V Nutrition Update -- continued from page 9 fat ana free of simple carbohydrates, such as sugar, j joney. desserts soft dr inks and alcohol ic beverages Question: What vi tamins does my family need9 Answer: I f your family is in good health and eats a wel l balanced C;et based on the four basic food groups, they do not need supplemental vi tamins If you feel your family does not eat properly invest igate ways to improve the diet I f necessary, a mult i -vi tamm for age is al l that is needed i f a specif ic disease is involved consult your doctor or diet i t ian as to possible def iciencies Question: My chi ld is anergic . toai l mi lk products What can l give him instead of a calcium pi l l7 Answer: i f h is food preferences are varied, try salmon or otherVoft f ish with the bones crushed a/ id 'added back to the saiVon Some vegetables such as potatoes, white Deans w r- tomato sauce green-beans, broccol i , a^id greens si ich as spinach i are good sources o^calcium but are not readi ly absorbed by the body The/e vegetables ha.e calcium m combinat ion with phytates and the combinat ion is not real ly absorbed by the blood B,ackstrap moiasses peanuts and other Tuts are also "gdoc sources o* caicium Soy protem-bafeed formulas ^ed fc and milk subst i tutes contain l idded calcium and may be used with other f lavors and fAods * --. Question: I have a bet with a fr iend to lose 10pounds in one week How can I do i t9 Answer: Rapid weight loss of more than two or three pounds per week ,s not advisable I tcausesa rapid lossof water and electrolytes in the ur ine and may cause problems for some people The sensible weight program involves a good moderate calor ie diet, increased exeryse. a change in att i tude and behavior related to eatiorcj . . and consistency in a good program for several weeks ratf lgV than a sharp weight change that usual ly is temporary Weight control is a way of l i fe Quezon: I am anemic What are some food sources of ' AnswerMrbn is found mainly in l iver, red meats, egg yolks and many enriched cereal products Women between the ages of 15-50 frequently need an iron supplementat ion i f their physician feels this is appro priate Recommended level is 18 mil l igrams per day for women in this age group Men and other age women require less, usual ly obtaining enough from a good diet. 4- Radiologic C Arm Is Purchased A -acioiog c C arm image intensif ier has been placed in service at Memorial Hospital Joe Morgan.manager of the radio o$y department said the equipment is used during surgery for such procedures as the insert ion of a pacemaKe r or a chymopapain inject ion in the back for a a sc p*o6»em it ca~ be used for several orthopedic surgical pro cedures Morgan said the equipment ervables the doctor to see an image of what he is doing during the procedure whi le he is doing it!^ With the use of a video recorder, the C arm unit can be programmed to provide simultaneous images--one a f luroscope and the other a " l ive image for the doctor to evaluate • • v H ~T Good Health' Program Is Underway Memo' a HCSP ta s offer ing a program to h emp<oyees 0" ^ea th promotion Mea th promotion is the process of assist ing individuals - a :e r ng 'estyes to achieve a more opt imal level of health V Th s s ac* e.ed by foster ing awareness, inf luencing at: t^aes a~c oenti fy ing alternat ives so that part ic ipants ca" ^a^e ^formed choices. and change their behavior - T-e goa o f this program istoencourage individuals to ta*e greate r responsibi l i ty for their own good health," sa c n c* Buech er physical therapist at Memorial Hosp :a W th ' resources and experience in heaJth care, Memorial Hospital is a natural sett ing for a health promotion program Tests are conducted to show the part ic ipant those areas which may need improvement The tests emphasize those i tems which may lead to increased-r isk of cardiovascular disease i f nohaltered Six sessions are held to inform participants of ways to improve health The operiirrgyjiscussion focuses on the heart and cardiovascular structure Aerobic-type activity and the benefit of specific types of exercise are covered in the next two meetings Cancer detection, facts about smoking and a discus sion about stress wind up the formalized workshop programs 10-