PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13,1164 THOUSANDS IN COUNTY LIVE AT POVERTY LEVEL continued from oase 1 public aid office is handling cases for about 2,750 people. Dan Walsh, superin- tendant at the Kane County Public Aid office in Aurora, said that in the year ending in January 1964, his office handled 73,061 cases. In both Kane and McHenry counties, some poverty-stricken citizens do get help from the local housing authorities, although in both counties there are two- and three- year waiting lists. According to Rhondda Homfeldt, executive director of the Elgin Housing Authority in Kane County, that county does not have a county-wide housing agency. In addition to her facility, there is the Aurora Land Clearance agency. "If residents of Car- pentersville need housing assistance, they would have to move into the city limits of Elgin to get help from our office," she explained. However, she explained, there are privately owned housing units where federally-assisted rentals are available. The Elgin agency owns 255 housing units for low income families and also has 278 uni^s in the private market for which the housing authority pays a Cliff Ward Presidential nomination system's a real show As I write this, voters are going to the polls in California and New Jersey and three other states, casting their votes in the final balloting of the seemingly ludicrous system we use to nominate our presidential candidates. By the time you read this, we will know beyond any doubt-now think of the months of inane politicking, charges and counter-charges--that Walter Mondale will "probably" be the nominee of the Democratic Party heading into the convention in July. This puts us far ahead of the point we were a yeai ago when we knew that the Minnesota senator would "probably" be the nominee of the Democratic Party heading into the convention in July. So at least we know the whole process actually resolved something. Hiink of all the proud candidates who marched into Iowa for the caucuses in February and the battered few who have perservered. Mondale, Hart, Jackson, Glenn, Askew, Hollings, McGovern, Cranston, spouting off in Des Moines, Sioux City and Cedar Rapids, all hoping to be the choice of the party. Three remain, but at what cost? Think of the millions of dollars spent. If your political sentiments lean toward the left, think of all the poor people that could have been fed for that money. If you lean toward the right, think of all the nuclear warheads that could have been bought with those campaign dollars. If you're a cynic, like me, you think of the thousands of Democratic faithful forced to listen to the losers tell why ***** in an attempt to retire those massive debts at this winter s unity dinners. My God, the humanity. Think of the ridiculous in-fighting and bickering. Mondale blasting Hart for having no substance, Hart attacking Mondale for being an "insider," and Jesse Jackson at tacking them both on everything. Next month, at the end of the convention, they'll all put their arms around each other on the podium as a sign of party solidarity and say "Hey America, just kidding, we're really all pais." I could toss my cookies. Think of all the lying and posturing. I heard Gary Hart say he "loved New Jersey." Incredible. Think about the convention itself. Network news com mentators sit in little booths telling us about delegates from the 50 great states festooned in garish political foppery, generally looking and acting in a manner not befitting the process used for nominating a candidate for president of the United States. But, don't ask me why, the whole darned thing seems to work. I have thought of alternative methods for selecting nominees, competitions based on time-honored American political traditions-like the 100-yard contribution grubbing contest, the ballot box stuffing competition, and games of drill based on shaking the most hands, smiling the longest and seeing which candidate can eat the most types of ethnic foods without bursting while campaigning in New York City. I've even considered approaching network executives about packaging the entire, affair and televising it. You know, kind of a "Battle of the Political Stars" with com mentary by Howard Cosell, Nicholas Von Hoffman and William F. Buckley. After oly two hours, commercials included, you'd have your candidate. But no candidate could be expected to live through such a competition and survive, so the present system, spacing it out over a period of five months, seems to be the best. Also, every four years the people of America, from the seafaring fishermen of rock-bound Blaine to the air-headed flakes of southern California, have their chance to see that, if anything, politics and politicians shouldn't be taken seriously. This year, again, the public was not disappointed. port* n of the rent for low- incoir . residents. Homfeldt notes that the agency would soon be refusing applications for the low-income residences because of the lengthy waiting list. There is a three- to four- year waiting list for families in the authority-owned units, a six-month wait for the eldery and two to three years for rent-assisted family units. Briscoe said McHenry County has the same problem with a two- to three-year waiting list for rental assistance. There are several assistance programs of fered by the housing authority office in Wood stock, although Briscoe said the agency is currently running low on funds. Under the existing housing program in McHenry County, rental assistance is provided to 400 households, including 114 for the elderly. Under the Community Service Block Grant, to which assistance is limited to families with an income at 125 percent of the poverty level, the McHenry County Housing Authority has been able to help people in e m e r g e n c i e s w i t h assistance in payments of beating bills, roof patching and provision of tran sportation and child care, "so people can go to work. We use low-income people to provide these services, and we pay them," Briscoe said. With the Illinois Home E n e r g y A s s i s t a n c e program, of which Briscoe explained there is no money left in this year's budget, utility bills can-be paid only for homes which have already been cut off from gas or electric service for non-payment. "We helped 1,169 households in the county this winter since November and now the situation is bad, our funds have all gone for this year," she said. In the weatherization program, Briscoe said low- income households, renters or homeowners can receive assistance. She explained that the authority hires crews to weatherize the home free to the recipient with up to $700 of material plus labor. The crews blow-in insulation where needed, patch cracks in walls, repair or replace windows, do weather stripping" and whatever is needed to keep out the cold and heat to save on energy bills." Apply now to reserve campsites The Illinois Department of Conservation is taking ap plications to reserve campsites at 17 state parks located throughout Ilinois. Campers will be charged a fee in excess of regular camping fees to reserve a campsite. Happy Birthday Happy 30ft, Jin Hurckes [HE NERD Guess Who | ^ t o a r b B a n n i n g i h t o f l p a p e r McHEwmBnB«^5!cE OHEaN Daily 8 to 8. SaL8to5 Phone 385-45 Q ^tuse&H recommend! hctene Curtis Products R McHenry - . Sinct 1875 amdealer McHenry Herald (USPS 335-200) Established 1875 38T2 West Elm Street Phone 815-385-0170 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesdoy & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage PAID at McHenry, Illinois by SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP POSTMASTER Send address changes to McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois 60050 Subscribers are requested to provide immediate notice of change of address to the McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St.. McHenry, 111. 60050. A deduction of one month from the expiration of a subscription will be made where a change of address is provided through the Post Office department. Thomas C. 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