Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 May 1984, p. 11

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PAGE 11 - PLAINDEALER-1 WEDNESDAY, MAY 23. 198* 24 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR (or tailoring of Custom Bedsspreads and Accessories. Apply 11 A.M. to 5 P.M. Quiltmaster, Inc. 1 S. Wisconsin St. Carpentersville, 1L. NATIONAL HOME Health Care Agency. In person inter­ views only at Illinois Job Ser­ vice. 42$ Clay St., Woodstock. Thurs.. M*y 24, 10 am-3 pm. This is an employer paid ad. TRAININGS FOR Crisis line and rape crisis center begin the weekend of June 2nd. Mature, responsible people over the age of 19 are needed as volunteers for both services. Caftl 815/756- 4875. AVON Now there are two ways to earn an Impressive income. Call 815/459 5757. HOME HEALTH Care Agency in person interviews only at Il­ linois Job Service, 425 Clay St., Woodstock, 10 am to 3 pm. 5/24. (This is an employer paid ad. MOTOR ROUTE DRIVER WANTED to deliver the Chicago Sun Times, 2'/j hours/day, 7 days/week. Must be reliable with a dependable vehicle. 815/344-3885 from 9am-«pm. 4 DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL AID JOB PLACEMENT & VETERAN AFFAIRS Minimum Bachelor's Degree (Masters Preferred), two vrs. experience In financial aid at Community College level. Knowledge of Illinois Financial Aid programs required. For ad­ ditional information, contact: Personnel Office McHenry County College Rte. U&bucas Rd. Crystal Lake, IL. 60014 815/455-3700 EO/AA E mploye^ m/f CREWMEMBERS - For government insulation pro­ gram. Construction experience helpful but not necessary. Star­ ting wages, $5.15 per hour. Col­ lege students welcome to app­ ly. Applications taken at the McHenry County Housing Authority Office, 1118 N. Seminary, Woodstock, on Fri­ day, May 25th, from 9 am to 12 Noon. An Equal Opportunity E m p l o y e r 31 Wanted To Buy ANTIQUES WANTED: Fur­ niture. toys, lamps, wicker items, stained glass. Paying cash. 4U-248-37M. SLOT MACHINES Wanttd. Paying cash. Any condition; Also old |uke boxes. 414/248- 3796. WANTED: Lionel, American, Flyer Trains & old toys & baseball cards. 815/675-63W aft. 5:30pm. JOHNSON OR EVINRUDE Outboard fishing motors. In need of repair. 3 thru 40 hp. 312/837-2812. • DAYS SCRAP METAL We buy cans, copper, brass, scrap aluminum. Open dally, 7-6.306 Briarwood, Crystal Lake. 815/4S9-7751. BUY, SELL or trade guns, old shells and related items. 815/338-4731. GOLD & SILVER Coins, Diamonds, Class Rings Used or broken Jewelry, Sterl­ ing Flatware, Collector Plates. FAMILY COINS ~ & INVESTMENTS 366 Virginia St (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, Illinois 815/455-6190 fi \fal ling Buying antique furniture, china, glass, etc. 815/678-4141. WANTED: Old wood planes, Stanley No. 55, woodworkers' benchwlth 2 vises. 815/338-6374. FULL SIZE MAGTAG Washers Si Dryers and any brand por­ tables and stackabies. Will pickup. 815/315-1872. ASSISTANT Manager and to Order :ntry Department. Typing and clerical experience required. B.J.Weber W. R. Meadows, Inc. Hampshire, IL. 312/683-4500 SECRETARY. /Receptionist needed for Crystal Lake Firm, accurate typing & light book­ keeping. Send resume & salary requirements to Box A J K, Shaw Free Press Newspapers, P. O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL 60014.' . IDEAL POSITION for skilled salesperson to represent jOQ^. female-oriented business. tiW 815/459-7147. . DENTAL ASSISTANT Full time. Experienced preferred. 