75 Lots& Acreage WOODSTOCK CITY LOT 6 Acres-859,500 City S«wtr & Water • Zoned RES >15/338-9287 Weekdays, 312/372 5252 PACKAGE DEAL. Wonder Lake, bulldable, wooded, hillside lot, + beach lot, MO,000.815/728-1923. BONNIE LAKE EST. Adj. to Turnberrv. * acre lots w/all ufll. 10% own. or bldg. financial help. 312/296-4114. HAMPSHIRE, 1 acre lots on French Rd., V* ml. S. of Rt. 72, from 813,900. Wooded lots avail. 312/344-7160 days; 312/773-9194 Apartments 80 To Rent CRYSTAL LAKE /Lakewood. Vt acre, wooded lot, across from Country Club, 837,500. Will finance, 815/455-3937. GENOA CITY area, 24.5 acres rolling wooded land, spring fed, creek, black top road. 840,000. 815/385-4933 after 5 npv SHENANDOAH ESTATES Crystal Lake. Lot 9, unit 4.150 x 220. 8l7S00/best. Call collect 313/681-6420. LEVEL LOT all utilities, 14 Woody Way, Lake in the Hills. 811,500. Edwin Rahm, Box 6857, Clearlake,Ca. 95422. 76 Mobile Homes JUST LISTED Crystal Lake area, beautiful 19M mobile home, 2 bdrms., neutral decor, applies, stay. Only 818,900. Call Christy at Lakeland R.E. / 815/439-4810 2 BDRM Furnished, on approx. Vt acre. At Lake Wisconsin. Priced right. 312/683-2477 or 408/643-2411. 78 Wanted To Rent GARAGE OR BARN Woodstock area 815/337-0704 TWO BDRM. house, gar., base., McHenry area. Middle age working couple after June 1»f, 815/337-0056,4:30 to 9 pm. HOUSE in Genoa by July 1. Married couple w/l child. 815/784-6609 days, ask for John, 815/765-2552 eves. WOODSTOCK AREA, needed Immediately, 2-3 bedroom dwelling for responsible couple w/2 Children. 815/338-8760. CRYSTAL LAKE, Christian family of 4 needs 3/4 bdrm. home by 6/5. Exc. ref., call Bo^, 815/455-2388 Ext. 221, 7-10 pm or weekends. BARNOR LARGE Shed. McHenry or vicinity, 815/385-1872. CRYSTAL LAKE area 1-2 bdrm. apt. for July 1. Young mother just starting out. Clean, responsible, non- smoker/ drinker; willing to fix upl Laurie, 815/459-2326, 9 am-4 P«n- FAMILY OF 3. desperately needs small farm. Must be reasonable. Write Box MA 5, C/O McHenry Plaindeaier, 3812 W. Elm St- McHenry, Hdfeo, FURNISHED or partially fur nished one bedroom apart ment, male adult. 815/344-1001, 815/344-2240. DOCTOR RELOCATING from out of state needs roomy home. Will lease for 1 year or on a temporary month to month ar rangement. Call Bev or Linda at Century 21 Sketch Book • 312/639-6561 or 639-4300 WANTED SMALL APT. in Dundee. Call eves. 312/882-3547; Karen. FEMALE to share house with same. 865 wk., 312/658-9182 or 815/459-6717. McHENRY AREA 2-3 bdrm. house w/garage. 2 responsible working people. 815/728-0078, af>er4p.m. SMALL HOUSE top cond. 28 yrs. same job, have rets. Non- smoker, drinker. Lease/mon thly. 815/784-6676. Rooms, Board Apartments 79 To Share WOODSTOCK sleeping room for gentleman. 815/33*0680,815/338-7442. RESPONSIBLE roommate needed to share house In Crystal Lake. Get your own room for 8150 a month & utll. Call Jeff or Steve. 815/455-6967. MC HENRY AREA Room for rent In private home. 815/385- 3697, after 5 pm. LAKE IN THE HILLS, 3 bdrm home to share, 8275/mo. + 1/2 utlls. Prefer mature adult. Call between 5&6pm, 312/658-4870. ROOMATE WANTED, Work Ing non-smoking mother look ing for same to share 1/2 of house expenses in Wonder Lake area. 815/653-9209 after 5 p.m. & week-ends. McHENRY ROOM Rent/Share house. Vlclnity-new hospital. 850/wk. 815/675-2262, after 6 p.m. CRYSTAL LAKE, home near lake to share. 