74 Townhomes CARY/BRIGHT OAKS, lovely t bdrm. ranch, gar am, pond, Street pool A tennis courts. #wner must sacrifice at 00. 015/455-0354 or 312/639-6446 ALGONQUIN. COME SEE this unique Townhome in a seclud ed setting. 3 botfrms, 1W baths, org. COM 175,400. Pay $72,900 and gat add't <10,000 worth of axtras at no charga. 312/651 CARY Bast Buy in Bright Oaks. Why pay 15* Intorastf Assume 10* mortgaga and pay no pay no points for sharp newly redecorated 2 bdrm, 11/2 bath, 1 car garage, cant, air, ap pliances, Ben Franklin wood burning stove, pool, tennis and lots of extras! 1537/mo pay ment Includes PITI. Only $12,000 down (Owner will negotiate). With Interest rates steadily rising, this 10% assum mable won't last long. MUST SEE! Call Sheryl at 312/952- 2576 days or 312/6394033 eves mdwiikindi CARPE NTERSVILLE supper nice, 3 bdrm. attached gar., townhomo many extras, must see, $6400 down, essumable, total payments $309. 312/420- 75 Lots& Acreage HAMPSHIRE, 1 acre lots on French Rd., V* ml. S. of Rt. 72, from$lX900. wooded lots avail. 312/344-7140 days; 312/773-9194 WOODSTOCK, 5 acres, 2 barns, fenced pasture, wooded, well, $30,500, $15/459-7997. CRYSTAL LAKE - wooded city lots, walk to train. Vaf s Acres, $16,000 UP $15/459-7997. BONNIE LAKE EST. Adj. to Tumberry. * acre lots w/all vtll. 10% own. or bidg. financial help. 312/296-4114. BULL VALLEY, 3 & 6 acre sites, $29,500/up. Terms, 10% DN„ 10% INT. Utll. In. 015/459 7740. ' CRYSTAL LAKE, 6 improved lots, 60x132, near schools A lake, offers, terms, 312/500- 6700. . CRYSTAL LAKE, 16 acre lot. Seller will finance. 015/459-0030 or 459-7009. WOODSTOCK. 1 to 4 Improved lots. 72 X 130, near sncools. area of new homes, offers terms. 015/330-2759 VACANT LOT, 50' X 1ST, Johns St., Crystal Heights subdlvl- ' l Walk to " " 76 Mobile Homes CRYSTAL LAKE, Royal Oaks Mobile Home Comm. offers new It used homes on site com pletely turn., from $14,000. No pets, adult comm., 015/455 6600. MOBILE HOME 60 x It gd. cond. 2 bdrm., l bath, air, storage shed, in gd. location. Others to show. 015/704-2696. Forest View Manor. MOBILE HOME, fully carpeted, 3 bdrm., 14 by 70, washer, dryer, water sofhter. To be moved. $0000, 312/742- 9012. TERRY TRAILER 19', com plete. Must sell. Moving. Make offer. Some furniture. 312/650 MOBILE HOME, 1904, 2 bdrm, can stay on lot,Move 8. refrigerator, Unfurnished. $10,000.115/455-2474. 77 Farms For Sale FARMLAND 55 acres tillable, well, 30x60 shed, 30x34 shed, River Rd. Marengo 015/704- 5621. 78 Wanted To Rent GARAGE OR BARN Woodstock area 015/337-0704 GARAGE SPACE for one car on or near Fremont Street In Woodstock. Call early am or nights, 015/330-0211. Rooms, Board Apartments 79 To Share WANTED PROFESSIONAL woman to share countryside home w/same on 2+ acres- Bull Valley area. Environmen tal or arts Interest preferred. $M04300/mo. No utility costs. Call 312/349-0703 days. RETIRED LADY wishes to share a 2 bdrm. home w/same In Woodstock. 015/330-5935, 9 a.m. to noon or 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. 80 Apartments To Rent IIS/459-4111 train. $10,000. CRYSTAL LAKE by bulldable lot, 125 x 50. sewer A weter, 015/459-9576. Automobiles 86 For Sale PREFERRED TENANTS fwed g. 2 bdrm. apt. utllites inc. rystal Lake working couple, ref., 015/5605530 even. WOODSTOCK AREA, wanted by July 15,1 or 2 bdrm. apt., or house under $325, tor responsi ble couple. $15/7564716 even ings. CLEAN, RESPONSIBLE Veterinarian with one well trained cat seeking apartment or small house in Mc Henry area. 815/305-6925. RETIRED COUPLE Looking for 2 bdrm. apt. In Crystal Lake area. /Moderately priced, need by 0/1.015/459-7065. WANTED TO RENT 3 bedroom home, 2 car garage, 015/305- 3495 or 3496. RESPONSIBLE FAMILY desires 3/4 bdrm. house to rent for 3/4 months, 015/305-3375. Rooms, Board Apartments 79 To Share ROOM IN LOV£LV Lake home, kit. prvlg., ref., sec. dep., $270 month, 