/ SECTION 1. PAGE 18- PLAINDEALEE - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, ltM Governor signs bill for more Break dancers take to Woodstock streets timely income tax refunds Governor James R. Thompson recently tipied supplemental appropriation legislation that includes |S0 million to allow the continued processing of income tax refunds 4b individuals and businesses. "By signing this measure, the people and businesses which have overpaid their taxes will receive their refund in a timely fashion," the Governor said. "This supplemental ap propriation is needed to ensure that they will receive their refund check without undue delay." Of the additional $50 million, $30 million will be set aside for individual income tax refunds and $20 million will be sent back to businesses. Also included in House Bill 2689 is $1.7 million for the Teacher Retirement System, funds that will be used to guarantee that retirement benefit checks will continue to be distributed. Another $2 million was marked in the measure for the Waukegan Port District. The money will be used to complete a harbor facility that has been under construction for several years. The bill also contains $65.2 million in extra department of transportation spending that will be used with addidtional federal highway funds for road work in Illinois. GIRL* GRADUATE SPECIALS We have a FREE GIFT lor senior girls off \ •Woodstock H.S. •Marian Central H.S. •Crystal Lake Central H.S. •Crystal Lake South H.S. •Harry D. Jacobs H.S. •McHenry East H.S. •McHenry West H.S. •Harvard H.S. •Alden-Hebron H.S. •Marengo H.S. •Richmond-Burton H.S. •Huntley H.S. Graduation Gift Certificate Entitling You to a Keepsake Chest. This certificate along with a school I.D. or diploma en titles you to a Lane Keepsake Chest. To receive your free gift, simply present it in person to any employee of our store. It's our way of saying congratulations! j j j Name • I J Address | City I School _ .State. .Zip. Famous Love Chests Lane We hove over 25 l,ane®- Love Chests in stock starting from $125 and up cash & carry. Hurry...Select one now while selection is best! Browsers Are Always Welcome 890 LAKE AVE, WOODSTOCK (815) 338-0404 DAILY 9 TO 5:30, MON ft FRI 9 TO 9. CLOSED SUNDAY By Kurt Begalka Plaindealer news service "Welcome and start pop ping," shouts Mario "CMU" Amatangelo, 14. "You're about to dance with the best of the shakers, known as the Wood stock City Breakers..." Amatangelo is the caller, or "rapper," for the local break dancers. He is as close to a leader as the fledgling group has. The group of six dancers practice most days from noon to 3 p.m. in front of Grigg Booksellers on the square. They range in age from 3 to 14. With their boom box (radio) and a piece of cardboard taped to the sidewalk, they begin to spin and sway. Seth Kugler, 3, "tuts"-an Egyptian-style strut named after the ancient king. Kugler's street name is "Dr. Hop." They "air float" and imitate Michael Jackson's backwards shuffle, called a "moon walk." "Mr. Footwork," also known as 13-year-old Gary Sokoloski, says: "It's like reversing your steps." TTie boys have practiced as a group the past two weeks. Sokoloski practices whenever he can. "It's a learning ex perience," he says. He began break dancing about two months ago and relishes the freedom of expression it provides. "It uses gymnastics, strength and ability in dancing," Sokolodd says. "It's the people that cant do it that don't like it," Amatangelo says. He started "breakin" about three years ago, watching and imitating. Of course, no one "bites" (copies) another's move. "That's wack (crum my)," he adds. They improvise, adding a twist here, a twirl there. Hiey feed off one another, par ticularly in challenges against rivals like the Crystal Lake Breakers. On Wednesday afternoon, 275 youngsters packed into the Dean Street Sdbool gym to learn moves. The class was was conducted by the City of Woodstock Recreation Division. Instruction was provided by teenage break dancers. Amatangelo likes the spon taneity. "You have no bonds," he says. "You can dance wherever you want." Adds Jim Freeman, 13: "It's a free thing to do." Twelve-year-old Chuck Strauss, "Triple X," says speed is an important ingredient to good break dancing. That