8250/mo. + 1/2 utlls. Call after 6 pm, 815/459 2693. CRYSTAL LAKE, home to share near lake. 8250/mo. +1/2 utlls. Call after 6 pm, 815/459 >693. MALE ROOM MATE wanted to share 3 bedrm house In McHenry with same. 8240 mo, Includes utilities. Call after 2 p.m. 615/365-8566. RICHMOND, sleeplnp room for employed, non smoking, per son. Inquire at 5724 Milwaukee Rd„ Weekdays. ROOMMATE WANTED Female for same, to share house In Crystal Lake. 815S/mo.+ utll. 815/459-5947, days. Ask for Jody. IN McHENRY clean sleeping rooms for singles, 615/3854W5. 80 Apartments To Rent McHENRY, avail. May 1, near dam, 1 bdrm., 8250 + deposit 615/385-8678 after 5:30pm. • CRYSTAL LAKE, Somerset, 2 bdrm., 2 baths, all kitchen ap- pls., including washer/dryer, air, carpet, pool. No pets. Imm- ed. occupancy, 815/459-8136. WOODSTOCK LAKEWOOD APARTMENTS •Studios *1 & 2 Bdrms. Free Gas Heat & Cooking Color coordinated appliances, wall-to-wall carpeting, laundry facilities, cable TV, pool L playground, garages. SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT FROM 8269 •615/338-2383* RICHMOND Apts. 1 & 2 bdrm. w/lndlvidually controlled heat, wall to wall carpeting, color coordinated kitchen appl., laundry facilities. From 8299. dry Call 312/587-9277. McHENRY, 3 bedroom deluxe apartment, garages available, 815/344-1632, 815/385-6566, 815/344-0746. RICHMOND, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, starting at 8299/mo. Call 312/587-9277. IN WOODSTOCK, lower 2 bdrm., drapes, carpeting & appl., water furnished, base., & gar., ideal for adults or retired couple, No pets, sec. required, 8350 month, avail. June 1, 615/728-0825. after 4 p.m. CRYSTAL LAKE very large 2 bdrm. apt., newly decorated, heat & water Incl., 8390. Call between 9 am and 7 pm only, 815/455-4540, 459-0726 or 455- 2201. CRYSTAL LAKE 1 bdrm., heat turn. Washer & dryer In bldg. 8350/mo. Call 815/338-7260, after 6 pm. Garage avail, for car parking. 845/mo. WOODSTOCK, 4 room apart ment, exc. location, No pets. Available June 1st. 8295 in cluding heat. Call 815/338-4997 after 12 noon. MCHENRY AREA Efficiency. Aft. heated gar. on water- fronted estate. Util. Incl. 8315/mo. 815/385-3467. CRYSTAL LAKE, Ige. 1 bedrm apt. w/appl's., heat, water 6i " t. I<H -- garbage, ideal for adults. 8325 mo. 615/459-1105 after 4 p.m.. GARDEN QUARTER APTS. Accepting applications for 1&2 bedrooms 815/385-2181 Residential area in McHenry Patio/Balcony units available Free Water Free trash pickup Laundry facilities In bldg. LG. STUDIO apt. in town, avail. June 1st, 8225 month, 615/344-0453. ONE BDRM. studio apt., In town, avail. June 15th, 8200 month. 815/344-0453. TWO BEDROOM Duplex. Private basement, yard, off Harvard. 8350 et parking, In I .Call 815/385-3490. CARY, studio, ref. & sec. dep. 312/639-3737 WOODSTOCK, Upper 2 bedrm. avalL June 17th, carpet, air, appl's, heat, wafer, gas. No Pets. Sec. Dep. & lease. 8385 mo. 815/923-4269, no answer 815/943-7864. WQOPSTOCKn Jovelyu efficien cy, in restored Victorian. Block from square. 8295. Includes heat, water, appl's. 815/923- 4140. CARY, 2 bdrm. apt., for June 1st, near train 6i shopping, ideal for adults. No pets. 312/639-2622 EAST DUNDEE, 1 bdrm. up per apt., paneled, carpeted, drapes, applla. Utils. separate. 1 yr. lease. 8325/mo. + securi ty. Avail, immed. 