312/426 3402. H.C. COIN & STAMP CO. WE BUY & SELL 10 Crystal Lake Plaza 815/459-3940 WANTED TO BUY Aluminum Cans, Copper, Brass, Batteries, Aluminum, Automobile Radiators, Gold & Silver. T & C Metal Co., 24 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake, IL, Monthru Frl-8to5, Sot-8 to 4.815/459-4445. Misc. 32 Merchandise WANTED: Glassware - Depression, Heisey/ Cam­ bridge, Fostoria, Candlewick, etc. Pottery-Fiesta, Hall, Weller, Rosevllle, etc. 815/195- 6033. ARTISTS We're expanding our art department. Windsor-Newton water colors In stock. Roden's, Crystal Lake, 815/459-1148. APPLIANCES •Refrigerators •Washers 8i Dryers •Electric 4Gas Ranges Clean 8i Like New Reasonable Prices All Reconditioned And Guaranteed. WAHL USED APPLIANCES 1209 Court St. McHenry, IL 815/385 1872 31 Wanted To BUY 78 RPM Wurlitzer Juke boxes, old slot machines plus any related parts or Items, cash 312/464-5661 M* OAD TIES, used, fl's, after 9*t * 5pm. APPLIANCES, Refrigerators, washers 8i dryers, electric gas ranges. Clean 8i like new at reasonable prices. All recondi­ tioned and guaranteed. Wahl Used Appliances, 1209 Court cHenry. St., Met .815/385-1872. UPRIGHT FREEZER, S45.; refrigerator, WO.; 815/728-1923. Misc. 32 Merchandise Misc. 32 Merchandise WHY PAY MORE? Twin size mattress sets, 889; Full size mattress sets, 8101; Queen site mattress set, 8189; Bunk Beds complete with mat­ tresses. 8189. Lenny Fine Furniture 312/742-7801 CLOWNS CLOWNS Crackers the Clown for Birthday Parties, Knics, banquets, showers, 8i lum balloon del. Puppets, magic, ventriloquism & 815/923-HEAR. PlCNtC TABLES sturdy, heavy duty. Free local delivery. 8', 8110; «', 895. 815/728-1292 or 815/385-2031. ELECTRIC COOKTOP. 4 burner. Also 4 Burner Gas Cooktop. Maple wood. office desk & chair. 312/888-4908. ACT FASTI Swimming Pool Sale-A-Thon Is Going OR Right Now! 'ig, new, popular 198331' family size pools w/huge deck, fence, filter** war­ ranty complete for only $999. WILL FINANCE. For Immediate Service: Call 1/800-942-1798 VILLAGE RESALE SHOP Needs Your Donations •Furniture*Clothlng •Any Re-Saleable Items All Donations Tax Deductible 65 East Woodstock St. 10AMto5Pi 815/459-3401 Crystal Lake PM-Mon-Sat All Proceeds Go To The Sherman Hospital Auxiliary (Crystal Lake Branch) SAVE • BUY direct from manufacturer • bird baths, flower pots, patio, cement ben­ ches & cement legs to make wooden bench, air conditioning pads, manhole & dry wed blocks, car stops, figurines. Anderson Concrete Products, North Illinois St., Crystal Lake.- 30 years In business, 815/459-2137. GOLF CLUBS save up to 60% off list, 11 piece sets from 8115. Coupon books, 811.00. 815/728- 0177. • MOVING SALE 50% off entire inventory Gallagher Ceramlcs&Carvlngs 64 E. Crystal Lake Ave. Crystal Lake. 815/455-6577 Open Tues. thru Sat., 10-3 MOTOROLLA Low Band, 2 way business radios, 100 watt base, 2-100 watt mobiles 8i antennas, 8X500 or best offer. After 5:30pm, 815/385-1097. • GRADUATION BALLOONS In school colors available. Send your graduate a bouquet today! Costumed deliveries avail. 7 days a week. Bloomln' Balloons, 815/4S9-RAVE. USED FURNITURE for sale. Large variety, treasonable prices. Welter's Furn. Factory Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. 