72 Real Estate For Sale 33 Garage Sales rThe Coach homes of Waters Edge- Mchenry's Newest Concept in attached Single-family living, Priced from just $53r900! Standard Features Include: •TWO FULL BATHS •SECURITY SYSTEM •ONE-CAR ATT. GARAGE -CENTRAL AIR COND •DISHWASHER •CARPETING FULLY •EASY CARE VINYL FLOOR -GARBAGE DISPOSAL •CONTINUOUS CLEAN GAS OVEN AND RANGE from from Fox Wlm lok< i C * Rt. 120 WATSrS EDGE * It. 1 1 ] Dartmoor r» £ • i si from Crystal lak* PLEASE CALL 385-8930 arc Residential Dovokipiiiciit Graphic n i l of MILLCREEK A new, desirable single-family area in McHenry offering: •EASY ACCESS TO ALL IN TOWN LOCATIONS 'NICE COUNTRY SETTING •2,3, or 4 BEDROOM HOMES AVAILABLE •AFFORDABLE FINANCING COME SEE THE SIX STYLES fROM WHICH TO CHOOSE. SINCLE FAMILY HOMES FROM *59,900 00 from *72,900 from *65,900 10.9% A.P.R. FINANCING NOW AVAILABLE WITH 10% SOWN (3 YR. A.R.M. WITH 5% CAP.) McNENRY BUILDERS wrST1 3716 W. PRESTWICK IN McHENRY (•is) 385~4488 oral 10-5,7 DAYS Rout* I JO CRYSTAL LAKE 6112 Connecticut Tr. Juno IS, 16, 17,10-5 turn, for all rms.. bikes, clothes. Moped, TV's, radios, fools, hardware, snowtlres, vacuum, camera's, snowb lower, sm. appls., lamps, frames, nick-nacks plus. MCHENRY/Brlftany Park 5516 Shore June 15,9-5 June 16,9-2 snowblowers, double bed frame, clothing, 8. misc. ALGONQUIN MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE 409 Ridge Sf. JUNE 14,15,16,9? Bowling Ball, stroller, skis, tires, dishes & misc. GARAGE SALE McHenry 5213 West Willow Lane June 16; 9-4 Premier Gas Stove, Sony Receiver, storm windows, men's & women's clothes, misc. LAKE IN THE HILLS 9 Hunters Path June 14,15,16,1-5 row boat, exercise bike, chlldrens items, much misc. • CRYSTAL LAKE •201 Huntley Rd. (Barlina or Ackman to Huntlev Rd., watch for signs) June 14 & 15; 9-4 Modern dining rm. set, 2 dinette sets, couch, love seats, clothing-baby to adults, Com modore computer & disk drive, 20" bikes, motorcycles, TV, toys, misc. . CRYSTAL LAKE 166 Ridge June 14,15,9-4 clothes infant thru adult, air hockey game, bed frame & headboards, other misc. Items. BARRINGTON HILLS on Helm Rd. between Navajo & Delaware. June 14,15,9-6 June 16,9-12 clothing, games, tires, household Items, crafts & bake ALGONQUIN Multl Family Sale *34 Webster St. June 15,16,9-5 clothing, turn., misc. CRYSTAL LAKE 97 Newcastle Ct. Coventry June 14,8-9 desks, lamps, chairs, TV, docks, books, antiques, fall & summer clothing. Much misc. CRYSTAL LAKE 132 Dartmoor Dr. June 14,15,9-2 light fixtures, drapes, mirror, high chair, games, books & much misc. • CARPENTE RSVILLE 50 Ash June 15 & 16; 10-8 Organ, fishing & camping •quip., bar, glassware, misc. CRYSTAL LAKE 4 Family Sale 210 Wellington June 14,15, •: 30-4 port, dishwasher, rugs, toys games, baby items, maternity, housewares, misc. McHENRY 4007 Grand Thurs. Fri. JUNE 14,15, 9 A.M.-4 P.M. Furniture, bikes, clothes, etc. MCHENRY 704 N. Counfuy Club Dr. June 15, & 16, only 9-5 10' Jon boat w/oars, playpen, ram set, stud driver, much misc. CARY 5 Family Garage Sale 79 Perth June 15,16,9:30-4 clothes, furniture, stove, & other misc. items. CRYSTAL LAKE Covered Bridge 6710 & 6717 Connecticut Tr. Junto 14,15,9-4 June 16,9-12 household items, clothing, misc. HAMPSHIRE Glen Oaks Dr. off Allen Rd. June 17; Noon-4 pm Furn., antiques, some tools, lot* of misc. items. Real Estate 72 For Sale 33 PAGE 15 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JUNE IS, ISM Garage Garage Sales 33 Sales 38 Boats HAMPSHIRE 5 Family Garage