PAGE !• - PLA1NDE ALER - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1»S4 Strict --w« " Vycital included in military maneuver Bull Valley log home gets historic plaque Lt. Col. Gary Vycital, the SOD of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Vycital of McHenry, recently participated in the huge military exercise dubbed "Ocean Ven ture «84." Over 30,000 forces took part in the two-week maneuvers, which were conducted in the southeast United States, Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean and the Straits of Florida. It is sponsored by the United States Atlantic Command. The exercise included all aspects of a modern warfare JEFF NYLANDER Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Jeffrey D. Nylander, son of David R. and Charlene A. Nylander of 1908 N. Meadow Lane, McHenry, recently departed on a deployment to Camp Moscrip, Puerto Rico. He is a member of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 62 (Seabees), homeported in Gulfport, Miss. scenario, including naval battle group operations, maritime air-operations, Navy-Marine Corps amphibious operations, army airborne, air assault and conventional ground operations. Air crews from Dyess Air Force Base included the 772nd Tactical Airlife Squadron, led by Vycital at Lawson Army Air field. Vycital, 39, is a graduate of McHenry High School and the College of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn. BRIAN GARDINO Air Force Senior Airman Brian L. Gardino, son of Michael M. and Edith S. Gardino of 11 Ashland Ave., Spring Grove, recently has arrived for duty at Fairchild Air Force Base, Wash. Gardino, an environmental support specialist with the 92nd Civil Engineering Squadron, was previously assigned at Clark Air Base, Philippines. The McHenry County Historical Society, under the direction of President Nancy Petzelt of Algonquin and chairman of the Society's Historic Sites Committee Shuji Kimura of Crystal Lake recently awarded plaque 19 to the William C. Rider log home on Fleming Road in Bull Valley. Ibe well preserved log home, dating back to about 1838, had been carefully and accurately restored by Arnold and Louise Tobler with technical assistance provided by Alan Pape, a midwestern log cabin expert. Over the three years that the Toblers worked on the restoration project, layers of siding and paneling were removed to uncover the original log structure. Dormer windows, a front porch, two chimneys and a lean-to on the north side were also removed because they were not original. # Besides the removal process, which also included inside plywood walls, 5 to 7 layers of wallpaper, many coats of paint, plaster and white wash, the Toblers had to supply new windows, daubing, new kitchen and bath layouts and insulation. The results produced the discovery of wide oak floor McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB invites you to fine dining at MchENRY'S MOST BEAUTIFUL LOCATION --Wed. thru Sat. evenings beginning at 5p.m. --Luncheon served from Tues. thru Sat. at 11a.m. --Live entertainment every weekend from 8p.m. Space is Limited Reservations .are advised McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB 820 N. John 385-1072 boards and half dovetailed coma: notchs on the logs, which allowed rain to run off without rotting the wood. In researching the history of the early McHenry County home as a requirement for plaquing, the Toblers found out that William C. Rider of Virginia took up the land (40 acres) in cluding the house site from the U.S. Government land office in Chicago in 1845 for $50. Ac cording to cabin expert Pape, however, the house was probably built previous to that Me,about 1838. the McHenry County Historical Society has been recognizing private efforts at local historical preservation with a plaquing program since 1980. For information con cerning the program, contact the society's museum in Union at (815) 923-2267. Divorces The McHenry County Historical Society recently plaqued this log home, built around 1838, located in Bull Valley. Pictured, from left, are: Louise and Arnold Tobler, the couple who restored the house; Craig Hallenstein, new owner of the lag house; Historical Society President Nancy Petselt of Algonquin and Historic Sites Chairman Shuji Kimura of Crystal Lake. Judgments for dissolution of marriage were recently granted in 19th Judicial Circuit Court, Woodstock, to: Lenora R. McLeod and John C. McLeod; Betty A. Wanamaker and Wayne P. Wanamaker; Susan J. Conway and David P. Conway. Peggy J. Farrow and Steven E. Farrow; Steven W. Brendle and Holly M. Brendle; Jeannie Flemming and Jeffrey Flem- ming. • , Residents named auxiliary police Mill POND COURT GRAND OPENING SALE! Chic Jeans reg >30-33 SALE »18##-195# London Fog Raincoats regupto'133SALE $65#0-7950 Swimsuits Reduced up to 40% Select Spring/Summer Coordinates . . . S a v e up to 50% Dresses -- Bargain Rack. * 10 to *20 MANY MORE UNADVERTISED BARGAINS CT/Le caption cSfiofifi 3720 W. ELM ST., McHENRY MILL POND COURT (815) 385-7747 M-TH9-5:30 FRI9-8 SAT 9-5 SUN 12-5 A total of 19 volunteers were recently sworn in as auxiliary deputy sheriffs of McHenry County. The