Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 May 1984, p. 13

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7 PAGE 13-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, IMA Y 16, 1984 P)ain<iealer0 assified •Ricbmonb Office Hrs. M-F 8:30 a.m. • 5:00 p.m. Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event of an error or ommission, the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only the portion of the ad which is in error. In cose of an error. r>ot<fy the Classified Department at once. Coll Classified Display Ads: 815-385-0170. Privote Party & Commercial Line Ads: 815-344- 4800. Richmond 678-2581 toymen! in advance must ba made for thaaa ads: • Babysitting • Business Opportunities 'Business Services •Osrsge Seles • Moving Seles • Out of Shaw Free Press OciUatton Area • Political • Rooms, Apia, to Share • Situations Wanted • Sublease, Re-rent, etc. 'Wanted to Buy 'Wanted to Rent. 3 LINES, 5 DAYS *8.80 Shaw Free Press PRIVATE PARTY LINE ADS Newspaper Group •Woodstock Daily Sentinel 'Saturday Extro 'Crystal Lake Morning Herald 'Cardunal Free Press Morning Herald 'Elgin Herald 'Richmond Gazette 'Marengo Beacon Republjpan News ^Huntley Beacon/Republican News 'Sycomore News •Cary-Grove Clorion 'Borrington Banner 'McHenry Plaindealer •Genoa-Kingston-Kirkland News 'Hampshire Register •Horvard Herald 'Shopper Service 'McHenry Citizen Tri- County Shopper DIRECTORY Announcements Cemeteries 8 Lots. 02 Card of Thanks 03 Notices 05 Car Pools ,..10 Lost 8 Found. 11 Personols 12 Instruction 13 Auctions. 18 Help Wonted Child Core 19 Nursery Schools 20 Situations Wonted 21 Employment Agencies ... 22 Household Help Wonted 23 HMIII DEADLINES: , RF.ADERS DISPLAY RICHMOND MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. PLAINDEALER MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON - FRI. PLAINDEALER WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON Merchandise Wanted to Buy *. 31 Miscellaneous Meichandise 32 Garage Sales 33 Merchandise Under $S0 ........ 34 Antiques. 35 Bicycles & SporK E^jH*pmen' 36 Lawn ft Garden Equipment 37 Boats 38 Musical Instrument? 39 Cameras :40 Aviation . . 41 Pets ft Equipment 44 Horses A Equipment 47 Farm ft Dairy.'. ... .... ..... 48 Livestock 49 Machinery ft Equipmert 53 Business Opportunity 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy 69 Business Property .70 Open House 71 Real Estate 72 Condominiums for Sale.73 Townhomes for Sale 74 Lots ft Acreage 75 Mobile Homes 76 Farms tor Sale..... „ 77 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent 78 Rooms. Board, House Apartments to Shore. 79 Apartments to Rent 80 Homes to Rent 81 Condominiums ft Townhomes to Rent 82 Stores. Office ft Industrial to^Rent^ 83 Farms, Farmland to Rent 84 Miscellaneous to Rent 85 Automotive Autos for Sale 86 Wanted to Buy 87 Auto Parts ft Accessories 88 Trucks, Tractors ft Trailers 89 Vans .v 90 Motorcycles ft Snowmobiles 91 Recreation Vehicles 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Cemeteries & Lots 5 Notices 11 CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK* UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as S275, including perpetual care. Catholic section. Terms. liyw-0547 CRYPTS ,1-4 crypts at Win dridge in Cary, WE LL BE LOW j retail price. Endwoment care, ft crypt Inscriptions Included. Ceil aher 3 pm, I15/338-S1S0. j ESTATE SALE: Four grave sites. Memorial