Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 May 1984, p. 9

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PAGE 9-PLAINDEALER- WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1984 iRaiiiSlealerf M « lassified Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event of an error or ommission. the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only the portion of the ad which is in error. In case of on error, notify the Classified Department at once. Call Classified Disploy Ads: 815-385-0170. Private Porty & Commercial Line Ads: 815-344- 4800. Richmond 678-2581 Payment In advance must be made for these ads: •Babysitting •Business Opportunities •Business Services •Oarage Sales • Moving Sales • Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Area • Political • Rooms Apts. to Share 'Situations Wanted •Sublease, Re-rent, etc. • Wanted to Buy "Wanted to Rent. fticbmottb Office Hrs. M-F 8:30 O.m. - 5:00 p.m. V 3 LINES. 5 DAYS *8.80 Shaw Free Press ] PRIVATE PARTY LINE ADS Newspaper Group •Woodstock Doily Sentinel *Saturdoy Extra ^Crystal Lake Morning Herald •Cardunal Free Press Morning Herald "Elgin Herald 'Richmond Gazette *Marengo Beacon/Republican News "Huntley Beacon'Republican News *Sycamore News •Cory-Grove Clarion *Barrington Banner *McHenry Ploindealer •Genoa-Kingston-Kirkland News 'Hampshire Register •Harvard Herald *Shopper Service "McHenry Citizen Tri- County Shopper I DIRECTORY DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND WED. PLAINDEALER xffil. PLAINDEALER . MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON i Announcements Cemeteries ft Lots Card of Thanks.. Notices Car Pools Lost 8 Found rsonals .02 03 .05 . 10 . 1 1 . 12 Pen Instruction 13 Auctions 18 Help Wanted Child Care, 19 Nursery Schools 20 Situations Wanted.- 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household ftelp Wanted 23 tip WantwJ 24 Merchandise Wanted to Buy.. 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise. ..... 32 Garage Sales 33 Merchandise Under $50 34 Antiques 35 Bicycles & Sports Equipment 36 Lawn 8 Garden Equipment..... .,37 Boots .. N 38 Musical Instruments 39 Cameras ........ 40 Aviation 41 Pets & Equipment 44 Horses ft Equipment 47 Farm ft Dairy.'. .48 Livestock. 49 Machinery ft Equipment*......... 53 Business Opportunity 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy 69 Business Property 70 Open House \ . 71. Real Estate 72 Condominiums for Sale 73 Townhomes for Sale. . . t 74 Lots ft Acreoge 7^ Mobile Homes 76 Farms for Sale 77 Real Estate Rentals Wonted to Rent 78 Rooms. Board. House Apartments to Share 79 Apartments to Rent. .. 80 Homes to Rent 81 Condominiums ft Townhomes to Rent 82 Stores, Office ft Industrial to Rent . 83 Farms, Farmland to Rent......... 84 Miscellaneous to Rent 85 Automotive Autos for Sale • 86 Wanted to Buy 87 Auto Parts ft Accessories 88 Trucks. Tractors & Tnailers 89 Vans . . 90 Motorcycles ft Snowmobiles 91 Recreation Vehicles 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Cerfieteries 2 &Lots CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK&UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as $275, including perpetual care. Catholic section. Terms. 115/459-0547 Card 3 Of Thanks THANK YOU St. Jude for favors granted. M.A.R. 5 Notices PLASTERING Restoration Or New Vernon T.Kopsel I 815/338^1668 WE HAUL ALL. Just give us a call. Woodstock area. 815/338- 0074 or 815/337-0047. "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934 9233 Driving Range is open week days ft weekends ' SYCAMORE PARK Drivina Range is open week days ft weekends from 11 am-1 pm ft 3:30-4:30 pm, $2, $3, ft $5. New practice balls available. Golf lessons, private ft group by ap­ pointment. Don Crvavez, PGA Professional, Sycamore Park Pro Shop. 815/89f -- SYCAMO'RI Rar from 11 am-1 pm ft 3:30-4:30 pm, $2, $3, ft $5. New practice-balls available. Golf lessons, private ft group by ap­ pointment. Don Cnavez, PGA Professional, Sycamore Park Pro Shop. 815/895-3884. DISC JOCKEY Available for wedding recep­ tions, graduation parties, .any occasion. 