85 MOTOR HOMft f Itasca. Stops 4 e stn. X M c. Qt 79 iu Autofflobi 3S 86 ft S.le REPROCESSES makes A moMs „ n nrt talrtlftn MA 0000 MUCTIOn. IIC •fallWww, 8<jM Ing over paymtnh 4 up. t cars. N* j». For Ml must ask tor / 312/584-3900. CHEV MAILBU C dr. sfiriOi (xnl t toner, radial t milts, nice but t 0,250.312/683-30 SHOP PI IK AUTO INSVfi "Lot our flngert Ing." Phone qulfc Sunder lag* I near 815/3383328. NEW AT Ziebar heater, power fit repair, air conilti 8. service. 312/1^5 TOYOTA Till am/tm, 4 dr., v#fs 33.000 miles, 9k 3X1. CHRYSLER Cm full power, extras MOOO/offer, 3ft 312/420-7850. . CHEVY CAVAL silver/blue. 19JN 30-40 mpq 815/9M TOYOTA '73. Re brakes 4 transit* 312/65K BUICK OPEL, miles, good cofltf $1,100.312/436-48B* VW RABBIT. " engine, tires 4 t good cond., e* reliable, $1.275. jfc '« RENAULT L:' roof, am/tm St miles. $3400. siy< 5 pm. BUICK LESABtt cond., l family c last. $1.000.312/4E AMC MATADOR cyt* runs gd., tt •15/315-5094. OPEL MANTA T jr body fair, needs «.t caliper. $300/beaf. GREMLIN X *7 needs work, goad : 815/344-3112 attar 330-3029 days. PACER X'75, a* needs work. $SN, after 5:30 or 330-30 GRAND PRIX ' loaded, excel, can 115/455-3004 after Jeff. OLDS CUTLASS S loaded, exc. cond. $5,000 or best * s 0917. CHEVY CAMAJtC no rust, sun root • a/c, must sell, II M/snim. ail % a lets ak- Ml. illy ody you >y 7. 2 Tdl 010 fed. v aik «ed. icy, 3 tor, ri itor ng -e>air t I- 82, iod nd., 3 455 .3: or 783, spd. ,000 ting »fle. -As-: sun ,000 8' fter Automobiles 86 For Salp • HONDA CIVIC CVCC. 1977, Hatchback, 4 speed, recent valve job 8. brakes, am-fm radio, $l,200/best offer. 815/653 9848. PLYMOUTH HORIZON 10. ex- cei, cond. $3500/offer. Call: 815/943-7340 after 4:30 p.m. PONTIAC GRANVILLE Con- vertlble, 74, full power, 55,000 miles, drives & looks like new, $3,495. Call 815/455-4659. OLDS 98. 1974. all power, a/c, stereo, exc. cond., $1.9S0/offer. 815/344-4029. COUNTRY SQUIRE Wagon, 74, auto- A/C, ps/pb, new brakes 8i muffler, 8 pass., good cond., $1,000. Call 312/639-8339: INTERNATIONAL SCOUT, '76, V-8, auto, good condition. $2000. Call after 5 pm. 312/639- 1569. DATSUN 2MZ '74, $2200/best offer. Good cond. Call Tony, 312/438-6035 CITATION '82, fuel injection, 4 cyl (28 MPG), 4 dr. hatch back, ps. pb, air, cruise, defogger, am/tm, new tune up, battery, brakes, shocks, clean, 34,000, $5295/0ffer. 815/455-2704 / 455 4074 BUICK RIVERIA '75. air. ps/pb, p.w., p.I., am/fm, tilt, cruise, excellent cond., no rust. $1600.312/639-6100 or 639-2317. arry t to '5.6 Md. ake 588 sad, 100, . or P*>. 3112 utly rm. for '80, les, 4J9 san, ero, 3 or PONTIAC SUN BIRD '10. V-6,4 spd- ps/pb, am/fm stereo. 37000 mi. Best otter. 312/658- 5771. CONVERTIBLE, 1974 Bulck LeSabre, good shape, recent top. Call 815/459-4996. FORD GALAXIE 500, 1967, runs good, needs body work, $200/best otter. After 5pm, 312/381-2671. OLDS OMEGA '75, 4-dr., good condition, new tires, low miles. $1200. Call after 6 pm. 815/385- 0150. AMC/AMX, 79, 6 cyl. auto., air, sun roof, ps/pb, tilt, am/fm stereo. Sharp! - Must Seel Best Offer. Call 815/385-3063. FORD LTD '73, 4-dr, ps/pb, a/c. Runs good. $350/firm. 815/385-3409 _____ FWD JEEP Cherokee'78 Runs good, $3500. 