a payroll,is held er's outlay gang. Audi* Murphy, 1957. SOME STUNT Lee Majors stars as top stuntman Colt Seavers on "The Fall Guy," airing WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13 on ABC. CHECK LISTINGS FOH EXACT TIME ©1M4 Compulog 1140PM O NaihvitU eye on noiiywooa O© MM Story CD Glittering Prizet IB Radio 1990 ID Regit Philbin't Hoalth Stylo* (D MOVIE: 'Crimebutten' GD (5$ Bonanza © MOVIE: Gamft Womon Ploy* 8D Hawaii Five-O Qj) Hot Flos hot 01 (39 Jim Bokker o Victorian Oays: Fa mo li the Spur ID Catlin* 1 1:15PM ® ESPN'* SportsWoman 11:30PM O MOVIE: 'Groat AMigotor' A group of tourists find themselves at the mercy of an angry tribal god who hot taken the form of a giant alligator. Mel Ferrer, Barbara Bach, Richard Johnson. 1981. O Q 8 ) l a t e N i g h t w i t h David letterman O MOVIE: All in a Night'* Worli' A look at what happens when the founder of a one-man publishing empire is found dead with a strange smile on his foce. Dean Mortin. Shirley Maclain, Cliff Robertson. 1961 O MOVIE: 23 Pace* to Baker Streot' A blind playwright overheof i a kidnapping ond mur der plot, but Srotkmd Yord -loesn't believe htm Von lehnson. FAM1I WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13 B To Climb a Mountain D <2D Solid Gold Hit* B<8> Informacion D PM Magazine I (3$ Nancy Harmon'* Love Danger mouto 1 Ai In tho Family Hill ! I up by his broth- . James Stowort, Dan Duryoa. 7:00PM BO©® MOVIE: A Tab of Two Otios' Dickon's classic *ole of romance and violence during the French Revolution Peter Cushing, Chris Sarandon, Dame Flora Robton. A D O ® R e a l P e o p l e To night's program features a zuc chini festival, an actor who drosses up Nke King Kong in New York and a West Point female drill instructor. (60 mm.) o M0 Paradise O ID® Fa" Guy Howie is r critically injured when he per forms one of Colt's stunts, not knowing that an ex-con seeking revenge has sabotaged it. (R) (60 min.) O MOVIE: 'Helen Keller: Tho Miracle Continue*' Mario Win- ningham, Blythe Danner. 1984. ID U.S. Outdoor Track and Field Championship* from San Joeo, CA ID Nature of Thing* C9 USA: Crimobu»tOT» CD Working Mother ID MOVIE: 'Lot'* Spend tho Night Together' O MOVIE: 'Voice*' ID ® Hawaii Fivo-O CD MOVIE: 'National Lampoon'* da** Reunion' 0j) Sexcetera ... t Baby Know* young filmmaker it spend the weekend at the home of a wealthy friend where ton- sions develop and finally ex plode. Robert DeNira, Jennifer Warren, Jered Mickey. 1969. 8:00 PM O ID 9 Fact, of Wo The long friendship be tween Natalie and Tootie it put to the tett when Tootie't cousin ar rives and tries to pursue a rela tionship with Natalie. (R) Batoan. Robert Taylor, George Murphy, Thomas Mitchell. 19413 8:30PM 008m Factory Morty's friend becomes romantic with Shoroo ond the gang suspects that Skip and An drea are having an affair. Si Auto Racing'84: NASCAR Van Scoy Diamond Mine 500 PA y Or. Dr. Through the 20th 'America on the Road.' Bill Moy- ert traces America's transforma tion into a mobile culture. (60 min.) [Closed Captioned! (33) ® ® MOVIE: A young couple decide to become the first parents of a child grown entirely outsid* the mother's body. Ste phanie Zimbolist, Arthur HiH, Wil liam Atherton. 1982. 0 Nature of Thing* O Hooker O MOVK: Beach Red O MOVK: Boarding School' --< 1 raft Through a (f$) Lot Goto* y la* Mil PM Magazine 0 Victorian Day*: Fame I* tho Spur 0 (3® Bright lights and Country Music CD MOVK: 'Night Passage' A 'oiliooH •roubieshoolo- ;jrryir„ ID Swan Lake, (33) CD O) Waft Through the 20th Century with BMI Mayors 'America on the Road.' Bill Moyers trace* America's transformation into a mobile cul ture. (60 min.) {Closed Cap tioned) ID R«g» Philbin's Hoalth e*.j ID 8$ MOVK: 'Medusa Touch' After a man discovers that he has the power of telekene- sis. several major accidents occur. Lee Remick, Richard Burton. 1977. SD Birds in Paradise: Tho MoftE y tnoo n ffi Disney Studio Showcase ® IS) Entro Amigos m Jacques Causteau €D (59 Celebration © Bolet Meets Rachmani noff ffi MOVIE Batoan Amen » «•# Kjatt troops on MOVK Horse of tho Wast ® Hormones Ceraje 89 700 Club SB tSS Evening Now* 9:30PM O New Country SB Human Sexuality 10:00 PM ID SD 89 O You Can Be a Star Q Hot Flashes O Nightly 0 Alfred Hitchcock Hour O A Whole Now You SI MOVK: Si MOVK Of Mice ond Men' A little man with o dream looks after his retarded cousin but when a shocking occidvnt strikes, the protector faces a heart-breaking decision. Burgess Meredith, Ion Choney Jr., Charles Bickford. 1939. M*A*S*H ffil Woman Watch 80 Soccer: New York vs. golden Bay 10:15 PM © O Bonny HM Shsw 10:30PM O Police Story A rookie officer encounters some difficulties when he tries to carry out his job according to the rule books. (R) (60 min.) 0 ID Tonight Show Q Offstage O Nighttine Q @ AH In the Family Ol«v*Boat ID SportsCenter ID Chicago Tonight (3D SI ® lotenight America ID Rockferd Files ID Cable Health World Report © 39 Elizabeth CD Ouincy 89 Taxi QD Baretta 0 M * A * S * H CD $9 Jim Bakker ® (3) Tonight Show ID Catlint ESPN's Horse