THE STYLING SALON MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE SECTION 2 - PAftF is . PLAIN DEALER - WEDNESDAY, JUNK «, MM Riders asked to find Bike-A-Thon pledges Riders for the Sunday, June 10 this cause. Support your rider tirarcilat njrî Tm St. Jude Children's Research with a generous pledge, and then riding for Terry' to wear during Hospital Wheels for Life Bike-A* help them get the funds to us As the ride. I*m sure most of ttam Thon aTe now asking McHenry soon as the ride is over.'* V will still be weaifaw wtAs rttirans to back their efforts by Each rider will be given a lip they make their cottsctioas." pledging a contribution for each card when they register at Tenry is a SL Jude rutfrmt who mile they ride. McHenry West Campus at 10 represents all victims of the "The money our riders earn a.m. "Every time they ride illnesses under study at 9L Jtads will help continue St. Jude's life- through the check point, well Children's Research saving studiy of childhood cancer initial the card. At the end of the "If you have not bean askad to that has become so important to ride, well check it and sign it to sponsor a rider, call MHMO children all over the world,"said show that the rider earnedwhat after 4 p.m." Baibara Burke Bike-A-Thon chairman Barbara the sponsor pledged." said. Burke.» Riders will then return to the Riders can still obtain "We'll be showing that we sponsors to collect the pledge, sponsor-registration forms at care about children by helping "Well also be giving them a 1708 Nl Pleaaant Ave. McHenry native cast in Guild Playhouse in Des Plaines M pin". Performances are Fridays, Saturdays and Sun- 'i1 i'i 1 il days, through June 24 at 8 p.m. (except for the final two Sun- Jl J days, June 17 and 24, which are *^69 J matinees at 2:30 p.m.) Tickets may be ordered by calling 296- 1211 between noon and 8 n.m. daily. T (fa. • Judy is one of The Players w ̂ ' s who tell a "now" version of the j|H| { WW story of Pippin, eldest son of ̂ Charlemagne and heir to the m Holy Roman Empire. m ̂ d* Miss Ryan graduated from McHenry Hitfi Schools (East , and West) and earned an associate of arts degree from McHenry County Community College, and a B.A. in theatre from Northern Illinois University. "Pippin" marks her debut with Des Plaines Theatre Guild, but she appeared in "Oliver" and "A Doll's House" in McHenry, was Ida in "See How They Run" with MCC at Woodstock Opera House, and in "Counting • the Ways," "Hayfever" and "Firebugs" at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb. LEARN SOCCER WITH CHICAGO'S SUPER STING ATTEND THE IOTH ANNUAL SUPER SUNG SUPER SUMMER SOCCER CAMPS $8CP° KMt SOYS AND GIRLS 6-16 Five Km-Mcd days of Instiuc- Hon directed by Chicago Sting Coach W% Roy. Whether beginner Or skMed player. each camper learns America's fastest growing sport from the pros. Ptayers grouped by age and abMty. Every afternoon kids play in actual games EVERY CAMPER RECEIVES: • Expert instruction in the fundamentals of soccer, dribbling, passing. Wcldng. heading, tackling, and / bal control. • SnNG/Pepsi. Ptua Hut Soccer Bal • STING/Pepsi. Ptua Hut Equipment Sag • SnNC/Pejisi. PUta Hut Panldpaiton Patch • CHICAGO STING Soccer Came Tickets • Soccer Training and HigNJght Wms • Guest Appearances by Chicago Sting tm iTsyrrj AND MORE •Teamwork rht ArtofPtktndngand Attacking • Positional Play. Strategy and Tactics • Special Instruction for Goafceepers (aft campers wS become famMar with the responsMtles of Goafcecping) • Rules of the Game • Juggle. Run &. Kick Competition For further Information, ca>: Frank Kracher Casip Coordinator at V 558-5444 NapervWe (Knoch Park) Antioch (Anrtoch High School) HM »11 Arlington Heights (Olympic Pa*) LiberryvMe .. (Runerfleki Schooli Lincolnshire (Daniel Wright School) IMMXS-2* luMoCrave (Tarkington School) V S n tiji all* n L i DonogDfOoa \ (Community Park) . V Quad Cities . (Rock Va>ey Plaza) 1. Gumee(VMngParki *' ' SAW*-1) i • Downers Grove (O'NeM |f HSi •;,i Cary (Cary Grove H S ) Rockford (BoyUn Central MS ) HUT 11 1* Homewood