Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jun 1984, p. 9

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McHENRY PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1984-PAGE 9 / Ricbmonto RMcHenry B • isElssif ̂ 0^ i •• • . * Advtrti$tr>, picas* check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event of an error or ommission, the poper will be responsible for ONLY the first Incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only the portion of the ad which is in error. In case of on error, notify the Classified Department at once. Call Classified Display Ads: 815-385-0170. Private Pdrty ft Commercial Line Ads: 815-344- 4800. Richmond 678-2581 Office Mrs. M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Payment in advance must be made for these ads: Services • Oarage Sales • Moving Sales • Out Apia, to Share •Situations Wwited • Sublease DIRECTORY •Business Opportunities • Business . Free Press Circulation Area • Political • Rooms, A, etc. *Wanted to Buy *Wanted to Rent. 3 LINES, 5 DAYS / *8.80 Shaw Free Press ' PRIVATE PARTY LINE ADS Newspaper Group •Woodstock Doily Sentinel •Saturday Extra ^Crystal Lake Morning Herald 'Cardunal Free Press Morning Herald •Elgin Herald •Richmond Gazette "Marengo Beacon Republican News *Huntley Beacon/Republican News *Sycamore News •Cary-Grove Clarion *Barrington Banner *McHenry Plaindealer •Genoa-Kingston-KirkiOnd News ^Hampshire Register •Harvard Herald 'Shopper Service "McHenry Citizen Tri-. County Shopper DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. PLAINDEALER . MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON FRI. PLAINDEALER WED. 5 P.M, WED. 12 NOON Announcements Cemeteries ft Lots 02 Card of Thanks 03 Notices 05 Cor Pools 10 Lost ft Found 11 Personals 12 Instruction 13 Auctions 18 Help Wanted Child Care 19 Nursery Schools 20 Situations Wanted 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wanted 23 Help Wonted 24 Merchandise Wanted to Buy 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise 32 Garage Sales 33 Merchandise Under $50 34 Antiques 35 Bicycles ft Sports Equipment 36 Lawn ft Garden Equipment 37 Boats .38 Musical Instruments 39 Cameras 40 Aviation .41 Pets ft Equipment 44 Horses ft Equiprpeot 47 Form ft Dairy /T. 48 Livestock 49 Machinery ft Equipment 53 Business Opportunity. 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy 69 Business Property . 70 Open House *.... 71 Real Estate 72 Condominiums for Sale 73 Townhomes for Sale 74 Lots ft Acreage 75 Mobile Homes 76 Forms for Sale 77 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent 78 Rooms. Board. House Apartments to Share 79 Apartments to Refht 80 Homes to Rent 81 Condominiums ft Townhomes to Rent. 02 Stores. Office ft Industrial to Rent 83 Farms, Farmland to Rent 84 Miscellaneous to Rent 85 Automotive Autos for Sale 86 Wonted to Buy .87 Auto Parts ft Accessories 88 Trucks, Tractors & Trailers 89 Vans 90 Motorcycles & Snowmobiles 91 Recreation Vehicles , 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Cemeteries &Lots 5 CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK ft UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as $275, Including perpetual care. Catholic section. Terms. II5/459-0547 2 BURIAL PLOTS, vaults, bronze/granite marker, at Win- drldge. Option to transfer site. Worth $3,3 115/455-5341. 300, $2,800/offer. Card Of Thanks CEMETERY LOT for sale, at Windrldge. Your best offer. 