Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 May 1984, p. 10

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PMC* nuMT.AFUL MAT 4. ISM BirfeflMwi ified iShew Free Press • r«5T rue"**' (Sate In *«e t.y z? or trior or ynrniMr paper mr-. oe reipoimikie <o» ONLY •* W mcott«c ̂̂ ir^cr '•* *«ws©ape- sM oe '«b* ic <He por«MH of •»md Mbdb « •) error ftn COM of Or error ** Cosv*«6 Defl " *' ' etence CM C«n '«d D«ploi> Adi WS3PXHT0. PruMe >e> t Ccwitftc L<n»/ka l"S3u «IE l<W<S *78-2581 OfhccNrfclM IJOt m SXp m 3 LINES. 5 DAYS *8.80 PRIV4TEPART* LINt AD> •*tx*lnoc* Doi| Stntew »Savdo» Ear^o take Heraid •Cordw Fr«« Mom<*g He-o«d *B9«> •'muW «e<>weoe«d Gazette *l*crf'«y. kocy 8eputo*<or News *Kin*Wf 1--cpr- lewbiw Wtm *Va"v3re Mew •Gr»-G^« Dare* •eer-«nyor» Bar**- 'Mk'it"» ̂ omdetle' •Ce«oo K nqMontAiand Hw i **»a <vps>n-t *»«n» i» 0 Mtrod *S#»opper Service *MW3«g • + Coacr Tr»- Cau**t Smw DIRECTORY DEADLINES: v READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND ^~ED. PLMNDEALER FRI. PLAINDEALER MON 3 P M MOS. 12 NOON MON 5 P A!. MON. i2 NOOK TED. 5P M WED 12 NOON Arvx*ĵ cemenH AAerchondtse Wo"<D « Ce^e^e- «t A Card o* r»o-«i M^<e* Cor *ot« lo»* I or- He^p Wor*ec 0«K5 Core **v~*ery Scoos S * j©*or-s *3"<C >v>jve*K>c «e« Womeed *or*MC 03 S3 05 -10 •1 12 "3 '8 ••0 2C 2" 22 23 24 Goro9» Soes Mcdtarot* iroe- S5C S<roe* t Soori ta.o-*- -ow- 4 Gase- fawowe" toen -t-- Real Estate Soles f »•» or.ted1 •« < 6® 22 B*.-sj-4*S F'oo -̂V J> 70 33 Ooe -̂ Howse 71 3a 8av EiW 25 Co^do--r»'Li»rt ^or See rj jft i»r See 3-- len 4 Ac-eo9e 75 , 3§ WX « Hordes 76 •>5 farms *cr Soe 77 4V fieo Es*ote Re"*o»s y u fieo Es*ote Re"*o»s 47 *a-̂ eS tc 8*-s» -8 *i *z>o»*s Boors -Oi.'S* e? •*9 S3 *33""*' »s sc *e^* ac 66 llQMt 1 tc 8er* 8' 24 Help Wanted crycjs.Ts • ITg«'̂ y>w S*y« 0*<e i *»tak«*~o «c Re*" % r a fo" -io-c Maceto f̂owi «t >e" Aulomo'tve for So* A«/is fem i Aceuo1 et T-*<*.s Traajcrs 4 T?-0'-e-̂ *ec-eo*«o- »e»»c«i 83 S3 6* 85 86 ST X 09 .80 91 93 815/344-4600 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Cemeteries 2 & Lots CRYSTAL uMCE MEMOR IAL PARK 4 UNO* CEME^EBr C*oa an< sn Ac rs O-BT eout CEMETR* un r Kit a hn O-y-- ra US Mr pre* DMorJD* y tor rs <ses tr 05a CR*P"*S '••* ~rtn r a**- r«p r Cert •£ S£_0» -e*ei ra E« 4 -r»V eve Vans Car 3nan Situations Household 21 Wanted 23 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted * M J A F T O K 1 TYPESETTM "H f©t € W 'i i 'J'fT an<3 r* 3« accrete con lot's tfOfsl at ys? ?ne portion *c »3u Complete -i r s i ter wfi'ie <o. est*. £«.ce>«efl' aorlung *o«d^«{W & ame"s •wj 3"«r e^rjc- ><r if I y?:. •itzir* j. T jr.n: '3?4 r , . BL3CK D#T . MHns j I1S4SMS2I MKT T WU. 00 CUSTOM. •jtorcounselor sneer waited to- rwt •art N in a ak_ *• f 5 »' Hiur< 84 .. rm jti a^ms e*tartpa •HATS HEW FROM AVOT» EARN UK£ MEVE8 tE T«V taw a« •#- ri cat rs«s- s* MT" :4MB a »"t tar He In 4 te «t -4.H. Bl tS E*PE»T *00*.»G »^e (*% W >»B * n&r% +• rs* rs «s-na 18 Auctions ~T. »E©:STE«EC ^ar^ac-r r^MMTt Cafrs-z»sn CW»a) CASE «•» OM. rtf. I rs* axMAjcnoe 4 *8EE «»8E&«UWMC>-Er%G •MMBEDU'E 8EW^1 X Oj8 HCT >!ME riT>^rn %• ̂ _ JIPV9V MVV » "•»' » a^a Notices J90> »* IHpr. XI «n »>3Mr»n Vi-xer aoian 19 Child Care E • 6 t • S H 60VEMESHk«n ar-«c CCCW 4 «HIEE MTr .̂ 4 S' •'!•« •pef »j> »• et IATEWE8 Mwfrrwm. 9v«**var *»3Wrw» t S3Kk EXP€8tE<nCCC eSX t̂taG 4 *err»% mm KVOj n; <or Serif 4 IJWW MTI fn ywrn rs <y M SKA8P»AJ*r««6CC notEmaf Stteweg I S 8EUA4ia«nKwr««t rs MM CASH BONUS Yoongm vtttt a M#i Jdwl d îoma op 9* a S5JN bows for en tsTing in «t* Marine Corps. Find otf more, cafi rs&nx fi E LIA0LE Ct«i 4 B«fcy»i*ter So*. r«f ««c rs«& 8ESPOMS1SLE AOULT * are tar 7 Jitatf. • r* 4 « r.c efiLWri •cr^rr i m 11 Lost & Found ru do MPrv^ws MMd •on* Mcc erje fire IST3MP» wfwm K *e* Ce Sjb j»ii»wn4 a- ««o rz #r rm Of t »oe i pek rs ess ir 7 WATU8E reet»Qfit.fci« mm m wr^ame •h <Jii>»ln.4aer rsn^vm Kc"t«'» ENERGETIC s-ye» .e s^e" i**e' -"res'ed r 4-.»t«re r- &a<es »-T- ĵ *lrv»»s r»- KT* ?c«e"a V> f« Zftrtrrj* -©:esia". *0*} r ̂ sor TIDY CARPETS * FLOOR COVERINGS '> 03t UU Avonue. WooOstoc* 24 Help Wanted eECEFTIOHIST Mataar In Ttaniar. 18 pa ta pml SahrMerfc 7 w ta }8p» lot dog •are H«r r< 4 8 V Re--re rs 455"SI7* or rs 4S5~r*i UU8H MOWE8 c*»*•?*< " i 8JMTEO- epa« aaw ta L0VW6 ^OUiiG &rw '""rs«» ar»tar«r 3 J?7JS t ' ffl7 POL M«L Fn. «r Cry** ̂*™* r -- _eae <wme >«r years hamdvhaa *m«ww! rs «ssv» «e 'mrvan1 f CaC EDUTEOPEMWGS* COtlPMt̂ T8AMMG SA l̂O ADVAMCCMEtr STU0CITTS WELCOME CAN EARN PAKT TIME S7M Per Hr FUU. TIME SBC PwSfc. JOM8n 21 Situations Wanted •AilP"MG XuOj( or Or.aT- gl C1«» rs3<x • wne' Mrnc i tc artfmi 4 U •» /cifi o* mcmrr, 1 _*u Co flan t s»*4 n<888 or M rs 3 J MOKEM^EASTED «« eat n; tar ~*r or >«»»*' J HPPt Baa • e»K* t̂ er Ptat coRa' 'er-wc >n _or Wne»T «ros< -XLtrt 4 •riaar. c/«* rz <38 8EMA.6S GA8DEMS 8ow ec Mom SOWV H tar vrms perr«5 tar EflwaffW-tar Serrc* t pre* I S33M&M Household 23 Help Wanted MATJ8E PE8S0* tar xa sane MP* »****$ (r!r k ac Co* rs-asx* AGG8ESSIVE H I IJ 24 Help Wanted r'3* APPLIANCE Tacta ̂ rv osp. '*»• _ . j t a B f l p A F F I f-w P'm Nerippn P 0 to at CryggLMfc HM8U AVON NEEDS B'MfUin MTT J« * JTW v« *r*iu( F«r Mb caA. rSOM- RESPONSIBLE ADULT "V • '*** •*9^s a M»f ta»>* Rrt v s >'WPf cf 'Oe wmHjmm Verier Errs r Moienr> r S "3K- JH." 12 Personals • -; house DtSCOLfcAGEDOTER Mfcma coats7 J* **C i * per fn. ac »•- rs "r»: «>rra OREGNA^T"8 •»EED-E-P' B««THe»G^rr Or*ce apar %'tr - A^cVw»7epr- rs- *8EG*A»r- •wet-iea'Cei 