PAGE 12 - PLAINDE ALEF - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13,1984 «Plainilealera n § Curette • lassified Jticiptumft Office Hrs. M-F 8:30 a.m. • 5:00 p.m. <r Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event of on error or ommission. the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only the portion of the od which is in error. In case of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Call Classified Display Ads: 815-385-0170. Private Ptfrtv A Commercial Line Ads: 815-344- 4800. Richmond 678-2581 Payment In advance must be made for theae ads: •Babysitting •Business Opportunities • Business Services • Oarage Sales • Moving Sales • Out of Shew Free Press Circulation Aree • Political • Rooms, Apts. to Share ^Situations Wanted •Sublease, Re-rent, etc. • Wanted to Buy • Wanted to Rent. DIRECTORY Announcements Cemeteries & Lots 02 Card of Thanks . .03 Notices 05 Cor Pools ,.. . 10 Lost 8 Found 11 Personals 12 Instruction . 13 Auctions 18 .Help Wonted Child Care 19 Nursery Schools 20 Situations Wanted ,21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wanted 23 Help Wonted 24 DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY 3 LINES, 5 DAYS $8.80 Shaw Free Press PRIVATE PARTY LINE ADS Newspaper Group •Woodstock Daily Sentinel *Saturday Extro •Crystal Lake Morning Herald *Cardunal Free Press Morning Herald *Elgin Herald •Richmond Gazette *Marengo Beacon. Republican News *Huntley Beacon/Republican News 'Sycamore News •Cory-Grove Clarion *Barrington Banner "McHenry Plaindealer •Genoa-Kingston-Kirkland News "Hampshire Register •Harvard Herald *Shopper Service *McHenry Citizen Tri- County Shopper RICHMOND WED. PLAINDEALER FRI. PLAINDEALER MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON Merchandise Wanted to Buy. 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise 32 Garage Sales 33 Merchandise Under $50 34 Antiques 35 Bicycles & Sports Equipment 36 Lawn 8 Garden Equipment 37 Boats 38 Musical Instruments . . 39 Cameras 40 Aviation 41 Pets & Equipment. 44 Horses & Equipment 47 Farm & Dairy/ 48 Livestock 49 Machinery & Equipment \ ... 53 Business Opportunity 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy 69 Business Property 70 Open House 71 Real Estate 72 Condominiums for Sale 73 Townhomes for Sale 74 Lots & Acreage 75 Mobile Homes 76 Farms for Sale 77 Real Estate Rentals' Wanted to Rent.. 78 Rooms. Board, House Apartments to Share 79 Apartments to Rtfht 80 Homes to Rent 81 Condominiums & Townhomes to Rent ...182 Stores. Office & Industrial to Rent 83 Farms. Farmland to Rent. 84 Miscellaneous to Rent 85 Automotive Autos for Sale. 86 Wanted to Buy 87 Auto Parts 8 Accessories 88 Trucks, Tractors & Trailers 89 Vans 90 Motorcycles & Snowmobiles 91 Recreation Vehicles .92 815/344-4800- CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Cemeteries 2 &Lots CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK* UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as $275, including perpetual care. Catholic section. Terms. 815/459-0547 2 BURIAL PLOTS, vaults, bronze/granite marker, at Win dridge. Option to transfer site. Worth $3,300, $2,800/offer. 815/455-5341. 5 Notices "FREE- PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24HOUR HOTLINE 312/934 9233 VENDORS WANTED Faith Lutheran Church Anual Flea Market & Craft Fair, Bar rlngton Hills. June 23rd. 312/658-3338, for booth informa tion. PLASTERING Restoration Or New Vernon T. Kopsell 815/338-1668 $100 REWARD leading to the arrest & convic tion of person(s) removing WAY BACK WHEN Antiques signs in Ridgefield Please Call 815/3&-2U4 (McHenry County Sheriff) or 815/459-1360 OPENINGS THE SALVATION ARMY Daycare 815/756 4308 6:30 am-6 pm; 2-6 yr. olds, quality day care with a Chris tian emphasis; Lois Miller, Day Care Director. PICK YOUR own strawberries at Stracks, 1 mile South of Sycamore, V* mile East of Somonauk on Barber Green, 7 am to 6 pm daily. MR. BEGLEY, if personal ar tides arn't picked up by June 18th they will be disposed of WHAT DO YOU GET when you cross 50 deer with 50 pigs? 100 sows & bucks. Thank you very much. • FLEA MARKET Wonder Lake Association House Walnut Dr., follow signs June 23 & 24; 9-3 For tables or spaces: 815/653-7396 11 Lost & Found FOUND Female cat. White with frosty gray markings. Vicinity Meadowdale apts. 312/426-9164, after 6 pm. LOST: SMALL black/tan Yorky Schnauzer mix, answer to Schnapps, county dog tag. Vlnicity 4th & James, McHenry. 