PAGE 11 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, MAY 25, ltM 24 Help Wanted EMPLOYMENT MANAGER Northern Illinois Medical Center has an excellent op portunity for an Individual with Human Resourses background. Must have ex perience recruiting ex empt and non-exempt per-., sonnel. Previous health care preferred. Qualified applicant must have a bachelors degree with em- p h a s l s i n H u m a n Resourses. We offer a com pet Iv* salary and com prehensive benefit pro gram. Send resume to: Human Resourses Northern Illinois M e d i c a l C e n t e r 3516 W. Waukegan Rd. qcll. 60050 Equal Opportunity Employtr MUSICIANS, full time, for new variety band. Vocal ability a plus. STs, <Cs, Top 4V%, Easy Rock, Country Swing, RftB. No Haavy Metal or Punk. Miriam, 312/5I7-1M2 or 312/497-4M6. Call M. Wanted To Buv 71 RPM Wurlltzer Juke boxes, old slot machines plus any related parts or Items, casn 312/4*4-5«1 JOHNSON OR EVINRUDE Outboard fishing motors. In need of repair. 3 thru 40 hp. 312/137-2112. 31 Wanted iW* WANTEDTO I Aluminum Cans, Copper, Brass, Batteries, Aluminum, Automobile Radiators, Gold A Silver. T A C Metal Co. 24 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake, IL, Mon thru Frl • • to 5. Sat • • to 4.115/459-4445. WANTED: Pine, 5 panel door, S4" X 2S". Natural finish. Call S15/33S-W51 after 5 pm. • LOOKING FOR dining room set, In very good cond., Ig. china cabinet, table, A 4-4 chairs. S15/4M-3M* after 5:30. PORTABLE GENERATOR, 20 to 30 AMP Capacity needed to run concession stand. Call Wayne at115/344-3790. Misc. 32 Merchandise ARTISTS We're expanding our art (Npartmenf. Windsor-Newton water colors in stock. Roden's, Crystal Lake, 015/459-1140. APPLIANCES • DAYS SCRAP METAL We buy cans, copper, brass, scrap aluminum. Open dally, 74. 306 Brlarwood, Crystal Lake. 015/459 7751. BUY, SELL or trade guns, old shells and related items. 015/330-4731. GOLD&SILVER Coins, Diamonds, Class Rings Used or broken Jewelry, Sterl ing Flatware, Collector Plates. FAMILY COINS A INVESTMENTS 3MVIrglnlaSt(Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, Illinois 015/4554190 MOVING? Cleanlno house? Buying antique furniture, china, glass, etc. I15/<7M141. M.C. COIN A STAMP CO. WE BUY & SELL 10 Crystal Lake Plaza 015/459-3940 OLD WOOD planes, Stanley no. 55 plane, old woodworking tools. 015/330-6374. 24 Help Wanted •Washers A Dryers •Electric & Gas Ranges Clean A Like New Reasonable Prices All Reconditioned And Guaranteed. WAHL USED APPLIANCES 1209 Court St. * McHenry, IL 815/385-1872 Misc. 32 Merchandise ACT FAST! Swimming Pool Sale-A-Thon Is Going On Right Now! Big, new, popular 1983 31' family size pools w/huge deck, fence, filter & war ranty complete for only ^WILL FINANCE. For Immediate Service: Call 1/800-942-1798 VILLAGE RESALE SHOP Needs Your Donations •Furalfure«Clothlng •Any Re-Saleable Items All Donations Tax Deductible 65 East Woodstock St. Downtown Crystal Lake lOAMtoSPM-Mon-Sat 015/459-3401 All Proceeds Go To The Sherman Hospital Auxiliary (Crystal Lake Branch) SAVE - BUY direct from manufacturer • bird baths, flower pots, patia cement ben ches A cement legs to make wooden bench, air conditioning pads, manhole A dry well blocks, car stops, figurines. Anderson Concrete Products, North Illinois St., Crystal Lake.- 30 years In business, 015/459-2137. RAILROAD TIES, used, fl's, 07 JO ea. del. Call 312/639-6250 after 5pm. APPLIANCES, Refrigerators, washers A dryers, electric gas ranges. Clean A like new at reasonable prices. All recondi tioned and guaranteed. Wahl Used Appliances, 1209 Court St., Mc Henry. 