Park for i McHenry County, near the Bi i We. Asking W-000. Price In dudes brwuo memorials & in­ tendment. Call 115/923 2306 1 before 1pm or after 6pm. SINGLE GRAVE at Windridge cemetery ' i many extras. •15/<5t-l/62 or collect 606/36S 111. CEMETERY lots-4. w/lg headstones in Hampshire cemeter • Reasonable. I1S/5M- ItU. Lost & Found PLASTERING Restoration Or New Vernon T.Kopsell >15/338-1668 SYCAMORE PARK Driving Range Is open week days ft weekends from 11 am-1 pm ft 3:30-6:30 pm. $2, S3, ft *5 New practice balls available. Golf lessons, private ft group by ap pointment. Don Cnavez, PGA Professional, Sycamore Park Pro Shop. 815/895-3884 WE HAUL ALL. Just give us a call. Woodstock area. <15/338- 0074 or 815/337-0047. DISC JOCKEY Available for wedding recep tlons, graduation parties, US/337 0277. LOST SIAMESE Cat, sealpolnt. childs pet Reword! 815/455- 12 Personals PREGNANT? NEED HELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-1 lam. And from 7-9pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service 815/385-2999 11 Lost & Found Card Of Thanks THANK YOU St. Jude. for tavors granled. B.J. MY DEEPEST THANKS to v eeeryone lor the prayers, cards, flower* ft gifts, visits ft Cne calls I received while In hoapHal recently, and since returning home. Your concern has been greatly appreciated Marion VanOerZee. Card S Of Thanks LOST AFGHAN Hound dog, sable ft black. Vicinity Salem ft Tulsa. Little girl sad Reward. 312/426 7822 LOST Black ft white spotted cat, pink collar, names Tasha, Reward. Vicinity McHenry Jewel parking lot.. 815'385 2342. ST: Siamese Cat. answers to, PREGNANT? Need Help? Call: Birthright 312/695-7950 • PORCELAIN SCULPTURED NAILS Done by Licensed Cosmetologist No special polish remover necessary, no lifting, filled only every 4 weeks. 135.00 Per Set TUESDAY ONLY With This Ad (Regularly $45.00) Call Today For Appointment •312/639^4590* FOUND At Richmond Grade I School, salt ft pepper Schnauzer Male. Pho*e ' •15/678-4090, after 5 pm. The family of Thomas Phalifi wouV i*e to take this opportunity io ex­ press our deepest yratitudc and 'bai*ks 'r all our friends rsia'ws ">nd neighbors lor their piayeis masses, food anu thoughtful expressions of sympathy shown to us during our recent loss. We would like to give a special thanks to fir Mowerv. Virginia Williams, Eileen Turner, the County Nurse:. iM at- whji were so helplir and ..onsiderate in caring for "Pa". We wish to thank also Father Strings and father Pp.m lor their com fortmg words and prayers, rwid the St. Pstiidt's I adies Guild and lay Mmtsieis Thunk you also lo the members ol the McHenry Br-arks No. 1315 and American legion Post 431 ol World War I Vne'ans Aho ho'icref Tom with a final Salute Thank you all Bffftdii Mrkiiimi Jmmi NctoMd t fie* Vibe mi Mary Naii* A Faaif lack mi Manhm NmKr t f«e#y lan mi Pdritit PWin i f aiy DNAU mi AiGm Haiai t fmuh Notices SPECIAL ~V SCULPTURED NAILS 1 ' Tues. thru S*t. $20.00 Feel So Lively PERMS Reg $35.00 NOW $28.00 AMERICAN GIRL BfEAUTY SALON 312/426 6565 SCULPTURED NAILS $55.00 by Professional Nail Artist, call Joyce for app't. 312/651-2019 DISCOURAGED OVER Health Insurance costs? Let us help vou develop a olan you can af­ ford. Permanent or temporary. Sunderlage Insurance Agency. US/330 3320. HOROSCOPE READINGS by SOPHIA Elgin. $5 OFF With This Ad. For Appointment, Call 312/742 5033 9 am-9pm. MODELS NEEDED, for ex­ treme