PAGE 16 - PLAINDE ALEE - FRIDAY, JUNE 8,1964 Norton, Carlton Wilmot winners Duke Norton of Wonder Lake won his second race of the season at Wilmot speedway last Saturday, while Dennis Carlton won his third. Norton won the 20-lap late model sportsman feature, leading after every lap. McHENRY AMERICAN LEGION 8? RINGWOOD RQAD-385-0867 PEN FOR IDAY DINNERS PM to 9 PM • COMPLETE SALAD BAR WITH E!ACH DINNER •UPSTAIRS BAR OPEN ^ FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT • FAMOUS FISH FRY •WEEKLY SPECIALS • STEAK • CHICKEN • SHRIMP* SEAFOOD •HOMEMADE BAKERY ITEMS ONLY *5" PER TANNING SESSIOIL*£$ CABBAGE ^pA1 EARLY SPRING SPECIAL ! mm TANNING SESSION I WITH PURCHASE OF 5 SESSIONS I I (Offer good thru6j3&'84 »Limit one per person TANFASTIC &SUMTA\ PARLOR 3100 W. LINCOLN*McHENRY ( niOC" IAUOI MANHN MAR'NI 344 5006 PATCH DOLLS (No purchase necessary) riMRfpfciAn TANNING $5951 SESSION ONIY irsday 30PM I Monday-Thursday 11:30AM • 2:30PM , (GOOD THRU 6/30/84) | I WITH COUPON ONLY I | LIMIT ONE PER PERSON • NO! VALID WITH ONE! OFfEl ^ SHOWPLACI 1-2-3-4, R O U T E S 1 4 4 3 1 C R Y S T A l L A K E 4 S S 1 0 0 5 S 3 5 0 A D U H S S ? 0 0 C H I L D R E N , 1 1 8 u n d o r S ? 0 0 B A R G A I N P R I C E F I R S T A F T E R N O O N S H O W O N I Y S T A R T S F R I D A Y DAN AYKROYD 6 DILL MURRAY GHOST BUSTERS ftl4UU4:1S4-.i04:3UM5 SUNTHUK 2-4:154:304:30 ROBERT REDFORD GREMLINS. FH 4 SAT 2:3§-4:3#-7-f1f:45 SUN-THUDS 2:304:30-79 THE NATURAL, DAILY 1:454:154:45-9:15 STAR TREK III THE SEARCH FORSPOCK fll t SAT 2:15-44:304:30-10:30 .. SUN-THUDS 2:1544:304:30 I $3.50 ADULTS $2.00 CHILDREN (lit under) SHOWPLACE 5 D O W N T O W N 4 5 5 - 2 0 0 0 NO DARCAIN PRICE OR PASSES FOR THIS FEATURE If .idvrnture has a name, il must be Indiana Jones. HELD OVER HARRISON FORD KE HUY QUAN DAILY 1:45-4-6:30-9 FM & SAT LATE SNOW 10:55 NO DARGAIN PRICE EOR THIS FEATURE and th# rum FLU or LWUM K-- --am DUNDEE THEATER M A I N S T R E E T 4 2 8 3 6 0 0 $1 00 ALL SEATS ALL SHOWS! DAILY 2:304:304:45-9 llZl McHENRY 1 - I D O W N T O W N 3 8 5 0 1 4 4 S I 0 0 B A R G A I N P R I C E F I R S T A F T E R N O O N S H O W O N I Y ROCK 'N ROLL FABLE! STREETS OE FIRE* DAILY 2 304:307 9 GRAYSLAKE OUTDOOR 312 233 8155 $2 50 ADULTS CHILDREN 11 & UNDER FREE I EN ALL WEEK STARTS AT 1:30 BEAT STREET p. ROMANCING THE STONED. • FLEA1MARKET AT GRAYSLAKE! [OUTDOOR EVERY SUNDAY 8 TO 4 DAILY 2:154:154:304:30 McHENRY OUTDOOR 8 1 5 3 4 4 0 4 4 4 $ 2 5 0 A D U L T S C H I L D R E N 1 1 * U N D E R F R E E I OPEN ALL WEEK STARTS AT 1:301 • J SIXTEEN CANDLES PD BEAT STREET * League tollliig McHenry Country Club ladies In response to the roving reporter, the unanimous reply from the Diviot Dolls at McHenry Country Club on Tuesday June 5 was fun. And ton it was as the gals shot-gun started a Tennessee Dog Fight to produce some very acceptable scores. Two teams, each shooting 75, tied for first place. They were the team of Carol Cooney, Janet Conway, Linda Puccio and Mickey Farmer and the team of Floss O'Coimell, Sharon Pepping, Mary Mutschinsky and Marcy Wakitsch. Close behind with 77 was the team of Lynn Schmidt, Evie Castle, Esther Jemiola and Rita Sayler. Holing out with 78 for fourth place was the team of Alvina Yopp, Carol Barnicle, Charlotte Zwissler and Peg