means loose-fitting clothing and a good pair of "kicks," preferably canvas high-top gym shoes. "Converse (brand) is the best," Amatangelo says flatly. Other accessories include a nylon jacket, thin gloves and a hat to facilitate spinning. Bapdannas and pins are op tional, but recommended. Several members also have hook earrings in one earlobe. The accessories freshen a performance and help a dancer to "chew," i.e. relax. The free- form style allows them to make mistakes and still look good, Amatangelo says. A good break dancer also must be in tune with the music, says the "Red Max"--Mike Bennett, 12. "You have to know when to mellow out and tighten up," Amatangelo says. If you are interested in joining the group, telephone 338-3878. They're also looking for large sheets of cardboard or perhaps old linoleum. "Break dancing is like hap pening all over the world," Sokoloski says with a smile. "It's spreading throughout the country Band's centennial season Donations are needed for book sale celebrated with concert series Donations of bodes are being sought for the Johnsburg District library's book sale, June 21 through June 23. The sale will occur from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, in front of the library building, 2404 Johnsburg Road. Tlie sale, the second annual event, is sponsored by the Friends of the Johnsburg District Library. For information, call Dm Miller, 385-7587 or the library at 344-0077. Moms and Dads! Here is the ideal opportunity for your child to learn dependability, earn their own spending money, and learn how to manage their own business. The Woodstock's City Band will celebrate its 100th per formance season beginning Wednesday, June 13 when the first of its eight Wednesday evening concerts will be presented in the Woodstock Square. Among many special ac tivities planned to honor the Woodstock City Band's cen tennial, an original composition for band has been commissioned from James Curnow, a faculty member and assistant director of band at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. Special soloists will include operatic singers John and Alice Pierce and other guest per formers are also anticipated. Under the direction of con ductor C. David Pierce for the last 20 years, Woodstock's City Band is one of the country's o l d e s t p e r f o r m a n c e organizations The concerts will be free to the public and accompanied by "ice cream socials." Each week a c o m m u n i t y n o n - p r o f i t organization will provide ice cream and home-baked desserts at modest prices to benefit the respective group's activities. Weekly on Wednesdays through August 8, performances will begin at 7:30 p.m. Si ll. •* m 'f'-W• A\vY\;UttAU! I *.vri ANNOUNCING THE RE-LOCATION OF THE OFFICE DR. A.K. KAHAN Internal Medicine & Cardiology •CXCRCIM STRESS TESTING •CARDIOVASCULAR EVALUATIONS •SPECIALIZED CARDIOLOGY SERVICES • HYPERTENSION SCREENING •EXECUTIVE PHYSICALS •CONSULTATION •COMPREHENSIVE EXAMIHATIOH Ilium with in njtluml a--i11 f «:V FAMILY HEALTH CARE CENTER 1A East Crystal Lake Plaza 815455-5774 McHENRY PLAINDEALER Earn Money! Have Fun I Win Prizes I Be Somebody I Help your child get a jump on life. Call the McHenry Ploin- dealer Circulation department today. Inquire about the route opportunities in your neighborhood. Call 385-0178 Today! McHenry Plolndeoler 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry SHAW MKE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP ARE YOU NEW IN The McHenry Areo? Do You Know Someone New? We Would Like To Extend A Royal Welcome To Every < Newcomer To Our Area!!! CALL LORRAINE MONAHAN 385-5475 4 iirtl 0IICIMI °Bllc NQ + TIOH |IM mkft writ Mitm mmw*" ROYAL WELCOME Know Your Area-Royal Welcome Does It Best SERVICE LINE: A LISTING OF NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS COMPILED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE TO McHENRY McHENRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 385-4300 FAMILY SERVICE & MENTAL HEALTH CENTER 4302-G West Crystal Lake Rd McHenry. IL 60050 815-385-6400 1 TURNING POINT-DOMESTIC VIOLENCE STRESS LINE McHenry County 24 hours a day. 7 days a week Parents Anonymous meetings on Tuesday Call 815-338-8080 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 