312/639-707B. THANKSGIVING NOVENA TO ST. JUDE Oh, Holy St. Jude, Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, Faithful Intercessor of all who invoke your oel INT Notices H. 4S«il ly begin oatronage i I have recourse-from tl of my heart and humMy whom God has give.i such great power to come to my assistan­ ce. Help me in my present and urgent petition. In return i promise to mate your name known and cause you to be in yoked. Say 3 Hail Mary's, 3 Our Father's and 3 Glory Re's for 9 consecutive days Publication must be promised St. Jude pray for us alt who i.r voke your aid. AMEN This novena has never been known to fail. INR PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT Holy spirit, you who makes me see everything, and you who shows me the way to reach my ideal. You who give me the Divine Gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me, and You who 8re with me. I in this dialogue want to thank you for everything and to confirm once more that I never want to be separated from you. No matter how great material desires may be, I want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual glory. Amen Thank you for your love toward me and my loved ones Persons must pray this prayer three con secutive days without asking your wish. After the third day your wish wiU be granted no matter how dif ficult it may be. Promise to publish this dialogue as soon as your favor has been granted. EDM SINCERE THANKS The family ol Virginia S. Mroz would like to thank the hospital staff, the priests and the many friends who gave their prayers and support during our recent bereave­ ment. PLASTERING Restoration Or New Vernon T. Kopsell 615/338-1668 "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934-9233 VENDORS WANTED Faith Lutheran Church Anoal Flea Market ft Craft Fair, Bar rington Hills. June 23rd. 312/658-3338, for booth Informa­ tion. . $100 REWARD leading to the arrest & convic­ tion of person(s) removing WAY BACK WHEN Antiques sign$ in Ridgefield Pleas* Call 815/338-2144 (McHenry County Sheriff) or 815/459-1360 Are You Tired Of Sitting Home Alone0 Col*: AAcHemy County Computer Dating Service 815/338-2290 Who Knows ? It may change your entire life1 Lost & Found 13 11 Lost & Found LOST 2 Parakeets in Johnsburg area. Yellow male, answers to "Barney". Also, blue ft white female. Reward! 815/455-0191, days; 815/344-0057, after 6 pm. FEMALE BEAGLE LOST 5/30, Crystal Lake/ Coventry, 9 mo., tri color, dk. red collar w/tags. Reward. Call 815/459- 7377. FOUND Female cat. White with frosty gray markings. Vicinity Meadowdale apis. 312/426-9164, after 6 pm. LOST. Gray cockatiel in Wonder Lake Sunrise Rldae subdivision. Answers to Pretty Bird or Misty. Attractive reward. 815/728-0279 PARAKEET flew the coop. Lost in the Central school area on 6/5/84. Mid afternoon. If found please call: 815/459-5519 after 3 p.m.. LOST: SMALL black/tan Yorky-Schnauzer mix, answer to Schnapps, county dog tag. Vinicity 4th & James, McHenry. 815/344-3173. 12 Personals • "SUMMER SPECIAL" Have long beautiful . PORCELAIN NAILS..$15.00 Monday thru Saturday ' AMERICAN GIRL BEAUTYSALON 312/426-6565 RIVERSIDE HAIR STYLING STUDIO Trend setters -of the area. Designer perms, all nail ser­ vices, silk wraps, new wave styles, color experts. Free facials by professional Beauty Consultant, Saturdays. Call for your appointment now, 815/385- 7010, or visit 2020 W. Rte. 120, McHenry. . PREGNANT? NEED HELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-llam. And from 7-9pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service. 815/385-: ings« oooo 4777 IN PAIN, Need Money, Depressed? Dial 312/426-6114. If s a recording. • Notices truly Coring irk •i Services, INc. oHvri: HOME CAME FOR ELDERLY or HANDICAPPED 4 hrs. to 24 hr*. - 7 days a week Mral Preparalim Also available: Shopping Nursing Care Light Housekeeping Kegislet cd Nurses Laundry . Uc. Practical Nurses Personal Care Home Care Assistants 24 Hr. Answering Services ilS-Saa MM _ 4lal» *r m»rs tof hamev "" I Ma MiWif*. It. 1 Afencv Private Mr !