Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jun 1984, p. 13

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? PAGE U - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JUNE S, ltM 24 Help Wanted WEtt ESTABLISHED. tem­ porary MIm 4 ventilating •Moment rental taaee com- ly, located In Elgin end sorv- Hit Industry t̂ipowwti nttf ftp . • IhSMMH ̂ MlHl mtrd and nwctiinlnl iMnvForhJrt̂ K*!* TQTWifnwi • .can Mra. Ottehant nvm-miM- ween 9 am* 12 Neon. CONVENIENT FOOO Mart a( C.L. seeking cashiers, full 4 pari time. Moot bt ever 31, mature a relate wall te partem a ptea. Can 01V455- 3993afteree.m. TELE-MARKETING day 1 evening shifts. Up to S6.00 an hour. Also daviima < position aWL OlS/366-s RESUMES Professionally vi*mc Norton! Aaooelatos. 312/430- HAIRDRESSERS RECEPTIONIST AIMI tkttMWMM ̂ Irlg iMAialMl ano onavnDoo wns w®niwO. 312/63*0479 DRIVERS For Ice Cream Abla la drive slick shift, mutt itMN _ wales 31 •15/4991041 ar temalaa 31 a owar. MANAGER far Dundee Theater, Supervision ex­ perience raowad. Apply In person after * pm, Dundee Theater, Mate Sfraaf, Dundee. W / F O L L O W I N G To Rant Station Cafl0l5/»3993 4/OOiOR STRIPPERS •4114 I w* art •mi yi vRwa• experienced 4/color textbook atrlppora. Company paid benefits * profit shoring. Full 4 part- tlmo position* aM|î u HAS GRAPHICS, INC. 312/392-3000 EXPERIENCED PAINTER ' SUMMER ONLY t|S/MM>HEVES TREASURER Alpenguin Lake In Ilia Hills rt., fti-i. i, • *--- am riri rr«ncTian uwncr nai an opening for a part-tlmo Traaauror. Bookkeeping and campviar SKIVIS MJUVICU. JWW raiiimi te Atknwv Afllrhaal • wwvov WIHR ewe^wo^̂ ^w KoMa. a Grant Stroat. Crystal Laka. IL.OOOM. 34 Help Wanted Clerical Wo have 2 immediate openings In our Accounting Department ADVERTISING BILLER Musi have skills in the uaa of a computer terminal, adding machine and typing spaad af * Mpun Al̂ ik L«>»nl« J». T1"' raoutras Knowttoot off administration of advartls- a'etjs andttw ability to deal psopa* CREDIT A COLLECTION ASST. Ability to deal well with MtfAMWMM *- * a-waawai ovar ma wcpnonc. Typing speed of 45 wpm, knowledge of calculator end compute! terminal required. Provloos occoontlng ox porienco is a plus. We offer an excellent benefit package and paid poraonol deysfFor Interview appt., call: SMrtey Lorum 313/311-1140 TECHNICAL » PUBLISHING 1311S. Grove A\te. BaiTington. IL 60010 ̂ ̂ MIG WELDER A Stool Fabricator are naaded with ex­ perience. Must road blueprints. Uhlillnn 'MVT a» VVOOOSIUCK VTVIQHWI 726 McHenry Ave., Woodstock. PART TIME A Full time Owfs. Apply in person, Mc Henry Country ClubToB N. John St., " " r. II. NEED HELP in my growing Art A Design business. For more Information can during Gallery's hours ll-Spm daily. •IS^MMI. M Help Wanted OVER THE imt track *Mri Muat have I yrs aaparlanm cteon driving record a must. Apply in paraen, I am -13 neon. Boncosky Transportation 1301 IndustrtalDrtve Lake in fee Hilts H. PERSON TO ANSWER Phones, dofltnaral dfko work akaa BayhamTolC to r chM wona to time. «:3Mpm. •IS/344-1111. my PMakaa B brino vauMw mZ? TSr# wPTI. riHI 1 THE BEST PART TIME JOB Is Umpiring. Choaea your awn days and hours. Pay SW to per gome. Training begins this Saturday. June 9th. This will be your last chance, so can I1S/4SS-3M* tor details. BARTENDER Experience not necoaaary. Fun ar part time. 015/7*1001. SALESCLERKS All shifts. BAKERS. Mornings. Will train. ttS/344-5231 HANDYMAN From working A cleaning Corvettes te outdoor maintenance work. Start B/hr. Appro*. 