Sal* 230 Highland Ave. June 16 & 17; 9-5 Lots to choose from! UOINA Multi-Family West of E Igln on Coombs Rd. June 14 & 15; 1:30-? . June 16,1:30-12 NOON Infant/adult clothing, books, toys, games, house plants, bak ed goods, baby turn., dresser, Hedstrom buggy/stroller, changing table & much misc. LAKE IN THE HILLS 1317 Washington JUNE 14,15,16,9-4 Coffee makers, Troy roto tiller, $400; Hedge trimmer, brush cutter, toys, clocks, some tools, bumper pool, old cash register, kitchen table, 4 chrs.; 3 pc. full to queen sz. bedroom, 4 pc. can- nlster set, 2 commorcal fryers. McHENRY HUGE MOVING SALE 5521W. Sherman Dr. Off Ringwood Rd. & Rt. 120 Sat. JUNE 16th-9-5 Sun. JUNE 17th-9-4 Baby crib/mattress, stroller, rocking horse, sterilizer, aut. baby food grinder, toys, childs bookcase, clothes, lawn tools, turn., gas grill, porta potty, canning supplies, slide prelec tor, utility cabinet, metal shelv ing units, skiis & poles, books, pictures, and many decorating items, ALL priced to sell quick ly; CRYSTAL LAKE 391 DouglasAve. June 15,16, Fri. & Sat., S-5 misc. household items, clothes, & gas dryer, <45. BURLINGTON Multi-Family 175 Deutsch J O. Subdivision (By Park) June 15; 9-5 - June 16; 9-Noon Lots of children's & adult clothes, all sizes. Household items, aquarium w/supplies, toys, misc. GENOA Thurs. & Fri., 6/14,15,9-5 7 Family Gar. Sale Antiques, old tools, chlldrens & adult clothing, knlck knacks. HAMPSHIRE Rummage & Bake Sale 213t. Jefferson June 16, >-4 Sponsored by T.O.P.S. III. 227. Take off Pounds sensibly. CRYSTAL LAKE 4605 North Oak Street June 14 & 15,8am-5 pm Gas stove, washer, tent, van tables, baby & household Items, horse accessories. GENOA 319 N. Monroe St. Fri., Sat., June 15,16 old records, crafts, baby & adult clothing, misc., priced to sell, some free. McHENRY 5208 Dartmoor Dr. Thurs., Fri.8-3pm. What are we crazy? $1. & under. Girl's sz. 8, 10, 12's; tod. girls 1, 2, 3*s & much misc. 815/385-3596. GENOA 509 Jackson Fri. Si Sat., 9-4 antiques, oak buffet, clothes, maternity, much more. GENOA Multi-Family June 14-16.9-5 157 Homewood Dr. children Si adult clothing, baby furn., baby curtains, range hood, much more. MCHENRY Estate/Moving Sale 1802 N. Riverside Dr. June 15,8.16,9-5 furniture, household, clothes, shoes, boat,tamper, etc. MCHENRY Lakeland Park 1901N. Central June 14 & 16; 8-5 4 Family Sale Misc. household, clothes Infant to adult. WONDER LAKE 3302 Pleasure Thurs., Fri., Sat., 8am-5pm 750 Honda, 17 ft. boat, air condi tioners, sewing machine, por table dishwasher, furniture, clothing, books, etc. Don't Miss This One) GENOA Thursday & Friday June 14& 15; 9-5 1 miles North of Genoa In Willow Estates. Stereo, patio door, rug, clothes, books, misc. If I f REDUCED IN TOWN LOCATION * """"'SI Clean n' cozy-move in condition. Thro* bedrooms, full basemenf, garage family room, large yard and mor« -- MUST SELL -- 4310 SIOUX, McHENRY *54,500 CONTACT KEN KOREBA CENTURY 21-CARE (815) 344-1033 (815) 728-0333 "WATERFRONT" OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY. JUNE 16. 1-4 P.M. 5118 W. Lake Shore Dr. - Wonder Lako (Barnard Mill Road to Wonder Woods Dr.) 4300 sq. ft. brick Hillside Ranch. Over '/» acre, 150 ft. of waterfront. 