Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 May 1984, p. 14

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PAGE 14 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1984 / • Misc. Misc. Misc. 32 Merchandise 32 Merchandise 32 Merchandise CONVECTION GAS STOVE, 30 In., Mlf cleaning, almond. New >750; SeH-S375- S15/45>-94>4. ENCLOSED TRAILER Wells Cargo, 1*3. 4ft. by • ft. enclos­ ed trailer, used 2 times, SI00, call after 4 pm. 815/3S5-MH. MOVING SALE Like new 4 piece living room tables. S200; biege for chair, $75; glass kit­ chen table w/4 chairs, $75; '73 Ford pick up, $200; vacuum cleaner, $10. All best offer. Jan. Hl2/65«-4964. BERNINA $30 Sewing Machine w/free arm table, like new card., New- $1,200, Asking $M0. Call 815/45>-27>5. HIDE-A BED, very good cond., %TS. Solid oak pew, mmake of- fer, 815/459-8639. RIDGID, 300 electric pipe vise, with foot pedal, exc. cond., $500/best offer. 815/459-3425. WASHER & DRYER Kenmore. Washer needs repair. $90/best offer 312/658-6125. MOVING SALE, like new, dinette & bdrm. set, Tractor, front hole digger & back loader, & fork lift. 815/459-4477 EXTENSION LADDER Alum. 40'. Also 24' wood extension lad der. OSHA Approved. $300. 815/455-4520. CHANNEL IRON, 16V» ft. X 4 In.- $10 ea.; Angle Iron, 1V» In. X 2 in. X 3/16 In.- 12« per lb.; Pipe, lVa In & l'A In- by the foot. Knell Scrap Metal, 815/338- 1740. ' SWING SET, Tuff Boy, top lad­ der w/slide, unassembled. $120, 312/683 2843 SOLID MAPLE spindle bed, dresser, 4 drawer chest, $300; Curushed velvet channel back chair 8c ottoman, $75,' Stratorester lounge, $35; odd chair, $20,815/344-2383. DIAMOND WEDDING set, ap­ praised at $3800, sell for *2500, , or best offer, 815/385-3926. G.E. ELECTRIC range, 40" 25" self cleaning, double broiler, $100; Norge refrig. $25, both very good working cond.; 7ft. couch with matching chair, $50, Teac 4010S reel to reel, with remote $125, after 3:30 pm. 815/385-4611. ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and rock band equipment, Fender guitars, amps; Peavey, Guild + more; also 1969 Dodge Monaco, 815/459-9341. LITTLE CHRISTOPHER RESALE SHOP 281 King St., Crystal Lake Our Usual Spectacular 1/2 PRICE SALE On All Clothing From The 2nd Flooriy May 8 through May 11 Shop Open Tues-Sat. 10am-3pm ACT FAST! Swimming Pool Saie-A-Thon Is / Going On Right Now! Big, new, popular 1983 31' family size pools w/huge deck, fence, filter & war­ ranty complete for only $999. WILL FINANCE. For Immediate Service: Call 1/800-942-1798 SCANDINAVIAN glass top cof fee table & 2 end tables, exc. cond., $125, davenport, $115; barrel chair & ottoman, $85, 312/639-7481. ELECTRIC DRYER, Frlgldalre, good cond., avocado, $75, Call 455-2210. VILLAGE RESALE SHOP Needs Your Donations v. •Any Re-Saleable Items All Donations Tax Deductible 65 East Woodstock St. Downtown Crystal Lake 10AMto5PM-Mon-Sat 815/459-3401 All Proceeds Go To The Sherman Hospital Auxiliary (Crystal Lake Branch) SWIMMING POOL 27' X 3V, all aluminum, deck & walk •round; pump, filter, ladder, vacuum, plus many extras. Needs 24' liner, $200/best offer. 