PAGE 12 - PLAIN DEALER - WEDNESDAY, JUNE f, 1964 Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event of on error or ommission. the poper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be lioble for only the portion of the ad which is in error. In case of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Call Classified Oisplay Ads: 81S-3B5-0170. Private Party ft Commercial Line Ads: 015-344- 4800. Richmond 678-2581 Ricfjmonti Office Hrs. M-F 8:30 a.m. • 5:00 p.m. Payment in advance must be made for these ads •Babysitting 'Business Opportunities • Business Services •Oarage Sales • Moving Seles • Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Area • Political • Rooms, Apts. to Share 'Situations Wanted • Sublease. Re-rent, etc. "Wanted to Buy 'Wanted to Rent. DIRECTORY DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON 3 LINES. 5 DAYS •8.80 Shaw Free Press PRIVATE party LINE ADS i Newspaper Group •Woodstock Daily Sentinel 'Saturday Extra *Crystal Lake Morning Herald 'Cardunal Free Press Morning Herald 'Elgin Herald 'Richmond Gazette 'Morengo Beacon Republ^an News 'Huntley Beacon Republican News 'Sycamore News 'Cory-Grove Clarion 'Barrington Banner 'McHenry Plaindealer •Genoo-Kingston-Kirklond News 'Hampshire Register •Horvord Herald *Shopper Service *McHenry Citizen Tri- County Shopper WED. PLAINDEALER FRI. PLAINDEALER MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON Announcements Cemeteries t Lots. Card of Thanks... Notices Car Pools Lost B Found Personols Instruction Auctions Help Wanted Child Core Nursery Schools Situations Wanted Employment Agencies.... Household Help Wanted. . Wanted Hi 02 .03 05 10 . 1 1 . 12 13 . 18 . 19 20 . 2 1 . 22 23 24 Merchandise . Wanted to Buy 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise 32 Garage Sales 33 Merchandise Under S50. 34 Antiques 35 Bicycles & Sports Equipment.. ?... 36 Lawn S Garden Equipment 37 Boots 38 Musical Instruments 39 Cameras. 40 Aviation 41 Pets & Equipment 44 Horses & Equipment.. 47 Farm & Dairy 48 Livestock 49 Machinery B Equipment 53 Business Opportunity 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy. 69 Business Property. 70 Open House.... 71 Real Estate 72 Condominiums for Sale 73 Townhomes for Sale 74 Lots B Acreage. 75 Mobile Homes 76 Farms for Sale 77 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent 78 Rooms. Board. House Apartments to Share... * 79 Apartments to Rent 80 Homes to Rent 81 Condominiums B Townhomes to Rent 82 Stores. Office B Industrial fo Rent..... 83 Farms. Farmland to Rent 84 Miscellaneous to Rent 85 Automotive Autos for Sale 86 Wanted to Buy 87 Auto Parts B Accessories 88 Trucks. Tractors B Troile. * 89 Vans 90 Motorcycles B Snowmobiles 91 Recreation Vehicles 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Cemeteries 2 &Lots CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK BUNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as 1275, including perpetual care. Catholic section. Terms. 815/459-0547 2 BURIAL PLOTS, vaults, bronze/granite marker, at Win- dridge. Option to transfer site. Worth $3,300, 12,000/ofter. •15/455-5341. Card 3 Of Thanks CEMETERY LOT for sale, at Wlndridge. Your best offer. 