9 rooms, 3 baths, '4 bedrooms, full finished basement, wet bar. Boat launch, pier, boat house. *210,000 CALL KEN KOREBA CENTURY 21-CARE (815) 344-1033 (815) 728-0333 WONOERLAKE 7 Family Yard Sale 79170akwoodDr. June 15. *16,8-4 Rain date June 23, *24. MCHENRY/McCullum Lake 5215 Maple Hill June 14,15,9-5 June 16,9-12 baby furniture, boys clothes (N. bom to 16) electric guitar & amp., electric power tools & guns. McHENRY PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS 5404 Meadow Hill Ln. JUNE 14.15,9-4. JUNE 16.9-1 2 Family Garage Sale Maternity & Baby clothes, baby Items, crib, match Ine dresser. Rigs, Toys, Books & much much more. McHENRY/FOX RIDGE 420 Kensington Frl.-Sat.. 15 & 16,9 to 5 Household Hems, fllsh tanks, Colecovliion, clothes, baby Items, yard supplies. GARAGE SALE 1105 ft 1207 Lily Lake Rd. Fri. & Sat. June 15,16,9-6 crib, stroller, swing, toys, wicker furn., oak table, dishes. (Depression & Blue Willow) 78 RPM albums, 5'x5' complete window, moose head, 19' sailboat, hay crimper, contrac tors Items, handmade wooden toys, clothing for all ages. Live animals, (horses, rabbits, doves) & misc. MOVING McHENRY 3719 Spring Grove Rd. JUNE 14,15,16, 9-4 Baby clothes, high chairs, car seats, lawn tools, tools, 3 pc. bedrm set, and much more. MCHENRY/Lakeland Park 5203 Shorehill June 15,116,9-5 sofa, youth bed, portable dishwasher, bike, motorcycle, toys, <i much more. WONDER LAKE 9207 Pine Avenue June 14 & 15; 9-4 Bicycles, air conditioner, drapes, tools, misc. Merchandise 34 Under $50 USED DESKS, chai rs , bookcases, storage cabinets, banquet tables and f i le cabinets. Many to choose from. Brand Equipment & Supply Co., 137 N. Main St., Crystal Lake, 815/455-4550 35 Antiques ANTIQUE AUCTION Sunday, JUNE 17th Seven Acres Museum Rt. 20 & S. Union Rd. Union,IL. 815/923-2214 ANTIQUE GOLD WATCH, hand etched; 2 porcelain Dove belts, hand made and org. by Andrea, 12" wings spread; .1 heavy duty car bluffer, excel. cond. 312/426-6994 after 5 p.m. ANTIQUE PIANO Busch 4 Berts. >500.815/455-3514 BARBER CHAIR Antique, reasonable. 815/459-<061. Bicycles & Sports 36 . Equip. GIRLS SCHWINN 5-sp, like new. $75. Schwinn Scrambler, <40.312/658-5382 BOYS 20" Schwln Stinger bike, $50; Schwln little tiger bike, w/training wheels, S35; Ross 20" bike, $20. BlKES (20) 3 speed, $35; 10 speed, $45; Tandem, $115; adult trlke, $150.312/7411601. Lawn& Garden 37 Equipment RAILROAD TIES, $5 each. Driveway Gravel, Sand 8t Stone, Mushroom Compost, pulverized black dirt. 312/658- TORRO professional reel-type mower, $590. Call 312/669-3129 JOHN DEERE rider mower, 8 H.P. with bager, new engine, exc. cond., $600,815/459-0727. RAILROAD TIES black dirt, sand & gravel. 312/658-8167. JOHN DEERE 40 Crawler, 6' blade PTO/9" auger, >how room cond. $6.000.312/381-3395. 38 Boats LIDO SAILBOAT, 14 ft., exc., 2 sets of salts, $1,350, 815/455- 5587. CHINOOK, '77. Jet Drive; outriggers, downriggers, ship to shore, graph Depth finder, Little Dude Trailer, $7,900. Call 312/669-3129. HOUSEBOAT 31' fiberglas, 225 h.p„ I/O, sleeps 4, head, stove, furnace, flybirds, frailer, ex cel. cond. $7900. 312/639-9143 after 6 p.m. 14* ANCQR CRAFT, runabout, 35 h.p., mere., trailer, cover, show room cond. $1350/best. 815/455-2356. Real Estate For Sale 72 SEA-RAY, '88, SRV-200, 20 ft. deep V, wHti Mercury I/O, campertop, frailer, axe. cond. 90 hrs., asking $10,500.115/455- 4400 or •15/455*952 even., Rich. SHELLAKE 16', fiberglass. S3 hp Johnson w/frailer. 015/453- 9044, after 5 pm. CLASSIC '70,«deep V, 165 hp, I/O, very good cond., $4000. Days 312/593-7020 Evas. •15/499-5171 STARCRAFT BOAT 16 ft. alum., w/40 hp Johnson motor, new cover & E-Z Load trailer, $1,500/ firm. Call •1S/33M766. SKI NAUTIQUE BOATS 1981 Demonstrator 1962 Used "2001" 1984 New "2001" Fox Valley Ski Nautlque Elgin, II. 312/695-9814 SAILBOAT, AMF-Force 5. 