Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 May 1984, p. 7

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/ Plant sale and card party set PAUE-LlPLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, MAY t, 1984 given president by Mrs "'•.J Foresters hold 30th co ttishop Arthur J. O'Neill accepts a seminarian burse from Ethel Herrmann, Diocesan treasurer and a matching fund check from High Court, (Plaindealer photo by Donna Bertulii) Dolores Johnson, national The thirtieth conference of the Rockford Diocesan Association of the National Catholic Society of Foresters was held on April 29, 1984. Bishop Arthur J. O'Neill of the Diocese celebrated the 11 a.m. Mass at St. John the Baptist Church. Dinner and the meeting followed at Chapel Hill Country (?Club. Forester pins were presented to the new members, Gail Jakubicek, Teri Jakubicek and Arlet Mann, all of St. Agatha Court No. 777, John- sburg. A 50-year pin was presented to Anne Bowler of Court No. 674 St. Anthony in Rockford and a 25-year pin was presented to Mary Arnone, also from St. Anthony Court No. 674 in Rockford. > Spiritual Bouquets were presented to Bishop O'Neill by Tracy Hiller and the Rev. John Holdren, pastor of St. John's, by Stephanie May. Both girls are junior members of St. Agatha Court No. 777. Mrs. Ethel Herrmann, association treasurer, presented Bishop O'Neill with a check for the Seminarian Burse and Mrs. Dolores Johnson, president of the high court, presented a matching check/ The Seminarian Burse is used towards the education of seminarians. Mrs. Johnson also presented a technical scholarship to Miss Lori Smith of St. Clara Court No. 659, McHenry. Lori is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith of McHenry. • A memorial service for all the deceased members was led by Alvina Miller, Marie Oeffling, Hilda Thelen and Laura Sch- mitt, past presidents of St. AgathaJNfaJte7. The sfftemofcn concluded with the installation of the new of­ ficers for the 1985 conference. *• They are: President, Maureen Johnson, No. 659; McHenry; Vice-President, Lillian Gassandro, No. 75, Freeport; Secretary, Sue Wirfs, No. 659, McHenry; Treasurer, Gladys Meighan, No. 1042, Sterling and D.C.C.W. Representative, Ethel Herrmann, No. 817, Lee. The McHenry Garden Club will hold their annual Plant Sale and Card Party on May 24 at the McHenry Roller Rink. Hie Plant Sale will start at 9 a.m. and the Card Party will begin at noon. Cake and coffee will be served. Garden club members are offering a variety of plants for the public's selection. They invite all plant lovers and card players to come. Slate luncheon The Catholic Daughters will celebrate with their annual Mother's Day Luncheon at the McHenry Country Club on May 1$. A social hour will begin at 1 p.m. with lunch being served at 2. Mrs.Margaret Dempsey said the luncheon is a perfect way to join old friends in reliving "happy times" and an op­ portunity to make new friend^. Reservations may be made by calling her at 385-9633. Retired teachers to meet May 23 The May meeting of the McHenry County Retired Teachers' Association will be held Wednesday, May 23, at 12:30 p.m. at Lakeside Center, 401 Country Club Rd., Crystal Lake. Guest speaker for the af­ ternoon will be Tom Trausch, a noteworthy artist of McHenry County. A short business meeting, wit all committees reporting information pertinent to all retired teachers, will follow. Please call 385-5207 to make a reservation for this meeting. Social Lunch features swing choir Thursday, May 17, the Whispering Oaks Woman's Club members and guests will enjoy their annual Spring Luncheon at the McHenry Country Club, starting with cocktails at 11:30 a.m. -J NJjrna Hoym, program chairman, has arranged for the group to be entertained by the Swing Choir from McHenry West Campus High School, under the direction of Mr. Leighty. , £V Joan Dorsch, financial and budget director on the State BIRT'HS Board of the Illinois Federation of Woman's Clubs and former 4th District President, will in­ stall the following officers who were elected to serve the club for the Whispering Oaks Woman's Club for the coming year: Kathy Dasing, president; J Gloria Sprague, vice-president; Betty Black, recording and corresponding secretary; and Lillian Gebhardt, treasurer. For further information and reservations, please call 385- 7686. y - Announce m&rrkgc pl&ns /f^oirirniiiiitv Cslcndflr Suzanne L. Gerasch, Antioch, currently an English teacher at\ I1IIII Hill \,J VA1V11UA1 Suzanne L. Gerasch, Antioch, and Robert J. Schmidt, McHenry, have announced plans to be married August 11 at the Church of St. Mary of the Assumption in McHenry. The couple announced their engagement at a 40th wedding anniversary party for Robert's parents. The bride-to-be is a graduate „o{ a, ^vieru^USge ,^ of Carthage College, where she received her Masters in Education degree. Suzanne le is | issi currently an English teacher atl Antioch High School and a' member of the Illinois Education Association, where she serves on the IEA board of directors and the executive committee. The groom-to-be is a graduate of Parsons College and is currently employed as an English teacher and coach at Johnsburg High School. Following the* wedding f the couple plans a home in the Antioch area. MAY 9 Spring Salad Bar Luncheon-Style Show-Noon-Zion Lutheran Church. McH. Area Jaycees-Mtg. 8 p.m.