815/337-0277. PROMISED publication for favors granted. • CML Are You Tired Of Sitting Home Alone? Call: McHenry County Computer Dating Service 815/338-2290 Who Knows? It may change your entire life! 11 Lost & Found FOUND PARAKEET near Johnsburg High School. Owner must Identify. Call: 312/587- 2332. FOUND, 3-4 month old female, bik. ft white Spaniel mix, near West school, Crystal Lake. 815/455-4085. LOST ladies reading glasses in blue glass case, May glas: blue glass case, May 10, Woodstock K Mart or Farm ft Fleet, or Wisted, Marengo. Reward, 815/923-2450. FOUND, Sunday 3pm., on Plngree Rd. ft E. Crystal Lake Ave., car-vac. Identify. 815/459- 5125. LOST, Maroon wallet, Queen-Dundee, Reward! Call 4784. n wallet, Dairy i, Friday May 18, Susan 312/458 12 Personals PREGNANT? NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-1 lam. And from 7-9pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service >15/385-2999 PREGNANT? Need Help? Call: Birthright 312/495-7950 ir PORCELAIN SCULPTURED NAILS Done by Licensed Cosmetologist No special polish r necessary, no lifting, til 13 Instruction 19 Child Care 21 • LATIN TUTOR A Million Reasons Why 815/459-9269 LEARNING to tvpe the eas way. $1. Write E.Bell, 1675 St., Fennlmore, Wise. 53809 sasy 12th HIGHLY QUALIFIED Ex­ perienced District 200 teacher will tutor children In grades 1-6 this summer. Call Ms. Christine, 815/455-3167. 19 Child Care SCHOOL IS out soon. In­ terested in a little more than lust a babysitter for your children? Little Guys ft Gals, Cary, licensed day care home has openings for all ages. 312/639-1382. LICENSED CHILD care in my E.Dundee home. LotsofT.L.C. Call 312/428-7611. SUMMER CHILD CARE, 22 mo.-grade 1; Special Summer Program for children going in­ to grade 2-6, minimum enroll­ ment 12; added staff, activities ft educational trips; 6:30- 5:30pm. Call Fox Valley Chris­ tian DayCareSlS^OOn. SUMMER DAYCARE for school age children by certified teacher In my Colony Ridge, Crystal Lake nome. Call even­ ings/weekends. 815/459-9163 MOTHER of 2 would like to care for your child or children. Full or part time positions available. Pistakee Highlands area. 312/587-4378. CHILD CARE, exp. Outdoor activities ft learning toys. Call for Info. 312/639-1055. WILL BABYSIT Days, my home, ages 1-5.312/683-2308. 2L Situations Wanted WINDOW WASHING 815/455-5536 GRAND PRE Contracting. Spr- ina clean-up, weekly maintenance. Complete lawn service ft design. 815/455-5536. PAINTING, Patching, wallpapering, light repairs, hardwood floor refinlshing. Quality work ft material. Reasonable. David, Ken, 815/455-5536. LOVING YOUNG care for children fants welcome. Evening in O^tal Lakt home. |15, > granny will Any age, in- vening in my my 1/455- WILL BABYSIT In Woodstock home evenli pm to midnight. Call my tings, 3 SIS/338- 11 Lost & Found LOST PASSPORT Chin Tze Mitchell (Lin Chin Tif), R.O.C., 312/651-8519. LOST Black ft white spotted cat, pink collar, name Tasha, Reward. Vicinity McHenry Jewel parking lot.. 815/385- 2342. remover necessary, no fitting, filled only every 4 weeks. $35.00 Per Set TUESDAY ONLY With This Ad (Regularly $45.00) Call Today For Appointment •312/639-4590* • SCULPTURED NAILS $25.00 by Professional Nail Artist. Call Joyce for app't. 312/658-2019 CUSTOM STAINED Glass Work done