815/344-3173. Mc Henry, LOST GOLD Medal of Mary, very sentimental, of fer reward if found. Please call: 815/344-2078. FOREIGN VISITOR lost reading glasses in red case. Urgently needed Reward. Vicinity Riverside Dr.- Rte. 120.815/344-1692. LOST: West of Woodstock, young male tan & white Shepherd, w/collar & tags. Answers to Matt. Call: 815/338 0951 or 815/338 8214. REWARD for return of a lost dog, in Volo area, Shepherd Lab cross, missing since May 31, 10 yr. old male, answers to name of Hutch, 815/385-8595 or 385-4981 or 312/587-9245. LOST Behind-ear hearing aid. If found, call Art Tllstra at 815/338-2456. Thank you. Reward. 12 Personals IN PAIN, Need Money, Depressed? Dial 312/426 6114. It's a recording. 12 Personals • "SUMMER SPECIAL" Have long beautiful PORCELAIN NAILS .$15,00 Monday thru Saturday AMERICAN GIRL BEAUTY SALON 312/426-6565 PREGNANT? NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-1 lam. And from 7-9pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service. 815/385 2999 DISCOURAGED OVER Health Insurance costs? Let us help you develop a plan you can af ford. Permanent or temporary. Sunderlage Insurance Agency. 815/338 3328. it WANTED Garage Sale Items For Crystal Lake Central Garage Sale Pick-up Service Avail. 815/455-2535 or 459 2505 ANY RESIDENTS responding with letters to the editor of the Cardunal Free Press Morning Herald that were never published pertaining to any subject please contact Citizens for a Better School District, P.O. Box 63, Gilberts, IL, 60136. BOB MISSES JOANNA! 13 Instruction L.D. TEACHER will tutor reading/math 1 s t - 61 h, diagnostic testing avail., 815/455 5829. TUTOR Exper. teacher will tutor grades 1-12. Call soon, 312/658-6694. S W I M M I N G L E S S O N S , Private or Group, certified in structor. For info. 815/338-6051. SUMMER SCHOOL Claxton & Associates of Woodstock is offering a private summer school on Tuesday & Thursday mornings for ch,:jren Kdg. thru 6th grade. Contact Judy Claxton at 815/338-3337. PIANO LESSONS, Johnsburg area. Have graduate degree. Deborah, 815/344-1786. Rapid Reading/ Study Skills CLASS NOW FORMING 7th 9th GRADE • Learn To Study & Write Effectively • Crack The Report Barrier • Increase Reading Rate 2-3Times • Improve Reading Comprehension • Snacks, Swim, Break Learner Support Programs, Inc. 815/459-0931 312/381-8418 CLASSES FOR ALL AGES 19 Child Care LICENSED child care in E. Dundee. Get the care your child deserves. 312/428 7611. RELIABLE MOM Exper. Lots of TLC for babies & toddlers. Play yd., swing set, rets. 312/639-1055. LICENSED DAY CARE in Carv. Have openings for children over 2 years. Reasonable rates, loving car*. Call 312/639-8527. TEACHER with day care ex perience would like to watch young child in her Fox River Grove home. Call Mary, eves., 312/639 8652. TEENAGER Will babysit Days and/or nights. 815/338-7798. Notices ART & CRAFTERS LET US SELL FOR YOU! New Card & Gift shop needs hand crafted merchandise of all types. For information, call 312/281-8101, ask for Irene FAVORITE THINGS GIFT SHIP RICHMOND, IL. Situations Situations 19 Child Care 21 Wanted 21 Wanted • WILL BABYSIT any age, 845 week, Includes, break., 'unch, snacks, indoor playroom, out door, play equip., 312/639-3102. LOVING MOTHER will pro vide full time child care in her McHenry home, Call Judy 815/344-5413. PA INT ING, Pa tch ing , wallpapering, light repairs, hardwood floor refinlshing. Quality work A material. Reasonable. Devld, Ken, 815/455-5536. BROOMS AWAY Houseclean lng • reliable cleaning team. 815/459-7810. • WILL BABYSIT any age, 845 week, Includes, break., 'unch, snacks, indoor playroom, out door, play equip., 312/639-3102. LOVING MOTHER will pro vide full time child care in her McHenry home, Call Judy 815/344-5413. PA INT ING, Pa tch ing , wallpapering, light repairs, hardwood floor refinlshing. Quality work A material. Reasonable. Devld, Ken, 815/455-5536. TUTORING BY certitied teacher in Spanish A all areas of languege arts. call 815/459- 9225. • WILL BABYSIT any age, 845 week, Includes, break., 'unch, snacks, indoor playroom, out door, play equip., 312/639-3102. LOVING MOTHER will pro vide full time child care in her McHenry home, Call Judy 815/344-5413. PAINTING A PAPE RING Fully Insured - Free Estimates Don Johnson. 