815/728-1653 DODGE OMNI 024,1979, 4 sp., air, am-fm. Sporty! $2,850. 815/459-8994. TORINO WAGON '76, Excel, cond., 79,000 miles, $900. 312/658 8416 after5p.m. OLDS/MOBILE '82, 98 Regency Brougham, 4 dr., ail options, velour interior, rustproofed, low miles, perfect condition. Reasonable. 312/695-0775. PLYMOUTH, '73, 9 pass, sta tion wagon, good cond., many new parts, extra parts, very dependable, $500,312/426-9488. CUTLASS SUPREME 75.4 dr. 360 engine, air, P/S, P/W, P/antenna, stereo, tilt wheel, all new radial tires, excel. Automobiles 86 For Sale FIREBIRD. '67. mags, must see. Offer, 81S/6S3-9221. cond or best FIREBIRD '76.2 dr., casette 4 8 track, auto, good cond. $3,000. 312/742-5689 or 312/428-2077 aft. 5pm. FORD LTD. 72, needs work, best offer, 312/639-2*6. CHEVY IMPALA. 71 4 door, auto., all around good cond., $500. Call 815/338-8106. CUTLASS 72. 815/4^5815. PONTIAC LaMANS, 74. 2 dr.. auto., ps/pb. air, cruise, low miles, $875.815/338-0061. FORD LTD Landau, 78. Very goad cond., phone after 5 p.m. 815/338-1695 or 728-1659. PONTIAC LEMANS, '73. 2 dr., 350 V-8, auto., ps/pb, a/c, radio, vinyl roof, 67,000 miles. $l,000/best, 815/459-6926. TOYOTA CELICA GT. 74, green, tan Interior, stereo, a/c. 5 spd., low miles, exc. cond., $2.000.815/459 7654. FORD ESCORT GT, '84, blk- 5 speed. EFI. am/fm premium sound. 12.000 miles. $7500, 815/568-5343. VW DASHER 76, 50,000 miles. 4-dr., auto, very clean. $1700/best. 815/337-0238 CHEVY IMPALA Wagon. 78. Exc. cond., original Asking $3000.115/923-2277. CHEVY IMPALA 4 Door, 1972, mechanically sound, some rust, $300.815/648-4297. BUICK SKYLARK 76. Green w/tan vinyl top, ps/pb, auto, trans., air, am/fm radio. $1600. 312/658-6955. PLYMOUTH HORIZON '80, red 2-dr., 4-sp- low mileage, good condition, $3,400/best. 312/639-5688. FORD PINTO 74, 2-dr. $450/best. Call 815/455-1130. CASH FOR UNWANTED C A R S 7 DAY PICK UP CALL 815/338-2820 MUST SELL! Leaving for Col lege. Camaro '83, 4 spd., am/fm cassette, $7400.312/658- 5550. FORD BRONCO, '79. 4 wheel drive. $5,500/best offer. Western snowplow extra. Call 815/895-6965 DATSUN 310GX, '79,59,000 mi., new brakes & clutch, $2,800. Pete. 312/658-4822 after 5pm. PONTIAC CATALINA '71. 4 dr., new brakes, tower body rust. Running cond. Can be us ed for parts. $200.815/385-3452. BUICK CENTURY '78, good cond., air. $1800. 312/639-3552 after 5 pm. MONTE CARLO '79. air, am/fm radio, great shape 38,000 miles. First $4200 buys a great car. 815/385-3770 CUTLASS SUPREME '77. Air, am/fm stereo, ps/pb, buckets, t-top w/tocks, new battery A alter. Very gd. cond. 82500/of- fer. 312/639-9425, eves & - Automobiles 86 For Sale DATSUN, ma, 210, exc. cond., Snrf one owner, $4100, call before 2p.m. 312/430-0807. CADILLAC, '«•. sedan. Do Ville, ail power, body very good, needs engine work. $400 or offer 815/338-4058 before TOYOTA CELICA, 75. stereo, 5 need, looks 4 runs good, 0900,815/385-2645after6p.m. ' 35 H.P. EVINRUDE, motor tlic start w/ganeratar. com plete harness inct., excel, runn ing cond, $550. 