and unusual short hair­ cuts. Free haircu' in exchange for modeling. Must be free on May 21 Apply in person WaveLength, 1734 West Algon­ quin Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL. » e » * * » w e e e e e e * e w e e » * e e e e e e J OA Y.HJMnuiD ACnONTACKlD, WH*MD MEMORIAL DAY MAY 26,27,28 • LIVE WVII BATTLE - REINACTMENTS • MILITARY VEHICLES • GAMES J. CONTESTS FOR KIDS • MILITARY RELIC SALE • WILD WEST GUHFIGHTS FAMILY FUN* 9 WO SHOWS DAILY I ANTIQUE VILLAGE &.MDSOM n SO ft t. UMON NO., UNNM, U. PON MORC INrORMATWM CALL .* * * * * * JOB HUNTING? Learn How To Get One Of Those Unadvertised Jobs! (•0% of the fob market!) For FREE Consultation Cdil Jane* Marsh, MSW •815/338-8621* 13 Instruction FORMING ART classes In mv home, for. the young, 8 yrs. 8 up Lake In The Hills. 312/658 4604 after 7 pm. CROWLEY AND WATERS Guitar Studio. Classic, Modern, Folk, Electric Bass. Instruc­ tion and Sales. 315 S. Main St., Algonquin. 312/658-6000. HIGHLY QUALIFIED ex­ perienced District 47 L.D. teacher win tutor children in grades 1-8 this summer. Call Mr. Bailey, 815/455-0031. ENROLL NOW Fox Valley Christian School (Grades K-12) Is open for enrollment for the 196445 school year. The school is distinctively Christian and distinctively academic. Sports program* offered. This will be our lift* year of service to the McHenry a<-*a. Call 815/385- 0083. CASH REWARD FOR INFORMATION REGARDING PROPERTY STOLEN FROM ROYALTERRACE CONTACT BETTY SMITH 815/344-2600 19 Child Care 21 LOVING YOUNG Granny will care for children. Any age, In­ fants welcome, days & even., In my Crystal Lake home, 815/455-5494. SCHOOL IS out soon. In­ terested in a little more than lust a babysitter for your children? Little Guys A Gals, Cary, licensed day care home has openings for all ages. 312/639-1312. LOVING MOM will care for 0 and up, Saturdays also, references, 815/344-3164. LICENSED CHILD care m my E. Dundee home. Lots of T.L.c. Call 312/428-7611. WILL DO babysitting. My McHenry home, weekdays, ages 2-6, supervised play. 815/344-2395. EXPERIENCED Babysitter, full time, will sit In my home, Wonder Lake area. 815/728-1135. TEACHERS: My day care home has openings for 84-85 school yr., child oriented home, exc. ret., for more Information call 815/459-7328. • WILL BABYSIT, any age (Cary area) $45/week, incl. break, lunch A snacks. Indoor playroom, outdoor pity equip 312/639-3102. LICENCED, child care In my E. Dundee home. TLC and lots of outdoor fun. 312/428-7611. SUAAMER CHILD CARE, 22 mo.-grade 1; Special Summer Program for children going in­ to grade 2-6, minimum enroll­ ment 12; added staff, activities A educational trips; 6:30- 5:30pm. Call Fox Valley Chris­ tian Day Care. 815/385-0083. 21 Situations Wanted $90OFF Custom Deck If booked before 5/25/84 Harry Vlezen Construction. All types of General Remodeling A Home Repairs. Developer of the prestigious Val-AAar Estates In McHenry. »l5/3«5-2»47. WINDOW WASHING •15/455-5536 Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED houseclean- Ing, call today for an estimate, $ A R. Cleaning Service. 312/42J-1979. GRAND PRE Contracting. Spr- Ing clean-up, weekly maintenance. Complete lawn service & design. >15/455-5536. PAINTING, Patching, wallpapering, light repairs, hardwood floor refinishing. Quality work A material. Reasonable. David, Ken, •15/455-5536. HOUSE CLEANING, Weekly, monthly or a one time visit. Ex­ perienced with references. 