815/338-4850 TUTORING BY certitied teacher in Spanish A all areas of languege arts. call 815/459- 9225. • WILL BABYSIT any age, 845 week, Includes, break., 'unch, snacks, indoor playroom, out door, play equip., 312/639-3102. LOVING MOTHER will pro vide full time child care in her McHenry home, Call Judy 815/344-5413. PAINTING A PAPE RING Fully Insured - Free Estimates Don Johnson. 815/338-4850 RELIABLE Cleaning lady will clean your home for reasonable fee. Call Barb, 815/455-5618, after9am. • WILL BABYSIT any age, 845 week, Includes, break., 'unch, snacks, indoor playroom, out door, play equip., 312/639-3102. LOVING MOTHER will pro vide full time child care in her McHenry home, Call Judy 815/344-5413. RICK'S ROTOTILLING, Have 16 Hp. Kebute diesel tractor with 42" tiller, 6-12" deep, very reasonable. Call anytime, 815/728-0161. RELIABLE Cleaning lady will clean your home for reasonable fee. Call Barb, 815/455-5618, after9am. TWELVE YR. old girl will babysit, main beach area, exp., completed Jaycee's caorse. 815/459-0269. RICK'S ROTOTILLING, Have 16 Hp. Kebute diesel tractor with 42" tiller, 6-12" deep, very reasonable. Call anytime, 815/728-0161. A 4.0 high school student would like to offer her tutoring abilities at 8400/hr., 815/385- 3787. Johnsburg Area. TWELVE YR. old girl will babysit, main beach area, exp., completed Jaycee's caorse. 815/459-0269. PROFESSIONAL ROOFERS w/8 yrs. experience to do repairs, decks, tear offs, re- roof. Shingles Only. Call am A pm, 312/6S-1994. A 4.0 high school student would like to offer her tutoring abilities at 8400/hr., 815/385- 3787. Johnsburg Area. DAY CARE in my McHenry home. Mom and former teacher will care for your child Mon. thru Fri. 815/344-2078. EXCELLENT Child Care in my Algonquin home, hot meals, any age welcome, Neubert School area. 312/658-3478. LISCENSED grandparents will bebyslt days. Infants and prterhwi age. Fenced-in back yard, lots of TLC 1312/428-2786 PROFESSIONAL ROOFERS w/8 yrs. experience to do repairs, decks, tear offs, re- roof. Shingles Only. Call am A pm, 312/6S-1994. EXPER. HOUSECLEANER available. 815/459-5648 for scheduling. DAY CARE in my McHenry home. Mom and former teacher will care for your child Mon. thru Fri. 815/344-2078. EXCELLENT Child Care in my Algonquin home, hot meals, any age welcome, Neubert School area. 312/658-3478. LISCENSED grandparents will bebyslt days. Infants and prterhwi age. Fenced-in back yard, lots of TLC 1312/428-2786 • HOUSE PAINTING, Interior, A exterior, reasonable rates. 815/455-3559. TOUCH UP-BRUSH UP Interior Exterior Painting 815/338-4205 DAY CARE in my McHenry home. Mom and former teacher will care for your child Mon. thru Fri. 815/344-2078. EXCELLENT Child Care in my Algonquin home, hot meals, any age welcome, Neubert School area. 312/658-3478. LISCENSED grandparents will bebyslt days. Infants and prterhwi age. Fenced-in back yard, lots of TLC 1312/428-2786 • HOUSE PAINTING, Interior, A exterior, reasonable rates. 815/455-3559. DEPENDABLE energetic woman would like to babysit in your home. Willing to do housekeeping, etc. Call eves, 815/728-1573. DAY CARE in my McHenry home. Mom and former teacher will care for your child Mon. thru Fri. 815/344-2078. EXCELLENT Child Care in my Algonquin home, hot meals, any age welcome, Neubert School area. 312/658-3478. LISCENSED grandparents will bebyslt days. Infants and prterhwi age. Fenced-in back yard, lots of TLC 1312/428-2786 RELIABLE TEAM willing to do housecleanlng, laundry and Ironing. Good references. 815/459-7593 DEPENDABLE energetic woman would like to babysit in your home. Willing to do housekeeping, etc. Call eves, 815/728-1573. Situations 21 Wanted RELIABLE TEAM willing to do housecleanlng, laundry and Ironing. Good references. 815/459-7593 Household 23 Helo Wanted Situations 21 Wanted W I L L D O Laundry A housecleanlng In Crystal Lake A Cary. Very good references. 312/639-3991, eves, after 6 pm. Household 23 Helo Wanted Situations 21 Wanted W I L L D O Laundry A housecleanlng In Crystal Lake A Cary. Very good references. 312/639-3991, eves, after 6 pm. HOUSEKEEPER, full or part time. Yard Man, part time. Own transportation desirable but not necessary. 312/658-8679 COLLEGE STUDENT Lawn service. 3 yrs. experience. Reasonable. 312/428 4103. W I L L D O Laundry A housecleanlng In Crystal Lake A Cary. Very good references. 