312/420-5803 amr5. VOLKSWAGEN, 72. type 3. for parts. New generator, rotors. S200/offer. 312/420-2187 after 6 P"» FIREBIRD, 'if convertible classic car, S2500/best offer. 815/455-5371 after 4:30. FORD LTD Wagon, '77. Gd. cond., new fires A brakes, ps/pb, air. Ziebart. $l500/best. 815/455-5325. PLYMOUTH Satellite. 73. 6 cylinder, stick shift, runs good, $350 firm, 81V653-5664. BUICK SKYLARK, '82. 4 door custom auto- am/fm radio, air, loaded, 27,000 mi. Must sell. $5400. 312/650-7530 after 4 P™ DATSUN STATION wagon. 76, 4-sp- runs well. $K0/offer. 815/455-6436 FIREBIRD 77. V-8, AC some body rust, must sell. 815/459- <B3lafter6p.m. OLDS OMEGA BROUGHAM, *82, velour int- auto- A/C, ps/pb, tilt, cruise, a/fm stereo, wire wheels, garaged, loaded. 86380. Days- 312/490-1600, eves 426-6990. ' " FORD LTD II,'77. full power, fair cond. $1000. 815/459-6039 aft. 6 pm. TOYOTA '82 Tercel. 5 spd- 4 dr., am/fm, 30000 ml- exc. cond. $4800.815/459-006. CADILLAC El Dorado Biarritz, '78.55000 mi- exc. cond. $5500. 015/344-3201. MUSTANG MARK I '0.390 cu. In. digital am/fm cassette, runs great, needs body work. 81500/offor. 815/338 3714. FIAT 131 S '78.2 dr.. am/fm, 5 spd. Looks A runs good. 82200. 312/420-3332. MUSTANG GHIA '80. 3 dr- pb/ps, air. Asking $4500. 815^55-0041. after 5 pm. FORD GRANADA '75. Many new parts. Need the room. $600. Cash, no checks. 815/344-2815. BUICK SKYLARK, '68 Covert) ble, collectors car, good cond- very little rust. Must sell this week, $2750 or best offer, 815/455-2514. CAMARO 78 p.s., p.b- air, tile, exc. cond., 50,000 ml-$4200. 815/459-6966 MUSTANG CON VT'66 Good parts car, best offer. 815/459-5434 1972 BUICK LeSABER $475 Or Best Offer AutOffi 3S AlS 14 GREAT DEALS! TOYOTA VILLAGE Serving the Fox Valley for over 20 years 190 St 20 St . 31 TOYOTA VILLAGE IMODATSluBrO STATION ft AG0K . spd., air COM- mini;, rear defroster, low mit low.*'. »J39WV„n, «, Snt fin Mitt I tun aitl Sim 4mM to4r1i.MA.MteS 1977 8CJ A CIVK 4 speed, AM/f ter. *1588 IMJTO'W. COROliU B l a c k p l 8 k S i r nattioflini. Mr oots, AM/FM $4 JMli v; cumrrt j 1 1 f i f l f t m t ft Wm 'W &H pPPPs.. m' >* 1980 MAZDA GLC 5 speed, AM/FM stereo, rear defroster. »t044'* VN| 'lw p<« S33SI (>dudi«| Mfe I UlN Wittl tinO , l(HHt cttk M tri4t. IV75AP.fi 1971 VOLKSWAGEN DASHER 4 door, AM/FM stereo. 4 speed, roar defroster, steel belted ridials. '2688 1981 DATSUN B210 Automatic, ak conditioning, rear defroster, low miles. »106MV«-» *ltu pnu $4449 nd«Ji«t tM $ Utts ntl 1999 4mi payment c«tk m tra4« 14.N Aft. tat 42 Malta. drive. 1982 TOYOTA COROLLA SRS SPORT COUPE S spd., P/B, sir, tinted (lass, AM/FM stereo, rear defroster, steel belted radials, 1 owner. CLEAN *1 AM/FM sterot, 1981 TOYOTA STARLET 1 owner, hifti MP6. 