312/426-2229 after 6 pm. ALGONQUIN, 3 Bedroom Townhouse at 8535 per mo.; carpeted, air conditioned, ap pliances, laundry facilities, In cludes gas heat and water, Ar rowhead Apartments, 312/658- 6463. DUPLEX, Crystal Lake, 2 bdrm., fireplace, base., 1 car gar., avail. June 15th, 8450 month, 815/459-8924 or 459-3145. ask for June. GENOA 1 bdrm. 6i 2 bdrm. No pets, references. 815/784-5106 evenings. GENOA 1 bdrm. newly decorated. Call 815/784-5621, Century 21 Watsons Real Estate. 81 Homes To Rent JOHNSBURG SCHOOL District, 2 bedrooms, aft. garage, finished basement, fenced in yard. 15 x 30' deck, fully carpeted, gas heat, 8375 mo. Call 615/344-5978. CRYSTAL LAKE, 3 bdrms., 2 baths, fam. rm., din. rm. No pets. Refs. 8525/mo. 815/459- TWO BEDROOM House in McHenry. Bsmt., garage, fireplace, central air. 8450. Call 615/385-3490. PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS. 3 bedroom brick home, full base ment, fenced yard, Ref. re quired, deposit & credit check, Mike 815/365-0256 No Brokers. TWO bdrm. house in Harvard, air cond. avail., sec. dep., ref., 615/646-4296 or 338-5303. FOR RENT 4 bdrm. home w/garage, nice yard, good loca tion on West side Sycamore In residential area. Sec. Dep. and ref. req. Contact J.C. Ray at Sycamore Municipal Hospital 615/695-2144. McHENRY, 2 bdrm. home In town, avail. July 1, .8325/mo + security. Call 615/365-6256. ALGONQUIN AREA, sm. 5 rm. house on the river. Ideal for couple, avail. June 1. No | 8450/mo. Call 312/658-5972 • pets. WONDER LAKE, 2 bedroom house, screened-in porch, fur niture available, exc. location, close to lake, 8375.815/653-5676. COVENTRY/8500 per month, June 1,3 bedroom, l bath, fami ly room, 2 car garage. Short term only, call Jin McLean ERA Household, 615/455-4700 CRYSTAL LAKE Lovely 2 bdrm. on lake. Semi-furnished. 2 full battis, garage, bsmt. No pets. Refs & sec. 8535/mo. Avail 6/1.815/459-5446. McHENRY DEPOT HOTEL Rooms from 845/week. Cable hookup, kitchen, laundry. Call 615/365-9736 after 2pm. LAKE IN THE HILLS, 2 bdrms., fenced yard, 8500/mo. + utils. Refs. I security. No pets. Avail June 1. 312/695-9677 after 5 pm. Condos., Townhomes 82 To Rent CARY, 3 bdrm., IV* baths, air, appL fenced yard, pool 6i ten nis, 8450 month, 312/361-5004 after 7 p.m. CARPENTERSVILLE, 2 bdrm. townhouse w/family rm., 83S0/mo, 312/669-3455 after 6 pm. CARY, 3 to 4 bdrm. townhouse. IV* baths, appls., w/washer & dryer, dishwasher, tolc., swlm- . Occupancy early June, 8500/mo., 312/639- mlng pool 6i tennis. 1356. Stores, Offices Industrial 83 To Rent INDUSTRIAL OFFICE-STORAGE Building SO'xSC, sep. office 26'xl3' w/overhead doors across from New McHenry Hospital, immediate occupan cy; also space, 50'x25' w/office >i loading dock -I- 2-10' overhead doors, radiant heat, available July 1st. M. Janci, 4450 Bull Valley Rd., McHenry. 815/385-0257. CRYSTAL LAKE, 5,000 sq. ft. Ind. bldg. w/450 sq. ft. office, all a/c, 3-phase elec., air lines. Will divide. 815/459-9060. FOR LEASE, Mechanic Bay w/llft. For Information call, 815/385-9570. OFFICE Downtown McHenry. Incl. heat, air cond. 6i all utll. 8125. Call 815/385-3490. ALGONQUIN 100 sq. ft. balcony in est. Algonquin styl ifon, tor beauty related business. 8250/mo, incl. util. 312/658-4455. 1550 Sq. Ft. Cement floor, 220 3 phase power, heat, private en-' trance. 500 sq. ft. storage. Heated. 875. 2 offices, all util., ample parking. 312/428-6262. STORE FRONT Building, 700 to 1400 so. ft. with basement, suitable for offices or small business. Will remodel to suit. McHenry area. 815/728-1292 or 815/365-2031. CARY OFFICES, new bldg. Ideal for mfg. or sales rep. Answering, secretarial 6i copy service avail. 