312/639-3991, eves, after 6 pm. HOUSEKEEPER, full or part time. Yard Man, part time. Own transportation desirable but not necessary. 312/658-8679 COLLEGE STUDENT Lawn service. 3 yrs. experience. Reasonable. 312/428 4103. TUCKPOINTING. chimneys, buildings, bad bricks replaced 2/526-3151 QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford. 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. RELIABLE CLEANING done in your home or office. Exc. ret., mprn. or afts., call 815/338-6493. HOUSEKEEPER, full or part time. Yard Man, part time. Own transportation desirable but not necessary. 312/658-8679 ORYWALL. quality work at a reasoneble price, call 815/455- 0110after6p.m. TUCKPOINTING. chimneys, buildings, bad bricks replaced 2/526-3151 QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford. 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. RELIABLE CLEANING done in your home or office. Exc. ret., mprn. or afts., call 815/338-6493. BABYSITTER wanted to watch 9 yr. old girl. Around Meadowda le Apts . a rea . 312/428-2423 Call after 6 pm. TYPING, bookkeep ing , resumes, Diane's Business Ser vice, Crystal Lake, 815/455- 6665. TUCKPOINTING. chimneys, buildings, bad bricks replaced 2/526-3151 QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford. 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. RELIABLE CLEANING done in your home or office. Exc. ret., mprn. or afts., call 815/338-6493. BABYSITTER wanted to watch 9 yr. old girl. Around Meadowda le Apts . a rea . 312/428-2423 Call after 6 pm. TYPING, bookkeep ing , resumes, Diane's Business Ser vice, Crystal Lake, 815/455- 6665. TUCKPOINTING. chimneys, buildings, bad bricks replaced 2/526-3151 QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford. 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. RELIABLE CLEANING done in your home or office. Exc. ret., mprn. or afts., call 815/338-6493. DEPENDABLE responsible girl to babysit every weekend In my McHenry home. Call Mon.-Fri. 815/385-4743. LAWN MOWING, Trimming. Experienced College student, 815/455-1613 after 6 pm. GRAND PRE Contracting. Yard c lean-up , week ly maintenance. Complete lawn service & design. 815/455-5536. WILL STEAM clean carpets. 'Living room, $20. Additional rooms, $10 ee., 5 yrs. exp. 815/943-4793. TUCKPOINTING. chimneys, buildings, bad bricks replaced 2/526-3151 QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford. 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. RELIABLE CLEANING done in your home or office. Exc. ret., mprn. or afts., call 815/338-6493. DEPENDABLE responsible girl to babysit every weekend In my McHenry home. Call Mon.-Fri. 815/385-4743. LAWN MOWING, Trimming. Experienced College student, 815/455-1613 after 6 pm. GRAND PRE Contracting. Yard c lean-up , week ly maintenance. Complete lawn service & design. 815/455-5536. WILL STEAM clean carpets. 'Living room, $20. Additional rooms, $10 ee., 5 yrs. exp. 815/943-4793. TUCKPOINTING. chimneys, buildings, bad bricks replaced 2/526-3151 QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford. 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. RELIABLE CLEANING done in your home or office. Exc. ret., mprn. or afts., call 815/338-6493. SITTER WANTED 12 pm-6 pm., Mon thru Fri., thru June, my home. Ideal for high schooler. $60/wk. 815/455 3255, after 6 pm. LAWN MOWING, Trimming. Experienced College student, 815/455-1613 after 6 pm. GRAND PRE Contracting. Yard c lean-up , week ly maintenance. Complete lawn service & design. 815/455-5536. WILL STEAM clean carpets. 'Living room, $20. Additional rooms, $10 ee., 5 yrs. exp. 815/943-4793. WILL RECORD slides for VHS Video. Heve production A editing services available. Call Mr. Louis, 815/459-3168 eves. SITTER WANTED 12 pm-6 pm., Mon thru Fri., thru June, my home. Ideal for high schooler. $60/wk. 815/455 3255, after 6 pm. LAWN MOWING, Trimming. Experienced College student, 815/455-1613 after 6 pm. GRAND PRE Contracting. Yard c lean-up , week ly maintenance. Complete lawn service & design. 815/455-5536. WILL STEAM clean carpets. 'Living room, $20. Additional rooms, $10 ee., 5 yrs. exp. 815/943-4793. T W O C O L L E G E bound students looking for summer work. Experienced in painting, roofing and small landscaping. Honest and dependab le . 815/385-4087. Ask tor Randy. MATURE ADULT Woman needed to do housekeeping A care for 7 yr. old cnild. 