5 spd., P/B. AM/FM stereo, rear de froster, SBR, low miles. MUST SEE 1978 VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT 4 speed, AM/FM stereo, rear defroster, oae owner. *2488 1981 CELICA GTLFTBACK Automatic, air coaditieeiai, AM/FM stereo, power steering, power brakes. MUST SEE ( FRANK**! TCHP8TA |HRVICI| Mon.Frl.IJ PAGE 17 - PLAINDE ALER - WEDNESDAY, JUNE §, 1S84 900 Lacox, Rte. 31. South Elaln, 741-2100 Soitk Ellis Sot.fnoon Mon.-Frl.M Sot.fS Automobiles 86 For Sale PORSCHE '79, 924, aebring pgk- red with striping, ex ecutive drl' tn. 37,000 miles, mint cond air, pb. $9450, S15/455-101V after 4 p.m. MERCURY COMET '73. VS. ac, ps. pb. new paint new brakes, exc. transportaion, $750,312/639-4884. 89 Trucks, Tractors & Trailers CAMARO, '77, 49,000 mi- am/fm 8 track, A/C, ps/pb, rvns pood, Inferior good, body rusty, w/3 radial tires on American Spirit alum, rims, only 3.000 miles on tires, 81 JDO/firm. Ask for Ron or Oar at 312/741-4462. OLDS FIERENZA, '83, 5 sp. hatchback, sun roof, air, am/fm stereo, ps/pb, low miles, $7,195. Call 312/669 3008. PLYMOUTH VALIANT, 1974, elr cond- p.s- new tires, runs good. $750. 815/344-5979 after 4:38pm. FORD LTD 76. 4 dr.. ps/pb. air, auto- am/fm, exc. motor. Best. 312/658-5952. FORD ESCORT L '82. 30,000 miles, 4-dr., 4-sp. manual trans- 4 speaker am/fm stero cessette , two tone; pewter/pewter w/pinstriping, vent windows, rear window defrost, white interior. VERY CLEAN. Must sell. $4295. 815/344-2448 VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT, 1977, 2 door, 4 sp- tach, alloys, 68,000 ml- good cond- $1,650.815/344 3445. VW RABBIT. '80, L, diesei, 4 door, sun roof, pin stripe, stereo, rust proofed, clean, very good cond. Moving, $3100, or offer, 115/455-6204. CLASSIC'S, 2 1964 Pontiac Grand Prix's, 1 all original, 3 sp- 389, needs minor work; 400 automatic, runs exc- body fair, make offer on 1 or both, 312/526-1804. PLYMOUTH VOLARIE', '78, 6 cylinder, ps, one owner, 35,000 actual miles, clean, $2250, 815/459-2594. ROADRUNNER 383 '71. Con sole shift, headers, mat lory ig nition, Edelbrock. mainifold with hoi ley carb. Body gd. cond- 81100/best. 312/741-5128. after 5 pm. OLDS REGENCY 77 Erxcellent condition. Genoa, 815/784 3357 eves. HONDA 550 74,4 cylinder. Clean. $600. Call: 815/344-5169 after 6 P.M. OLDS WAGON, 1976 well maintained, $1,300/offer. 015/344-3564. TOYOTA CORONA '72, good work car. $300. Call: 815/344- *5169 after 6 P.M. DODGE ASPEN '79, special edition station wagon, good cond. $2,000. See Glen Rebok, 39 Helm Rd- Carpentersville. anytime! CHEVY CAMARO, 75, type LT, metalic brown with spoiler, very nice cond- asking $1600, 815/728-1957 after 4:30. DbDGE FLATBED '66. fair cond- 318 motor, floor shift, whits spoke rims. (300 or best offer. 815/522-3598. uoo< URV PONTIAC VENTURX '74, 350 V-8, exc. runner, new tires & brakes, $900/best. Ask for Rob at 312/658-4188. CHEVROLET CHEVETTE, '88, 4 door, exc. cond- $2,925. 815/338-5696. CHEVELLE Malibu Classic, 74, p.s- p.b., auto., $650. 