015/459-0932. GARDEN QUARTER APTS. Accepting applications tor 1A2bedrooms 015/305-2101 Residential area in Mc Henry Patio/Balcony units available Free Weter Free trash pkl Laundry facilities In , WOODSTOCK LAKEWOOO APARTMENTS •Studios *1A 2 Bdrms. F roe Gas Heat A Cooking Color coordinated appliances, wall-to-wall carpeting, laundry facilities, cable TV7 pool A playground, garages. SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT FROM $269 *015/330-2303* RICHMOND Richmond Apartments 1A 2 Bdrm. Deluxe Apts. Wall to wall carpeting, fully ap- plianced kitchen, beautifully landscaped grounds, play area, laundry facilities A full time maintenance. Senior Citizens Discount From$209/mo. Call 312/507-9277 IN McHENRY Deluxe 3 bedroom apartment, garages available, 815/344-1632,815/385- 6566,015/344-0740. IN McHENRY Deluxe 3 bedroom apartment, garages available, 015/344-1632,815/305- 6566,015/344-0740. McHENRY DEPOT HOTEL Rooms from $45/week. Cable hookup, kitchen, laundry. Call 015/305-9730 after 2pm. DELUXE 1 A 2 Bedroom security, privacy, luxury, no t. Call tor information 9am- Apartments. In city Mc Henry, . * >ry. No pets. < 5pm, 015/305-3192. HUGE 2 bdrm. Bl-level apt., newly remoldeled, walking distance to Woodstock sq., avail. Aug. 15, call Kyle for appt., 312/209-0023 Mon.-Fri., 0 5p.m. WOOOSTOCK 1 bdrm. apt., 2 blocks to square, all utll., ex- ceptetec. 312/420-3211. TWO BEDROOM Duplex. Private basement, yard, off street parking. In Harvard. $350. Call 015/305-3490. McHENRY, Clean, 1 bedroom apartment for mature adults. 015/305-0905. 80 Apartments To Rent WOODSTOCK, 4 room, newly redecorated, ground level apartment w/basement, all kit chen appl., 3 blocks from Square, $400/mo, utilities Incl. 015/330-0957. FURNISHED APARTMENTS Meal tor single person. Utilities Incl. $2254275. 015/330-0000 or 330-7442 WOODSTOCK, 2 bdrm. duplex apt. IV* baths, carpeted >L furnished, gar. tor $350 Phone 015/330-1090 days. QtS/3304031 evenings. WEST DUNDEE, 1 bodrm, 2nd fir, stove A frig, washer A dryer, hardwood firs. $320 mo + Otoe. 312/639-1222. CRYSTAL PLAZA APTS* 2 bodrm on Utog St., $340 mo., heat Incl. + $100sec. dep. A ref. No Pets. Call: Week Real Estate, week days, 9 am -12 Noon 312/650-5112. WOOOSTOCK, 2 rm„ all utllites inc., Ideal for single person, $245 month, $15/330- ed. occup ancyrSi/mo. 015/704-2500 days, 704-3357 CRYSTAL LAKE 1 bdrm Aiptex, lUia yard. deck, appliances, garage. SStS/mo + utilities. Sac. dop. A refs. required. Avail. June 14, call 015/4SMMS aft. 6 pm. I BDRM. Apt. Avail. Immed. for family w/annual income of $7000, or more rent based on In come. Call Mary, at 115/750- 2692. CARY, 5 rms., 2nd floor of house, opp. July 1,311W. Main, $400 month, 312/639-7459. • CRYSTAL LAKE 1st floor. 2 bdrm. apt. Newly redecorated, with laundry facilities. Walk to train. $475/mo. heat incl. Refs, no pets. Avail.' July 1. 015/455- 5152. MATURE ADULTS ONLY 1 bedroom furnished apart ment in Mc Henry. 015/305-6566. WOODSTOCK, 2 bedrm. apt. avail. July 1st, $340 per mo. No Pets. 015/330-7117 or 312/420- 4636.. SYCAMORE, near Courthouse, carpeted 3 bdrm. 2nd floor, stove, refrig. off-street park ing, non-smokers, no pets, refs., deposit, single, $250; 2 people, $300,015/095-2560. 81 Homes To Rent CRYSTAL LAKE-'Ac Henry, 3 bdrm., gar., stove, refrig., $450, sec., immed. 015/330-2951. We Are Overstocked With Used Cars... These Vehicles Must Be Sold! 1979 PONTIAC SUNBIRD STATION WAGON 4 cylinder, 4 speed, power steering, AM/FM *1895 1979 FORD LTD WAGON V/8, automatic, power steering ahd brakes, air conditioning *1595 1070 FORD GRANADA 4 DOOR 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering and brakes, air conditioning. '1095 1878 DODGE MAXIVAN V/8, automatic, power steering and brakes *2495 1970 DODGE ASPEN WAGON 6 cylinder, 4 speed, power steering and brakes, one owner. Only 43,000 miles *2195 1077 DODGE ASPEN 4 DOOR 318, automatic, power steering and brakes, air conditioning *800 1977 AMC PACER WAGON 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering. 