speed Wheel! SPECIAL!!!! 1984 CadRloc Sedan DeVMe-l Filly Equipped-Leather Int.* Wire Wheels-Brand New-Last of the Big Ones!!!! OUR PRICES CAN'T BE BEAT! WAGON SPECIAL!! 16 NEW & USED WAGONS!! GREAT BUYS ON USED WAGONS 1979 Pontiac Grand Safari 9 Pass. Wgn P S & Disc B.P.W. & Locks-60/40 P. Seat-Tilt-Crui se-A/C- Rear Defogger-Luggage Rack-Wood actory Exec. Driven-Special gran Loaded & Sharp Vacation R|ady!H *» . 1978 Olds Cutlass Br. Wagon P.S. & Disc B.-P. W. & LocksAM/FM Stereo-Buckeh & Conso- le-Tilt-Cruise-A/C-Woodgrain-Loaded & Sharp!!!! 1983 Bonn. Wgn. "Diesel"-P.S. & Disc B.-P.W. & Locks-60/40 Seat-TiU-Cruise-AM/FM Ster eo Rear Defogger-A/C-Luggage Rack-Velour Int.-3,000 Mi. F, $9999.00!!! o 1981 Gr. LeMans Wgn. P S. & Disc B.-A/C Luggage Rack Woodgrain-A Real Sharp Inter mediate Wgn! BEST BUYS IN TRUCKS 1984 GMC Vi T. Pickup P S. & Disc B.-A.T.-6 Cyl-Slider Window-2,000Mi.-Save!!!! 1983 Ford Ranger XL Plckup 4 Speed P S. & B-AM/FM Stereo-2 Tone Paiint-Topper-11,000 Mi.-Spotless-Special $6295.00!!! GM QUALITY SERVICE PARTS GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION 815-459-4566 50 N. MAIN ST. CRYSTAL LAKE.IL. Disc 6 * Rear Dt* fogger Rally Wheels-7,000 Mi.-Red-A Real Sporty Car!!!-Special $7995.00!!! IN) MOO 4 Or. P S. * Disc B.-A/C-Tilt Cruise Stereo-Rear Defogger-Fuel Injection-Silver- 8urg. Int.-18,000 Mi.-Showroom New!!! 1912 Pontile J2000 4 Or. P S. .. Disc. B.-AJ - Rear Defogger Stripes-31,000 Mi.-Sharp Little' Gas Saver! !!! 1912 Bonn. Br. 4 Or. P S. & Disc B.-P.W. .. Locks-60/40 P. Seat-Tilt-Cruise-AM/Fm Ste^, po-Rear Defogger-A/C-Vinyl Top-Wire Wheels- 32,000Mi.-Loaded.. Sharp!!! m Buick Skylark-4 Dr. P S. & Disc B. A/C Tilt-Cruise^f., Windows AM/FM Stereo-Rear Defogger V6 Eng.26,000 Mi.-Extra Clean Front Wheel Drive Car!!! , 1912 Olds Toronado-P.S. & Disc. B.-P.W. & Locks-50/50 Dual Power Seits-Tilt-Cruise- AM/FM Cassette-Rear Defogger-A^C-Trunk Opener-Wire Wheels-Landau Top-25,000 Cert. Mi-Has E very thing Showroom New! 1981 Olds Cutlass LS 4 Dr. P S. & Disc B.Jilt Stereo-A/C-Rally Wheels-Vinyl Top-Dk. Blue- Sharp!!! 7 . ® 1981 Pontiac Grand Prix-P.S. & Disc B.P.Win- 6dows-A/C-Tilt-AM/FM Stereo 8 Track-Rear Defogger-Landau Top-Wire Wheels-23,000 Cert. Mi.-A Beautiful Burgundy!!!! 1980 Pontiac Urand Prlx-V8-A.T.-P.S. & Disc B. * -A/C-Bucket Seats & Console-Landau Roof- Stereo* Sporty Blue Coupe!!!! 1979 Buick LeSabre Limited 4 Dr.-P.S. & Disc B. P.W. & Locks-60/40 Seat-AM/FM Stereo C.B.-Rear Defogger-A/C-41,000 Cert. ^Al.-One Owner-Sharp!!!! 1979 Cadillac Fleetwood Broughan 4 Or.-P.S. & Disc B.-P.W. 8, Locks-50/50 P. Seats-Tilt-Crui- se-Rear Defogger-A/C-Trunk/Opener-Twi Lite Sentinel-Vinyl Top-Wire Wheels-Leather Int.-A Black Beauty!!! % ' \ * 1978 Bonn. Cpt.P.$.-& Disc B.-A/C-AM/FM- .Stereo-Landau Top-Vinyl Int. One Owner-New ' Car Trade-Clean!!! 1977 Ford LTD .4 Dr.-P.S. & Disc B-A/C-Wire Wheels-Rustproofing-One Owner-Sharp!!! Do it the easy way- shop classified. > -- r W r Y O U R F A C T O R Y A U T H O R I Z E D 1 OUTLET OFFERS 200 SXs STANZAS $8299°°* INCREASE Priced From .48 MONTH BANK FINANCING WITH PAYMENTS *S LOW AS $1U" m< MM- 'With >2809"" down pament cash or trade Annual Percentage Rate 13.51 TO P $9946" Excludes tax. license title & dest nation 1,41 MONTH BANK FINANCING WITH PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $152" per month.- * With J2877" down payment cash or trade Annual Percentage Ratio 13 51 TOP $10 185' Excludes tax license title & destination 2.CASH PRICE SAVINGS UP TO $1200°° OFF *Sa«mp vaary by model & equipment 3>N0 MONET DOWN AND JWO" pt Mil' 2, CASH PRICE SAVINGS UP TO $1200" OFF "Savings vary by model & equipment 3. NO M0HEY DOWN AND $18T per 1011111- 48 months closed & lease 48 months closed & lease SELECTIONS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SENTRAS $5199°°* Priced From 1,48 MONTH FINANCING WITH PAVMEHTS LOW AS $93.42 per month* * Put J1/50 do*n payment cash or trade Annual Percentage Rate 13 51 TOP $6233 72 Excludes tax license title & dis tmation 2.CASH PRICE SAVINGS UP TO $900" OFF* 'Savings vary by model & equipment 3.HO MONEY DOWN AND $117" per .o.lh" *48 months closed & lease MAXIMAS $11,399"* 1,60 MONTH FHUNCING WITH PAVMEHTS AS LOW AS $185" per north* 'With $3399" down payment cash or trade Annual Percentage Rage 13 72 T O P $14,499* Excludes tax license title & des tmation 2,CASH PRICE SAVIHGS UP TO $1500" OFF* 'Savings vary by equipment & model 3aH0 M0HEV DOWN AND $225" ptr moMir 60 months closed & lease WAYS TO BUY OUTLET PRICED USED CARS tluiridl DAT SUM (312) 381-7991 136 W. NW. HWY. (RT. 14) BARRINGTON (one block west of RT. 59) SALE HOURS MON. THURS. 9 AM to 9 PM FRI. 9 AM to S PM SAT. 9 AM to 5PM PUTS t SUVICC MM-FRI 7:30 AM to 5:01 PM 1979 DODGE OMNI 024 Automat p,> . am fm 3! 