•Rt SECTION 2 - PAGE 6 - PLAINDEALfcH-WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1984 <•* W&****% Summer computer camp Summer child care programs at MCC set for adults,Students s: Once again, Johnsburg School District 12 will be offering a summer computer camp. Students from grades four through adult may register for the camp. The Johnsburg computer camp will provide students with an individualized introduction to the computer. Those students who already have some com puter knowledge will be allowed to progress at their own level. The computer camp will meet two and a half hours a day, five days a week for three weeks. Tuition is $80. , Students will have a choice of sessions to register for. Session 1 will run from June 11 through June 29, Session II will run from July 16 through August 3. Students can also choose to register for morning or af ternoon sessions. Students will be grouped into an elementary section (grades four through six) a junior high section (grades seven through eight) or a high school section (grades nine through 12). Grade level is based on enrollment for the 1984-85 school year. Adults may also register All computer camp sessions will be held at Johnsburg Registration materials are available at Johnsbburg High School. Phone reservationbs are also being accepted by calling Carol Kennebeck or Roger Zawacki at 385-9233. Students residing outside District 12 may also register for the computer camp. Registration will be accepted through June 6. The McHenry County College Child Care Center is offering a variety of programs designed to enrich the development of the younger child during Summer Session, 1984. The Parents and Tots Program is for the child 18 to 32 months of age and emphasizes activities parents can do with their children at home, as well as providing the opportunity for group and outdoor play. Both parents are welcome to par ticipate with their child. The eight-week program starts Friday, June 8. Two sessions are offered: 8:45 to 10:15 a.m emphasizes creative art and musical experiences develop- mentally appropriate for young children. Both programs are for four- weeks and will be held on Monday and Wednesday mor nings. Art and music will meet 9 to 10:30 a.m., tumbling from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Two sessions are offered in each class. Session I is June 4 to 27; Session H, July 2 to 25. Youngsters four to six-years- old can choose from four-week courses in Gymnastics, Language Arts and Art and Music. The gymnastics class and 10:30 a.m. to noon. /---^ emphasizes gross-motor skill Children two to three years of age can be enrolled in Tumbling Tots or Tot Art and Music. The tumbling program is designed to encourage coordination and balance. Tot Art and Music MOTORCHMT ¥ development through par ticipation in exercises, tum bling, gymnastics, group games and basic yoga. To be held on Monday and Wednesday mor nings from 10:30 a.m. to noon, parents can choose from the June 4 to 27 or July 2 to 25 session. The language arts program is designed to provide activities and experiences in speaking, listening, pre-writing and pre- reading. Participants will join in story writing, story-telling, puppetry, dramatics and field trips. Scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 9 to 11 a.m., Session I will meet June 5- 28; Session II, July 3 to 26. Art and Music provides an opportunity for the four to six- year-old to explore different art materials and techniques. Singing and musical games will also be included. Scheduled for Monday and Wednesday, 9 to 10:30 a.m., Session I will meet June 4 to 27; Session n, July 2 to 25: The MCC Child Cara Center will hold a special cookmg class for kids four through eight years old on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. It will last four weeks. Emphasis will be on child involvement in the preparation of nutritious lun ches. Two sessions are planned, June 5 to 28 and July 3 to 26. The, registration fee will include the cost of food. Registrations are also being accepted for the Recreation class promoting skill development and group par ticipation. Children will be introduced to gross motor equipment, organized games, group games, relays, exercises, tumbling, gymnastics and yoga. The class will meet Monday and Wednesday afternoons, 1 to 2 p.m., June 11 to July 25. Register early and inquire about a fee schedule directly through the MCC Child Care Center by calling 455-4510. The center is located in the community addition of the Ridgefield Presbyterian Church, and in addition to classes offers day care for children two through six years old. During the summer the center is open 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Child care is available on a reserved time or drop-in basis to the children of area residents as well as those of MCC students. BOATING DEATHS According to the com prehensive annual Boating Accident Report just issued by the Department of conservation, 17 boaters died and 51 others were injured in 97 accidents in 1983, as compared to 28 fatalities and 109 accidents in 1962. Other statistics indicate lack of in struction and unused safety devices were factors in the accidents' results. UBEi 815/943*4094 BOX 409. HARVARD ILLINOIS 60033 Accelerate your tftfytng power during' Motorcraft's Spring Refund Sale! Motorcraft $ .85 10W40 Oil tlMIIIUWIj! | Motorcraft II 1 Fur* per quart with refund ($1.15 regular price less $.30 refund) The motor oil that exceeds virtually every vehicle manufacturer's SF requirements for gasoline engines. Motorcraft *3.12* FL-1A Oil Filters ($4.12 regular price less $1.00 refund) The filter that traps more abrasives because it lasts longer than any other leading filter. 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