• iwMilalt ar iw McHENRY DAYS-1984 MONDAY, Jfcme 11-North of Elm and West of railroad tracks TUESDAY, June 12-South of Elm and West of railroad tracks WEDNESDAY. June 13-South of Bull Valley Rd. and East of Green Sfcroot THURSDAY, Juno U-South of Wauke- gan Rd. and East of railroad tracks FRIDAY, Juno 15-North of Waukegan Rd. and East of rail­ road tracks Itoms will bo picked up only once in *ach designated area., Everything must be at the curb at 6:00«ivRgptifcin9 le to be heavier than what two mon con lift. Grots dipping, leaves, small broncho* must be in bog*. Newspapers must bo tied* No toeks, ierge piece* of lumber, or tree branches * inches in diameter will be picked up. Instruction 21 L.D. TEACHER will tutor reading/math 1 s t - 61 h, diagnostic testing avail., 815/455-5829. WANTED Garage Sale Items For Crystal Lake Central Garage Sale Pick-up Service Avail. 815/455-2535 or 459-2505 HYPNOSIS- Stop smoking in 1 session, lose weight easily through controlled eating. In­ dividual/group sessions. 312/426-4070. FREE HOTEL accomodations near Wisconsin Dells; Must view property. 312/742 1019. 13 Instruction SWIMMING LESSONS, Private or Group, certified in structor. For info. 815/338-6051. Situations Wanted TUTOR Exper. teacher will tutor grades 1-12. Call soon, 312/658-6694. 19 Child Care LICENSED child care In E. Dundee. Get the care your child deserves. 312/428-7611. LICENSED child care in E. Dundee. Get the care your child deserves. 312/428-7611. EXPERIENCED child care, my home. References, good location, planned acitvitles. All reasonable rates. 312/426-ages, i 7991. LICENSED DAY CARE in Carv. Have openings for children over 2 years. Reasonable rates, loving care. Call 312/639-8527. LOW COST Child Care, my Foxridge home. Former teacher gives excellent TLC. Full 8. part time. 815/344-1774. • LOTS OF TLC for your infants, toddlers or pre schoolers only. Call: 312/658-5832. CHILD CARE In my Crystal Lake home. Experienced in day care centers, degreed In ChildTare. 81*455-4596. it WILL BABYSIT any age, $45 week, includes, break., lunch, snacks, indoor playroom, out- door, play equip., 312/639-3102. LOVING MOTHER will pro­ vide full time child care In her McHenry home, Call Judy 815/344-5413. 21 Situations Wanted • GARDENS Rototllted. Best Equipment • Best Service. Reasonable Price. 815/338-6044. COLLEGE STUDENT Lawn service. 3 yrs. experience. Reasonable. 312/428-4103. DRYWALL, quality work at a reasonable price, call 815/455- 0110 after 6 p.m. TYPING, bookkeeping, resumes, Diane's Business Ser­ vice, Crystal Lake, 815/455- 6665. LICENSED BEAUTICIAN will travel to your home. Dundee, Carpentersville, Algonquin area. 312/426-5115. LAWN MOWING, Trimming. Experienced College student, 815/455-1613 after 6 pm. GRAND PRE Contracting. Yard clean-up, weekly maintenance. Complete lawn service 8, design. 815/455-5536. PAINTING, Patching, wallpapering, light repairs, hardwood floor refinishing. Quality work & material. Reasonable. David, Ken, 815/455-5536. MOTHERS HELPER, 13 yr. old girl will help with children & or household chores, in Crystal Lake area. Completed, Jay Cee baby sitting course. 815/455-6619. HOUSE PAINTING, interior, & exterior, reasonable rates. 815/455-3559. RELIABLE TEAM willing to do housecleanlng, laundry and Ironing. Good references. 815/459-7593 - WILL DO Laundry 8i housecleanlng in Crystal Lake ft Cary. Very good references. 313/639-3991, eves, after 6 pm. QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford. 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. RELIABLE CLEANING done in your home or office. Exc. ref., mprn. or afts., call 815/338-6493. WILL RECORD slides for VHS Video. Have production & editing services available. Call Mr. Louis, 815/459-3168 eves. TWO COLLEGE bound students looking for summer work. Experienced in painting, roofing and small landscaping. Honest and dependable. 815/344-4087. Ask for Randy. PAINTING & PAPERING Fully Insured - Free Estimates. Don Johnson. 