Authorities stress consequences of drinking during Safe Boating Week SECTION 2 - PAGE 7 - PLAINDEALEH WEDNESDAY. JUNE *. 11*4 "Think before you drink~Be a safe boat operator," is the theme of this year's National Safe Boating Week, being ob served June 3 to 9, according to David Kenney, Illinois Department of Conservation director. In Illinois, boating organizations and volunteer boating safety instructors will mount a public information effort to call attention to the dangers involved with mixing recreational boating and drinking. Some studies indicate that alcohol is a factor in as many as 70 percent of all boating fatalities, and that boating deaths could be diminished by at least half if boat operators avoided the use of alcohol while on the water. The vast majority of boating accidents are collisions which occur, ironically, when weather and visibility are good, Kenney said. The reason for this is that the noise, glare and vibration associated with boating can, over a period of time, reduce a person's awareness and ability to react in much the same way "highway hypnosis" dulls the senses of long distance drivers. This "boater hypnosis" can be as debilitating as being legally drunk, safety experts say, and the effect is doubly dangerous if the boat operator has been drinking. When a person who has been drinking falls overboard, his chances of survival are seriously reduced. Intoxicated persons falling into murky water have been known to swim downward in their confusion, rather than up to the surface. The abilities of even good swimmers are significantly hampered by alcohol. "Apart from avoiding alcohol afloat, there are many other things recreational boaters can do to make Illinois water safer," Kenney said. "Our boating safety education courses, which are required for most young boat operators, also are good for adults who need a safety refresher or who are novices at boat operation. Personal MCCD MEETING The next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the McHenry County Conservation District will take place at 7 p.m., Hiursday, June 7, in the District office at 6512 Harts Road, Ringwood. McHenry County Comprehensive Mental Health Service System Mental Health Crisis Una lor . McHenry County 1-800-892-8900 Toll FrM 24 Hour Emorgoncy Numbor Professional Staff will answer your call We've taken the worry out of Disability Income Insurance. Guaranteed. Country Companies introduces a new Disability Income policy with built-in cost of living adjustments. And it's guaranteed renewable and noncan- celable, so the policy will always be in force without change as long as you make the premium payment. CMH 'W BYMii «•> 4S9-U34 •H. 1M-NN McHENRY kllNOtS Ptw MHnHmW COUNTRY COMPANIES tmd tauSaini lanfcet flotation devices should be worn by all persons aboard, and extreme caution should be used in refueling." Governor James Thompson has proclaimed Safe Boating Week in Illinois, noting that more than 25,000 boaters under the age of 16 have been taught safe boating practices through the state's boating safety education program. The courses are taught throughout the state by certified volunteers. "Responsibility and safety are important factors in making each boating outing an en joyable one," Thompson said. "This emphasis on boating safety has contributed to a reduction in accidents and more enjoyable boating conditiofis for all." Persons wanting more in formation about Safe Boating Week may contact the Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Law Enforcement, '524 S. Second St., Springfield, 62706. Participants sought for local Inn for cancer The McHenry County Unit of the American Cancer Society has set Sunday, July 1, as the date for thfe first annual McHenry Run For Cancer. A ten-kilometer race and a two-mile fun run will begin at 8 a.m. with checkin at 7:15 a.m. The event, will take place at Knox Park in McHenry. Prizes will be awarded to the top three finishers in each division. Tile age groups will be broken up as follows: 14 and under, 15 to 19,20 to 24,25 to 29, 30 to 34,35 to 39, 40 to 49 and 50 and over. T-shirts will be awarded to all registered runners. Free fresh fruit and swimming will be available to all runners upon completion of the races. For further information and registration forms call (815) 385- 6997 or (815) 385-5400. I POOLS N STUFF E V E R Y T H I N G Y O U N E E D POOLS-SPAS-SAUNAS U.P.S. A D.N.L DROP OFF STATION HOURS M0N-FRI 10-9 SAT A SUN 104 i 8 1 5 4 5 9 - 0 5 0 0 C R Y S T A L L A K E P L A Z A FS can handle your spraying needs...anytime! 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