312/439-7078. THANKSTO The Holy Spirit for favors. M.A.V. CARD OF THANKS We are graielul for all the prayerful support and many kin dnesses we received rom our friends and from the Critical Caie Nursing Staff of Victory Memunal Hospital during the weeks ul Al's hospitalization and. at the time of his passing A warm "thank you" to the ftchtlMJOd PqIkS lot their special tribute to A1 and to the Masonic Fraternity and Reverend Glenn Mensing for their very meanmgful services We all know that 'life is Eternal" and that A) continues to be "a very remarkable fellow" Your generous contributions to the Police Department Memorial Fund in the name of Albert Tomasck will be used for a pur pose in keeping with his ideals. With love and gratitude, M«n 1e*a5tk NancT Rit Anderson end FmHy Sally oatf Win kefcrkk arifaallv Notices PLASTERING Restoration Or New Vernon T. Kopseil 015/330-1440 "FREE- PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934 9233 SYCAMORE PARK Driving Range Is open week days ft weekends from 11 am-1 pm B 3:30-6:30 pm, S2. S3. & S5. New practice balls available. Golf lessons, private B group by ap pointment. Don Chavez, PGA Professional, Sycamore Park Pro Shop. 815/095-3004. OPENINGS THE SALVATION ARMY DAYCARE 015/756-4300 6:30 am-6 pm; 2-6 yr. olds, quality day care with a Chris tian emphasis; Lois Miller, Day Care Director. 10 Car Pools NEED RIDE From Harvard to Marengo (Warner Electric). 7 am, to return home 3:30 pm. 015/943-5043. 1L Lost feFound i i vwmi SINCERE THANKS Ihe family of Virginia S. Nroz would tike to thank the hospital staff, the priests and the many friends who gave their prayers and support during our recent bereave ment. FOUND. 2 very small Wk. dogs, both female. In the vicini- ty of Hickory Dr. In Carpentersvllle. 312/420-7556. FOUND BLACK lab/shepard mix male. In the vicinity of Route 60 A Golfvfew Lane, Carpentersvl I le.312/426-7991 LOST 2 Papkeets In Johnsburg area. Yellow male, answers to "Barney". Also, blue & white female. Reward! 015/455-0191, days; 015/344-0057, after 6 pm. FEMALE BEAGLE LOST 5/30, Crystal Lake/ Coventry, 9 mo., tri color, dk. red collar w/tags. Reward. Call 015/459- 7377. 12 Personals it "SUMMER SPECIAL" Have long beautiful PORCELAIN NAILS..S15.00 Monday thru Saturday AMERICAN GIRL BEAUTY SALON 312/426-6565 • EHIBITIORS NEEDED for June 23 'June Jubilee' arts & crafts fair at St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Cystal Lake. Booths- S15/ea. For more Info., call Lori, 015/455-6374. • WANTED Garage Sale Items For Crystal Lake Central GaraaeSale Pick-up Service Avail. 015/455-2535 or 459 2505 HYPNOSIS- Stop smoking in 1 session, lose weight easily through controlled eating. In dividual/group sessions. 312/426-4070. 13 Instruction EXPERfENCEO'TrACHrR will tutor students, grades l to 6, Reading A Math. 815/459- 1244. PRESCHOOL: Community Montessorl of Woodstock (serv ing children ages 3-6) still has several openings for the 1984-05 school year. Contact Judy Clax- ton at 815/338-7414 for more In formation. 19 Child Care LITTLE GUYS&GALS, llcens ed day care home in Cary has openings for all ages. For more Information, call 312/639-1382. FOUND Female cat. White with frosty gray markings. Vicinity Meadowdale apts. 312/426-9164, after 6 pm.' LOST. Gray cockatiel In Wonder Lake Sunrise Ridge subdivision. Answers to Pretty Bird or Misty. Attractive reward. 815/728-0279 12 Personals RIVERSIDE HAIR STYLING STUDIO Trend setters of the are* Designer perms, all nail ser̂ vices, silk wraps, new wave styles, color experts. Free facials by Professional Beauty Consultant, Saturdays. Call for your appointment now, 815/385- 7010, or visit 2020 W. Rte. 120, McHenry. it PREGNANT? NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-11am. And from 7-9pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service. 