1977, boat trailer, Asking $1200. Good cond. 815/459-6213 after 6 p.m. OWENS SALMON, fishing boat, 19 ft., with down riggers, like new 65 H.P. Evenrude. $1800,815/459-8309. EVINRUDE 6 hp. outboard, us ed only as auxiliary. $3*5. •15/943-5243 MUST SELL '» Vagabond 14' daysai ler , exc. cond. , SISOO/best offer 815/728-1593. a FT. IMP. CUDOY Cab., 1975. w/225 OMC stern drive. Must see to appreciate. $10,000. Loaded. Quality Marina, 815/678-4661 or 815/678-3231. SAILBOAT 12'butterfly, Complete w/carf. $900. 815/385-1843. 11*4 FT. CRUISER Inc. boat w/75 h.p. Johnson mtr. Gator trlr. Needs some TLC. 312/639- 6452 aft. 7 p.m. SHORE STATION, Boat Lift. 1100 lb. weight load, very good cond., $550.815/459-9255. REGAL-TRI HULL 15 ft., comb, fishing ski boat, 50 H.P. Johnson, & trailer, $3,000 or best offer. 312/658-5278 after 6 p.m. BASS BOAT 140 Johnson with trim, stainless prop., 2 down riggers, stereo, live wall. ft. control trowling motor, Anchor mate, carpet, graph, locator, classic trailer, spare, exc. cond., $6500815/459-6714. 35 H.P. EVINRUDE, motor eiec. start w/generator, com fiiete harness ind., excel, runn-ng cond, $550. 312/428-5803 after 5. CRUISER SKI BOAT 16 ft., 60 H.P. motor wlrth split tilt trailer, new upholstered seats $1200 or best, 815/459-9576. STANRAY TRAVELER 1970, 17 ft. fiberglass, 120 hp, O.M.C., I/O, Good cond., wafer ready, with trailer, new tires + spare. $1200.815/455-0142 aft. 2 pm. FABUGLASS Tri-Hull. 17'. 75 hp Evinrude w/power tilt, many extras. 815/385-5094. after 4 pm. PONTOON BOAT, 24'. 55 H.P. evenrude. exc. cond., new canopy & carpeting. Bar fc refrigerator. All deck furniture stays. $4200. 815/385-8520 or 815/344-1717. STARCRAFT cabin cruiser, 21 ft.,'74. 115 hp Evin.. trailer. Marine radio. $5000. 312/66*- 3255 BOAT MOORING FOX RIVER $100 Season 815/385-0169 Musical 39 Instruments WURLITZER PIANO and Organ sale In progress. Saw 40%! New and Used. Bell Mor- ford Piano 8, Organ Company, 72 Fountain Square Plaza. Elgin, IL. 312/741-0780 STARK BABY GRAND Plana 4'7", like new, $995 or best of fer. 312/639-9265. WURLITZER ORGAN, a bench w/band rythmn, $9 Call after 6pm, 312/658-7004. CORNET, E.A. Reynolds Medalist, good cond., $100/ firm. Call after 6 pm, 312/651- 5955. PIANO ACCORDION, (Mor- bldonl) with amplifier, mkiophone wtfh stand, & sm. pevey amplifier, all In esc. cond., make offer, 815/648 2X1 PA SYSTEM Fender speakers It Yamaha mixer. $500/best. 312/428-8791 LUDWIG drum set, double bass, 5 power toms. paiste cym bals, like new, $1200 or best, call evens, after 5:30, 815/459- 1987. LOWREY Magic Genie organ w/bench, single keyboard. Must Sell- $590. Call 312/658 4671. EVERETT CONSOLE piano. Excellent condition. $1500. 815/459-3504. KEYBOARDS A Sound System, Yamaha SK*. Sym pnunic cnscrnuw, r wvinpRC Synthesizer, $999.; Yamaha Peat v9vi IWINPWINV 9yiRvniiiir# $149.; render Rhodes. 73 Kay, Electric Plana 8549; 1 pr. Yamaha S4115H PA/Keyboard speakers, $549.; Yamaha EMM 4 channel Mixer, $199. AH In great shape. Call afti ask for Dave, •15/459-6274. MID-WEEK BEST BUYS Prefer one floor living? Then coll me on this super nice ranch home with two baths plus beautiful and large family room off the country-size kitchen. $75,900. What a house to come home to! Warmly decorated and lovingly kept, this immaculate Cape Cod features four bedrooms, separate dining room, full finished basement and much more. $83,900. CALL BOB POPOVICH S15-3S5-23S7 CENTURY 21-CARE 815-344-1033