015/305-1072. WHY PAY MORE? Twin site mattress sets, $09; Full size mattress sets, $109; Queen size mattress set, $109; Bunk Beds complete with mat tresses, $109. Lenny Fine Furniture 312/742-7001 PICNIC TABLES sturdy, heavy duty. Free local delivery. 0', $110; 6', $95. 015/720-1292 or 015/305-2031. LARGE SELECTION of recon ditioned refrigerators, washers, dryers, ranges, freezers and TV's with warran ty. Thompson's Appliance, 015/330-5611. GOLF CLUBS save up to 60* off list, 11 piece sets from $115. Coupon books, $11.00. 015/720- MOTOROLLA Low Band, 2 way business radios, 100 watt base, 2-100 watt mobiles A antennas, $3,500 or best offer. After 5:30pm, 015/305-1097. • GRADUATION BALLOONS In school colors available. Send your graduate a bouquet today I Costumed deliveries avail. 7 days a week. Bloomln' Balloons, 015/459-RAVE. USED FURNITURE for sale. Large variety, reasonable prices, Welter's Fum. Factory Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. 176, Crystal Lake. 015/459-3363. MINNESOTA FATS Slate Pool Table w/extra ping pong table top. Excel, cond. $325. 312/420- 3107. • HAPPY GRAMS Singing Telegrams. Male/ Female Bel- ly Dancers. Call 312/000-3060. LIVING ROOM tables, 4 piece, like new, $200.; beige fur chair, $75.; 312/650-4964. PROM DRESS pink, never worn. Bustle, lace yoke, size 9/10, $30. 015/305-7629 after BUILD YOUR CAREER WitN OUR GROWING COMPANY The Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group Is the fastest growing news paper publisher and commercial printer in the Chicago area. Our growth rate creates constant opportunities that we cannot always fill from within. If you're looking for a future Instoad of |ust a job, please consider the following openings that you may be qualified to fill. PRODUCTION CAMERA/PLATE ROOM: Full time position Sunday through Thursday from 6 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. Responsible for pre-press operations for two dallies and commercial work. Experience with camera operations (line end half tone work), stripping, plate making and color work preferred. Position available at CARPENTERSVILLE office. TYPESETTER: Full time position, some experience on phototypesettlng equipment preferred. Accurate typing skills with speed of 40-45 wpm required. Individual must be eble to learn quickly and be willing to work additional hours when needed. Postition available at CARPE NTE RSVILLE Office. PASTEUP/TYPESETTER: Part time position requiring accurate typing with speed of 40-45 wpm. Responsible for typesetting and some pasteup of ads and editorial. Monday night hours are required. Must be eble to work under deedline pressure. Positions available at MCHENRY PLAINDEALER. DISPLAY ADVERTISING PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Full time position assisting manager In scheduling and logging of ads and other related duties. Pasteup skills required and typing ability would be an extra plus. Must be organized, energetic and willing to learn new duties as necessary. Position available at CRYSTAL LAKE MORNING HERALD. PRESS JOGGER/STACKER: Immediate openings with varying hours on an as needed basis. Entry level position for person wanting to Invest their time and energy in developing a career, not fust « job. Must be 10 yeers old. Positions available at CARPENTERSVILLE and WOOD STOCK offices. SALES TELEMARKETING SALES REP: Full and part-time positions requir ing sales and public