31 hr*. Volo Sports Car Store* Museum, 015/305-3096. REAL ESTATE Sales seopte wonted. No boord duos to pay. Full or part time. Red Carpal Kristensen. 312/650-0664. FULL APART TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE: COofcs-Waifressess Apply In person. Wpm only. MoHOHf I wl MIA rrnalal I fiJito Mar vna vi fiivi LMV wmn DBW ELECTRICAL ASSEMBLY MatetoHtMo. Muat have ex­ perience piano wiring tor ftSS&Sd 1» Davis Rd. Elgte.iL. NIGHT COOK WW Train Call 313/039-7100. MACHINERY RE BUILDER Approntlco-must have high mechanical ab i l i ty ; automotive exporlencod helpful. Just Engineering, 015/33*0019. PERIODIC TEMPORARY HELP To work In factory tn- vlrlonment, must bo able to lift up to 50 lbs. Idoal for homemaker or rotlroo wonting supploinofttol In­ come. Apply of GK INDUSTRIES 6204 Factory Rd. Crystal Late, IL "•I15A59-2330*" -STYLISTS WANTED Guaranteed salary, liberal oommlsoion. The Hair Event. Crystai Point Mail. 015/4994*54 BARTENDER, must be ex­ perienced. Call tor an appoint­ ment. 115/45*-0721 after 11:30 GAS STATION. Convenient Store saoka enthusiatk people experienced in small store retelling. Mature applicants welcome. Varied hours A dutlaa. Apply In person otter 13 noon. Union 74 Quick Mart, 3702 Elm St.. McHanry, II. EOE. FULLTIME TELLER Applicant should have typ­ ing skills and be able to work well with the public No experience necessary. Applications being taken on - JUNE 5tt» and 7th - 7A.M. toll AM. NO AFTERNOONS CARDUNAL 5AVINGS&L0AN West Dundee' 312/428-3436 FULL CHARGE BOOK- K E E P E R Mini Compter Billing System Send rsoumi to Baa AJU. Free Preas Newspapers. P.O. Boa 330, CrystailafelL 60014 PART TIME work; Call Si: MHrip Wanted IMMEDIATE OPENINGS. R^CnSuBr PART TIME TELLER E xparianca prafarrad but not r TIME general 5/305-0056 typing. RECEPTIONIST Mane Tamers A Company seeks tull time receptionist. Ap­ ply in person. 2M6W. Rto. 130. McHenry, 015/344-4040. SECRETARY First Lutheran Church. Part-time. Typing, dic­ tation. admin, skills. Contact Rev. Homer S1S/S33-3M0 or S3>- 3340 DISHWASHER. 5 nights/ wk. Must be out of school. Call oismsam feUMl ho Mitetowiiitewr Bff l i i t i i <Q1 BUILD YOUR CARRER WITH OUR GROWING COMPANY Tht thaw Frit Prass Nawspapar Group It tha fastast growing naw ip^sr pufellstiatr and commercial printer In the Chicago aroo. Our growth rate creates constent opportunities that wa cannot elweys till from within: If you're looking tor a future Instead of |uof a lob. please consMerfhe following openings that you mey be qualified to fill. PRODUCTION CAMERA-PLATS ROOM: Full time position Sunday through Thursday from 0 p.m. to I.JS a.m. Responsible for pre-pness operations fpr two dollies end commercial work. Experience with camera aperotions (line end half tone work), stripping, plate making and color work preferred. Position ovallabie at CARPENTERSVILLE office. TYPESETTER: Full time position, some experience on phototypeoetting ORulpment preferred. Accurate typing skills with speed of 40-45 wpm re­ quired. Individual must be able to learn quickly and be willing to work additional hours when nodded. Position available at CARPENTERS-' VILLE office. . OISPLAY ADVERTISING PRODUCTION CLERK: Full time position assisting manager In scheduling and logging of ads and other related du­ ties. Pasteup skills required and typing ability would be an