by professional ar­ tist. Personally designed to your needs. Ruth Mirro, 815/455-6499. RIVERSIDE HAIR STYLING STUDIO Trend setters of the area. Designer perms, all nail ser­ vices, silk wraps, new wave styles, color experts. Free facials by Professional Beauty Consultant, Saturdays. Call for your appointment now, 815/385- 7010, or visit 2020 W. Rte. 120, McHenry. SMOKEY MOUNTAINS Tenn., unique mountain-top vacation cabins, $140 weekly, 615/261- 2145. NEED short term/ long term health insurance? Quality plan- low rates. Call Insurance Ser­ vices, 815/455-6850. 13 Instruction CROWLEY AND WATERS Guitar Studio. Classic, Modern, Folk, Electric Bass. Instruc­ tion and Sales. 315 S. Main St., Algonquin. 312/658-6000. HIGHLY QUALIFIED ex perienced District 47 L.D. teacher will tutor children In grades 14 this summer. Call Mr. Bailey, 115/455-0031. Notices • e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e «r' : 3 DAY, FUNHLLtD, ACTIOMPACKtD, WttKtND MEMORIAL DAY MAY 26,27,2S * LIVE WW II BATTLE REINACTMENTS * MILITARY VEHICLES * GAMES t CONTESTS FOR KIDS * MILITARY RELIC SALE * WILD WEST GUNFI6HTS MMtir RUH'I wo SHOWS OAILYI e e * » * e » » sevna ANTIQUE VEJLAGE IM. ROUTS 20AS. UTMQH BP., UNION. ILL K MPOMNATMM CALL BABYSITTING In my home, full or part time. Lakeland area, 815/344-0756. MOTHER OF 2, avail, for child care, exp., T.L.C., good at­ mosphere, 312/669-3709. WILL STEAM clean carpets, room $20, Additional Living rooms. $10 815/943-4793 ea., 5 yrs. exp. D.J. 4000 watt, $12,000 sound system with lights ft records for alt. 312/584-0382.' ^ ROTOTILLING, all size 115/385-6829. INTERIOR Decorating. 815/385-5888. ft EXTERIOR Free Estimates. BART D. SCHNULLE Bob Cat Service 1325 Clay St., Woodstock 815/338-628 or 338-2715 18 Auctions ESTATE AUCTION Located at 3912 John Street, Solon Mills. IL SUNDAY. MAY 27-12:00 REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD, ANTIQUES « COLLECT ABLES: REAL ESTATE: 7 room 2 story Victorian house on 6 lots (66 x 125 each) and 3 car garage. Total area is 1.14 acres. Roads on three sides. House has new gas hot water heat. Richmond schools. Many em­ ployment opportunities in immediate area. Call Auc­ tioneer for further information. 3S5-7032. REAL ESTATE WILL BE SOLD AT 2:00. HOUSEHOLD, ANTIQUES ft COLLECTABLES: Oak round table, oak dresser w/handkerchief drawers, commode, 4 oak chairs, rockers, oak pie cabinet, wooden trunk, china head doll, oak piono stool, many old picture frames, deco bedroom set, dishes, crock*, wooden bowls, many old books, iron bed, 9 in. BftW TV, old photo albums, old derby, Victrola, and records, wing back chairs, round oak poker table, large wooden dining table w/leaves. Coke machine, small pine corner hutch, old pine war­ drobe, 2 wood plant stands, 6 ft. glass cigar case, sleigh blanket, Lincoln style rocker, wicker storage cabinet, glass umbrella stand, Scandolli child's ac­ cordion, oak side board w/glass doors, small walnut stand, old wooden tool box. Crown gas stove. Whirlpool frig., apartment size freezer, gas dryer, wringer washer, army cot, girl's bike, old Monarch stove, metal file cabinet, portable sewing machine, 2 outboard motors, including on old Johnson, and much, much more. ESTATE OF ARLINE A. LONDON Auctioneer: Gordon Stade-McHenry, IL „ •15-385-7032 M. Situations Wanted SHARP PAINTING CO. Frank (815) 338-4820 Unless Your House Is: •Scraped •Wire Brushed *Sanded •Scrub Washed - Top to Bottom •Made Mildew Resistant •Primed and Painted •And Guaranteed Two Years in Writing Then it's not a SHARP job! Give us a call and have your house painted the right way • the SHARP Way! •We have references in your area Situations Wanted • GARDENS Rototilled. Best Equipment - Best Service. Reasonable Price. 