relation abilities. Responsible for telephone sales of classified ads and promotions. Typing ability of 45 wpm accurately and above average spelling skills a must. CRT typesetting skills pre ferred. Successful candidate must be able to work well under deadline pressure. Position available In CRYSTAL LAKE. CIRCULATION HOME SALES: Part time position available in our phone room. Re sponsible for subscription sales for Cardunal Free Press Morning Herald. Must have pleasant phone voice and the ability to deal with people In courteous manner. Evening hours only, approximately 15 hours per week. Position available at CARPE NTE RSVILLE office. MOTOR ROUTE DRIVER: Part time position with hours between 5:30-7:00 e.m. Responsible for delivery of Cardunal Free Press Morning Herald in the Dundee and Algonquin area. Dependable transportation a must. Position available at CARPENTERSVILLE office. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: Part time position approxlmataly 15 hours par weak (before 6 A.M.). Position requires out-going Individual to supply, collact and SELL our product to area buslnessas. Pay Is based on profit from each papar sold and you must Increase salas out lets. Reliable transportation a must. Available at- CARPENTERS VILLE offlca. MORNING SERVICE REP: Excallent position for student or retire*. Requires covering carrier routes In case of Illness or vacation and re- auler service checks of customer satisfaction. Hours are 5:30-10:00 a.m. Monday-Friday for the CARDUNAL FREE PRESS MORNING HERALD and Wednesday afternoons servicing the ELGIN HERALD. Must be eble to daal with all agas In friendly, courteous manner. CREW LEADERS: Responsible for training and supervising teenagars In newspapar field sales. Person should be salas oriented and aggres sive Must be abla to work closely with young adults. Hours between 5-9 p m Monday-Thursday and Saturday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Position availa ble at CARPENTERSVILLE andCRYSTAL LAKE offices. You may pick up an application at any of the Shaw Free Press Newspapers for the positions listed above. Applications should be for- werdad to the Carpentersville office, personnel department. Successful candidates will be contacted for further Interviews. No phone calls, please. TP Shaw Proa Press Newspaper Group SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP 250 Williams Road • Carpentersville, jl̂ no ' 'EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER- ' Misc. 32 Merchandise WEDDING DRESS, never worn, ni $125,015/455-2039 Size 0, altered. FASHION DESIGN Student's Custom Sample Garments. Call for appointment, 015/455-4746. AIR HOCKEY Table, Sears, 7 ft., $00 or offer, 312/639-7262. FREEZER (Seers Chest) 9 cu. ft. $95. Call efter 5 P.M. 015/720-0710 AIR CONDITIONERS, 2, $125. each; 015/720-0000 or 015/720- 1500ask for Mar|. M A T T R E S S E S , f r o m $29.95/pc.l The Linen Outlet, 10004 Main St. Hebron. Open Thurs., 11 em-5 pm. Sat., 9 am- 5 pm, 015/640-4320. 2 UPRIGHT FREEZERS, $275 ea. Sliding top chest freezer, $150; 3 dr. freezer refrigerator, $500; 015/330-2329. GREENWARE SALE 10% to 90% off. Midwest Ceramics. 707 W. Chicago St., Elgin. 312/742- PING PONG TBL. A ac cessories. $45; adult back-pack 4 frame, $35; shop vacuum. 312/420-6639, days; 650-3243, S E V E N T H A N N U A L Downtown Elgin Flee Market. Saturday, June 23. Fountain Square Plaza. $10 per space. Cell 312/695-6500, Ext. 329/for registration Information. GARAGE DOORS, two 10W, 1 has doaMor easy entering. Best offer. 