1977 CHEVY NOVA 4 DOOR 305-V/8, automaticr-power steering and brakes, air conditioning, 52,000 miles. *2195 1 v 1977 JEEG CJ5 6 cylinder, 3 speed *2195 1977 PONTIAC GRAN PRIX 2 DR. 350, automatic, power steering and brakes, air conditioning, 64,000 miles. / s *1595 1970 DODGE MAXI SPORTSMAN 318, automatic, power steering and brakes, air conditioning, 8-passenger seating. *1295 1976 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT FOUR WHEEL DRIVE 304-V/8, automatic, power steering and brakes, air conditioning *900 1976 DODGE D100 % TON PICKUP 318, automatic, power steering and brakes *1095 1976 CHEVY MALIBU 4 DOOR 305-V/8, automatic, power steering and brakes, air conditioning. $1595 1975 FORD MUSTANG 2 DOOR COUPE 4 cylinder, automatic, power steering. *1095 1976 AMC MATADOR WAGON V/8, automatic, power steering and brakes, air conditioning, 74,000 miles *900 1975 DODGE CORONET 4 DOOR 318-V/8, automatic, power steering and brakes, 62,000 miles. *900 1975 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4 DR. V/8, automatic, power steering and brakes ̂ air conditioning, 69,000 miles *1295 1973 BUICK WAGON V/8, automatic, power steering and brakes *500 1960 CHEVY VAN 6 cylinder, 3 speed *300 Serv ing the Woods tock a rea fo r 3S yea rs . " BENOY Motor 6 5 6 L A K E A V E W O O D S T O C K I L L 3 3 8 - 5 1 0 0 81 Homes To Rent CAR PC NTERSVILLE rant or sell. $53,500, $1,000 down, 10.5% Interest. P.I.T.I, approx. $S90/mo. or rant $49S/mo. 4 bdrms., 1* bath. Fin. fam. rm., central air, rm. add. 312/544 2502 or 312-9*9-9034. CARY RIVERFRONT. 2 bedroom, basement, ap pliances, July 1 occupancy, 312/039-4252. CUTE BUT small, 2 bdrm. home, $320 per month, fenced yard. Pets ok, $300 sec. dep.. Island lake area, 312/039-2101. BURTON'S BRIOGE 2 bdrm. house w/rlver rights. Ideal for couple, No Ptfs, $350 + sec. dep . 015/459-0*2 9 am to 7 pm CRYSTAL LAKE, 2 story far mhouse. 4 bdrms. 2 baths, rlvate drive. 3701 Rt. 170, just of Rt. 31. Possession July 1. $450/mo A sec. Contact Mr. Pearson 015/459-3097, or call Grove Realty Co., 312/243-3223 BEAUTIFUL, 3 bdrm. home, In Coventry West, Crystal Lake, 2 car gar., Ideal for sm. fam., $540 roon., 015/439-0224,7 p.m. FLORIDA, 2 homes for rent 2 Pools, 10 mln. to beach. 312/050-5762 or 302-5300 McCOLLUM LAKE, 1 bdrm, nicely decorated w/large yard. $3l0/mo plus utilities. Sec. dep. A refs. required. Avail June 14, call 015/459-4055 aft. 0 pm. CRYSTAL LAKE area, 2 bdrm. house, across from Fox River, $410.mon„ + utll., A sac. dep., July 1,015/455-6712. CRYSTAL LAKE, 3 bedroom, IV* bath ranch, w/large kitchen A lake access. $500/mo., sec. dep. A ref. req. 015/455-4127. MCHENRY lovely 2 bdrm. ranch w/famlly room A full utility room on private lot. $395 month. call Connie at ERA Ad- vantage. 015/305/9394. CARY, Lovely 3 bedroom home, family room, dining l-in kl dtchen, 2 baths, deck, walk to school, train, shopping. $600/mo., + sec., ref. required. 015/459-0060. McHENRY, lovely 3 bdrm. home + office near Country Club, IV* baths, C/A. frplce., . gar. $500/mo. + refs/ A scecurity. Avail. Ju- patlo, IV* car aft. ly. 015/305-0479. RINGWOOO. 2 bdrm. home, Johnsburg School, 1 yr. lease, no pets, $375/mo. + security. 015/720-1037. No calls after 0 pm. Condos., Townhomes 82 ToRent WATERS EOGE CON DO, by owner, 2-3 bedrms, IV* bths, move-In cond., $52,900. Call for appt. 015/344-0727 or 344-2922. Stores, Offices Industrial 83 ToRent CRYSTAL LAKE, 5,000 sq. ft. Ind. bidg. w/450 sq. ft. office, all a/c, 3-phase elec., air lines. Will divide. 015/459-9060. OFFICE Downtown McHenry. Incl. heat, air cond. A all utll. $125. Call 015/305-3490. FOX RIVER GROVE, 250 sq. ft. office, all utlls., $225/mo. Call Bob Schaefer at 312/639- 2150. t MONTHS FREE RENT, pro fessional building. 