815/338-4850 RICK'S ROTOTILLING, Have 16 Hpt Kabuta diesel tractor with 42" tiller, 6-12" deep, very reasonable. Call anytime, 815/728-0161. ROTOTJLLING, all size gardens, reasonable rates, 815/385-6829. EXPER. HOUSECLEANER. Good references-Reasonable rates. Call and ask for Stacy. 815/653-5456 PROFESSIONAL ROOFERS w/8 yrs. experience to do repairs, decks, tear offs, re- roof. Shingles Only. Call am 8, pm, 312/639-1994. HOUSECLEANING service. Adjustible rates, 4 yrs ex­ perience w/constructlon co. 815/653-9428 Household 23 Help Wanted MATURE ADULT Woman needed to do housekeeping & care for 7 yr. old child. 5 days/week. Must have own transportation. Send resume 8i references to: P.O. Box 87, Fox River Grove. IL. 60021. PART TIME help needed to assist handicapped child w/therapy program. Hours are flexible. Call 815/648-2564 after 2 p.m. tlVE-IN HOUSEKEEPER, Want mature person to do housekeeping in exchange for rent free studio apartment on beautiful estate In McHenry County. Write Box 448, Island Lake, 11.60042. MATURE experienced person needed, l or 2 days per week, to care for 9 mth. old infant, my home. 815/338-9568. HELPER, half days, odds 8, ends around the house, McHenry area, 815/385-5880. HOUSEKEEPER, full or part time. Yard Man, part time. Own transportation desirable but not necessary. 312/658-8679 18 ̂Auctions AUCTION Located 2 miles north of Woodstock, IL on Route 47 to Alden Rd. then northwest 5 miles, or 5 miles east of Har­ vard, IL IRt. 141 on McQuire Rd. to Alden Rd., then north Vt mile or 3 miles south of Alden, IL on SATURDAY, JUNE 23-11:00 am Reason: Owner devoting full time to business - FARM, DAIRY CATTLf, DAIRY EQUIPMENT, FARM EQUIPMENT REAL ESTATE: To be sold Attractive complete set o< farm building w/4 bedroom, 2 story house on 5 acres, more land available if purchaser desires Presently a dairy operation, is also suitable for horses, hogs, poultry or raising kids. Located on a race blacktop m center of triangle between Woodstock. Harvard and Hebron. Woodstock schools. Bus at door. The barn has 57 stanchions and a maternity pen. attached feed room w/overhead protein bins and 2-14 x 50 and 14 x 40 ribstone silos and 2-2000 bu. concrete block ear corn cribs. Also a 24 x 50 concrete young stock bam w/upstairs mow, lor chicken barn), 26 x 60 concrete garage and machine shed w/cement floor There are 3 lots w/concrete around barn and 3 fenced grass lots. The house has a new kitchen, full basement, slum storms and screens, in a nice setting. Contract terras available if purchaser desires Call auc tioneer for details and appointment to view the property. Title, policy and survey furnished Call auctioneer for further information , Also included: 70 head dairy cattle, dairy equipment, feed and crops, tractors, bobcat, farm equipment and pickup truck. More in­ formation and complete list next week HILLTOP FARM Auctioneer: Cordon ttode, McHenry, IL US-MS-7012 Household 23 Help Wanted 18+ MALE Summer help 8i odd jobs. Start Immediately. $4/hr. 815/455 5829. SITTER WANTED 12 pm-6 pm., Mon thru Fri., thru June, my home. Ideal for high schooler. $60/wk. 815/455-3255, after 6 pm BABYSITTER wanted to watch 9 yr. old girl. Around Meadowdale Apts. area. 312/428-2423 Call after 6 pm. DEPENDABLE responsible girl to babysit every weekend In my McHenry home. Call Mon. - Frl. 815/385-4743. B A B Y S I T T E R n e e d e d teenager or adult for my 17 mth old girl. Part time in my home or yours. 815/455-4948 after 5 p.m. Indlvdual to watch elderly woman in my home. 3 weekdays per week. Some nur­ sing experience preferred. Plstakee Bay area. 312/685-2222 days. 24 Help Wanted AVON NEEDS Represen­ tatives, free training, earn up to 50%. For info, call, 815/344- 2951. AVON Now there are two ways to earn B A N K O P E R A T I O N S CASHIER, in McHenry County, should have Operations Ac­ counting, Data Processing, C o m p u t e r b a c k g r o u n d . Minimum 3-5 years experience. NCR Banker 80 System In House. Company benefits, salary commensurate with ex­ perience and ability. Send resume to Mr. John Strom, President, Richmond Bank, 10910 Main St. Richmond, II. 60071. BODY MEN wanted. Must have experience at combina­ tion work. Excellent salary 8, benefits, well-equipped shop, must do quality work. Apply In person, State Line Collision, 12013 Maple Ave., Hebron, IL. A HIGH SCHOOL Equivalency diploma can help you get that j o b . C a l l n o w f o r G E D refresher courses. 