I SECTION 2 -PAGE 16 - PLAIN DEALER - WEDNESDAY. JUNE 13,1164 / Charged for theft, burglary Work together to catch those POP thieves Martin J. Green, m, 18, of 10033 Hillshire, Richmond, was held in McHenry County Jail on $10,000 and on charges of residential burglary and felony theft. McHenry County sheriff's police began an investigation last week into a large residential burglary that occurred in the Richmond area. Items taken in the burglary included several thousand For Your Information D*arfrl*nd>. «p dollars worth of sophisticated electronic and video equipment, police said. Green was arrested in con nection with the burglary earlier this week and, after further investigation, all the stolen property was recovered, ac cording to sheriff's police. Hie arrest was made with the cooperation and assistance of the Richmond Police Dep artment. Or. Wm. lamer*, psychiatrist, says. "In my experlenca, in my research, I have found a funeral to be of groat voluo ovor an extended timo for those who participate in it. for thoso who moke it a part of tho way in which thay rospond to doath. I was so impressed. that I have mado spoochos and ap- poarod on radio and TV to discuss how positive I. a psychiatrist, felt about funerals." Respectfully, PETER AVJIJSTEN & SON H '1 -- jrgEigjympjjr* FUNERAL HOME By June Fuller Dear June: Last week I went shopping and noticed a woman removing a proof of purchase from a package. I wasn't sure if I should say anything, so I waited until she was done. Theni when she moved on, I took the damaged box to the store manager and pointed out the POP thief. The manager was very courteous but he said he could do nothing about it unless he or another employee actually saw this person damage a package. When I got home, I was so angry with myself for not saying anything to this woman. What would you have done? - Kristine Reznick. West Roxbury, Mass. SOME or THE MOST USEFUL TOOLS YOU'LL EVEROWN. mmm This is a Dremer Moto-Tool,* a com pact high-speed power tool thafs so versatile, ifs like dozens of tools in one. With its wide range df accessory bits, it will grind, sand, polish, carve and more. And since the Moto-Tool is capable of a range of speeds up to 30,000 RPMs, you'll always have the right speed for the job, whether you're working with wood, metal, plastic, glass or stone. The Moto-Tool is available in several different models, including both adjustable and constant speed versions. Each features a reliable motor, an assortment of useful ac cessories, and most models come with a rugged carry ing case. So if you would like a tool thafs both compact and capable, pick up a ver satile Moto-Tool. As thou- )• sands of people already know, there's no other single tool like it. •REMEL Gets the job done bit by bit Until Father's Day, buy a Model 2401 SP Kit and get a free Dremel Guide Book and 11 extra bits (a $23 95 savings)! Offer good at participating dealers. Dear Kristina: You did exactly the right thing, and. you shouldn't feel badly. Because of your willingness to report the theft to the manager, you can be sure he will remember this POP thief. Even though he didn't catch her in the act this time, he will be wise to her when she returns. *cH€N«V ILLINOIS - 16M041 fet- v+ " 40% OFF BLUE & GREEN SPRUCE, COLORADO SPRUCE SALE'59" SALENS00 SALE $1 IB00 Reg. *98M Reg. *125" Reg. *198°° 4 ft. to 5 ft. 5 ft. to 6 ft. 6 ft. to 7 ft. it MUGH0 PIN 24" Reg. $39°° SALE POTTED HICKS YEWS REG. $18°° SALE *7.95 •SHADE TREE] ALE CONTINUE! •FOR! FATHER'SDAT ferti-lome WEEPING WILLOW 8 ft. to 10 ft. Reg. 36.95 SALE *24.95 Dipel Dust 1MB .e.e*' THE BIOLOGICAL INSECTICIDE 0 LANDSCAPE CENTER The Coupon Clipper Dear June: I have never been to a refunders' convention but hope to someday. Could you tell me what happens at one? - Debb Signorini, Monessen, Pa. Dear Debb: The most im portant thing that takes place at a refunders' convention is trading refund forms. Con ventioneers carry around files, photo albums and shoe boxes full of forms and trade them. Conventions often draw refunders with a good selection of forms - and you usually exchange addresses so you can trade forms in the future by mail. SMART SHOPPING AWARD The winner of the Smart Shopping Award is Elaine Thompson of Berlin, Wis.: " I bought three jars of Ragu Chunky Garden Sytle Sauce, on