Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 May 1984, p. 18

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PAGE lS-McHENRY PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 19M Rooms, Board Apartments 79 To Share WANTED, straight female to shar* house In Crystal Lake area, $200 month + utilities, & sec, dep., >15/455-4712. F E M A L E t o s h a r e w/same..Spacious 2 bdrm. apt. In McHenrv. Conveniently located, 1137.50/mo. + V* otlls.; 1 mo. sec. dep. required. 815/305-2144. after 5 pm. IN HUNTLEY wanted male roommate to share 2 bdrm. apt. WO/wk. incl. all utilities. Ray Keiley. 312/669 5*42. RESPONSIBLE roommate needed to share house in Crystal Lake. Get your own room for S150 a month & utlt. Call Jeff or Steve. 815/455-6967 80 Apartments To Rent McHENRY. avail. May 1, near dam, 1 bdrm., $250 + deposit, 815/3>5-»67» after 5:30 pm. HARVARD 2 bdrm. deluxe & standard apt., wooded area, swimming pool, walking distance to Northwest train & town, 015/943-4144. McHENRY DEPOT HOTEL, Rooms from $45/week. Cable hookup, kitchen, laundry. Call •15/385-9730 after 2pm. • CRYSTAL LAKE, Somerset, 2 bdrm., 2 baths, all kitchen ap- pls., including washer/dryer, air, carpet, pool. No pets. Imm- ed. occupancy, 815/459-8136. WOODSTOCK LAKE WOOD APARTME NTS •Studios *1 & 2 Bdrms. F ree Gas Heat & Cooking Color coordinated appliances, wall to-wall carpeting, laundry facilities, cable TV, pool & playground, garages. SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT FROM $269 *815/338-2383* CRYSTAL LAKE, Ig. 3 bdrm. lower duplex apt., bsmt., gar., applias. Incl. washer & dryer. Corner McHenrv & Crystal Lake Ave. $400/mo. + utils. 815/455-6298 or 455 3412. GENOA Upper apt., 2 bdrm., carpeted. Avail now. 815/784- 5741 or 784-3426. GENOA 2 bdrm. Avail, now. Call: 815/784-5614 for details I RICHMOND Apts. 1 & 2 bdrm. w/Jndividually controlled heat, wall to wall carpeting, color coordinated kitchen appl., laundry facilities. From $299. Call 312/587-9277. WOODSTOCK 3 bdrm. apt. Stove, refrig., washer & dryer. 815/338-3075 or 338-7795. McHENRY, 1 bdrm. furlshed apt.; also sleeping room for single. 815/385-8905. Automobiles 86 For Sale 80 Apartments To Rent CRYSTAL LAKE. 2 bdrms.. 2nd floor. Heat, stove t> fridge Incl., 1 car parking, no pets. Avail. June 1, $360/mo. Call Donald Shumaker, 815/459- 3835. CRYSTAL LAKE, Lovely 1 bedroom In deluxe building, $350. No pets, security deposit, ref.. required. 312/295-1174 after 6pm. CRYSTAL LAKE, 2 bedroom apartment, heat & water In­ cluded, l car garage. $380/mo., available June 1st. Call after 6pm, 815/459-7078. CARY. studio, rets. & sec. No pets. 5 to 7 pm only. 312/639- 3737. McHENRY, 3 bedroom deluxe apartment, garages available, 815/344-1632, 815/385-6566, 815/344-0748. WOODSTOCK close to Square, l bdrm., first floor apt. $230/mo. Ref. & security. 815/338-7597. CARY, 2 bdrm., newly decorated, near town, no pets, $350.312/382-7876. RICHMOND, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, starting at 8299/mo. Call 312/587-9277. ALGONQUIN, 2 Bedrooms starting at $390 per mo.; carpeted, air conditioned, ap­ pliances laundry facilities in­ cludes gas heat and water, Ar­ rowhead Apartments, 312/658- 8461 CRYSTAL LAKE, 1 bdrm., Ilv. rm., kit. No pets. Refs. $310/mo + utllS. 815/459-0932. KIRKLAND 2 bdrm., $175 and 2 bdrm., $225. Genoa Real Estate. 815/784-2275. GENOA 1 bdrm., $150 per month. 815/784-2695 Of 784-5073. FURNISHED Efficiency Apartment, $250/mo., utilities Included, working woman preferred. 815/728-0404, 815/653-9653. 81 Homes To Rent FARM HOUSE, near Cary. no pets. Ideal for family. Refs. 8i sec. dep. 312/639-3737 between 5 8i 7 pm only. WONDER LAKE, newer 3 bdrm. home, country kit, w/refrig., & stove, base., & at­ tached gar. Available June 1, $450/month, sec. & ref. No pets, call after 6 pm 312/540-5615. McHENRY, small 2 bedroom house, newly remodeled, 1 car attached gal-age, refrigerator 8t stove, available /May 25th, $395 -I- sec, dep. 815/675-6027. CRYSTAL LAKE 1 sm. loft bdrm., fireplace, Ige. private lot. Heavily wooded. Sec. Dep. required. $330/mo. 815/459- 2317, after 5 pm. 81 Homes To Rent FARM HOUSE 3/4 bdrm., Rt 20 1 1-90 area, North of Hamp­ shire, $400 per month, avail., after 6/3, 312/683-2767 after 6 pm. ' CRYSTAL LAKE Coventry, 3 bedrm home, $550 per mo. Sec. Pep- Ref. rag. 115/455-2069. McHENRY, 2 bedrm. stove, rvgrtg., pats?, 2 car garage, short/long term lease. Sac. Dep. $375 per mo. Credit check. 312/381-7175. HOUSE In country, 3 bdrm., •pel., N. of Woodstock. $295, 815/923-2557. RINGWOOO, 2 bedrm, 1 car garage, Johnsburg Schools, avail. June 3 rd. No pets. 815/721-1037 until 8 p.m. Storey Offices industrial 83 To Rent CRYSTAL LAKE, 1,200 to 5,000 sq. ft. ind. space, 3 phase elec., a/G 815/459-9060. INDUSTRIAL OFFICE-STORAGE Building SO'xJO', sep. office 24'xl3' w/overhead doors across from New Mc Henry i r Hospital, Immediate occupan­ cy; also space, S0'x25' w/onice & loading dock + 2-10' overhead door}, radiant heat, available July 1st. M. Janci. 4450 Bull Valley Rd., McHenry. 815/385-0257. WOODSTOCK, 3 bdrm. duplex, gar., deck, c/a, carpeting, drapes, refrig., stove,, room for washer, dryer. Exc. location, $450 + utils., month-to-month lease, aec. dsp. & refs. req., 815/338-7030. CRYSTAL LAKE, 3 bdrms., 2 baths, fam. rm., din. rm. Refs. $525/mo. 815/459-0932 SOUTHEAST of Belvldere, V bdrm., newly sided & Insulated. 815/547-4276. CARY, 4 Bedroom bi-Level, 2 baths. 2 car garage, $550month, available June 4,312-674-8870. Condos., Townhomes 82 To Rent CLEARWATER, FL., 2 bdrm. condo, l bath, fully turn., pool, on Gulf, near shopping mall, beach minutes away, 312/991- 8625. AVAILABLE JUNE 1st, 2 bedroom condo, with 1Vj baths, famlly-dlnlng area & attached gar. Call for an appointment, 815/385-4043. HUNTLEY DUPLEX 5 mln. from 1-90. Walk to stores/golf course. 2-3 bdrms., IV* bams, finished bsmt., gar. No pets. Sec. dep. $450 8, utll. 312/669- 3234. CARY Bright Oaks. 3 bdrm.. IV* bath, attached gar., air, appl., pool, $485, avail., July 1, 312/639-8673 after 6 p.m. McHENRY/NORTH FOX First floor, clean, carpeted, 2 bdrm., IV* baths, living, dining room, complete kitchen, washer & dryer, store room. Pool use. No dog or cat pets. $400 lease 8i dep., ref. req. Available June 1, 1984-May 31, 1985. 815/385-2724, eves, to see apt.; 312/864-7061 eves, for more information. FOR LEASE. Mechanic Bay w/llft. For information cal(. 815/385-9570. CRYSTAL LAKE for lease, new building. 6,000' or 11000'. 19' clear, recessed dock, 10% or more office, 815/943-7446. ALGONQUIN 100 sq. ft. balcony In est. Algonquin sty! ing salon, for beauty relatea business. $250/mo. Incl. util. 312/658-4455. • WOODSTOCK, offices for rent, on the Square, secretarial & answering service avail. Ideal location. 815/338-4533. CARPENTERSVILLE. com merclal space avail, for restaurant, retail stores, of­ fices & storage. Rt. 31. 'A mile North of Spring Hill. 312/428 8476. 85 Misc. To Rent VFW CLUBHOUSE 8i Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 350. Call: 815/385-9860 from 9am- 12pm weekdays or after 6pm. RESORT MOTEL, Forf Lauderdale, Florida on Gall ocean mile. Furnished efficlen cies, $450-$600 month. Low dal ly 8i weekly rates also (305)565-0361. Automobiles 86 For Sale NEW AT Ziebart: Radiator, heater, power flush, radiator repair, air conditioning repair A service, 312/639-5333. REPROCESSED AUTOS- all makes & models. Always a good selection. Not all models at all times. Buy just like tak­ ing over payments. From $48. month & up. Mechanically tested cars. No major body damage. For full details, you must ask for Mr. Barry. 312/584-3900. MERCURY COMET, 73, exc. transportation, p.s., air, radio, 8995,312/639-4884. CADILLAC SDV d/elegance, '80, loaded, mint cond., It. blue, $9200.312/381-8617. Automobiles 86 For Sale KARMANN GHIA, 1974, southern car, mint cond.. $2,430. After 6pm, 815/385-6929. CITATION '82, fuel injection, 4 cyl (28 MPG), 4 dr. hatch back, ps, pb, air, cruise, detoger. am/fm, new tune dp, battery, brakes, shocks, dean, 34,000, $5495, 815/455-2704 eve. & yk. BUICK LE-SABRE "Convert! Mf", '70, ps. auto.. 350 VS. 1 owner, pampered beauty. Looks & runs great. $2650, 815/455-2664. AUDI FOX Wagon. '75. Sunroof, am/fm, extra clean, looks & runs ̂ great. $1695. 815/459-1435. CHEVY NOVA '70, 6 automatic trans., 815/455-1403 after 5 pm DATSUN 200ZX '82. Loaded, t- tops, auto, low miles, exc. cond. One of the nicest Z's around. $12900.815/455-2909. MALIBU, 1973. runs good, ps. air, 2 door, $1300, 815/455-6478. THUNDERBIRD LANDAU, '78. dark blue exterior, blue velour Interior. Full power, A/C, under 45,000 miles- 1 owner- Mint Condition! $3,900. Days. 815/385-1313, nights 8. weekends, 312/382-2823. OLDS DELTA 88 Royale, '80, Diesel, loaded, like new Inside 8i out, $3,800,815/455-0464. FORD MUSTANG II, '74, reliable, 4 