Misc. ^Merchandise TRS MODEL III computer UK Ram. 1 disc, extras. Call <15/714-5116 after 7 p.m. AIR COND. 17,500 BTU's, 220 volts. $300, 1 port. Maytag dishwasher, $300, axe. cond., 015/459-474*. even, or weekends. GOLF CLUBS, like new, Nor- thwestern Custom, 3-9, irons, 1- 3-4 woods, >90,015/459-0356. SOFA * LOVESEAT, neutral color, good cond., <200, or best Offer, 312/420-5796 after 5 p.m. PATIO DOOR used 6 ft. 2 doors & screen. <50, 015/704-5909. PEAVEY special. 130 amplifier, 2 channels, Scorpian speaker and fender, sfratocaster copy w/case a 50 ft. straight cord. Both like brand new. asking <450 or best offer, 312/695-0775 or 931-4021 Scott v SECTIONAL SOFA 2 peice beige weave, 19 pillows, 1 yr old, perfect cond., <400 or best, <15/459-0913 after 6 p.m. weekdays. SOLID DARK wood bunk beds with mattress boards, <100, 312/639-2703. after 4 p.m. PATIO DOOR, glass 3 ft. 34 x 76, <65, 015/305-0117. C O M B I N A T I O N Rocker/Recliner, green tv Good condition. <75.00 or best offer. tlS/653-9327. POOLTABLE (Minn. Fats) 4 ft. x 0 ft., * " slate top, with balls & rack, exc. cond., <350 or best, 015/344-1713. DRYER, APT. size, like new, <100 firm; matching washer, needs work, 115/344-4431. RECLINDER wall hugger four years old, 015/714-1370. PATIO STONES 100, size 2 ft. x 2 ft., IV* " thick, colors beige/grey, <2.00 each, 015/459- 3376. FREEZER, 19 cu. ft., upright, excellent condition, call after 5 p.m. 312/669-5032. GRANDMOTHERS' FLOWER Garden quilt. Hand-pieced a quilted. Old fashioned cotton print. 66 x 76. 1st Congrega tional Community Church, Box 163, Roscoe, IL. 61073. POWER PAL Vi h.p. portable compressor w/extras. 100 P.S.I., used once. <95. 12" Black a white portable TV., <25,015/305-3024. 33 Garage Sales » FAMILY SALE MCHENRY Parkside Subdivision (West Weaner a (pristine off Lilly LakeRd.) Sat. June 2; 9-3 DONATIONS! I We are accep ting donations for GrtswoM Lake Preservation Assoc. Rummage Sale, being hold June 7, i, 9. Household Hems, clothing, toys, etc. Pteaee call days, 015/344-1553 or evenings 01V344-2U0. All donations are tax deductible. HUGH GARAGE SALE Cary 106 Lloyd St. June 1,2,3; 9:30-? Fum., Baby turn, ft clothes (like new), eiec. stove, small refrig. tots of misc. McHENRY 4516 W. Ramble Rd. June 1,9-5 Misc. Items No early birds LAKE IN THE HILLS 12 Woodland Rd. May 31, June 1ft 2,0-5 Craftsman Tool Chest ft rollaway; B/H Super 0 sound camera/pro|ector; '65 BSA bike; 2 man raft, mower ft 4 FAMILY SALE Cary 500 Arthur May 31, June lft 2; 9*5 Lots of miscellaneous! CRYSTAL LAKE 07TlmberhillDr. June 1-3; 9-5 Furniture, tools, household items ft much more. ALGONQUIN High Hill Farms 6llButtorfieldDr. May 31 ft June 1; 9-4 baby accessories, toddler clothesft misc. CARY 320 Crest St June 1.9-5 June 2,9-3 Something for everyone. MCHENRY Oakhurst Subdivision 906Totem Trail May 31, June 1,2,9-5 From 120 turn South on River Rd., go IV* miles to Blk. Par tridge Rd. at 1st stop sign, turn right, go down hill to Totem Trail. First house on left. JOHNSBURG Dutch Creek Woodlands 3312 N Oakdale June 1,2, ft 3,9-5 No early birds. Cash Only! Fur niture, ceramics, clothing ft toys ft games. Much misc. 33 Garage Sales CRYSTAL LAKE 95! Cambridge Ln. Covtntry May 31, June 1.2.9-5 misc. OLDCARPENTERSVILLE 300 N Green June 1,2,9-5 Dishes, antiques, misc. MOVING SALE 400 E. Calhoun-Woodstock Thurs»Frl.,Sat.ftSun. May 31, Juno 1.2,3. 