i 0 PAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6,1984 Crime of the week Restaurant critic's job sounds quite enjoyable TKie uronlr Pnmn Cf 10 TAI* T f̂ OL IACP AVA/VA/IO ^ ^ " This week Crime Stoppers is seeking information on two burglaries to cars that were parked on North Shore Drive in Crystal Lake. Sometime during the early morning hours of Thursday, May 10, a thief broke into the two vehicles - one of which was parked in the 900 block, the other in the 1000 block, of North Shore rime 459-4800 Drive. The suspect forced entry to both cars. Numerous items were removed from the in teriors, including the following: A graphic equalizer, a Fuzz- bustet radar detector, four mens wallets, and a red leather organizer. Total loss exceeds $500. Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards of up to $1,000 for in formation leading to the arrest and filing of criminal charges against offenders. Anyone who has information on the two burglaries to cars on North Shore Drive in Crystal Lake, should call Crime Stoppers at (815) 459-4800. All callers remain anonymous. One never needs to give a name. Crime stoppers, which is sponsored by the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce, assigns secret numbers to anonymous callers who provide in formation. Callers are in structed to call back at regular intervals to find out if any suspects have been arrested as a result of confidential in formation given. Anonymous callers to Crime Stoppers do not have to appear in court. It has always been my con tention that I get the best meals at home. However, it w^ould be great fun to have a job) as a critic of restaurants. That would mean giving fair credit for the good points and listing things that could be improved. It has been our experience that managers, hostesses and waitresses are real people. We count them among our best friends. Since chefs are busy in the kitchen, we seldom meet them. If I were doing the rating, they would probably rate as good, better and best. Have always said I would prefer a good hamburger to a not-so-good steak. And there are juicy ham- burgersand dry ones. Some have flavor. Some need a lot of ketchup. Generally speaking, I like chicken at home, but have been agreeably surprised a couple of times when I broke down and ordered the item. Coffee is another big item. Give me hot coffee and cold milk. HEARIWORM & FLEA SEASON IS HERE! McHenry Animal Hospital is currently offering a 20% Sr. Citizen Discount on all routine medical and laboratory procedures! Is your pet up to date on vaccinations, heartworm checks and parasite exam? Ask about our current flea and heatworm control programs. McHENRY ANIMAL HOSPITAL 306 N. Front Street (Rt. 31) Mchenry, IL (815) 385-0031 So I Hear WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ON SALE ITEMS |NO SALE VtMMMB MERCHANTS -» i i V \ OF FINE WINES AND LIQUORS 4410VV. Rout*t*0, McHanry 385-3200 I I THIS AD APPLIES TOMM iMcHENRY STORKH SPRING HOURS MONDAY THRU THURSDAY 9AM10PM FRIDAY & SATURDAY 9AM 11PM SUNDAYS 9AM9PM SALE DATES: WED JHNE 12 Southern Comfort • • 1.75 LITRES 1.75 LITRES Canadian Club Whisky Gordon's Gin nil Silver '11 or Amber 75 LITRES 1.75 LITRES 1.75 LITRES 1.75 LITRES LESS MAIL-IN--' REFUND 1.5 LITRES 1.5 LITRES REFUND DETAILS OR ON DISPLAY rAPM IN STORE 750 ML 1.5 LITRES 750 ML Michelob Beers 6 12 OZ. N R. BTLS. LOOSE PACK CASE 24-12 OZ. CANS 24-12 OZ BTLS. Sf OtM EVERYDAY LOW PRKKSI [r OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICESI Regular or Diet Seven Up Regdar or Diet Dr. Pepper Grape, SlrawtarT or Oranae Crush Regriaror Sugar Free Like Colas 8-16 OZ. BTLS. 8 16 OZ BTLS by Earl Walsh In most places, if the coffeee is fresh it is good. There ought to be a law against some. I went into one place along the trail a few years ago and found the coffee having all the appearance of muddy-water. The taste was worse. I never went back. The place isn't along my usual routes anyhow. I worked in Chicago for a short time in my younger years and ate a sandwich each noon in a real good shop. My fellow co-workers thought I was an