20x20, $250/mo; 10x12, $125/mo.; 10x10, $100/mo. 015/653-9653, 015/720-0404. RENTAL SPACE Available in prestigious office bidg. on /Main St. In Dundee. Call Sally, 312/650-0664. 500 Sq. ft. executive office suite, 1st floor, available July 1. Call 015/459-7600. Ml CORPORATE CORNER OFFICE SPACE, 450 sq. ft., $350/mo. utilities included, McHenry. Call days, 015/305- 0373 or evenings 815/305-0626 ask for Ray. . FOR SALE Or rent, on Main Street, Kirkland. 40x50 feet of fice or business building. $300 month rent. 015/522-3374 before 3:30, or 522-4491 after 6. OFFICE 500 sq. ft., or unit of t ti A Algonquin Rds.,015/4^9-3450 00 sq. 1,000 sq. ft. Present tenant. Lake InThe Hills reality, Pyott 84 Farms, Farmland ToRent PASTURE for rant, 55 acres total, 300 acres on Rt. 64 by Wasco, also has small foedlot at Wasco loc. Conditions A terms negotiable, evenings, 312/742-4491. 85 MISC. ToRent MOTOR HOME For rent. '79 Itasca. Sleeps 6, air. 1/312/546- 5079. MOTOR HOME, '04, Midas 26 ft., now accepting summer reservations, fully equip., reasonible rates, 015/670-4647. LAKE OF THE Ozarks. New 1 bdrm furnished waterfront con- do. $50/night. Call evenings 015/459-9275 Automobiles For Sale NEW AT Zlebart: Radiator, heater, power flush, radiator repair, air conditioning repair A service. 312/639-5333. CHRYSLER Cordoba. 0 cyl., full power, extras, exc. cond., $4000/offer, 312/695-6020 or 312/420-7050. OLDS FIERENZA, '03, 5 sp. hatchback, sun roof, air, am/fm stereo, ps/pb, low miles, $7,195. Call 312/669-3010. 1972 BUICK LaSABfR $475 Or Best Offer Call 312/653-9967 OLDS WAGON, MM well maintained, $l,300/ofler. 015/344-3564. PONTIAC VENTURA, 74, 350 V-0, exc. runner, new tires A brakes, $900/best. Ask for Rob at 312/650-4100. HONDA CIVIC '10 Gd. cond., low miles. Asking $3100. 015/455-4479, after 5 pm. FIAT 131 Breva wagon, '70. 5 spd., air, new tires, brakes, muffler, front struts. Runs well. Asking $2000.312/650-5660. VW BUS '72, very good cond., like new motor end trans. Ask ing $1075.015/455 2344 MONTE CARLO, 1974. p.*. pb., p.w., 350 V-0, exc. running cond., $790. After 5pm. 312/650- 3765. V Automobiles HO For Sale OLDS Delta OA 73, ps/pb. air, am/fm, great transportation, 0650/bost. 015/305-5065 eves. OLDS 90 Regency. VERY SHARPI 71.2 dr., all power A elr. Gd. mileage. Very Clean. Exc. cond. 015/923-4209. No 015/943-7064. FORD FAIRMONT '00.4 spd., 4 cyl., 70000 mi., 2 dr., car runs. Needs engine work. $1100 firm. 015/344-4672. CHEVELLE SS '00, 2 dr. 396 engine built, mint cond. no rust, nobondo. $4,500/offer. 312/650- 6620 after 6 p.m. COUGAR XR-7, '79, auto., ps/pb, air, garage kept, ml., $4,350.015/720-0125. PONTIAC STATION wagon, 75, $400/best. 015/305-5409 FORD FIESTA '79, one owner, excellent cond., with Mit subishi cassette player. $2300. Call 015/455-5133 NOVA, 19a hatchback, V-0, auto., $395. 015/305-7901 MUSTANG, 1967. partially restored, recent tires, no rust, $2,500.015/459-0700. MGB 73, Shiny Red, 50,000 ml, summer driven only. Excel, cond. includes boot, tonneau, and bra, $3750.015/455-1046. VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE. 1962, sunroof, 4 sp., original unrestored condition, no rust, $975.015/305-6929 after 6pm. CASH FOR UNWANTED CARS. 7-DAY PICK UP CALL 015/330-2020 PLYMOUTH HORIZON, 1901,2 door hatchback, 4 cyl., 4 sp., am-fm cassette, exc. cond., $2,950/best. 015/330-7076. VW RABBIT, 1900, diesel, 2 door, am-fm, sunroof, 015/330- 7673 after 5pm. DOOGE OMNI 024, '79, good condition, good gas mileage. $2500/best. 115/65^9504 CORVETTE, Pace car, 70 L102, exc. cond. 9600 miles, $16,000 or best offer. 015/459- 0727. PONTIAC GRANVILLE Con vertible. 74. full power, 55.000 miles, drives A looks like new, $3,495. Call 015/455-4659. CJ5 JEEP '79. Renegade. Silver, soft A hard top, mud- irlp tires, exc. cond. $4500. 15/330-0690. MONTE CARLO SS, 72. COL LECTOR'S RESTORABLE. Full instr., tach, etc. 454, turbo 400, posi. Asking $600. 