312/888-6909. BEAUTICIAN W / F O L L O W I N G To Rent Station Call 815/338-3593 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted MACHINIST A Woodstock based manufacturing firm is currently seeking an e x p e r i e n c e d machinist. The qualified applicant must be able to per­ form diversified close tolerance work that requires a high degree of skill, technique and ex­ perience. We offer a com­ petitive salary and fr­ inge benefjj&. In­ terested applicants should respond with salary requirements to: Box HAA-Machlnlst do Dally Sentinel P.O. Box 709 Woodstock, IL 60098 • P E R S O N - m u s t h a v e e x ­ perience In selling. Also, be able to clean ft still wear a smile. Weekdays, 4 pm to 8 pm; Sunday 10 am to 5 pm; Old Volo Country Store Gift Shop, Myra, 815/385-3896. REAL ESTATE People Need­ ed. Record Sales forces expan­ sion of staff. Experienced or training available. For inter­ view call Dave at ERA Byrnes Bros. Realtors, Crystal Lake, 815/459-5400. OWN YOUR OWN business in Crystal Lake 8i McHenry. In­ surance sales, multi-line, na­ tionally respected company, draw + bonus, training provid­ ed, college grad preferred, female/male, bend resume to P.O. Box AJR, % Shaw Free Press, P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, 11.60050. F A R M E Q U I P M E N T OPERATOR. Experienced on­ ly. Must have references. H & ly. Mi E Sod Nursery, 815/943-4272. STOCK PERSON, full time days. Apply in person at Car­ dinal Liquors, 305 Virginia, Crystal Lake. MOTOR ROUTE DRIVER WANTED to deliver the Chicago Sun Times, Vf7 hours/day, 7 days/week. Must be reliable with a dependable vehicle. 815/344-3885 from 9am-6prru CARPENTER w/replacement window or aluminum siding ex­ perience, 815/455-5310 after 6 pm. CASH BONUS. Young men with a high school diploma can get a $5,000 bonus for enlisting In the Marine Corps. Find out more, call 815/459-2836. WELL EStABLiSHEtern porary heating 8i Ventilating equipment rental lease com­ pany, located in Elgin and serv­ ing the construction industry desires responsible, neat ap­ pearing individual with good driving record and mechanical aptitude or experience, plus a desire to learn. For further in­ formation 8i interview, call Mrs. Ollphant, 312/931-7700 bet­ ween 9 am 8i 12 Noon. TELE-MARKETING day 8. evening shifts. Up to $6.00 an hour. Also daytime delivery position avail. 815/344-5180. PERSON Wanted to help in small lock shop. 4 to 5 hrs. per day. Ideal for retired person. Apply: 68 Water St., East Dundee. 312/428-0970. i R E S U M E S P r o f e s s i o n a l l y prepared. VIsa/MC Welcome. Norton & Associates. 312/428- 9255. HAIRDRESSERS RECEPTIONIST and Shampoo Girls wanted. 312/639-0479 10 MANAGER TRAINEES MEN & WOMEN Large international marketing company has ex­ panded Its operation nationwide. U S Vacation Resorts at Ingleside, Illinois needs aggressive, well groomed, sales oriented people to sell a new and unique vacation concept. If you can start immediately, and would like to earn commissions in excess of $40,000 per year, call Mr. Floam for a personal interview at: 312/546-7478 Between 9 a.m.