sale at 98 cents. Using three 40- cent coupons, which the store doubled, the jars cost me just 18 cents each. A few weeks later, I used one of these labels to take advantage of a mail-in free jar offer. So, I wound up with four jars of sauce for 54 cents, plus 20 cents postage, and I still have three labels left for the next Ragu offer. Here's a reftrad form to write for: Two 50-cent coupons good on Twix or Summit Cookie Bars Family Packs. Twix-Summit $1 Coupon REfund Offer, Box 3483, libertyville, n. 60198. Send a self-addressed, stamped en velope for this form. Your request for the form must be received by July 14, 1984. TTiis offer expires Aug. 31, 1984. While waiting for the form, save two Universal Product Codes from Family Packs of Twix and- or Summit Cookie Bars. Here is this week's list of refund offers. Start looking for the required refund forms, which you can obtain at the supermarket, in newspaper and magazine advertisements and from trading with friends. Miscellaneous Food Products (File No. 8) These offers require refund forms: HI-C Super Fruit Puzzles. Receive a Super fruits Puzzle and Crayola Crayons. Send the required refund form and any combination erf 10 proofs of purchase (quality seals) from the HI-C 46-ounce cans or 64- ounce glass containers; or send any combination of three proofs of purchase, plus a check or money order for $1 for each set ordered. There is no limit on paid orders. Expires Dec. 31, 1984. MAXWELL HOUSE Per colator Offer. Receive a free 30- cup West Bend Percolator and collection box for proofs of purchase. Send the required refund form and 150 proofs of purchase from cans or bags of Maxwell House Coffee. The proof of purchase is the Universal Product Code symbol and the GF logo from any Maxwell House bag or 2-inch square from the plastic lid of size can of Maxwell House Also, send a 3-by-5 card with the words '̂Percolator Collection Box" printed on it, plus your name and address, to Maxwell House Collection Box, P.O. Box 2412, 3 Stuart Dr., Kankakee, H. 60902 for a free collection box. (It is suggested that these proofs of purchase be collected by a club or ganization.) Expires Dec. 31, SANKA Free-Time Planner. Receive a Free-Time Planner containing up to $500 in savings. Send the required refund form and the inner seal from a 4- ounce or 8-ounce jar of Sanka Instant or Freeze-Dried Coffee, or a 2-inch square cut from the plastic lid of any size Sanka Ground Coffee. Expires Sept. 30, 1984. TREE TOP. Receive a coupon from one free bottle of Tree Top Sparkling Juices. Send the required refund form and the label from one bottle of Tree Top Sparkling Juices or the register with the purchase price circled. Expires Dec. 31, 19$4. WELCH'S 12.10 Grape Juice Beverage Refund Offer. Receive six 35-cent coupons good on any size of Welch's Grape Juice Beverage. Send the required refund form and three proofs of purchase (The Vitamin C burst) from the labels of the 32-ounce Welch's Grape Juice Beverage Bottles. Look for the hand tag on the bottle. Expires Sept. 30, 1984. Bonus! This offer doesn't require a refund form: x TREE TOP Free Pear Grape Juice Offer, NB, El Paso, TX 79977. Receive a coupon good for one free 12-ounce can of Tree Top Frozen Concentrated Pear Grape Juice. Send the Universal Product Code sym bols from three 12-ounce cans of Tree Top Frozen Apple Juice, plus your name, address and ZIP code. Expires Dec. 31,1964. At» Hordwof of McHtnrv 4 372»W. Elm St. 385-3660 • LA-Z-BOY RECLINERS $ 1 QQ95 FROM I WW • ACTION RECLINERS by LANEfl $19995 " OVER 200 RECLINERS IN STOCK! HOW TO USE THIS AD WHEN YOU PURCHASE A RECLINER NOW (HRU JUNE 16th. 1984 BRING IN THIS AD AND RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL 25 OFF ON OUR FATHER'S DAY SALE PRICES! FROM ONI v ONF COUPON P't B RKIINFP OW AMY RKUHER IN OUR STORE! 690 LAKE AVE. WOOtSTOCK, ILL (•15) 338-0404 OAIIY 9 TO 5:30 M0N & FRI9 TO CLOSED SUNDAY BROWSERS ALWAYS WELCOME! OVER 40,000 SO. FT. OF NAME BRAND MERCHANDISE MtvfCj; I II IMPORT CAR SHOW June 13 thru 17 Don't miss your chance to see these exciting cars from Toyota-BAAW-Datsun-Subaru- Renault & more, furnished by •Anderson Motors •Toyota Village •Schmidt Datsun •Europa Motors This year Say Yea To ©Crystal Point mol RNkltMiNMiSNft Cfflttlili J* MMb-PrMOttf tot, 10to 1:30 tomtit* I