815/385-2999 IN PAIN, Need Money, Depressed? Dial 312/426-6114. It's a recording. SPECIAL OCCASIONS? Send distinctive invitations, an nouncements. etc. . . Calligraphy call evenings, 115/459-9136. Notices WILL BABYSIT any age, $45 week, includes,, break., lunch, snacks, indoor playroom, out door, play equip., 311/639-3102. 19 Child Care LICENSED child care In E. Dundee. Get the care your child deserves. 312/420-7611. LICENSED child care In E. Dundee. Get the care your child deserves. 312/420-7611. EXPERIENCED child care, my home. References, good location, planned acitvities. All ages, reasonable rates. 312/424- 7991. WANTED responsible mature person to watch a 3 mo. old ft a 2 yr. old In our home, M--F, 7:30-4:30, starting Auo. 6. Must have references. Call after 4 p.m., 815/895-2252. RELIABLE MOM Exper. Lots of TLC for babies ft toddlers. Play yd., swing set, refs. 312/699-1055. LICENSED DAY CARE in Cary. Have openings for chi ldren over 2 years. Reasonable rates, loving care. Call 312/639-8527. LOW COST Child Care, my Foxridge home. Former teacher gives excellent TLC. Full & part time. 815/344-1774. CHILDCARE In my Cary home, Ig. play area, meals ft ref., 312/639-3629. LOTS OF TLC for your Infants, toddlers or pre-schoolers only. Call: 312/658-5032. CHILD CARE In my Cryslal day care canters, degreed in Child Care. 815/455-4596. 21 Situations Wanted • GARDENS Rototilled. Best Equipment - Best Service. Reasonable Price. 815/338-6044. EROSION? Hard to mow or maintain areas? Landscape holders laid. Walls, shores, hills, etc. 1-601-742-7543. COLLEGE STUDENT Lawn service. 3 yrs. experience. Reasonable. 312/428-4103. QUALITY CHILD care by exp. mom. Lisc., reliable, ref., Carpentersvllle, 312/426-9591. ENGLISH NANNY will babysit in your home, any hours, any ages. 815/337-0450 after 5 p.m. PARENTS WEEKEND get a way, we will baby sit. 815/459- 9136 after6:30 p.m. DAYCARE for school age children, my Crystal lake, home. Call evenings, 815/459- 9163. DRYWALL, quality work at a reasonable price, call 815/455- 0110 after 6 p.m. it HOUSE PAINTING, interior, ft exterior, reasonable rafes. 815/455-3559. QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford. 815/439-7194 after 5 pm. TYPING, bookkeeping, resumes, Diane's Business Ser vice, Crystal Lake, 815/455- 6665. It Auctions CITY OF McHENRY CLEANUP DAYS-1984 MONDAY, June 11-North of Elm and West of railroad tracks TUESDAY. June 12-South of Elm and West of railroad tracks WEDNESDAY, June 13-South of Bull Valley Rd. and East of Green Street THUfSDAY, June 14-South of Wauke- gan Rd. and East of railroad tracks FMOAY, June 15-North of Waukegan Rd. and East of rail road tracks Hems will be picked up only once in each dMiptefed area. Everything must be at the cuH> at 6:00 a.m. Nothing is to be heavier thon what two men can lift. Gross clipping, leaves, small branches must be in bags. Newspapers must be tied. No rocks, large pieces of lumber, or tree branches ever 2 inches in diameter will AUCTION Sunday, June 10; 11 am Having sold my home, will sell all personal property at auc tion. Over 100 collectors Jim Beam Bottles/half still full. Wood decoys, pink, green, cobalt blue, ruby, & Carnival de pression glass, old cameras, 50+ walking cane cue sticks, Hall, McCoy i Hull pottery, tinware, prmatives, tapestries, library tablet, trunks, antique accent chairs, copper kettles, comic books, Samivar server, B 8, G and Santa Clara col lec tors plates, nice assortment of cut, pressed, lead glass, Ige. oak