PAGE 16 - PLAIN DEALER - FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1984 86 Automobiles For Sale COLT '10, red, impaccabl* cond., fJOO Must Nil Im mediately. 312/W-5325. FIREBIRD 74. Exc. cond. Many custom angina & body pyte. Mutt m. HV33>-5»at. CHEVETTE, 'II, 4 dr., 4 tod., •m/fm cassette, 27-30 MPG, 0,300/bft, l15/3>5-747>. FIREBIRD custemlnd, 77, T--TOM, air, axe. sterto, naw carpeting l much mora, (4,000 orbastoffar, 312/AM-3554. CHRYSLER Cordoba, • cyl.. full powar, extras. axe. cond., M000/ofter, 312/6*5 6421 or 3H/43&-7M0. MONTE CARLO 74, swivel buckets, p/w, p/s, p/b, air, >1,000.312/426-4464 after 4 p.m. CHEVY SUBURBAN 74. 4X4 gd.cond., $1350/bast. 115/305-5471 OLDS 90,'73, dapandable trans. S300, ; 015/653-7001. CADILLAC COUPE da Villa,'77, ona owner, wMta/ax- callant cond. Loadad/naw tires, 63,000 mllas. (5000. Call aftar 7 pm. 015/439-3355. PLYMOUTH FURY 75, good condition, naads body work. 1400/best. 312/302-6214 BUICK LaSABRE , naw shocks, front and & muff la, runs good, >430.015^44-3632. CHRYSLER NEWPORT, 76,4- dr., loadad, axe. cond. Incl. tlras, maroon fop, 70,000 mllas. burns rag. Harms Grain Equip. Rt. 176, Crystal Laka, >1,795. CITATION '02, fual Inlactlon, 4 cyl (20 MPG), 4 dr. hatch back, ps, pb, air, cruise, i/tm. i, defoggar, up, battery, laan, 34,000, a m/fm, naw tuna .... _ brakes, shocks, dean, 15295/otter 015/455-2704 eve. I wk.ends. DUNEBUGGY, nice condition, carpet, full top, many ac cessories. wide tires & mags, must sea. After 6 pm, 015/943- 7654. CHEVY CAMARO Convert., '69, new engine, $2,700 or bast offer, 015/459-6025. CHEVY SEDAN '57, 4-dr, runs great, no time to restore, sail or trade. $2,500,015/330-6019. DATSUN B210 GX, '70, hat chback. 4 spd., air, am, naw clutch & brakes. $1400. 312/650- 5051. OLDS DELTA 00 70. Lots of new parts. $300. 015/459-4010, after 5 pm. HONDA CIVIC 1300 DX, '01, 5 sp.. am/fm cassett, 40,000 ml., mint, $4,000,015/459-7669. Automobiles 86 For Sale FIREBIRD, 7*. auto, pa, pfe am/fm casaattC T Oifflar, axe. cond. $4200 or bast offer, 015/459-0769. VW BEATLE '72. Sunroof; now paint, brakas, wheals, 4 fiberglass fenders. Must Saa. $1400/best. 312/650-5965, after 6 pm. HONDA ACCORD, 79, 3 door, H/B 5 speed, am/fm, <M00. clean, 015/30MN1. MGB 1977 low mllas. excel lent condition, $3500 or bast offer, 015/305-6942. CHEVETTE 79, 4 dr. hat chback, 4 spd., excal. cond. No rust. Bast offer. 115/344-1994. MG MIDGET, '72, runs body needs work, $000,311/439- 0269. Wanted To 87 Buv • BUICK SKYLARK, 1972, *290. Call 015/305-9635 CHEVY CAPRICE, '73. aufo.. clean, dapandable work car, $300,312/669-3340. FORD LTD 76, 4-dr, 97,000, power, air, auto, am/fm. $905. 312/650-5952 GREMLIN, 1977, cyllndar, p.s~ p.b., air, rear window defog gar, am red la extra claaa no rust, $1300.015/305-5017. CAMARO RALLY SPORT, 1970, p.s., p.b., tilt wheal, T- tops, no rust, axe. runner, 03,000 ml., $3,300/best offer. 115/640-2795. FORD LTD Country Squire sta tion wagon, 70, dual rear seats, air, stereo, landau Interior, vary clean. Call 115/499-1496. FORD BRONCO '79 XLT w/7V> ft. Meyer plow. Blk/maroon In terior. AM/FM cassette, tilt wheel, cruise, wiper delay, air. $6000.015/305-4627 SUBURBAN 75, 3/4 ton. Runs good, some rust, 0950. One sat of lack stands, new. 015/330- 1415 aft. 4 pm. R O A D R U N N E R CONVERTIBLE, '69, mint cond., never in snow, ps, top, A/C, yellow w/wacfc In terior. Very rare- $4,200/best. Call 312/639-7190 after 5 pm. FORD LTD. 76, auto., 4 door, pt/pb, A/C, am/fm, new ex haust system, runs good, $550/best. Call 015/330-3050 after 5 pm. 87 Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY junk t repairable autos, 7 day pickup, 312/639-0159. 