312/888-1670. WILL STEAM clean carpets. Living room $20, Additional rooms. $10 ea., 5 yrs. exp. 815/943-4793 D.J. 4000 watt, $12,000 sound system with lights A records for all. 312/584-0882. • HOUSE PAINTING, interior, A exterior, reasonable rates. •15/455-3559. ROTOTILLING, all size gardens, reasonable rates, •15/385-6829. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Decorating. Free Estimates. 815/385-58M. BART D. SCHNULLE BobCat Service 1325 Clay St., Woodstock 815/338-8528 or 338-2715 PAINTING A PAPERING Fully Insured Don Johnson 815/338-4850 • GARDENS Rototllled. Best Equipment - . Best Service Reasonable Price. 815/338-6044. CUSTOM ROTOTILLING THE TROY-BILT WAY. Skip, 312/526-0457 or Don, 526-6642. HOUSE CLEANING, exc. work, A ref.. call after 5 p.m., 312/639-4061. H O U S E C L E A N I N G , reasonable, dependable, clean houses, apts., in Dundee, Carpentersvllle, Elgin, 312/426- 2062. BROOMS AWAY Houseclean­ ing - reliable cleaning team, 815/459-7810. 18 Auctions Real Estate Auction looted «t 3912 John Street, Solon Mills, U SUNDAY, NAY 27,12:00 7 room, 2 story Victorian house, on 6 tots (66 x 125 each) and 3 car garage. Total area is 1.14 acres. Roads on 3 sides. House has new gas hot water heat. Richmond schools. Many employment opportunites in immediate area. Call auctioneer for further information. Also selling complete household contents including many nice antiques. List in next week's paper. ESTATE OF ARLINE A. LONDON Aaclionttr: Gordon Siafe-McHtnrv, 1815-385-7032 LARGE PUBLIC AUCTION Mew# lo< coR*o*ftct te SmhSwscH f«M|iovnds Send*** III (Cefiiinetcal toUdmgi) Saturday, May 19,1984 1 0 0 0 * * U n c i ' l i b i t MHQUlS-COlUCIHUS-MiSCUHNtOUS U'|« ¥•!»> •e'l l«l*rt SlMIO R-eCOes I U! I bUv » r.t 4 0i8*"ff 4 .fil •«*•• CJ«si» •» slot) ill IM 0efc*t Ueai* rm !tt« Coe*tty,lt>)« ItowC'Ot* I •"* *•»••!.»* h'j** 0*< '»at»» I *>oce» li« S t i S v x I " r CnM«H iMiCiMr ll"»* C*».» •••» 04 %m\ V<«eA»nieS'«e3iiif Si«* lo. illl*e $HI|-« '0.M C>#C* CM* u S M*'M« ' n,,a. Um: Root** • l»«c Mm, Motor* On* * • « 004 Ho '•cMttAltaati »«". »«.0> IH IrHc. li»« i»il &«• fcooo" I | Ac •( iiit- 1 •% 0' j >***•» ? kilt W«|i; «•« Mtttl IHM, |c«f> .«»• *| '•* Mtttl J»16 U* CwWr . 1<H* 1 •MM U* CwWr . Ctwlh CtoCH Civ i*e* i Scam U'Cttv, I M '•*»«! G'MJ I M '•*»«! Co. C«»wo4 •MO 191MH •i Otr lei Vl"*«4 > 0* u?«ftvit (Jm* U« fc-ewr S+i-WfN Cwo* IT**J (Jm* U« fc-ewr S+i- -fori fcO'MO* Sio*t 10̂ «f i o* Cr lni*i I'll! !•««• •19IH *i '•*••• 'wl'l" ;..»t'00*0 ,,«t S«*i SUM Cii'r Sr CtHtt«--er A lei Com#' '•» Mr t S i r It-. »N'r C«T'» • lit »• Avtttoj* SMO«{ • D«»w S«n < «ti •tM'itf ' «t*r* liWWI.' Iin< !»•\ St* * i*i ><•*• tu »"H '.UH- lot ' h 1«|h0 r* 'iWt Ctttt •i»t nt 3* U"WNit 0o«h, •l«i* Me«t*r 9. »«'• >«w «• »* i»|v A. JIM SHOULTER and JEAN SHOULTER, Owners AUCTIONEERS Jim Meyer. Semoiuuik 81S 4M-S41T Robert Tw*tt, Ulaad 818 4*5-8080 21 LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPER Want mature person to do housekeeping chores In ex­ change for studio apt. Lovely surroundings. Write to: Bo* 448, Island Lake, 11.60042. Situations Wanted WORK WANTED, short term, help projects. 55/hr., College grad, 35 years., 815/648-2235. PAINTING Si carpentry Estimates 815/385-3533. QUALITY CARPET Cleanlnp at prices you can afford. 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. J Si T SIDING- Gutter, Soffit t. Fascia. Free Estimates. 