015/330- 4651, after 5 pm. FORD GRAN Torino Squire wagon, 75; white; by original owner; all service and repair records; sharp, clean, ready to go anywhere. $1400. 015/943- 5243 PLYMOUTH Satellite, '73, 6 cylinder, stick shift, runs good, $350 firm. 015/653-5664. BUICK REGAL LTD., 1970. auto., p.s., p.b., a.c.. cassette stereo, velour interior, $4,500/offer. 015/305-0303 after PLYMOUTH HORIZON 1979,4 door, 4 speed, $2,500. 015/305-2095. BUICK REGAL, 79 auto., H. blue, air, ps/pb, stereo, snow tires, 1 owner, 17,000 cert, ml., $5,400 firm. Glorie. 015/455- 1739. CHEVY MALIBU '75.4 dr., tilt wheel, radio, air, pb/ps, exc. cond. $1500.312/420-7923, after 6 pm. DATSUN 70, 4 dr. sedan, very gd. running cond, needs body work, $1400.015/720-0610. PONTIAC CATALINA 71, $400/flrm. Call 015/720-0121 BUICK ELECTRA '77. 4 dr. sedan with full equip. Exec, car. Have new company car, must sell. $3400.312/695-9004. OLDSM, 2 dr., 1976. power, air, em-fm, tilt, cruise, 03,000 miles, exc. motor, body work needed. $750.015/330-1900 days, 7 5pm. OLDS DELTA, 00,71 runs, but needs work. $150. 312/420-4502. 1972 FORD LTD n «- m »- «l A A||, _ news wor* • dmi uner Call 312/639-2006 • 1977 TRANS AM Many Parts/Engine 015/653-MM VW BUG 74, good cond., best offer 015/455-4994 PAGE 17 - PLAKNDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13,1M4 Automobiles For Sale PLYMOUTH, 1967, 6 cyl. 2 door hardtop, snow tires incl., very good running cond., $2S0/best. Call after 3pm„ 015/344-3153. MUSTANG, 1970. 2 door hat chback, low mileage, exc. cond.. $3,000.; 1979 Mustang, good cond., needs minor repair, $3,000. 015/459-3174 after 5:30pm. JEEP WAGONEER LTD '03, full power, loaded with options 4 vmeel drive, 360 V0, exc. cond., $14,500, Algonquin, 312/650-9104. DELTA 00 Good fix-up car. Has cruise, 4 dr., tilt wheel, engine very gd. cond. $300. 312^31- 4292,7 10 pm. CADILLAC. 1977 Coupe OeVille. l owner, white w/blue leather interior, super condi tion, loaded, new tires, wires, 62,300 miles, $4,150. Call after 7pm. 015/459-3355. VW RABBIT '01, Diesel, 4 spd, 37,000 miles, sunroof, very good cond. 312/742-9060 after 4 p.m. Best offer. MATADOR 76, air, P/B, rear defogfcer. Asking $1,000. 015/641-2007 after 6 p.m. DATSUN 510, 1972, needs work or parts car, $100.00. 015/305- 9307 after 4pm. BUICK La SABRE, 1970. $2,5oJ oe best offer. Call after 1 pm, 015/569-0611. CHEVY LUV pick up, 76, good cond. Must see, best offer. 312/742-2293. Hubbemos EspanoL MUSTANG CONVERT., '73, low miles, 302 auto., air, new top A exhaust, body very clean. $2950.312/931-5400 HONDA CIVIC CVCC, 1977, Hatchback, 4 speed, recent valve |ob A brakes, am-fm radio, $l,200/best offer. 015/653-9040. FIREBIRD ESPRIT, 1976, 6 cylinder, auto., p.s., am-fm cassette. 015/330-7530. FIAT SPYDER Convertible. *01,5 speed, $5400 or best offer. Call 312/650-9436. OLDS CUTLASS. 1973. auto.. p.s.< p.b., am-fm cassette, runs exc., needs minor repelr, >475 firm. 015/330-0900. BUICK LaSabra '70, mechanicallly sound, best of fer. 312/420-9372 after 5 p.i ».m. MAZDA '00, 626 4 dr., exc, cond., must see, air, auto., am/fm cassette, CB, 4 new tires, 1 owner, $5450, 015/344- 5435. PLYMOUTH Volare, '70, sta. wag., 6 cyl., auto., gd. cond., $13tt/best. 312/639-0159. BUICK REGAL '03, ps/pb, air, tilt, cruise, buckets, custom wheels, extended warranty, 17,000 miles, excellent cond. 312/741-1305 MUSTANG, '67, ps, 209 auto., no rust, am/fm cassette, $3100 or best, 015/455-5170. CONVERTIBLE, 1974 Buick LeSabre, good shape, recent top. $3500/best offer. Call 015/459-4996. VOLVO WAGON/72, runs good, extra tires. 0095/best. 115/470-4030 days. 653-3971 DOOGE COLT 79, 5 spaed, exc. cond., $2500, 115/459-0059 call after 5 p.m. CHEVY MONZA, 75, V-0, motor A body good cond., new brakes A shocks. $000/best. 015/560-5307 After 4 pm. OLDS CUTLASS BROUGHAM, '02, exc. cond.. all options, $0,200, or will consider trade. 