extra plus. Most be organised, energetic end willing to learn new duties as neces­ sary. Position available at CRYSTAL LAKE MORNING HERALD. - EDITORIAL SPORTS STRINGER: Part time position responsible for covering high school athletics, writing sports features and gathering statistics for county teems. Knowledge of sports and familiarity with area teams re­ quired. Must bo able to work weekends and flexible enough to handle lost minute assignments. Experience with 35mm camera preferred. Cor ne­ cessary. ideal for student planning career in lournalism. Position availa­ ble at WOODSTOCK office. PRESS JOGGER-STACKER: Immediate openings with varying 1wurs on an as needed basis. Entry level position for person wanting to invest their time and energy in developing a career, not just a job. Must be IS years old. Positions available at CARPENTERSVILLE and WOODSTOCK offices. CIRCULATION BUNDLE DRIVER: Part time early morning position for dependable In­ dividual. Responsible for delivering carrier bundles from Crystal Lake to Cdry end Fox River Grove between the hours of 3 a.m. to S a.m. Monday thru Friday. Position requires candidate to provide own vehicle and must be large car, truck or loop. Position available at CRYSTAL LAKE office. HOME SALES: Pert time position available in our phone room. Respon­ sible for subscription solos for Cardpnal Free Press Morning Harold. Must have pleasant phono voice and the ability to deal with paopla In courteous meaner. Evening hours only, approximately 11 hours per week. Position ovolloblo at CARPENTERSVILLE office. MOTOR'ROUTE ORIVER: Part tlmo position with hours between S:3B- 7:00 a.m. Responsible for delivery of Cerdunal Free Press Morning Her­ ald In tha Dundee and Algonquin area. Dependable transportation a mutt. Position available at CARPENTERSVILLE office. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: Port tlmo poeltion approximately 15 hours par waak (before i A.M.). Position requires out going individual to supply, collect end SELL our product to area businesses. Pay is basod on profit from oech poper sold end you must increase sales outlets. Reliable trenopertatlonamust. AvellobloetCARPENTERSVlLLE office. . MORNING SERVICE REP: Excellent position for student or retirea. Re­ quires covorlng carrier routas in casa of illnass or vacation end regular sorvlce chocks of customer satisfaction. Hours are 5:3010:00 a.m. Mon­ day-Friday for tha CARDUNAL FREE PRESS MORNING HERALD and Wednesday afternoons sarvlcing the ELGIN HERALO. Must bo ebfe to dee! with ell egos in friendly, courteous manner. CREW LEADERS: Responsible for training and supervising teenagers In nawspapar field sates. Pardon should bo sates oriented end aggressive. Must bo abla to work closely with young adults, howrs between S-» p.m: f-Thursday and Saturday J1 a.m. Id rpjn. Position available of NTERSVffcLE end CRYSTAL LAKE offices. ~ Vee »ey pick up on eppHcaften et eny of the Show Froo Press Newspapers for the positions listed above. Applications should be ferwerded te the Carpenfersviile office, personnel deportment. Successful candidates will bo contacted for further Interviews. No phono celtApideae. * * V -u. SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER fiROUP 290 Will McHENRY SAVINGS & LOAN Huntley Office 312/669-3333 DENTAL ASSISTANT - mm s. Rout# si. smie iso Crystal LaaifciLMOU. LABELING PERT. Muat hove experience in organising