6^*rv*" r i *±*a SPECIAL SQAJ ĵaEDNA ̂ "jei -w-.Se- SZX c«e Sc »-»e'r «*RJ*S s«5 us a eoeui tt AJV.ES tAJ« G'8- BEAî " SA.0M rZ Q»-fc5fc5 THANU SA1WTX»DE tar e*eeys *wp*S « G PAINTING «Mtr«r n rS45S3S5» TYPING bookkeep '; res«r**i Dene s B»,ca Ser ra c-rr« Lake. IS*SS ttki ' OUAL.TY CARPET Coanrns r prices fft. car i*»i rs a*^r So- 8ESP0NS'B^E '1 r o< ~ dc fVOMtm t* PteaH coK r S 4S5-MT •Hi. (amPry. • 00 OnMiae A ta sflter Mowf or aPor "ftaTdar I 45 a»* I *S pMi- Vary pa 'ttarwm ni8W eves Cnrstai EtGH^EEM fEA8 OLD wfr 7 tears exper#^ce tar 84wp»rsmir;i I'M *5. «ia»e Ckaw^e»r .•one oak.n( tar pan *«•* Nef DeOworf c • SCOhOA. e*c rs 45M7* 0T45MT77 PUBLIC AUCTION REAL EST ATE Saturday, June 2,1984 166 .Acre Improved F inplapd EDWARD H. PECKMAN ESTATE \l'CnONEERS I Jim Mejer. *l-"» 49 -̂2417 Ls4.'«i Kobrrt T*<ut. t̂ land "l 't 49«r-90M> SCULPTU8ED NAILS SB8I tw ProteaaanP N*. ArfNt Co1 jayoetar app' rZ/4S8» ̂ naai VirMr TMNks Far A Mraoe DC.K. ; NEED V0U8 HAI8 DONE caw* •*? I •* carte ta MTMW canrsman G8AM0PRE CaMracti% Spr >S clean up. eeekiy "PAINTING. Patc«in{ Oua'ty Notices Jij/ly Coring Services, INc. A MOME CA^E FOW ELOCI l T Jl _ orH4MNUPfBj 4 ha. to 14 hra. - 7 dayi a wael Meal I'fi paralieM Akeat̂ HaMr: '"j aiepyaflu NorsaoKCpre. »ipglet He--afceepian R îsmH Nmv* Ijorfry PmeaafCare 24 Mr. Am lie Practical Nerves llaeee Tare ScrrkftinfMMW 2nd ANNUAL AUCTION Sunday, May 6 12 noon Viewing 11 a.m. 8617 Ridgefield Road, Ridgafield ̂ SmaN appliances, celebrity items, professional services, much miscellaneous. MCHENRY COUNTY JEWISH CONGREGATION A IkgMb ̂ (̂ 4 ̂ n0Ti®Wlf iiWiiv Auction--r Pan Powers COOKT--tewe Hairs Mam *B| raiiaary Ave. • STYUST, par* tmm- tar pro Q*y 4 etP AS Changes Her 3e*9H.rS4SSir-S COOKS WANTED ̂rswu ' REAL ESTATE Sam eenflad Na board dues ta pay Fpl ar part tane 8ad Carper rZ'*S88M4 MACHINE OPERATORS MIMSNR APPLY IN PERSON PLASPROS, INC. 455 Borden Street WOOQSfOCK# IL EXPERIENCED NICMT | COOKS F î md Part raaa % "XI aatfCryPMLaNa. rV4SS4TJ> WAITRESS. PartfPne SaNr Ney 4 Senear uae^k Apely ta paw MaaTv f3 West SANDWICH MAKE 8 Waal ad T-am-2pw.Maa.tariiFrl.Ap- p t̂a perm. Baef V8ta. im EXCEPTIONAL EARNINGS Work 3 *C 4 hourv 3 eeenngs or more per »ee« p»us Setwrdait and cam *op com mis sons se*tm§ C--ca9eiajtfs Le»d<««g Publica­ tion £*pc«»*ce - d^ec sa«s ^Hp+ui ho- wevtr ae a '̂ *r*» roC%5p earr » much as S*?5 -- in commissions ttscu this exciting opportunity Individuals needed in Lake and McMenry County areas Vehicle re- •red 4* «jf * I cor *norf «foma%! oil MS X)HHS 312/351-4082 Noor «oS PJML. Monoay thru Friday PRODUCT ENGINEER A maior producer of lawn & garden pro­ ducts «e *ta*e an opening for an engineer mi* exper»e^ce in design & development Requires experience on the board in the Design o* products requiring stamping, casing p?ast»c m^dings screw machine parts-e^c., a minimum of 2 years engineer ng school & knowledge of productkm pro cesses Eiectricai & UL experience a defi­ nite p us #e efferr a liberal company pa*d Denefit pacxage. & a salary commensurate ae ,tt* ability Please send resume to our personnel o^»ce. GENERAL POWER EQUPIIEIIT CO. 201 E Brink St..Harvard, IL 60033 I1S/943-7411 V Epu* Oppprtyn ̂E»np«y«r NLF , LIGHT l HEAVY COH. WWDERS (Experience Preferred) PART TIME EVENINGS ALGONQUIN PLANT SMTELOPM *4 I- *j MRBiy uni rnoiy APPLY AT CIVSTAL LAKE PUNT 9ANTO4PM p#wer conversion products inc i' ef" i c. tc< ; -- f-'•/.. •»..< iv iw/ PRODUCTION EXPEDITER AAmmum c4 2 yea^s e*per ence in eipedit •*5 c 4 Pi>rcnas«Q5 in an ndustrial en îronmen* Respors«o»e %r monitoring and erpeo * ng a i orders on ft>e production floor »o "sure n«gh teve' o* customer service throygh on time delivery Primary responst pxity aill t>e to expeoitc orders by servicing as a tiaisor $et*een manufacturing and mar ke* ng tor s*'P date confirmation, order sta •us etc We o*ter e*cei*ent company benefits inctud Nig U pa 3 holidays, company paid health. Hfe d'sab itty & optical insurance as *eil as our v" Que aC t»our. a day erork «eek Send re­ sume and saiary history to director of per so ne: , Rae Corporation 5801 W E4m,St J McHenry. 1160050 Ea^a Oppor'wn^y Emptayer M f 24 HdP Wanted 24 Help Wanteo NfEPLECRAFT WILES 4 JOURNEYMAN TOOL 4 01E MAKER I aearaatk tivmw 74»pw tiipx 4 com pwvybwwTHt Apply In Parson ACCUTRONICS 22JN. First St. Cory, IL J12/AJP-2102 OP^orjuji Fa* cempeny benefits indtided I * .7 t i£7*tSShr- Of. jplS Spring Grew* 88- MIGRANT HEALTH Nurse MOTtatf .RN needed tor excHtng camienWy NeaHft paaHlan Span** speaking atoll It tai pretamad ba» »•« required Meet be Me to aerfc evening to. Laurie Barber, RNBSN. IJPC. im W. Elm »,AAcHeary.Miai EjO.E UPHOLSTERER axpartanc ad. opening, call BNL 312/A9I-3MB • Oppertunmas . MATERIALS MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR Oar prearenlve community liaapltol has an excellent op partonlty tor an MlvidMl wttti p minimum of 3 year* e* In materials services 1 veer af viaory reflpensMMty. You will coordinate activities In the Materials Services Depart ment and will need a knowledge at materials menapement concepts and pro­ cedures. and ell aspects of heapNai supplies, equipment Md services. Familiarity wtth central startle processing is ad. We provide a good and benefit program . P#nonoH Department at 3120ll-to00. est. WI7. EVANGELICAL HEALTH SYSTEMS GoM Shepherd Hospital 4WW. mghway 22 • Barrington. ILM010 nUI salary PERSON FOR Cleaning Department, tamete