015/455-2200. VW BUG '73. Mint cond. Yellow. 4 spd. Asking $1295. 015/653-5456, anytime. AUSTIN HEALY '61. Bugeye Sprite, restored. $3200 or trade. 015/459-1617 VOLVO DL WAGON, 00, air, cruise, ps/pb, am/fm cassette, excellent cond. $0200. 015/095- 5264 OLDS CIERA BROUGHAM '02, 2 dr, Super sharp, low mileage, rusfproofed, loaded w/options. P 312/650-3340 s. Priced to sell. $0450. CUTLASS SUPREME 75,4 dr. 350 engine, air, P/S, P/W, P/antenna, stereo, tilt wheel, all new radial tires, excel, cond. $1675.312/420 5003 after 5. MAZDA, '01, 4 dr., GLC, 5 speed, exc. cond., 35 M.P.G., see after 6 p.m. 500 River Side Dr., Crystal Lake, III. MERCURY ZEPHYR wagon, '70, ps/pb, air, stereo. Call after 7 pm. 015/330-6303 CHEVY IMPALA, 00, 4-dr., small V0, air, auto.. ps/pb, good cond., good family car, must sell, $3,900 or best, 312/650-3679. CADILLAC Seville. '02. Exc. cond., garage kept. Priced to sell at $13,950. Private owner. 312/639-4062. DATSUN 200Z, '70, am/fm cassette, new t.a. radials, louvers, nice car. Must sell. $4350/best. 312/650-7596 CITATION '00. 4 cyl, am/fm, air, rear defog., 39000 mi. Ask ing $3000 or frade for boat of equel value. 312/426-0909. Automobiles 86 For Sale REPROCESSED AUTOS- all makes A models. Always a good selection. Not all modeis at all times. Buy iu«n»» *•* ing over payments. From $40. month A ifp. Mechanically tested cars. No ma|or body damage. For full details, you must ask for Mr. Barry. 312/504-3900. Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles PONTIAC GRAND PRIX. 77. completely rebuilt eng., good cond., little rust, asking $2,700, 015/330-0611. VW DASHER, '70 2 door hat chback, auto., A/C, low miles, no rust, $1,795/ offer. Will con sider trade in. Call 015/344-2620. 87 Wanted To Buy CASH PAID For Junk Cars - 7 Day Pickup 312/639-2620 WANTED TO BUY |unk A repairable autos, 7 day pickup, 312/639-0159. • WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE Cars, Trucks, Vans. 015/720-1007 Auto Parts & 88 Accessories ENGINES, all makes, $200 A up; trans, all types, foreign A domestic, $100 A up. Delivery A Installation available. Guaranteed. 015/344-5114. 351 WINDSOR Engine, Ford. Borg-Warner T-10 4 spd. Hurst linkege, Lakewood scatter shield A flexplate. Also headers. $350/best offer. 312/650-7315. CRAGARS 4, ss w/firestone radial FR60-15 LR60-15. Like new. $300/best. 015/337-0425, 015/330-0304. UTILITY TRAILER, 4 X 0, $200. 4 radials G70-15. 439 cert, miles. Still warranted. $125. 312/639-0640 FOUR E--T slot chrome wheels, with A70-13 tires, like new, $275 or best offer. Call 015/560-5626 after 5, ask for MArk. VW BEETLE chassis pan w/transaxle, steering, wheels, 015/459-1365. 89 Trucks, Tractors & Trailers CHEVY '79, % ton, 4x4, 400 engine, Silverado pgk., 5th wheel plate for ballnitch or king pin gooseneck, very good shape, many extras, 56,000 miles, must be seen, $0,500. Call after 7 p.m., 312/742-4491. FORD COURIER, Pickup, exc. cond., with camper shell, interior, air, auto., $2,400 sport firm. 312/700-0627. ESCORT, '04, GL pkg. includes ps/pb, 4 spd, 0,000 miles, asking $6400.312/426-4779. T BIRD '79, fully loaded, air, cruise, plush Interior, 47,000 ml., extra cleen, $4495.015/459- 4022. 1972 BUICK LeSABER $475 Or Best Offer Call 015/653-9967 RABBIT '76. Orig. owner. Auto., rebuilt engine. Hi miles. Body w/rust. $975/offer. Car in DeKalb weekdays. 312/504 3242. ELCAMINO'73. $1200. 015/459-0733. DODGE MAXI VAN '76. Exc. runner. 4 new radials, current safety sticker. $000/best. 015/459-5691, after 5:30 pm. BUICK CENTURY Wegon, '73. Exc. cond., ps/pb, air, gd. tires. $1200/best. 015/305-9601. FORD GRANADA, '70 auto., ps/pb, A/C, body A Interior- good cond. $1,450. 312/639-6106 FORD EXP. '02 hatchback, low miles, exc. cond.. $5700/best. Eves, 015/459-0260. BUICK, '73, good runner. Ex cellent work car. Just invested $700. $600. firm 015/653-9055, OLDS CUTLASS Sport, 72, 2 dr., h/t, air, 350 V-0, auto, ps/pb, good cond. $1500. 