A fil­ ing. General lassr isgriiad. James B Day C0.S13/43MM1. FURNITURE ^CABjNET porienco Testrable.. Cell 313/195-3377. YARD WORK, part or Ml time, older man preferred, pay b£the hr. Richmond flS/ttl BODY A FENDER worker ertl̂ i aome asp^̂ ieflce to ®ait In Richmond aroo gor.4W37*> WOODWORKING Fvii-tlme/pajrMbno. Protor poraan exporlencod In grapnlc arte A " ̂ 12VS& SUftBSGOS PARKWAY SIGNS McHENRY.IL. PART TIME, 5» M«M I C km IMC ih) Utm r̂ Mechanic. Most novo ad- •RBRRHI daysBHR weaNng. Call 15/4 -̂7458 OoaPlalnaaSodCtr. inc. 31 Wanted To Buy 1% RPM Wurdtear Julia rtMad parts ar Hems* 312/4M-SM1 & ANTIQUES WANTED: Fur- niture. toys, lamps. SiBlf̂ ^U JIGBB. cash. 4U-34S-37M. 24 Help Wanted Wanted 31 ToBttv SLOT MACHINES Wanted »!V MtebSoa. 4I04A 37M. GOLD & SILVER Ctoaa Rings lleediwftwabaai î ^Uy via«w wwwi MRVRTIt win* |M Flatware CoHactav Platas FAMILY COINS t A INVESTMENTS, t NO Virginia St (Rt.ll) CryatoTLafca, tmnoN 01S/4S5-41M H.C. COHf A STAMP CO. WE BUY A SELL WCryatelLahoPteBa 01S/4SMM0 . Bfisc. 31 Merch»^̂ Low Bind. 1 Bfisc. 32 Meiytianrfise 3-tSO wott mobiles A AflarS used Furniture tar late. I aMb (fwpUAw reaoteiiaKla U«wV VP ÎflYi iffHRBRW prices. IMter's Fum" Factory Outlet, 4dU W. Rt. 1M. Crystal Laho-ois/w-aia. A t NEW A USED Aidtere. Sofas A bunk hods from 90S. Many mteclNsma.0tS^»4-3t3S*ajn. 4 miec.ltor sSL MINNESOTA FATS Slate Pool Taflo wfextro pMfepong table tap. EmbI. cand. ia& 3l2/42S W7, , WANTED TO BUY Aluminem Cans. Cooper, •a. Boftortes. Aluminum. lamabHa Radiators* 6M t Stiver. T A C Metal Co. 34 WOOOfTOCK )T.» Vpo watll LwU> IL Man thru FH-I te 1 Sat-0 te 4.015/499-4445. WANTED: DRUMS-nica starter eat of drums, complete. s-sm or 01S/4S3-5 015/453IX evenings. MOVING? Cleaning Buying antique furniture. chino.gloofcelc.SIS/tfA4141. WANTED: Lionel, Amirican. Flyer Trains A old tew A baeeban cards. S1S/4JS43& aft. 5:30pm. BUY, SELL ar TRADE * Owifc Old Sheila and related noma. OlS/310^731. NAY ELEVATOR, Approx. 17 n. Must be oloctrtc driven. Coll 0i5/455-i33> off. Spin. Misc. 32 Merchandise WANTED: Glassware • Depression, Hoi soy, Cem- etc. Pottery-Fieato, Hall. Wener, Rooovflte, etc. OU/OtS- WHY PAY MORE? Y^U -«-- mmMMM a ̂ MS* I wwi Wl infTTrliB svia* IVY# Fuh aba mottreea eots» Slot; Queen slso mattreas sot. SIM; h^k MHAS MWI Dvom UfUl wniwwlf Willi nW" ' ea.SW. Lenny Fine Furniture 312/743-7001 SAVE - BUY dbeet from manuvacTurar mto uauiie w pots* patto* carnam ban* ft camant lags to mate M pi. r nnillllMi1** an utviuif atr wmviTVwiinu pads, manhole A dry wafl MadOo car slapso fljjurlnas. Andaraan Cancrata Products. North Illinois Stw Crystal Lake.- 30 yeors in ' S15/4SM137. • -L HAPPY GRAMS Singing •RHJiims. fWo' Pflllwlf Dfl* hr Doncors. Coil 313/000-3040. PROM DRESS pink, never worn. Bustle, loco yoke, slso »/*. n. 015/305-743* after 42L - MATTRESSES f rem ttMS/pc.i The Linen Outtet. lAggj AA A^n tnEni wl. n^WWi« \̂ W<i Thors. tiam-Spnt.Sat.9am- 5pm.tWMAqi». BUY YOUR Mottroos factory direct, save SSO to S100. »«i - ~ adea <o -- e WDOOSTDCK manressr irn* KaT- tel Rd. IS AM te 3 PM. or by a^d. 015/3)0-4474 or 015AQ0- KXPCRICNCED MOLD MAKER To Build Plastic loiection AAoMs • Paid lnsuraiKe*PiAjiHfll(diii •Air Conditioned Shop COUNTRY MODELS 3305 S. Route31, Crystal Lake, IL I1S/45M314 III I! I -mi l I I I I - » R • M I L I VE HAVE A JOB FOR YOU! WU a t̂lf MAhdU t̂e oMtee kAflm ̂aooa ^yyl wf wwi anav |aa nawjs. aam