5 days/week. Must have own transportation. Send resume A references to: P.O. Box 87, Fox River Grove, IL. 60021. MATURE ADULT Woman needed to do housekeeping A care for 7 yr. old cnild. 5 days/week. Must have own transportation. Send resume A references to: P.O. Box 87, Fox River Grove, IL. 60021. 18 Auctions MOTHERS HELPER Wanted, East Dundee, daily or live-in, 3 children A baby due 6/15/84, AUCTION Located 2 miles north of Woodstock, IL on Route 47 to Alden Rd. then northwest 5 miles, or 5 miles east of Har vard, IL IRt. 141 on McQuire Rd. to Alden Rd., then north V2 mile or 3 miles south of Alden, IL on SATURDAY. JUNE 23-11:00 am Reason: Owner devoting full time to business FARM, DAIRY CATTLE, DAIRY EQUIPMENT, FARM EQUIPMENT REAL ESTATE: To be sold. Attractive complete set of farm building w/4 bedroom, 2 story house on 5 acres, more land available if purchaser desires. Presently a dairy operation, is also suitable for horses, hogs, poultry or raising kids. Located on a nice blacktop in center of triangle.between Woodstock, Harvard and Hebron. Woodstock schools. Bus at door. The barn has 57 stanchions and a maternity pen, attached feed room w/overhead protein bins and 2-14 x 50 and 14 x 40 ribstone silos and 2 2000 bu. concrete block ear corn cribs. Also a 24 x 50 concrete young stock barn w/upstairs mow, lor chicken barn), 26 x 60 concrete garage and machine shed w/cement floor. There are 3 lots w/concrete around barn and 3 fenced grass lots. The house has a new kitchen, full basement, alum storms and screens, in a nice setting. Contract terras available if purchaser desires. Call auc tioneer for details and appointment to view the property. Title, policy and survey furnished. Call auctioneer for further information. Alto included: 70 head dairy cattle, dairy equipment, feed and crops, tractors, bobcat, farm equipment and pickup truck. More in formation and complete list next week. HILLTOP FARM Auctioneer: Gordon Stodo, McHenry, IL B1S-3BS-7032 AUCTION Located 3 miles south of Richmond, III., on Route 31 to West Solon Road, then east 1 mile to Pioneer Rd., then south 1 mile, or 3 miles north of McHenry on Route 31 to Pioneer Rd:, Then right 3 miles on: SATURDAY, JUNE 16,11:30 A.M. AS HEAD HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE 45 milk cows, includes many fresh and springing, balance bred back and milking Bull punning w/herd daily Will be tested (or Bangs & T.B and vaccinated cattle will be eligible for out-of-state shipment. Pregnancy examined by vet prior to sale. 1 springing heifer, 4 open heifers; 15 mo; 6 heifers 400 to 500 lbs.; 5 bulls 400 lbs and 4 calves. DAIRY EQUIPMENT:. Surge 2" SS pipeline to 52 stalls, complete w/4 claws, Electro brain washer etc. and DeLaval 76 vacuum pump; Pat;12'x16' silo unloader; modem feed cart. Usual milkhouse items. TRACTORS A FARM EQUIPMENT: 1MBH Al'is XT 190 diesel w/cab, wide front. 3 pt:, heavy read end; Allis 017 diesel w/wide from, power steering and AC front loader; AC W0 45 w/wide front, Massey 444 w/wide front, WC AHis tractor; Gehl No. 100 Hyd. grinder mixer; Alks No. 302 baler w/thrower; Gehl No 880 haybine, Allied 42' bale conveyor or carrier, like new; F & F 72' mower conveyor; 2- H&S 8x16 steel bale basket racks on 10 ton gears; AC N 756 green chopper, F&F 500 gal. sprayer; AC 7' Pitmantess mower; AC No 9000 5-16 plow; AC NO 2300 21' wing disc w/hitchl*er; AC No. 770 4-38 air planter, exc. w/fert. etc.; NH No. 460 haybine; 6 row Danish tine cult; AC short hopper blower; AC manure spreader, 31'x6" Hutchinson transport auger w/elec. motor; Small American batch dryer, as is, 300 bu. steel holding bin; 15'x6" auger; AC 4 row 3 pt. cult,; AC 4 row for WD, AC 3-14 SC plow; Nl No. 300 picker; IH steel hay rack; - sev pes older machinery, 3 hyd rams; and usual small items DALE VELDHUIZEN AUCTIONEER: Gordon Stodo AAcHonry. IU. 815-385-7032 Gordon Stodo Auction Service, AAcHonry III. Household 23 Help Wanted CLEANING LADY needed for Fridays weekly. $5.50/hr. 312/639-0553 OLDER WOMAN TO take care of handicapped wife, Tues & Thurs. 815/385-9353 HIGH SCHOOL or College Stu dent as mother's helper for 3 energetic young children. No TV. Various weekdays & weekend eves. Must live within walking distance of McHenry E. Campus High School or have own trans. References. 