312/639-02351 or 6339-3137. CRYSTAL LAKE for lease, new building, 6,000* or 12,000', 19* clear, recessed dock, 10% or more office, 815/943-7446. 85 Misc. To Rent VFW CLUBHOUSE & Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 350. CaH: 115/385-9860 from 9am- 12pm weekdays or after 6pm. RESORT MOTEL, Fort Lauderdale, Florida on Gait ocean mile. Furnished efficien cies, 8450-8600 month. Low dai ly 6i weekly rates also. (305)5650361. MOTOR HOME For rent. '79 Itasca. Sleeps 6, air. 815/385 7622. Automobiles 86 For Sale 4EW AT Zlebart: Radiator, neater;' power flush, radiator repair, air conditioning repair & service, 312/639-5333. REPROCESSED AUTOS- all makes & models. Always a good selection. Not all models at all times. Buy fust like tak ing over payments. From 846. month & up. Mechanically tested cars. No ma|or body damage. For full details, you must ask for Mr. Barry. 312/584-3900. MALIBU, 1973, runs good, ̂ s, air, 2 door, 815/4554476. SHOPPING FOR AUTO INSURANCE? "Let our fingers do the walk ing." Phone quotes welcomed. Sunderlage Insurance Agency, 815/338-3328. TRIUMPH TR6, 1971, runs good, body good, 82,800/best of fer. 815/653-7661. OLDS DELTA 66 Royale, '60, diesel, fully loaded, exc. cond., 83,650.615/459-3593. MERCURY ZEPHYR, '81, 4 door, ps/pfc 4 sp., rustproofed, 74,000 miles, exc. cond. State Bank Of Woodstock, 815/338- 2223. CHEV MAILBU Classic 77, 2 dr. stereo, excel, air condi tioner, radial tires, 74,000 miles, nice but doors rusted. 82,250.312/663-3426. MERCURY COUGER wagon, 77, 3rd seat, luggage carrier, a/c, am/fm stereo, low mileage, good cond., 82,250, negotiable,815/459-3007. CADILLAC COUPE DeVille, 79, Florida car, excellent, loaded, 87,000/best. 815/338- 9177. CHEVETTE '81. 4 spd., 38000 mi., under coated, new Pioneer am/fm cassette, all new shocks * steel-belted radlals. 83100. 615/336-0025, after 5 pm. J LINCOLN TOWN CAR '81. SIG Series. 4 dr., all options. Low miles. Perfect cond. Reasonable. 312/695-3375. PONTIAC CATALINA '69. 400 engine, am/fm, ps/pb, air, gd. tires. Runs well. 8500. 312/639- 0632,7-10 pm. PONTIAC Grand Am, '73.8600; 71 Olds Delta 88,8300; '72 Scout 4X4 w/plow, 8400; '70 El Camlno, 8300.815/338-2155. PINTO WAGON '77. 2 dr. Gd. cond. 81700.815/336-2607, after 3 pm. PINTO wagon, 76, good train car, needs some work. 8500 or best Offer 312/639-0985. OLDS STARFIRE, '62, restorable, 8300 or offer, 615/4197465. evenings.'. BEETLE Convertible, '76, Graduation Special. 30,000 miles, 87,500.615/455-3162. CADILLAC Seville, '77- Dream Car Come True! Loaded & Perfect- 86,100.815/455-3162. CHEVELLE SS396 '69. 4 spd., 411 posl, low miles, orlg. owner. 83300.815/344-3575. MODEL A FORD Partial Make good street rod. Best of fer over 81000.615/726-1246. MERCURY CAPRI RS, '62, 4 spd., V-6, ps/pb, a/c, T-Tops, elec. door locks, am/fm cassette w/premlum sound, 22,000 miles, asking 87,506, 312/639-4952 after 7 pm. VW BEETLE. '71, 74 rebuilt engine, good beater, 8750 or best offer, 312/426-7660. Automobiles 86 For Sale NOVA 74,250 engine. Runs good. 8500/best. 312/656-8970 MUSTANG Hatchback, 74, 4 Kinder, 4 speed, runs well, /365-1327. OLDS DELTA 16 74, 4 dr. auto, air, venr good cond. 81175. Seen at The Truck Shop, Rt. 14 6i 176, Crystal Lake. 815/943-5492 ». Fury 9 '5.Very gd. cond.8 VW BEETLE, '72,46,000 miles, runs good, clean, one owner, 81200/oest offer, 615/499-1967. CAMARO'79 Am/Fm cassette, air, 83200. 