9-5pm. Lots of Everything! CRYSTAL LAKE 300 Union St. May 31. Junk 1.2,9-5 golf dubs, stereo, table saw, camera, port, typewriter, misc. ISLAND LAKE Giant Oak Subdivision 176 to Roberts Rd., right on Porter Rd. to Giant Oak or. June 1.2, ft 3.9-5 IP" w/bakesaleon June2 good clothing, baby-adult, plus many other Items. «- CRYSTAL LAKE •77 Coventry Lane May 31,9-5 4 Family Gar. Sate toys, books ctomoa. misc. GARAGE SALE May 31. June 1st.. 0-Tpm. 1015 N. Sunset Lakeland Park. McHenry Fireplace grill; shovels; tools; wheel barrow; camping equip ment; 2 upright freezers; ex tension cords; marble flooring; 3 sp. bike; clothing; 20" bike. misc. household Items. MCHENRY 0l9NGreenSt. Fri., June 1.9-4 Sat., June 2.9- noon Misc. household items, refrigerator, clothing, fur- nlturt, baby things. MCHENRY Greatest Garage Sale 4510 Ramble Rd. May 31, June 1. ft 2.9-5 CRYSTAL LAKE I 450 Hampshire Lane gate 10 , June 1,2,9-5 tookwood desk, crib, canvas awnings, carpet, vac. cleaner, childrens clothing, dishes, ft much more. CRYSTAL LAKE Country Craft Fair 1(5 N. Main June 1,9-6 June 2,9-1 16 local crafters present their best tor you. Teddy ft care bears, folk art, stencils, ceramics, woodworks, candies, ft antiques, too. Come by for some fun. 33 Garage Sales CARY Mft61 Pine Circle May 31, June 1,9*4 June 2,9-neon Cash Only CRYSTAL LAKE 694 Devonshire Ln. May 31. June 1,94 childrens clothes, ft much misc. SYCAMORE Multi-Family 224 Dunkery Dr. June 2.9-6 riding mower, bikes, clothes, dishes, fum., books, misc. CARY 454Oriole Trail May31, June 11:39-3 paper backs, ft much misc. LAKE IN THE HILLS 6 FAMILIES 17 Wander Way May 31, Junel,2,9-4pm Furniture; appliances, toys; clothes ft tote, tote more! Pteaee No Early Birds. CRYSTAL LAKE MANOR 4th annual gar. sale 10 different sales June.2,9-4. Start at 7407 Hemlock, get your map of subd. ft go st. to st., ft house to house. Need Informa tion, call 015*994130. We are located at the S.W. corner of RL U ft R#3l (next to the drive-In MCHENRY 5304 Winding Crook Dr.off Crystal Lake Rd. June 2, Sat., 0-4 Kitchen ft picnic table, dishes. Crystal gtasees, Llv. rm. fur niture. odssey game, lawnmower, blk. ft wm. TV, luggage, toys, kids clothes, ft IJtHUM JOHNSBURG Chapel Hill Estates l420Charnbrook Chapel Hill Rd. to Bay Rd. to Weingart to Charnbrook, (look tor signs) May 31 ft June 1.9-5 June 2,9-12 kids dothes, toys, cement mix er, cement forms, much misc. MCHENRY BRITTANY PARK 5402W. Shore Dr. June 1.9-5 June 2.9-12 2 family baby swing, walker, infant seat, car seat, stroller, more, clotty. Infant thru adult, toys, furniture, riding mower, etc. ISLAND LAKE 115 Fairfield June 2, ft 9-5 antiques, furniture, cookware, dishes, collectibles, tools, ft much more. RR17*, to Midway Dr., to Fairfield. 