-3 p.m. only. PRODUCT DESIGNER Manufacturer of time based products seeks experienced de­ signer to work with a product engineer developing new or modified products. Must be able to design printed circuit boards in complicated & precise small products for produc tibiiity in high volume. Responsible for determining ac­ ceptable material, tolerances 1 fits to satisfy established specifications for performance. S years design & drafting experience with geometric dimensioning 4 tolerancing Computer aided design experience desirable, technical degree preferred. Send resume in confidence to: Director of Employee Relations Borg Instruments Inc. 902 Wisconsin St. Delavin, Wl 53115 An Equal Opportunity Employer ASSOCIATE QUALITY ENGINEER We need to fill a key position in a progres­ sive quality assurance department. Famili­ arity wth test plans, inspection procedures, Mil. Q-9858, Calibration procedures and quality assurance audits is desired. ASQC certification preferred. Send your resume, with salary history and requirements, in confidence, to: Vice Pre­ sident, Employee Relations. Gordon . Temperature Measurement Claud S. Gordon Co. P O. Box 500 710 Kenosha St, Richmond, Illinois 60071 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H DRIVERS For IceCream vans. Able to drive stick shift, must have good driving record. Males or females 21 & over. 815/459-1841. M A N A G E R f o r D u n d e e Theater, Supervision ex­ perience person a Theater, Main Street, Dundee. ipervl perlence required. Apply In after 6 pm, Dundee 1 4/COLOR STRIPPERS We are still growing! We need experienced 4/color textbook >ald profit sharing. Full > a r t - t i m e p o s i t i o n s strippers. Company paid benefits & profit snaring. ~ 4 P available HSiS GRAPHICS, INC. 312/392-5050 EXPERIENCED PAINTER SUMMER ONLY 815/338-4969 EVES TREASURER Algonquin Lake in the Hills Fire Protection District has an opening for a part-time Treasurer. Bookkeeping and computer skills required. Send resume to Attorney Michael Kukla, 20 Grant Street, Crystal Lake, IL. 60014. mmediate openings inting Department: fERTISING ELECTRICAL ASSEMBLY Maintenance. Must have ex­ perience piano wiring for machinery. Apply in Person Custom Automated /Machinery 1150 Davis Rd. Elgin, IL. Clerical We have 2 immediate In our Accountii AD VI BILLER Must have skills in the use of a computer terminal, adding machine and typing speed of 40 wpm. Also requires knowledge of administration of advertis­ ing rates and the ability to deal well with people. CREDIT 81 COLLECTION ASST. Ability to deal well with customers over the telephone. Typing speed of 45 wpm, knowledge of calculator and computer terminal required. Previous accounting ex­ perience is a plus. We offer an excellent benefit package and paid personal days. For interview appt., call: Shirley Lerum 312/381-1840 TECHNICAL PUBLISHING 1301S. Grove Ave. Barrington, IL 60010 •qua! opportunity employer m/f 24 Help Wanted GAS STATION, Convenient Store seeks enthuslatic people experienced In small store retailing. Mature applicants welcome. Varied hours 8i duties. Apply In person after 12 noon, Union 76 Quick Mart, 3702 Elm St., McHenry, II. EOE. OVER THE road truck drivers. Must have 2 yrs experience, clean driving record a must. Apply In person, 8 am -12 noon. Boncosky T ransportation 1301 Industrial Drive Lake In the Hills IL P E R S O N T O A N S W E R Phones, do general office work and do light housekeeping in my Plstakee Bay home, OK to bring younger child along to work. Full time, 8:30 fpm. 815/344-1818. THE BEST PART TIME JOB Is Umpiring. Choose your own days and hours. Pay $10 to $30 per game. Training begins this Saturday, June 9th. This will be your last chance, so call 815/455-2266 for details^. BARTENDER Experience not necessary. Full or part time. 815/728-1601. SALESCLERKS All shifts. BAKERS, Mornings. Will train. 815/344-5232 REAL ESTATE Sales people wanted. No board dues to pay. Full or part time. Red Carpet Krlsfensen. 