SECTION 21- PAGE IS - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, MAy 9, 1984 20% OFF Bonnie Doon ocks Wonder Lake news: Seek Miss Wonder Lake sponsor E Each year, the sponsor of the Miss Wonder Lake contest is eagerly scouting for qualified applicants to become par ticipants in the contest. This year there seems to be a reverse problem. 1 have received calls from girls won dering who to obtain ap plications from and, so far, no Anne Sowers 653-9549 Wonder Lake organization has stated that they are sponsoring the event. If you are a member of an organization that might be interested in sponsoring the event, give me a call so that we can get something going before it's too late. It would be a shame not to have our community represented in the McHenry County contest when we have so many cute girls in our midst. HARRISON SCHOOL Mite Price, a fourth grade student at garrison School, recently won first place in a local art contest sponsored by the Illinois Dental Hygienist's Association. Mike went on to win first place in the regional con test and received a $20 from - the region Congratulations, Mike award ional Dr. S.L. Ruggero, president of the Harrison School Board was recently honored by his fellow board members for 25 years of service to the board. A plaque was presented to Dr. Ruggero to' commemorate his 25 years as a member. Dr. Ruggero also holds the position as president of the McHenry County Health Dept. FREE PAIR SUNGLASSES WITH LENS PURCHASE I BAUSCH & LOMB SOFT LENSES ONLY 39. SALE ENDS MAY 26 Whispette Foot Cap. Reg. 1.45. Low cut with no band. Spandex top. Fairway Ankle Sock. Reg. 4.25. All terry with stripe turnover cuff. Cotton stretch nylon. Thrust Crew Sock. Reg. 3.50. Ribbed cotton nylon blend. Parade Foot Sock. Reg. 3.50. Terry cushioned sole. Double striped in ribbedcollar., Breeze Foot Cap. Reg. 1.55. Soft stretched nylon. Cotton blend lined sock. Spandex top. No band. Low cuff. Net Foot Sox. Reg. 2.65. Low cut cushion. Sunmate Foot Sock. Reg. 2.65. Full cushioned with 3 color turnover cuff. Swing Ankle Sock. Reg. 3.00. terry cushioned sock with crochet and pom pom trinrv White and colors. Yummy Ankle Sock. Reg. 3.00. All terry with color stripe turnover top. H05'erV SPRING HILL • CRYSTAL LAKE • ST. CHARLES CHARGE IT! We welcome your Spiess Charge, American Express. Visa ond MasterCard. With this 3d only Offer Expires June 29, 1984 100% REFUND TRIAL OFFER HARD LENSES 2 pairs $70 EXTENDED WEAR LENSES *99 BIFOCAL SOn LENSES S199 SEMI SOFT LENSES S125 ASTttMATISM SOFT LENSES S149 TINTED SOn LENSES \ S125 We alto carry a complete Hrie of designer eyewear! II witkii 31 toys pa art Ml caaplataly sa tisfiatf. ratara yaar laasn far NU 111% Rttaai Evaa tta pratauiaul fat will la ra- InM! it katf aatfciai" CHECK M Cm/Utf Professional Fees Not Included •CM** IT* iimnmm Itan to}. •Printi pKtK* H i rigntotf i •taiwiM iffw intts I* 1 piiy •Fr« ckHMul art kit ail •CmpMi mini mlraclNB •Kititi tmtHu al| FREEJk Okliplm Consultation 'fit >rt prink ifficts of Optometry' Not |u»t mum dm# Nft't ytotr ,«Wm 4 wMk»rof»Mt» prac _ _ piact... • prtoa(• doctor* aicaroT Glidden DR. WN. B. BRAND & ASSOCIATES Contact Lens Consultants COVENTRY < Suite 12b Crystal Lake III k (815 >455-5034 HORIZON FEDERAL BUILDING 1845 E Rand Road (Just 1 mile West of Randhurst Arlington Heights III (312)577-7300 FREE PAIR SUNGLASSES WITH LEWS PURCHASE Eighth grade graduation will be held on Thursday, May 24, at 7:30 p.m. If weather permits, it will be held outside so as many people as possible may attend. If it is moved into the gym, each graduate will be allowed four tickets for their