\ One resigns, another joins HSA board By Ronald Porep PUindealer news service One McHenry resident resigned Thursday from the Board of Directors of the Health Systems Agency of Kane, Lake and McHenry Counties Inc., while another became a member. The federally-funded agency, which acts as a watchdog of hospital costs, accepted the resignation of Paul Fidler at its April board meeting. Fidler, a long-time consumer member who was appointed to the agency, by the McHenry County Board, resigned because he is moving to Florida. His term was duetto expire this month. Dr. Rodrigo Merino-Roldin, a neurologist associated with both McHenry Hospital and the West Lake Clinic in Ingleside, joined the board. Merino-Robin is a .Chilean immigrant and a 1974 graduate of Northwestern University School of Medicine. He has been a resident of McHenry for a year. He previously lived in Deerfield and before that in Indiana. Merino-Roldin was also ap pointed to the agency's nominating committee, which selects candidates to the board, and members to the Governor's statewide Health Coordinating Council. Sherry Alexakos, a McHenry county resident, was appointed treasurer of the agency. " Alexakos and Patricia • Falconer, both of Cary, were re appointed to the HSA board. In other county action, the HSA board was informed by agency Project Review Officer Mark Mayo that it will soon be considering a proposed 40-bed addition to the 415-bed skilled care Royal Terrace Nursing Home in McHenry. The project will bring the facility up to 355 beds and is estimated to cost $650,000. gTgeneral^^™ News Biofeedback helps some find relief from stress By Cliff Ward Plaindealer News Service While busy students hurried outside through the halls to make their next class, several people sat in a quiet room and tried to calm down with the help of a series of low beeps. The beeps came from a machine used in the process of biofeedback, which is a method of lowering stress through relaxation techniques. The demonstration was being of fered at McHenry County College as a part of Wellness Week by Sue Walker, who performs the service for Crystal Lake's First Congregational Church (United Church of Christ). "It's called' biofeedback because you learn about your body," according to Walker, who has been teaching people about the process for the past four years. Tlie "patient" (who for the demonstration was MCC counselor Kathy Bolger) sits next to the biofeedback monitor and has a sensor attached to the finger. Walker, 36, explained that the sensor monitors temperature of the finger. The temperature is also indicated by a series of low- pitched or high-pitched beeps from the machine, called an Autogen 1000. High toned beeps mean the body is under stress, since stress tends to decrease the flow of blood through the smaller vessels in the appendages, Walker said. Low beeps mean the body is relaxed, and the blood is flowing smoothly, she said. When Walker placed the sensor on Bolger's finger and took a baseline reading, she said the temperature indicated Bolger was mildly stressed. Walker then read a series of statements to Bolger instructing her to relax her body, starting with the feet and ending with the head. By the time the demonstration had concluded, Bolger had managed to raise the tem perature on the monitor to ̂ 1 degrees, an indication she had relaxed through the suggestions and by listening to the beeps. Walker said biofeedback has been in existence since the late 1950s and is useful in dealing with heart problems and migraine headaches. Once.the techniqhes of self-relaxation are learned, the machine is no longer necessary, she said. The Autogen machine, which she said costs about $1,500, "just gives a reading -- something to gauge yourself by." "The greatest thing I've found being able to recognize when 'm being over-stressed," alker said. I The Crystal Lake church offers the biofeedback course for a nominal price, and it is open to anyone, Walker said. The course concentrates on relaxation techniques and weekly taped exercise programs. "You need stress in order to function '̂ -Walker said. "But if you get overloaded, you begin not to function well. You need to get it under control and work with it." Tin; n.ccu TC oiiiuuG sTcm: •i riirr»nrji r=:i i i 11 WMI H r L i M I i m 1 MI or ir*i n y Ay A\ IB -I -1^1 HH IMCJ^L!;LLfL::L3LIBLi.*La.EJU id H m «"««n A Affordable luxury and fun! The Celesfe Spa is large enough for four people, has adjustable jets and comes in 9 designer colors. Check out oar Complete line of Jacuzzi Spas. \ v *> "SECTION 2 - PAliE IS - fLAinut/iixn - wtunuum r "We've been pleased. 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