PAGE 7 - PLAINDEALER - FRIf ^ WU&i .J»j Schools County college announces honor roll The following students have earned high academic honors (3.&4.0) or honors (3.0-3.49) at McHenry County College during the Spring 1964 session. On the MCC grading system, 4.0 is equal to "A" and 3.0 is equal to "B'V HIGH HONORS-Full Time McHenry - Kris Bergstrom, Sarah Bolger, Sherd Bruce, Kelly Chilvers, Julie Flynn, Margaret Funk, Thomas Griffith, Patricia Haag, Robert Jones, Mitch Ketchum, Linda Koczor, Holly Kuhns, Allen Lillegard, Laura McAndrews, Michael Mondl, Anthony Navarroli, Kenneth Qlsen, Thomas Popovich, Keith Porter, Laurie Rhoton, Douglas Rich mond, Patricia Schillaci, Carol Schmidt, Bradley Schmitt, Michael Smith, Keith White, Andre Yerkes. Wonder Lake - Margaret Bell, Joan Buch, Beth Mathews, Mary McCarty, Bill Nasebandt. Jason Warren. Ringwood - John Lister HONORS-Full Time McHenry - Colleen Boak, Giselle Dowe, Tracy Exposito, Gloria Garrelts, Jeffrey Jurik, Steven Kalsch, Christine Knox, Robert Kunz, Laura Lambourn, Jay Miklavcic, Patrick Mondl, Shawn Mondl, Norine O'Neill, Robert Roewer, Karla Stueben, James Thorson, Curtis White, Kurt Williams, Mary Wohnrade, Suszan Worzaia. Ringwood - April Stewart Spring Grove - Renee Paleka, Barry Pike Wonder Lake - James Her- trich, Elizabeth Lance, Nancy McCarty, Cheryl Wright. HIGH HONORS-Part Time McHenry - Craig Adams, Clayton Ames, Margaret Arm strong, Jin Youn Bae, Dennis Barts, Robert Boyle, Eileen Byrne, Charlene Carle, Ranvieg Cepulis, Marilyn Dangelo, Karen Diehl, Belinda Dolloff, Sherri Dunford, Robin Gioia, Therese Glass, Donald Gregg, Wade Heisler, Vickie Holmes, David Jesky, Kathy Jordan, Reed Kaiser, Cathy Klubertanz, Susan McDougall, Joel Motzny, Lauretta Mowery, Hazel Muth, Ray Nelsen, Margaret Novak, James Quantz, Kathy Rasmussen, Krista Rogman, Robert Schmidt, John Schneider, Susan Setlak, Denise Simon, Harold Thompson, William Wedding, Gary Wigman, Darlene Young, Jean Zucco. Ringwood - Lucille York Wonder Lake - Charlene Conklin, Mary Huff, Carol Hunt, Robert Hunt, Joseph Liggett, Carol Maiice, Clifford Otto, Ron Salgado, Mary Szymkowiak, Janice Treasure. HONORS-Part-Time McHenry - Diane Augustyniak, Fran Black, Murray Bolger, Lisa Boyle, William Bryniarski, Eileen Clark, Timothy Cypher, Gayle Fassbinder, Jean peister, Bruce Henderlong, Linda Johnson, Louine Klontz, Carol Kozlowski, Ann Lawrence, Matthew Lazar, Edwin Malenius, Robert Martel, Jeff Michels, Dolores Molina, Joseph Mroz, Elizabeth Musial, Evelyn Osmon, Victoria Pease, Scott Persky, Michael Ruhnke, Kenneth Sarni, Dorothy Sauers, Linda Sweeney, James Tiffany, Gerald Wallace, Sue Wohnrade. Roland Wood. Ringwood - Michael Etten Spring Grove - Sandy Frost, Justin Traver Wonder Lake - John Bauer, David Larsen, Geraldine Marek, Diane Palermo, Kathy Sierminski, Theresa Sovsky, David Sturm, Heather Vieregg, Joan Willis, Debra Zabel. Preschool graduation held Agricultural scholarship now available at U of I Top Illinois high-school students considering careers in agriculture, home economics and many related occupational fields can now take advantage of an attractive merit scholarship program available at the University of Illinois. The UI College of Agriculture recently announced the con tinuation of its popular Jonathan Baldwin Turner (JBT) Agricultural Merit Scholarship Program for outstanding students enrolling in agriculture or home economics curricula within the college. Seventy or more $2,500 JBT merit scholarships will be awarded during the coming year Historical awards to area students Gov. James R. Thompson presented parchment cer tificates and $50 cash prizes to four Illinois Student Historians on Wednesday, May 16. They were among 26 teen-age Student Historians of the year honored during the 36th Annual Award Day sponsored by the Illinois State Historical Society. School trophies were awarded on the basis of a class or club project on state or local history, regional history fairs, and submission of articles to Illinois History magazine during the 1983-1984 school year. In the northeast region, Harrison School, Wonder Lake took first place. Best of Category rosettes and a cadi prize were awarded to Jenny Tonyan and Katie Winn, best of art,. Montini Middle School, McHenry (Steven participation of studentship Phillips, teacher) to qualified hig-school students planning to enroll in the college