176, Crystal Lake. 815/488-3363. LUGGAGE & Cases, Ig. selection. Sales Sample Ig. selection, + misc. items. Reasonabe 815/459-3593. priced. GOOD USED BRICKS Cleaned 8i Uncleaned, any amount, Call 815/338-2487. NEW 8b USED furniture. Sofas 8i bunk bods from 89S. Many misc. Itoms. 815/784 2435 9 a.m. to5p.m. STEREO CONSOLE, all walnut wood, has bar, em/fm radio, turntable, & 8 tract player. Asking 8190. White lighted cabinet, 79 x 32 x 15V4, 875. Double porcelain sink w/faucets, 830/best. 312/428- 2546. W A S H E R l i D R Y E R MAYTAG. Heavy duty, exc. cond. 8365. Can deliver. 312/639- 4528. Misc. 32 Merchandise LOG SPLITTER 8500/best offer. 815/499-4453 HOHNER dasical guitar, tfker- dse equip., antique solid oak table with 1 leaves, antique commode, antique English oak ladles desk, 815/943-6048 after 5 p.m. MINNESOTA FATS Slate Pool Table w/extra ping pong table top. Excel, cond. 8325. 312/428- QUEEN SOFA BED, fair cond., 8198.; dining room set, very good cond., 8125.; gas stOve, good cond., 8150.; refrigerator, very good cond., 8175.; apt. size washer 8, dryer, very good cond., 8300 pair; and more. 312/639-3345. 25" MAGNAVOX Console color T.V., 8275.; chrome Si smoked glass dining table w/6 chairs, 8350.; couch 8i loveseat, 8325.; 2 end tables, 1 coffee table, 875.; 30" round formica table A 2 chairs. $50. After 5pm, 815/455- 2297. SWIVEL ROCKING Chr. dark green vinyl, 825; wooden plant stand, 810; Antique part Singer sewing mach. org. wooden car­ ing case, 840. 312/426-9474 or rylng ci 312/428-: 2751. • Hi. HAPPY GRAMS Singlno Telegrams. Male/ Female Bel- ly Dancers. Call 312/888-3060. BELT BUCKLES Com­ memorating Algonquin's 150 Anniversary, available at . A's Barber Shop, Rfe. 62, Algonquin. MICROWAVE- Thermador with browner 8i stay hot con- trol. 8250.312/658-6562. LIVING ROOM tables, 4 piece, like new, 8200.; beige fur chair, 875.; 312/698-4964. PROM DRESS pink, never worn. Bustle, lace yoke, size 815/385-7629 after MICROWAVE OVEN, Ken more, w/new electronic control panel, cookbook, probe 8i cart. Works perfectly. 8175.19" table model £ 25" console color TV's, 8100 <ach. 815/648-4046. FOUR BURNER ceramic cooktop, new.' 1/3 original price. 815/338-3224. 2 UPRIGHT FREEZERS, 8275 ea. Sliding top chest freezer, 8150; 3 dr. freezer refrigerator, 8580/ 815/338-2329. GREENWARE SALE*10% to 50% off. Midwest Ceramics. 707 W. Chicago St., Elgin. 312/742- 6444. SEARS, 23000 BTU thru the wall air cond., with sleeve & wait bracket. Must be removed from the wall. 8175/flrm. 815/338-2533. PING PONG TBL. & ac­ cessories. 845; adult back-pack 8i frame, 835; shop vacuum. 312/428-6639, days; 658-3243, BUY YOUR Mattress factory direct, save 850 to 8100. Woodstock Mattress, 2720 Ref- fel Rd., 10 AM to 2 PAH, or by aj^rf. 815/338-6674 or 815/338- WE"VE been Spring cleaning: Sears riding mower, 8250; Sears heavy duty washer, needs one part, 875; Roper aas stove, 8125; Singer sewing machine, good for beginner, 835; '73 Chevy Blazer (rusty) runs good, w/8 ft. Pathfinder snowplow, 8700, Call 815/455- 4892 between 6 8i 10 p.m. MUST SELL! 1 250,000 BTU Teledyne Laars gas pool heater, 8250 (new- 8900); 3/4 Meter Bala 10 Ft. diving board w/stainless steel handrails, 8200 (new-8600); 20 X. 40 reinforced mesh pool cover, 8150 (new8400); 20 X 40 8 ft. deep in ground 20 mil vinyl pool liner, 8250 (new- 81,000); Jumbo 20 ft. dal^patlo um­ brella, raises 8Jlowers, 8300 (new-81,200); 1 Mlkasa con­ tractor's heavy duty 5 hp com­ pactor, 8400, (new-82,200); 1 heavy ( Mist. 32 Merchandise ARTISTS Misc. 32 Merchandise STORAGE SHED, fair 9/10, 6pm. 830. BICYCLE 10 spd., like new, 8110.4 truck tires, like new, sz. 8.75X16 J 815/568-7948. SEVENTH ANNUAL Downtown Elgin Flea /Market. Saturday, June 23. Fountain Square Plaza. 