000 I <"t mile 1977 TOYOTA CEUCA LIFTBACK A i'omatH am trn .!ert-n sp •' -t'Deb 1978 HONDA ACCORD 2 OR H B b spe^ri am lm spnrt ' pr" i4 000 cert m 1978 DATSUN 280Z 2 + 2 A.j to an am trn . te ' fo mint condi t ion 1978 RENAULT LE CAR 2 DR b speed an am tm radi Study says U.S. alone at the UN ^ 4 ) •' * ' By United Preso International UNITED NATIONS The United States, despite its huge financial contributions, is l a r g e l y i s o l a t e d a n d f r e q u e n t l y d e n o u n c e d i n the United Nations because it fails to take the world body seriously, a U.S. study shows. The study, prepared for Congress by the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, calls for a change in U.S. attitude to restore mutual trust. Mrs. Jeane Kirkpatrick - serving her fourth year as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations - said in her introduction to the study that the United States should "make clear to others that we take a serious interest in decisions in these arenas and no longer are willing to shrug off U.N. interactions as without importance." She suggested the United States should be prepared to "respect our friends' and associates' basic values and interests, but ex pect that such respect should be mutual." "There has been a tendency by a lot of people in the United States, and in other Western coun- V tries, to say 'who cares about the United Na tions,'" she said. The U.N. system has a combined annual budget of more thanMJatfttofl and employs over 50,000 people worldwide. The United States contributes $250 million a year to the New York-based U.N. Secretariat, which has an annual budget of $1 billion. It -gives hundreds of millions a year to support various U.N. agencies, including more than $90 million a year to UNESCO. ? The study on U.N. voting patterns in 1983 shows the United States voted with the majori ty in the General Assembly on only 25.5 percent of the issues. ' , * Asked by reporters if the low percentage was the result of the Reagan administration's policies, Mrs. Kirkpatrick said, "I can assure you that the pattern of what might be called the United States in the minority has persisted now for about two decades." * Despite its huge, contributions, the study shows the United States is unpopular even • among countries receiving U.S. military and economic aid. These countries voted with the United States on only one out of four issues. Egypt, which received a $2 billion package aid, voted with the United States on 23.4 percent of the issiies and Pakistan vrited on 22.8 percent of the issues. Pakistan is receiving $3.2 billion in military and economic aid to bolster its defense in the wake of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. • On aq average, African countries voted with ; the United States on 18.6 percent of the issues ; and Asian and Pacific countries on 21.5 per- ! cent. . ; The two countries that voted the most with • the United States were Israel with 93.3 percent ! and Britain with 84.2 percent. * •» J President Reagan decided last year to • withdraw U.S. membership from the U.N. | Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organiza-; tion by the end of 1984 unless its members stop ! politicizing issues and the agency's alleged; fiscal mismanagement is corrected. • .• The study cited one instance in which deci-! sions byttlfe organization's 158 members could { influence the shaping of U.S. foreign policy. The Soviet Union last month prevented the! United Nations from sending U.N. peace forces; to Beirut after vetoing' a Security Council deci- • sion that was earnestly sought by France. • "Failure by the council to act "may have had important effects on the evolution of events in Lebanon, the viability of its government, the security of Israel, the role of the Syrians (and Soviets) in the region, and the options available to the United States," the study said. The U.N. peace force would have replaced U.S., British and Italian troops who have left Beirut. Only France still keeps its 1,200 troops , there. .*• "The influence Qf U.N. decisions in the con text and conduct of'U.S. foreign policy may be incremental, rather than sudden or dramatic, • but its cumulative importance should not be underestimated," the study said. The United States -- because of its support of Israel and South Africa --was denounced by name in several resolutions, a practice rarely applied to other countries. The study said such a move was an "act of powerful blocs against countries unable to de fend themselves in the U.N. context. Such selective censure necessarily is discriminatory and unfair." * •• - The Soviet Union and Vietnam were not nam ed in resolutions condemning the-occupation of Afghanistan and Cambodia. Other countries also escaped direct iden tification: North Korea in the resolution con demning the bombing in Rangoon, Burma, in which 16 South Korean officials died; Iran in the resolution condemning religious persecu tion of the Baha'i, and Libya in the text con demning the invasion of Chad. 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