815/385- 4479. RELIABLE PERSON needed by flight attendant to care for 2 children. Approx. 15 days per mo. in my Woodstock home. Must have flexible schedule A good references. Salary, $400 per month. Send replies to BOX JAA, Woodstock Sentinel, PO Box 709,'Woodstock, IL 60050. Hffffelp Wanted AVON NEEDS Represen tatives, free training, earn up to 50%. For info, call, 815/344- 2951. AVON Now there are two ways to earn an Impressive Income. Call 815/459 5757. B A N K O P E R A T I O N S CASHIER, In McHenry County, should have Operations Ac counting, Data Processing, Computer background. Minimum 3-5 years experience. NCR Banker 80 System In House. Company benefits, salary commensurate with ex perience and ability. Send resume to Mr. John Strom, President, Richmond Bank, 10910 Main St. Richmond, II. 60071. BODY MEN wanted. Must have experience at combine tion work. Excellent salary 8i benefits, well-equipped shop, must do quality work. Apply in person, state Line Collisfon, 12013 Maple Ave., Hebron, IL. RESUMES Professionally prepared. Visa/MC Welcome. Norton 8i Associates. 312/428- 9255. 22 Auctions PUBLIC AUCTION Sunday, June 17,11:00 a.m. Former Meoee Lodge Hail S20S Northwest Hwy. (IN. 14) Crystal Lake, IL (west of Sherman Plumbing) Unclaimed A Abandoned Storage Merchandise Lamps. Buffet, Love Sects, Sofas. End Tables, Desk. Bed Sets, File Cabinets. Rockers, Kitchen Utensils. Glassware. Pots and Pans, Oishes. Easy Chairs. Bikes, Fishing Gear. Tools. 4 Air Nail Guns, 2 Dayton Oscillator Fans w*stands, 1 Photocopier, Roto Photo Print Dryer, Kinkead Carpet Stretcher. } Upholstery Cleaners, Steri S team Rug Shampooer, 1 16" Hlld Butter w°spray unit, Tornado Va cuum, Air Hockey Machine, Portable Vacuums. Stereo. Golf Clubs, Pole Lamps, Air Conditioner, Trombone, Guitar, Snow Blower, Ty pewriters, Ladders, Two and Four Door File Cabinets, various Euro pean "Ho" Train Engines Cars, Large Amounts of Boxed Lots, as this Is a partial listing of goods available. IVMi WWli AftyHvYVQ vfifCTi noUHili RVfMYN Uu IN 991U9Q NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS Sale Arranged A Conducted By: Auctions By Johnson Roger Johnson, Auctioneer 21 Pershing Lake In The NMs, IL S0102 Phone: (312) SS8-S3S2 or SSB-8S7S THE »OUMD THAT! iilkkL ESTATE AUCTION Sunday, June 17, 19B4 at 1 o'clock sharp. Located et 2420 W. Johnsburg Rd., In the Village of Johnsburg, 3 miles East of McHenry. Antique Store Fixtures & Furniture - Old National cash register, Old Standard Cumputer scale, ap prox. 18 ft. counter, 6 ft. counter, 8 ft. counter, Oak 10 ft. Beveled glass, display case w/sliding doors, Oak Plant stand, Knee-hole desk & lamp, Copper tea kettle, large quantity of shoe making tools going back to 1870'a. Antique stereoscope w/box of cards, wicker baskets, Wood cabinet, 2 counter rod paper dispensers, 6 antique bentwood kitchen chairs, 5 cane bottom dining room chairs (need can ing), large hand meat grinder, 2-20 gad. crocks, copper boiler w/cover & wood handles. 3 tier Oak glass door bookcase, laroe homemade china closet, dropfront desk & chair, Smoke stand, Phonograph records, serving cabinet, porcelain top kitchen cabinet, Old Hibbard 2 door porcelain refrigerator (needs repair), small Oak library table, Antique com- ode with end towel rack, 2 antique chest of drawers, wood double bed, smeH trunk, Old cabinet radio, large fire wood box, Large homemade war drobe, wal mirror, 2 Antique Oak dreeeers, several odd chairs, cedar cheet, 2 pc. bedroom aet, Maytag wringer type washing machine, S.S. wash tubs, lots of hand embroidered table cloths, dreeeer scarfs, quilts ft linens, etc. Old table radio, sewing cabinet. FURNITURE: Like new Westinghouse comb, refrigerator A freezer (almond color), old gas stove, 2 ameN electric fane, bedpen ft pot, adult potty chair, steel single bed, davenport, single bedframe, singer electric sewing machine, end tables, floor ft table lamps, nice dning room table w/3 extra leaves, wood kitchen table with extra leaf, silver ware, day bed, pots, pens, dishes, etc. living room chair, coffee table, and many other articles too smeH ft numerous to mention. OWNER: ESTATE OF BARBARA ALTHOFF TERMS: Cash or good check W.H. Rueeel Auctioneer 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted a* Help Wanted REAL CfTAIf Nm4- ad. Record Sales forces expan sion of staff. Experienced or training available. For Inter view call Dave at ERA Byrnes Bros. Realtors, Crystal Lake. 115/459 5400. OWN YOUR OWN business in Crystal Lake ft McHenry. In surance salts, multi-line, na tionally respected company, drew + bonus, training provid ed. college grad preferred female/male. Send resume to P.O. Box AJR. % Shaw Free Press, P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, II. *0050. CASH BONUS. Young men with a high school diploma can get a $5,000 bonus for enlisting in the Marine Corns. Find out more, call S15/49P-2B36. NEED HELP In my growing Art ft Design business. For more information call during Gallery's hours ll-5pm dally. 