810 per space. Call 312/695-4500, Ext. 329, for regtstratlon Information. GARAGE DOORS, two 10'xlC, 1 has door for easy entering. Best offer. 815/344-5315 morn- Ings. WEDDING DRESS, size 8, never worn, never altered. 8125.815/455-2039 FASHION DESIGN Student's Custom Sample Garments. Call for appointment, 815/455-4746. AIR HOCKEY Table, Sears, 7 ft., 880 or offer, 312/639-7262. FREEZER (Sears Chest) 9cu. ft. 895. Call after 5 PJW. 815/728-0710 AIR CONDITIONERS, 2, 8125. each; 815/728-0880 or 815/728- 1588 ask for Mar|. MATTRESSES f rom 829.95/pc.l The Linen Outlet, 10004 Main St. Hebron. Open Thurs., 11 am-5pm, Sat., 9 am- 5 pm, 815/648-4320. heavy duty 3 hp gas pump, 8150 (new-8400); 2 sets steel 4 tiered, - 4 ft. die. revolving storage bins, jJTS""' 875 ea. (new-8250 ea.); 48 In. bathroom vanity, simulated marble top w/Moen single lever faucet, 875; large L- shaped Formica Bar top, 8125. Call 815/728-1885 RAILROAD TIES and land scape timbers. Bulk grass 8i Kisture seeds. The area's rgest selection of landscaping supplies. Woodstock Farm & Lawn, 815/338-4200. WASHER 8i DRYER 3 yrs old. Refrlg. & pecan dining rm. set. 312/741-0639, after 5:30 pm. We're expanding our art supply department, urumbacher's Gouache now in stock. Roden's, Crystal Lake Plaza. 815/459- 1148. COUCH, 7 ft. earthtone; mar­ ble inlaid coffee & end table, 8275,815/455-6199. COMPLETE SET of mens golf clubs, 1 yr. old, very good conjj., 8175, call after 5 p.m., 815/728-1706. UPRIGHT FREEZE A, 15 cubic feet, good condition, 8125. Call 312/639-8326. CHANDELIER Wrought Iron- 825. Wagon wheel chandeller- 825. Dining Rm. set- 8250. Recllner- 840. Zenith color TV, old but works- 830. Zenith con­ sole am/fm stereo, walnut- 875 815/385-5857, after 6 pm. BUNK BEDS Solid maple. 8100. 815/338-9354 Plant Sale. Perennials. * Sat May 26, 9am to lpm.244 Lelth Way. Cary, Brigadoon. 90 FREE CEMENT BLOCKS 8X 16X4inches Call 312/428-1647. WARDS HIGH Efficiency Air Conditioner for slide by win­ dow, 2 years old, 6,000 BTU, 8250. Call after 5pm, 815/385- 6862. ORGAN, beautiful Lowery, double keyboard, 8600,1940 vin­ tage upright comb, radio phonograph, make offer, 815/459-6116. GARDEN TRACTOR 12 hp, 38" cut Simplicity, w/snowplow. 8600. Swingset. 815. 312/428- 5769. WASHER 8i DRYER Heavydu- ty. Refrlg., double door. All in exc. cond. Reasonable. 312/695- 3375,695-0775. IRON BED, antique, crib sz. w/springs; rag rug runner, 30" x 14Vj\ never used, blue, brown 8i gold, 815/455-3739 after 6 pm. GULBRANSEN, President i, walking base, band box, 6 VW mounted tires, 815.; 1974 VW engine, runs with knock, 8100.; 815/385-5264. ir to good 6'H. Sofa Bed, needs reupholstering, 72"L x 30"H x 36 D. Best Of­ fers, >15/4»-9351. EUNICE'S EGGERY (Ait Items Made From Real Egos) Now Featuring: Confirmation, Graduation A Father's Day Eggs. Decoupaged Egos, Music Boxes, Jewelry, Gifts. Open weekdays. Call first for eves. 8i weekends, 815/455-4856, 164 North Main, Crystal Lake. TRADE-IN SALE your sofa 8100, your recllner-150, your kitchen table & chalrs-850, your mattress set-825. Weiier^s Furn. Factory Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. 