-Kristof's Cirkus-Public Welcome. Kishwaukee Life Member Club-Tele. Pioneers of Amer.-Mo. Mtg. 11:30a.m.-VFW, 240Throop St., Wdstk.-Reservations by May 7-337-0393 or 338-6637. Friends of Johnsburg Library-Annual Mtg. 7 p.m.-Johnsburg High School. McH.-Fax Lake Area Lal^che League - 7:30 p.m.-Info. Mrs. ^Thomas (Margie) McCarthy- W. State ftd.,*Men. •w V# Foster parents issue plea for help The McHenry County Court Foster Parent Program has issued the following plea: MOTHERS NEEDED Mothers are needed and fathers, too, for troubled teens. It's nothing new. Often our teens lose their way and, for a time, they go astray. A mother • pleads and sheds a tear. A father laments his dreaded fear...our son is arrested for wrong he's done. Why have we failed with another one? Perhaps there's a mother to foster our teen and a foster father from whom he'll gl^an hope and direction to malce a new start, to rebuild a family that's broken apart. Yes, mothers are needed and fathers, too, to carry forth what we tried to do. We're caring parents overcome with emotion. We seem to have lost that magic potion. Is there a family with love to share, a dresser, a bed and an extra chair? We pray there's someone with time to give to show our teenager how to live. Perhaps he'll respond in foster care. We'll give support and we'll be there. If you can help for a^ime at all, pick up your phone and place a call. Interested people may call the McHenry County Court Foster Parent Program, Betty Affield, ( 8 1 5 ) 3 3 8 - 2 0 4 0 . IT: 30 a.m. it|ons, Mar Wed in St. John the Baptist church Kellyanne Kozicki, 1011 Hayden Drive, McHenry and Ken Justen, 1605 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry, were married May 5 at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Johnsburg. Father John Holdren officiated at the 1 p.m. nuptial ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kozicki, of Hayden Drive, McHenry. She came down the aisle dressed in a white polyester sheer gown with modified Queen Anne neckline and bodice trimmed with Venice lace and sequins. It had a slightly raised waistline trimmed with satin ribbon,and leg-o'-mutton sleeves with Chantilly-type lace. The full skirt featured Venice lace motifs tiered with Chan­ tilly-type lace with satin ribbon trim. It was graced with a chapel train. She wore a Venice lace hat with a veil. Attending the bride were the maid-of-honor, Toby Richardson of Arlington Heights along with bridesmaids Jennifer Olszewski of Hebron, Patty Henderson of McHenry and Charise Baker of Wonder Lake. Jeanne Joyce of McHenry acted as flower girl. Rick Adams of McHenry served a* best man. Groom­ smen were John Kozicki and Bob Diedrich of McHenry and Otto Mergl of Wonder Lake. * , The maid of honor and the flower girl wore apricot gowns of sheer polyester over Acetate taffeta with satin ribbon trim. The gowns had ruffled necklines, slightly raised waistlines and full skirts with flounced hems and fishtail backs. The bridesmaids were attired in orchid gowns of sheer polyester over acetate taffeta with satin ribbon trim. The necklines were ruffled, and the gowns featured slightly raised waistlines and full skirts with flounced hems and fishtail backs in keeping with the others. The bride's mother chose a light blue polyester knit gown with a jacket of polyester chiffon. The dress had double spaghetti shoulder straps, a mock surplice raised bodice with a full pleated skirt. ^ lace stand-up collar and shoulder trim accented the jacket which featured bishop sleeves with snap-close lace cuffs, a gathered lace peplum waist and a double spaghetti tie belt. Following the ceremony a reception was held for 225 guests at the Cabroilet in Libertyville. Afte,r a honeymoon to Orlando, Fla., the couple will make their home at 1605 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry. Mr. Justen is a graduate of McHenry High School and the new Mrs. Justen was graduated from Johnsburg HighSchool. The bride is employed as a Rater at Allstate Insurance Co. and the groom is a heavy equipment operator for Gene Hughes Excavating. Senior citizens invite others to enjoy tour v The Senior Citizens „of Cary and Fox River Grove invite interested persons to join them for an enjoyable tour next September. The Alpine holiday vacation includes