Icy Club ymioiCY % $m. elected Hit fijg); SSllMli ' Sdsj .Tltm\ n̂coauEtm ̂ ttJBmi* Sa«uaiii* .TUuh mumt> nwmftne Hthae* W us IMiK yam? lattice ?*o- tcftsumru Juan *uw-<n?ftaiitein; Sue *rawc? ant: î nt̂ urthBsrcanafcumt- a: the iiimn̂ SwHBHt im«L rURTtra Cllub racwBBfflt Mi; m ?*»arvk m fm$£ )QCL ItfSBRll̂ XT ?tomhimwff U* Cllufc will a«3UHpMe a CUufe Ifi- WMDimiL̂ ' -Mflmatiim ̂1 r̂*n»rHer1 m suiurflio M** * siwrna nrn«vn aT « sunin̂ simte* iiiit iu 36I«;jl TflrrM* Niumâ Jotmsbui$ school honor community volunteers BJ#fc SeteMl &*» wwm ̂ Ulumua P*m Mb wmteiBwr, iirasuNnK IMii infcciiijmmtL stercice 2*qr w it unftr all Say ttrnuphnui the !te- anpanmmmi tm the , wniie they ?wrfnnr. a TweessB£v semnae ir their mdroidual cmmmmiiicB This it the Wtb wimm> fltaervanee af the emem Ksfn dufe> ImsmaxuimL is a ĥ school wroce rcpanszannr twmHMi jj> jflig'.«$ the 7nf,tn̂ * m n̂limwT? aerwiat m the lugis actum* flue ?amnuntĴ > ?arr*eitt5* there a?e tttuhs 4» the Imftet "Suoas Canada 5 a t. a ir £ s Ngtnerianus «»iailtes Utanuoa. Tr muunr KM TMNRW Diet, Suttteitts twewsa** tr uiminfc s h n u i c « « f l k S « M v t U U r rnranfcer or Its* Xatfc* Sh**. feou!$Mdoum \i I . Uiht«thâ ̂ Umvor Higv S^wv wii Hwyi hih. ;*o*r mun& wht as iOuivmwn ir the a. a Uiivyhw or ?hu««tev *isn u. v«4utu*a:> him ^Uif«p«r the taaruii*. ;**nvtar >v»U n̂t *H» -UK'h iRSfcs «-• Hlinfc <**t»ai?s n*ata?tt»{s «nc ?«ht»Vii* hoafe. nvUhê rtwtau 4t nuvminfc AT nfttiTiwu *^*r^*«epi It th* ĥwv nfho* stoutens awi ûf: handle ir raminfc n)vuv oalJs asstsfc wit* a&entfanot ?*vvi?c ftaoninfc ane. wjyrttM: tt: ote?tea. 4aste« 4ha assis-. JW f£ffw»e ĉrt̂ iar-*̂ r«t«ai *v Nw ̂ Eariv application urged for Illinois monetary awards f̂i£̂ esuH a: n re*c*icc number Hf Rffi ^̂ hrat3im$ beoî > 2rnces»£ iijr Manexan Aa^rfi r̂ mrai! ?nr the school 5«®c the Tl̂ rimw SJrjtse Scnasarshc x̂rrroxssaaij urgac suioares ir iom.̂ sur;* iar ihe. iKVimin̂ schoa imu: H h. the trsc time n; Hie team tn the srô raxr tha: the 3Wu«tf figure nas Jw«fr machefi /" saic SSC spafcesmar FWirri as radio staoon bod He WSCP radio statical M the riartersri oi ' Wismsiu- PSaaevLje rroentlv beid eî o hbs 5®r. l̂ear ISM ejcecuErv* ssscH Vuhhm Boefca. son of Mr. am Mr? Joel Boefca. 2311 Oak- van: Co<urt. McHenry. %as a«SH5 WSl"P assistant WSl"P. a student run. oammeraai. 43T vuac isatior, ar̂ s jrjitmosi m HM Hi sem«es the taisms ib ĉpprraamaxeî "5 Î -PiatBr*'iiie - radir «•« leleTasâ ® hirve4i*£<ca«it.2® ̂ sna&n&s "WISO6 ipea^net St\ hoars- ;*r as? aoiSfc £ xap̂ M^R f-ocmac. jj ajacaitim. H^SSLT seeps the unarmed »Tirr sews, spans an£ fuhhc afiaars prapraums Bat vlwmani 't ̂ irww: tramfe rantmut. vac nugtc Jr»aak the m «W mart lar the itchoa ufiar as wal. " ht atiuiac ̂ uwa. m S3K ̂ mUluu xtnllars. v̂ as auaiiahie rar jjraifis iar the sshaa \»<ta: wltfc â mama2i»:' ^Umats soadems "weevn̂ irarus * There ha?- a»f >wir a jud̂ iase m the wimheff soaden: <aans rcwesset ihe BSC. "The o/im rmssMai' tuti. ogsarienoet £ • )t wwfiK Or- -r̂ resase m scuaems librarian* mmr the suane time teriac ia& vear \s oc >6aro)i £1 k ifftiii at MMWt» itna î ~ naoatians- ha« heec mcwx'wi .aor*e«asv»ĵ scaaenss are f .utrmnô ai the itMSrifcuil&fes âr obtainir̂ : financial mti." vtamcw oam rneniMi \imosu J5S imr suaiMus hfc v«e alraat̂ apaftet: tar a ?