015/344-5315 morn ings. WE'VE been Spring cleanim: Sears riding mower, $250; Seers heavy duty washer, nseds one part, $75; Roper gas stove. $125; Singer sewing machine, good for beginner, $35; '73 Chevy Blazer (rusty) runs good, w/0 ft. Pethflnder snowplow, $700, Call 015/455- 4092 between 6 A10 p.m. Misc. 32 Merchandise COMPLETE SET of mens golf dubs, 1 yr. old, very good cond., $175, call after 5 p.m., 015/720-1706. UPRIGHT FREEZER, 15 feet, good condition, $125. 11312/639-0326. DELIER Wrought Iron- wigon wneei cnanoeiier- Dining Rm. set- $250. Recllner- $40. Zenith color TV, old but works- $30. Zenith con sole em/fm stereo, walnut- $75. 015/305-5057, after 6 pm. BUNK BEDS Solid meple. $100. 015/330-9354 Plant Sale. Perennlels. Sat May 26, 9am to 1pm .244 Leitti Way, Cary, Brlgadoon. ORGAN, beeutlful Lowery, double keyboard, $600,1940 vin tage uprigh' comb, radio phonograph, make offer, 015/459-6116. TAPE RECORDER, TEAC A3300S 2 track, takes 10 in. reels, $450; Akel reel to reel model X10100, $200; After) 5200 video game with 6 cart., $165, or will trade for something of equal value. What have you? 015/455-2262. WASHER A DRYER Heavy du ty. Refria., double door. All In exc. cond. Reasonable. 312/695- 3375.695-0775. RAILROAD TIES and land scape timbers. Bulk gran A pasture 'seeds. The area's largest selection of landscaping supplies. Woodstock Farm A Lawn, 015/330-4200. WASHER A DRYER 3 yrs old. Refrig. A paean dining rm. set. 312/741-0639, after 5:30 pm. FREE LUMBER 12x25x10 ft. shed. You tear down. 312/420-1706. TWIN BEDROOM SET, 3 piece, $450; Oak bunk bed set, $550; 1979 Motobecan Moped with directionals, headlight, baskets, $400. Call 015/330-1547 afterSpm. GAS RANGE. Kenmore delux, 4 burners, griddle, oven rotissary, broiler. Kltchen-Ald delux built-in dishwasher. Tap- pan Custom Counter-top gas range, 4 burners. Tappan built- in gas oven/broiler. Best Of fers, 115/455-1311. CHEST OF DRAWERS, Dresser. Avocado green, gd. cond. $75. Call 015/459-2156, after 4 pm GAS STOVE, $75.; wooden Bar bie house, $35.; trunk, $25.; 015/330-6063 after 5pm. /MOVING SALE- Corner unit w/teble; cocktail table; 2 upholstered chairs; table lemp; window air conditioner (1 yr. old- seldom used). Call 015/305-2427. ARTISTS We're expanding our art supply department, ferumbacher's Gouache now In stock. Roden's, Crystal Lake Plaza. 015/459- 1140. IRON BED, antique, crib sz. w/springs; rag rug runner, 30" x 14Vj', never used, blue, brown & gold, 015/455-3739 after 6pm. GULBRANSEN, President Orgen, walking base, band box, $2,000; 6 VW mounted tires, $15.; 1974 VW engine, runs wttti knock, $100.; 015/305-5264. FRESH GOATS MILK call between 3p.m. a 0 p.m. 015/344-5137. COLOR TV, 13" portable, J. C. Penney, like new, $175. Eves., 015/305-5065. I B M S E L E C T R I C I I typewriter, self correcting, duel pitch. 312/420-5447 after 5 p.m. GAS RANGE Like new, $200. 015/330-3496 ZENITH TV, 17", portable, Mk. a w h t . , $ 5 0 ; N a t i o n a l Geographies, 10 yrs., 1972-1902, $100; used G.E. refrigerator, 11 cu. ft., $20; car ramps, like new, $20,312/650-7530. BALLOON A GRADUATE with e talking balloon from Fantasy Festival Costume/Magic Center, 432 Virginia St., Crystal Lake, 015/455-4910. STORAGE SHED, fair to good cond., 9*W x 6'D x 6'H. sofa Bed, needs reupholsterlng, 72"L X 30"H x 36 D. Best of fers, 015/459-9351. EUNICE'S EGGERY (All Items Made From Real Eggs) Now Feeturlng: Confirmation, Graduation a Father's Dey Eggs. Decoupaged