secretary, harness makers" vice, 10 x 12 American Orientals, oak pressed back chairs & rockers, square oak ta bic/5 chairs, oak china cabinet, 4 stack bookcase, corner cabinet, lobster trap, Ige. assortment of new hand tools, 500 new pictures w/frames, bedroom sets, washers, dryers, stack <i standard ranges, s/s refrigerator freezers w/ice maker, upright freezer, 2-*81 Plymouth! '82 Dodge, 3/snow- mobiles/trailer, 2 speed boats Note: Mr. George Ames has been a collector for many years and has many nice items. Dealers and individuals, this is a sale to attend. Duke Rath Auction 3 ni. W. •< Elfin M IN*. 20 Term*: Cash, Matter or Visa 21 Situations Wanted FULLTIME custodian, housekeeper, grounds keeper, live In, yard work, factory work, all around store ft fac tory cleaning also stocker ft bagger, school ft church clean ing, office & building cleaning. Call William, 815/499-2077 or 459-7520. WILL DO Laundry 8i housecleaning in Crystal Lake & Cary. Very good references. 312/639-3991, eves, after 6 pm. LICENSED BEAUTICIAN will travel to your home. Dundee, Carpentersvllle, Algonquin area. 312/426-5115. NEED YOUR House painted? College student needs work. 3 yrs. exper. Free estimates. 815/385-2006. LAWN MOWING, Trimming. Experienced College student, 815/455-1613 after 6 pm. BROOMS AWAY Houseclean ing - reliable cleaning team, 815/459-7810. WILL RUN errands, do shopp ing, write/type letters, or wnat have you?! Reasonable rates. Call 815/455-3062. KEY BOARD player needed, must know standards for lounge band. Call Pat at 312/697-2260 Ext. 305 or 312/424- 8194. . smswrassbiM* ft. maintenance. Complete lav StrvlCi 8. design. 8157454 5536 PAINTING, Patching, wallpapering, light repairs, hardwood floor reflnlshlng. Quality work ft material. Reasonable. David, Ken, 815/455-5536. MOTHERS HELPER, 13 yr. old girl will help with children ft or household chores, in Crystal Lake area. Completed, Jay Cee baby sitting course. 815/455-6619. TWO COLLEGE bound students looking for summer work. Experienced in painting, roofing and small landscaping. Honest and dependable. 815/344-4007. Ask for Randy. Household 23 Help Wanted LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPER, Want mature person to do housekeeping in exchange for rent free studio apartment on beautiful estate In McHenry County. Write Box 448, Island Lake, 11.60042. MATURE experienced person needed, 1 or 2 days per week, to care for 9 mth. old Infant, my home. 815/330-9568. BABYSITTER needed teenager or aduit for my 17 mth old girl. Part time in my home or yours. 815/455-4948 after 5 p.m. . Indlvdual to watch elderly woman in my home. 3 weekdays per week. Some nur sing experience preferred. Plstakee Bay area. 312/615-2222 days. HELPER, half days, odds ft ends around the house, McHenry area, 815/385-5800. 24 Help Wanted AVON NEEDS Represen tatives. free training, earn up to 50%. For info, call, 815/344- 2951. ENJOY YOUR WORK SELL AVON. Flexible hrs. Call 815/459-5757 PAINTING & PAPERING Fully Insured - Free Estimates Don Johnson. 815/338-4150 MECHANIC looking to do work at home. Exper ienced., 815/459-4198. RICK'S ROTOTILLING, Have 16 Hp. Kabuta diesel tractor with 42" tiller, 6-12" deep, very reasonable. Call anytime, 815/728-0161. ROTOTILLING, ai l s ize gardens, reasonable rates, 815/385-6829. EXPER: HOUSECLEANER. Good references-Reasonable rates. Call and ask for Stacy. 