115/671-4912. INSULATION INSTALLER Minimum 2 yrs. experience. 312/651-4100,9-3, Mon. thru Fri. REAL ESTATE Sales people wanted. No board dues to pay. Full or pert time. Red Carpet Krlstensen. 312/65M664. SECRETARY First Lutheran Church. Part-time. Typing, dic tation. admin, skills. Contact Rev. Homer 815/522-3816 or 522 3340 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS, machine operators ft staple packers. Apply In person. Staple Center Mfg„ 6711 Sands Rd-Crystal Lake. DAY TELEPHONE sales need ed In our office. Call between f" and 5 at >15/455-0626 or 455-0024 TELEPHONE SALES naedod in our office. No experience needsd. Hours are 5 to 9 in the evenings. Call between 9 and 5. 815/455-0024 or 455-0626 PART TIME position available for Director of Choirs, in cluding Adult and Chlldrens Choirs. Send resume to:Chalr Person, Music committee, Faith United Methodist Church, 19 Center St., Elgin, IL.601M. TIRE INSTALLER, experienc ed, full or part time. Apply In run, County Tire and Supp-7211 Virginia Rd., Crystal Lake RUN YOUR OWN BUSINESS Part time, full time selling Aloe Vera skin care products and natural source nutritional sup- plements. 312/650-7906. NEED EXTRA CASH- A good summer job? Earn up to 50V Sell Avon. 312/6974675. ACCORDION or guitar player or one man band for private party, June 23. call 815/344- 1692. FULL TIME position w/busy Bldg. Maint. Co. for person w/bulldlng trade skills. Only experienced ft hard- working persons need apply. Cad 815/455-5740. COOKS ft BUS BOYS needed at Philly'sSport Bar ft Grill, App ly In Person, 2 to 4 p.m., Mon. thru Sat., 5016 Northwest Hwy. (Corner of Plngree ft Rt. 14) Crystel Lake. SECURITY OFFICERS, full ft part time. Positions available In Crystel Lake, Woodstock ft Spring Grove. Call 312/8154592. MANICURIST Flexlble,part-tlm 312/259-9446 DELIVERY PERSON, for ma lar appliances. 1 portonca preferred, full or pari time. Cell for an appointment, 815/385-1872, WahTAppllance Center, McHenry. LIGHT ASSEMBLY FULLTIME APPLY AT JECO INDUSTRIES Industrial Illinois Rd.) jevuininninic SWNS Industrial Berrlnaton, llllnot (NaarRtsliftPipparl EXTRUDER OPERATOR With 2-5 yrs experience In plastic sheet extrusion for 3 shift company In Richmond IL. ^Rar ajjpdntment call: SCHOOL SR. or college student for yard work and misc. odd lobs during summer to work on Sat. Call: 8386. 312/639- BODY A FRAME MECHANIC Algonquin area body shop. Must have tools. 312/658-6707 HELP WANTED: Now accep ting applications for Immediate employment for full time and summer help. Must be 18 yrs. old. Harvard Farms, Inc., 201 Ratzleff St.. Harvard, IL. 815/943-5425. PRINT SHOP looking for ex per. 4 color pressman to work second shift. 312/695-1820 BARTENDER WANTED. App ly In person at Main St. Pub, 8 S. Main St- Algonquin. 312/658- 2851 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS washer needsd. Must be able to learn machining and radiator repair. 312/639-7600 ENTRY LEVEL accounts receivable clerk. Office ex perience required. Aoply In person between 8 am ft 5 pm. Collcraft, Inc., U02 Silver Lake Rd., Cary. IL DENTAL ASSISTANT Full time dspendable energetic asslstsnt nssdsd. Experience prewrrw. for Interview. Call: Expert 815/344-0453 RECEPTIONIST Looking for an Individual that has general clerical knowledge ft switchboard experience. Job offers good pay, ex cellent benefits ft pleasant working conditions. Todd Davis 312/742-5940 TELEPHONE OPERATOR, permanent part time, variable hours, must be flexible. Telephone experience helpful but will train the right | Call 815/459-4400. CERTIFIED COOK for 9 week summer camp; also college or kUU ai-hnnl Utrhen k--» nign scnoot puicnen neipers Year round maintenance man, salary plus room ft board. Call 815/385-3545 between 9-5pm. LHEL# mBBM 815/3384611 CARPENTER WANTED, knowiedgebie in all phases of construction. Call 815/499-3887. 