cyl., auto., some rust, $650/best, 312/669-3773 VW DASHER Diesel, '81,4 dr., 4 spd., stereo, sun roof, new Michellns, 39,000 miles. $4,250/best, 813/459-8832. CHEVY CAMARO, '78, good cond., 305 V-8, am/fm 8 tract, snow tires, ps/pb, $4,200/best Offer, 815/459-4712. PINTO '74. Runs. Many new parts. $250 firm. Call 815/459- 9171, after 4 pm. TORONADO, '66, for restora­ tion, runs well, needs rust repair, best offer, 312/639-4516. VW BUG, '71, $400. VW Camper, '71, $500. Util. trailer, 8 x 10, $100,815/455-6517. CAMARO, 1978, good cond., auto., am-fm stereo, $68,000 ml., 3,000.312/658-9147. PLYMOUTH FURY, 1969, runs real good, body good, 318 engine, $475.815/344-4580. CHRYSLER LaBaron, '77, 2 dr., very clean, full power, many extras, asking $1350, 1- 815/385-1062. BE ETLE, 1970, one owner, pur­ chased in Germany, $1,000. 815/455-1408. HONDA CIVIC, '76, 55,000 miles, $1,000 or best offer, 815/455-2248 after 4 p.m. Automobiles 86 For Sale MERCURY CAPRI '84. Rally Sport Turbo. 5 spd., man., p.s.. p.b., tilt, reel, seats, am/fm stecao. 50,000 ml* ext. warran­ ty. rust proof. $9,250. Moving to east coast. 815/344-1107. CHEVY CAMARO. 77. runs ex­ cellent, ps/pb. am/fm cassette, 815/338-4853. fOYOTA CELICA GT Hat­ chback, 1977, 5 speed, good cond., asking $2,600. 815/455- 6*5. TOYOTA COROLLA SR-5 Lift- back, *81,5 spd., ps/pb. am/fm, sun roof, rustproofsd. Polyglycoat, looks A runs perfect, must see, $5,200, 815/728-1843. ESCORT L station wagon, '83. 16,300 ml., exc cond., front wheel drive, 4 sp.. radio. S5,280/bOSt. Call 815/455-0645. JEEP 74 Toyota Land Cruiser. 58,OA ml. Not running. Make an offer. Scott 312/426-2233, d»ys- OLD CUTLASS Brougham, 79, 39,000 ml., V6 Diesel, 2 dr., power everything, am/fm cassette, cruise, like new, $3900/offer. 312/377-2825 eves A CHEVETTE, '79, 4 dr. hatch back, 4 speed, exc. cond. No rust, $2300 or best offer, 815/344-1994. FIREBIRD Formula, 78, auto., 1 owner, loaded, mint cond., lo. miles, $4,400.815/455- 5948. HONDA CIVIC S, '84, 5 i loaded, coat $10,000 asking pay Off 81860.815/459-3560. CHEVY SUBURBAN, '75, 3/4 ton, a/c, Positraction, 81,500/best, 815/455-1185. vagon, '77, 1 Grand Prix,- $1100; '76 Chevette, $1100, or best offers, 815/459-3565. DATSUN, 1980, 200SX, SL model, completely loaded, black w/sllver Interior, exc. cond., 40,000 ml., $5,000. 815/728-0770. CHRYSLER New Yorker, 1974, $800.00. Call after 6:30pm, 815/653-9842. BUICK Century, '73, V-8, ps, pb, fm, fair body, dependable runner. $450,815./344-4812. BUICK SKYLARK, '76, body good, needs engine repair, $1,600. Must sell. Call Frank, 312/658-2013 days, or 639-8206 FORD PINTO, '75, runs good, new tires, some rust, $300, eves. A weekends 815/648-2543. CHEVY VAN, '76. fully customized, runs great, looks great. Must see. $3,000 or best Offer, 815/344-4529. HONDA 4 dr., Accord, '83, 5 speed. Lots of extras, moving overseas, 815/385-6875 after 6:30 p.m. Automobiles 86 For Sale *o$xnr a/c. DATSUN sunroof# vulour