̂aiu jar the «chaal >««»: rantmuĥ ootioge souHetus tor ha**e until ûne 1 *e sujhmi: ar aaa;v-ac?ai ?iar oan$v̂ e<ratiar. ?ar the ?alil aoadeomr î «ar *Shtit Urn. that âiĵ ?e $tttaaaats hâ <e ami Ociaher I ; ~*te anoaun̂ e siaiJaâ U squpi*. as aar̂ as ?«assJfcie aiw; u hsi ar Httnats tnscjtatiar as thai: *»r« oh«K>e.v «a»£ OJamaa; <uwfe»«VN n'I'viw ant Tl€i»iiiharv n tlv v̂ i ŝ y ii IK «v*Ny*!S tniu-vVM4 <l»v« tts itvr̂ vu u '.̂ iu -v v&y. rw>lv̂ *iiv.»«, uuvlhiiv̂ iM CU.1>V*̂ N (V^H f<» 'lim u im •ivU«a<5 i» tHf h ̂ ib 1\- -!VKM <Vy X UmvH û 'V'hwUitM Ccv \U.' " ?v i« O'ujMMV'vaj vjIJV 4H? t̂̂ »h|ash4>A. Vtvvi le<,}'V- V ;vhs<»>cmvv A, *?»iv < 'nUuvt̂ » V v̂»V iwhK'V ^Ovv Kvu y K/uyv ;u?î Mts <whf hm«t »̂kvM v.:I)) ?)v <yUK«iafta. A f>v ^Ny* •B^MaMjaBMBBMBl .H'WW'rtWUUU--i -j The K>/ntr s.C rht At «-> Orvattk w Mrr a K OtSLJJBOS- HTU ân s. -it -r̂ s-Xk:' O ŝia Jlhroiv NV * 0«$*Vin«KX. a V>V\X sVA . H%m> WAVNSTVtN A. Ka,- v v'vt, v. ,v. '̂Uliaw. ̂ V i4>io«rt»s V ̂ V*hr K V ̂ Vvv̂ . ̂ Sh»h. V A &S*'j*kb WH##:\Vto <V* • vn > *aK» *QVW NWV V A'\ BMMBMaWMaMMMMeaMfci>i.L!;Jje.:- L'c..1 JfcfflL -•'-"---- owerw SHADE TREE - SALE - SAVE '34 All River Bfftfi (8-10 R To•) SAVE !30 AM Autumn Rome Mop«s C7-6 B. Totf) JUST ARRIVED Beautiful Star Moanoias Reody To Bloom eai c Garden Shop Special w" 40 lbs. Peat Moss *U-- This Saturday, j| may 5 fit T° sflm ROSS - From Spectrum VISIT WITH Home and Garden Products ̂ wiM AN EXPERT answer afi your lawn weed and in- 1Q>3Q to 3tOO sect problems. SMI SATURDAY ft SUNDAY 33 PLUS LftffN WHO KIUER "Gets The Weeds Out Of The Picture SAVE '2.00 (Reg. 7 98 qi) SALE '5.9« . SMi SPCCTRACIDE - Crawling Insect Coatrol f*t Hsahhlsr Osios Ptaots... iuJALI1!̂ VISIT WITH AN lO BL... GARDENSlGROW NEW FOR mOTHER'S DflY Original Coll*ctibl»* Z WALTER H. BROCKfPfiNN f DISICNI STUDIOS. INC m •iim i l̂ t<ti 815-459̂ 200 OWftfWOCI Rt. 14 a 176 • Crystal Lake, IL Mon.-Frl. 8-8; Sat. 8-8*. Sun. 8-5 W«8tMTv KetHa 0#mo^*t«atKV> OATt Ma\ > TUMk 11 A r M PCACfc NOWHSa> W«Wd»Kvk A MMiaan SKvw i % Sav«> Up n> \ * w«*b«»< G^tuiinp K^ttlp vVtilK A vUs Kettle UiiU 164.95 Owt <*» < «»•«> V>lM\ ,M*W m. rlub county CiuD Rd.-̂ 00^*1 BOB SHOTTENKIRK - From Burpee Seeds, will be here from 10:00 to 2:00 FREE - twp-- V#9#tabl» or Flowar Cwlda v*nns m** «asf> SAVE - lOX on MJL BwpM Sttdt (Sa«wrd«j| Only> SAVE - lwp«t Craw MIImi 12.96 FOR mOTHER'S DAY - Ths Blooming Bostt Large, Potted Annual Floware - Charm Begonias. Geraniums. Dahlias and more Blooming Baskets - Begonias, Impattens, Lantana. Browaiia and more 'We grow only the finest and newest varieties available! SunsrisUE \\;iUV>^Un't,A svsu »»\. V'l,tcSvnM-̂ nluxttNV.xO • ALL PURPOSE • TREE & SHRUB • PLANTER BOX YOUR CHOICE 25QT C t4v» " #MWkev Joe vitili 22.76 0M» * S ̂ K j,M, hiavK KeUi# Vbill 53.87 Oui I* *! * hwM • 4,M IVM »V(« f «•» t'"«« *-*. fO*<H *,.*•*••• •••»'»« »h» »̂»»«» H !.V>Hi v« F'W" **v rĥ M »•* «itM Ni" MUM *<»»« 110 NoHsnrV. »*- vouo wwwj1.0̂ - M.« «.*•« ,#m ,6 1 1 •