312/639-6419 or 815/455-5641. TYPING In my home. Ex­ perienced, fast, accurate, reasonable. Word processing? 815/455-3991. TYPING, bookkeeping, resumes, Diane's Business Ser­ vice, Crystal Lake, 815/455- 6665. S T U D E N T S i n t h e Woodstock/Crystal Lake area will help with yard work. Call Kate, 815/338-7411. LANDSCAPING, black dirt, finished lawn grading, seeding. Experienced. Call 815/338-2487. LAWN MOWING, Trimming. Experienced College student, 815/455-1613 after 6 pm. EROSION? Hard to mow or maintain areas? Landscape holders laid. Walls, shores, hills, etc. 1400-742-7543. WILL DO lawn care for senior citizens in McHenry area. 815/385-6931. COLLEGE STUDENT will do lawn work, odd jobs, etc. Have car, equip. Si exp. 815/338-2595. Household 23 Heip Wanted CHILD CARE needed for 7 yr. old child in Woodstock area during summer vacation. Rets, req., 815/338-7852 after 5 pm. Household B3 Help Wanted B A B Y S I T T E R N E E D E D Days. For summer only. High school student okay. 815/459 0518, after 6 pm. WANTED someone to do yerd work at my Lake In The Hills home. 312/658-5851. Sue. ATTENTION Homemakers, work from your homes with our new phone program. Stanley Home Products. No door to door. Earn $8./hour. (15/728- 0226. LIVE IN child care needed, room Si board plus salary, exc. ref. required, call after 6 p.m. •15/459-6533. * RELIABLE strong student for yard work. Vicinity Indian Trail & Hickory. 312/65M516. MATURE BABYSITTER, 3 days per week in my Crystal Lake home, references re­ quired, good pay. Call 815/455- 5283. BABYSITTER for l yr. old boy. 2 days per week. ref. req. •15/455-1518, after 6. SOMEONE to care for gentleman part time in his home. Dally grooming, 203 hours. McHenry County area. Pay negotiable. Responsible person with ref. write Box CAA-Home Care, c/o The Dally Sentinel, P.O. Box 709, Woodstock, IL 60098. BABYSITTER NEEDED for 2 children in Heritage Estates, Crystal Lake, Saturday nignts & some Sunday afternoons. 815/459-7341. R E L I A B L E B a b y s i t t e r Wanted, 16 and over, my McHenry home, 3 school age children, 815/385-912«. BABYSITTER, 15 days a month, must be flexible 8i have own transportation, $400 per month, start June 1st. Apply with references to Box MA 2, McHenry Plaindealer, 3(12 W. Elm St., McHenry. 11.60050. 24 Help Wanted OPENING SHOP Richmond, need artists, crafts people. Please call Cherrie • Days, 414/279-6764. Cathy - Nights, 414/877-3815. CASH BONUS. Young men' with a high school diploma can get a $5,000 bonus for enlisting in the Marine Corps. Find out more, call 815/459-2836. A G G R E S S I V E , H i g h l y motivated, self-starter to con­ tact local service business & professional people to explain why "Barter is Smarter". Call: Randy Farr, 312/931-9009 A.M. AVON Start your own business as an independent Sales Represen­ tative with Avon. Now there are two ways to earn an im­ pressive income. Call 815/459- ART hours, full or train. 312/438-2! sign. part time, will !796, Ansll Art. REAL ESTATE BROKER To manager Real Estate office. Must be licensed & have ex­ perience. Dato Realty, Edwin Dato, 312/428-2400. REAL ESTATE Sales Persons. Active office needs sales per­ sons. Good opportunity. Call Dato Realty, Edwin Dato, 312/428-2400. / FULL TIME Medical assistant for pediatric office in Barr- ingtor. Send resumes to: Box A I Z , S h a w F r e e P r e s s Newspapers. P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL. 60014. 