202-755-8660 Hours:7:30 a m to 5:30 p m. week days (Ever had a problem involving the federal government and not known where to call? And then been given the runaround or referrals by persons who meant well but didn't know how to help" Ten specialists available at this center! NATIONAL RUN-AWAY SWITCHBOARD Illinois Phone:800-972-6004 |For confidential conversations on problems dealing with run away children I MOVING HOTLINE Phone 800-424-9213 (Complaints about interstate moving by companies, buses or trains. Spon sored by Interstate Commerce commision I STATE CHAMBER GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS HOTLINE 217-522-5514 BIRTHRIGHT Pragnm? Need Help1 Counseling Service. 305-2999 24 hour Answering Service ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES 24 Hours Child Abuse Hotline TOLL FREE: 800-252-2878 CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISION 800-638-2666 lOperates five national lines Answers inquiries about or reporting on the safety of products from kitchen appliances to children's toys.) NATIONAL SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING INFORMATION CENTER 800-523-2929 P.O.Box 1607, Rockvtlle. Md. 20B50 (Dispenses information on solar systems for heating and cooling to anyone from architects to home owners looking for a sun powered hot water system I YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU FOR McHENRY COUNTY 4719 W Elm St.,McHenry Phone: 344-3240 24 hours Crisis Intervention and Confidential Counseling for youth and families NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION Phone 800-424-9393 lAnswers questions about automobile safety defects or whether af particular model has ever been recalled. Valuable for those mteresed in buying a used M r l M E N T A L H E A L T H 1-800-892-8900 Crisis Center Line for McHenry Co. 24 hour Emergency number and professional staff will answer your call Sponsoring agency McHenry County Comprehensive Mental Health Service System. NATIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH ASSOCIATION Post Office Bo* 17400, Washington, D C. 20041 Phone(703)471-0404 CONSUMER PROTECTION DIVISION 312-793-3580 Chicago, II ILLINOIS STATE CHAMBER HOTLINE Phone:217-522-5514 Answer to questions on government regulations. McHENRY COUNTY CETA OUTREACH CENTER 666 Russel Ct„ Woodstock, II60098 Phone(815)338-7100 Job Training Offered McHENRY COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR THE RETARDED Robert G. Lambourn, Executive Director Phone:344-1230 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (815)455-3311 McHENRY COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS COUNCIL 800-892-3272 Monday through Friday, 8 30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m PRAIRIE STATE LEGAL SERVICES. INC. 800-942-3940 Free legal representation In civil cases to low income persons Landlord tenant disputes, domestic violence or improper denial of benefits such as Social Security, Public Aid, Food Stamps, General Assistance & Unem ployment Insurance SUPPORT GROUP FOR MEN WHO BATTER Meets every Thursday 6 7 p.m. ^ For information call 338-8080 COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS McHenry County Chapter (For bereaved paremsl ail 385-5732 PROFESSIONAL & SERVICE DIRECTORY JACK WALSH. AGENT EARL R.WALSH. BROKER INSURANCE & BONDS PHilAtil COHHTAIitl soft W. tlmSt .. OcHowcy *5 3)00 DENNIS CONWAY AUTO, unt. ran State Farm Ins. Co. S»« W. Urn StTM* McMamy. M. JM-7111 McHENRY COUNTY OFFICE MACHINES SAMS. SMVICC « KINTALS »•§! JO. TrMmy «H • :M. *9 Grant SI., Crystal lafca |4MM« DR. LEONARD BOTTARI IMS Richmond M.. MtMonry ty»t»amln«d - Contact latitat Olatfti FMtad Man.. Tua«.. Tlwrrt.. W., 4-» p.m.. Tmi. , TlM»r»., frl. M p.m.. Sal. MM p.m. Ffcon. MS-4III ar MS Mil JAMES M. McINTEE, LAWYER AVAHAWI TO PRACTICE IN: Partaaal ln|vry /Trial*. ftutlnatt Carparallant MM W. dm Straat. McNanry. M. McHENRY DENTAL CENTER DR. C.I. LUDFORD DR. KEVIN WEGRZYN OFCN 3 EVENINGS A WEEK UNTIL l:M f .M. A SAT. MS-IMO N,0, (laughing Gat) * Valium (I.V. Sanation) Available , Farm Equipment GEORGE P. FREUND. INC. tail • Haw llaMaiU 4IMW. Crystal lata M..McManry •w l l R E L t T RADIAL TMCS FOR ALL CARS EUROPA MOTORS. INC. »lllh. IM.Mctlonry IIIMJtrN