815/338-0010. CHEVY MONZA. '76, $1,000/ best; Cadillac Coupe DeVille. '74, loaded, $1,000/ best. Call 815/385-5111. DODGE Colt, '77, good runn ing, work car, 109000 miles, $750, or best offer, 815/784-5622. VEGA WAGON, '74, good work car. $250/best. Call after 5:30 pm, 815/738-1470. OLDS DELTA 88 Royale, '79. 4 dr., 350 V-8 gas engine, pb, ps, air cond., am/fm stereo cassette, 6-way seat. Car has ail options. Will consider trade in. $3,450 . 815/338 2886 or 815/338-1697. DODGE ASPEN '79, Special Edition station wagon, good cond., $2,000. See Glen Rc&ok, 39 Helm Rd. Carpentersville, anytime. 87 Wanted To Bujr CASH PAID For Junk Cars - 7 Day Pickup 312/639-2628 WANTED TO BUY junk & repairable autos, 7 day pickup, 312/639-8159. WANTED: Pontiac Astor. '76, body 8i motor unimportant. 815/338-6386. Auto Parts & 88 Accessories ENGINES, all makes, $200 & up; trans, all types, foreign 8i domestic, $100& up. Delivery & Insta l lat ion avai lable . Guaranteed. 815/344-5114. STOCK TIRES 4, GM. 185/13.6000 mi. $140,815/455-3580 SUNROOFS, alt vehicles $150, electric hoist with tripod, $275; Chevy 400 engine, $225; Kawasaki, "500" $150. 815/338 1380. LADDER RACK, shelving & cage for construction va, like new, S2S0.815/338-5696. 89 Trucks, Tractors & Trailers DATSUN PICKUP. '76, A/C. radials. custom topper, hitch, $2,200/ offer. Call 815/455-6787 or 312/741-9166. 75 Dodge % ton 4X4 pick-up w/7V* ft. full hydraulic snowplow, ps/pb, runs good. 82500/best. 74 Dodge 1 ton 4X4 cab + chassis, runs good, overhauled engine, ps/pb. $3000/best. '72 Dodge l ton cab & chassis, runs good, ps/pb, SISOO/best. 5 cubic yard dump box w/full 4 X 7 ft. steel box trailer. $125. Call 815/499-1087 CHEVY TRUCK, '57, 350 engine. Edelbrock manifold. Holly 4 barrel, headers, newer trans., many extras, inside restored, outside needs body work, $1,000. Call after 6 pn, 815/344-5303. FORD COURIER pick up, 76, w/cap, runs good, some rust, 47.000 miles, $1,000, call after 5 p.m. 312/426-3180. CUSTOM CAMPER Top for Chevy shortbed. new $400, exc. cond- must sacrifice, $125. 115/459-9338. FOR SALE BY SEALED BIDS 1968 IHC 4 wheel drive mini- pumper fire truck with 300 gal. tank, pto pump, booster reel, lights and siren. Bids will be opened June 11,1984 at the fore station. Bids may be mailed to: Harvard Community Fire Protection District 607 Hayes St. Harvard, IL, 60033 (Mark 'Truck Bid') For Further Information, C a l l 815/943-5567 815/943-4477 815/943-57S4 FORD, '78, F250 Club Cab 4 wheel drive, verygood cond., $4,000,312/426-2181. FORDF15078, Fiberglas topper-Asking $2100 312/658-7234 CHEVY '79, % ton, 4x4, 400 engine, Silverado pgk- 5th wheel plate for ball nitch or king pin gooseneck, very good shape, many extras, 56,000 miles, must be seen, $8,500. Call after 7 p.m., 312/742-4491. CHEVY % TON Truck, 74. New tires 8i battery. Has camper cap. Gd. cond. $850. 815/385-4040. CHEVY Vt TON Pickup, 1978, $800. 815/338-2996 FORD 76. F-150 Pickup with cap. Runs good. Best offer. Must sell. 312/639-8791. 