ywu row icy as a suhBcrl̂ WBR Sates poroon. If you can work 3 km* siMRlngs. afii all day Saturday, wo ha«« thorHtitjob for you. UpponwiVTIN irv SVaNM M IM. VifNI Lake and Hit turroundlwo McHanry area. No vdhido necessary, wo will pkk you up. All BppMCBRtBGiaP 12 WOlCOftM. Call: 312/351-4412 OmO) On frld|. Sm OIM- AskforMR. WILKINS MAINTENANCE MECHANIC lor >o | at M I yre. • Wo are i IIBS P.O. Bex AJ.T. CITITIL UUtf MOawaiCi HERALD WM\ JMIi. is looking a bright and oggressive MdMdoai te fill e line supervl sory position. Applkdnf shgwid hove a minimum of 3 yrs. supervisory experience, preterrobiy in medical or * » »-« ,|,fL Ifil A* a^MP' moHpn ̂ aiavi* ivai# w mochonicalbockground would bo dosirebte. inufwiw parsons snouKi appiy a* piani ktwwi iu otid 2 ptti weekdays. AUTOMATIC UQINO PACKAfilNfi. INC. 2MW. Lake Shore Dr. 4Rt. lA2mUoseestolRt.47) IBCUI HELP WANTED FuN time Community mond Gazette. Entry ment editor to cover eree meetings. Photography expener munications Degree opportunity to grow mm?***. peny News Editor for the Rich- level for general assign- viflage, school, police and » valuable with e Com- or equivalent. Excellent Within the position end Excellent com- to RAILROAD TIES and land scodo timbers. Bdk gross A posters seeds. The area's larDoet selection of landscaping la. * S1S/330-43M. WASHER A DRYER Heavy du­ ty. Refrtg., double door. All In exc. cand. Roosonoble. 313/0*5- 3375k 1950775. TRADE-IN SALE -your sofe- M0, your rocftnor-050, your kifchdn table A chelrs-sio, your mattress sat-S2S. Welter's Fum. Foclory Outlet, 4413 W. Rt. 174, Crystel Lake. 01V4J» 3343. CLOWNS CkOWNS Crackers the Ctoem for Birthday Parties, picnics. boneuoNk showers, A L in.L .yt^m nawm Dtimn m. mppwimt mopic, ventriloquism A more! SISft&HEAR. VILLAdE RESALE SHOP Needs Your Donations •rui INVW ̂ vimiiaiy •Any Re-Seteobte Items All Donanona Tax Deductible gjt C lainfi i la S i I Ci M calf VWRBIXK 9T. Downtown Crystal Lake 10 AM to 5 PM -Morv Set 115/45 -̂3401 All Proceeds Go To The Sherman Hoapitol Auxiliary (Crystel Lake Bronch) APPLIANCES, Refrigerators, woehers A dryers, electric gas ranges. Clean A like new of reaaoneble prices. All rocondi- Wohl Uosd Appiia ca ** - *71- -- »«.»ificnanry, lionces. 120* Court .015/305-1073. ARtlSTS Wsrreoxppn^eworls ̂ am, wiTii Aicunoer now in stock. Redan's, Crystal Lot* Plato, 01V45S- 1ldL COLP tiuBL like new. Nor­ thwestern Custom, >0. irons. 1- OVO, 015/490-0354. EAVEY specia l . 130 ompNfier. 3 chainnOls, Scorpion spooker end fender, stratocaator copy w/cose A 50 n. straight cord. Both like brand now. asking f4|0 or beat Offer, 313/495477S|or *31-4031 Scott. \ SECTiOOAL' SdFA 3 peice beige weeve. 1* pillows. 1 yr eld, perfect cond., $400 or best, 015/450-0913 offer « p.m. WASHER A ges dryer, in cop- beouttful cond.. S250. '490-7731. pertone, 313/450-71 CLOECO pool A filter, 13 ft. round by 2 ft. deep, used one ,100.312/439 3102. ALUMINUM SIDING 13 square, double 4, dk. brown. Yi price. Other Items oveil. 015/5400*40, after 4pm. Misc. 32 Merchandise PLAN SANTA'S WORKSHOP / NOW J For Fund Raising. FANTASY FESTIVAL Coslum/Magk Centre 432 Virginia St. Crystal Late 815/455-4910 Misc. 32 Merchandise INT HAJtV Utor m. (5"), mott mower. 0' blade A boom sprayer, eetote tires with chains + draw bor, S3J00/or b e s t f i r s t o f f e r . Please phone during business hours. Mon.