815/455-0501. VEGA WAGON, 75, good Ing cond., needs brakes, W5/653-9597. runn- FORD LTD II, wagon. 1977, V- 6, p.s., pi>„ air, exc. cond., 83,500/best. 815/344-2760. MERCURY MONARCH, 1977,3 speed, O/D, very good cond., must sell, 82,500/best. 815/385- 5759 after 6pm. DUSTER, 1975, 6 cyl., exc. cond., auto., p.s., am-fm 6 track, 82,800/best. 815/344-2760. REPOSSESSED AUTOS, 78 thru '83*s, 10 models to choose from. We accept trade ins, good financing available, no reasonable offers refused. MR For appointment, call: WOLLIN, 312/564-3903 FORD MUSTANG, '79,4 speed, 82500 or best offer, call after 6 pm, 815/459-2619. . CAMARO '76, good cond., no rust, auto., am-fm stereo, low mi., 82,000.312/658-9147. GREMLIN Hatchback, '77, good condition, 81,000. Call evenings, 615/455-4522. MUSTANG, 76, 4 speed, am/fm radio, low miles, 82,000/best offer, 815/344-1513. DART '75, 2 dr. Ht., air, 316- 2BL, p/s, p/b, velour buckets, reliable, rusty, 8925 neg. 312/639-2564. HONDA 76 Accord Hatchback, 35 mpg, N. M R. 8400 firm. 312/656-6404. PONTIAC GTO, '72, excellent condition, 81,975,615/4554467. PONTIAC GRAND PRIX L.J. '62. Loaded, full pwr. ind. moon roof. Air, am/fm cassette, low miles, garage kept. 8TO00. 815/459-2667. CADILLAC COUPE De Ville, '82. Diesel. Silver. Exc. cond. 89700.815/459-1796. HONDA CVCC '60.5 dr. wagon. 5 spd., radial tires, rust- proofed, luggage rack. Low miles, perfect cond. Reasonable. 312/6954)775 or 695- 3375. GRANADA '77 Supersport, air, P/S, am/fm radio, very dean, color white w/brown trim. 815/365-1655. VW RABBIT, 1976,4 speed, am- fm radio, good cond., 8900.00. 815/344-4657 after 6pm. BUICK SKYLARK, 1970, very dean, Calif, car, 350, 4 bbl., auto., bucket seats w/center console, recent 2 tone paint, 82,500.312/639-6641, , FORD LTD Country Squire sta tion wagon, 78, dual rear seats, air, stereo, landau Interior, very dean. Call 615/459-1696. BMW 320L '81, loaded, perfect cond., best offer, info? eves. 312/361-5396. PONTIAC LEMANS, '78, sta- flonwagon, p.s., p.b., a.c., stereo, V-6. luggage rack, good cond., 83,000. Call 312/658-5631. VW SCIROCCO "S", 1961, red w/black, air, 5 speed, am-fm cassette stereo, alloy wheels, exc. cond., 84,995/best offer. 615/943-4664 evenings. AUDI, 73, auto., no rust, looks & runs good but uses oil, 8475. Pinto, 74, auto., no rust, looks 815/455- great, 5270. DATSUN B210, '75, 4 a needs work, 8300, 815/459-4 after 5 pm. HONDA CIVIC CVCC, 1976, runs good, some rust, am-fm cassette, new brakes, must sell, 81,000/best offer. 815/344- 1393. 77 CAMARO LT, fully loaded, burgler alarm, two-tone brown, new trans, some rust, needs some work. 81200 or best offer. 312/426-4628 Brenda. COUNTRY SQUIRE LTD. '77, wagon, roof rack, all options. Great shape, no rust, 400 cubic Inch w/tow bar, 19 mpg. 82950. 615/365-5766 after 3p.m. FORD LTD II '77. 4 dr., p.b./p.s., air, cruise. 81175. 815/365-1634. CONVERTIBLE, 1974 Bulck LeSabre, good shape, 83,900. Call 815/459-4996. VW RABBIT, '78, silver, 2door, 4 sp., sun roof, dean, 58,000 ml. 82,200.815/455-4555. MAZDA RX4 Wapon, good, engine smokes, 615/459-6666. 74, body 8350. Call MERCURY CAPRI. 79.4 cyl, 4 spd., ps/pb, rear defogger, am/fm cassette, 82,600, 615/365-3626 after 4 pm. CHEVY IMPALA, '72. good cond., little rust, new exnast system. 