90 Vans Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles HONDA. '79 500 CX. custom, like new. Low miles, a real bargain at $1150.815/459 5035. KAWASAKI 900 '74. Vetter fair ing, saddle bags, deluxe seats, exc. cond- never spilled. Adult owned. Will consider trading down. $1295.312/381-3172. KAWASAKI K2 750, 1977, 7,000 miles, adult owned, very clean, $1,200/best offer. 815/943-4139. HONDA, '82. V45. roflWer fair ing, am/fm radio, low miles, like new cond- $2250 or best, 815/344-3416 evenings, 312/398 9802, days. KAWASAKI 1981, 305 CRS, low miles, mint cond- $650.815/455- 5797. HONDA '80, CX 500, excel cond. Must sell, $1,000.312/391 -2524 or 312/328-9578. HARLEY, 1962, Duro Glide, stock, $3,000, Suzuki, 1979, GS 425 E, 1,400 mi., $700 . 312/381- 1230. YAMAHA 250RD '74, very good cond., $300/ best offer. Call after 6 pm, 312/658-2373. HONDA, 1983, XR 350R, mint cond- 122 miles, $1,500. After 6pm, 815/385-3342. HONDA. 1981. Interstate 1100 cc, with matching cargo trailer, exc. cond- Must sell. Will sepcrato. Best offer. HONDA, 360 cc Excellent cond. 815/338-5308 Recreational 92 Vehicles JAYCO, 22Vi ft- mini motor home, '78, exceptional cond., $13.500,815/459-3208. TRAVEL TRAILER '79 Jayco 1750. Sleeps 6, air cond- fur nace, stove, refrig- bath 8i ex tras. Used only 5 times. $4250/best 312/639-7717. TRAVEL TRAILER 26' self contained. Sleeps 8. Call 815/568-8940, after 6 pm. CHEVY, 1979, 2 tone blue, win dow van, ton, p.s., p.b., air, auto- am-fm. electric windows & locks, air shocks, exc. cond., $5,500/offer. 815/338 1568. FORD WINDOW VAN, '82, 12 pass., a/c, am/fm stereo, runs good , exc. cond.. asking $8,900, 815/459 2904. CHEVY VAN (Converted) 75, 6 cyl. standard, runs good, $l,895/best, 815/459-4876. CHEVY pick-up truck, '77. 4 | wheel drive, ps. pb. am/fm radio, cruise, some rust. $2,000 : or best, 815/459-5936. FORD El50, '78, 6 cylinder, auto, $2200 or best offer, 815/568-5343. DODGE WINDOW van, '78, 6 cylinder, stick, build in bed, bench seat, storage comp. Great for camping, fm stereo cassette player, new tires, shocks, $2250.815/943-6026. CHEVY, Vj ton pannel Van, 'a. good cond- 6 cylinder, 3 speed manual# $3Z&< 115/648- 4297.Fred. FORD ECONOLINE, '79. % ton, commercial, carpeted in terior, $2,750. 815/455 1019 after 4p.m. Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles HARLEY DAVIDSON '77, Super Glide, 1200 CC, 8600 mi- good runner, no leaks. $3,900. 815/338-8615 aft. 8 p.m. YAMAHA 350, '72. 10,000 mils, like new. Must see. $400. 312/428-1485. KAWASAKI. '7* 4 cyl., 650 SR. Bought new '81, only 5300 miles, new battery w/new Fiamm horns & back rest. $1300, 815/344-4041. HONDA, '75, CL 360, 16,000 miles, Fairing, back rest, $350, ,<312/658-3109 af ter 5 p .m. , weekends anytime. HONDA CB 125 '79. $525/best. Mint cond. 312/741-6014. '73 KAWASAKI Zl 900, ex cellent condition, 6,000 miles. 81200/best. 312/639-2961 HONDA 750 Custom, '81. Stock except for header. 