33 Garage Sales 33 HOUSE SALE Crystal Lake/Burton's Bridge 015/455-6712 4219 Riverside May2ft3; 9-4 Dining rm. set, desk. bdrm. set, wedding gownlgts more. WONDER LAKE 4134 W.Lake Shore Dr. June 1,2,0-5 bikes. RCA stereo, ladles clothta, size 12-14, collectibles, lawn boy, golf bag ft dubs, misc. household items. McHENRY WINDING CRE E K 110 Heritage Junelft2,9-3pm. Baby items; maternity; kid's and women's clothes; sewing machine; misc. ft much more. • .GONQUIN Zimmer Ur., 3 miles N. of 62, off N. River Rd. May 31-June 2,9-4 antiques, tools, dinette set, washer ft dryer, baby items, ft much misc. GENOA Patio Sale 326 N Sycamore Junelft2,0a.m.to? Miscellaneous Items LAKE IN THE HILLS 371 Council Trail May 31, June lft 2; 9-5 Tools, clothes, furniture, and much misc. GARAGE SALE Lake In The Hills 317 Hiawatha Drive June1ft2; 0-4 Furn., hshld. goods, tools, snow blowers, auto parts, etc., etc McHENRY 5321W. Orchard Way, Wast Shore Beach Subd. May 3lst, June l, 9-5pm. Furniture, puzzles; and much misc. SUBDIVISION GARAGE SALE I McHENRY/ COUNTRY ACRES (Off Riverside Dr., N. of McHenry) Kama, Scott, Aloha, Sterling ft Mogra Streets Saturday ft Sunday •y June2ft3,9am-4 You Name It-We've IS Itl CARY 120 Weaver Dr. June 1,2 ft 3; 9-5:30 Household items, clothing, toys, full/queen size bed frames, sink vanities, lots PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS 715 W. Broadway Frl. Sat. June 1.2.9-5 Bassett crib w/canopy kit, dog kennel, childrens clothing, misc. Garage Sales MCHENRY *- II.I.LU ooeoroo* neignTs 209 N Dale Ave June 1,29-3 furniture 2 cribs, maternity, baby, ladies ft mens clothing, pool accesorles. No checks. MOVING SALE 456Alma?arrace June lft 2.9-5 Furniture, clothing, misc CRYSTAL LAKE 694 Darlington Ln. FrLSat. JUNE 1,2,9-5 Baby Items, toys, clothes (some Maternity), houeehold MCHENRY 5401 Brittany Dr. Behind Parkland May 31, June 1.9-4 Dinette set. bikes, childrens ft baby Items, household, grill, handmade craft, much more. CRYSTAL LAKE 110 Lincoln Parkway June 2,3,9-4 reasonable prices, boys clothes, sofa ft 2 chairs. 37 PAGE 17 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY |MAY 30, 1984 Lawn& Garden Equipment 38 Boats SHAPE TREES Large supply. Also evergreens ft shrubs. Quentity sales only. 312/430- SM1. LAWNMOWER SALE bonan- za! Large Inventory-all makes and types, while ttwy last! Like new comptotly rebuilt and guaranteed. <49.95 and up with your old mower trade-in. special spring time Inspection and check up of your mower from <16JO. High schoolers, need your old mowers for parte. Will pick up. The Lawnmower Boys' Woodstock 330-3217 RIDING LAWNMOWER, Seers. 10 hp.. 32 In. cut. electric start, exc. cond., needs tune up ft battery, <400. Call 312/639- 2121 days or 639-4172 eves. GARDEN TRACTOR 12 hp, 30" cut Simplicity, w/snowplow. <635. Swlngset, <15. 312/420- 5769. INT. HARVESTER, riding tractor w/mower and snow plow. 10 hp. Model 102. runs good-<1100. II 5/43»-0097. CHRYSLER 300. outdrive, complete w/bell housing, tran- Sit ft prop. <700.015/344-5346. 16 ft. LARSEN Trl-huil with trailer. Needs work. Sacrifice. <1200.015/455-3023 14 ft. FISHING boat w/9\* h.p. motor and all the goodies. 