8750/besf. 312/656-5175. BUICK CENTURY, 1976, V-6 engine, p.s., p.b., air, stereo, well maintained, dependable, 312/656-2145. FORD MUSTANG 79,4 cyl., 4 spd., am/fm stereo cassette. 8X400.815/568-7948. VW RABBIT'60, diesel, 2 dr., am/fm, sun roof. 615/336-7673 after 5 p.m. CHEVY IMPALA, 74. auto., 70,000 miles, fully loaded, good 2nd car. 8500 Firm, 815/455-1949 after 5 pm. PONTIAC SUN BIRD'60. V-6,4 spd., ps/pb, am/fm stereo. 37000 ml. Best offer. 312/656- 5771. DATSUN 200 SX, hatchback, 1962, auto., air, p.w., cruise, loaded, asking 88,200. 815/344- 5315 mornings HORIZON, 79, exc. cond. 4 door, air, auto., am/fm stereo, ps. pb, new brakes, exhaust, w/pump, dlsf. almost new tires, battery, 815/336-5911,6-10 P.M., CUTLASS S '72. Cream, exc. cond., runs perfect. 8500/best. Must Sell within 36 days. Call Stephanie. 312/436-1605,6 to 5. MGB, 71 8660. Oatsun B210, 77, 8600. Ply. Duster, 75, 8150/best, 615/455-5666. PAGE 13-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, IMAY 23, 1984 * Automobiles 86 For Sale VW BUG 75. Exc. cond. New tires, 65000 ml. Incl. tow bar. 61560.615/459-1025. TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, '73, mags, dual carbs, recent rebuilt eng., dutch & rear end, good cond., hardtop & ragtop, some rust, 8900. Dave 312/741- 0176. DODGE DART, '75,4-dr. auto, tram., ps/pb. a/c. Everything works, some fender rusf, original owner, 8400/best, 615/338-8772. OLDS CUTLASS WGN 74, p/s. \ offer. p/b, runs good, 615/459-7092. 8350/besti MARK IV, Lincoln Continental, 1973, 62,200/best. 312/656-7626, after 4 pm. CHEVY, 1979. 2 torn blue, win dow van, ton, .a*., p.b., air, auto., am-fm, Jiiectrlc win- downs & locks, Mr shocks, exc. cond., 85,500/dffer. 815/338- 1566. DODGE, '66 Coronet, 8200, call anytime, 615/336-3524. CORDOBA 76, classy Inside & out 8650615/455-1558 PONTIAC Grandvllle, 1975, full power, velour Interior, tilt, cruise, stereo, radials, 815/338- 2126 between noon & 5pm. BUICK wagon, 74, 9 pass., lit tle rust, new trans., shocks, ps/pb, A/C, 8450/offer. 615/459- 4710. DATSUN 260Z, 77, ad. cond., am/fm stereo, cassette, 70,000 mi., 84200. 615/455-0375, Adam, after 6. DODGE VAN, 1976, * ton, 360, runs real good, new tires, ask 8995/best offer. 815/365-%! PONTIAC FIREBIRD For mula, '76, 400 cu. In., auto., T- tops, ps/pb, power windows, air, tilt, cruise, am/fm cassette, Immaculate Int., new exhaust, very good cond., must see, 84,700/best, 815/459-3764. BUICK SKYLARK 350, '70, auto, ps/pb, 8450/best. Call 615/459-1449. OLDSMOBILE, '67, auto. 4 door, new tires & many new parts, exc. running cond. 8500. Call 312/639-9660 after 6 pm. DATSUN 76 710 WAGON, new battery, brakes, starter + more. 8600/offer. 815/455-3741. Automobiles 86 For Sale A RARE FIND 1976 Corvette, dark brown w/matching leather interior, p.w. p.s., p.b. ilr, tilt & copic I Am/Fm & tape player. power doorlocks, air telesc steering wheel. Original owner. 810,900. Call 615/336-4406, evenings. DATSUN 260Z, '76, 5 spd. low miles, clean, must sell. 85200/best. Will consider trade- in plus cash. Call John 815/695- PYMOUTH VOLARE '76 sedan, air, premier inferior, runs good. 8800/best. Call John, 619/695-2002. HARLEY DAVIDSON '77, 1000 Sportster, elec. start, runs great. Must sell, 82950/best. Call John, 8T5/695-2002. FORD FIESTA '78, stick, 36,000 miles. 82150. 