-Fri. and leave your nemo A number. Your coll WH bo returned: 01S/47H511 IBM SELECTRIC typewriter, exc. cond* never uosd. extra bells A ribbon, SMS. 312/450 3447 EUNICE'S EGGERY (All Items Made From Reel Eggs) Now Featuring: Confirmation. -J FOR SALE, IT' Sanyo, colored TV. S130. colli 312/49577*4. A Pother 's Day Eggs. Eggs, Music Boxes. Jewelry. Gifts. Open Decoupeged Ef weekday*. Coil first for eves. A weekends. 015/455-4054. 144 AIR CONDITIONER Carrier. 9100 btu. 220 volt. $100. King sbe bed w/hoodbeerd. S75. Dresser. SSO. Workbench (still In box) $150.312/450-7504. SOFA, Early American, 72", matching choir, brown velvet WOOd trim. $390,312/439-5370. WASHER A DRYER, Maytag heavy duty, exc. cond. con deliver, $345/ bote. 313/439 14 in. Boys bike, $15.; Antique table, solid walnut w/six chairs. $390.312/450-4439 SWIMMING POOL. K dew x 10 ' around. Inc ludes everything, Needs new liner. S300.312/430-3414. CHINA CABINET Country English, Oak. $390. 015/4& 3047. after 5:30 pm. RAILROAD TIES, black dirt. oond A gravel. 313/450-0147. FLOOR CLEANER. Billy Goal. Industrial. 0 hp Briggs A Stratlon eng. Office copy machine, 3M. model 309, auto. Mod. 115/33*4410. between 0:30 em A4pm,Mon. thru Frl. MINOLTA etectrographk 101. ceppier. OVi x li. ov» x 14.11 * 170S is. $100.015/459-7712. NEW STRAWBERRY BOXES Quitting the business. 015/470-3341 TRUCK TOP, 44" wide or star dard width, 995 or best, 312/450 0301,4-9 p.m. only - ATTN.-GUN COLLECTORS Ml Folding stock, poop- sight, w/severel clips. $300; 12 guage combat pump shotgun, never used. $300; muzzle loader w/ecc., $100.015/453-9554. 24 HelpWantea MOVING: Common bricks, flagstone, corner cupboard spool cabinet, antique sawing table, wood bwttur chum, small chest. 015/640-271*. --MOVING-** Padioom suite, vtftife French Provencal, incls. 2 single canopy bods w/canopies a mat­ ching bedspreads, box springs a mattresses (unused), 2 dressers, bookcase a desk. Si.200/all; Dinette set- table w/ieaf a 0 chairs, black wrought iron, S200 Call 115/455- 5549. G.E. ELECTRIC Dryer Good condition. SSO. 312/426-5120 --MOVING-** Padioom suite, vtftife French Provencal, incls. 2 single canopy bods w/canopies a mat­ ching bedspreads, box springs a mattresses (unused), 2 dressers, bookcase a desk. Si.200/all; Dinette set- table w/ieaf a 0 chairs, black wrought iron, S200 Call 115/455- 5549. ROPER Dbl. Oven Gas Range. S150.; Roper Dishwasher, SM0., 30" Bathroom sink, S20. 312/630-0775. --MOVING-** Padioom suite, vtftife French Provencal, incls. 2 single canopy bods w/canopies a mat­ ching bedspreads, box springs a mattresses (unused), 2 dressers, bookcase a desk. Si.200/all; Dinette set- table w/ieaf a 0 chairs, black wrought iron, S200 Call 115/455- 5549. ROPER Dbl. Oven Gas Range. S150.; Roper Dishwasher, SM0., 30" Bathroom sink, S20. 312/630-0775. DINING ROOM Set, table w/7 chairs a buffet, S300. Hideaway bed. S40. Small kitchen table w/drop leaves. S15. Large round game table. SSO. 01S/3S- 1327. OFFICE FURNITURE. Desk; arm chair; table; 2 stacking chairs; 312/650-7*06. DINING ROOM Set, table w/7 chairs a buffet, S300. Hideaway bed. S40. Small kitchen table w/drop leaves. S15. Large round game table. SSO. 01S/3S- 1327. 