72 Real Estate For Sale WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE Cars, Trucks, Vans. 115/720-1007 CASH PAID For Junk Cars -7 Day Pickup 312/639-2620 Auto Parts & 88 Accessories ALLOY WHEELS four 13 In, fit GM bolt pattern, $200/best. 312/426-6000. ENGINES, all makes, $200 I. up; trans., all typos, foreign & domestic $100 & up; Delivery f t I ns ta l l a t ion ava i l . Guaranteed. 115/344-5114. FIAT MAG wheals. 4/1100. 015/344-3995. lug wide spoke $l2S/all; 4 Camera V" mags. BLAZER 4 lug * wheals I tires (4), good cond., fS\ . complete, $125. After 5 pm, 015/344-4253. DELUXE TRI-County truck lop, for Toyota long bod. used 1 year, exc. cond., $«0/best of fer. $15/305-4991. M I C H E L I N T I R E S P175/00R13XA4.4 like new, $40 all, call 015/344-3006 aftar 5 p.m. HUB gas, radiator caps. Why not keep a spare? Save this ad. 015/344-1453. MERCURY WAGON, 74, for parts only, 400 cu. In. eng., can hear It run, $150. Make offer on other parts. 312/469-3340. 89 Trucks, Tractors & Trailers FORD COURIER pick ujfc *>1. 32,000 mites, exc. cond Call 015/305-1110 DATSUN KING CAB '01. 4x4, air, $4200/offer. 312/650-ps/pb,. 6562. Ford F250-73, 4WD, 4 speed, new tires, clean. Call after 5pm 015/455-6009. DODGE D50 1900 sport pickup. 4 cyl. A 5 spd. makes gas mileage great. Sunroof & custom fiberglass cap w/open access to cab. All black w/«>ld pinsfrlp; also Bultaco dirt bike, faOO. 312/639 5200. CHEVY pickup- short bed, step side, 71,6 dy., 3 sp., new tires t brakes, $550. Call 015/344- 4253 after 5 pm Trucks, Tractors A Trailers CHEVY 77,1 ton, auto. $1250. Also slide-In camper. $1,400. 015/330-4020 DOOGE PICKUP, 1 Ton. 71 ready to word $2,300, Harms Grain Equip, Rt. 174, Crystal Laka. WHITE. '70, 290 engine, 9 sp., 30,000 SQHP, wet kit, very claan. Call 015/4554)101. CHEVROLET Dump truck, '62, handyman's special. $1100. 015/330-4121 or 3M-33S4. CHEVY '00,4x4, * ton pick up, nice clean truck. auto. ps. [ $5000, 7X0 3690. miles, 015/569- CHEVY C IO pick up w/cap, 1 sp., very llftie rus t , 31 X 10 .50 f i r es , '67,3» engine, 31 $l,000/best. After 5 pm, 312/639- 7190. FORD RANCHERO GT, '76, V- 0. auto, a/c, am/fm stereo, cruise, oun roof, T/A Radlals, hitch, Tonnaau cover, axe. cond. $2,900,312/377-1042. 90 Vans VW VAN, 71, new engine, low miles. A/C, sun roof I extras, $405. Call 312/639-1049. DODGE VAN 1977, ing, 6 cyl. runs good. 1.015/459-9370 $2700. DOOGE VAN, 1976, * ton, 360, runs real good, new tires, ask- $995/best offer. 015/305-53». FORD CONVERSION Van, 70, axe. cond. low miles, custon In ferior & exterior, bed/ table, fridge, carpeted, captain's chairs, am/fm stereo, oversiz ed fires. $5,500. Call 015/459- 7270. 1975 FORD window van. Wheelbase, V-0, auto. $500. 015/330-6374 Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles YAMAHA 400, 70, low miles. $400. Price negotiable. 