615/385-9165 CHEVY MONTE CARLO, '76, i, air, exc. cond. 82100 or Offer, 615/459-7477. DODGE DART, '71, low mileage, l owner, clean, exc. cond. after 5 pm, 815/459-1607. HONDA CIVIC '78, 4 speed, 53,000 miles, excellent condi tion, new tires, 82200. Call 459- 4118 after 5 p. m. SUBARU '60, GLS, 5 spd, front wheel drive, good running cond. Needs paint. 82795/offer. 312/658-4154 or 312/228-5743. CHEVY NOVA, 1974, runs good, asking 8550/best offer. Call after 6pm, 815/728-0376. NOVA, 1973, only 63,000 orlg. ml. new brakes & exhaust, exc. running cond. 81,200/best offer. 615/455-1458 after 4pm. GREMLIN X '74. 3 spd. 8100. Pacer, '75. Auto, 8600. 815/344- 3112, after 5:30 pm; 338-3029, days. FIREBIRD '82. auto. p.s. p.b., tilt, am/fm cassette stereo, air, 26000 ml. dean. Asking 87,950. 815/459-6499, after 6:30. FIREBIRD FORMULA, '77, ps/pb, pw, pi, am/fm cassette, new dual turbo exhaust, leather interior, no rust, 84,000/best. Call 615/336-2674 after 5:30 pm. Automobiles 86 For Sale CADILLAC Eldorado, 74, looks great, runs great. A fine second car, white over,,yellow, white Interior, 82450, Of best of fer, 312/658-3257. DATSUN 810, '77, 6 cylinder, fuel injection, auto., am/fm radio, ps, pb, air, new muffler, good tires, 34,000 ntiles. Runs it, rear fender damage. 1495 or best offer, 815/336-6W9. grea' 8149S AUDI 75, Fox Wgn. sunroof, very clean, looks 6, runs great. 81,595.615/459-1435. HONDA PRELUDE '62, air, auto., p.s. p.b. rear defog, am/fm cassette, moon roof. 6,600 miles. 615/758-1677. DODGE POLARA, '68, auto., good cond. best offer. Call before 3:30 pm, 815/337-0802. TOYOTA COROLLA, 1976, 2 door, 4 speed, good runner, fashionably tacky, 8395/best of fer. 815/344-2620. AMC MATADOR, Wagon, 1975, 6 cyl. runs good, 8250/best of fer. 815/385-5694. CHEVETTE, '76, . 81500 815/459-7607, even. PONTIAC Gran Ville, '72, 8400 am LAA6 or DesTorrer. 312/639-6374 BUICK LeSabre convertible, '70,1 owner, gar. kept, must be seen to be believed, 815/455- 2664. MUSTANG, 1983, silver, spok ed wheels, am-fm cassette, cruise, sunroof, 4 speed, other options. Asking 86,800, selling due to company car. 312/497- 3472 after 7pm. VW, 1974, no rust, maintenance record, CB, 81,600/best offer; 1979 AMC Concord, maintance record, exc. cond., 82,900. 615/365-5264. FORD MUSTANG'66, exc. cond., 82400, 615/455-5217. PLYMOUTH OUSTER, '74, 3 spd. ps/pb, runs good, new paint 6t muffler, must sell, 8800/best, 312/428-1412 after 5 pm. OLDS DELTA 88, '73, ps/pb, a/c, am/fm radio, good cond. 8750/best, 815/385-5865. CHEVROLET Station wagon, '69. Runs ad. New tires 8> radiator. Little rust. Best offer. 815/455-6627. CHEVY NOVA, 1975, sharp, ?ireat mpg. 3 speed, 6 cyl. am-m 8 track, 81,195.815/344-0567. MUSTANG II '78, 4 cyl. 4 spd. Good cond. 81,900. 815/337- 0432, after 5:30 p.m. Automobiles 86 For Sale GRAND PRIX, '76, bik. elec. windows, air, clean, dep. run ner, 82,000 miles, 81500/best 815/459-5353 after 7 p.m. BUICK APOLLO '74. 2 dr., brown, 8100. 312/683-2306, after 3:30 pm. CHEVY MONZA 75. PS, white bucket seats, very gd. cond. 81400.815/385-3713. MUSTANG, 76, 2 + 2, 4 cyl. auto., ps, recent brakes, shocks, leaf springs, valve job, cam shaft, main seal, 81400/of- fer, 312/683-2591. • CAMARO SS '68, Good cond. new tires, See to appreciate! 82500.312/658-6395. INTERNATIONAL SCOUT, 76, V-8, auto, good condition. 82000. Call after 5 pm. 312/639- 1569. NOVA, '73, auto., 350 engine, new carb & fuel pump. Not run ning, 8200 or best offer^Call after 5 pm, 815/459-7494.