312/669-3513 16ft BAJA sport boat w/traller. Excellent condition, pur ple/silver metallic w/white in terior. Full gauges ft radio. <15/720-1100 16' LUND, 35 hpm, trolling motor, def " 015/459-7141 GALAXY '02, 120 H.P., OMC, l/o, all covers ft curtains, deluxe heavy duty trailer, <0400,015/305-3375. PIANO, 5'«", Semi-Concert Grand, mahoghany finish, fine cond. Call 015/670-7621 after 5pm. WURLITZER PIANO and Organ sale in progress. Save 40%! New and Used. Bell Mor- ford Piano ft Organ Company, 72 Fountain Square Plaza, Elgin, IL. 312/741-0700 depth finder, trailer, EVINRUDE 25 hp, 12' fiberglass boat ft trailer. <750/best. .312/650-6632. • CRYSTAL LAKE Coventry 952 Cambridge Ln. May31, June 1ft 2,0:30-4 2 air cond., clothing, misc. items. Weber grill. 35 Antiques OAK ROCKER cane seat, <90; oak stenographer's chair, with cane seat, <00; library table, <65; 2 walnut chairs, cane seats, <55 each; 2 Vic. chairs, •xc. cond., 815/331-4997. FURNITURE Cupboards, tables, chairs, dressers, desks, trunks, beds, rockers, book cases, buffets, walnut desk w/china cabinet, ft primitives. Ridgefield Emporium Between Crystal Lake ft Woodstock Off Rt. 14 015/459-9725 Open Daily 11 to4 PEDESTAL SINK, <75/ best of fer; Hendcrafted copper- punch signs (American Eagle or Welcome). <40/ea. tall 015/560-6071. 36 Bicycles & Sports Equip. SCHWINN. dirt bike, Scramble SX100, good cond. <00, 015/459 1013. Misc. 32 Merchandise AMERICA'S BEST Major swimming pool distributor needs extra floor space. Must sell big, new 1983 31' family size swimming pools complete with huge sundeck, fence, filter & warranty complete for ONLY $999. M Ftrt*h£1hfJlviillabto Call 1/800-942-1798 RIGHT NOW WHILE THE SUPPLY LASTS Garage Sales Gigantic Estate-Garage Sale WOOCCKEK SWOMSMN-MdMY (Route 120 W. to Draper Rd.-Follow signs) JUNE 1st and 2nd • 8:00 to 5:30 Many antiques, quilts, furniture, glassware, silver, paintings, light fixtures, lamps, trunks, fujl and twin size headboards, bedding, linens, cabinets, tools, good clothing-all sizes, misc. household items • too many to mention. 33 Garage Sales GARAGE SALE McHENRY, 1014HANLEY across from Whispering Point Center ,THURS.,FRI..SAT.9to5 Antique rocker, golf-bag cart, nice womens clothing, 4 pc. natural wicker batheroom accessories, mens suits, dolls, broiler oven, dishes, misc. RAILROAD TIES, <5 each. Driveway Gravel, Sand & Stone, Mushroom Compost, gutverlzed black dirt. 312/450- SEARS 11 Hp. Riding Tractor, 42" cut, low hours, new battery, etc. needs minor work. (350. 015/337-0104. 38 Boats BOAT, motor, trailer, 20' Thompson, dew hull lap, stoke wood, completely retlnished. 100 H.P. Mercury motor, f lieni ---* « * II.-- - -J TffnQWTi wTIWI TTJIHi i uOOCO les. 015/704-2233. CATAMARAN, 15 ft., w/trailer, new sails & tramp, good cond., 11.500. Call 312/639- CHRIS CRAFT 20 ft. Wood lapstrake. Needs some work. 203 cu In inboard. Incl. 2 axel trailer. (H50/best offer. 