Eggs, Music Boxes, Jewelry, Gifts. Open weekdays. Call first for eves, a weekends, 015/455-4056, 164 North Main, Crystal Lake. COUCH, 7 ft. earth tone; mar- bit Inlaid coffee a end table, $275,015/455-6199. A N T I Q U E F U R N I T U R E , 1930's overstuffed green velvet, ornate wood trim, sofa, a buffet. Fair condition. '459-HM 24 Help Wanted PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS Expanding our manufacturing facilities, we need Punch Press Operators experienced in presses with automatic feeds. W e o f f e r a n e x c e l l e n t c o m p a n y p a i d b e n e f i t s package. Please call or apply to our personnel office. GENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. - 201E. Brink St., Harvard, IL60033 ' 815/943-7411 Equal Opportunity Employer, AA/F SECRETARY Experienced Responsible position for a secre tary with good short hand, typing, and dictaphone skills. This is an interesting, diversified job work ing directly for our Vice President of Engineering. Excellent salary, generous company paid benefits & profit sharing. Call for Interview: D.V. Grieve 312/546-8225 THE GRIEVE CORP. Round Lake. IL. y ASSEMBLER TRAINEES Well established lab instrument and pump manufactOrer has excellent opportunities in our Production area for individuals with good manual dexterity skills. Selected individuals will be trained to assem ble component parts using simple hand or power tools to produce our finished products. Previous wiring and soldering experience helpful. Seeking dependable individuals with good work records. Clean, modern plant, Entry level salary ahd excellent benefits including profit sharing. Call: PERSONNEL 312-381-70541 19 BARNANT COMPANY 28W992 Commercial Ave. Bvruiftoo, IL. Mill Misc. 32 Merchandise TRADE-IN SALE -your sofa- $100, your recllner-$30, your kitchen table ft chalr»-$50, your mattress set-$25. Welter's Fum. Factory Outlet. 4012 W. Rt. 170, Crystal Lake. 01S/4*- 3303. PORTABLE, DISHWASHER, Sears Kenmore, white w/but- cher Mock top, $05. Call 312/43M1V0. PRESEASON CLEARANCE on all wholo house fans ft attic ventilators starting as low as $49.95, now through May 21. Sherman Plumbing ft Heating, Crystal Lake M A G N A V O X C O N S O L E excellent condition, $l50/best; video arcade game, game case ft 5 games $75/best; Kirsch L-shaped etagere, $40/best. 312/609-3009. --MOVING-- Antique love seat, $125; Dun can Phyfe table, $115; '39 La Salle Cadillac, mint cond., tanning/ heat lamp, $10; Sony 19 in. remote corttrol TV, cable- ready, w/Beta Max •der, Ilk video recorder, like new, $750; S a n s u l s t e r e o w / 5 w a y speakers, $200; walnut TV ft stereo cabinet, $100; 12 In. GE color TV, $100. 015/923-4200 MOVING: Stove, humidifier, tires, snowblower, lawn mower, ladders, weasel, shovels, cable box, freezer, grill, shelves, dollie ft many misc. Items, 015/344-2510. MOVING SALE • King sz. bdrm. set, hardwood, 4 pes. + spgs., mattress ft sheets, $325/offer. Drepes, oatmeal, 3 pair: I2"L x 12$"W; 94" x 00"; 94" x 50"; $150/all. Upright freezer, 15 cu. ft., $75. Teekwood base w/shelves It sliding doors, 40"L x 15" x 25"H, $30.015/455-3305. DINING ROOM Set, China Cabinet, Buffet, table w/3 leaves, 5 chairs, blond wood, contemporary style, good cond., $450; Magnovox electric organ, double keyboard, full in strument range, bench Inc., $000; antlaue kitchen table w/1 leaf, 4 chairs, exc. cond., $250; complete bedroom set, full size bed w/frame ft headboard, 2 double dressers w/mirror, nightstand, $200. 