for the fall semester, 1985. Recipients can choose from a borad range of academic disciplines emphasizing the biological, physical, and social sciences, agribusiness, or education. The four-year merit scholarships are awarded on the basis of demonstrated academic achievement, leadership and good citizenship. Prospective scholarship applicants must rank academically in the upper 10 percent of their high-school class and-or have an ACT composite test score of 26 or above to qualify. They also must demonstrate a sincere interest in agriculture or home economics programs at the U. of I. Interested high-school students meeting the general eligibility requirements should Top runners Plaindealer photo by Donna Bertulis Top finishers in a recent Montini School Run-A- walked laps for pledges. Winners were, from left, Thon verify their finishing statistics with Joan Barb Schoen, who won a stereo system; Carol Jensema, physical education teacher and coor- Masulunes, who won a home computer, and Julie dinator of the event, which was held to help defray Semrow, who won an AM-FM cassette recorder, operating expenses at the schools. Students ran or School briof s POM-PON SQUAD Mary Beth Newkirk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newkirk, of McHenry, is a member of Loras College, Dubuque, la. pom-pon team, the Loras Hawkettes. Mary is a 1963 graduate of Marian Central Catholic High School and is majoring in ac counting. PROGRAM DIRECTOR Cara Jepsen, a 1982 graduate of McHenry East Campus High School, has been chosen to operate the campus radio station at Lake Forest College thfa summer. Cara will be holding the position of Program Director at the college, where she is a sophomore. Jepsen plans to graduate in 1986 with an Independent Scholar degree in Communications. Cara is the daughter of Carol Marticke of McHenry and Christian Jepsen of Missouri. $ STIHL Wood Boss "-- Advanced Design for Serious Cutting Excellent for major fire- J in, -- wood cutting or limb- Ina operations. Easy to handle and quick to start. Requires little maintenance. See the Wood Boss today. REG. PRICE 354.95 SALE *299 95 ED'S RENTAL & SALES 904 FRONT SI. McHBRY 3*5-3232 (McHenry Start Only) STIHIl THE WORLD'S LARQKST 9KLLIMQ CHAIN MAW ? . . . apply near the conclusion of their junior year, although seniors also will be given full consideration for the JBT scholarship awards. Applicant interviews, which are part of the overall selction process, are held on the Urbana- Champaign campus and at severed Cooperative Extension offices throughout Illinois. Most scholarship applicants are in terviewed during the summer prior to their high school senior year. To obtain additionl in formation and necessary ap plication materials, prospective JBT scholarship applicants shuld contact Charles E. Olson, assistant dean, Office of Resident Instruction, University of Illinois College of Agriculture, 104 Mumford Hall, 1301 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, II. 61801 (telephone 217-333-3380). Current JBT scholarship information also is available from many Illinois high-school guidance counselors, school administrators, natural science teachers, vocational agriculture and home economics teachers, and county Cooperative Ex tension advisers. The ABC Nursery School at East Campus held graduation ceremonies recently for its sixteen pre-schoolers. This pre school experience is intended to prepare children for entering kindergarten. The nursery school setting enables high school students to gain invaluable experience in child care activities. The students enrolled in Child Care Occupations I classes teach socialization skills and plan creative educational and play activities. Instructor Amanda Noyes works with students in the Child Care Program. The following pre-schoolers received diplomas at ceremonies which were at tended by parents, grand parents and other well-wishers: Christopher Etten, Amie Fair, Jennifer Fisher, Tanya Fisher, Susan Flaga, Shane Frederick, Jeremy Hill, Callie Koch, Jessica Meyers, Erin Mille/, Janet Miller, Dannon Molidor, Cindy Matchen, Gred Snyder, Matthew Welter and Shannon Young. The student teachers include: Lisa Hibbs, Tracy Houdeshell, Michele Rehberg, Jean An derson, Sue Bykowski, April Chambers, Sandi Dot son, Jenny Hunt, Nancy Messer, Missie Miles, Rhonda Lakin, Tina Derby, Kim Pempek, Kim Freund, Becky