015/305-5910. McHenry. WINNER, lift., Bowrlder/125 H.P., Evuinrude, E-Z loader trailer, $2900, 015/459-6060 days, 015/459-2^2 evenings. FIBERGLASS sailboat, 16 ft., American Day Sailor, with trailer, $3000,115/459-3427 after 6 p.m. HUSTLER, 15 ft., fiberglass low profile! speedboat, 115 Jon- nson motor, trailer, red metal flake, used 4 times in last 3 year. Must sell- Only $2,595. Call 312/301-4003, 015/653-4776 or 015/344-2639. CATAMARAN, 10 ft., exc. cond., used very little. Must Sacrifice: New- $5,000; Sell- $2,500. Call 312/301-4003, 015/653-4776 or 015/344-2639. 16 ft MIRROCRAFT'67, runabout, 40 hp Johnson motor, Gater trailer. $1*500. 015/305- 7251 or 312/775-4257. Daysal ft. with trailer. Exc. cond. Best offer. 015/720-1593 MILO CRAFT 16', 90 h.p., Mer- crulser, I/O trihull, open bow, seats 6, with trailer, good cond., asking $2250. See at Dream Marine, end of River side Dr., McHenry. Ask for Dave. PONTOON- Swim raft: aluminum, 0 x 10 w/ladder, $475,015/653-6366. MARK TWAIN 1973, 1C, 120 Hp- Mercury I/O, Calkins trailer, very good cond., $3,500. trilltri very j 015/344-5415. SEA STAR 14 ft. w/50 hp Johnson and trailer. Asking $1095. Call 015/330-4339 74 CHRYSLER 19 ft. Inboard boat, V-0 jet/easy loader . $3495/best. 015/ FREE TO GOOD HOME 5 kit tens. Various colors, Ing. & semi-lng. hair. 312/426-7247. trailer. 5/305-1200 16 ft., 25 hp. motor, deluxe Gator trailer. $700.015/459-4205 AMC SAILBOAT, car toppable, excellent condition. $400. Call aft. 5 pm or on weekends. 312/639-0467 SAIL BOAT, 13 ft., Flying Junior, sails, trailer a dolly. Asking $1,400.015/459-6965. TRI-HULL '76, 16 ft., 90 HP, Mercury, trailer, $2500, good cond. 015/455-0230. after 5 p.m. BOAT MOORING-McHENRY Vacant Lot, mile above Dam $09/mo. Private 015/305-0169. SOUTH COAST sailboat, 22 ft., motor, 3 sails, extras. Good condition. $5000.312/231-4019 GRUMMAN CANOE: 17 FT. $250. 312/704-5936 after 5 p.m. SEA SPRITE 16', 65 Evinrude, w/trailer a ski equipment, $2500.312/420-5657. BAYLINER MUTINY, '77, 17', inboard/outboard, 130 hp w/traiier, exc. on gas, mint cond., $6,500,015/455-6600. DOLPHIN CENTURA 1901, Mercury cruiser, 19 ft., 015/305-3137. FIBERGLASS RUNABOUT 14 ft., 30 HP, Johnson Gator trailer cover, $950, 015/459-9T14 after 4 p.m. Musical 39 Instruments UPRIGHT PIANO in exc. cond., holds tunelng well, $275, 015/455-2664. LUDWIG DRUM set, 5 piece, 3 Paiste cymbals & accessories Very giood condition. $450 312/639-4063. OLDS TRUMPET Perfect con dition. $275.015/720 1923. LOWREY ORGAN, Genie chord double keyboard, Like new. $500.015/455-2451. 39 Musical Instruments 44 Pets& Equipment WHITE SHEPHERD & Golden Lab., 9 weeks old, $25, after 6 p.m. 015/459-2237. YORKSHIRE Terrier, female, 6 months, exc. for breeding, sweet temperament, $350. 015/720-0032. TOY POODLE Tiny, silver female, 9 weeks, $200,015/653-9076. FREE TO good home, 2 cuddly 0 week old kittens, both male, 015/720-0694. GIVE AWAY, T/j month old, Malumute/Shepherd mix- male, loves people & animals. 015/344-4054. TOY & TINY Toy poodles, red plat, silver, male & female, AKC, shots, 015/305-9095. J puppie males, AKC registered. 015/459-1992. FREE TO Good Home only-due to allergies, male tabby Cat, 1 year old, neutered & declawed, very lovable, 015/305-3301. FREE TO GOOD HOME 2 yr. old white male pek-a-poo. Mov ing, must find home. Raised with kids. 312/420-4436. FREE. Lab. mixed pups, most ly black, 9 weeks old. 312/639- 1649 FREE. 2 female pups to good homes. 