MM I SUNDAY. MAY 4 6:45 AM (E) Christophers > CD p««f Hm 700 AM O Kidding CD SI <29 Human Dimension © (T8) Matt for ShgMnt €D Cartoon Carnival 60 Tarry Cole-Whlttokor 7:15 AM ® What's Nut 7:30 AM O ttyond tho ©23) U.I. Farm Report 8Three Scot* SpertsContor CD 3D SI 39 Saitmo Stmt [Closed Captioned] CD A WHoU Now You 00 <39) Papaya CD Alice's Advonturot In 09 Oood Morning Mkkayl €B (29 Divine Plan €B Sunday Worship 60 Robert SchuNer from tho Crystal Cathadral €0 look-In Ask Kate Inherited talent By Kate Wood* I am trying to find an addreaa for Stephanie Zimballst so I can send her a 1921 brochure on her grandparents' (Alma Gluck and Efrem ZlmbeHst) concert in San Diego. Can' you help me? -- M.B.S. You can write in care of the "Remington Steele" production offices, MTM Enterprises, 4024 Rad ford Ave., Studio City, CA 91604. But I would write to her about it first and wait for a response before sending the brochure. NUCLEAR PANIC -- I saw a movie some time ago on television star ring Ray Milland. It was similar to "The Day After" in that a family was trying to survive after a nuclear war. Can you tell me the name of it? -- D.W. Milland not only starred in but directed "Panic in the Year Zero," which wrs released in 1962 Others in the cast were Jean Hagen, Frankie Avalon and Mary Mitch ell MORE JUVILD WEST -- I am a big fan of the old series, "The Wild Wild West." Are there plans to produce any new shows, and is Ross Mar tin dead? -- M.P. The daring duo from the 1965-1970 series were reunited once in a Stephanie Zimballst 1979 television, movie, "The Wild Wild West Revisited." Ross Martin died shortly afterward and there have been no •"plans to re-team Robert Conrad with a new part ner in another sequel. ROOKIE UPDATE -- I enjoyed the 1972 series "The Rookies'* starring Qeorg Stanford Brown as Terry Webster. Is he still involved in show busi ness? Is he married? -- E M . Brown is very much involved in show busi ness. but as a television director, not an actor. On the home front, he is mar ried to "Cagney and Lacey" star Tyne Daly. Send your letters to Kate Woods, United Fea ture Syndicate. 200 Park Ave.. Boom 602. New York. NY. 10166 Because of the volume of mail, we cannot make personal replies ©1M4 Computog €9 Day of Discovory 7:45 AM t£) Your Monay 8:00 AM Q Q (23) 13 Ivory man O (23) Larry Jonot Ministry 0 Robart Schuller CD Plantflno CD MOVIC: 'O'Hara't Wife' CO 3$ Jetsons 60 Woleoma to Pooh Comor ® (2D Go mar Tad Armstrong 6D IntiflM SD Arthur Da Krwytor 63 Wostbrook Hospital SI 5ft Transformed €8 99 Cartoon Carnival 0 Gospel Country O Fsco to Pace Inwel TOi MVPRII CD iSBfs SpartsWoman CD Elochk Company 3D Q| © Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood CD Sunday Mass CD Physician's Journal CD W.V. Grant, Jr. Religion CD (29) Mighty Mouso © Oumhy Show ® (2® Ivor Incroasinf Faith 6D Dawn of a Now Day m Answor/Lovo QD €0 Oral Roberti €0 Jack Van Impa SI (23) Changed Uvos €8 (T8) Bugs Bunny I ' 6D Loavo It to Beavar 8:15 AM ® Clavoiand 8:30 AM Oo«mut o Performance Plus Oka--u .1 l-uL nvnvsfi or rviin CD ESPN'S SidoUnos CD 33) €D O StioSt [Closed Captioned] CD Oral Roberts . CD CD (2D OJ. joo © Donald Duck Prosants S) Rax Humbard 6D Oral Raborts and You © 6E) Tori Colo WhMtakor §0 HoaMh Boat SI (29 MarNyn Hlckay ©39i €D a © Mass 9:30AM O th. O (23) Fusion CD Boctrk Company 3D SI 39 Mattorpioca Thoatro 'Nancy Aitor.' Nancy and hor -itter PHyttis go to Eng land whort. Nancy moots Lord Revelttoke. iX) min.) [Clotod Captioned] CD Undordog CD MOVMj -Future World' An amusement park that caters to the wildest fontasies goes awry when the robots in the park (tart to think for themselves. Pe ter Fonda Blythe banner, Yul Brynner. CD (29) PHnts tones Q) Sunday Videos ©I HD This Weak with David Brinkloy SI (29 Uayd John OgiMe 60 39 Muntfort 6D MOW: tpsncsr's Mountain' The parents of a Wyoming mountain boy, one of nine children, give up their ploni for a retirement droom home to send him to college. Henry Fonda, Maureen O'Hora, James MacArtbur. 1M3. O' Thafs tho Spirit 10:00AM Ov O Thafs Country O (23) CD Ptay Yaw Bast Tennis C D U p C a m i n g CD Rug* Bunny CD SI (29 Living Stones 6D 39 Spldermon €D Andy Griffith © Paint of View 9:00 AM O Insida/Out o Wrap Around NashvNIe O r% Sunday Videos Q Tare on CD Yachting: Full Sail - Tho Clipper Cup K§ct CD Day of Ditcavary CD MOVIfii 'Wandar of it Air CD MOVtC: Twilight Zona - Tho Mo via' CD World Tomorrow CD (29) Tom B Jerry CD MOVW: •Brainstorm1 €B MOVW: Toby Tyler or Ton Weeks with a Circus' A 10-year-old orphan must chooie between the excitement of the circus and the love of the aunt and undo who miss him. Kevin Corcoran, Henry Calvin, Gene Sheldon. 1960. €E) (29 Jimmy Swoggoit €D America's Top Won CD 39 Ward of Faith © (29 Hour of Power 6S) Tom ft Jorry SI 39 Monuunt of Faith 69 KMs Writes CD 39 Addams Family €D Make Peace WHh Nchiff 10:30AM i iff You O CD This Week with David Brinkloy CD H Muet Be love CCawse I Fool So Dumb) 33) SI 39 Matinee at the His 'Movie Struck.' CD Bettor Way CD Fragglo Redi CD Rig Wash m CfcJ World To SD Weedy Woodpecker @9 Dave Regal SI 89 Manumsiit of Faith