176, Crystal Lake. 815/459- 3363. '• RTABLE DISHWASHER, irs Kenmore, white w/but- r block top, 865. Call 312/428-9190. PRESEASON CLEARANCE on all whole house fans & attic ventilators starting as low as 849.95, now through May 21. Sherman Plumbing 8i Heating, Crystal Lake " MAGNAVOX CONSOLE stereo, excellent condition, 8150/best; video arcade game, rime case 8i 5 games 875/best; irsch L-shaped etagere, 840/best. 312/669 3089. ANT IQUE FURNITURE, 1930's overstuffed green velvet, with ornate wood trim, sofa, chair 8i buffet. Fair condition. Best offer. 815/459-1824 •••MOVING*" Antique love seat, 8125; Dun­ can Phvfe table, 8185; '39 La Salle Cadillac, mint cond., 86,800; tanning/ heat lamp, 810; Sony 19 In. remote control TV, cable- ready, w/Beta Max video recorder, like new, 8750; Sansu i s te reo w /5 way speakers, 8200; walnut TV & stereo cabinet, 8100; 12 in. GE color TV, 8100. 815/923-4206 Misc. 32 Merchandise 33 Garage Sales LUGGAGE Se t : 6 pc . w/wheels; beautifully con structed, never used. 865. 815/784-6327. SECTIONAL SOFA 2 pc., 9 ft., brown 8i rust nubby Matl fab. Gd. cond. 815/784-5518. lasse '8150/best. 33 Garage Sales CARY 324 Alma Terr. May 24,25,9-4 Round patio table 8i umbrella, misc. furniture, clothes, 20" BMX bike, freezer. HAMPSHIRE AREA French Rd., bet., Burlington ft Rt72 May 24 thru 28,9? riding lawn mower, plants, clothing Si misc. ST. PETER'S VOLO ANTIQUE 81 RUMMAGE SALE May 25,26,9-5pm. CRYSTAL LAKE Multi Family Garage Sale 358 Dartmoorct. /May 24,25,10am-5pm. Women's and men's clothing; drapes 8i rods; books & toys; much misc. /MOVING: Stove, humidifier, t i r es , snowb iower , l awn mower, ladders, weasel, shovels, cable box, freezer, grill, shelves, dollie & many misc. Items. 815/344-2516. FREE LUMBER 12x25x10 ft. shed. You tear down. 312/428-1706. GAS RANGE. Kenmore delux, 4 burners, griddle, oven rotissary, broiler. Kitchen-Aid delux built-in dishwasher. Tap- pan Custom Counter-top gas range, 4 burners. Tappan built- in gas oven/broller. Best Of­ fers, 815/455-1311. CHEST OF DRAWERS, Dresser. Avocado green, gd. cond. 875. Call 815/459-2156, after 4 pm. GAS STOVE, 875.; wooden Bar­ bie house, 835.; trunk, 825.; upholstered chairs;- table lamp; window air conditioner (1 yr. old- seldom used). Call 815/385-2427. TAPE RECORDER, TEAC A3300S 2 track, takes 10 in. reels, 8450; Akai reel to reel model X18100,8200; Attar! 5200 video game with 6 cart., 8165, or witl trade for something of equal value. What have you? 815/455-2262. FRESH GOATS MILK call between 3p.m A 8 p.m. 815/344-5137. COLOR TV, 13" portable, J. C. Penney, like new, 8175. Eves., 815/385-5865. I B M SELECTRIC I I typewriter, self correcting, dual pitch. 312/428-5447 after 5 p.m. - GAS RANGE Like new, 8200. 815/338-3496 ZENITH TV, 17", portable, blk. & wht . , 850 ; Na t iona l Geographies, 10 yrs., 1972-1982, 8100; used G.E. refrigerator, 11 cu. ft., 820; car ramps, like new, 820,312/658-7530. BALLOON A GRADUATE with a talking balloon from Fantasy Fes t i va l Cos tume /Mag ic Center, 432 Virginia St., Crystal Lake, 815/455-4910. MOVING SALE - King sz. bdrm. set, hardwood, 4 pes. + spgs., mattress 8i sheets, $325/offer. Drapes, oatmeal, 3 pair: 82"L x 128"W; 94" x 88"; 94" x 56"; 8150/ali. Upright freezer, 15 cu. ft., 875. Teakwood base w/shelves A sliding doors, 48"L x 15" x 25"H, 830.815/455-3305. DINING ROOM Set. China Cabinet, Buffet, table w/3 leaves, 5 chairs, blond wood, contemporary style, good cond., 8450; Magnovox electric organ, double keyboard, full In­ strument range, bench Inc., 8800; antique kitchen table w/1 leaf, 4 chairs, exc. cond., 8250; complete bedroom set, full size bed w/frame & headboard, 2 double dressers w/mlrror, nlghtstand, 8200. 