Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 May 1984, p. 8

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PAGI: 8 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1M4 Legals T \ Legal notice in IHfi CIRCUIT CC-UOT OF THE N '(FTEENTH J OITiAL CIRCUIT McHCVRY CCUNTY. 't 'JNOkS If, PRO^TE lr> i ne Matter ) Of t s t .jieof ) OTTO ) WT2K.E, ) Or (<»secl ) Ho 84 P-103 NOTICE FOR Pl'BLI'CATION WiL AND CLAIMS is given of the « .t d OTTO WITZKE L« 'ters of office were !»• *c w May Z 1984, to M.R'iARET KNISPEL; 12 » Dot)son Street, E ansron, Illinois 60202 rx n* attorney is Ketl, Cc f-rty & Nuelle, 121 E. C rtoj'i Street, Woodstock, H • Jet < e is given to heirs or Ifr j'tts who are named in 01 io~*, tiled in the above pr to probate a will ar • vtose names or •cf irev>es are not stated in •> p^i'ion that an order W * > m't-red by the court on M v 2 1984 admitting the W to probate. Within 42 4> s rf'er the effective A » ct trie original order of • usskm yoo may file a pi tiur with the court to ft p c* ocrf of the will by te i:k<v» of the witnesses 1c n* Aili m open court or or c. J«*>ce, as provided lr soctioo 6 21 of the P -tot,- au (ll. Rev. Stat., d no . sec. 6-21). Yoc ai > f «<ve 'he right under & t>on 8 i of the Probate A ii Rev Stat., ch. 11 v* 8-1) to contest vaiioity of the will by f|: kj 3 petition with the a rt v ithin 6 months after at i ?•,!'>' of the will to pi bat" i aq jfnst the estate rr / U i od in the office of ft of this Court at to » County C 2200 N. S» . . y Avenue, , j K, IL 60098, or wi i tr.i- i t-oresentative, or t* i a ,rr in 6 months from Hh c« tt of issuance of le .« . .v,c> any claim not fil j /.;itiin that period is tk (*-i Copies of a claim fil i v/ the Clerk must be rr i~t »r delivered to the n < native and to the •t •»!»> within 10 days •f a * nad been filed. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. «*<€>• the Circuit Court Marjorie E Emerson Deputy 30-&4) ' > A> *• 16. 5 23 8. m Nu 840259 L >gal notice H -» r •' S ,i f Or ) H in< > . ) )SS Ci "' r or ) Ar i-t JKY ) •i I «r circuit ' TOF THE , ' UDICIAL c v< • IV^HENRY ( . ». y.KLINOIS IK Mfc MARRIAGE OF ) KIMBERLY ) LANCE, ) Plaintiff, ) VS. ) DAVID ) LANCE, ) Defendant. ) No. 84D0142 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION You, David Lance, are hereby notified that this case has been commenced and is pending against you asking that a Judgment for Dissolution be entered in favor of Kimberly Lance on the grounds of mental cruelty and physical cruelty and for other relief. Unless you file your answer or otherwise file your Appearance in this case in the Office of the Clerk of this Court at 2200 N. Seminary, Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 18th day of June, 1964, a Judgment or Decree by Default may be taken against you for the relief asked in this complaint. Dated May 9, 1984. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Clerk, Circuit Court (Seal) JOHN F. LAMPE Attorney at Law 3406 W. Elm Street P.O. Box 428 McHenry, IL. 60050 815-344 3252 (Pub. 5-16,5-23 & 5-30-84) No. 840252 Legal notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT AAcHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN PROBATE In the Matter ) of the Estate ) of WILLIAM ) B.AAclNNES ) Deceased ) No. 84P121 CLAIM NOTICE Notice is given of the death of WILLIAM B. AAclNNES.of AAcHenry, IL. Letters of office were issued on AAay 7, 1984, to HARRY B. AAclNNES, 6852 N. Jean Ave., Chicago, IL. 60646 whose attorney is DONALD TRUCKENBROD, 4108 W. Crystal Lake Rd., AAcHenry, II. 60050 Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court at AAcHenry County Courthouse, 2200 N. Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, IL. 60098 or with representative or both, within 6 months from the date of issuance of letters and any claim not tiled I within that Deriod is barred. Copies of a claim tiled with the Clerk must be ; mailed or delivered to the i representative and to the attorney within 10 days I after it has been filed. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Cler k of the Circuit Court Marilyn Kline Deputy (Pub. 5-16,5-23 & 5-30-84) No. 840256 Legal notice IN THt CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT AACHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS IN THE AAATTER OF THE PETITION OF JEFFREY TOODYODER For Change of Name NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Public notice is hereby given that on June 25, 1984, being one of the return days in the Circuit Court of AAcHenry County, Illinois, I will file my Petition in said Court praying for the change of my name from JEFFREY TODD YOOER to JEFFREY TODD GREANY pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided dated this 4th day of AAay, 1984. JEF FREY TODD YOOER (Pub. 5-9,5-16 &5-23-84) No 840244 Legal Notice PUBLIC NOTI^* The Eastwood AAanor Public Water Supply for Eastwood AAanor Subdivision ih AAcHenry Wishes to advise its customers that the maximum allowable concentration for iron has been exceeded in samples taken on AAarch 7, 1984. The max i mum ai lowable concentration for iron as designated by the Illinois Pollution Control Board is 1.0 milligrams per liter. The average level found in the water was $3 milligrams per liter. Excessive iron in water may cause staining of laundry and plumbing fixtures and may accumulate as deposits in the dlstributron system. Iron at the level found will not produce a health hazard. Therefore, no special precautions need be taken by the consumer. The water is being tested to be able to treat the iron with a chemical. (Pub. 5-23,5-30 8i6-6-84) NO. 840265 Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS • N THE CIRCUIT COURTOF THE NINETEENTH ^ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT AAcHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of THERESE LEVERIDGE, Deceased No. 84-P-116 CLAIM NOTICE F 4; r: PS McHenry™ -s,„«mi laindealer ^ is looking for aggressive, self- \ f \ starting young men and women L t \ i., -- J to do early morning delivery of its newspaper. Delivery will be on Wednesday and friday mornings before . 00 a.m. U s a good way to make some money and <jlso have a good chance at winning some nre prizes and trips. i t I his sounds interesting to you, fill out the Up below and mail it to: The Mchenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Street^>^\ McHenry, IL 60050 f I fcNTION CIRCULATION DEPT. JHME ADDRESS AGE. PHONE NO. (Signature of Parent or Guardian) Notice « given of the death of THERESE LEVERIDGE. Of AAcHenry, IL. Letters of office were issued on AAay Z m to DR. LEO LEVERIDGE, 2942 Shortwood Drive, McHenry, IL. <0050 whose attorney is AAark B. Epetein, 134 N. LaSalie Street, Suite 2004. Chicago, IL. 60802. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court * AAcHenry County Courthouse, 2200 N. Seminary Avenue, Wloodstock, IL. 40098 or with representative, or both, within 6 months from the date of issuance of letters and any dalm not filed within that period is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative and to the attorney within 10 days after is has been filed. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Clerk of the Circuit Court) Mariorie E. Emerson Deputy (Pub. S-23,5-30,6-6-84) NO. 840264 Legal Notice The Board of Education of McHenry Community High School District No. 156 will receive sealed bids on Cafeteria Supplies ft Equipment for the 1904-1905 school vear. Bids wit be accepted until 11:00 A.M. Wednesday June 6, 1904. Specifications may be obtained at the Board of Education Office, 3926 W. Main St., AAcHenry , IL. 60050. cS» James Tony an Secretary (Pub. 5-23-84) NO. 840266 Legal Notice FRANCISCO P ) CESAR, el al ) MWHoanrs. / IN CHANCERY Gen. No. 84CH061 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of a decree heretofore ered by said Court In the yve entitled cause, Susan Hutchinsdn, Associate Ige of the Circuit Court wfl̂ an Friday, the 22nd day of June A.D. 1904, at the hour of 9:00 o'clock A.M( Local Time, in Room 300 of the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, in said County, sell at public auction to the highest and bast bidder for cash all and singular, the following dascrHMd premises and real estate In said decree mentioned, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, or so much therof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said decree, to Mt: Lots 43 and 44,45 and 46 in The AAc - Soccer Federa Area will be :Hen^y ratkjn holding an open meeting on Tuesday, May 2* at 7:30 P.M. In the Learning Center at Parkland Junior High School. The purpose of the meeting will be to represent and approve the federation By Laws and to elect the officers who will administer the 1904-1905 soccer program. The balloting will run from 7:30 P.M to 9:00 P.M on AAay 29. (Pub. 5-23 fc 5-25-84) 840261 Legal Notice STATE OF ) ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTYOF ) AAcHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, AAcHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS FEDERAL ) NATIONAL ) MORTGAGE ' ) ASSOCIATION. ( Plaintiff, ) VS. ) Block 12 in Sampson, Sex and Company's Lily Lake Subdivision, being a Subdivision of part of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 5, Township 44 North, Range 9, and part of the Southeast Quarter Of Section 32, Township 45 North, Range 9, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded July 28,1926 as Document No. 74254, in Book 5 Of Plats, Page 81, in McHenry County, iLlinois. Commonly known as: 334 Riverside Drive, AAcHenry, IL. 60050, together with all buildings and improvements theron, and the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging. DATED, Woodstock, Illinois, this 15th day of AAay A.D. 1904. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Clerk of the Circuit Court of AAcHenry County, Illinois Attorney for Plaintiff Codilis and Associates, 1 S. 376 Summit Ave., Oakbrook Terrace, IL. 60181 (312 ) 629-8444 Published in The McHenry Plaindealer on 5-23,5-30 & 6- 6 81 Exhibit A NO. 840263' Legal Notice NOTICEOF TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE DUTCH CIRCLE McHenry Township Road District proposes to dose Dutch Circle from Pleasant Drive (Boat and Saddle Subdivision) north to cul- de-sac to vehicle traffic on a temporary basis. Reason: There are no residents on this portion of roadway and it is a collection point for illegally dumping of trash. This places an unreasonable burden on the Road District and the community. Any persons knowing of a reason why this portion of roadway should not be temporarily closed to vehicular traffic as described, are encouraged to contact Towntftip Road District', 3702 N, Richmond Road, AAcHenry, il. 60050, Tel. (015) 305 3076. AAon-Fri., 7:30 A.M - 4:00 P.AA., furnishing name, address, tel. no., and reason. Should no compelling circumstances be made known not to dose the roed, it will be temporarily dosed effective June 25, 1904, for a period of one year, unless reopened John C. Ragner Highway Commissioner (Pub. 5-23 *5-2544) Legal notice ASSUAAEDNAME PUBLICATION NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on AAay 8, 1904, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of AAcHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as NAILS BY NANCY, located at 810, N. Front Street, McHenry, IL. 60050. Dated AAay 8th, 1984 Rosemary Azzaro County Clerk. (Pub 5-16,5-23 & 5-30-84) NO. 840254 Legal notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURTOFTHE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT AAcHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN PROBATE In the Matter ) of the Estate ) Of DOROTHY H. ) GIBBS ) Deceased ) No. 84P118 CLAIM NOTICE Notice is given of the death of DOROTHY H. GIBBS, of AAcHenry, IL. Letters of office were issued on May 4, 1984, to AAcHENRY STATE BANK, 3510 West Elm St. AAcHenry, IL. 60050 whose attorney is DONALD TRUCKENBROD, 4108 W. Crystal Lake Rd., AAcHenry, IL. 60050. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the clerk of the Court at AAcHenry County Courthouse, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock, IL. 60098 or with representative, or both, within 6 months from the date of issuance of letters and any daim not filed within . that period is barred. Copies of a daim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative and to the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Clerk of the Circuit Court Marilyn Kline Deputy (Pub. 5 16,5 23 8i 5-3044) No. 840257 ARE YOU NEW IN The McHenry Area? Do You Know Someone New? We Would Like To Extend A Royal Welcome To Every Newcomer To Our Area!!! CALL LORRAINE MONAHAN 385-547, i MM Wf l tW OSOG A r>oN mi miom BPmivt m ROYAL WELCOME Know Your Area-Royal Welcome Does It Best SERVICE LINE: A LISTING OF NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS COMPILED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE TO McHENRY • < IIKNRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 385-4300 4* !!• V SERVICE & MENTAL HEALTH CENTER i '.fty fj Wer,: Cryval Uk" Rd M" Mc<ir>. I| (jOObO 815-383-6400 ' • rolW -IXJMLST1C V IOLENCE STRESS LINE v* Hi -ir, lA'Ut'ty hw)ti rt (JrtV 1 Anonymous meeiwtys oti tuesday Call 81 >-338-8080 FEDERALGOVERNMENT NEPAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 202-753-8660 ! 'ill H mi lu !j :i(l (i in ftnr' ,! >.> in uivulvifttj l*(fcta' grjvHnmwi! and ttoi Irnuwn m**' • mi! 