Anderson. And in fifth place was the team of Joanie Buss, Melanie Frett, Barb Weber and Gladys Warfield. When you're tall, blonde and just naturally gorgeous, you're bound to attract some following by the opposite sex. According to her teammates, such was the case with Judy Smithson who was adopted by a young lad for nine holes. Attending the flagstick and endeavoring to be of help in general, the young "escort" stuck like glue until it was suggested perhaps his mother was calling. A big contributer to the fourth place winning team was Beg An derson who followed orders well and was sinking the really long putts from all over the greens. Her teammates were appreciative enough to make the report. Another gal who followed orders well was Betty Wayman who endeavored so much to keep her head down she felt like a corkscrew screwing herself into the ground. Well, some days are like that. Exhibiting her leadership qualities Floss O'Connell sank a long, 35-yard chip-in on number 10 for a birdie hole. Another chip-in was executed by Betty Smith on number eight as well as one by Joanie Schloskey on number 18. Joanie was one of the frolicsome foursome who fabricated fables clear around the course to offset the many less than perfect shots they were suffering. No sad tales. One other chip-in was recorded by Toots Gerstad on number seven. It was a great day for golf with just enough of a breeze to counter the near-90 degrees produced by the beautiful sunshine and hopes are up for like weather next week as the gals hold their annual Flag Day event. 'Til then. Happy Golfing! Liz. WOODSTOCK THEATRE PRINCESS ROMANCING THE STONE (PQ) FRIDAY: 2:00, 7:00, D:00 SATURDAY * SUNDAY: 1:00, 3:00, 7:00, 3:00 MONDAY thru THURSDAY: 2:00, 7:00, 3:00 MAIN STREE T Jmt Off thr Squarr Adult* '2; 11 A I'ndrr '1.50: Matinr«^ '1.00 815-3M-H555 StartinK E Hda> 1 GEM THIS IS SPINAL TAP m * * * • Roger Ebort Rob Reiner's satlro of document* rtos FRI: 2:00, 7:10, B:S0 SATURDAY 4 SUNDAY: 1:00, 2:45, 7:10, D:50 MONDAY thru THURSDAY: 2:00,7:00,0:00 rock GIRL'GRADUATE SPECIAL! W* have a FREE COT for senior girls iff •Woodstock H.S. •Marian Central H.S. •Crystal Lake Central H.S. •Crystal Lake South H.S. •Harry D. Jacobs H.S. •McHenry East H.S. •McHenry West H.S. •Harvard H.S. •Alden-Hebron H.S. •Marengo H.S. •Richmond-Burton H.S. •Huntley H.S. Graduation Gift Certificate Entitling You to a Keepsake Chest. This certificate along with a school I.D. or diploma en titles you to a Lane Keepsake Chest. To receive your free gift, simply present it in person to any employee of our store. It's our way of saying congratulations! j | Name ______________________ J J Address J I .State, .Zip. City J School I j // & Famous- Love Chests Lane- We have over 25 Lane® Love Chests in stoch starting from $125 and up cash & carry. Hurry ...Select one now while selection is best I Browsers Are Always Welcome 890 LAKE AVE, WOODSTOCK (915) 338 0404 DAILY 9 TO 5:30, MON 8 FRI 9TO 9, CLOSED SUNDAY Chapel HM ladies of June 5 showed Fox Hole Tip still had a big lead of 6% points. The new line up is as follows; Fox Hole Tap 37%, McHenry Favorite Sports 31, Steffan's Jewelers and little Chef each 30, Mar Ray Costumes 28, Acu Pac 27*, classic Trophies 27 and McHenry Floral 20. The contest of