event took place after the graduation of an ad vance police training course of 150 hours. The course, which began in January included instructions in police procedures, law, accident investigation, traffic stops and arrests, firearms training and qual i f icat ion, juveni le procedures, drug enforcement, self-defense, riot control and radio procedures. § Sheriff Henry A. NqUe ad ministered the oath of office and impressed upon the graduates their importance as an addition to the sheriff's department. In addition to the 19 Auxiliary Deputies, six people were awarded graduation cer tificates. They were Nikolai Baibus and Ron Chan of Fox River Valley Gardens Police Department; Edward Crumb and Gary Krabbeof the Harvard Police Department; Cheryl Yoshihara, Crystal Lake and John Freeman of Woodstock. John J. Shay, director of the McHenry County Emergency Services and Disaster Agency (MCESDA), acted as coor dinator for the graduation. He stated that the program was in the best interest of good emergency planning and that their department administers the program for the sheriff. If a disaster occurs in McHenry County, the public expects to have sufficient help available to recover as soon as possible. He said his department func tions as coordinator for the police program, handling all the administrative duties in behalf of the sheriff. Whenever the division is activated*, they are iMder tlje direct supervision of the sheriff's department. He noted that over 100 people that were in the auxiliary programs are now employed full or part time by police departments and several are full time deputy sheriffs in McHenry County. All members of the division, in addition to the time they donate, purchase their own uniforms, and equipment. Nulle awarded a certificate of appreciation to Edward Kippple of Woodstock for his efforts, while serving as chairman of the auxiliary deputy advisory board for the past ten years. Those receiving the oath Of office as McHenry County Give him the most comfortable seat in the house! We've got a huge selection of sumptuous recliners ...fust for Dad I RECLINERS FOR FATHER'S DAY from$209?£ Make! Dad Gladj with a New hair UP SPECIAL SAVINGS ION ENTIRE STOCKI 20% to *0% off list I All hardwoods DfnetteSet •Table, Leaf, 4 Chairs Oak, Maple, or Pine finish REG. *439" n auklealer •WHITE HEN PANTRY •BELL LIQUORS , •BOLGERS DRUGSTORE •OSCO DRUGS •JEWEL •HORNSBY'S •KAREN t GINNY'S •LIQUOR MART •McHENRY HOSPITAL •FOOD MART •NORTHWEST TRAIN •ISLAND FOODS •CONVENIENT FOOD •COUNTRY / CUPBOARD •SULLIVAN FOODS •UNION '74 •COLE PHARMACY •COAST TO COAST •SUNNYSIDE GAS ft QUICK MART Available At The Following Locations: •J ft L GAS •ACE HARDWARE •LAKEVIEW FOODS •SUNNYSIDE FOODS •LITTLE STORE •SUNRISE GROCERY •DEBBIE'S GENERAL STORE •VILLAGE MARKET •McHENRY DRUG • J ft R FOOD MART *26995 y2 PRICE SALE ON BEDDING! "We'll make it worth your while to make the trip -ssa-- Mtaiimmv Heme lfuirnixhiiiy» "Th« Stor* That Car*s To $#»• Vow All OUR FURNITURE IS WOOD. NO PLASTICS. m42* mm FREE SET UP ail• K. 121,NdBRT. IL AND DELIVERY HB.. *B. RNKS. A ML H MM 12-5 AU PICTURES SIMILAR W AVAM WE FEATURE WEDDING STATIONERY \%rli£ht<? • INVITATIONS AND * ANNOUNCEMENTS • GIFT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS • RECEPTION NEEDS • NAPKINS • MATCHBOOKS •BRIDAL PARTY GIFTS BEAUTIFULLY THERMOGRAPHED Elegance at low cost a beauti ful selection of wedding sta tionery with professional ad vice on proper etiquette and procedure. See our selec tion of Traditional and Contemporary designs. NcHenry« «smce i«7 s aindealer j 3812 W. Elm St. / McHenry 385-0170 Auxiliary Deputy Sheriffs in cluded: Anna Marie Baker, Paul Cassidy, and Kevin Weisen- herger of Wonder Lake; Timothy Butler, Daniel Danc- zyk, Paul Mazan, James Per due, and Kurt Roth, of McHenry; Elliot Dulberger and James Werner, Jr., of Spring Grove; and Owne Wilson, of Pistakee Highlands. Any man or woman interested in joining may contact the MCESDA office at Woodstock, (815) 338-6400. Another auxiliary police class is tentatively scheduled to begin before June 15. American Indian powwow planned A native American Indian powwow will be held from noon to midnight, Saturday, June 16 and from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday, June 17, at Frank Road and Algonquin Road, three miles east of Route 47. Sponsored by the non-profit organization, the Mousctin Society, the celebration will include native American Indian dancing in tribal dress. Indian traders will sell turquoise, Jewelry, leather goods, shawls, blankets, moccasins, bead work and looms. Refreshment stands will sell Indian food, including tacos and fry bread. No seating will be available, so bring a lawn chair. No drugs or alcohol will be allowed. Admission, charged by carload, will be good for both days. For more information call Bob Krumweide at (312) 069-3348. VOLO BOG WALK Hie Volo Bog State Natural Area will host the summer program "Ask the Naturalist" at 2p.m., Sunday, June 17, at the bog. Participants should meet in the visitor center for a journey through the bog to see the "critters*' and flowers of summer. Happy Birthday HAPPY 60th