2 & 6 month sold. 312/420-5416 FREE GRAY Kittens, 8 weeks old. Call after 5:30pm. 815/455- 4009. "LOVE & FLUFF Dog Salon- Professional Grooming of All Breeds. Free pick-up/Delivery. 312/426-5077. WEIMAR AN ER/LAB, male, hunting dog. Free to good home. Excellent watchdog. 312/540-5581 PROFESSIONAL GROOMING All Breed Dogs Pat Woodruff, 815/648 2546 DOBERMANS. A.K.C., male/female, reds, 6 weeks. 815/459-7559 anytime. FREE puppies to good homes, 815/648-2564 AKC REGISTERED Irish Set t e r p u p p i e s . C h a m p i o n bloodlines. All shots. 8 wks. old. 5 males. 312/658-4120. • /. PIANO TttNfTOG CRE PAIR Fisher Piano Service' Certified Craftsman Member- Piano Technicians Guild *312/650-6193* REDWOOD DRUM, jet black, zlldjian cymbals, excel, cond. $695.312/741-4123 aft. 4 pm. BLACK MALE, Miniature Schnauzer, 2Va years old, perfect age for breeding, ioveabie, friendly , very hand some, must see to appreciate, $150/best offer. Karen or Ray, 3 1 2 / 4 9 7 - 3 6 1 3 P i s t a k e e Highlands. IRISH SETTER, spayed, 6 yrs.? Homeless, very calm, good watch dog, 312/658 2367. H O M E R A I S E D b a b y cockatiels. Many different col ors. Breeding stock avail. 815/305-5586. BLACK DIRT PURE BLACK DIRT SAND t GRAVEL Spreading A Grading Top Qualify At Competitive prices IMMEDIATE DELIVERY P0L0415/459-8692 BLACKTOP HARM) Blacktop Paviag •Driveways •Parking Lots •Sealing 'Patching •Resurfacing Grew) & Black Dirt FREE ESTIMATES 312/077117 312/931-5402 BLACKTOP PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Residential-Commercial-lndustrial "Big savings on Residential work. Proven by thousands of satisfied customers.' SPRING DISCOUNT •Machine Laid 'New Drives •Resurfacing "Parking Lots •teal Coating All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates 312/546-5600 Gra^slakeJL ̂ BLACKTOP WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. Establi$hed in 1954. We are now tak ing orders. Deal d i r e c t w i t h owner & save!! Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES GRAYSLAKE: 312/223-5634 LIBERTYVILLE: 312/367-0676 BLACKTOP ALLAN'S BLACKTOP EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 50t/Sq. Ft. For grading & blacktopp- ing only, on driveways over 1,000 sq. ft. •Parking Lots *New Drives •Long Lanes *Patching •Resurfacing •Sealcoating •24 Hour Servic All Work Guaranteed Fred Estimates 815/459-3960 Call Now & Save CARPENTRY nr» CARPENTRY Kltchens»Battw*Rec Rooms Custom Cabinets Dry WelKTexturlng Windows* Doors* Decks INSURED FREE ESTIMATES tlS/45V-4tS5 CONCRETE ANCHOR CONCRETE •Foundations •Room additions •Retaining walls •Sidewalks-stoops •Driveways-Patios •Basement 4 Garage Floors Free Estimates 815/344-1080 312/639-9248 LAWN CARE GRANDPRE CONTRACTING Spring Clean up Weekly Maintenance Complete Lawn Service and Design 815/455-5536 HANDYMAN ELECTRICAL PLUMBING DRYWALL TILE WALLPAPER PAINT KITCHENS BATHS APPLIANCE REPAIR CUSTOM FURNITURE Results Qwkkl Cell Dick ns/49-aaai ------i---- extension c •1S/4SH3S9 After 5 p.m. HANDYMAN •Clean Basements •Lawn Work •Tree Removal Light Hauling •15/653-6096 Or •15/721-1133 GLASS DOORS SPECIAL FOR SPRING! Patio Door Glass Replacements •y (34x76x5/8) Reg. $124.20 1st Unit-S109/ea....Each Additional-S99/ea •4' (46x76x5/1) Reg. $150 1st Unit->137/ea....Each Additional$124/ea 'Other Standard Sites At Comparable Savings Non standard Prices As Quoted Tifatt $laA4 *)HC. 5501 Northwest Hwy.