815/315-5591. • BALLOON BOUQUETS for •very occasion. Send Mom an "Airy Bouquet" on the 13th. Free talking balloon with each Day order. Costumed liveries avail. 7 days a week. ' Balloons, 815/459 Mother's I . deliveries 5? sfer WE'VE GOT HER BACK! > BEVERLY PUSATERI Has Rejoined Our Ranks At HEADS UP HAIR PARLOR 4702 Rt. 176 E. Crystal Lake !• Is Now Taking Appointments For Your Complete Hair Care Please Call For Appointment Tuesday Through Saturday •••815/455-3990*" FLORIDA PROM DRESS, size 5, $75 or best offer. Call after 5 813/337-0704. • BLACK DIRT, gravel, lawn mowing, clean-up, Able Land­ scaping, Crystal Lake, 815/459- 5506. LS 8. misc; vanity table; Free Recliner, needs work. 815/385-0927. SAVE • B manufacture flower Vots, BUY direct from irer - bird baths, patio, cement ben­ ches &" cement legs to make wooden bench, air conditioning manhole & dry well pads, blocks ks, car stops, figurines Anderson Concrete Products, North Illinois St., Crystal Lake.- 30 years in business, 815/459-2137. STEREO SYSTEM, BSR turn table, am/fm stereo receiver, cassette • track player/ record*, wooden cabinet incl.. $S00/best. Call after 5:30 pm, 815/4yW6. MARY KAY Cosmetics Sellinb everything, 40% Off. everything, 41 312/426-8967 MAJESTIC sheet metal fireplace. Excellent cond., $200; por table G.E. dishwasher, $75; Antique china cabinet, $100.815/3»5-6t37. RCA VIDEO DISC'S, used & new, over 60 titles, $3.00 to $15.00. Voss Vacuum & Selling, 219 State, Marangox 815/568- 7477. CHEST FREEZER, like brand new, 2 years old, $225, 815/459- 6714. -~"~r SOFA, Early American, green/white plaid, swivel rocker & overstuffed chair. In, exc. cond., $100,815/459-5639. BATHROOM tub, sink, tub enclosure, steel, color green, best offer, 815/459-1492. FIVE PROM dresses, all worn by petite person, size 7-8. All womonct-HS/923-4568 COUCH; easy chair; tables; 3 peice walnut bookcase, 92" wide; 2 brown velvet wingback ' glass top end table; Excellent cond., Call chairs; icouch ingbac table I Ime /344- Friday after 6pm, qr^anyti Saturday or Sunday, 815/ 1885 KING SIZE BED complete, mattresses only 3 months old, extra firm. $300.815^943-4486. CONSOLE STEREO RCA. Gd. cond. Moving, must sell. 865/best offer. 312/658-8381. COCKATIEL Babies Great for Mother's Day $35 each. 312/683-3787 CUSTOM SILK FLoral ar rangement sample sale, and fall weddings bouquets. 312/669-5712. STORAGE TRAILERS 3.815/459-6364, after 5 pm. ̂ COMMERCIAL meat saw, $300; welding machine, 600 amp, 3 phase. $150; t 186' welding cable, 2-0, $100, 815/653-4811. UTILITY SHED, 14' x 14', needs paint, $65, before 4 pm, 815/653-9977. Aftrr 4 pm, 815/728-112" Misc. 32 Merchandise MOVING: Must sell, lg. couch, 7 ft. long, $60, Sears Coldspot, frostless refrig, $60, 312/639- 0285. LIMITED EDITION collectors plates, 30% belop issue price. 815/315-8323. 