815/338-6044. QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford. 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. J ft T SIDING- Gutter, Soffit ft Fascia. Free Estimates. 312/639-6419 or 815/455-5641. TYPING, bookkeeping, resumes, Diane's Business Ser­ vice, Crystal Lake, 815/455- 6665. LANDSCAPING, black dirt, finished lawn grading, seeding. Experienced. Call 815/338-2487. EROSION? Hard to mow or maintain areas? Landscape holders laid. Walls, shores, hills, etc. 1-608-742-7543. CUSTOM ROTOTILLING "TheTroy-Bilt Way Skip 312/526-0457, Don, 526-6642 PAINTING ft carpentry Estimates 815/385-3533. COLLEGE STUDENT seeks work as mother's helper, Crystal Lake area. Houseclean- ing, odd fobs. Exp. w/children ft handicapped. $140/hr. Laura 815/459-3761 or 312/549-6532. PAINTING ft PAPERING Fully Insured-Free Estimates. Don Johnson. 815/338-4850. COLLEGE STUDENT Lawn service. 3 yrs. experience. Reasonable. 312/428-4103. E X P E R I E N C E D HOUSECLEANER now has ad ditlonal openings in Woodstock. References available. Call 815/338-5068. WILL HAUL 2 or 3 yds. of gravel or dirt. 815/459-0264. 21 Situations Wanted VERY RESPONSIBLE Woman will do housecleaning In your home. Call 815/344-3423. Rets. COLLEGE student home for the summer, can do all kinds of handy work, painting, landsca- peing, carpentry, etc. please call 115/459-7159. BROOMS AWAY Houseclean ing - reliable cleaning team, 815/459-7810. LAWN MOWING Experienced Teenager Crystal Lake/Coventry ONLY Mike: 815/455-4160 HOUSEKEEPING Reasonable rates. 815/385-4448. LAWN MOWING, Trimming. Experienced College student, 815/455-1613 after 6 pm. WILL DO Housecleaning, Crystal Lake area. Experienc­ ed, references. After 5 pm, 815/385-7 MIDD permai timi man, looking for farm work, life time experience on dairy farm. Decent living cond. ft every other Sun off Avail. Aug. 1st., 815/337-0151 .Call after 4 p.m. ROTOTILLING 20 by established garden, $22.00, satisfaction guaranteed 815/678-4647. DRYWALL, quality work at a reasonable priq* call 815/'" 0110 after 6 p.m. WILL DO painting either In- terior or exterior ft wall paper call Nancy 312/683-3185 or Sharon 683-2358. WILL MOW, rake, ft do odd jobs, in Crystal Lake area, ask for Matt, 815/459-4711. EXPERIENCED cleaninc lady. Have references. Call 815/784-3396, eves. Situations 21 Wanted EXPERIENCED roofing ft Kintlng, now scheduling for ring ft Summer work. Free estimates, 815/459-3058. Household 23 Help Wanted CLEANING WOMAN, 20 hrs. a week, good local reference a must, call 815/459-8473. RESPONSIBLE Person to do light housekeeping ft care for my 2 daughters, aaes 9 ft 12, for the summer months, part time. Call after 6:00pm, 312/658-5483. WANTED: Mature person to do House cleaning, cooking, and watch 3 older boys during sum­ mer. 5 days a wfc. 12 to 6 p.m., must have own trsp. Call after 5:30312/639-0762. BABYSITTER, mature ft reliable to care for babv during day hours In my Algonquin home, Mary Ann, 312/658-5994. SUMMER HELP, to care for my 2 children. Must like to swim and be responsible enough to make them do their chores. 312-639-0405 after 7 P.M. ng co 1-3888. imncnn babysitter old toy. F Call after < RN, PART TIME Home Care, exc. worki dltions ft salary. 815/338 TEENAGER, to babysit for 3 boys, 2 half days/week in my Foxridge home. Must have own transportation, references re quired. 