24 Help Wanted) EMERGENCY ROOM RNs •One Full Time Position, 11-7 •One Part Time Position, Rotating Shift Both positions require at least 1 year clinical experience in ER or iCU. Excel lent benefit package. For Interview, Contact Personnel Office 815/338-2500 Memorial Hospital For McHenry County 527 West South St., Woodstock, II ^n^qualOgportu^ 10 MANAGER TRAINEES MEp A WOMEN Large international marketing company has ex panded its operation nationwide. U S Vacation Resorts at Ingieside, Illinois needs aggressive, well groomed, sales oriented people to sell a new and unique vacation concept. If you can start immediately, and would like to earn commissions in excess of $40,000 per year, call Mr. Floam for a personal interview at: 312/546-7478 B«tw--n> a.m.-3 p.m. only. NEEDED: Responsible, reliable OWNER/OPERATORS with good safety nwd and DAT. qualified to complement our pwM| tint Tandem or single axle tractors with or without trailers. Must have chains, binders, straps and full tarp. Ask about our fleet of one ton dual single axle units. Reliable rates. 48-States - common carrier. Call JACK: 815-568-5600 or 815-56A6308 sfhrfcOOPJI. Full-Time Secretary KmoshaBttf International ntoron, it mil M PERSON SCREW MACHINE Set Up & Operators Must have knowledge on B A S and National Acme. DeKalb area. Excellent fringe benefit program. Reply to: BOX 100 GENOA KINGSTON KIRKLANDNEWS 686 Park Ave. Genoa, llinois LEARNING CENTER AIDE FULLTIME GENOA MIDDLE SCHOOL 815/784-5222 815/784-6222 ̂ Position Open SECRETARY to Village Clerk of the Village of Algonquin. Full time. Fringe benefits In clude: Retirement Program and Health end Dental In surance. Resume should be In hands of the: VILLAGE CLERK by 12 NOON JUNE 18th, 1984 2 S. Main Street Algonquin, IL. 60102 FULLTIME Energetic and enthusiastic talsiparion needed for garden center. Must en|oy working with people ana plants. KnowMge of plant material, horticulture background or related work experience necessary. Weekdays A weekends. Apply in person: The Bam Nursery 8109 S. Rt. 31 Cary IL 312/458-3883 M A N A G E R f o r D u n d e e Theater, Supervision ex perience required. Apply In person after 6pm, Dundee Theater, Main Street, Dundee. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Leading midwest distributor of consumer housewares products is now accepting opplications for a few full time management trainees. Must be over 21 and have reliable transportation. Income average. 820,000 first year commission. These posl- Extensive training program provided In our regional of fices. Call 800/892-8802. HEATING* AIR CONDITIONING PERSON EXPERIENCEDONLY PAY A HOURS NEGOTIABLE Call R lck-312/656-2665 NEEDED NOW! Hard working self starter for local saw mill. Tree A lumbar work- chain saw experience preferred. Call Metro Wood, Inc., 815/459-7462. LATHE OPERATOR- Im mediate opening; must have 2 years experience. Apply in per son between 9 am A 3pm. Mon day through Friday. Mar- quardt Engineering. 6096 Com- morclal Rd., Crystal Lake. MATURE ADULTS Work 8-10 hrs./wk. Can earn 880-8220. Call Mr. Wlcklln, M-F, 9am-0pm. 312/658-6826. • WANTED Experienced rroofroadsi Second Shift 815/455-3830 E X P E R I E N C E D L e g a l Secretary. Typing and shor thand required. Word process ing skills preferred. Send resume to: Box AJV c/o Free Press Newspapers P.O. BOX 250 Crystal Lake IL 60014 NEED EXTRA MONEY? Good pay. short hours. Ticket Sales. Work from our office. Call 815/455-2044 • PULL CHARGE Bookkeeper. Full time. Must have ex perience w/payroll, payroll forms, posting, |ournals, ledgers and preparing monthly financial statements. Apply In person or send resume In cluding salary requirements Countryside Flower Shop A Nursery 5301E. Terra Cone Ave. Crystal Lake IL 60014 HELP WANTEi-PART TIME 0 Typesetter Must type at least *60 w.p.m. Good lan guage art skills necessary. Needed three days per week, Monday through Wednes day. Come in and fill out an application at: The McHenry Plaindealer <#> Sh««/FrwFrtM 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, IL 60050 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE SNAWniKMESS NEWSPAPER CROUP 250 Wiiams Road • CarpentersviHe, IL 60110 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER t