This is just one of the 40 ornately carved and gilded circus parade wagons which will roll through the streets of Baraboo, Wis., on July 7 to celebrate the founding of the Ringling Brothers Circus winter headquarters in that city 100 years ago. The authentic circus street parade will begin at 12:30 p.m. The sights and sounds of the circus can be experienced at Baraboo's famous Circus World Museum in Baraboo, open from May 12 through Sept. 9. GO FOR THE CASE DIFFERENCE. You'll be glad you did. LAWN & GARDEN SPRING CLEANUP SPECIALS Buy a new Case Hydraulic Drive Compact Lawn and Garden Tractor be fore June 1, 1984 and receive a Free Mower Deck to match the Tractor purchased. DEMO 220 MECH LIFT (10 HP) $1995 NEW 220 HYD LIFT (10 HP) $2877 NEW 222 HYD LIFT ^ . (12 HP) $3421 NEW 224 HYD LIFT (14 HP) $3630 NEW 226 HYD LIFT (16 HP) $3060 NEW 444 HYD LIFT (14 HP) $3096 NEW 446 HYD LIFT .. (16 HP) $4295 NEW 440 HYD LIFT (16 HP) $4670 FREE 30INCN DECK (VALUE $457) FREE 30 INCH DECK (VALUE $457) FREE 44 MCN DECK (VALUE $506) FREE 44 INCH BECK (VALUE $506) FREE 44 MCN DECK (VALUE $506) FREE 40 INCH DECK (VALUE $590) FREE 40 INCH DECK (VALUE $590) FREE 40 INCH DECK (VALUE $590) 500 LD. DUMP CART $125 1000 LD. DUMP CART $195 N 90 LAWN SWEEPERS $295 CASE... BUILT TO LAST Designed to Perform DON'T MISS AN OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY ON A NEW 90 SERIES TRACTOR OF YOUR CHOICE DON'T MISS AN OPPORTUNITY TO TRY OUR NEW 94 SERIES TRACTORS CALL YOUR SALESMAN TODAY TO SIGN UP FOR A 1 DAY DEMO AT NO COST TO YOU Case Power and Equipment East Lincoln Highway QeKalb. Illinois 60115 Phone 815 758-4421 J I Case A T«»nneco Company the lads Aerobics dancersize \a zz exercise In this evolving world ot fitness there s only one way to choose Know the facts Jazzercise It's a high-energy total workout that combines aerobic exercise with the graceful movements of dance It's fun. effective and here to stay1 Jazzercise has been in existence for over 10 years Lively |azz dance-based routines, chor eographed by Judt Sheppard Missett, are built around warm-up. peak work and cool-down periods. including 25 minutes of cardiovascular exercise Movements are simple so everyone can Jazzercise But why Jazzercise over all the rest9 Simple Because we care about you Jazzercise instructors are carefully selected, trained and certified to assure you oi a safe and effective workout You II receive up-tb-date information on health and fitness as well as instructional guidance in class And besides Jazzercise is fun Stop in for a free first class and be prepared to have a healthful and exuberating experience MORNING CLASSES Mon.-Wed. Saturday 9:30 am EVENING CLASSES AAon.&Wed. 6:30 pm Tues.&Thurs. 7:00pm 23 CRYSTAL LAKE PLAZA Rt. 14(Next to Bev's Barn) Crystal Lake, II. by JudiSheppaid Missett jazzercise ^VcALl NANCY TODAY! 3121639-1366 "YOUR FIRST CLASS IS FREE'