815/305-0976 after 4pm. for details. BASSET DINING Room Set, pecan, table, 2 leaves, 4 chairs, 2 captains chairs, china cabinet, buffet, $1,200. 312/639- 7790. COUCH 2 chairs, sewing machine. Call 015/305-4523 after 5 p.m. BEDROOM SET French Pro- vencial, dresser, chlfferobe, headboard, frame, bed com plete, exc. cond. $250; After 5 p.m. 015/305-5503. SOFA BED queen sz., green, and floral print chair. $3W/set. 015/330-4063. WALNUT TABLE w/four chairs, needs repair. $75/best o f f e r . T w i n b e d , $ 4 0 . Humidifier, $30.015/330-0572. --MOVING-- Antique love seet, $125; Dun can >hvfe table, $105; '39 La Salle dadlllac, mint cond., $6,000; tennlng/ heat lamp, $10; Sony 19 In. remote control TV, cable- reedy, w/Beta Max video recorder, like new, $750; stereo cabinet, $100; 12 In. GE color TV, $100. 015/923-4206 Misc. 32 Merchgndise WATERBEDS Direct to public, large midwest manufacturer announces Spr- a factory clearance. Best ces In Chicagoland on all Rotation sleep systems. THIS WEEK S SPECIAL: Complete waterbed system, $159 160 First St., Batavia 312/079-6226 SEARS, 23000 BTU thru the wall air cond., with sleeve ft wall bracket. Must be removed from the wall. $175/flrm. 015/330-2533. WASHER ft DRYER, apt. size, used 3 times, $650 new, asking $900, 015/&J992. guarantee 3/06. SALT SALE, Pellet grade, $4,75/10 lb. every 1st. Sat./mo. Huemann Water, 3607 N. Chapel Hill Rd., Johnsburg, II. 015/305-3093. FILE CABINETS $40. Full size desk ft chair, $100. Wood desk: 015/455-4550. LIFE MAGAZINES 1954 thru 1963, 2M total, make offer, 015/459-6196. W A S H E R , p o r t a b l e dishwasher, alec, drver, Sears Kenmore, $75/ea., after 5 pm, 312/650-3035. DUNCAN PHYFE 6 piece din- aroom set. Includes china net ft buffet. Good cond. $450 015/459-4721 after 6 pm AQUARIUM, 55 gal. plus everything needed to operate, Including filter pumb, A wood grain stand, priced to sell $100, 015/330-0011.after6p.m. SNOWBLOWER 0 H.P., 4 speed, chains, 26 " cut electric start, $900 new, asking $490, 312/650-3909. CAPTAINS BED Honey maple finish. 0 drawers. $150.015/fo- 1923. WASHING MACHINE, Lady Kenmore wringer- type, like new, $150. Call 015/459-3756. SEARS Lady Kenmore washer ft dryer, green, good working cond., $100 each, firm, ceo 312/650-2203 after 3 p.m. WHY PAY double in the store when you can get half price? Fresh dally. Goafs Milk, 015/344-5137. ELECTRIC RANGE, 30". Washing machine. Two electric dryers. >15/330-4597. WOOD STEREO cabinet, glass dqors. $60. Hanging gun cabinet. $50.015/305-1200 HOME SECURITY. Fire detec tion ft protection devices. Call 015/330-4205, Blue ft Gold Ent. For appointment. WESTERN SHIRTS, belts, buckles ft hats. Prices reduced. Bey's Barn, 015/455-3250. JEWELRY SHOWCASES. 2 matched, blond wood & glass, mirrored doors. $150/ea. Bev's Bam, 015/455-3250. BUNK BEDS, with ladder, ex tra mattresses & bedding, $50; Ampeg amplifier, $75; 1966 Honda, 305 motorcycle, 9,000 original miles, $375, 015/455- 1571. WINCHESTER 9422 XTR lever act Ion 2/4x scope, hammer spur, 500 rounds. $225. Ken, W5/3JH479. UPRIGHT FREEZER 21 CU. ft., $250. 312/669-3531, after 3:30 24 Help Wanted THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER will be needing early morning motor route drivers for rural McHenry Tube Delivery to our customers. The papers could be picked up anytime after midnight on Tuesdays and Thur sdays, to be delivered no later than 7:00 a.m. on Wednesday and Friday morning. A small economical car is a plus. If interested, please apply in person at: 3812 W. Elm St.