PAOCM MONDAY. JUNE 11 SkokiiptQfC Ploys 'Park lei.' Mike Gwilym stars in Shakes peare's story of an epic journey by the Prince of Tyre in hit quest for a wife. (4 hrs.) (Closed Cap tioned] O Regit Phtfbin't Health 69 $$ MOVIE: PWow Talk' A wolfish songwriter and an in- . terior decorator become enemies without meeting because they temporarily are forced to share a party line. Rock Hudson, Doris Day, Tony Randall. 1959. CD MOVIE: 'International Velvet' 6D MOVIE: 'Expoeed' © MOVIE: The Getd Ruth' The little Tramp's love is mis placed in the dayt of the Klon dike Gold Ruth. Charles Chaplin, Mack Swain, Georgia Hale. 1925. © Tk Toe Dowgh A Bon&s $tro\IUc > By Lillian Bono (March 21-AprH 20) You will have a lucky break coming via the good graces of a friend who would like to aee you succeed. Make the most of this relationship -- H could lead to bigger and better things. IAUBUfi (April 21-May 21) Thoee who are house hunting could come into something far beyond their expectations. Don't hesi tate H you are the recipient of someone's benevolence; It would not be wise to question its source. 0f (May 22 June 21) Make dear decisions when it comes to your best interests at heart. You could make serious errors of Judgment, so be careful. »« (Jane 22-July 23) Plan a series of weekend dates with someone who has become dear to you. You should do your utmost to cultivate this person's good points. LEO « (My 24-Aug. 23) You are fortunate that this week starts off in a good way with a marvelous round of social events that keeps you busy from morning 'til night. moo (Aug. II Bept 22) You could be in line for a new poeition at work. Socializing with the right people will give you every* thing you want out of Ufa, so be a social climber and don't worry what others think. - $5 (•apt M-Oct 22) Keep in stsp with reality when It comes to someone you are very fond of. You may not fully under stand this person's true nature because of the rosy-tinted you wear. jfiOBPlQ (Oct X Nov. 22) An emotional disclosure could hurt you so much that you want to run away and hide. Face the world, and aM wHI fan back in place again. ne (No*. 23-Oec. 21) Don't puah a loved one when it cornea to aaking questions about a founei affair. Live in the preaent and target yesterday's mishaps. (Dae. 22 Jaa. 2D) Be above board when approached by persons who would like to tamish your Image. A forthright answer and a smiling face always disarm this sort of individ- d* (Jan. 21-Feb. 1t) Your mate could have problems health. Be on the alert for happenings that are out of your control. Don't turn away from thoee who need your help at a time whan you would rather withhold It. (Feb. M Merrk SB) You could be going through eH sorts of frustrations without any way of easing them. Consult a pro- faeelonal to find reNet. You should net cany the, world's probleme on your shoulders. ©» O Coutteau/Amazon. Fort HI •:30PM O © & © Newhart Dick opposes a fran- chited fast-food restaurant to save Kirk's cafe and winds up with 'egg on hit face.' (R) Q Net Necettorily The News © World War H 0 ® MOVIE: O-Ooy, the Sixth of June' During the Nor mandy invasion of WWII, an American and a Britith officer en counter many personal and pro fessional problems. Robert Taylor, Richard Todd, Dana Wynter. 1956. GD News o You Can Bo e Star o Hot Bathes CD SporttCenter 0 Alfred Hitchcock Hour CD Working Mother CD Lodiet Fro Bowlers Tour 9:00PM SO®© Cagney A Lacey IM*A*S*H CB Cover Story CD Nature el Thingt Q MOVIE: 'Rocky HI' CD MOVIE: Q ® Hormone* Ceraje E3 Solid Gold O (3)700 aub Q Onedm line 9:15 PM ® Fay Day CD TBS Evening Newt 9:30 PM O NathvrHe after Hewn CD Seeing Start CD Human Sexuality 3D MOVIE. 'Sweet Alke' 05) Honeymoon ert 9:45 PM © MOVIE: Swin Family Robin ton' A ship wrecked family battles storms, snakes, tigers and pirates to turn a desert island into a paradise. Dorothy McGuire. Tommy Kirk, James MacArthur. 1960. io: oopm e e o CD AN In the Family CD Best of Saturday Night 10:15PM QD Maida Sportslook 10:30PM o Hart to Hart The Hartt face a wrongful death suit when a small car accident turns into murder. (R) (60 min.) O CD Tonight Show 13 Offttage ONightfine O © AH In the Family Q love Boat CD Heckford Filet CD Cable Health World Report CD MOVIE: Sitting Dudn' Owincy 03 Toxi © Baretta © M*A*S*H Compiled by the staff of the World Almanac Sports LEI. 1. Name the Pittsburgh Pirate who was cho sen the 1970 World Series MVP. 2. Name the former Dallas Cowboy receiver who was an Olympic gold medalist in the 100-meter run in 1964. 3. Name the only National League home run leader currently playing in the American 4. Name the only American League home run leader currently playing in the National 5. 6. 7. In which state was the 1964 Super Bowl played? Name the U.S. swimmer who won Olympic gold medals in both the 100-meter and 200-meter backstroke in 1976. Who was the National League rookie-of- the-year in 1983? Name the leet American to win an Olympic gold medal in the 110-metdr hurdles. Name the only NML defenseman to score two hat tricks in the Stanley Cup playoffs. AjoBteo jo pjequteu inod *6 UMQHNP0N *9 AjjeqM*i)s |Ajjeo JBqBNtfW '9 •PUOM '9 •emeNBiejo > ueui6uf)i oaoq c '« H*®*19 •flHM '1 SJ3MSUC