SECTION 2 - PAGE 7 - PLA1NDEALER - FRIDAY, JUNE 8 Schools DEAN'S LIST Jacqueline Bert ha£ been named to the dean's list at the University of Illinois-Chicago. Her father and step-mother are Jim and Sharon Bert, 1222 Old Bay Road, and paternal grand parents are Alice and the late Walter Bert, 213 N. Emerald, McHenry. MORRIS GRADUATE Melissa Cichon, 4320 E. Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Lake, was one of 90 medical assistant students to graduate from Morris College, Carthage, IL, at recent commencement exer cises. SIMPLE IN-OFFICE TREATMENT OF: •CORNS 'BUNIONS *INGROWN NAILS •FOOT SURGERY •CALLUSES 'WARTS *HEEL PAIN 'SPORTS MEDICINE DR MARTIN MARKS is offering you •A FREE FOOT OWNER'S MANUAL when you come in for •A FREE FOOT EVALUATION Pleose Call For appt. DR. MARTIN MARKS Modicol and Surgical Troatmont of the Foot and Ankle 1311 N. Green, McHenry and 37 McHenry Ave. in Crystal Lake 385-5669 SCANDINAVIA Alan Dehne (left), Jaime Miller and Cara Giacomin get ready to place special items into the Landmark School "Time Capsule." The capsule Plaindealer photo by Anthony Oliver celebrates the 90th birthday of the school and will be opened in 10 years--in honor of the school's 100th anniversary. Landmark celebrates birthday "From the past into the future" has been the motto for Landmark first graders this year as they began the preparations for Landmark School's 100th Birthday. This special first grade project began last fall with a study unit on local history . As part of this unit, students held "Old Fashioned Day" and marked Landmark's 90th Birth day. It was decided to make this 10 year time period more real to the children by putting together a "Mini Time Capsule." This capsule will be kept at Land mark for 10 years and will be opened in 1994 when the school is 100 years old. Landmark's Class of 1984 will be invited back as special guests for the "opening ceremony." These first graders have con tributed items for the capsule and have written several small articles about themselves and their year in first grade. Teachers, too, have prepared items and mementos for the Time Capsule. At the time of the opening ceremony, any of the items clearly labeled can be claimed by the children as "souvenirs." DUs. BHDs, Kt, DVMs, JDi, MDs Welcome Wagon offers dis creet advertising to profes sionals in the medical, dental, health-care, legal and animal- care fields. Our service effect ively reaches individuals in the privacy of their homes and is in keeping with the dignity of your profession. Please have your office telephone me if you'd like to discuss our unique program. NANCY LAZAR 344-3966 "'UM '0f[ Montgomeiy Waid Important Notice Regarding Montgomery Wards Advertisement In Today's Paper On Page 1, the headline references to savings for blankets and pillows are not correct. The correct savings are 50% off Cannon Twin Blanket, and 20% to 50% off all pillows. On page 4 the 10 H.P. Tractor shows an incorrect picture. The copy and price for this model 13390208 tractor are correct. We apologize for any inconvenience to our customers. SOME OF THE MOST USEFUL TOOLS YOU'LL EVEROWN. (I % J This is a Dremef Moto-Tool,* a com pact high-speed power tool thafs so versatile, ifs like dozens of tools in one. With its wide range of accessory bits, it will grind, sand, polish, carve and more. And since the Moto-Tool is capable of a range of speeds up to 30,000 RPMs, you'll always have the right speed for the job, whether you're working with wood, metal, plastic, glass or stone. The Moto-Tool is available in several different models, including both adjustable and constant speed versions. Each features a reliable motor, an assortment of useful ac cessories, and most models come with a rugged carry ing case. So if you would like a tool thafs both compact and capable, pick up a ver satile Moto-Tool. As thou sands of people already know, there's no other single tool like it. 15 DAY TOUR! Viking Wonderlands Join us for the vacation of a life time! • Fairylands • Fjords • Vikings • Fresh Air • Friendly People • Fabulous Scenery • Flashing waterfalls • Fantastic Views •REMEL Gets the job done bit by bit Until Father's Day, buy a Model 2401 SP Kit and get a free Dremel Guide Book and 11 extra bits (a $23.95 savings)! Offer good at participating dealers. Ace Hordwore of McHenry 3729 W. Elm St. II The Crystal Lake MORNING HERALD presents a two-week tour of DEMARK! NORWAY! SWEDEN! SEPTEMBER 3rd thru the 17th TOUR INCLUDES • Round trip airfare on SAS Scandinavian Airlines • Rooms with private bath or shower at carefully selected hotels • Scandanavian buffet throughout, tive dinners while touring. • Cruisette on the Naeroy and Sogne F jords. • Extensive Sightseeing • Touring by First Class Special motorcoach with reclining seats. • Tour guide from arrival Oslo until departure from Copenhagen. • Complete transfer and baggage service. Three great Scandinavian Capitals, Oslo, Stockholm, and Copenhagen! Gothenberg, Sweden's largest seaport. Nor way's Fjords! Exciting Stalheim Canyon Road, Virgin Mountain plateau in reindeer country. Rushing salmon rivers and sparkling lakes. Historic Castles and TT churches. A Swedish glassworks. Plus time for shopping - and getting to know the friendly people. All for only'1498 PERPERS0N DOUBLE OCCUPANCY BASEDON30MININIUMTOUR PARTICIPATION Send¥ot^OurCoio7fuTBrochure Detailing The 15 Day Tour NAME ADDRESS. CITY PHONE ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGATION TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS THRU Bioemke>s S4S SOM/O/MUMMV MtUMfS Travel *=414 Virginia St. ( R t . 1 4 ) Crystal Lake 455-4441 i t