SECTION 2 - PAGE 12 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY.iMAY 25, 1984 County mental health center Check alternatives for effective weed control announces new staff member Family Service and Com munity Mental Health Center for McHenry County has an nounced that Carmen Reyes has joined its staff. Ms. Reyes, who graduated from Malcolm X College in Chicago in 1974, comes to the agency with experience needed to help the Hispanic population of McHenry County. "Ms. Reyes, who is bilingual, will be providing a combination of outreach and counseling services", according to Sara Boomhower, program director for the Family Center for Alcohol-Substance Abuse (a program of Family Service). The funds for the position were made available through a special grant from the Illinois Department of Mental Health and the McHenry County mental Health Board to provide primarily alcohol and substance abuse services to the Hispanic population. The Family Center for Alcohol and Substance Abuse is located at 224 W.. Judd St. in Woodstock. Families in need of services can call (815) 337-)0090 or 1-800-892- % CARMEN REYES Film on diabetes set A film about experiences of people with diabetes, will be shown at the upcoming meeting of the American Diabetes Association, Western Lake- McHenry Chapter. The film and discussion session will take place at the Westlake Clinic on Route 59 in Ingleside on Monday, June 4 at 7:30 p.m. « The general public is invited to attend. Frequent rains and cool temperatures may intensify area weed problems this year. Producers, of course, hope for good weed control by the her bicides they apply, but need to be ready to use backup treat ments if necessary. The effectiveness of early- applied herbicides depends upon which herbicide is used and how much rain is received. Wet conditions may accentuate more rapid breakdown of some herbicides, while others may become more mobile, moving up and down in the soil. Some of the less soluble herbicides like Atrazine may hold up fairly well, providing the rates of application are not too light. Other more soluble herbicides may leach too deeply for best results, but will probably not completely disappear. As soon as weeds begin to show, it is time to use the rotary hoe, which is particularly ef fective against very small weeds like foxtail. While some producers may be concerned about the effect of the rotary hoe on herbicides, this should not be a concern as the hoe will do much more good than harm. Timely row cultivation can also be helpful. Postemergence herbicides provide another alternative for back-up weed control. There are a number of choices in this category. For corn, Atrazine plus oil, Bladex, Basagran, 2,4* D, and Banvel may be . used. Atrazine and oil controlsV small grass weeds, as weN as broadleaves. Grasses should not The (EXTENSION) People tsmm be over one and a half inches high, however, There is more flexibility on the height of some broadleaves. In any case, it is important not to delay as the larger the weeds, the less the control and the greater the risk of carryover. Bladex can be applied with similar guidelines, but an adjuvant other than crop oil should be used. Both Atrazine and Banvel can be quite effective on smartweed. Although there is no concern about Banvel residue in future years, caution should be taken to avoid injury to plants outside the target area such as soybeans. Banvel n has half as much active ingredient as the older formulation and is formulated as a sodium salt, which may further reduce the risk of crop injury. Postemergence use of 2,4-D plus Banvel can be helpful for controlling both smartweed and velvetleaf, as well as broadening the spectrum of other weeds controlled. Adding 2,4-D to Atrazine and oil is not recommended sineet&sk of corn injury is greatly incraued. Basagran can control nut- sedge, as well as many broadleaf weeds in corn. The cost for treating with Basagran can be reduced by banding over the row. Another new product, Laddock, containing both Atrazine and Basagran, appears promising. Very little is available to control grass weeds over one and a half inches hi#i in corn. T/omr or Evik as directed sprays may be considered for emergency treatments if weeds are small enough and the crop large *n«igh to make treatment practical Producers With specific weed problems should contact.Brian Sager at the McHenry County Cooperative Extension Service, 789 McHenry Ave. P.O. Box 431, Woodstock, Illinois 60098. Phones: (815) 338-3737 and 338- 4747. Sager can answer any questions or make farm visits if requested. The Illinois Cooperative Extension Service provides equal opportunities in programming and employment regardless of race, religion, sex, or handicap. Caution urged in watching eclipse LAWN & GARDEN SALE 25% OFF Clearance: trees and evergreens for a naturally green landscape all year Were 2.49 to 19.99. now 1.89 to 14.99 .99 Reg. 1.39 Geraniums in 4" pots. Colorful plants are ideal for planters, terraces, accenting patios. Flower from spring to fall. 7180805. 6AA Reg. •99 8.99 Bright plants in 8" to 10" hanging baskets. Impatiens, more are great indoors and outdoors. Easy care. #7220002. QQ Reg -49 pack Bedding plants. Impatiens, Petunias, Marigolds, Ally sum, more Ready to plant in for spring. 