12 Auctions AUCTION Sunday, May 20th, 1 lam Black walnut sideboard; upright piano; 25 pieces 1930's40 Chrome Kraft Faberware; Black milkgltss; Depressionware; N-Gauge Micro Trains; 5 pc. queen bdrm. set; desks; 5 pc. oak bdrm. wall unit; lamps; couches; accent chain & tbls.; desks ft chairs; bikes; fishig equip.; harvest gold refrig. ft freezer ft gas range; washers; dryers; refrigerators/freezer; exercise bike- /bench; gun cabinet; clock cabinet; bumper pool tbl. /game top; ping pong tbl.; storage cabinets; ass'L new hand toots; 9" tbl. saw; settling, cutting, welding torch, tanks, cart complete; bench drill press; band saw; Toro power mower; 36" lawn sweeper; picnic tbl.; '&2 Dodge Diplomat Duke Rath Auction Center 3 mil W. of Elgin On Rte. 20 Terms: Cash, Master or Visa 312/695-0388 24 Help Wanted R E S U M E S P r o f e s s i o n a l l y prepared. VIsa/MC Welcome. Norton t Associates. 312/428 9255. ESTATE AUCTION tig Located at 116 Maple Street, Crystal Lake, II SATURDAY, NAY 19r 12:00 APPLIANCES, FURNITURE, SHOP & LAWN EQUIP., CAR, COLLECTIBLES HOUSEHOLD: GE "No Frost" refng-freezer comb., 42" gas range, Speed Queen wringer washer, Thomas organ, elec washer, RCA color TV, elec. dryer, micro-wave oven, Lions head furniture, sofas & chairs, dining room set w/buffet. Zenith B & W TV, many nice lamps, beds and dressers, day bed, mattresses & pillows, oak antique telephone, hospital bed, dolls, children^ toys, luggage, 6 pc. setting silverplate, 6 p. SS flatware, tank type vac. cleaner, wooden arm chairs, glass top coffee table w/end tables, lamp tables, men's and women's golf clubs w/bag, ladies 3 sp. bike, like-new, books, toaster, radio, window fan, kitchen utensils and dishes, "elec. heater and many boxes of misc items. TOOLS, ETC ft COLLECTIBLES: Table saw, 24" potters kiln, Toro 21" SP mower w/bagger, old wooden coaster wagon, lawn roller, Scotts spreader, 2-6' & 8' step ladders reel power mower, power hedge trimmer, wooden wringer, many wood and metal clamps, many hand & wood working tools, heavy work bench, wood bits, many garden tools, dollies and many unlisted items. AUTONOMY 1979 Buick Riviera, maroon, power win­ dows, wire wheel covers. FRED 60LBECK ESTATE AacfeM*: Garde# Stafc. McHeary, i 115-*5-7152 Emitor: Hoae Stole Ink, Cr?4al Lab, I EXPERIENCED Horsaperson for stall cleaning, grooming, "ing, breeding ft pulling S. 815/338-4008. RN's, LPN's, NA's for new home nursing agency registry. Call Susan, Northern Illinois Nursing Service 815/728-1040. EXCELLENT INCOME for part time home assembly work. For Information call, 504/641-8003ext. 8827. SEVEN WILLING Workers to teach needlecraft. 312/587-2239. AREA SUPERVISOR NEED­ ED to hire, train, manage Toy I. Gift Party Plan personnel. Top pay plus bonuses. Ab­ solutely NO Investment. Ladies ideal. In-home career op­ portunity. For details, call Nancy, collect. 815/947-3009. SALES/NEW HOMES Seeking experienced sales person for new home sales In Buffalo Grove & Fox River Grove. P r e f e r I x p e r l e n c e I n marketing, new homes & finan­ cing. Must work weekends. Send resume to: Oak Ridge In­ vestment Group, Inc., 800 S. Northwest Hwy., Suite 200, Barrington, IL. 40010. SAFETY INSPECTOR To perform State certified in­ spections on all types of trucks. Must have valid driver's license. Mechanical experience w/own tools a plus. 815/455- 2210. SECRETARY An opening exists for a full time secretary with excellent typing skills. Shorthand required. Please submit resume and salary requirements to Box A J B , S h a w F r e e P r e s s Newspapers, P. O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, ! L 40014. 