^ PONTIAC CATALINA, '68, new battery, dependable, 8300, 815/385-5653. MONZA '78. '77 Ford Pinto. Both 2 dr. 4 cyl. 4 spd. Good runners, dependable. Bob's Auto Detail,-312/428-7673,9 am - 6 pm. • PONTIAC Sunblrd hatchback, '80. Sunroof, new tires, am/fm, rustproof, p.s. p.b., exc. runn ing car. 83250. 312/426-4732 or 741-1385. VOLVO 142, '73. Runs, needs work. 8300. 815/385-7148 PORCHE 914, '73. Green, am/fm stereo cassette. Burglar alarm. 84700/best. Exc. cond. 414/279-5538 PONTIAC LEMANS, '68, good runner, very clean, 81,800. Pon tlac Firebird, '69, 2-dr. red 8, black, brand new wheels, Pioneer stereo system, clean int., good shape, 81,300. Some rust on both. Call before 4 pm, 815/459-9065. CUTLASS '69 convertible, bucket seats, factory mags. No rust, new red paint & white top. Good cond. 82,895.815/728-1425. Automobiles 86 For Sale BUICK OPEL, '78, runs great, 81,350.815/344-3462. DUNE BUGGY Needs assembly. Best offer 615/676-4110 87 Wanted To Buy CASH PAID for Junk Cars Running or Not! Immediate Removal! Call 312/526 3116 • WANTED: DEADOR ALIVE Cars, Trucks, Vans. 615/728-1687 FRONT END for '69 or '70 Chevy Impala or Belair. 615/459-1042, ask for Rod. CASH PAID For Junk Cars - 7 Day Pickup 312/639-2628 WANTED TO BUY junk & repairable autos, 7 day pickup, 312/639-8159. Auto Parts & 88 Accessories ALLOY WHEELS four 13 in, fit GM bolt pattern, 8200/best. 312/426-6860. ENGINES, all makes, 8200 i, up; trans, all types, foreign 6, domestic, 8100 & up, Delivery & I n s t a l l a t i o n a v a i l . Guaranteed. 815/344-5114. FIAT MAG wheels, 4/8100 815/344-3995. BLAZER 6 lug wide spoke wheels 8, tires (4), good cond., 8125/all; 4 Camaro Z 28 mags, complete, 8125. After 5 pm, 815/344-4253. DELUXE TRI-County truck top, for Toyota long bed, used i year, exc. cond., 8400/best of fer. 815/385-4991. M I C H E I I N T I R E S P175/80R13XM, 4 like new, $60 all, call 815/344-3806 after 5 p.m. HUB gas, radiator caps. Why not keep a spare? Save this ad 815/344-1453. Automobiles M For Sale l0<& TOYOTA VILLAGE Serving the Fox Valley for over 20 years. •90 TOYOTA VILLAGE 6 lA % Sales Tax HURRY! SALE ENDS SOON! :IW CLEAN USED CARS 12 Month or 12,000 mile service contract available. SPECIAL OF THE WEEK 1977 HONDA CIVIC 4 S P E E D *1588 m TOYOTA STABLE! One (>••*• hifh ^ '.ptf*) po**' AM m t'e'PC 'f6' It • -wte- it**' belt*6 80i8K t ei MUST SEE 1911 CEIICA 6T LIFTBACK tetMMhc. w CMttMMt AH/FN itKN. poatl pMMI buta! MUST SEE 1S7IVOLKSWAGON DASHER 4 doai. AM/FM sttroo. 4 lpitd 'Mr defroster stool fto It *0 rod ills >2688 1983 TOYOTA COROLLA SRS BlKfc pickj|t lu oof liioj AM iMitreo MUST SEE 1982 TOYOTA COROLLA SRS SPORT COUPE 5 spe*d power brakes, air condition inc. tinted (loss AM/FM stereo rear defroster steel belted radials. one owner CLEAN 1982 TOYOTA SRS TERCEL Front wheel drrae. S spd 17 000 mi. 1 owner, F/B. tinted flass AM/FM stereo, rear defroster steel bolted radials , CLEAN 1980 MAZDA GLC S speed AM/FM steroe. roar defroster *3988 1971 TOYOTA CELICA fiT COUPE S speed ipoor brakes tinted (lass AM/FM Stereo, roar defroster steel bolted radials '3588 INI TOYOTA CELICA ST COUPE i speed peaw brakes tinted |tass, AM/FM sttroo ma roof rut defrtt tor. (tool btlttd rodioIs oicellctt cot drtion CLEAN IfRANK* TOYOTA 900LaFox, Rte.31, South Elgin, 741-2100 IKRVICK Mon.*Frl.l-5 PARTS Mon.Frl.l-6 Sot.»-noon IALKS Mon.-Fri.9-9 S»t.9-5 " Sun. 12-4 South Elfin t