33 Garagtf Sales \ KING SIZ.E bed, 4 years old. 8150/best. 815/338-9073 MARTIAL ARTS uniform, adult size medium, like new. $20.815/338-5338. MOVING SALE washer, refrigerator, furniture, tools, ladders, shovels, rakes, etc. 312/392-6076 after 4 p.m. BEDROOM SET solid walnut, king size; 76" dresser, 48" chest, 2 nlte stands incl. com­ plete bed, linens, pink spread, $1000; white Provencial dining set, table open to 106" w/2 boards, china cabinet, server 8< 6 chairs, $1,000.815/385-1764. CARY Moving Sale 6405 Londonderry Dr. Lake Killarney May U, & 12,9-5 Furniture, clothing, etc. MOVING SALE CRYSTAL LAKE 3851 Raven Glass (Foxfire) Mayl0&ll,9am-5pm De-humidifier, lathe, toys, coffee & end tables, love seat, school desk, play horse, playpen, unused CB, sleds, ice skates, stereo speakers, books & more! WONDER LAKE 6710 McCullom Lake Rd. Mav 10,11,12,10-5 Go Go Garage Sale Lawnmowers. car. truck, boat, clothes, toys, games, furniture. WOODSTOCK Three Family 300 Meadow Ave. Frl., 5/11,9-4 Sat .,5/12,9-1 RINGWOOD 5 FAMILY GARAGE 8i REMODELING SALE 4303 Ringwood Rd. In Ringwood May 11,12,8am-4pm. Furniture; light fixtures; elec­ tric guitar; range hood; win­ dows; 3 dirt bikes; golf clubs; aquarlum; much misc. CARY 501 Oakcrest Rd. May 10,11, & 12,9-5 Kitchen cabinets, 2 stoves, dou­ ble bowl sink, antique cabinet, many household Items, doors, windows, furniture. CRYSTAL LAKE 974 Coventry Lane May 10,11,12,9-4:30 Furniture, appl., household, books, motorcycle, bikes boat, clothes galore, 8, much much more. Cash birds. only. No early LAKE IN THE HILLS 603 Huron Trail May 10-12,9am-5pm 3 FAMILY SALEl! Very good items 8i buys, 10 pc. pit group, rh chest of drawers, girl's 16 bike, TV, lamps, baby items, clothes for all ages, toys, house hold items & much misc. GARAGE SALE May 10,11,12,9-5pm. 1206 Carol Crest Dr. Sleepy Hollow, West Dundee. Miscel laneous i tems to 'numerous to mention. 33 Garage Sales CRYSTAL LAKE 5S3Lockwood May 11,121139-5 Furniture Very Mod cond., I> much more. No Eyty Birds. JOHNSBURG >007 Hayden Dr. Wilmot Rd. to Hayden Dr. 9-4 Frl. i Sat., May 11,12 Moving Sal* Rattan t wicker csgch a chairs, wrought Iron glass tap tabic A chairs, redwood lounge, walnut vanity, TV's, appl., & much much more. • GIGANTIC SALE (Fund Raiser) Crystal Lake 168 Wellington Dr. (Coventry) May 10,11,12; 9-4 * Fum., clothes, trlkes. bike, Items for twins, air cond., misc. --Hr- HUGE 5 FAMItfT SALE Crystal La) 40Farlr Thurs., May 10; 9-5 Frl., May 11; 9-12 Rain Dates: May 17 till Children A adult clothes, tbl. A chairs, toys, twin box spgs., furnishings, golf dubs A bag, car. CRYSTAL LAKE 699 Chardonnay Lane May 10th, f 4 Mav ii Moving Soutn, must sell winter coats, childrens coats, chairs, lamps, tables, desk, power shovel, kit. itams. A misc. Cash only. LAKE IN THE HILLS 1» A 21 Walnut Dr. Huge 5 Family Garage Sale May 11,12,9:30-6 Huntley Algonquin Blk. top, to Lake Dr.,-to Ramble, toWJIm/t Dr. Living rm., kit. A bdrm. fur­ niture (canopy bed) stereos, radios, window air conds.. car parts, work bench It tools, wood plcturs frames, aquarium A bird cage, fishing equip., snowmobiles A skis, lamps, file cabinet, toys. Infant children A adult clothes, A much much more. Cash only. No early birds. CARY v » Moving Sale 34WJamesway May 11,12,9-5 Furniture, work bench, railroad pullman chairs, books, household Items, -many many things, come