Int. am/fm battery, exhaust. Bast after. Mist sacrifice. After 5 pm, 815/338-5549. MACH 1,78. All ortg. 73,080 ml. PS, PB, f/r spoilers, lowers, 4- 351W, shaker-hood. SB., 3511 $t500/bast .815/337-0245. OLDS CUSTOM Cruiser Station Wagon, 77, V-8, ps/pb, a/c powor wlnfcwi* locks li nitii tilt wheel, crulae control. g,U0/Do«t, 312/428-4701. MERCURY CAPRI*76.4Vyi., 4 spd., hatchback, am/fm, • track. Gd. tires. $1130/best. 312/439-4573. VW DASHER, 74,4 dr., auto. 49,000 miles, $l,930/beet. After 5 pm, 815/337-0238. HONDA ACCORD, '81, 4 dr. S spd„ air, stereo, exc. cond. 8A300,815/383-9384 after 5 pm. OLD CUTLASS *11, 59,000 ml., dtasei, 2 dr. power everthlng, am/fm cassette, cruise, axe. cond. 84400/offer. 312/377 2825 eves. A weekends. FORD MUSTANG, 10, blue, stereo cassette, air, ps/pb, axe. cond. 50,000 miles, UNO. Call eves., 312/458-3384. TOYOTA Corolla deluxe, 74,4 speed, am/fm. roar defog. oxc. cond., $2280,312/458-5438. CHEVROLET CHEVETTE, '80, 4 sp., 4 door, exc. cond. $2,7QQ/best. Call Al at IIS/339- 0883. MAZDA 426 '81. 4 dr. sedan. Air, auto, stereo, 25,000 ml. $4*400. CaK 312/301-4363 after 4 p.m. CORVETTE, 1949, Stingray, very good cond. 427, p.s.. p.b., air. Beauty and BabM I $7,000; 1976 Skldoo TNT snowmobile, vary good cond.. $395. Days, 815/344-0002. evos. 815/344-2648. OLDS 88, '71, runs good, new brakes. 8375. After 4 pm, 815/459-7378. VW RABBIT, '80, am/fm. roar defrost, trailer hitch, exc. Cdhd., 815/455-0983. FORD GRANADA 1976, runs good, asking $400. 815/448-4295. CHEVY MALIBU. '73, 8 cyl., auto, 2 dr. new tires, $500, 815/338-9599 after 5 pm. CAMARO BERLINETTA1910, low miles, mint cond. p.s., pj>„ V-4, auto, cruise, am-fm 815/338-8330. OPEL wagon, 74, 20 MGG, 2 door, with hatch, looks A runs Ilka new, $1100. 312/526-6457. after 5 pm. DATSUN B210. '77. 44,000 miles, needs work, best offer, 815/455-4507. CHEVY 81,000/best GAM/ nasi MARO, .'69, 15/385-9681. Automobiles 86 For Sale CHEVY Suberln, 79, M ton, 350 engine, auto., pa, pb* 45,000 milss, $5800 or best offer, 312/223-5011 days A ask for Roger, 814/718-1829 days or MUSTANG, 1948, southern car, rebuilt 382, 3 sp. am-fm 8 track, SMW/bost. 815/385-7994. CHEVY SS, 1947, convert, needs restoration, best offer over $580.815/499-7829. AUDI SMIlH 815/338-4413. S. 1978, good cond. offer. Must sell. MERCEDES 380 SEL 72. px. p.b., p.w. air, auto, clean, runs groat. Giant 815/459-9417 days, 455-4393 eves. CADILLAC CALIS, '45, $758. Tandem horse trailer, $700. After 7 pm, 815/338-4491 TWO VEGA WAGONS, 1973. Best offer. 312/495-5444 days. TRIUMPH TR4, 1971, runs mm! body good. $2J08/best of- far815/4&-7661. DODGE COLT, 77,4 sp., rear defog, am/fm stereo, asking 1990. Call 312/4394B27. CHEVY CHEVETTE. '83, exc. cond. 13400 miles, am/fm cassstte. groat on gas. After 5 pm, 815/385-9357. VW BEETLE. 70, some rust, sun roof, radio, $250, after 4 pm. 312/438-7923. MUSTANG, 74, 4-cyi. 4 spd. needs some work, 8475,312/439- 4478,4-8 pm. HORIZON. 79, exc. cond. 4 door, air, auto, am/fm stereo, pa. pb, new brakes, exhauet, w/pump, dist. almost new tiros, battery, 815/338-9911,8-10 PM., PLYMOUTH HORIZON 79. 4 dr. 4 spd. bronze. SlOOO/offer. 815/344-2652, days; 499-8401, PONTIAC FIREBIRD 77, good cond. low mileage, $3900/best offer. 312/458-4548. CONVT. SPITFIRE 71, really a wlaaelc. Groat fun car. $1,190. 81S/385-5744after 3 p.m. BUICK CENTURY 77,2 dr. all mMbm. ilr, BflMMT. stifiotiM. Wffilvliaf VII | HVwll t otwi •¥ «w|rO# cruise, etc. No rust, 4 cyl. very economical. New steel tires. 81,795. 815/385-5744 after 3 p.m. COUNTRY SQUIRE LTD. '77, wagon, roof rock, ail options. Groat shape, no rust, 400 cubic Inch w/tow bar, 19 mpg. $295. 815/385-5764 after 3 p.m. VW RABBIT Convert. '82. Im­ maculate, rod metallic w/sand top. 5 spd. ax. am/fm, sport seats, alloy wheels. 13000 ml. Must Sell. 88195/offer. 815/344 3188, after 4 pm. OLDS OELTA 88 Royale. *80. dlesel, fully loaded, 83,890. SIS/499-3993. Automobiles 86 For Sale CHEVY NOVA 73, rune, needs front end work, $150/best, 815/338-7115. PLYMOUTH HORIZON, 79, very good cond. Inside A out. 81S/4#071S. CHEVY IMP ALA 71 4-dr. ps/pb. a/c am/fm radio. New motor, trans, brakes, battery, tiros. Body rusty, 8900,815/459- 7341 FIREBIRD '82. auto. ps.,pJ>., tilt, am/fm cassette stereo, air, 28800 mi. clean, asking 87,990. 815/499-8499 after 6:30. FORD, 77 LTD wagon, pt, pb, air, new tires, brakes, Ziebart, good cond. $2280,815/455-532S. MERCURY ZEPHYR, *11, 4 door, ps/pb, 4 sp. rustproefed, 74,000 miles, exc. cond. State Bank Of Woodstock, SIS/338- 2223. HONDA CIVIC '81. 1300DX. • am/fm cassette, 48000 mi. mint, 84880.815/499-7449. CHEVY, Monte Carla 76, auto. 41,000 miles, fully loaded, 81580,312/439-9174. CHEVY VEGA WAGON, 73, s good, 312/439-9310. CHEV MAILBU Classic '77, 2 dr. stereo, excel, air condi­ tioner, radial tires, 74,000 miles, nice but doors rusted. $2,250.312/683-3424. BUICK LeSABRE Converti­ ble, ,75.47.000 miles. Nice car- 82300 or best 815/455-2870. GRAND AM. 1974, runs and drives, minor rust. $595. 312/382-4430. PONTIAC FIREBIRD. '73 Formula, rusty, best offer 815/305-4240 after 4 pm. TRANS AM. Smokey A The bandit, summer driv< Iven. 77 special edition, bik. w/gold pin striping, original, never rusted or dented, 44,000 mile beauty. T-Tops, tilt, mags, Goodrich T/A radlals. gages, posi­ traction, air, ps, pb, stereo, with professionally improved 400 engine A trans. Recent ex­ haust. Vakes. A battery, $5900 or beat offer, 312/450-0944. MERCURY COUGER wagon, 77, 3rd seat, luggage carrier, a/c, am/fm stereo, low mileage, good cond. $2,250, negotiable,015/499-3007. CADILLAC COUPE DeVllle. 79. Florida car, excellent, loaded. $7,000/bes1. 815/338- 9177. VW BEATLE '72. Sunroof, new paint, brakes, wheels, 4 fiberglass fenders. Must See. $1400/best. 112/658-5965, after 6 82L 1955 CHEVY Running Condition-$500 Call 015/653-9391 Eves LINCOLN TOWN CAR '01. SIG Series. 