-McHenry NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. CASEWORKER Bachelors degree required in Human Ser vices field. Supervise assigned case load of developmentally disabled adulfs within a residential setting. Hours 4pm- 12 mid night. Salary commensurate with education & experience. McHenry location^, DIRECT SERVICE SECRETARY High school graduate with office experi ence preferred, Woodstock location, start ing date July 1st, 1984. Please send letter of introduction and re sume to: John C. Bobbe Associate Director AAcHenry County Assoc. for the Retarded 4001 Dayton St. McHenry, IL. equal opportunity employer oqwel opportunity employer m/f COMPUTER PROGRAMMER Fox Valley Systems, a growth oriented company, is currently seeking a computer programmer with practical business pro gramming experience, to write new pro grams and update existing programs. The position requires an individual that is pro gressive, flexible and able to learn and adapt quickly. Experience with Basic Four Language very beneficial. WE OFFER: •EXCELLENT PAY •THE CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT WITH A RAPIDLY GROWING COMPANY * HE ADQUARTE RS AND ALL LOCATIONS IN THE CARY, BARRINGTON AREA Applications will be taken with a brief in terview at our new headquarters at 640 In dustrial Drive, Cary, II., (Weekdays from lam to 4:30pm) If it Is Impossible for you to apply during these hours, please call: MRS. PEARSON at 312/639-5658 FOX VALLEY SYSTEMS ,INC. Misc. 32 Merchandise DRESSER Mirror & 3 end Itols., $125.3 lamps, $10 ea., geme tbi. w/4 chairs, $75. 2 lewn chairs w/tbl. $45. Coffee tbl. ft end tbi., $05. 015/305-0247 or 344- 3014. UNIQUE. ORIGINAL. One of a Kind. Creative wall designs for any room. To view samples, call 312/050-5057 after 3:30 pm SETH THOMAS Grand Father clock, like new, $m.»5; his ft hers living rm. chairs, green ft rust velvet, $35 each, 015/305- •275. DINING ROOM SET, pecan, tratlonal, $300; kit. set, naugahyde chairs, $150; lazy boy recllner, $00; solid wood and tables, $25 etch, It more. 015/540-0339. CLEAN BOXES, good for pack Ing or ?, 20x14x9; Styrofoam blocks, various sizes. Good prices. Cell 015/344-4420. MOVING full size pool tabie, 1" slate, like new, exc. cond., $300, 015/455-0940. 33 Garage Sales DESK, FILE cabinet, kitchen teble. Must sell. Call 312/039- 0117 REEL MOWER, $75; electric water heater, $15; blue sink & t o i l e t , $ 2 5 ; p o r t a b l e dishwasher, $50; push mower, $15; 2 air cond., $75, & $100; Kelty frame back pack, $50, 015/455-1001. MOVING MUST SELL Pioneer car stereo system, Including front fli rear speakers, ft clarion grafic equalizser, List price $57$, esking $350. Zenith home stereo with Allegro speakers. $125/best; 2 wide track super 00 G-15 tires, $50. Audio Vox car stereo power amplifier, $50,015/305-5003. CLOWNS CLOWNS Creckers the Clown for Birthday Parties, picnics, banquets, showers, ft helium balloon del. P) magic, ventriloquism & 015/923-HEAR. 14" METAL/wbod bandsaw. Trade for 10" radial arm/$300. Toro s/p reel type mower. $75. 015/330-0374 REFRIGERATOR, 14 cu. ft. G.E. Frost-free, equipped for automatic ice maker, $150. Kathie, between 0-4:30,$15/33«- 3121. After 5 p.m. 015/330-0510. 4 N A U G A H Y D E D i n e t t e chairs, perfect cond., tan, $100.; 90 sofa, blue/gray, exc. cond., $100.; lounge chair, tan/vlnyl/contemporary, $35.; antique zinc bathtub, $00.; 312/420-2716. 