fiossmoor (lions Club Park) Glenview (Glenbrook South H S > |Ut* IMS McHenry (McHenry East H S > Ottawa (Onawa H S ) Wheaton(Wheaton-WarrenvMeHS I m T N MK. I Hoffman Estates (Vogelet Park) Algonquin (Algonquin Middle School) New lenoa (Uncobiway High School) McHenry native Judy Ryan is cast in the play 'Pippin', now playing at the Guild Playhouse in Des Plaines. She is shown with John Gotthuss, left, who plays Pippin and Joe Saviao, right, who Is cast in the chorus. ERM APPEAL Beach sampling begins Northbrook (Meadow** Park i Vemont Lockpon (Church of Naiarenei Each camp day wiN begin at 9 30 AM. and end at 400 PM Campers should bring their own bag lunch Sponsor-drink «mD be provided Water samples collected from swimming beaches by the McHenry County Department of Health on May 29 and 30, were obtained from several beaches on the Fox River and from some of the lakes in the county. Those beaches at which the water was found to be un satisfactory for swimming were: Hickory Falls No. 1, Wonder Lake; Deep Spring Woods No.2, Wonder Lake; and Portens Subdivision, Fox River. The departnenr^alB* recommends that persons refrain front swimming for two to three days follifttillga fe&vy rain. Associations governing the following beaches did not choose to participate in the McHenry County Department of Health sampling program this year: Wonder Woods, Wonder Lake; Lakemoor Beach and Porten's Subdivision.. Any questions regarding water quality at those beaches should be directed to the ap propriate assosication. APPLICATION MAIL TO: Chicago Sting Super Summer Soccer C --pi 333 N. Michigan • Suite 152S Chicago. IL 60601 1" Camper Name , Age Home Phone Number Addraw Parent Business Phone -- City/State/Zip ! H Please enroll me for the following session Camp> , -i i--.----v »r>--&Z&&L-- -- One Better* perm, special 36.00 Get the extra-mild Helene Curtis perm you want at a price you'll love. All perms include shampoo, shaping and styling. Some perms not recommended lor bleached or frosted heir. 20% OFF PERMANENT HAIR COLOR. Prices effective June 3 thru June 0,1984. Redken and Nexxus products always available The thin, water-resistant Longines CHARGE IT. OPEN ON SUNDAYS. It has a winning way with men and women Brickyard, 745-0333 Ford City, 581-6376 Fok Valley, 851-6400 - Golf Mill, 299-0246 Joliet Mall, 439-1444 Lakehurst, 473-0340 Lincoln Mall, 481 -2698 N. Riverside, 447-8793 OrtandSquafe,349-7390 Spring Hill Mall, 428-6988 Woodfieid, 882-7454 Yorktown, 629-7760 • r . '1964. J C Pennay Company . Inc 301 W. VIRGINIA AVE., RTE. 14 CRYSTAL LAKE -- 455-0333 • AND, ROUTE 176, WAUCONDA JUNE 6-JUNE 12 WHILE QUANTITIES LAST • CHECKS •••• rT>T ACCEPTED I vnA I b--•• ONLY WITH OUR •P*| INDOOR FURNITURE 5 PC. CLOCK ENSEMBLE REG. $30.00 (099 Rogers & Hollands and Longines, official timekeeper of the 1984 Olympics, present the very Swiss, very supple, very sensuous Gold Medal timepiece, with the luxurious look of brushed gold, the studied excellcnce of Swiss craftsman ships plus exclusive Longines quartz move* ment. An impressive gift, this classically elegant sports and dress watch is also available in two tone and all gilt dial. r Come in today and experience a ~'::r design so superb, you'll marvel at its remarkably low price. For him $550 For her. ..,...$525 OUR REGULAR PRICE ALUMINUM FURNITURE Brown Weave Chairs W»13M*J10M •22** Reg. M74* JEWELRY CLEARANCE ALL JEWELRY UNDER •10" Reg. Price is NOW ; .W FISHING SETS 60% OFF SLEEPING BAGS 50 % OFF • FOR FATHER'S DAY* ALLWATCHES& WALL 50% OFFou,^ Jewelry aeaî for now and forever • SOGERS JEWELERS: Stratford Square/(WllRrest Plaza/Yorkt(»wn CefHtfr/fefferwrn Squaw Mall/LincitlnMall/ Hawthorn Center/Fox Valley Center/North Riverside Park/Washington Square Mall/Orland Squcre/Crysul IHtint Mall/ Oak Riiiok Ccntcr/CcnintrysiUc Plaza/Spnnn Hill Mall/Chica)(i> Rm^- Mall/Btxikvanl Tiiwcrs-Ntirdi iJ2>N A»i HOLLANDS JEWELERS: Wmxtftcld Mall/Water Ttnvcr PUcc/Ewrjcnxn Pi«2a/OklC>K:Hanl Shi win* Center/ North Rivcrsjik- rark/Fox Valley Ccnter/Lakchurst Shopping Center