4 dr., all options. Low mi les . Per fec t cond. Reasonable. 312/695-3375. CELEBRATE WITH CHRYSLER SAVE WITH BENOY . To Calibrate Chrysler's 60th Anniversary you will receive a FREE automatic transmission with the purchase of any In-stock Plymouth Reliant or Dodge Aries K car through June 30th To Celebrate Sprlng...Benoy Motors will give you an additional Super Discount on the purchase off a Plymouth Reliant or Dodge Aries K car through May 31st <6 MODEL No.M4-UDODOS ARIES4 DR. SEDAN _ Air Conditioning, Charcoal *11 »202 No. DM-16 DODGE ARIES 4 DIK. SEDAN Glacier Blue *8,557 No. DA4-12 DODGE ARIES 4 DR. SEDAN Air conditioning, Mink Brown *9,738 No. OA4-39 DODGE ARIES 4 DR. SEDAN White *8,372 No. OA4-3S DODGE ARIES 4 DR. SEDAN Air conditioning, Garnet Red *9,879 No. DB4-AS DODGE ARIES 4 DR. SEDAN Mink Brown *8,549 No. DB4.71 DODGE ARIES CUSTOM WAGON-Air condition., Garnet Red *11,114 No DB4-BB DODGE ARIES CUSTOM WAGON-Nightwatch Blue *9,375 No. PB4-13 PLYMOUTH RELIANT 2 DR. COUPE-Air conditioning, Garnet Red *9,647 No. PB4-S1 PLYMOUTH RELIANT 2 DR. COUPE -Charcoal *9,054 no. PB4-1 PLYMOUTH SE 4 DR. SEDAN Air conditioning, Mink Brown $11,598 PB4-34 PLYMOUTH RELIANT SE 4 DR. SEDAN -Air conditioning, Garnet Red S11 >413 p LIST PRICE FREE AUTO. TRAriS- LESS BENOY DISCOUNT '439 •439 •439 *439 <439 •439 •439 •439 •439 •439 •439 <1 '439 *1.213 *468 *649 *333 *690 *460 *073 *636 * 733 *663 *1.359 *1.324 YOUR PRICE *9,550 •7,650 *8,650 •7,550 •8,750 •7,650 •9,700 •8,250 •8,450 •7,950 •9,800 •9,650 MODEL LIST FREE AUTO. TRANS. LESS ' BENOY YOUR MODEL PRICE FREE AUTO. TRANS. DISCOUNT PRICE NO. POM PLYMOUTH RELIANT 4 DR. SEDAN pAir conditioning. Charcoal $9,738 •439 *749 '8,330 No. PM-s PLYMOUTH RELIANT 4 DR. SEDAN -Crimson Red •8,342 •439 *303 *7,400 NO. P04-H PLYMOUTH RELIANT 4 DR. 'S.100 SEDAN-Air conditioning, Glacier Blue •9,185 •439 *646 'S.100 NO. PM-ii PLYMOUTH RELIANT 4 DR. SEDAN-Air cond., Nlghtwatch Blue •9,839 •439 *800 *8,600 NO. M4.S2 PLYMOUTH RELIANT 4 DR. *8.400 SEDAN-Air conditioning, Mink Brown •9,839 •439 *000 *8.400 NO. P94-31 PLYMOUTH RELIANT 4 DR. *7.WS SEDAN-Silver •9,057 •439 *668 *7.WS NO. M4-91 PLYMOUTH RELIANT 4 DR. •8,130 SEDAN--Air conditioning, Beige •9,211 •439 *622 •8,130 NO. Pots* PLYMOUTH RELIANT 4 DR. * , *7,400 SEDAN --^Charcoal •8,384 •439 *323 *7,400 Ne. PM-II PLYMOUTH RELIANT *7,400 CUSTOM WAGON-Air conditioning, Garnet Red •11,188 •439 *1.129 •0,600 Ne. N4.39 PLYMOUTH RELIANT CUSTOM WAGON-Air cond., White •10,273 •439 *934 *8,900 Ne. PI449 PLYMOUTH RELIANT CUSTOM WAGON -Beige *49,561 •439 *872 •8,230 PM t̂ PLYMOUTH RELIANT CUSTOM WAGON -Crimson Red •9,375 *439 *786 •8.130 Serving the Woodstock area for 35 years. CHRYSLER Dodge Plymouth BENOY £3„ep $56 LAKE AVE., WOODSTOCK, IL 815-338-5100 Won, Tu--, Thure: 8 i.m.-O p.m.; Wid, Frl: 8 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat 8 a.m.-4 p.m. TopQuolHy U S E D C A P S

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