815/385-6976 after 4pm. for details. BASSET DINING Room Set, pecan, table, 2 leaves, 4 chairs, 2 captains chairs, china cabinet, buffet, 81,200. 312/639- 7790. CASE LAWN tractor GARAGE SALE Thurs. 24, Friday 25th, 9-? You have gone to the rest, now come to the BEST! 4617 Front Royal Whispering Oaks, McHenry. CRYSTAL LAKE 425 Keith Sat., May 26; 9-4 Girls clothes, Atari w/car- tridges. picnic tbl. 8. benches, toys. YARDSALE Cary 7302 S. Rawson Bridge Rd. Oft Three Oaks Rd. May 26,27,28; 9-5 Clothing, books, glassware, records, games, dishes, linens, Mots of fabric, prints, lots of frames, shoes, shutters, collec­ tibles, much misc. No reasonable offer refused CARY House Sale 725 N. Rawson Bridge Rd. May 23 to 25th, 8? This 8. That. MCHENRY WHISPERING OAKS 913 Oak wood Dr. Frl.8iSat.9-4pm. NO EARLY BIRDS! Collectibles; furniture; wail sconce; electric motors; many items. CRYSTAL LAKE "HBM5IS5*" May 24,25,10am-5pm. Women's and men's clothing; drapes A rods; books A toys mdfchmlsc. MOVING SALE Crystal Lake 161 Marian Parkway May 24 thru 26; 9-5 Duplex bed, dressers, rockers, co l l ec t ib les . F ies ta Greenware, dolls, doll dishes, art materials, bargains! • 16 SLEEPY HOLLOW 914 Willow May 24 thru 28; 9-6 hp Sears tractor, cart, mower, plow, furn., bar refrlg., Ige. upright freezer, girls cloth. 8-10, misses 7-8, womens 44, garage misc. CRYSTAL LAKE 75 S. WalkupAve. Frl.Sat.8i Mon. MAY 25.26, A 28 9 to5 Fireplace doors, kitchen booth, chlldrens toys, clothes, Ford VanSeats. • - MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE 272 Union St. Crystal Lake May 23,24,25,9-5pm. ALGONQUIN 321S. Harrison /Moving Sale May 25,26,9-5 Something for everyone. CARY 116 Margaret T errace May 24 St 25,9 am-??? Household Items, books, trumpet, clothing, 8i much misc. Too much to list. CARY • 370 Lloyd St. May 24,25,26; 9-5 Books, clothes, games, parts, more bike CRYSTAL LAKE Four Colonies 893 Sarasota Lane 901 Sarasota LAne May 24,25,9-5 Kenmore washer 8i gas dryer, dehumidifier, high cnair, con­ temporary chair 8i ottoman, toys, power, saws A tools, depression glass, custom drapes, reel to reel TEAC, speakers, and amp., small ap­ pliances, wall hangings, fur­ niture, books, cidthes, antique rocker, and many more household Items. Moving. CRYSTAL LAKE 229 Lincolnshire ONE DAY ONLY /May 26,9-4 Toys clothes, household Items. CARY 2610 N. Lane May 25,26,9-5 Riding mower, baby strollers, & playpen, exercise bike, misc. household. 33 Garage Sales COUNTRY GREENHOUSE PLANT SALE HOek [ blower *1r"' Holiday 725 lawn tr Weekend Specials: Geraniums- 81.25 ea.; Monkey Flower 10 in. baskets- 86.50 ea.; Open dally 9 am-dark. 312/639-4337. SOFA BED queen sz., green, and floral print chair. 8350/set. 815/338-4063. WALNUT TABLE w / four chairs, needs repair. 