33 Garage Sales • CRYSTAL LAKE (Prairie Grove) 4320 Valley View Rdc Rte. 170 east from Crystal Lake, left on Valley View to 5th house on right. May 19 & 20; 10 am -3 pm Furniture, collector's Items, clothing, hshld. Items, misc. Lots to see! CRYSTAL LAKE 425 Keith Sat., May 20; 9-4 Girls clothes, Atari w/car- trldges, picnic tbl. ft benches, toys. ' "" ,ptnl 9torn •» ALGONQUIN 212 Hillcrest May 25.26,9-5 cabbage patch girl, $50; dinette set; nick nacks; antiques; clothes; games. . ALGONQUIN 311S. Harrison nrnrvinn May 25,36. *5 Something for everyone. CRYSTAL LAKE Four Colonies •93 Sarasota Lane 901 Sarasota LAne May 24,25,9-5 Kenmore washer & gas dryer, dehumldifler, high chair, con temporary chair ft ottoman, toys, power saws I tools, depression glass, custom drapes, reel to reel TEAC, speakers, and amp., small ap pliances, wall hangings, fur niture, books, clothes, antique rocker, and many more household Items. Moving. CRYSTAL LAKE 229 Lincolnshire ONE DAY ONLY Mey 26,9-4 Toys clothes, Household Items. CARY 2610 N. Lane May 25,26,9-5 Riding mower, baby strollers, ft playpen, exercise bike, misc. household. CRYSTAL LAKE 191 Edoewator Drive Sat., May 26,0:30-5 little girls clothes canoe toys & games lawn & garden sports equipment tools & household A wide variety of misc. CRYSTAL LAKE 370 Oriole Trail May 24,25,9:30-5 Tools, doming, baby items, furniture, housewares, ap pliances, used building materials, 10-speed bike, canoe. So many items you won't believe they're from one family! Reformed Packrats! CRYSTAL LAKE 32 Pomeroy Ave. Mav25,26,0:30-4 IT grill, bikes, lawn fur niture, Toro mower, chlldrens old chairs, mini bike, rugs, stroller, etc. WOODSTOCK "Mother Goose" Conducted Household Sale 311W. JuddSt. May 26,0-4 old wicker chaise, 2 wicker rockers, 1950's "Haywood Wakefield" IIVIM room set, couch, chair, coffee table, end tables, brass floor lamps, slant top desk, recllner, kitchen table ti 6 chairs, old Magic Chef gas stove, twin beds & mattresses, sewing machine & bench, old dishes, fabrics, linens, picture frames, books ft much misc. 2 FAMILY Crystal Lake 0204 West Hillside May 24 & 25; 9-5 Antiques CRYSTAL LAKE Multi Family 1425 Gilberts Ave. May 24, & 25,9-3 clothes, household items, for mats, bikes, much misc. CRYSTAL LAKE 333 Lee St. May 24,25,9-4 Oak dining rm. tabie, antiqr" chairs, chest of drawers, like new 36x36 Schwinn scrambler dirt bike, Honda XR75 motor cycle, file cabinet, TV set, fc much more. CARY 6709 Silver Lake Rd. Sat. May 26 Only! 9 am-5 pm Multi-Family- 2 couches, fridge, kitchen items, clothes, wood burning stove 0, misc. Misc. 32 Merchandise *Bedding Plants *Flowers 'Vegetables Pansi«s -Geraniums-Roses-Mums Clematis-House Plants ft Cactus Schlesser's Green House 28699 W. Rt. 120-McHenry (1 block East of Darrel Road) 24 Help Wanted INSIDE SALES FULL ft PART TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE We need mature, responsible indi viduals who can handle incoming sales calls and type. No experience neces sary. We offer competitive pay. Appli cations are now being taken at our main headquarters, 640 Industrial Drive, Cary, IL. (Weekdays 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) If it is impossible for you to apply during these hours, please call: MRS. PAYNE at 312/639-5658 FOX VALLEY SYSTEMS, INC. ALGONQUIN PLANT / LIGHT ft HEAVY COIL WINDERS (Experience Preferred) Part Time Evenings HAND LAMINATION STACKERS Full Time Days y APPLY AT CRYSTAL LAKE PLAHT C power conversion products inc forty two east street p o bo« 380 crystal lake Illinois 60014 phone 815/459 9100