815/344-0635 after 5pm. McHENRY AREA- mature titter for summer for 9 yr. Full time, own trans. •6 pm, 815/385-4973. SITTER NEEDED, full time, for 2 school age children. Call after 6 pm. 815/385-6277. SUMMER BABYSITTER needed for 2 children In Crystal Lake/Coventry, days, refs., High School student OK., 815/455-4306 after 3 pm. BABYSITTER WANTED, West School area, Crystal Lake, 2 children, your home, days, full time. 815/459-2339 after 5:30pm. MOTHER'S HELPER, Be a mother's helper for 2 darling girls, 5 yr. ft 1 yr. old. Your own room. If interested, send resume to S. \|(olf, 3233 N. Arl­ ington Heights Rd., Suite 204, Arlington Hts.ll. 60004, or call 312/394-1713. 24 Help Wanted IMMEDIATE OPENINGS SET-UP OPERATE NC-CNC MACHINES •BRIDGEPORTS •PRATT & WHITNEY •MOOGS •MORI-SEKI SCREW MACHINES (BROWN & SHARPE, GREENLEE) •CHUCKERS 'TURRET LATHES *FLOOR INSPECTORS Apply In Person UNION SPECIAL CORPORATION Rt.47 Equal Huntley, ILIinois Opportunity I Employer M/F 24 Help Wanted BABYSITTER wanted, full time. Must have own transpor­ tation, $250 and up. 312/fol- 7812, BABYSITTER in Woodstock area for 10 year old boy for Summer in your home, call after 6 pm, 815/338-8976. MATURE RELIABLE Sitter needed full time in Cary/ Bright Oaks area for 4 yr. old girl. Call 815/455-3982 after 6 pm. 24 Help Wanted RESUMES Professionally prepared. VIsa/MC Welcome. Norton ft Associates. 312/428- 9255. ONE MOWER MECHANIC Good on Cadet mowers. 312/669-5146. Ask for Rob or for part time home assembly work. For information call, 504/641-8003 ext. 8827. Director Of Development Must have 3 to 5 years experience in the not for profit sector ft a related degree in Fund Rais­ ing, Public Relations and Plan­ ned Giving. Send resume to: P.O. Box 883, Elgin, IL. 60120. WAITRESSES, 2nd and 3rd Shifts. Union 76 Restaurant, Apply In Person, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. No Calls. 1-90 and U S 20, Hampshire. DIESEL MECHANICS 5 yr. min. exper. Own tools ft air tools. 312/669-5146. Ask for Rob or Dennis. REAL ESTATE SALES Positions available for caraer- minded salt starters. Top notch training program. Commission advances paid for qualified listings ft sales. Earn what you're worth with ERA Household Realty. Call Bruce Kaplan for confidential Inter- Vl"W 312/639-2000 24 Help Wanted MOLD DESIGNERS Growing design house has openings available. Ideal work­ ing conditions, all benefits, higher wages plus special bonus plan. You can finally earn what you're worth. We are also interested in talk­ ing to self-employed mold designers who are looking for benefits, security and double bonuses. Come and ioin us and we've got a special offer for you. R.K.Mold Design 312/888-2422 LEGAL SECRETARY Full time. Must be experienced ft type 65 wpm plus. Send resume or letter to Box MA ', McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 'V. Elm St., McHenry. II. 60050. CARPENTER FOREMAN Well established firm needs one good man well versed in com piex custom home structures. Must have reasonable knowledge of all pertinent trades. Good electrical knowledge a plus. Top wages f bonus, paid vacation and holidays and company vehicle. Only self-motivated craftsmen need apply. Call for confiden i tial interview. Kenco Enter I prises, 815/459-6483. ASSISTANT to Advertising Manager Girl Friday. Apply in Person, Foilett Library Book i Co. 4506 Northwest Hwy., Crystal Lake, IL JOBS JOBS JOBS Fast growing company. Can earn: Part time $7/hr. Full time, $360/wk. Students welcome. Mr. Drager 312/449-1920 DENTAL RECEPTIONIST, part time. Experienced only. Send resume Crystal Lake Am- butal, Suite 120, 4900 S. Rt. 31, Crystal Lake, IL. 60014. DENTAL ASSISTANT, full time Experienced only. Send resume Crystal Lake Ambutal, Suite 120,4900 S. Rt. 31, Crystal Lake, IL. 60014. PERMANENT Part-time help needed for gourmet kitchen store. Creative Cook, Spring Hill Mall, Dundee. 312/426-4840. 