the week was for individual low putts. Joan Popelka won in class A with 12. Mary Jane Nowak won in class B with 14 and Marianne Whitehead in class C with 14. Tuesday, June 5 must have been the day the poet meant when he said, "What is so rare as a day in June? Then if ever come perfect days." Short skirts and shorts were in order under balmy skies without a drop of rain. Judy Schmitt, captain of the winning Fox Hole Tap team, was considering getting a larger name tag since one of her teammates didnt know who their captain was giving her^uiother identity erisis. Joan Popilka blamed her wet, almost illegible score card on the drinking proclivity of Lucy Prouty and Judy Schmitt. On the bright side, Marianne Whitehead had 15 also. Where are the birdies? To all the girls who would like for me to write a longer column, I can only say - do something. Esta Park's WeoMa's 16-Inch River Shannon 28, Favorite Sports 0 River Shannon sprayed out 26 hits enroute to scoring 28 runs and shutting out McHenry Favorite Sports during women's 12-inch Softball at Petersen Park Monday. Julie Oef fling led the winning attack with three-run homers in the first and second innings. MariSue Parker and Lora Jacobs also added homeruns. Oeffling finished three-for- three, while Parker added three SEE US FOR YOUR I MOTORCYCLE A BOAT •QUICK SERVICE •FULL COVERAGE AT GOOD RATES •EASY PAYMENT PLAN AVAILABLE CALL BILL JOHNSON AT 385-3000 AMNCrw I30D N. GDCCN ST. McHENRY.IL 40050 i subsidiary of McHenry Savings A Leon ALL INSURANCE hits. LeeAnn Cristy and Anette Coughlin were both two-for-two. Bureau 44, Elm 2 Chris Connell hit a grand slam, while Cissy Pinkstaff and Karen Karpavicius also hit homers to help Farm Bureau run over Elm Street Inn 44-2. Connel added a second homer, while Karpavicius hit a triple. Connel and Pinkstaff both had five hits, while Karpavicius had four. Connell knocked in seven runs and Pinkstaff added four. Diane Wasailowski had one hit for Elm Street, knocking in both runs for the losers. St. Regis 9, Cunat 8 Kathy Cushing singled with the bases loaded in the top of the seventh inning to help St. Regis break a 8-8 tie for the win. Cunat Brothers scored a run in the sixth inning to tie the contest in the sixth inning. St. Regis jumped off to a quick lead with a two-run homer by Mary Mclnerney in the first inning. Cunat Brothers kept up with the winners with a homer by Kathy Hay hurst and a triple by Debbie Mahon. finished the contest four-for-four and five rbi's. Mahon was three-for-three for Cunat Brothers. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! TRUCK & TRAILER LICENSE SERVICE 1985. 'TA" "B" CLASS CLASS LICENSE PLATES LICENSE PLATES 1. Please present your computer pre-printed license renewal form. 2. License plates issued for class "B" trucks (gr. wt. including vehicle 3,001-8,000, lbs.), *48/set. "TA" class trailers (gr. wt. including vehicle 3,000 lbs and less), M4/set. MMSBUTE BEUVERY - AVAILABLE NOW I (Oh the operates for |utt a *2.00 sorvko charge plus the license plot* cost.) Deadline June 30th I • Serving the banking needs of the McHenry area. FOIC FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MCH£NRY 3814 WEST ELM STREET, P O. BOX 338 • McHENRY. ILLINOIS 00080 0338 >1. • N •?:' 81S-3DS4400 I 4