see. No checks please. McHENRY Whispering Oaks ' 4718 Ashley Dr. May 11A12; 8:30-4:30 Good/Merchandise McHENRY 3822 W. Waukegan Rd. May 11A12; 9:00 4:30 Friday A Saturday Washer, k i tchen table, speakers, dining room set, walkee talkee A much more. 33 Garage Sales MCHENRY LAKELAND PARK 1721 Beach Rd. Sat. A Sun., May It A13 Moving Sale CRYSTAL LAKE 719 Coventry Lane May 10,11,9-7 May 12,9-noon Quality childrens • clothes, womens size 7-8, mens lg., glassware, fisher price toys, wcyctes. A much misc. 2 FAMILY SALE * Carpentersville 1550 Plymouth Cr. i May 10,11,12; 9-5 Fum., doth., household. • CRYSTAL LAKE Lakewood 470 Oxford, gete 6 Sat., May 12,8-2 pm Strollers, car seats, toys, kids clothing, baby items, table A 5 chairs, sewing machine, wicker furniture, easy chair, 2 oak dressers, w/mirrors, household Items. CARY . *111 Hilly Way May 11A12:9-5 Loft of household Items. CARY 6203 Silver Lake Trail May lOAll,9am-5pm 4 FAMILY SALE*! Namelt-We'veGotltil ALGONQUIN Gas Light Terrace N. nsZange May 10,11,9-4 6family Somthing for everyone, household items, clothes, games, etc. McHENRY 2708 Sterling Dr. May 11A12; 9-7 Early American hutch, kitchen table, maple double bed, com­ plete; clothes, skates, tools, clarinet, toys, much misc. ISLAND LAKE 1 ml. So. of Rt. 176, Comer Roberts A Portans May 10, D A12; 9am-6pm Wrought iron table A chairs, women's clothes, largo A small sizes; dishes A glassware, mower wheels A tires, motors, 3 ton press A many more small McHENRY Lakeland Park 1618 Beach Rd. May 12 A13 only: 8:30-5 Clothes, dishes, knick-knacks, furniture, appliances, much • CRYSTAL LAKE 481 Rockland Rd. May 10,11,12, 9-5 Saladmaster cookware, Fostoria luncheon set, table linens, jewelry, misc. CARY 119 South Prairie May 10 A11; 9-3 Lazy-Boy rocker /recliner, ex­ ercise bike, baby clothes, adult clothes, much misc. 33 Garage Sales M C H E N R Y 1717 Knoll Ave. Lakeland Park Wed., 5/9 thru Sat 5/12,10-5pm Multl family gar. sale '74 VW, wood Burning stove, lots of boys clothes, size new born to 16, adult clothes, size sm. to xxl. Infant toys, baby sw­ ing, walker, much misc. All in good cond. • 10 FAMILY SALE Lake in the Hills 814 Algonquin Rd. Frl. May 11 - Sun. May 13; 9-5 Antiques, clothing, dishes, sporting gds., etc. GARAGE SALE 730 Manitou, Greenfields, Cary Friday Only, May 11,9-4pm. Childrens clothes, misc. x household Items, furniture. ̂ • LAKE IN THE HILLS 524 Blackhawk May 10,9-4; May 11,9-noon Girls clothes, sz. 3 A 4 toddler; dishwasher; elec. range; misc. Covered Bridge Trails - 10 Family Garage Sale Harvard Circle Frl. A Sat. May 11A12; 9-2 Hsehld. items, toys, kids clothes, baby Items, bikes, misc. FOX VALLEY Christian Reformed Church Crystal Lake Dartmoor ly 10 A11; 9-5 Dinette set, old school desks, couch, clothing, lots of misc. »JI y CRYSTAL LAKE 358 Berkshire Dr. May 11,12,8-3 Rotisserie broiler, waffle Iron, car seat walker, fools, misc. MCHENRYSHORES 3513 W Vine St. (off Green St.) Sat. May, 12,9-5 Stet-eo, freezer, pressure cooker, lawn spreader, A sweeper, canning |ars, girls twin bed, clothing, size 10, misses 