-Rte. 14, Crystal Lake, IL 815/439-5252"*. LAWN & GARDEN RAKESTRAW LAWN & GARDEN SERVICE •Lawn mowing •Roto tilling •Light Landscaping & Earth Moving We specialize in large lawns. 815/344-1971 LANDSCAPING THINKGREEN LANDSCAPING & LAWN MAINTENANCE Stop, think, call & compare prices. Complete weekly lawn care landscape services. FERTILIZING*DE-THATCHING*SOD SEED BLACK DIRT»DECORATIVE STONE-TREES SHRUBS'EVERGREENS (Installedor Delivered) Railroad Tie Construction FULLY INSURED 815/385-6103 S LAWN MAINTENANCE Landscape Maintenance Services Commercial/Residential 312/669-3080 312/669-3245 Huntley, IL. MOVERS LOCAL MOVING AND HAULING Reasonable 815/385-9386 PAINTING LANDSCAPING Landscapes by Gary Weiss PIANS*PIANTS*PLANTING *SEED*SOD*GRADING • PATIOS AND RETAINER WALLS INSURED, GUARANTEED WORK , 915-72$-144t R.T.&R. PAINTING CO. Commercial & Residential Interior & Exterior. Low prices. Insured. Free estimates Ron-IIS/730-0176 PAINTING RKK DECORATING CommtrcltJ Custom Service at Competitive Prices! imvrtor riinTinj a Wail Papering Guaranteed Work-Quickly a Professionally Done Ask For Roger-S15/4S5-01W REMODELING AOS CUSTOM WOODWORKING HANDCRAFTED CABINETRY •Interior-Exterior Remodeling •Decks •Basements •Help with Design 815/720-1600 REMODELING COMPLETE REMODELING SERVICES 30 Years - McHenry County Basement to Roof Repairs & Additions Prompt Service New Home Builders OE A CONSTRUCTION 015/344-1632 ROOFING TREE SERVICE MARSHTREE SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED Call 015/675-2427 or 015/675-2465 SUNSHINE ROOFING M) Years Shingle E xpertise Every Shingle Hand Nailed GET ACQUAINTED SALE ,^'v thru JUNE 15W V*;' *39.00/100 sq.ft. Walkable Roof •Quality Materials* Insured •Free Estimates •All work guaranteed 815/3854)009 ROOFING BENCHMARK CONST. •SHINGLES *HOTTAR •NEW WORK 'REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed Quality Work Reasonable Prices SR.CItiien Discount 312/658-5301 ROTOTILLING pirn ROTOTILLING & mowing, now Kobuta tractor with 42" til lor, 6 irdoop. Very reasonable. 015/720-0161 SEWING & VACUUM REPAIR SEWING MACHINE & VACUUM CLEANER Sales Service & Parts Household & Industrial In-Home Service Free Pickup & Delivery KEENER &SON TYPEWRITER REPAIR TYPEWRITER REPAIR Repairs on all makes & models Service calls, pick up & delivery or drop off. FREE ESTIMATES New a Used Machines HAYNES&SONS 312/497-4923 WATER CONDITIONING Introductory Offer RENTA QUALITY WATER SOFTNER For S3 00 Per Month For The First 3 Months CallCjIlect 015/330 3344 QUALITY WATER CONDITIONING WOOD RESTORATION JENSEN WOOD RESTORATION Accurate and careful restora tion of antiques, furniture an< kitchen cabinets Also chair roglueing 015/385-4024