875/best o f fe r . Tw in bed , 840 . Humidifier, 830.815/338-0572. GARAGE SALE 512 Silbury Cf. - Fox Ridge Subdivision Thursday, Hay 24 and Friday, May 25 9:00 A.N. to 4:00 P.M. Cash Only »1f*tomptete tioubte-ijed, triple 'tfress^mfrmr/iMn^oom 8600/best. Offers after 6 p.m. 815/385-7144. COUCH 2 chairs, machine. Call after 5 p.m. sewing 815/385-4523 BEDROOM SET French Pro- vencial, dresser, chifferobe. headboard, frame, bed com­ plete, exc. cond. 8250; After 5 p.m. 815/385-5583. ><!bW24ea«!s^4 *vsMe>een, o< cnafr' benfwobd loeKfer,* 4 ^iTChlrP* cTiairs, occasional-. sewing machine/cabinet, 2-35mm cameras, chain saw, 6 rolls in­ sulation, gas powered weed eater, bug light, boy's 10- speed bike, waffle iron, canning supplies, changing table, 2 strollers, playpen, rocking horse, dehumidifier, 2 TV's, Coleman stove, lawn chairs, toys, toy box, TV trays, other miscellaneous household. Children's clothing-Boys sizes 2T-12, Girls' sizes 3T-10 Children's shoes - Sizes 6 13 BLACKTOP ROOFING GLASS DOORS REMODELING AUTO REPAIR PLUMBING BOB'S AUTO REPAIR Brakes, Tune-ups, etc. Reasonable. 815/344-5114 BLACK DIRT PURE BLACK DIRT SAND 4 GRAVEL Spreading & Grading Top Quality At Competitive Prices IMMEDIATE DELIVERY POLO 815/459-8692 BLACKTOP MARIO Blacktop Piving •Driveways'Parking Lots •Sealing 'Pairing •Resurfacing Gravel & Black Dirt FREE ESTIMATES 312/697-7117 312/931-5402 ALLAN'S BLACKTOP EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 50t/Sq. Ft. For grading & blacktopp- ing only, on driveways over 1,000 sq.ft. •Parking Lots 'New Drives •Long Lanes 'Patching •Resurfacing •Sealcoatlng •24 Hour Servic All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates 815/459-3960 Call Now & Save CONCRETE ANCHOR CONCRETE •Foundations •Room additions •Retaining walls •Sidewalks-stoops •Driveways-Patios •Basement * Garage Floors Free Estimates 815/344-1080 312/639-9248 BLACKTOP PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Residential-Commercial-lndustrial "Big savings on Residential work. Proven by thousands of satisfied customers.' SPRING DISCOUNT •Machine Laid «New Drives •Resurfacing 'Parking Lots •Seal Coating All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates 312/546-5600 Grayslake, IL 7. SPECIAL FOR SPRING! Patio Door Glass Replacements •3' (34x76x5/8) Reg. $124.20 1st Unit-$Y09/ea....Eacti Additk>nal-$99/ea •4'(46x76x5/8) Reg. $150 1st Unit-$137/ea....Each AdditionaI-$ 124/ea •Other Standard Size* At Comparable Savings Non-Standard Prices As Quoted •dt TVat (fati Inc. 5501 Northwest Hwy.-Rfc. 14, Crystal Lake, IL eeeej 815/451 -5252MM GARAGE DOORS Garage Door Sates Service & Repair Electric Door Openers All Work Guaranteed 25 Year* Experience In McHenry 115/385-2662 BENCH Garage Door Co. HANDYMAN ELECTRICAL PLUMBING DRYWALL TILE WALLPAPER PAINT KITCHENS OATHS APPLIANCE REPAIR CUSTOM FURNITURE Results Quick I Cell Dick •1S/4SMM Extension C •U/4SS43S3 Afterip.ffl. . HANDYMAN •Clean Basements •Lawn Work •Tree Removal Light Hauling 815/653-6896 Or 815/728-1833 HOME IMPROVEMENT T p f HOME J&L IMPROVEMENT Remodeling & Room Additions Garages & Aluminum Siding Softit«Fascia*Gutters Roofina*Decks Low Prices & Free Estimates Fully Bonded & Insured •815/455-4226* If No Answer, Call 815/459-3M8, Ext. Z LAWN CARE GRANDPRE CONTRACTING Spring Clean up WaaklyMalntanance Campwo Lawn S< and Design 815/455-S536 LAWN & GARDEN RAKESTRAW LAWN & GARDEN SERVICE •Lawn mowing •Roto tilling •Light Landscaping It Earth Moving We specialize in large lawns. 815/344-1971 LAWN MAINTENANCE JNBOW Landscape Maintenance Services Commercial/Residential 312/669-3880 312/669-3245 Huntley, IL. 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