12-38, mens mod., boys, 8-10. Much misc. Cash only. No early birds. BAKE A PLANT SALE Crystal Lake 1043 Sutherland May 10,9-4; May 11; 9-1 Kids clothes, sz. 5-16; Adult clothes; furn.; hsehoTd Items GENOA 320 E. Hill Street May 11A12; 9-5 Lots of clothes Knick Knacks 3 FAMILY SALE Richmond 10111 Charles St. May 10,11,12, 8:30-5 pm Bdrm. set, cart op carrier, child's clothes A more CRYSTAL LAKE Coventry 91 Newcastle Court May 10A11,9am-4pm Snowblower, single bed, wood doll house, toys, books, tires, fabric, short wave 'ares, much misc. 33 Garage Sales 33 4 FAMILY SALE RICHMOND 5306 May Ave.iHIIIview subd.) May 11A12; 9-4 pm Much misc. CRYSTAL LAKE 436 Warwick Lane, gate 16 Lakewood Moving In Sale May 10,11,12,9-4 it CRYSTAL LAKE Coventry 214 Lincolnshire Dr. Sat., May 12,8-5 Hide*-bed sofa, gas heater, books, .clothes, (boys size 16- 18), car-ramps, tools, Iron tred- dle sewing machine cabinet, jewelry, craft Items, di hot air popper, slow Much more misc., A ht I tems. One day only . Everything must go! Cash please. I MCHENRY 202Wlndridge Dr. Fox Ridge Thurs., Frl., Sat. May 10,11,12,8-5 pm household items, etc. All Items. , IfW Many h< useable THREE FAMILIES!) WOODSTOCK 322 Burbank Ave. Saturday May 12,8:30 am-5 pm MUCH MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL LAKE 842Woodmar Dr. May 10,11,12,9? 5 Family Sail boat, #0 gal. aquar., hand knit items, much misc. Garage Sales GARAGESALE r Lake 7719 Cedar May 11A12; 9-5 Couch A loveseat, lawn mower, washer, misc. baby items A much more. WOODSTOCK 338 N. Hill St. -» (By Olson School) May 11A12; 8-3 Household Items, clothes. TV, furn., motorcycle parts, '71MG Midget, tools, much misc. RUMMAGE SALE CAMPDUNCAN YMCA Friday May 11, * 9 to 4pm. Clothes; misc. Items. WONDER LAKE On Thompson A Pine May 11.9-5; May 12; 9-3 3 family, furniture, clothes, much more. SPRING GROVE . 3515 Sherwood Forest Nottingham Woods off Rt 12 May 10 A11; 9-5 Multi-family, adult A children clothes, kitchen Items, toys, student bedroom furn., fish tank w/equlp., snowblower A misc. Items. McHENRY V 2915 W. Lincoln Rd. May 11,12 A 13,8:30-5 family, lawn mowers, ot- saw, grinder, sender, bicycles, tools, antique stove, good cond.; lots of household Hems, some antiques, much misc. too numerous to mention. 33 Garage Sales J O H N S B U R G 3408 James Way Dutch Creek May 10 A11; 9-4 *~ May 12; 9-noon Misc., too much to mention GIGANTIC ESTATE " SALE 6103 CHICKALOON DR. Off Rt. 120 to Draper - to Gla^r Ridge. FRL, SAT., SUI MAY 11/12,13 10A.M<Tb 7:00 P.M. Teac Reel to reel, imported crystal chandelier, fur coats, Thayer Cogin dining set, bedroom set, living room, misc. furnitufe, antique guns, rifles, Mercedes Benz, much, much more. > - ,7 . i |HOME| [MPROVEME u GARAGE DOORS AUTO REPAIR BLACKTOP LANDSCAPING REMODELING ROTOTILLING BOB'S AUTO REPAIR Brakes, Tune-ups, etc. Reasonable. 