0 FT. FIBERGLASS Pickup Cap, S12S.; 2 lawnmowers. S40. each. 312/420-0740. SCHWINN VARSITY 10 apwd. Best Offer . Call 015/495-1130. LIVING ROOM set; Couch, chair, 3 glass pedestal tables. S300/set. Will separate. Sleeper sofa, queen. S125. Recliner S2S. 312/631-3345 TWIN BED. 1 stationery rock­ ing chair, and l end table. Call Cathy 015/499-4063 aft. 6 p.m. LIVING ROOM set; Couch, chair, 3 glass pedestal tables. S300/set. Will separate. Sleeper sofa, queen. S125. Recliner S2S. 312/631-3345 • SEND DAD a balloon bouquet for Fathers Day!! (Ask about a six-pack of balloons) Costumed deliveries avail. 7 days a week. Bloomin' Balloons. 015/459 RAVE. r X r SLATE POOL Table w/accessories. S450.; (2)6 Channel 5 watt hand held CB's, S1S0 pr.; and (1) 40 Channel base station CB, S150; 312/650- 0416 after 5 p.m. • SEND DAD a balloon bouquet for Fathers Day!! (Ask about a six-pack of balloons) Costumed deliveries avail. 7 days a week. Bloomin' Balloons. 015/459 RAVE. CENTRAL AIR conditioners, t 5-ton. Requires 240v, 3 ph power. Call CRV Electronics. 115/305-4900 • SEND DAD a balloon bouquet for Fathers Day!! (Ask about a six-pack of balloons) Costumed deliveries avail. 7 days a week. Bloomin' Balloons. 015/459 RAVE. CENTRAL AIR conditioners, t 5-ton. Requires 240v, 3 ph power. Call CRV Electronics. 115/305-4900 KENWOOD 90S stereo VCR. remote, 4 heads, 14 day pro­ grammable, 10 mo. warranty. S700/besl. 015/455-0562 days. 499-0925 evenings. PRE SEASON CLEARANCE on all whole house fans a attic ventilators starting as low as S49.05, now through June 5. Sherman Plumbing & Heating. Crystal Lake KENWOOD 90S stereo VCR. remote, 4 heads, 14 day pro­ grammable, 10 mo. warranty. S700/besl. 015/455-0562 days. 499-0925 evenings. PRE SEASON CLEARANCE on all whole house fans a attic ventilators starting as low as S49.05, now through June 5. Sherman Plumbing & Heating. Crystal Lake MAHOGANY Dining Room table w/teeves and heat pads. 3pens up to 40" X 74". newly refinlshed, SI75.015/455-1791. 30 GAL. gas water heater. S45. 015/499-1007 I PIECE DAVENPORT. Good condition, S4SJ0. 015/499-0670 MINK STOLES, especially for the bride a mother of the bride. Autum Haze mink stole & short sleeve mink jacket. Both like new, 115/4594463. I PIECE DAVENPORT. Good condition, S4SJ0. 015/499-0670 MINK STOLES, especially for the bride a mother of the bride. Autum Haze mink stole & short sleeve mink jacket. Both like new, 115/4594463. ORANGE VELVET high back chairs. (2). S75.; 2 Rattan hang ing chairs. S160., church pew, solid oak. 6'. needs refinishing. S12S. 015/653-5076 after 5:30pm. WASHERS a DRYERS. Recon­ ditioned a Guaranteed. SfO/up. 015/305-6431. ORANGE VELVET high back chairs. (2). S75.; 2 Rattan hang ing chairs. S160., church pew, solid oak. 6'. needs refinishing. S12S. 015/653-5076 after 5:30pm. WASHERS a DRYERS. Recon­ ditioned a Guaranteed. SfO/up. 015/305-6431. WHEELCHAIR, Excellent cond. Reasonable offer Call: 115/338-4204 FATHER'S DAY BALLOONS mailed or delivered from SO JO. F a n t a s y F e s t i v a l Costume/Magic Center. 432 Virginia St., Crystal Lake, 015/455-4910. WHEELCHAIR, Excellent cond. Reasonable offer Call: 115/338-4204 FATHER'S DAY BALLOONS mailed or delivered from SO JO. F a n t a s y F e s t i v a l Costume/Magic Center. 432 Virginia St., Crystal Lake, 015/455-4910. CARPETING. 12'x16'S". rust/cream shades, bound edges. IVi years old. like new. S300.015/455-4196. BEDROOM SET, 5 pc. Early American, queen sin bad w/mattress a box spring. SSOO/best. Call 115/560-5654. CARPETING. 