SECTION 1-PAGE 10 - PLAINDE ALER - FRIDAY, JUNE S. 1164 JSnimtm. anm rev**". •cuiBTS AMUSEMENT^ Speaking of Soaps Update on daily serials Plaindealtr photo by Anthony Oliver Publicize carnival Ron Bierman of the McHenry Lions Club, nails down one of numerous posters displayed throughout the city publicizing the club's annual carnival. The carnival is running through Sunday, June 10 in the Green Street parking lot. MANZO INVESTOR CENTER 111 S. Virginia Ave.*Crystal Lake *815/455-5683 A FULL AND COMPLETE INVESTMENT SERVICE $30°° COMMISSION FOR ANY STOCK TRADE OF 100 SHARES! • Stocks, Boods, Options A Commodities • Retirement A Pension Profrans • Mutual Funds • Mmddpil Rood Trusts • Tax Shelters • Real Estate Investment Trusts • Life Ins. AN/A • Private Placements SERVED BY: FRANK MANZO ANDYMONSON JAMES F.UBBE DAIVD HUBBARD MEMBER of NASD/SIPC 815/455-5683 After only a single audition, Carmen Thomas of Atlanta, Ga., won the coveted role of teenaged Hillary Wilson in the ABC Television Network's popular day t ime d rama , "Al l My t Children," and the opportunity to be seen by millions of viewers every day. In January of 1984, ABC called the same talent agency to fill the part of a southern girl on "Ryan's Hope." Carmen did an audition tape which was mailed to ABC in New York. She didn't get the part. Later, she was asked to come to the city of audition for a small part on "All My Children." She did and she didn't get that part either. Instead, she was offered the key role of Hillary Wilson. Carmen had planned to attend New York University as a drama major after high school, so she arrived in town a few years early. "Broadway is really my dream!" enthused the young actress. From the "All My Children" studio, Broadway is only a block away. She could arrive there earlier than she expected, too. Recaps - 6-4, 6-8 Previews - 6-11, 6-15 AS THE WORLD TURNS- Kim is attracted to Raymond and the feeling is mutual. Steve and Betsy enjoy a honeymoon at the cabin, Diana decides to get her act together and grow up. Lyla forgives Craig and tries to help him. Dustin is upset by John's problems with Karen. Barbara is behaving in a strange manner and becoming reclusive THIS WEEK: White is in terested in a malpractice suit. Betsy and Steve are rudely brought back to reality. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW- Cagney learns that Justine can't walk. Wendy and Warren have a tender parting and Wendy moves out of her mother's house to be more independent. T.R. accuses Lloyd of killing Travis. Warren saves his son's life and turns himself in. Sunny coaxes Hogan into writing their book. THIS WEEK: Wendy is determined to support herself. -^CAPITOL- Mark tells Clarissa he can see through Paula's act and is starting plans for a divorce as soon as Sloane is married. Clarissa tells Thomas We're thinking about Dad, how about you? ECHO'S "ORANGE TAG" FATHER'S DAY SALE You get $3000off the regular low price on the GT-160AE Grass Trimmer during the Special Orange Tag Sale Come see the Special Discounts on other ECHO Gas-Powered Trimmers <T> Sale lasts until Jun^M, 1984 SALE $1I9.95 RES. *149" ...the ONE that lasts! "THE HOUSE THAT SERVICE BUIIT" GEORGE P. FREUND, INC 4102 N. Crystal Lake Road, McHenry (815) 385-0428 and Judson that she and Mark have plans to live together after the wedding. Sloan is surprised to see that Paula has ravaged the sketch of her wedding dress. ALL MY CHILDREN - Zack gets into an accident preventing Pheobe from getting to the Cliff quits his job at the lab./Jesse and Greg make up differences. jJesse didn't signtteSteajnpit over the last minute^-'when someone recognized the°phoney agent as working for Adam. .Jesse plans to go on a national radio spot Liza and Marion comfort each other when Liza's father suffers a heart attack and dies. Greg arrives to offer his sympathy. . THIS WEEK: Tony makes an effort to see more of Jenny. Tom is losing control. THE GUIDING LIGHT- Billy takes off on a drinking binge. Reva's determined to bring Josh out of the coma. Josh could be paralyzed. H.B. beaks down and cries. Trish tries to comfort him. Hillary is shocked whoa Jim tells her he's not going to head the new research unit. Mike tells Phillip and Mindy he worked out the quickest way for them to get a divorce without their having to leave town. Beth tells Tanya Phillip has never kissed her the way Lujack did. THIS WEEK: Ligack fights for Beth. H.B. feels guilty. ANOTHER WORLD- Sally tells Alice die thinks she is being followed. Alice and Mark decide they must arrange for protec tion for Sally. The charges against Cecile are dropped. Sally and Alice ask Royal to help prove Kevin is Sally's son. He claims there are no records and can't help them. Royal con fronts Emily about the missing Thatcher file. She says she doesn't know where it is. Royal sneaks into the Mathews' house to search for the missing file. THIS WEEK: Royal is desperate. Sally is in danger. RYAN'S HOPE- Roger as Jeremy reveals the bug to Sydney and asks her what Max is using to blackmail her. Sydney tells Jeremy he will have her resignation in the morning. Maggie tells Frank she wants to tell the truth about Roger's accident. At the Ryan bar, Maeve and Johnny receive a present, very expensive bar glasses along with an invitation to a black-tie cocktail party to celebrate the "event of the year." Patrick and Seneca tell Jill Roger has some