815/344-5114 BLACK DIRT PURE BLACK DIRT SAND & GRAVEL Spreading & Grading Top Quality At Competitive Prices IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PO LO-815/459-8692 BLACKTOP ALLAN'S BLACKTOP VEARLY BIRD SPECIAL 50c/Sq. Ft. For grading & blacktopp ng only, on driveways over 1,000 sq. ft • Rarking Lots «New Drives •Long Lanes 'Patching •Resurl icing •Sealcoatmg •24 Hour Servic All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates 815/459-3960 Call Now & Save PIONEER BLACKTOP HAVING . Residential-Commercial-Industrial "Big savings on Residential work. Proven by thousands of satisfied customers. SPRING DISCOUNT •Machine LaiS "New Drives • Resurfacing "Parking Lots •Seal Coating, All Work Guaranteed 312/546-5 _Gra^slakeJL Estimates BLACKTOP MARIO Blacktop Paving j»Driyeways'Parking Lots •Sealing -Patching •Resurfacing £ » Gravel & Blacfc Dirt FREE ESTIMATES 312/697-7117 312/931-5402 CONCRETE ANCHOR CONCRETE •Foundations •Room additions •Retaining walls •Sidewalks-stoops •Driveways-Patios •Basement at Garage Floors Free Estimates •15/344-1010 BLACKTOP / WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. Established in 1954 We are now tak ing orders. Deal d i r e c t w i t h owner & save!! COMMERCIAL HKSIO€NTIAL COURIER CFRVirE CONNIE'S COURIER SERVICE FAST ) SlMi For Prompt Pick-Up and Delivery at Reasonable Rates - Discount Avail. Serving McHenry, Lake, Cook, Kane & DuPage Counties Prompt sate delivery cjf •All your delivery needs •Packaged Goods •Business Documents •Printed Matter Bonded ai Insured Days-Nites-7days 815/344-1497 COUNSELING Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES GRAYSLAKE: 312/223-5634 LIBERTYVILLE: 312/367-0676 CLINICAL HYPNOSIS •Lose Weight •Stop SnMklng •Stress control •Sports Imagery Personal i Reasonable Certtflei Counselor BS.M.E 312/223-7328 Garage Door Sales Service & Repair Electric Door Openers All Work Guaranteed 25 Years Experience In McHenry 815/385-2662 BENCH ^^GarageDoorCo. f 0 ¥ HOME IMPROVEMENT Remodeling & Room Additions Garages & Aluminum Siding Soffit*Fascia*Gutters Roofino»Oecks Low Prices & Pree Estimates Fully Bonded & Insured " •815/455-4226* If No Answer, Call 815/459-3886, Ext. Z GLASS DOORS SPECIAL FOR SPRING! Patio Door Glass Replacements •3'(34x76x5/8) Reg. $124.20 1st Unit-$l09/ea....Each Additional-S99/ea •4' (46x76x5/8) Reg. S150 1st Unit-Sl37/ea....Each Additional-$124/ea •Other Standard Sizes At Comparable Savings Non Standard Prices As Quoted JU, Co-.. Itt. 5501 Northwest Hwy.-Rte. 14, Crystal Lake, IL ••••815/459-5252"" GUTTERS GUTTERS UNLIMITED Seamless Aluminum Gutters 6 Colors 20 Years Experience All Work Guaranteed Special Pre Season Pricing 815/385-9427 HANDYMAN •Clean Basements • *LawnWork •Icee Rjpioval Light Hauling 815/653 6896 Or 815/728 1833 HOME IMPROVEMENT B.P.S. Carpenter Contractors •I won't guarantee financing •I won'fguarantee Lew monthly payments •I will guarantee... If You've MJHaGreans I Will Build Your Dreams •15/315-4349 HOME MAINTENANCE MR. MAI>TE>iA>CK For Your Home Care Renovate • Remodel • Repair Painting • Plo«- jing Concrete Work SENIORCITIZENS DISCOUNT Call Walt at 815/338-4969 LAWN CARE GRAND PRE CONTRACTING Complete Lawn Service and Design 815/455-5536 LAWN A GARDEN RAKESTRAW LAWN & GARDEN SERVICE •Lawn mowing •Roto tilling •Light Landscaping & Earth