815/653-5456 PROFESSIONAL ROOFERS w/8 yrs. experience to do repairs, decks, tear offs, re- roof. Shingles Only. Call am ft pm, 312/639-1994. HOUSECLEANING service. Adjustlble rates, 4 yrs ex perience w/construction co. 815/653-9428 Household 23 Help Wanted RELIABLE TEENAGER to sit days with 8 yr. old. Call even ings 815/455-4765. RESPONSIBLE PERSON needed for baby sitting 7 mth. and 4 yr. old boys, mornings on ly. Ref. req. 312/639-6158. MATURE ADULT Woman needed to do housekeeping ft care for 7 yr. old child 5 days/week. Must have own transportation. Send resume ft references to: P.O. Box 87, Fox River Grove, IL. 60021. PART TIME help needed to assist handicapped child w/tharapy program. Hours are flexible. Call 815/440-2564 after 2 p.m. 2 DAY ESTATE AUCTION Saturday and Sunday - June *th ft lOHi 1:84 PM le he heU it Be MBn Ifatf. Briber B.. Ufce Cmeve. M. ft* nteis d No. flaw ad Nr. Pari fimki ad «Be eween. RNMTIIK10 KUK Victoria side deir, Chiaase ceieri wpart cbak. aim tost, kadpatoiri Qmu stcntei, Uftto lee (ictrele. at Iboteaa style (Mr. wt *11 keel daptri in craaa cMn, ed rimers, pole toVts, Victoria dwti d ririwtn, dWi S arveri desfc. adioa? drew*. GUSSWAKf TO HOIK: Vees. fiprtws. piatot, data* law. daaeri pau la*. Sahaai tat. ptesseri art das. lipid, lepresda plait, phi air IN Ms aere. (NA M0KS10 MK 1193-10 ed. Ml d Ceepe't eat. Ilflai. aa. 2 d Ckartot law's virtu. Id eriWa d Mtort Verne's eeeen, 191tdri pdri pM aeded rikNaan. Id «4Ha Ptaaaa I Pacific apa (Mas.). 19001 hadoUa Ma. artspripfciri beak kf Septa Mar, Id eriMa die Mm fees kr lea JpeenU, 1100 Ihe Kari Hpakr fcadh. 1M0- M PUvhay keeks. INI eriMa d Oaahadl-2 tri. at. WW 2-t2ari Mm* keek Ota. kr Neaa hdnal). pla ear N Mi. ESTATE JIWftlY 10 MCUNE: fawdrii. uppUm, reMei. alien iaaadi. aetiapi ari padart Mh. ear 40 Ms atrt. OMNUl CAtKTS TO MCUM hrie-Sa. Keraen, lekaa. CMaeie. Persia, dl das. ear 3S Mi. COMS TO 0KM0C: Star riMa. earies. ridMs, ridab, Meipa ahs. ear 40 Mi aen. I1WS Of WBBT: OeM packet ealdai. eakfc date ad hh. pkipehnri daks, tel. fc. 170 eat? Odd# ̂ ari 14" Ma. SOT NAQMES TO MCHiOf: iaaia«s S cat. 10 cart ari 25 cart CAU: SKEENS LAKE GENEVA AUCTION CO., MC. Lake Geneva, Wl (414) 2417141 Cash or approved checks - Bid No $1.00 FACTORY WORK Applications being taken for light factory work In plastics. Starting wage- $4.00 per hour. Apply In Person A. E.R0BINS0N 128 E. Main St. Huntley, IL. HIGH SCHOOL person to maw large lawn, 85.00 per hr., Burl ington vaclnity, mower provid ed 312/683-3583 or 312/683-3055. PART TIME R.N. for der matologist's office Ir Crystal Lake. Call 815/455-4434 9 to 5. BANK OPERATIONS CASHIER, In McHenry County, should have Operations Ac counting, Data Processino, Computer background. Minimum 3-5 years experience. NCR Banker 80 System In House. Compeny benefits, salary commensurate with ex perience and ability. Send resume to Mr. John Strom, President, Richmond Bank, 10910 Main St. Richmond, II. 60071. BODY MEN wanted. Must have experience at combina tion work. Excellent salary I benefits, well-equipped shop, must do quality work. Apply In person, State Line Collision, 13813 Maple Ave., Hebron, IL. PART-TIME For the summer. Personable, exper ienced receptionist for an orthodontic office. Hrs: 0 am-12 noon; Mon day, Thursday, Friday t alter nating Saturdays. Salary com' mensurate with experience. Call. 312/420-7747, between 10 em&lpm. HELP WANTED Full and Part-time. Fast Food. Counter & grill. Apply in person. Coun try Junction, 4103 W. Elm St., McHenry. II.015/305-5544. A HIGH SCHOOL Equivalency diploma can help you get that |ob. Cal l now for GED refresher courses. 