wmWm wZvZs/////s. :•:• m: P#lP w*m#4 Wit % 7%. m % r wMsMk «% if# i/f§. it #§, I § m § $ I | V ; £ r f I * ŝ ! K#~V M I I I I iftfllifli m SATURDAY, JUNE 9th K thru / SUNDAY, JUNE 17th TOTAL SERVICE •In store jewelry repair •Same day appraisals by appointment •Expert watch repair •Replacement watch batteries •Watch bands •Specialty remounting & designing •Complete line of fine jewelry for men & women A FAMILY TRADITION OF QUALITY ADVANCES ONE STEP FURTHER: From Left to Right: Kathy Rudin, Suzanne Diedrich, Teresa Steffan, Harold Steffan, Marie Diedrich, Betsy Diedrich. iMafie-Diedrich. Suzanne Diedrich, Kathy Rudin REGISTER TO WIN! One of the many Spectacular Prizes! SNEAK PREVIEW! Exquisite Colored Gems In 1946, Harold & Teresa Steffan began the tradition with a fine jewelry business on Main St. in Mchenry. Their daughter, Marie, learned the business as a young girl & began running it in 19?5 alter raising her own family. - * - *"" * ' -* The business, then on Green Street, expanded as the family grew. * . it v * In 1980, Marie's daughter Suzanne began her Studies in jewelry arts & gemology to carry the family ideals into the third generation. Now, all 4 of Marie's children are actively engaged in promoting the qualify & expansion of the store in its elegant new setting at Mill Pond Court. We wish to take this opportunity to than^ all our customers for their patronage, throughout the years Without your sup port, we could not have achieved 3 generations of progress. PLUS! FREE LIFETIME Ring Cleaning & checking card FANTASTIC SALE ON 14K GOLD CHAINS! William Biscomb, branch manager of the Woodstock office of the Social Security Ad ministration was^hc featured speaker at the May meeting of the McHetiry County Chapter of the Independent Accountants Association of Illinois. Biscomb pointed out. that approximately SS percent of the federal budget is in some way responsible for social security benefits. In McHenry County approximately 13.5 percent or about one in less than eight people are receiving some type of social security benefits. Among the changes that have alarmed most of the recipients of benefits is that for 1984 some social security payments may be taxable. It is estimated that the change will affect about four percent of the people receiving social security payments. In January this government will issue form 1199 for benefits paid, and individuals receiving benefits will then tie able to calculate whether of1 not they will have to pay any tax on the income. Individuals who have questions on the subject should Safety hints: School's end calls for extra caution BY SEC. OF STATE JIM EDGAlt Memorial Day weekend signals the end of the school year and the beginning of summer activities. School children eagerly an ticipate their summer vacations. With the end of the school year, their minds are on playtime activities, not traffic safety. Bikes, scooters, roller skates, skateboards and wagons provide many hours of fin. However, if afl$ & these are propelled into the street, the consequences can be tragic. Drivers have a responsibility to watch for children j^ayin£ in or near the 'ftfeet, who may appear from unexpected places and dart into the path of an unsuspecting driver. Children also like to play in driveways, so be especially careful when backing out of a garage or pulling into a driveway. Obey the speed limit, expect the unexpected and be prepared to take evasive action. Your vehicle's tires and brakes should be in good condition to respond to sudden stops and sharp turns. Parents abo~h«ve a respon sibility to teach their children the rules of the road. They should be taught traffic signs and signals, and the importance of not playing in or too near the roadway or street. Anyone with questions about the Secretary of State's office, should call the toll-free number (900-252-8980) COUNTY, BOARD* The regular June meeting of the McHenry County Board will be held at 9 a.m., Tuesday, June 19 at the McHenry County Court House, 2200 N. Seminary Avenue (Route 47 North) in Woodstock. * ? > . w » ' POETRY CONTEST A f1,000 grand prize is being offered in a new poetry contest, sponsored' by the World of Poetry newsletter. There are 100 prizes in all, totaling over $10,000. Hie contest is open to all poets. For a free brochure of rules and prises write,- World of Poetry, Dept. G, 2431 Stockton Blvd., Sacramento, CA. 96817. check with their tax advisers. Biscomb also pointed out that the administration is faced with an ever-increasing problem of fraud. Illegal Social Security cards/, claims filed and the underground economy - are strong contributors to the financial dilemma that is facing the Social Security Ad' ministration. The lost revenue by fraudulent claims is only compounded by the fact that the underground or cash economy is going untaxed. These same individuals will be filing for claims later in life without having contributed to the base. Starting July 1, Social Security aoolications for in- Birthday • j •* • ^•1 • • • • HAPPY SWKT SIXTEEN "ELMEK FUNT dividuals under seven years of age will require a certified birth certificate and one other form of identification. Individuals wishing to apply shoold request, an SS 5 form from their local Social Security Office. Biscomb also pointed out other changes inmates and basis as well %as fielding questions from the members. The next scheduled meeting of the McHenry County Chapter 6f the IAA1 is on Tuesday, June 19 at the Timbers in Woodstock. New officers for 1984 85 will-be elected at that time. Reservations may be made by contacting Ken Martin at 459- 0707. ' Remember Last Summer's Heat! PRE-SEASON SALE On GE Room Air Conditioners 4,000 BTU 7,600 BTU '»-800 Bill GK ROOM AIR CONDITIONIR CI ROOM AIR CONDITIONER «E ROOM AIR CONDITIONER GRAND OPENING GRUMPY'S R?N(. 3910 W. MAIN ST.. McHENRY 344-0220 4 DAYS - THIIRS thru SUN - JUNE 7-10 •RAND OPENING SPECIALS "rERCH, COS or SEER or SODA WITH ANY LARGE PIZZA "EAT IN ONLY" CAAKI T ALL YOU •IVIBli SCARE TO EAT *3.95 POT . SOUP OR SALAD. BREAD & BUTTER CARRY OUT DINNER *3.25 MOMMY SMOKED Va CHICKEN AND RIDS COMBO *5.95 EAT IN OR CARRY OUT HKKORY SMOKtD BBQ PORK RIDS ALL YOU CAN EAT SO AC POT.. SOUP OR SALAD FOR spassnmor THE MSSiaCCSU KIDS w«nafsau$ OPEN TUES. thru SUN. 4pm- 10pm OR LATER-CLOSED MONDAY LUNCH TUES. thru FRIDAY 11:30am-2pm *BEER •.WINE "AIR CONDITIONING* • SANDWK Wm CARBY-COOL ® NOW ONLY 6.1 EEE AT604F • 115 Volts, 7.8 Amps • lasy Installation • 10-Poiitlon Thormostat • t ran/I Ooollnf Spoodj INOW ONLY 7.5 EER AQ 708A 8LUMBERLINE™ • 118 Volts • Air Exohanfo (Vont) • 10-Position Thormostat • 8 Pan/3 0oolin| Speeds HI-EFFICIENCY NOW ONLY 8.0 EER AF912A SUPERTHRUST'" • 118 Volts • Powor Savor Switch • Air Exohango (Vont) • 10-Position Thormostat "SERVING McHENRY AREA FOR OVER 50 YEARS" CAREY APPLIANCE, INC. Sales & Service 815-385-5500 McHenry, IL 60050 1241 N. Green Street [dxotd, C7eT#ia, dHaxU, <£uz, ZKatlty, Bet&y & cMJU ' •< '« '->r "'VP V J 4': «k