SECTION 2 - PAGE 7 - PLA1NDEALER - FRIDAY, APRIL 27. 1984 Ringwood news: Residents again reminded to restrain dogs Again, we are getting com plaints of dogs running loose over the neighborhood and not being restrained to their hopie property. With the coming of nice weather, children will be out in the yards playing and parents do not want strange dogs coming on their property and frightening the children. Also, it does not make for tidy lawns. Sometimes when dogs are allowed to run free, they band together in packs and that Doris Low 653-9262 Katy Christopher 385-8037 is when they become really dangerous. Let us all work together to make our community a safe and happy place by restraining your y^nimal or keeping it penned. U.M.Y. VOLLEYBALL Next Sunday evening, April 29, will be the last evening of volleyball at the Greenwood school for the youth of Green- wood-Ringwood parish. Meeting time is 7 p.m. Once again the Mt. Hope church youth will be there and possibly others. EASTER DOINGS Leon and Linda VanEvery, with their sons and daughter Michelle, spent the day with Linda's parents, Kay and Clarence Adams, and other family members. The Michael Daurios enjoyed the evening meal with Nancy's mother Dolores White. Some of the Hogans got together for "dinner out." Those in the group were Ila, the families of Mike Hogan, Patty Parsley and Ruth Ann Hogan. Also, Sig and Ingeborg Jacobsen joined them. Everyone returned to Da's afterward and enjoyed Sunday evening supper with her. Sherri Cristy Was home from Milliken to enjoy Easter with her parents. On Sunday, Clara Cristy and Terri and Bill An derson with daughter Theresa, joined them for dinner. Dave Christopher, Brad and Marge Scott joined Art and Katy Christopher for Sunday dinner. Frank and Lil Visconti and Frankie enjoyed the day at home with a lot of relaxation and not a lot of cooking. The day was spent watching some rented taped movies and nibbling on "hors d'oeuvres. Lil's mom, Edith Harrison and friend Harry, her oldest sister Edith and her family stopped in to visit jmd later in the day Kathy Noble stopped in also. A very relaxing day! 'Muck' Brennan took his girls 'Doe' and her sister Marion, who is visiting from California, out to a delicious dinner. This way the girls didn't have to cook. Doris and Walt Low, Patti and Dan Hanson and the boys, Lee, Fly flag for Loyalty Day on May 1 Veterans of Foreign Wars and their Ladies Auxiliary will observe "Loyalty Day" on Tuesday May 1. Loyalty Day was declared by the Veterans of Foreign Wars to combat communism on the day the communists parade their military strength. Throughout the United States, men, women and children will be observing Loyalty Day by flying the American flag, marching in parades and celebrating their heritage as Americans. Loyalty Day chairman of the Ladies Auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4600, Gerry Kuck urges citizens of McHenry area to fly thefc American flags on May 1. Scott and Erik, had dinner with Pamand Dan Kehoe and girls in Elkhorn, WI. Sunday. Walt and Alice Mae Wilcox of Woodstock were also there. Chris Ferrara and family spent Sunday with Chris' parents in Chicago. Chris' brother, Chuck and family were also there. A delicious dinner was served by Chris' mom. The Greg Bazilewich family spent Sunday with Karen's brother Edward and Rose Kirwan and family in Lake Villa. A great day, but weather wise awful. John and Wanda Bistolfo spent the day with their son and daughter and their families. A nice sharing time was had by all. Lynn and Kevin Bauer and sons, Steve and Chad spent Sunday with Lynn's mom, Lois Weber of McHenry. Because of bad weather the usual egg hunt was conducted in the house. Can you imagine, over six dozen eggs hidden in the house? Sure hope they found them all. Lynn's mom also fixed special Easter baskets for all in attendance. Sister Sherri and hubby Art brother Butch and sister Debbie were also there to enjoy the day. HOME AGAIN 'Doe' Brennan is home again from the hospital and recuperating nicely after her fall in her home and breaking her hip. Her sister Marion Grosdidier of LaMirada, California is spending a couple of weeks with Muck and Doe and helping Doe adj'ist, to getting around. Marion wants to be sure that Doe can get herself up and down stairs before she heads for home WEEKEND HOME Shane Hanson spent a brief weekend at home with his family, the Dan Hansons. Shane is going to school in Memphis, Tennessee, where he is stationed with the Marines. FOOD CO--OP Co-op members will meet at Nancy Daurio's May 7, at 7:30 p.m. to place orders. Please park your cars in Malo's drive. May 15 will be pack and pick-up at Pat Malo's at 2 p.m. EARLY SERVICE Despite the cold, wet weather Easter morning, about 100 worshipers turned out for the Sunrise Service presented by the youth of Greenwood-Ringwood churches. Special music was sung by the combined choirs of the two churches. Following services, breakfast was served by the youth, their parents and counselors, at tables beautifully decorated with floral centerpieces. CONGRATULATIONS "Happy Birthday" to Nancy Barker and Pamela Jean Barker on May 3; with Wendy Brennan, Sandra Coss, Susan Hogan and Danny Sellers all celebrating May 4. May 5 is that special day for Lori Rich, Dennis Rich, Jr., Charles Carr, Charles (Muck) Brennan and Jack Pearson; with William Parlermo adding another candle May 6; Jennifer Bauer and Nancy Gillespie, May 7; and Ricky Mough May 9. We wish all of you wonderful people a.very happy day and many more to come. ANNIVERSARIES We add a belated anniversary wish to Ben and Linda Beaman, who celebrated their ninth Anniversary April 26. We wish you two many more years of wedded bliss. NOTE If you wish your loved ones' birthdays listed in our column, do call us. Call us also if your daughters are married and give us their marr&Miames. If we have incorrect dates we cannot correct them unless we are called. Please, it will only take a minute of your time and ours. CALENDAR April 29-Worship Services-9 a.m.-Ringwood Church, Junior Church- qfl5 a.m.-Ringwood Church. May 1-May Day-Choir Practice--7 p.m.-Ringwood Church. May 10-UMW (United Methodist Women) 12:30 p.m.- home of Ingeborg Jacobsen. June22-24-Church Campout- details later. July 21-Annual Chicken Bar- B-Que-details later. GODBLESS - DESIGNER PERFUMES WITHOUT DESIGNER PRICES Now, You Can Save #2.50 Or More On Fine Perfumes! 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Enjoy our quiet cocktail lounge in their former dining room or the original library with its magnificent wood paneling. Choose from our excellent menu with gourmet specialities. LUNCHEON TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY Served from 11:00 to 3pm, featuring a large selection ranging from a simple sandwich, graciously prepared, to a superb full course lunch. Your hosts. Bill and Kris Covas 223-0121 Intersections Rout* 120 and 45, Grayslak* (Closed Monday) PRIME RETAIL LOCATION JOIN JEWEL/OSCO & WA0S McHENRY SHOPPING CENTER (RTE. 120 & INDUSTRIAL DRIVE) 3 CHOICE SPACES LEFT! CALL (312)420-8512 full commission paid On Wednesday, May 2, the McHenry Plaindealer will replace its old 9 • column format with an all-new 6 column look. This change is consistent with our ongoing efforts to constantly upgrade & improve your newspaper - and will result in a more visually attractive, easier-to-read editorial and advertising package. Wider columns mean easier reading, greater comprehension and an improved showcase for advertising. The entire readership of the newspaper will benefit from this change. And increased readership is good for all of us! Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group