312/639-4496 CAMARO V20, '79, newly rebuilt motor, $2500 firm. 015/344-1256 after 7 p.m., ask for Mike. CHRYSLER NEWPORT, '71, 2 door euto., clean A dependable, $650. Call 015/305-5653. PACER X, 1975, auto, air, p.s., p.b.. needs work, $500. 015/330- 3029 days. 015/344-3112 aft. 5:30pm. FORD MUSTANG II, 75,53,000 original miles, runs great, $1050firm, 015/640-2543. PLYMOUTH FURY, 73, 4 dr., euto, pb/ps, V-0, new brakes, runs well, $500,312/639-6672. MERCURY COUGER, 75, good condition, good runner, $900,015/305-2026. BUICK ELECTRA covertible, '66, exc. cond.. body A paint redone, 65,000 actual miles, 312/639-9260. DOOGE OMNI '70,4 speed, air, ps, 4 dr. hatchback. 2 tone blue, 54,000 miles, $1995, 015/459- 0934. CONCORD DL '70.6 cyl., auto., 4 dr. $1500 cash/best offer. 015/720-1707. CHEVY CAMARO, '75, type LT, metallic brown w/spoiler. Good cond. inside A out. Asking $1,600. 015/720 1957 after 4:30 PW- PONTIAC TRANS AM, '75. bright red w/spoiler, exc. runn ing cond., some rust, Asking $1,200, 015/720-1957 after 4:30 CHRYSLER NEWPORT, '67. runs good, no rust, $550, 015/455-4531 after 5 pm. PINTO WAGON, 74, 6 cyl. euto., am/fm cassette stereo, $500/best. Call 015/330-2419. TOVOTA CORONA Mark II '73, dependable work car, runs gd, $500/offer. 015/344-3691 aft. 5:30 PM- BUCIK SPECIAL 76, V6 engine, ralley wheels, new radials. am/fm stereo. $995. 015/305-4231. BUCIK LIMITED 73. all power, body good, needs engine work, $400 or offer, 015/459 3511. CHEVY TRUCK, '75, 350 engline, auto., air, cap. Good cond-$1,300.312/639-2245. FORDTI 74,4 015/459 S!£K M459. CHEVY, '70 Crew Cab, pick-up, w/cap, auto., 350 engine, ps, po, cc, 41,00 miles, 4 dr., $3,995. after 4:30 p.m., 312/695-9646. TRAILER 20' flatbed, gooseneck for P/up, racks, elec. brakes, gd. cond. 015/943- 4273. CHEVY PICK-UP Truck, % ton, 1960,4 speed, 4 WD., $1,500. Call 015/305-6293. BRONCO, '70. w/plow. Quad trac. New tires, brakes, trans. Auto, ps/pb, low miles. $4,000/best. 312/639-0640 CHEVY *k ton 4WD pick-up,'74 , 454, 4-sp, tilt wheel, am/fm, mag wheels, new exhaust. Ex cellent cond. $3200.312/931-5400 CHEVY C20 3/4 TON DIESEL 'CL 62 liter, heavy duty, loaded, Silverado equip., 16,000 mi. In surance for another 20,000 mi can be transferred. $11,500. 312/504-1^07. . MIDAS VOLUNTEER '74, ft., full self-contained, sleeps 6, AM/FM stereo, air, awning, stabilizer jacks, excel, cond. 312/426-2047. CHEVY PICK UP S10, 03, V*, am/fm, extended cab, original owner, 14,000 miles, excep tional best offer. Call 312/650- 9191 SEMI FLAT bed trailer 312/464-5102. CHEVY, 1970 short bed, 4 wheel drive pick up truck, loaded, with many extras. $6,000 or best offer, 015/344-0594 or 305 7470. CHEVY FLATBED, '51, $1,250 or best offer. For more in formation call, 015/305-2026. DOOGE FLATBED 1966, fair cond., 310 motor, floor shift, white spoke rims, $300/best. 015/522 3590. 90 Vans YAMAHA SECA 750, 1901. exc. cond., recant Metiler Perfect sport tires, $2,000. Call after 6pm, 015/305-4269. HARLEY DAVIDSON. 1960 Sportster XLCH, good running, gmt looking, $2,500. 015/720- HONOA CR125R '79, excellent cond., never raced. $400/best. Must sell. 015/305-0607 HONDA, 1901, Interstate 1100 cc, with matching cargo trailer, exc. cond.. Must sell. Will separate. Best offer. 312/420-6725. YAMAHA, 00, 050 special, low miles, shaft drive, garage kept, 1,312/650-6913. exc. cond., $1700, BEAUVILLE 20, ChevrtfK. 1977, air cond., 0 passenger, re cent tires A exhaust system, $2,500. Call 015/330-4114 after 5pm. DOOGE CARGO VAN. 77. 60,000 on new motor, needs body work, $000, ask for Bill, 015/455-5713. Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles YAMAHA Seca 750, '03. Full dress, 2,100 mi. Like new. $2,900.015/330-1331. SUZUKI '00.750. like new. 4,000 miles, custom paint. Call Dan 015/459-9206 aft. 6pm. SUZUKI '79, GS750E, 11,000 miles, new tires 0i battery, runs excellent, needs some cosmetic work. $1,150.312/650-0950 YAMAHA XS1100 w/falring, saddlebags, back rest, luggage rack. A much more. $1,700. Call after 6 pm, 312/603-2753. KAWASAKI, 1970, KX 250, never raced, low hrs., many ex tras, exc. cond., priced to sell et $375 firm. 015/459 1005. HARLEY DAVIDSON '76. XLH1000, low miles, good cond. $2400.015/455 3107 KAWASAKI 750 LTD. '00, exc. cond.. gar. kept, adult driven. .015/337-64341 $1500. I aft. 6 HONDA 1903, XR 350R. mint cond., 122 miles. $1,500. After 6 pm, 015/305-3342. YAMAHA 230RD '74. very good cond., $300/best offer. Call after 6 pm, 312/650 2373. YAMAHA SECA550 '01. Plus backrest A rack. 3300 mi. $1600/offer . 015/640 2757 TRIUMPH,Trident, '74, 750 CC 3,000 original miles, Vetter Fairing, exc. cond., $1500, 312/603 3732. uro g I stock, $3,000; Suzuki, 1979, GS 425 E, 1.400 mi., $700. 312/301- 1230. SUZUKI GS 10001, '00, wind jammer A lowers, low miles, exc. cond., $2400, Algonquin 312/650-9104. SUZUKI GS 490L 00 7300 mi., fairing 8i extras. $025. Call Rob, 015/459-5217. after 3 pm. rar uzue, Tut neck, IRC, etc. 015/330 7079. GPZ SALE 10 1914 GPZ 1100, $3,900; GPZ730 Turbo, $4,190; GPZ550, $2,350; Used GPZ5S0, $1,600, Weldner Kawasaki, 1/2 mile N. of 176 on Rte. 31.015/459-0111. HONDA AEROOO. '03, with windscreen; save sales tax. $650 firm. 015/943-5243 YAMAHA special II 650, 3900 miles, exc. cond., extras, 1500/offer, 015/330-6504. HONDA 360 cc, '76. Elec. start, very low miles, exc. cond., with helmet. $500 firm, after 6 p.m., 015/330-0544. HONDA XL75 $125.00 815/330-9611 HONDA 7S0A. '70, w/fairing & many extras, 2,000 orig. mi., like new. $1,500. Call 815/344- 4535. HONDA '82, ATC 185 S w/front suspension kit. exc. cond., $925 or offer. After 5:30 312/683-2514. SUZUKI '79. GS1000, low miles, 312/426 3596 YAMAHA MX 100, '79. Gd. cond. $350/bestN Call 815/338-3118 YAMAHA 77 XS650, 2,884 miles, $l,000/best offer. 312/639-6061. HONDA CB360 '77. Gd. cond $600. '70 Honda CB125. Fair cond. $300.312/742-1231. MAGNA V 45, exc. cond., low mileage. $2650, 015/459 1637. HONDA 550,77 Low miles. $1,000 015/720-0953 aft. 6 pm Recreational, 92 Vehicles 76 HONEY BEE liv» ft. slide on camper. Very modern, sleeps 6.312/420 5950 WINNEBAGO BRAVE, 1973, good cond., sleeps6, automatic, roof air, cruise control. Reasonable. 015/560-7615. STARCRAFT POP-UP. sleeps 0, double dinnette, canopy, fur nace, stove, sink A extras. $1900.815/455-4503. HI/LO Travel Trailer Sleeps6, elec. lift, loaded. $1200/best. 312/428-6177. TRAILER, 25 ft., full bed. awn ing, like new. Must be seen. 312/741-8937 TRAVEL TRAILER '79 Jayco 1750. Sleeps 6, air cond., fur nace, stove, refrig., bath & ex tras. Used only 5 times. $4250/best. 312/639 7717. COX pop up, '73, sleeps 6, sink, stove, ice box, furnace, very good cond., $1200, 312/658 5883 VIKING POP-UP Camper '72, sleeps 8, many extras, $000/of fer. 312/420-0427 or 420 0454. XX HOP CAP '79. Mini Motor Home, Ford Chassis, 460 engine, air cond.. awnings, queen, double A bunk beds. Nice! 015/344-2395. TRAVEL MATE pop up camper sleeps 8, stove, ice box, sink. Must sell! $750/or offer 815/640 2000 VW BUS-CAMPER. '78, gas heater, 10 X 12 ft. canopy, ex tras, new tires A brakes, $4,900 or reasonable trade. 815/943 4042. SWAY CONTROLS Reese Dual-Cam. Tow bars, ball mount. 750 lb. capacity. Kelsey Hayes brake controls. Fender mount mirrors. 815/344 4889. SWAY CONTROLS Reese Dual-Cam. Tow bars, ball mount. 750 lb. capacity. Kelsey Hayes brake controls. Fender mount mirrors. 815/344 4009. MIDAS 74, 22' travel trailer, sleeps 6, stove, refrig. oven, shower A tub, Excel, cond. $3500. 312/338 3254 after 4 p.m. Mon. Fri. or 815/459-6347 or 815/459 5638 week ends. LIKE NEW Trans Van Motor Home , 30 ,000 o rg . m i . $9800/best offer. Refrig. stove, furnace, p/s p/b stereo, cruise control. 015/344 1029 aft. 1 pm. h