'wi n ty,rf'n ihe tutMPJuiii] "?lfcttah tiy persons t 'Hit'- knew lirjw lo Wi)7 let: siietwmis w&Mjkp at :ttts \ \ IJONAL RUN AWAY SWITCHBOARD Illinois Phont:800-972^004 on problems (li-altiKj y»i!ti tun cMdf# ; MOVING HOTLINE • Phone 800-424-9213 i hi; interstate inuvoig by rixiipaiuni. Ouyr. ur uamv Spufi * f un>"«rCe cwitmsiui I -IATECHAMBER GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS HOTLINE 217-522-55U BIRTHRIGHT •' Her-rf H»Hp ' CounyfeiK) Swwu: 385-2999 /4 froo! - ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES '4 Hours Child Abuse Hotline TG FREE: 800-252-2878 CONSUMER PhODUCT SAFETY COMMISION ">0-638-2666 i()p«'iHies live nanonal lines Answers inquiries about or reporting on the safety ot products Irom knchen appliances to children's toys t NATIONAL SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING INFORMATION CENTER 800-523-2929 P 0 Box 1607. Rockvtlle. Md 20860 lOftpeitse-, information on solar sysiems lor heatmg and cooling to anyone (tort vtiirlef ts 10 tiome owners looking for a sun powered hot water sysierti i YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU FOR McHENRY COUNTY 4 / 1 9 W E l m S t . M c H e n r y Phone. 344-3240 /4 ikkks Crisis Intervennon and Confidential Counsebnq lor youth and l̂ itirln-s NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION Phone 800-424-9393 lAnswcs ouesiium about auttxnoWe safely deter ts or whether a particular rtiuiW tuts ever been teraHerf V»luahfc! lor iIumu wteresed «i txiymg a used MENTAL HEALTH I 800-892-8900 C'isi' Li'tnei tme for MiHemy Co ?4 hour Emergency number and professorial siaff wiO answer your call Sponsoring agency McHenry County Coroprefienwve Mental Healtfi Service System NATIONAL NUGHBORHOOD WATCH ASSOCIATION Post Offce Bo« 1 /4(H). Washnqton. OC 20041 Phon<(703)471 -0404 J CONSUMER PROTECTION DIVISION 312-793-3580 Chcago. 11 ILLINOIS STATE CHAMBER HOTLINE Phone:217-522-5514 Answer to Questions on government requbnons McHENRY COUNTY CETA OUTREACH CENTER 666 Russel Ct . Woodstock. II60098 Pbone<8l 5)338-7100 Job Training Ollered McHENRY COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR THE RETARDED Ruber I G lambourn. liecutrve Oirector Phone: 344-1230 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (815)455-3311 McHENRY COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS COUNCIL 800-892-3272 Monday through Friday. 8 30 » m to 4 30 p m PRAIRIE STATE LEGAL SERVICES. INC. 800-942-3940 In* legal representation Vi ovrf cases lo low income persons landlord tenant disputes, domestic violence or improper denial uf benelns such as Social Security. Pubfc Aid. Food Stamps. General Assistance & Unem pkiymenl Insurance SUPPORT GROUP FOR MEN WHO BATTER Meets every Ihmsday 6 7pm For information call 338-8080 COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS McHenry County Chapter llw heriMved parc-ntsi Call 385-5732 looking for a job that fits? Now you'll be able to find exactly vyhat you need in our EXPANDED Shaw Free Press classifieds. That'* because we now otter ARE A WIDE coverage! Our classified pages are so complete that we can match tenant and landlord, buyer and seller, worker and boss in a matter of days. And everyone knows that when you're hunting for a better job, a place to live, or even for a 19th century thingamabob -- you can never read too many of those helpful little classified ads. Enjoy! Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group SHAW-FREE PRESS classifieds When you really need it you can't read too much RESTAURANT! "A GOOD PLACE TO BE" OUR 3rd ANNIVERSARY FREE ALL WEEK Mai Tai or Long Island Ice Tea with any Lunch or Pinner FREE PIZZA IN OUR BAR FROM 3:00-6:00 PM THANK YOU McHENRY! ENTERTAINMENT: TlliS.-SUN. 8:30-CLQSING RTE.120 McHenry 385-0900 DIRECTORY JACK WALSH. AGENT EARL R. WALSH. BROKER INSURANCE & BONDS we w. •**.. ekHe*f sw-sw DENNIS CONWAY auto. uFt.nac State Farm Int. Co. an W. Bn >»«»|. McMaary. M. McHENRY COUNTY OFFICE MACHINES (MH.MRVKaiMNtMl Man.-**. f »,M M tm. M Omit M.. CrftM l«l|« DR. LEONARD BOTTARI «y» Uw--t oiww mm Mm. . tm . thm , fH., M p.m., T» .̂. tW»„ M. M. fiM-lp.m. MI-4WI a, MINI JAMES M. McINTEE, LAWYER AVAAASU TO FIACTKIW: IHwy/TiM.. dy.mii... MM W. MM tlrMr. McNMwy.«. McHENRY DENTAL CENTER DR. C.J. LUDFORD DR. KEVIN WEGRZYN OftN 3 (VtNINOt A W«tK UNTK«,MPJM.tlAT. .(Lauttilaf G )̂t Vatlw (•.V. S«4aHa«) AvaHaM* GEORGE P. FREUND. INC. W. C*pMl Ufc* M.. MMmmt ALL CAIgS EUROPA MOTORS. INC. MMMto. Ht HWIfn, •111 v

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