inexperienced country bumpkin to pay the price for a sandwich. One noon they talked me into joining them at a place where you got a lot of food for your money. Wow! I can still smell that boiled meat. Ugh. A big gob of mashed potatoes and squash filled your plate. That wasn't for me. I'll still take a smaller portion, but make it good. Yep. It would be fun to rate restaurants, but tough on the waist line. But, who would care about my ratings? Hie sun-moon eclipse is over and the experts tell us we won't see it again for 33 years. I can hardly wait! When a fellow told a girl she was "looking good," I added "She's also good looking." Guess who got a kiss? Jim Curran phoned one evening to tell me the Cubs hadn't won a game since they let their best player go. Of course, he was referring to Bill Buckner. "A dumb trade," thinks Jim. Jim and I decided somebody didn't like Buckner, but we could learn to like a .300 hitter. Verona Kent and our son Jack found out they have the same birthday. A few years apart, but the date is the same. Must tell Jack if he can stay as sharp as Verona through the years he will do real well. Hear relatives and friends put on a whing-ding surprise party for Verona. Ray Smith stepped out last week with a beautiful Shamrock green shirt. If I can find one like that, you will see me step out in it on St. Patrick's Day. Another year rolled around and our 76er group met again for GIGANTIC SALE ĵfT< ? V' £$# W* -4 .V V *4$ 4t at • •• EXCESS ESTATE HOUSEHOLD ITEMS ACQUIRED BY LLOYD'S ANTIQUES & RESTORATIONS I lunch at McHenry Country Club. Tliis time it was the 7lers. (Eight of us in the 70s.) "Zeke" Bacon came back again from his home in Arisona. Sib Whiting, "Marty" Con way, Gus Freund. "Schmaltz" Miller and I completed the original group. We were all pleased to have Jim Fay (California) and Ed Smith (Florida) join the group. All are formerly of McHenry High and most were star athletes. Most of the conversation was "Do you remember?" Guess we could be together from then 'til now recalling earlier days. Iffe a highlight of the year. News reporters come on the air like a breath of spring, tell us all the bad news, then sign off thanking us for listening. Isn't there any good news? Let's start a contest to find words to replace the worn out "Have a good day." It may be a losing task. Nobody ever found words to replace "Merry Christmas." OLD SAYINGS: Never put a clean shirt over a dirty body. If you can't say something good about a person, count 10 before you speak. Pity the speaker who has no pockets in his suit. PICKUP: My mother had a great deal of trouble with me but I think she enjoyed it. --Mark Twain. FAMOUS LAST WORDS: If you fall out of that tree and break both your legs, don't come . to m$. (Was it Martha ~ **'" - - - iiutov uj FRI & SAT#JUNE 8th & 9th 8AM-6PM (NO EARLY BIRDS) 11216 CHARLES ROAD* WOODSTOCK (BETWEEN 120&47) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CALL: LLOYD'S ANTIQUES AND RESTORATIONS (815)448-2202 PRISON CRISIS Governor Thompson has signed a bill that removes the 50- square-foot per-person minimum requirement for state prisons cells and requires the Department of Corrections to submit quarterly reports to the General Assembly on the state's prison condition. 'Hie Governor also announced that the state will build a new 750-bed, medium-security prison at Galesburg. Give him the most comfortable seat in the house 1 We've got a huge selection off sumptuous recliners ...just for Dad I RECLINERS FOR FATHER'S DAY from$M09Jw 209 Dad' Glad| with a New air SPECIAL SAVINGS ON ENTIRE STOCK! 20% to 60% off list I H PRICE SALE ON BEDDING I ALL WOOD PRODUCT TRADITIONAL DINING ROOM TABLE, LEAFS, 4 SIDE CHAIRS, 2 ARM CHAIRS, CHINA REG. *1999 51299" "We'll moke it worth your whileto moke the trip SEE OUR DECORATOR PIECES IttcltBIIKV 0 f» kt lom« huritixkiitg; k. Th» Store Thot Corot To Sov* You *o«oy" ALL OUR FURNITURE IS WOOD. NO PLASTICS. 3I5S2Q0 HOURS: KM»B CCT LIB •« ,4*11R. ITL 1». NcNBRY, II MM. f t R I M ' A TUB., MB., IHUIS.. AND DELIVERY ftSAlHMMM ALL PICTURES SIMILAR LAY AWAY AVAILABLE