Canfield, Marge Dixon, Donna Ransdell, Bobbi Covalt, Edie Evett, Janice Maras, Deanne Martin, Connie Meyer, Jackie Phelps, Janet Raven, Cindy Watkins, Audra Hutchinson, Bonny Wanland and Donna Zorn. Johnsburg Junior graduates 184 Johnsburg Community Unit School District 12 graduated 184 eighth grade students on Wednesday, My 30, 1984 at the Johnsburg High School gym nasium. The graduates are: Irk M. Andersen. Jock Anderson, Kristin Anderson. John Aesell, Brendo Arndt, Jeson Artner. Edward Sabarsky. Tract I. Bach, Philip Tyson torock, Kethryn Lynn Barrett, Chris Anne Saseley. Jesse Baslle. Srooklynn Jaye Bean. Deana Behm. Raymond lonbenok, Kyle Berf, William Boms. Kerr! I. teutel. Steven Bielskl. Jennifer i. Blowers. Tracy Bobnlc, Patrick J. Bockhaus. Arnold Boedecker, Charles Borchardt, Rhonda I. Branum. Jeff Briggs, Laura Cor delia. Dawn Ann Corny, John W. Charles, Dana L. Chisholm, Joe Choyinskl, James Christie. Julie Christie. Kelly Clddlo, Scott Clary. Toddl Conway. Tammy Cooley. Thomas Cooley, David Corbell. Michael Cur ran, Marie Davids. Kathryn J. Davis, Cindy C. Davison, iric lee Dember. Marsha J. Demers and Kelley Dieter. Also David M. Dixon, Mark Domlnlck, Laurel I. Dombush, James Robert Dubin. Michele DuFour. Paul Dulberfl. Klml L. Dumag. Jennifer Eckstein. Tiffany Elde. Christopher Ella, Jennifer Ann Emrkh, Denise Felix. Victoria Fellows, Tracy Lynn Forgette, Maurice Fortin. Linda Foster, Christine N. Fowles. Jamas Fratt. Christine Ann Freund. Donna Gagnon. Holly Garland, Maalher Lea Chora Dawn Gilardi. Frank V. Good. Donald Grons, Joseph Groves. Monlque Hall. Jennifer Harkor, Diana Hartlgan, Antionette Marie Hartwick, Edward Havelko. David Heber, David Hendrixson, Donald Edward Herlgodt, Jr., Setvodor J. Hernandei, Jr.. Karen A, Herrmann. Carie Heti, Joseph Hogan, Kyle Huff. Taralynn Huhn. Aaron Hull, Julia Ann Jacobson, John E. Kaiser. Matthew Kalovsky. Ken Kania and Michael Kamlnskl. Also, Sharon B. Kaa. Michelle Lynn Keefer, Lea J. Kelly, Rondo Kibbe. Mark Klapperlch. James Kloth. Seth A. Knight, Michaol Koebariein. Joshua Kosmalski, Walter Koilowski. Jennifer Lynn Kristof. Andrew Krodel. Robert Labkki. Connie LaShure, Lawrence Leeke. Klmberly A. lego. John E. Leigh, Melissa lersch. April Little. Todd A. LoPrestl. Jodl A. lusk. Christine Klmberly Medsen. Keith D. Mottlson. Kevin Mattlson. Shawn Mays, Matthew Mai en, Mlcheel Maie, Todd R. Motrin. Michael McArtor. Andrea McNaHey. Erik Mellum. Linda Milter, Robert J. Mtskovlc. Carolyn Mullally. Kathleen Marie Munson, Caroline ttatschke. Catherine Neumann. Edward Nichols. Lisa Lynne Nunamaker, Melody Patterson. Lisa Pease, Wendy Ann Pedersen. Colleen E. Perschke, Jonathon Frank Plggott, Carolyn J. Podhorn and Tamera Policky. Aloe, Leweeovi PrsyfcyMili KoiMpetlt Jerry Rmioll. M§fgeret Ausso, Julie feeds. James Schulti. Kathryn L. li-hufi Klmberly Ithufi Ctieryt 1 |##|y DevM Selfefc Jut a a R. Diewer Meetfier Jtts Shi shy Corolyn Shins Steven C. SI ma. Mlkalene Skonie, Karen J. Slack. Sabrlna Sliwiak. Jeffrey Slocum. Debeiah Ann Smith, Jesse Smith. Lew ranee Spencer, Guy Stedman, Elisabeth Ann Steinbeck. Christion Stork a. Kelly Stevens. Robert Stewart, Joy E. Straulin, Robert Tennleon, Nancy M. Thiol. Rudy Torres, Kim D. Treat, Steven Valant. Thomas R. Volant. Jennifer M. Walk, lydie Walker. Shaun Walsh, Anton F. Weber, Sutenne Allain Waster. Joseph N. Wharton. Diana lyn Wilkin son. Roberts. Williams. AI moo L. Wiser, Klmberly Watring. Russell B. Young. Samontha Zidefc and Craig Zvonar . KROEHLER • MERSMAN WALDRON • BROYHILL • LA-Z-BOY • SCHWEIGER • DIXIE •AM.UUUIIIHHIII priM. NV TMt guarantee mpBil to a* fumKura. boddtna C carpaMna BUY 4 SAVE EVERYDAY. AT WtoT Stackabla Matchmataa that Climb your Walla, Snuggla undar Window and Turn Corners-- Without aatlng up pracloua floor space. SAVE 30% i •off list)! Solid pine, all wood products £ veneers. Rich pine finish. Heat & stain resistant high-pressure laminated tops. Ready to take home! Save $251 Save $501 Save $401 Save $501 Save $301 Save $301 Save $351 Save $45! Save $1501 Vertical mirror $751 Single dresser $1691 44'deck $1391 4-drawer chest $1691 30 deck $1091 3-drawer chest $1091 Corner filler $851 Nite Stand $941 Cabin Bed $3991 FO* CM«tDflEN S ROOM. GUEST ROOM. 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HOME FURNISHINGS On Route 120. Va Mile West of Rt. 12 Between Fox Lake and McHenry in Volo