24 Help Wanted SALES AGENTS. Ideal for females. Tired of working for peanuts? Company will train sales oriented people In dynamite new vacatin resort membership. Leads furnished. Work In a beautiful relaxed park-like setting. Earn S500+ a week. Training allowance, commission, bonus I draw. Call Joyce, 1/312/544-0190 to ar range a local interview In the near future. Round Lake area. RECEPTIONIST, part time, aprox. 30 hrs./wk. including weekends. Well groomed, plea­ sant telephone manner, & typ­ ing ability. ERA Household Realty, Joann, 312/639-2000. OFFSET STRIPPER Experienced 4 color strippper needed at rapidly growing trade shop in Rolling Meadows. Full & part time positions available. H&SGRAPHICS 312/392-5050 PRINTER Prefer experienced letter­ press offset or collator operator. Also bindery help needed • Good pay • Pleasant working conditions • Air conditioned plant • Excellent benefits Call: John Kassal 312/742-5940 STOCK BOY, approx. 20 hours a week, permanent position, Apply in person Thoughtfulness Shop, Crystal Point Mall. 24 Help Wanted INSIDE SALES/SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Experience with customer service/Inside sales and 800 If work required along with excellent communication skills. Reponsibilities include conducting telemarketing surveys to locate and qualify perspective customers for the field sales force as well as processing requests for li­ terature. order acceptance, expediting and follow up Send resume and salary history to Director of Personnel RAE CORP. 5801 W Elm St McHenry. II 60050 EQE •TOOL & DIE MAKER Experienced in progressive dies •TOOL & DIE GRINDER With die repair experience Excellent wages and company benefits Call er Apply in parson ACCUTRONICS 225 N. first St., Cary IL 312/639*2102 equal opportunity employer m/f GENERAL MACHINIST WANTED Experienced In operating all tool room machinery. Extrusion knowledge a plus. * Apply in person: Richco Plastic Co. 1000 Northfield Avenue Harvard, 11.60033 CLERICAL Production Control We are looking for an aggressive "take charge" individual to work in our pro duction control oftice. Our candidate will be a self-starter capable of work ing in an extremely fast-paced environ­ ment. A variety of duties includes pre paring reports (both production and fi nancial) typing, filing, CRT entry and retrieval, and photocopying. Must have good hand typing skills. Pro duction Control background preferred. We offer a good starting salary, fringe package, scholarship reimbursement )d opportunity for advancement. <e call for an interview appoint- ment\ 815-675-2321 ITERMATIC dermatic Plaza j Grove, IL 60061 Equal Opportunely Employtr M/F PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS Expanding our manufacturing facilities, we need Punch Press Operators experienced in presses with automatic feeds. We offer an excellent company paid benefits package. Please call or apply to our personnel of­ fice. GENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. 201 E. Brink St., Harvard, IL 60033 •15/943 7411 Opportunity Employer. M F

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