312/OM iVOf. FULL ft PART-TIME Posi tions. Apply in person, Grower's Outlet, Rte. 62 ft County Line Rd. Algonquin. IMPORT AUTO dealer cur rently seeking aggressive self- startfng individuals with sales background. We offer qualified candidates full training, ex cellent pay plan, automobile, company benefits, and closed Sundays. For appointment, call Mr. Scalane at Brothers Dat- sun. Eight. 312/000-2030 LOCAL FIRM has several part- time ft full time positions available. M.85 to start. Must be 10 yrs old w/transportation. Call 312/7411920, Noon to 4 pm. McHENRY POOIATRY office needs full time career oriented RN or LPN. Interview by ap pointment only. Phone 01S/344- PART TIME, Exper ienced Prqpsmdn ft Bindery helper. Apply in person. Tepco Prin ting, 3900 W. Elm St.. McHenry, II. WAITRESS, Full Time Days. Mon.-FrU Apply In Person. Village Squire North, Rt. 14. CryotalLjM. R E F R I G E R T I O N TECHNICIAN or all appliance man, for established company in McHenry. 5 years ex perience preferred. Ceil for an appointment, 015/3051072, Wahl Used Appliance Center. 24 Help Wanted TELEPHONE SALE order takers. Experience preferred. Full or part time, earn up to 860 a day. Call 815/459-1402,10 am to 4 pm. Mon. thru Fri. for ap- PART TIME, flexible hours, no experience required. Apply In person, Triplet Bindery. 3900 W. Elm St.. McHenry. NORTHWEST SECURITY Ser vice need full ft part time security guards for weekends ft holidays. Please apply at the Security Desk. Ml Jandus Rd., c*y- NEEDED NOW, Secretaries, typists, general office. Working World Temporary Service, Crystal Lake, 015/455^4490. NEEDEO NOW - Machinists, stock handlers, electricians ft aeneral factory. Working World Temporary Service, Crystal Lake. 815/455-4490. EUROPEAN Skin Care Com pany looking for consultants ft managers. No Investmet. Must be over 18. Call Karen, 312/000- 2230. CUSTOMER SERVICE REP Looking for self starter, typing skills a must. Good benefits. Cell Jim Glbtos. 312/301-1970. EXPERIENCED MUFFLER Installer. Good pay + commis sion. Overtime req. Apply in person. Car-X Muffler Shop, 393 Virginia St., Crystal Lake. Ask for John TAVERN WORK- no ex perience required (cleening ft sandwich prep.). Exc. op portunity right person. Cell 015/653-9938 for a 24 HelD Wanted 24 Help Wanted SECEETARY/flECEPTIONIS T, part time, minimum 30 hrs. per week, must possess ex cellent typing ft orgenliatlcnal skills. Prior telephene answer ing experience a plus. Call Lortann at 01S/45»->000 Mon. thru FrU between 0:30 am ft 12 Noon. EOE/MF. FULL TIME clerical position, insurance experience and typ ing required. 115/3054541 SECEETARY/flECEPTIONIS T, part time, minimum 30 hrs. per week, must possess ex cellent typing ft orgenliatlcnal skills. Prior telephene answer ing experience a plus. Call Lortann at 01S/45»->000 Mon. thru FrU between 0:30 am ft 12 Noon. EOE/MF. OWN YOUR OWN Business in Crystal Lake ft McHenry In surance sales, multi-line, na tionally respected company, draw + bonus, training provid ed, college grad preferred, female/male. Send resume to P.Q, Box AJR, % Shaw Free Press. P.O. Boa 250. Crystal Lake. 11.40050. • PERSON-must have ex perience In selling. Also, be aMe to clean ft Mill weer a smile. Weekdays, 4 pm to 0 pm; Sunday 10 am to 5 pm; Old Volo Country Store Gift Shop, Myra, •15/305-30H. OWN YOUR OWN Business in Crystal Lake ft McHenry In surance sales, multi-line, na tionally respected company, draw + bonus, training provid ed, college grad preferred, female/male. Send resume to P.Q, Box