12'x16'S". rust/cream shades, bound edges. IVi years old. like new. S300.015/455-4196. BEDROOM SET, 5 pc. Early American, queen sin bad w/mattress a box spring. SSOO/best. Call 115/560-5654. TENT 0 x W. 5" tall. Army can­ vas. Groat cond. Easy set-up. $30,015/330-7724. TTTTr far waaldy, handy and salary mb payraN exaeriaace, aiedlum typing a feod number t̂ttnie. Compu­ ter sKpariaiws dsslraMs (IBM System 3S Maples Payrai). CicaM salary and • CaO: MMN McCRATH 815/459-2400 fwlndustrles, Inc. CryttolUke.jL 60014 ZiitelP Wanted BUS HELP Must be willing to work weekends & holidays; also experienced Bartenders. Flexible hours. Phone for interview appointment. 815/385-0335 PERMANENT FULL TIME 8:MAM1o4:30 PM, Monday Through Friday We have several openings in our micro­ filming department for reliable, responsi­ ble people. No experience necessary, we will train. Apply In Person Or Contact Our Personnel Department. Mr.idays, Wednesdays, & Fridays Only dHTML STATES MICROFILMING, INC. 302Cary Point Drive, Cary, II 312/63*4443 RBRMBMZMT tit IH0NAS T. NUB P.O. Box R - Richmond. IL 60071 Orapptymperjonat 10071 Mam Street .. Richmond, IL |<f> • m Help Wanted Part-time people to stuff papers in the mail room of the McHenry Plaindealer two days a week 3 PM til finished. I Apply in person to: McHanry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St. - McHenry, IL MACHINE OPERATORS Wt are «wii establish iota' company toofc'"Q 'v oooa machine operators *ith at leas' 5 yea's tfipe'-e^ct M you do setups run produf f ior ana lod cose 'c r ances ** «ou>d i*e «o talk to you eic^an^e »o» ,Ov- iflac^mmq talents #e can otter you a good s'ar'̂ nc sa ia'y <nth excellent benefits it mteres'ed p"ease send 'esumeor letter ol introduction to Box AJP Shaw Free Press Newspapers P.O. Box 2S0 Crystal Lake, IL GOO 14 Eoua'Oppy( ~c o,«" W PRINCIPAL'S SECRETARY 2 positions, McHenry High School East & West. Strong typing skills, shorthand, dicta phone, office manager skills. Bookkeeping backgroundhelpful. 12 month position. Cal aft Cast tl5/3tS-114Sy Mrs. AaMI; At Waal 815/385-7077, Mrs. Craatz DIVISIONAL SALES COORDINATOR IS GENERAL FACTORY No Experience Necessary 1st & 2nd Shifts Apply in Person: PERSONNEL PROTECTION 9116 Virginia Rd. Lake in the Hills, IL 60102 SimII Icon and ysrdon manufacturer needs a dependable, creative, aggressive individual *ho will be responsible lor advertising, trade *m*- .mm maniehg <a>os rop organizations. 25% IravM nguired- Related experience help W W a necesoary. Comprehensive benefits Inckiding profit sharing are oflered OMHfied candidates plow tend resume in O elirn fMttJMMnAle SA tn vnwiijf Mniiy rcm/irwimiu in cimria^nce TO. BexAJO Shaw Frss Pths Newspapers P.O. Bex 280 Crystal ̂ a l̂L 60014 ̂ m ELECTRONIC REPAIRMAN/ELECTRICIAN We have an immediate opening tor • qualified mainte­ nance electronic repairman with several years experi once in a manufacturing environment. Must be famil­ iar with PECO controls and able to read electronic schematics. Should also be a certified/electric ian, with basic knowledge af trouble shooting and repair. We Oiler the opportunity to work lor a progressive and forward thinking company, with excellent working conditions and attractive salary and benefits. Their is ample opportunity to work a substantial amount of overtime. If you are qualified and think you would like to work with us, give us a call or drop by to visit. U.S. CAN 717 Gifford Rd. ' Elgin, IL 60120 312/OOS-OCOO An Equal Opportunity Emptoyer */F/V/H \»r

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