Moving We specialize in large lawns. THINKGREEN LANDSCAPING & LAWN MAINTENANCE Stop, think, call & compare prices. Complete weekly lawn care landscape services. FERTILIZING*DE-THATCHING*SODSEED BLACK DIRT*DECORATIVE STONE'TREES SHRUBS'EVERGREENS (Installed or Delivered) Railroad Tie Construction FULLY INSURED 815/385-6103 LAWN MAINTENANCE RAINBOW Landscape Maintenance Services Commercial/Residential 312/669-3880 312/669-3245 Huntley, IL. LAWN M(OWj&RS •Tune Ups'Repairs •Overhauls *T ractors Complete Small Engine Repair Service All Models Pickup & Delivery . All Work Guaranteed Giant Oaks Engine Clinic •815/728 1482* MOVERS LOCAL MOVING AND HAULING Reasonable ^ates 815/385-9386 PAINTING R.T.&R. PAINTING CO. Commercial & Residential Interior 4 Exterior Low prices Insured. Free estimates Ron 115/721-017* FAINTING DECORATING Custom Service at Competitive Prices! Interior Painting & Wall Papering Guaranteed Work Quickly & Protessionally Done Ask For Roger 115/455-0190 PLUMBING GUNDERSON PLUMBING Septic-Sewer Water Remodeling and All Repairs Power Rodding Commercial and Residential Emergency Service ' *> 815/653-7806 REMODELING REMODELING CARPENTRY CABINETWORK PLUMBING, ODD JOBS. No Job too small. Call TIM PIGOTT 815/385-6218 REMODELING AOSCUSTOM WOODWORKING HANDCRAFTED CABINETRY •Interior-Exterior * Remodeling •Decks ̂ Basements •Help with Design COMPLETE REMODELING SERVICES 30 Years McHenry County Basement to Roof Repairs & Additions Prompt Service New Home Builders OEA CONSTRUCTION 815/3^-1632 385-6566, 344-0748 REMODELING QUALITY CONSTRUCTION Senior Citizen's Discount REMODELING •Kitchen •Bath •Window & /Door Replacement BUILD rages ks Room Additions •Construction of New Homes NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL!! WE AIM TO PLEASE 815/385 4937 312/359-4339 or Answering Service: 815/459-3888, Ext. 'Q' ROOFING * Valley Roofing Inc. 18 Yrs. Experience •Hot Tar •Single Ply Y •RoM Roofing •Finishing •Smooth Service Recoatlng •Roofing Repairs Commercial I Residential •Fylly Insured *Free Est. WORK GUARANTEED 312/742-5405 312/658-4301 ROOFING BENCHMARK CONST. •SHINGLES «HOTTAR •NEW WORK .REPAIRS* AllWork Guaranteed Quality Work Reasonable Prices SR Qtlxen Discount SR.Qtliy Dlscoui Jim RICK'S ROTOTILLING & mowing, new Kabuta tractor with 42" tiller, 6- 12" deep. Very reasonable. 815/728-0141 anytime. SECRETARIAL COMPLETE WORD PROCESSING SERVICE Correspondence, contracts, repetitive letters, rush jobs, transcribed from dictation or dictaphone professionally and accurately. STURGES SECRETARIAL SERVICE 115/344-3777 SEWING & VACUUM REPAIR SEWING MACHINE «. VACUUM CLEANER REPAIR Household & Industrial In Home Service Keener & Son 815/728-0672 - WATER CONDITIONING Introductory Otter RENTA QUALITY WATER SOFTENER For S3.00 per month for the first 3 months Free Installation Call Collect 815/338-3344 Quality Water Conditioning WOOD RESTORATIO: a JENSEN WOOD RESTORATION Accurate and careful restora­ tion of antiques, furniture and kitchen cabinets Also chair reglueing. 815/385-4024

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