AJR, % Shaw Free Press. P.O. Boa 250. Crystal Lake. 11.40050. • PERSON-must have ex perience In selling. Also, be aMe to clean ft Mill weer a smile. Weekdays, 4 pm to 0 pm; Sunday 10 am to 5 pm; Old Volo Country Store Gift Shop, Myra, •15/305-30H. WOULD YOU like to make more than fust the usual listing/sales commissions? If you have an active or inactive license In real estate call for an interview to discover haw E R A and our off Ice can offer you ad ded opportunities that no other local or national company can. ERA/Caravan Real estate. 312/420-3410 KEYBOARDIST ft Bassist, who doubles on guitar for work ing wedding band. Call Mike IIS/453-9325 or Rod, 312/259- 3229. WOULD YOU like to make more than fust the usual listing/sales commissions? If you have an active or inactive license In real estate call for an interview to discover haw E R A and our off Ice can offer you ad ded opportunities that no other local or national company can. ERA/Caravan Real estate. 312/420-3410 MOLD MAKER, minimum 5 years experience, compeny paid benefits. TechnlmoM Tool Inc. 312/439-423*. Drivers PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS Schneider Transport will be Interviewing experienc ed drivers for Over-The- Road truck driving posi tions. Location : HOLIDAY INN 1-94 at IL 132, Exit Grand Ave., West Gurnee, IL Thursday, June 7 at SAM Promptly Must be 23 years of age and have 50,000 miles Over-The-Road diesal tractor trailer experience and an excellent safety record. GENERAL SHOP, small Cary manufacturing company look ing for full time long term gonerol shop help. Excellent benefits include a 40 hour, 4 day work week. For appointment, cad 312/439-0044, Tam-4 pm. Monday through Thursday. Drivers PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS Schneider Transport will be Interviewing experienc ed drivers for Over-The- Road truck driving posi tions. Location : HOLIDAY INN 1-94 at IL 132, Exit Grand Ave., West Gurnee, IL Thursday, June 7 at SAM Promptly Must be 23 years of age and have 50,000 miles Over-The-Road diesal tractor trailer experience and an excellent safety record. REAL ESTATE People Need ed. Record Sales forces expan sion of staff. Experienced or training available. For Inter view call Dave at ERA Byrnes Bros. Realtors, Crystal Lake, 115/459-5400. Drivers PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS Schneider Transport will be Interviewing experienc ed drivers for Over-The- Road truck driving posi tions. Location : HOLIDAY INN 1-94 at IL 132, Exit Grand Ave., West Gurnee, IL Thursday, June 7 at SAM Promptly Must be 23 years of age and have 50,000 miles Over-The-Road diesal tractor trailer experience and an excellent safety record. ART ft DESIGN coordinator. Perm, part time. Flexible hours, will trein. Ansil Art, 312/430-279* Drivers PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS Schneider Transport will be Interviewing experienc ed drivers for Over-The- Road truck driving posi tions. Location : HOLIDAY INN 1-94 at IL 132, Exit Grand Ave., West Gurnee, IL Thursday, June 7 at SAM Promptly Must be 23 years of age and have 50,000 miles Over-The-Road diesal tractor trailer experience and an excellent safety record. 