24 Help Wanted TRACTOR- TRAILER DRIVER TemoporaryWork To transport company Show Trailer. Knowledge of East coast helpful. Use your tractor or we will rent one. Contact: Dave Lockman Personnel Protection 312/658-2321 PLASTICS LAB TECHNICIAN Plastics compounding laboratory seeks technician with some plastics experience. Call Tom D. or send resume GELASTECH DIV. 1066 Dieckman Rd. Woodstock, IL 60098 »--815/338-8660-- KITCHEN HELP WANTED PLEASE CALL ••*312/639-7800*** PART TIME Jr. Hi and Sr. Hi Chorus Teacher. Must be cer­ tified In grades 7 thru 12 in vocal music. Send letter of ap plication ano resume to Dr. Thomas Fegley, C/O Central High School, P.O. Box 396, Burlington, IL. 60109. CUSTOMER SERVICE You'll plan auto trips for AAA members*you " ,earn to give information, advice & suggestions. We'll teach you travel aspects, but you do need typing skills, office know-how and catch-on-quick ability. Good salary, fuH benefits include dental. Call 815-338-1818 CHICAGO MOTOR CLUB 222 Bonton Street, Woodstock, IL 60098 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SERVICEMAN have ewpctteTtce in residen­ tial and small commercial sheet metal installation. Send job his­ tory & desired wage to: Box AJE Crystal Lake Morning Herald PO Box 250 Crystal Lake, Illinois, 60014 BE A PART OF THE MOST EXCITING RESTAURANT AROUND! * cooks. * captains * waitresses *busboys * bartenders * va?et parking attendants * maintenance Apply In Person, 2 to 4 pm Weekdays | SEPTEMBER'S (Next to MarHnetti's) 6305 Northwest Highway, Crystal Lako 815/459-2660 CRESCENT CORPORATION Nationally recognized maufacturer and installer of aluminum and glass exterior walls for high rise buildings has the following fulltime positions available in their Carpentersville Manufacturing Facility: INVENTORY CONTROL & EXPEDITING - 1st shift needed in office and also on the Prod, floor; TOOL A DIE MACHINISTS • 2nd shift • experience in the making of fabrication dies. EXPERIENCED PUNCH PRESS/SET UP -1 st and 2nd shift. ASSISTANT SHIPPING A RECEIVING SUPERVISOR - 2nd shift - experience in loading dock nere.ssar#. AREA GROUP LEADERS - 1st & 2nd shift - to work on Production floor - scheduling experience. SECURITY GUARD - 2nd shift. We offer an excellent Company paid benefit package and the potential to all - to grow in a rapidly , expanding company. Please call for an interview appointment • apply in person * send resume: CRESCENT WALL SYSTEMS <•25 Maple Ave. Carpentersville, IL feO 110 (312) 428-9290 (Located between Meadowdale Shopping Center (Rt. 25) and Rt. 31) SRtKfflHflU [Electric switch manufacturing company pre Isently has full fime opening for mature, respon­ sible ^individuals to assemble miniature (switches To qualify, you must demonstrate the to work well with your hands and have I vision. jDue to expansion we have openings or lour Second Shift. 5om-l :30am. and the 1 third shift 1:30 7:30 AM Interested persons are invited to Apply In Person m/LfgM 211 Northwest Highway mmwmm Fox River Grove IL Equal Opportunity Employer M F Help Wanted Part time people to stuff papers in the mail room of the McHenry Plaindealer two days a week 3 PM til finished. Apply in person to: McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St. - McHenry, IL THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER will be needing early morning motor route drivers for rural McHenry Tube Delivery to our customers. The papers could be picked up 'anytime after midnight on Tuesdays and Thur sdays, to be delivered no later than 7:00 a.m. on Wednesday and Friday morning A small economical car is a plus. If interested, please apply in person at: 3812 W. Elm St. McBiary NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

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