312/658-8664. NIGHT COOK Will Train Call 312/639-7800. PART TIME general office work; bookkeeping 8> typing. Call 815/385-0856 RECEPTIONIST Mane Tamers 8> Company PART TIME 8i Full time Chefs. Apply In person, McHenry Country CluD, 820 N. John St., McHenry, II. NEED HELP In my growing Art 8> Design business. For more Information call during Gallery's hours U-5pm daily. 815/678-4982. MACHINERY REBUILDER Apprentice-must have high m e c h a n i c a l a b i l i t y ; a u t o m o t i v e e x p e r i e n c e d helpful. Just Engineering, 815/338-8889. PERIODIC TEMPORARY HELP To work in factory en­ vironment, must be able to lift up to 50 lbs. Ideal for homem&feer or retiree wanting supplemental In come. Apply at .GK INDUSTRIES 6204 Factory Rd. Crystal Lake, IL •••815/459-2330*" S T Y L I S T S W A N T E D Guaranteed salary, liberal commission. The Hair Event, Crystal Point Mall, 815/459-9654 BARTENDER, must be ex­ perienced. Call for an appoint­ ment. 815/459-0721 after 11:30 am. INSULATION INSTALLER Minimum 2 yrs. experience. 312/658-4800,9-3, Mon. thru Frl. HANDYMAN From working 8, cleaning Corvettes to outdoor maintenance work. Start $5/hr. Approx. 30 hrs. Volo Sports Car Store 8i Museum, 815/385-3896. seeks full time receptionist. Ap­ ply in person, 2906 W. Rte. 120, McHenry, 815/344-4040. SECRETARY First Lutheran Church. Part-time. Typing, dic­ tation, admin, skills. Contact Rev. Homer 815/522-3886 or 522 3340 I M M E D I A T E O P E N I N G S , machine operators 8, staple packers. Apply in person. Staple Center Mfg., 6711 Sands Rd., Crystal Lake. PART TIME TELLER Experience preferred but not necessary. Apply McHENRY SAVINGS & LOAN Huntley Office 312/669-3333 DENTAL ASSISTANT Experienced. Send resume to 4900 S. Route 31, Suite 120 Crystal Lake, IL. 600 1. LABELING DEPT. Must have experience in organizing & fil­ ing. General labor required. James B. Day Co. 312/428-2651. F U R N I T U R E C A B I N E T Assembler 8, woodworking machinery operator. Some ex­ p e r i e n c e d e s i r a b l e . C . . I I 312/695-2377. WOODWORKING Fulwflme/part-time. Preter person experienced in graphic arts 8> sign manufacturing. Mature, dependable applicants need only apply. Call for an appointment: 815/385-0825 PARKWAY SIGNS McHENRY, IL. DISHWASHER, 5 nights/ wk. Must be out of school. Call 815/385-8223. SMALL ENGINE and Mower Mechanic. Must have ex­ perience. Des Plaines Sod Ctr., Inc. 312/658-5624 DAY TELEPHONE sales need ed in our office. Call between 9 and 5 at 815/455 0626 or 455 0024 TELEPHONE SALES needed In our office. No experience needed. Hours are 5 to 9 in the evenings. Call between 9 and 5. 815/455-0024 or 455-0626 24 Help Wanted MACHINE OPERATORS We are well-established local company looking tor good machine operators with at least 5 years experience It you do set ups, run production, and hold ciose toier ances, we would like to talk to you. In exchange tor your machining talents we can otter you a good starting sa lary with excellent benetits. It interested, please send resume or letter ot introduction to Box AJP Shaw Free Press Newspapers P.O. Box 250 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Equal Opportunity E mployer MlF THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER will be needing early morning motor route drivers for rural McHenry Tube Delivery to our customers. The papers could be picked up anytime after midnight on Tuesdays and Thur­ sdays, to be delivered no later than 7:00 a.m. on Wednesday and Friday morning. A small economical car is a plus. If interested, please apply in person at: 3812 W. Elm St.-McHenry NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. NOOTHM ILLINOIS' FASIEST M0WIN6 PMMC MMUAC KAlit IS SOIMNNG OUI IIS SALES FORCE. 3 Experienced Auto Salesmen Needed 5-Day work week, closed Sundays, Hospitalization, Demo, Paid Vacation. Apply in person to John Kogos PONTIAC MCHENRY, ILLINOIS CORNER OF RT. 31 ART. 120 (>1S)3t8^000 OR (31») *5S-m2 i\

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