nerve damage to his right hand. Dave is called to Frank's office about Rico's adoption. THIS WEEK: Jill finds out what happened in the loft. Roger is in for a shock. THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS- Jill loses the baby. John thinks it's strange, her reacting to the next baby they will have as being normal. After he returns home he questions Mamie as to how the accident happened. He begins to wonder if her fall really was an ac cident. Marc takes Ashley to the Colonnade Room for a lovely, romantic evening together drinking champagne and dancing. It's a perfect evening and they get involved in a passionate kiss, which gets spoiled by a news photographer taking a flash picture of them. John accuses Jill of committing a cold and deliberate act to destroy their son. Jill insists it was an accident - she didn't know what she was doing. John isn't sure he can forgive her. Jack watches as Ashley moves into Marc's arms for a lingering paadnwfltp kiss. THIS WEEK: Nikki does some investigating. Jill is distraught. GENERAL HOSPITAL- The article about Tania and An drews appears in the newspaper and everyone is upset. Scorpio tells Holly how much it disturbs him that the evidence is piling up about Andrews. Celia is so distraught that Monica and Lorena insist she come to the spa and get cheered up. An drews goes to Tania to make sure she's all right. THIS WEEK: Beatrice is fooled. Celia has second thoughts. ONE LIFE TO LIVE- Maxie and Marco witness the wedding of Jenny and David. Rupert tries to destroy some machinery at the factory. Bo goes to the factory to avoid meeting Brad who has a date with the O'Neill girl. Bo goes into the room where a shadow is lurking in the background. Bo is hit on the head and knocked out. Delilah continues to try to be a spy for Bo and also pressures him into coming back to her. THIS WEEK: Delilah does some snooping. Asa has words with Lucinda. DAYS OF OUR LIVES- Bo takes Hope to a barnyard hideaway but is being pursued by armed men. Bo is arrested and brought up on charges before Roman. Hope is forced to go back to Larry and he realizes he may be in over his head. Larry sets a new wedding date. Carlos resents being used by Melissa to see Pete. Maxwell charms Gwen. THIS WEEK: Hope has second thoughts about her breakup with Bo. Maxwell puts pressure on Larry. EDGE OF NIGHT- Alicia tells Sky about Raven visiting Logan in his motel room and Sky begins to doubt that Raven is carrying his child. Chris disguises herself as an elec trician to sneak into the warehouse to free Jody. Jud recognizes her as a policewoman and calls Vincent to tell him the cops are onto them. Preacher breaks into the warehouse and attempts to rescue Jody. Judd releases Preacher and Jody so he can have a showdown with Calvin. Chris struggles with a thug in the warhouse and her vision blurs. Vincent is arrested. State seeks nominations for energy awards Nominations for the Illinois Conservation and Renewable Energy Awards program, which honors energy conservation and innovation among citizens, businesses and others, are now being accepted, Gov. James Thompson announced. "Ingenuity and creative effort have been the hallmark of our state's response the energy challenge of the 1980's. A growing economy depends on energy that is provided at the least cost. Those who have helped reach that goal are recognized through this program," the governor said. "Part of the path to that goal involves developing renewable energy sources promoting conservation in Illinois, a key component to economic development, t believe those individuals, companies, in stitutions or governmental groups that have led the way in energy innovation and technology should be honored," he added. Individuals or non-federal organizations that have in troduced, an energy efficiency innovation or renewable resource technology since Jan. 1,1980, are eligible to apply for the awards. As many as 25 Illinois awards will be handed out. The 10 best Illinois energy innovation projects will be eligjhlfi.jfrrifte U.S. Department of Energy's National Awards Conservation &nd renewable energy awards projects will be selected for special recognition based on a number of criteria, including whether the project could be used by others, shows energy savings, has an effect on the waypeople use energy, helps the economy, produces new job opportunities, informs the people about energy, is unique, and whether it stimulates other energy related activities within the community or organization. LIMIT FOUR Mail Box Posts $| |99 Railroad Tios 3 Styles in Stock 50-Ft Rabbor Vinyl Hoso Solid-brass couplings. Thum-Thing connector Coils easily. 5/8 in. 1.0. 868VR While Supplies Quantities United Heavy Daly Foacing Wostorn Rod Cedar 2 hi Line Posts a mm m 10 Ft. Rails v IE I V 2 Hi End Posts 3 Rail Avail. CHOICE BARGAIN OF THE MONTH OFF LIST Supplies 1 Gal. Jua With Shoulder Spout Keeps beverages hot cold Wide-mouth opening han dle stops Almond 012 Quantities Limited - * INDOOR PROJECT SPECIALS • Pre-Finished Marble Tops Top Quality Colonial Prehung Doors stock Panel Doors 30" Only *49" or Order 50%OFF All Wood 30" Only 54900 Pre-Finished Reg. $157* ALL ADVERTISED MIKES CASH 4 CARRY-SALE ENDS JUNE 101 (VIC HENRY Lumber 403© WCST MAIN St MCHCN2Y, ILLINOIS 383-4600 HAdOWARt &TORIS CONVENIENT SHOPPINO.HOURS MON-FRl. 8:00-6:00 SATURDAY 7:30-4:00. SUNDAY HOURS 9:00-1:00