RICHELIEU BAROQUE PEARLS LUXURIOUS LEATHER HANDBAGS PAGE 4-PLAINPEALER-FRIDAY, JUNEi,HM Richard L. Yatei ---- Richard L. Yat«». *2, 8921 Margaret Gore and Mrs. Woody Trail, Wonder Lake, died Franc* POUJM Tuesday, June 5, 1984, In Alberta Willett and RtAh Yates, Woodstock Hospital. He was both Sturtfs, KY; and three born Jan. 10, 1922, to Waverly, brothers, Charles of Wmrly, KY, the son of Charlie and Betty Billy of Chicago and Ldob of (Sutton) Yates. Henderson, KY. Mr Yates was a former He was preceded indeathby member of the Wonder Lake his parents, two brothers and Volunteer Fire and Rescue one sister. Squad; WW II Army veteran; and 14-year employee of Brake Visitation was from 3 to 9 pjn. Parts, McHenry Thursday at Freund Funeral On May 14, 1956, in Chicago, Home, Wonder Lake, where he married the former Bettyr funeral services will be held at Davison, who survives. Also 11 a.m. Friday, with the Rev. surviving are a son Richard, at Dennis Shaw of Wonder Lake home; five sisters, Mrs. Dorothy Baptist Church officiating, and Sommer of Romeoville, Mrs. burial in Greenwood Cemetery. Fredrick E. Rother, Sr. ---- ' Fredrick E. Rother, Sr., 83, of E. Jr. and Ronald (Lydia), all of Rolling Meadows, IL, was McHenry; and Stephen of San on arrival at Jose, CA; 13 grandchildren and Northwest Community Hospital, 11 great-grandchildren. Arlington Heights, IL Monday, There was no visitation. A June 4, 1984. He was born Feb. Memorial Mass wfll be con- 22, 1901, in Chicago, the son of ducted at 11 a.m. Friday in St. Frank and Minnie (Poepple) Patrick Catholic Church, Rother. McHenry. Surviving are five children. Arrangements were made by Mrs. George (Joan) Haze of Peter M. Justen k Son Fmeral Brule, WI; Susan Rother, Fred Home. Ryan J. Weston . Ryan Joseph Weston died at iMarco; and paternal grand- birth Wednesday, June 6, in parents, Barbara Nyhus of McHenry Hospital. He was the Phoenix, AZ and Charles Weston infant son of Pam and Joseph of McHenry. Weston of McHenry. Private graveside services Surviving are maternal were arranged by Peter M. grandparents, Billy De Marco of Justen k Son Funeral Home. McHenry and the late Rita De Hospital • dedication m scheduled • I The public is invited to a dedication and open house at Memorial Hospital this Sunday, J June 10, to celebrate rrwnplftion Of a |B minim IIHlrtF wl program, begun in 1980. I Hie dedication ceremony at the front entrance wiD begin at 1:90 p.m. Following the prey am, the public will be invited to participate in tours conducted by hospital staff mrmlwrs until 4:99 p.m. Frank Greenwald, president of the board, will preside at the w * •* « • ill * m - • ' acnooi nam win provide one for the occasion, and the Woodstock VFW and Legion wfll conduct a flag-raising ceremony. Tbe Rev. William Bagman of St. Anne's Church, wiD give the invocation. Lee Pesce, O executive director, will ) recognize the major con tributors to the $1% million capital fund drive. Ron Harris of Fhillis Sch- wager Aasociates will represent 'the architectural firm which 'developed the expansion program. Mary Ellen Keefc, president of the Auxiliary and Dr. Richard Gorski, chief of the medical staff, wfll h|m« -- * those groups at the dedication Also invited to take part are Ken Robbins, president of the Illinois Hospital Association, State Sen. Jack SchafKer and State Rep. Ron Wait. William Bickler WUham '-Cliff" Bickler. G. of Angeles, CA and one grandchild. Ft. Wayne. IN. died Tuesday. He was preceded in death by a June 5, 1964. at St. Mary's son MirhaH in 1981; a sister Hospital. Rochester. MX. He Evelyn Lackey; and both was born June 7, 1980 in