family. The last day of school for the rest of the students will be Friday, May 25. SPECIAL DAYS Randy and Sandy McCafferty's big, little boy William, celebrated his first birthday on May 6. Bill was honored by relatives and friends as he blew out that first candle. I hear that even at the age of one, it is ob vious that Bill is destined to play football. Happy birthday to my sister- in-law and fellow Marian Central baseball team follower, Pat Sullivan, who celebrates without watching a game on May 12! Theresa O'Brien will be hearing that birthday song as she celebrates her special day - on May 14. May 14 finds two Wonder Lake couples celebrating their an niversaries. Congratulations to Jack and Eloise McCafferty and to Paul and Louise Marke. Happy birthday on May 15 to one of the prettiest freshmen Marquette University has ever seen, Janet Sullivan. SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS The Women's Club of Wonder Lake presents two $400 scholarships each year to students living in Wonder Lake who plan to continue their education. This yearfc winners are Kim Kaminski, daughter of Vincent and Joyce Kaminski; and Kim Schuler, daughter of Joseph and Patricia Schuler, girls are seniors at Marian Central Catholic High School in Woodstock. Kim Kaminski will attend the University of Rochester, tfpajor&g in biology and Kim aSSiwiMi ifcft' towa Stjte University ana majoring in Construction Engineering. Judges this year were Cindy Coumbe, Shirley Thomas, and Larry Reinhard. Glidden's Most Durable Flat Latex House Paint Glidden's Most Durable Latex Gloss House Paint GALLON GALLON REG. s19" REG. s20" SAVE $800 i--i r SAVE $800 47 LOCATIONS IN 8 STATES" Monday 4 Friday 9-8:30 Tuesday, WadnMday and Thursday 9^0-6:00 Saturday 9:00-6:00 1230 DAVIS ROAD lBYP/y$SRJ 14 & 47) >0DST0CK .5 338 1440 Harwoddcuts through the Mist. HARWOOft i'b4 $2gp onthc *7"" ml IMPORTED PRlO€ Cj/m D U N C A N H A m % o o o D * s r > 4 . t f - Address Cit\ Harwood Canadian is the whisky that gives you more for your money. See for yourself. Compare the price of Harwood to the price of Canadian Mi$ on any size bottle. You won't find a high price tag on Harwood. What you will find is the smooth, mild taste you enjoy in a fine Canadian whisky. What's more, for a limited time, we'll send you $2.00 whenyou buy a 1.75 liter of Harwood. If you buy a one liter bottle, we'll send you $1.50. Or, if you buy the 750 ml, we'll send you back $1.00. Just fill out the coupon below and enjoy Harwood at a great savings. When it comes to value, Uicrchoice is clear cut. *7 Harwood. The Canadian whisky it pays to enjoy. r a • • " J fNo| Cut here £|nd cut our price by up to $2.00? To receive your refund check, fill out the coupon and mail it with the proper Harwood neck label. CHECK ONE) To<tet S2.00 send: One (I) neck label from Harwood Canadian 1.75 liter size. K> get SI. 50 send: One 11) neck label from Harwood Canadian I liter size. lo get $1.00 send: One (1) neck label from Harwood Canadian 750 ml size. Mail to: Harwood Canadian Refund Offtr, PO. Box 725, Dept. 423, Lubbock, TX 79491 ' N»m« ---- Age lib remove the neck label hold bottle under running warm vvatw and carefully suape off the label Note (JHh irtv to artuils ill Irxjrii ^ ijn,. 1(^unn pe< Household Offer • «pu«s Jan T ^SR5» Pk .ise alkM b tn 8 wtxjfcs tor di'irvery ut i»?funo iNvfc Mchiqar residents iKjs: rvitirtr rfXpSff? '(ftipi (Jffn»S lyfH'S ar-'! "UJi'NenWftfV*" f Muffistt! •rtdrtf.-N <¥*1 'sunt', gffjijp*. • ivq*h • >1?' <**1 ***».* Tdxrtl i»r ffstri'icn r»v .fA T*s Pr+ - & i ^iju' •••;.*%? •nif n».' '«>v A iv Atrium ,jss rw i •, '•) »»•.?*, yr <