4650 mi, gd. cond. $1,275.312/426-8503. HONDA 550, 1976, fairing 8i rest, 5,700 miles, exc. cond- 8850/offer. 312/639-3248. SUZUKI GS400.1978, only 8,200 miles, new battery, $550. Call 815/455 6743 after 6pm. SUZUKI RM125. '78. exc. cond- $500 or best offer, 815/338-0755. SUZUKI '79, RM 125, exc. cond. $450, Yamaha 250 MX, $250. 815/338-0760. SUZUKI GS1100E, '82, exc. cond., low miles, matching Wuki bell helmet, new Dunlop K291S, new soft saddle bags, Yoshi mura pipe. Call before 7, $2400, 815/568-6060. YAMAHA SECA 750, '82, exc. cond., w/quarter fairing. Must sell, $1,895, 815/923 2636. YAMAHA XS500. 76. exc. cond., luggage rack, etc., $650 or best offer, after 6 p.m. 815/943-6620. KAWASKI '76, 400, good cond. S500 miles. Priced at $425. Call Tony: 312/428-6035. STARCRAFT POP-UP, sleeps 8, double dinnette. canopy, fur nace, stove, sink 8, extras. $1900.815/455-4503. HONDA 550 76. Excel, cond. $600/best. 312/658-5965 after 6 pm. HONDA, CB T, 1975. with sissy bar, in good cond- $600. 312/669 3513. KAWISAKI GPZ1100, '82, 1,600 miles, $2.950, 815/459-7515. HARLEY DAVIDSON Custom sportster, '69. Must see. Must sell. 312/658 7336. MOTO GUZZI, 7i; 750 CC, bags, fairing, floor boards, new tires 8i battery. $1,200 Firm, 312/639 4329. KAWASAKI, '82. GPZ 550, bought new in '83, 1300 miles. Like new, $1600, call Dan, 815/455 2126. HONDA. 450 CB, 71, super shape, low miles. Gar. kept. £xtra>J6tt 312/639-7776. KAWASAKI GPZ 1100, '83 . $4,000. chest f reezer , 19 cu. f t - $'00, Dave. 815/338-9586 after 5 p.m. YAMAHA SPECIAL '78, $l400/best offer. 815/337-0345, after 5; 815/338-0490 HI/LO Travel Trailer Sleeps 6, dec. lift, loaded. 81200/best. 312/428-6177. PROWLER TRAILER, 1974, exc. cond- 21' dual axle, sleeps 6. $3,800/best offer. 312/658- 7785. FUTURA CLASS A motor home, 71, 30 ft- a/c & generator. $5,500, 312/669-5994 eves. ROCK WOOD POP-UP camper, '82, sleeps 8, like new condition. Asking $2600/firm. 312/669- 5941. CHAMPION MOTOR Home, '78, 25', gen., exc. cond., 31,000 mi-$14,900,815/455-3571. S P O R T C O A C H MOTORHOME, 26', 1973, good cond., $12,600. 815/459-6181 after 4:30pm. PROWLER TRAILER '78. 19' excel , cond. carpeted, wlnegard ant. Sleeps 6.312/742- 5590. WOLVERINE CAMPER 11'. Cab-over, on an '82 * ton exTrBS, »7,7OT" 31 Z/OJT WW; CLASS A MOTOR Home. '71 Champion, 25', good cond- roof air, sleeps 8, seats 15, 9,000 miles on short block, $6,900. After 5 pm, call 815/459-3323. SHASTA 22 ft. self-contained, air, sleeps 8, exc. condition. $3600.815/459-8128 STARCRAFT Pop-up Camper. Sleeps 8. Garage kept. Extras. Asking $1200.815/338-0541. STARCRAFT Pop-up Swingout Camper, 1978, exc. cond- very little use, $2,000.312/639-2759. TOYOTA CHINOOK Late 75. Very gd. cond. Many extras. Asking $3750.815/455-4399. POP-UP Sleeps 8. Sink, ice box, stove, water tank. $600.815/459- 6557. 76 HONEY BEE LLVI ft. slide on camper. Very modern, sleeps 6.312/428-5950 f! people read classified CD O CO O CD O P-> O You S&IPETSJ cash ad i ' IQCU' H classified a|& "*• * assified Line Ads Phone 815-344-4800