parents, who were former Chicago, to Theodore and Clara irsaVrts of the MrH--ny area. (Worts) Bickler. , Mr. Bickler had been em- Visitation wfll be from 9:90 to ployed in the sales department 11 ajn. Saturday at George R. of Phelps-Dodge & wire Justen k Son Funeral Home, Co. of Ft. Wayne for the past 24 immediately followed by a years : was a member of St. Funeral Mass at SL Mary of the Joseph Catholic Church. Assumption Church, McHenry, Roanoke. IN: and a WW n with Father James Gaynor veteran of the Army Air Corps, officiating and •*-- <j in the On ̂ ril 19. 1947, in Chicago, church cemetery. he maiTied the former Juliette Memorials would be ap- Broaus. who is living in Ft. predated to the family lor the Wayne. Also surviving are a use in Pulmonary Fibrosis daughter. Janet Bickler of Las irii i/voridfv ide. ltd "YOUR COMPLETE TRAVEL AGENCY" 3724 W. Elm (Mill Pond Court) . McHenry, Illinois /j (•15)385-6900 HRS: Mon.-Fri. 9 to 5. Sat. 9 to 2 \ Evenings by Appointment N • Judy Mazrin • Jackie Brinn ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. tUMftER t BUILDING MATERIALS FEATURING COMPLETE LINES Of: • O. » ST A H MCCOLM INDOIVS •fctWPIE* v:.iC«€€* "G*1 SHtW&lES CABNE'S • ANKSfStN «A»Dv\AR£ MDOWS •PRfUMiSMfD MU**G CAKf.iWG DOC*S , •S'A.N.t* •NC*D DOC* • OPENERS CE . S»5*EVS Army Navy Surplus 2913 W. Rt. 120 in McHonry 344-2282 g.i. mess tewtlMd como krtt SSRPLSS 4077th MASH PANTS * plrt. bush shoi *14.95 S15-344-221 •**0*»E fWENCK' AD. ,sO»5 HSNTS .'.-EN »0'_ AA\' 'C S_a'C OB fEVDOEl »CXS WOVE FREE Planning 1 Estimating Services. Phone 385- 1424 909 N Front St. McHenry $23.99 reg S3C Our short* najamas for summer n»gnts Pm* or oiue D0!yesier and cotton P S M.L Also choose 4<"om a se<ect»on of specialty oncec steeowear oy Brano>v.<ne Siĵ Oertogs and famous 0es»gne^s Linger S3.99 ts $21.§9 reg $8 to $45 We've a panorama of faux pearts at half pnee. Drve mto an extensive selection of ocean treasures styled into necklaces, and chokers from 15-m to 54-m Also earrings and bracelets <n natural or gray tone Fashion Jewelry. Three held on disorderly charge PWifctkr News Service Ttoree young men from the McHenry ares were taken into custody by McHenry Potfce following a suspicious person report early Wednesday mar* ning. A passing motorist stopped Off. William Brogan, who was on patrol, and said someone was on top of the Haiborside Pontine building. Calling for assistance, Brogan and Sgts. Militano and Kinnrrk investigated the report. According to police, a person was seen as he jumped from the roof , of the Harborside building to the top of PhyUy's tavern on Main Street. Ertc L. Beyer, l«, SU5 John St., McHenry, was charged with disorderly conduct for being on thereof and later with criminal <tamage to property after he reportedly (lamagml a qfrnrlm"* in a detention cell at the police station. A man waiting in a car ateng side PbyUy's tavern, Timothy D. TOwnsend, 9008 Emily Una, McHenry, was also arrested and charged with disorderly con duct A Juvenile accomplice was inferred to authorities. $23 99 to $54.99 -eg $49 to $80 Sumptuous eathers styled into ail the most aes red oo*s Our collection includes ho&os companmerts clutches and more Famous makers u«e Stone Mountain M' Leather and Ronay HandOags $13.99 ts $124.99 reg $20 to%180 An assortment of hghtweigM straws m smart styles from Liz Ciaftome. Susan Gafl. Anne Kton and others Also, fabulous fabric bags by Stone Mountain and more. Handbags SPRING HILL > lOOC SPR'NG HILL MAu. »VEST DUNDEE «LLNOiS 60* PHONE *28-1234 STQWE HOURS MONDAY T*aQuGH EPiDAV 0̂ 00 TQ 9 X SATyPDAV 10 00 TO 5 30 SUNDAY 11 00 TO 5 00