2 to 4 per pack. #7180102. LAWN FERTUZER & WEED CONTROL OUR FORMULA 2 LAWN FOOD AND WEED CONTROL SALE *6.88 20 lb bag reg. 11.99 Our 25-3-3 Lawn Food and Weed Control provides a full feeding of turf formula while killing many broadleaf weeds at the same time. Actively kills dandelions, plantain and can be used all year long. Covers 5,000 square foot area. #6101104. S 2.99 Reg. 4 49 Ortho Kleen-Up weed and grass killer can control a broad range of tough weeds and grasses. Ready to use, no mixing. ^6156807. 5f\f\ Quart, reg. 7.99 Ortho Weed-B-Gon. 2,4-D and MCPP to control dandelions, plantain, more 6155806. $2 mail-in rebate is available. 2.99 22 oz. Spectracide XP Home pest Control. Professional strength residual formula kills 18 indoor pests. Spray on. #6170706. 15*99 19.99 IV2 gallon sprayer. Tank of noncorrosive polyethylene. Brass nozzle is adjustable One gallon operating capacity #6203206 4.99 1 qt reg. 6.49 Ortho Triox kills unwanted weeds and vegetation. Stops growth up to 1 year. Use on driveways and patios. #6156104 1 • .*» vv 14.99 24.99 Save $10. Rubber hose. 5/8"x50' heavy duty hose is dual reinforced for added strength Flexible, easy to coil #0551006 Due to the seasonal nature of growing stock no rain checks will be issued. Nursery stock not available in all stores. Montgomery Ward On Wednesday, May 30 an eclipse of the sun will be visible in the Chicago area. Although the eclipse is what astronomers term an "annular" eclipse, residents, may see it a partial eclipse in which 76 percent of the face of the sun will be covered by the moon. In this area, the partial eclipse will begin at 10:09 a.m., reaching its maximum at 11:30 p.m. and ending at 12:59 p.m. As the eclipse progresses, it will appear that the moon is taking a "big bite" out of the sun. At the time of maximum eclipse, the sky may also seem to darken slightly. An annular eclipse is different from a total eclipse of the sun. Both types of eclipse occur when the new moon passes in a direct line between the earth and the sun, but in a total eclipse the moon totally blocks the sun from view. In an annular eclipse, the moon does not entirely cover the disk of the sun. Instead, the moon appears smaller than the sun and is seen as a dark disk surrounded by a bright ring of light. The ring is the uncovered portion of the sun and it is this ring - or "annulus" - which gives the annular eclipse its name. A problem of much more immediate concern is safety. Under no circumstances should anyone look directly at the sun and especially not with camera viewfinders, binoculars or telescopes where the lenses magnify and intensify the l's burning rays. Looking at the sun for even a short time is very dangerous and can burn the retina, the delicate layer of cells at the back of the eye that transmits images to the brain. The retina, unfortunately does not feel pain. Scarring and blindness will occur without sensation while it is being burned. There is no treatment for the scarring and the Mind spots which will be permanent. Experts warn that sunglasses, smoked glass, exposed I I P II II, I 815-455-3666 1 TRANSMATIC TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS ON RT. 31 TRANSMISSION TUNE-UP SPECIAL*8* PLUSFAK k*TS *20 ROM) TEST REMOVE PAN VISUAL INSPECTION ADJUST BANDS i LINKAGE REPLACE FLUID TOTAL PRICE • CLEAN SUMP • REPLACE PAN GASKET • REPLACE FILTER OR CLEAN SCREEN 5210 Rt. 31 Crystal Lake COUPON GOOD THRU JUNE 10,1914 photographic film, camera and gelatin filters and welding goggles also should not be used. There are no filters or glasses generally available that will protect eyes looking directly at the sun. The safest way to watch the eclipse is at professionally sponsored eclipse watches such as the one being held at Chicago's Adler Planetarium or on television. A simple way to watch the eclipse indirectly and safely is with two sheets of cardboard, one of which has a pinhole in the center. With the sun at your back, hold the cardboard with the pinhole over the other cardboard so that the sun shines through the hole and projects an image on the second cardboard. Change the distance between the sheets to focus the light and change the size of the image. You can watch the eclipse safely as it occurs on the bottom sheet. CEREMONt Memorial Day ceremonies and a parade in Woodstock this year will be sponsored by American Legion Post 412 and commence on the Woodstock Square at 10 a.m., Monday, May 28. At the conclusion of the program at the bandstand, the parade will proceed along Jackson Street from the square • to the cemeteries. Anyone owning a convertible car, and willing to offer its use in the parade should contact either Lou Czarny, 338-2040 ext. 361 (days), 338-1937 (evenings), or, Dwayne Raney, 338-1652 (evenings). t Redeem this w MONEY SAVING COUPON ^ at any store m selling this product. INTRODUCING NACH0 CH iiSi ItlHiliES We welcome Montgomery Ward, Visa and MasterCard. Advertised prices good in retail stores thru Sunday, May 27. 1984 a#**** NEW! Made with real Cheese MFII COUPON NO EXPIRATION DATE 16000-5 ctKcse IHHMK ClM--iir Limit one coupon per purchase no other coupon may be used m contundton with this coupon Hetilar you are authonied to act as our agent and redeem this cou pon at fact value plus M handling, m accordance with our redemption pokey. copies available upon request Send coupons to GMl COUPON REDEMPTION P0 Box 900 MPLS . MN 55460. or c ' VMM AP0 our authorized clearing houses s FP0 « Cask vataa 1/1M cent up« ' /