24 Help Wanted NURSERYMAN WANTED EXPERIENCED NURSERY MAN to manage 150 acres of nursery stock and supervise nursery crew. Posi tion offers competitive pay, ful* benefits, including profit sharing. Please call Mr. North at 312-639-5658. a»Fox Valley Nursery CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Mature individual for general office ft customer service work. Must be able to effectively deal with the public. Prior sales and CRT experience is desirable. Apply Hi person at: Lakes Cablevision, Inc. 2S00W.Me.i20 McHenry, IL »;30-4;30d.W. 10 MANAGER TRAINEES MEN A WOMEN Large international marketing company has ex panded its operation nationwide. U S Vacation Resorts at Ingieside, Illinois needs agoresslve, well groomed, sales oriented people to sell a new and unique vacation concept. It you can start immediately, and would like to earn commissions in excess ot 140,000 per year, call Mr. Floam for a personal interview at: 312/546-7478 Between 9 a.m.-3pjn. only. CARPENTERSWANTED Experienced to work on custom homes in Northwest suburbs. G.W. Thiel 3121991-7676 FARM EQUIPMENT OPERATOR. Experienced on |y. Must have references. H ft E Sod Nursery, 815/94>4272. STOCK PERSON, full time days. Apply in person at Car dinal Liquors. 305 Virginia. Crystal Lake. MOTOR ROUTE DRIVER WANTED to deliver the Chicago Sun Times. 2Vt hours/day, 7 days/week. Must be reliable with a dependable vehicle. 815/344-3005 from 9am-6pm. CARPENTER w/replacement window or aluminum siding ex perience, 815/455-5310 after 6 PL , CASH BONUS. Young men with a high school diploma can get e 85,000 bonus for enlisting In the Marine Corps. Find out more, call 815/459-2036. PERSON Wanted to help in small lock shop. 4 to 5 hrs. per day. Ideal for retired person. Apply: 60 Water St., East Dundee. 312/420-0970. MACHINIST A Woodstock based manufacturing firm is currently seeking an e x p e r i e n c e d machinist. The qualified applicant must be able to per- m diversified se tolerance work that requires a high degree of skid, technique and ex perience. We offer a com petitive salary and fr inge benefits. In terested applicants should respond with salary requirements to: Box HAA-Machinlst do Dally Sentinel P.O. Box 709 Woodstock, IL <0096 RECEPTIONIST/TRAVEL CLERK Local company seeks individual with pleasant per sonality and disposition to project a positive com pany imege to customers, vendors & other visitors. Travel background with Apollo Reservation System is preferred. Excellent salary ft fringe benefit pro gram. Send full particulars in confidence to: BoxAJQ " Shaw Free Press Newspapers P.O. Box 250 Equal Crystal Lake, IL. 60014 ialOpportunity Employer M/F SECRETARY Oynachem Corporation is a leading manufacturer of spe cialty chemicals for the semi conductor Industry. Our Poly- set operations produce opoxy molding compound. We have an Immediate need for an ex perienced Secretary for our « 1-̂ ' » » salts omcB hi woootvocn. Good secretarial end organi zational skills are essential. Accurate typing a must. Dic tation/dictaphone and word processing experience pre- TMs position provides a div erse wait load in a growth en vlroamont. a competitive sa lary, and a complete benefit package, including generous compeny matched saving and Investment program. Per con sidsratlon, ptoese submit re sume, including salary his Dynachom Corporation A Morton Thikol Company P.O. Boa 410 Woodstock, ILMM Eexil OppertueHy Employer M/F HELP WANTED - PART TIME Typesetter Must type at least 60 w.p.m. Good language art skHls necessary. Variable hours (8-16 hrs.) and will be needed to fill in for vacations. Come in and fill out an application at: The McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, IL 60050 CALLS PLEASE. NEWSPAPER SROIIP 250 Williams Road • Carpentersvllle, IL 60110 . EQUAl OHWTHWfV HUPlOVM ->