sightseeing in the countries of Germany, Austria and Switzerland from Sept. 10- 22. Costs include air and land transportation, first class hotel accommodations with break­ fasts and dinners, porterage of luggage, a multi-lingual tour escort and all tips, taxes and gratuities. This tour is priced and designed especially for the senior citizen, but not limited to seniors. Anyone interested should contact Dana and Bonnie Floor at 332 Krenz Ave., Cary, 312-639-2573, for a detailed brochure. Happy Mother's Day to all my customers. Fran FRAN'S HIDDEN CURL 1212 N. GREEN ST. (Ofc. 8) McHENRY. III. 344-1019 FRAN KEDZIE MOTHER'S DAY SPECIALS HYMID GERANIUM 5 FRUIT TREES DWARF OR STANDARD 25% •APPLE -CHERRY •PEACH "PEAR OFF GROWER'S OUTLET . 4305 ELM ST. (RTE. 120) McHENRY Sross from Hornsby's) SMITH Michael L. and Nancy A. Smith, 1717 Park Ln., McHenry, announce the birth of their fourth child April 14. Colleen Marie entered the world at McHenry Hospital weighing 8 lbs. 6 oz. She was welcomed home by her brother Daniel, age -Inst, of Mary Snyder MAY 10 McH. Women's Club-Lunch, Noon-Soc. Hr. Officers-Maryann Wegener, Vocalist-Reservai 385-1901. McH. Co. Genealogical Soc.-Mo. Mtg. 7:30 p.m.-Central High School-45 W. Franklin, Cr. Lk.-Teacher Lounge-Cafeteria- 'Adoptees & Genealogy'. McH. League of WorfiStf Voters-Annual Mtg.-Lunch 10:30 a.m.- McH. Country Club, 820 N. John St.-Reservations Edna Fanning 385-5157.-' Lakeland Park Women's Club-Mtg. 7:30 p.m.-Lakeland Park Comm. Hse.-Inst. of Officers-White Elephant Sale. MAY 12 Friendship Club-Potluck Lunch & Mtg. 12:30 p.m.-First United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. Car Wash-Boy Scout Trp. 452-9 a.m.-2 p.m.-Johnsburg Fire Stationf3601 N. Chapel Hill Rd. McH; Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot 1 p.m.- Public Welcome. MAY 13 McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Meat Shoot 10 a.m.- Games-Public Welcome. seven; four-year-old sister Tami; and two-year-old sister Sarah. Arlene Foreman of McHenry is the maternal grandmother and paternal grandparents are Charles and Betty Smith, also of McHenry. HINTON Taylor Robert is the name chosen by Robert and Caprice iton, 701 3. Hilltop Blvd., Mchenry,, fdr their second son. The infaht arrived at McHenry Easter Sunday, April 2, weighing 8 lbs. Vfe oz. He was greeted at home by his eight- GOLDEN year-old brother. Joan Curnes of Buffalo Grove, IL is the maternal grandmother. Robert and Pat Hinton of Chicago are the paternal grandparents. Great-grandparents are Louis and Lena Zalewski. Daniel Uriah is the name chosen by Susan and Tom Golden of Fox Lake for their 8 lb. 7 oz. son born April 27 at McHenry Hospital. The baby was greeted by a brother, Matt, age eight, and a sister, Lisa, age two, when he arrived home. Maternal grandparents are William and Mary Wanhala, Spring Grove. Paternal grandparents are James and Bernice Golden, Round Lake. Great-grandparents are Lloyd and Gwen Hurd, Siami Wanhala and Martha Golden. Business and Professional d Women sponsor card party The McHenry Business and Professional Women will hold their annual card party Thur­ sday, May 17, at 7:30 p.m., in St. Patrick's church hall. Refreshments will be served and there will be an abundance of prizes offered. As a special feature of the event, again this year, a charming handmade doll has been donated by Patti Wimmer. All those who enjoy playing card games such as bridge, canasta, poker and pinochle; and those caught up in the new "Trivial Pursuit" craze are invited to attend. Tickets will be available at the door. ...... M MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL DEAN McCRACKEN Reside in Michigan After returning from a brief honeymoon in Battle Creek, MI, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mc- Cracken are making their home in Jackson, MI. They were married April 7 in pillsijle United Methodist Churoi, Horton, MI, with the Reverend Tom Jones and the Reverend Lawrence Hodge officiating. The bride is the former Vickie Sue Taylor, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Taylor of Jackson and Mrs. Betty Kamecki of Gwinn, ML Mr. and Mrs. Don McCracken of Rainbow Lake, Horton, are the parents of the bridegroom. The new Mrs. McCracken graduated from Jacksoj* Parkside High School and is presently employed by D & C Department Store in Jackson. Her husband was a student at McHenry High School; graduated from Hanover- Horton High School in 1975; and attended Jackson Community College. He is the proprietor of Barber's Bikes - Hockey Equipment in Jackson. FOR A SPECIAL GIFT ON MOTHER'S DAY OR ANY OCCASSION VISIT... V VILLAGE VILLAOE ARTISAN 27600 W. Rt. 120, Volo, Illinois (815)385-5551 "UNIQUE HANDMADE GIFT ITEMS AND ACCESSORIES FOR \ THE HOME". GIVE THE LASTING GIFT! ^

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