preterreo, taw time Call Marlon WaM tar appeiatmant. lis/315 1172. Wafcl Used Appliances. growing maHi-mMNM company, wHh at boofckoMing e» be capable of matotananc* ef 24 Help Wanted hsd at EARN EXTRA INCOME ales follow up on sampled leads and can COM Hussion Work alone or ato«| witb caatactinf consumers about CktcafDiaad's the 8 1 Mpful. however we will train ^a to CaetfNlates must have vehicle and be 2 to 3 eseaiiifs per week ind Saturdays still needed for 1 or 2 areas in M fiaw ij| wi> i Far Niore mfortnfemn. call: MR DRAKE at 312/351-4082 to 5 P.M.. Monday thru Friday PROVEN SALES MOTIVATOR are needed who had experience m dvectiat and motivating young adults ta Eara utdlait commissions lor every ordw of _ land's NO 1 Newspaper that your (roup seltL Y came s mlalad directly to your imput MW la Large sue vehicle required Work 4 la 5 ewniags per week, all daf Saturday Opportunity He M Lake. McHenry and Northwest Cook County. For more information call MR GREEN 312/351-4082 Noon to 5 p.m.. Monday thru Friday McHenry Law Office Secretary Receptionist̂ up to 20 hours a week. Send resume tq; BOX AM 1 c/o McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry. II60050 HELP WANTED LEADMEN, JOURNEYMEN and JR. MOLOMAKERS NoMek Precision Inc. 4031 Dayton St. McHenry, IL 60050 (815)385-7100 ' t-- WEEKENO COUNSILOe tor MM* ears in a WAITRESSES, Apply la pern Reatoeraaf, W H A "4 Crysmiafce- RESPONSIBLE tor lldit aerwheeae aerfc. *to- piM/receMna, »3f toWL CaiTtis/ium*. BOOKKEEPING CAREER OPPORTUNITY MNm dMtor average company benem pre gram. Our impleyaei kn«v p Send resume to: BoxAlP SHAW Free Press Newspapers ~ 7109 Pyott Rd Crystal Lake. I L.41U ROOFERS 4 latoerars i Now taking eppllcanei or apply in person Grange ltd. Marengo SIS/SIR ASM. CaR DESIGNER/DRAFTSMAN Growing motor heme mam^ac- turer nas opening tor In­ terior/exterior 4 systems designer/draftsman. Preview experience in RV daiian desiraeble CaN Jim Smalt 312/tfl-OSTS RV REPAIR MEN Must be ixpertanced to aM aspects of RV rapeir and Mr- vice. Gall 312/63*4575 AskloeRodl CAREER MINDED aaapto needed to be trained to Mne 4 supervise tay 4 aift demonstratorv ExcsNanr to hours, set your omm peyctiect. Call Ida at Home of Lloyd. <da/3S5-5754 GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT Needed, keyline paste-up artist with typing skills. We offer good benefits, pleasant surroundings, and a chance to learn film stripping & ty­ pesetting. Applications will be taken with a brief interview at our* new headquarters, 640 In­ dustrial Drive, Cary, II. If it is not possible for you to apply during regular working hours, please call Mrs. Nordin at 312/639- FOK VALLEY SYSTEMS INC

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