SB Novo 'Artitts in the lob.' Soma HMt Century pioneers ore pmwlid as they show how com- PAOtt* TUfSOAY, JUNC 5 ©1S84 Computes A Turn The A Arab (60 Norma Jun. who recently appeared on Jimmy Snow's "Grand Ole Gospel" and TNN's "NashvHIe Now" with Ralph Emory, also recently performed at Jimmy Velvet's Club in Arlington, Texas and the Johnny High Country Music Revue in Ft. Worth, Texas. In May, Miss Jean will be at the Club Dallas in Colum bus. Georgia. She will soon appear as a celebrity judge on the Nashville Network's "You Can Be a Star." The Oak Ridge Boy* will headline the 17th annual Inter national Fan Club Organiza tion's show on June 8 at the Tennessee State Fairgrounds in Nashville. Although this show has traditionally been presented on Wednesday nights, this year it wHI be on a Friday. Joining the Oak Ridge Boys on the grandstand will be Loretta Lynn, DarreH Clan- ton, Mar go Smith, Rauy Bailey, Karen Taylor-Good, Johnny Lee, Rex Alien Jr. and Qary Morris As always, an unannounced surprise guest will also appear. In the past, this guest spot has been filled by such country stars as Johnny Lee, E<Me Rabbitt and The Oak RMge Boys themselves. During the show, the Tex Ritter Award will be presented to the person or organization who has done the most to pro mote country music interna- ttonally during the past year. Last year's recipient was Faron Young. • Annette Funicello donated the first album in a collector's series and a sweatshirt she wore at lite Mickey Mouse Club's • 25th reunion to the Country Music HaD of Fame In Nashville during a recent visit. While in town, she also recorded a special tribute to the late Walt (Money Miss Funiceflo co-wrote the song with Qlen Holt and recorded it at PM Baugh's Hot Licks Studio. "I always knew that some day I would record a country album," Miss Funicello says, "and I wanted the party to be in NashvMe because I wanted to focus on the fact that it is a country album." Miss Funicello also found time to grant several inter views. including some with Dick Heard of "Entertainment Tonight," DobMe ANen of WTVF's "Talk of the Town" and JanatTyMnorthoNhah- vMe Network. The former Mouseketeer guested on "Nashville Now" and visited Charte Douglas on Music County Radio Network. ©> Km ART THIEVES Laura (Stephanie Zimbal- ist) investigates the disap pearance of a reporter assigned to cover a ring of international art thieves on "Remington Steele," airing TUESDAY, JUNE S on NBC. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME or* used to create an extraordinary array of strong*, new art forms. (R) (60 Mile.) (doted Captioned) 9 French Open Tennis Philip Martow* O MOVIE: 'Six Pock O O First Tuesday 0 Paper Chase W-_L kli-Llhl, Qp fvf w t oot nignniTV 9 ® Media Ochea 0 My Graham Crusade 9 W* Mofotint Q9 Btocfcwowl IftHMft 9 Bloodlines t«1S ffi MOW: Desperate Voyage' Copt. Jacques Born low, a corrupt modern-day pir ate, hat taken to hijacking yachts on the high teas. Christopher Hummer, Cliff Potts, Christine - tetford 1980. 0 Newt 7:30 PM lif Fawdange S B ® T h r o e ' * Company Jack feels he's in terri ble trouble when he commits a big foul-up at a charity social function. (R) [Closed Captioned) ® 8D 35 inter prise 'The Million Dollar Scan.' Host Eric Se- varetd foNtws the efforts of an hraeB-baied manufacturer as he goei up against multi-national in- duetrial giants. |Clo«ed Cap- tiofiod) Q) Private lives Public People (B <8 Solid Geld HHt m Ptoyboy VWM MoQQiiM ffi ® La* Aventuras do SD intortainmont Tonight O @1 Kay Arthur 9 MOVIE: lost Convertible' Porta •:00PM OQ@6S MOVIE: 'Two lives of Carol lotner' A contemporary drama about a former call girl who is manipulated by the police into re suming her old profession. Mere didl Baiter limey, Don Johnson, •-L. VvBSWr 0 9 Si Riptide Cody, Nidi and Bos attempt to rescue an airline stewardess who has witnessed a murder connected wMi 0 dwwKwd MVUfQ f̂inQ optf* alien, (R) (AO min.) O NttilitWe Now O © © Arthur Hailey't Hotel A mysterious woman and her cousin vie for Peter, a girl concocts a scheme to reunite her divorced parents and a man tries to swindle the hotel out of a free stay. (It) (60 mm.) [Closed Cap tioned) CD Strokes of Genius (3D (SSI ®) Nova 'Artists in the lab.' Some 20th Century pioneers are presented as they show how computers and lasers are used to create an extraordi nary array of strange, new art forms. (R) (60 min.) [Closed Cap tioned) ID Regit Philbin't Health O MOVIE: Poltergeist' ID <S$ Stan With David Steinberg ID MP VIE: On the Ul , | » " WUIP HURT ® MOVIE: Of Mice and Men' A little man with a dream looks after his retarded cousin, but when a shocking Occident strikes, the protector faces a heart-breaking decision. Burgess Meredith. Ion Chaney Jr., Charles Bkkford. 1939. ® (8> U Poreja Sin Par SD MOVIE: Eureka Stockade- Part 2 9 (5$ Blackwood Brothers a Arts PtayhooM: Arthur mHiy 1:30 PM (3D MOVIE: Blade Sandt' ® (2$) Bartolo €D® Power Unlimited >:00PM 8 0® Remington Steele laura and Remington set up. a competing syndicate in the hopes of locating a missing reporter. (R) (60 min.) OIDCD Hart to Hart Jen nifer becomes the target oLo man who is her rivol for leadership of a world famous clan. (R) (60 min.) [Closed Captioned] ID American Playheute Op- penheimer.' Fourth of 7 parts. At progress on the development of the first atomic bomb proceeds, Oppenheimer gets involved in if dispute between two cf the pro ject' i most brilliant scientists (R) (60 mm.) [Closed Captioned) 1984 Game 8 NE