015/305- 9570. YAMAHA SECA '01. With fair ing & saddlebags. Exc. cond. $2500 015/344-3503. after 5 pm. NIGHTHAWK 650 '04. Low mileage. $2400/best offer. Call 015/3M-5356, after 6 pm. KAWASAKI, 1979, lOOOcc, tow miles, $1,400. 015/720-0055 ALUMINUM LADDERS: 34' ladder, $150; 40' ladder, $175; 20* plank $50,015/330-9110. QrtiutK SERVING THE GREATER McHENRY AREA FROM TWO OFFia LOCATIONS 815-344-1033 3717 W. EN STREET, McHENRY, H (Rio. 31 ft Rio. 120 - Ba Slrooi) CARE REAL ESTATE « 'SmhS&SI1 MEMBERS Of BOTH McHENRY & LAKE COUNTY MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE WATERFRONT I Five minutes from the Chain! Four bedroom, 1 bath Cape Cod with eat-in kitchen, two car garage, and almost one acre! S56.000. QUALITY LAKEFRONTI Four bedroom Bi-level w/family rm w/wet bar, 2 baths and multi-level patios and deck w/wrought iron trim! Pier, boat lift, and MANY EXTRAS! S130.9OO. JUST LISTED I Three bedroom, 2 bath Bi-level with eat- in kitchen, partial basement, central air, walk out basement, 2 car garage and more! A must to see at $85,900. DUTCH CREEK WOODLANDS I Neat and clean 3 bedroom, 2 bath Ranch with fireplace, sun room, full basement, 2'/* car garage and a lovely, large lot! $71,900. QUALITY THROUGHOUT! Lakefront home with 5 bdrms, 3 baths., formal dining, two fireploces, 2nd kit chen, wet bar, deck, wolk out basement, 3 car garage and much morel $149,QQQ. _ Ifescwrtvrylt M ̂ MCR efTICe IB ********* SPRING SPECIALS! ******** HANDYMAN SPECIAL! Four bdrm, 2 story wI assumption! $44,900 UNIQUE CAPE COD! Four bdrm, knotty pine living rm, 2% car garage and 95x 126 lot! $56,900 2/3 ACRE! "5" bdrms, 2 bath Cape Cod w/full basement and garage! $60,000 SETTLERS WOODS Four bdrm Tri-level w I fireplace, dining rm and family rm. $74,900 FOX RIDGE! REDUCED TO $79,900! Three bdrm Tri-level w/1% baths and family rm. In-ground pool! EXECUTIVE HOME I Four bedroom. 3% bath English style home features formal dining, 2 F/P, rec rm, sun rm, den, 2 car attached garage and many extras for only $187,000! IN-TOWN LOCATION I Charming two story with three bedrooms, 2 baths, formal dining, rec room, full basement, central air, den and 2 car garage. $69,900. EXCELLENT NEIGHBORHOOD I Tri-level that features 3 bdrms, 2 baths, fireplace, central air, 2'/> car garage, lovely yard and Johnsburg schools. Priced to sell! $73,900. $OLAR HEATED I Five bedroom, 3'/i bath Hillside ranch, walk out basement, in-ground pool, rec rm, wet bar, den, ond many efctrasl $169,500. WATERFRONT I Contemporary home with three bed rooms, 1V4 baths, formal dining, fire place, central air, deck, boat dock and 2 car garogel A must to see at $75,900. a--1 Mil C»i>»iH»n.nwwk»U.t.A. Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles YAMAHA ENDUROS '73. Street legal, CTl, lTScc, 1500 ml.- <371; LTZ lOOcc 000 ml.- 13V. Both Ilka new. IhelmeK tea., mad., sm.; motorcycle trailer avail. 312/420-4*39, days; *50-3243, eves. HONDA, mi, 750 Custom, 7,000 ml., (2,000. 015/344-3591 aftar 4:30pm. Automobiles 86 For Sale Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles • YAMAHA 500, 74. wndshld. back rest, luggage rack, good cond., $425,01174&-3411 KAWASAKI 350, 1972, back rest, fairing, OOO/baaf offer. 312/43HS12 after 4pm. Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles 19C2 ATC 105S, Abaolutely Ilka now! No damage-always storad Indoors. Must sacrifice-no reasonable offer refused. Only used ona aaaaon. Mint condl Hon. Woodstock 'Cam' 330-3217. SUZUKI GS1100E '00. Naw ary. case guards * r. Mint. S2S50/offer. RC 312/439-2317. Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles YAMAHA Midnight Virago, W. -- ' ' ' mi., garage kwt, crash bar, tank beg?2 its Incl. $2900. I1S/4S»- 3Q9, aftar 5:30. Kaaj> frying. YAMAHA *90 Spaclal, mint cond., SI Wind Screen A many < 7,000 miles, 015/330-0740. 10, Sllloofte Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles SUZUKI GS 550 *00, black, 1*00 mllas. Good cond. Back rest, mag wheals. $1*00 015/305-0507 aftortor 015/305-1297. SUZUKI GS5S0TX, '01, bought now '02. Exc. cond., low miles. $1300/bost. 015/459-1597. YAMAHA DT12S'01. Gd. cond. $*00/best offer. 015/330-1991. S ORMSBY MOTORS jgffllCTffp HUGEIS! DISCOUNT SALE ON NEW '84 PONTIACS! PONTIAC SUNBIRD 2000! $ it I $ <69 FROM % Fully Factory Equipped - Order Now - Optional Equipment Freight, Tax & Li cense Extra. 6667. | MANY OTHERS 5 IN STOCK! \ PONTIAC 1000 5-DR. HATCHBACK Fully Factory Equipped AM/FM Rad- dio - Rear Defogger - Tilt - Soft Ray Glass - Trim Rings - W/W Tires 16101 WAS % _ $6755°° | PONTIAC PHOENIX COUPE V'V Fully Factory Equipped A/C - Auto $ ^ Trans - P.S. - Tilt - Rear Defogger & % Now > More '87024 WAS •973604 SPECIAL!!! 1984 Cadillac Sedan DeVille - Fully Equipped - Leather Int. - Wire Wheels - Brand New - Last of The Big Ones! A GREAT SELECTION OF PRE DRIVEN CARS - COME IN TODAY!!!! WAGONS OTHERS -------- 'IIGR. LEMANS WGN. P.S. & Disc B.-Luggage Rack-A%C- Woodgrain -A Real Sharp Inter mediate Wagon!!!! Only $6895.00!! '79 PONTIAC GRAND SAFARI 9 PASS. WGN. P.S. & Disc B.-P.W. & Locks-60/40 P. Seat-Tilt-Cruise-A/C- Rear De fogger-Luggage Rack- Woodgrain- Loaded & Sharp-Only Vacation Ready!!! '71 OLDS CUTLASS BR. WGN. P.S. & Disc B.-P.W. & Locks- AM'aFM Stereo-Buckets & Console- Tilt- Cruise-A%C, Woodgrain- Loaded & Sharp-Only $4295.00!!!! '71 CHE V. CAPRICE 9 P. WGN. P.S. & Disc B. P.W. A^C Luggage Rack- 30,000 Cert. Mi. One Owner- Sharpft!! ORMSBY MOTORS Pontiac • CMC '13 FORD FAIRMONT FUTURA 4 DR. P.S. & Disc B.-A3/4C-Stripes-21,000 mi.-Like New!!!! '12 BUICK SKYLARK 4 DR. P.S. & Disc B.-A/C-Tilt-Cruise-P. Windows- AM/FM Stereo-Rear Defogger-V6 Engine-26,000 Mi.- Extra Clean Front Wheel Drive Car!!! 'IFCWE V. MALIBU CLASSIC 4 DR. P . S . & D i s c B . A / C - A M / F M Stereo- Wire Wheels-Vinyl Top- 31,000 Mi.- Sharp!!!! '81 RENAULT 1814 DR. A . T . - A / C - R e a r D e f o g g e j r - P . S . - Stripes-Extra Sharp!!!! '81 T10003DR.HB 4' speed-A Gas Saver!!!! '81 FORD GRANADA CPE. P.S. 8i Disc B.-A/C-Landau Top- 21,000 Cert. Mi.-Red-White-Like New!!!! GM QUALITY SERVICE PARTS CINIOAl MOTORS COOPOOATIOM '81 PONTIAC CATALINA 4 DR. P.S. & Disc B.-A/C-V8 Engine 24,000 Cert. Mi.-Sharp!!!! '80T-BIRD P.S. 8i Disc B.-A/C Rear Defogger •Wire Wheels-Striping-33,251 Cert. Mi.-Sharp!!!! '80GRAND PRIX P.S. & Disc B.-A/C-Rear Defog ger Rally Wheels-Landau Top Extra Clean!!! '80CADILLAC ELDORADO Fully Loaded-Cabrolet Top-Beauti ful Yellow Car-Showroom New!!! 79CADILLAC CPE DEVILLE P.S. 8. Disc B.-P.W. & Locks-Tilt P.S.-AM/FM Stereo-Rear Defog ger A/C-Cabrolet Top-Cloth Int.- Sharp!!!! '79 SUNBIRD CPE 4 Cyl-A.T.-P.S. & Disc B.-Radio Tilt-Cloth Seats-A Black Beauty!!! 815-459-4566 50 N. MAIN ST. CRYSTAL LAKE.IL. i V