Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jun 1984, p. 10

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PAGE M • PLAIN DEALER • WEDNESDAY. JUNE », 1«M • Plamdealer lassified Ricbmoni (Jirjcttr Office Hr». M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event of on error or ommission. the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only the portion of the ad which is in error. In case of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Call Classified Display Ads 815-385-0170. Private Pqrty 8 Commercial Line Ads: 815-344- 4800. Richmond 678-2581 Payment in advance must be made for these ads: •Babysitting • Business Opportunities 'Business Services • Garage Sales • Moving Sales • Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Area • Political • Rooms. Apts. to Share •Situations Wanted • Sublease, Re-rent, etc. *Wanted to Buy "Wanted to Rent. 3 LINES, 5 DAYS *8.80 Shaw Free Press PRIVATE PARTY LINE ADS Newspaper Group •Woodstock Daily Sentinel 'Saturday Extra ^Crystal Lake Morning Herald *Cordunal Free Press Morning Herold 'Elgin Herold ^Richmond Gazette 'Marengo Beacon Republican News *Huntley Beacon Republican News •Sycomore News •Cary-Grove Clarion *Barrington Banner *McHenry Plaindealer •Genoa-Kingston Kirkland News 'Hampshire Register •Horvord Herold 'Shopper Service 'McHenry Citizen Tri- County Shopper DIRECTORY DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND WED. PLAINDEALER FRI. PLAINDEALER MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON Announcements Cemeteries 8 Lots. Card of Thanks . . Notices Car Pools Lost 8 Found Personals Instruction Auctions 02 03 05 10 . 11 12 13 18 Help Wanted Child Core 19 Nursery Schools 20 Situations Wanted 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wanted 23 Help Wanted 24 Merchandise Wanted to Buy. .. Miscellaneous Merchandise. Garage Sales Merchandise Under $50. Antiques Bicycles & Sports Equipment. Lawn & Garden Equipment. . Boats Musical Instruments Cameras Aviation Pets 8 Equipment Horses & Equipment Farm 8 Dairy ^.livestock Machinery 8 Equipment. Business Opportunity Real Estate Sales . . .31 Wanted to Buy ...... 69 .. .32 Business Property 70 ...33 Open House 71 .. .34 Real Estate 72 . 35 Condominiums lor Sole 73 . . . 3 6 Townhomes for Sale. 74 . . . 3 7 Lots 8 Acreage 75 38 . . . . 76 . . . 3 9 Farms for Sale 77 Condominiums t Townhomes to Rent Stores, Office & Industrial to Rent Farms. Farmland to Rent Miscellaneous to Rent . 8 2 . 8 3 . 8 4 . 8 5 40 . 4 1 . 4 4 . 4 7 . 4 8 . 4 9 53 .66 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent 78 Rooms. Board. House Apartments to Share , . 79 Apartments to Rent 80 Homes to Rent 81 Automotive Autos for Sale 86 Wanted to Buyi 87 Auto Parts 8 Accessories 88 Trucks. Tractors & Trailers 89 Vans 90 Motorcycles 8 Snowmobiles 91 Recreation Vehicles 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Cemeteries &Lots CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK & UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as $275, Including perpetual care. Catholic section. Terms. •15/459-0547 2 BURIAL PLOTS, vaults, bronze/granite marker, at Win- dridge. Option to transfer site. Worth $3,300, $2,800/offer. 815/455-5341. Notices OPENINGS THE SALVATION ARMY Day Care 815/756 4308 6:30 am-6 pm; 2-4 yr olds, quality day care with a Chris­ tian emphasis; Lois Miller, Day Care Director. PICK YOUR own strawberries at Stracks, 1 mile South of Sycamore, VU mile East of Somonauk on Barber Green, 7 am to 6 pm daily. "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24HOUR HOTLINE 312/934-9233 $8 REWARD for Information leading to recovery of yellow Suzuki RM125 dirt Dike, stolen Friday night June •, from garage In Cary. Call 312/639- 3194. Card 3 Of Thanks Notices Do you feel that you want an easy way to meet more people of the opposite sex7 CALL mcHENRY COUNTY COmPUTER DATING SERVICE 815-338-2290 JANITORIAL SERVICE need ed. Tom Thumb Day Care Center, is now taking bids. Con­ tact: Mrs. Cook, 312/426-9505 between a 8 a.m., & Noon. PLASTERING Restoration Or New Vernon T. Kopseii 815/338-1668 The McHenry Beautification Committee would like to thank the Following groups & individuals who have helped to plant & beautify our city: McHenry Women's Club Connie Gillum Petals ft Stems Sharon Schoen Telephone Pioneers Fox Ridge Women's Club McHenry Garden Club Darlene Besch Francis Hughes Paul Brefield Bill Buhrman McHenry Hospital Auxiliary Locker's Flowers Girl Scouts Kristine Stahl McHenry Library Notices Truly Caring Services, INc. offers: HOME CARE FOR ELDERLY or HANDICAPPED 4 hrs. to 24 hr». - 7 days a week Mral Preparation Also available: Shopping Nursing Care Light Housekeeping Registered Nurses laundry IJc. Practical Nurses Personal Care Home Care Assistant* 24 Hr. Answering Services 815-548 5488 Private duty In hospitals or nvMlnf h*mrt. dm TOJ. too W Waihlnfton St., Marengo- H- Licensed A Bonded Employment Afentr <4 I I I J ̂ Ctmwberry V" ^SEASON'S HERE! * NOW PICKING! n it. (Appro. rn to.) 25* Clartf tv 44t. CoeMaor VINCENT STIAWBEMY FARM Licit in 3 ailes R. if Rictami Iff Rt. 12 - Filliw Rippofsiok Naur Sips li Fin 414-279-6691 LAZY DAY TREES & STRAWBERRY FARM 2 Miles West of Woodstock at 1609 Hobe Rd. Bring Your Own Containers & Pick 7 30am 12pm 7 Uays A Week! Call for Picking Conditions 815/338-3042 Supervised Children Over 5 Welcome 10 Car Pools CAR POOL from Crystal Lake to Elk Grove Village, leave. Crystal Lake at 4:45, leave Elk Grove at 3 p.m. Crystal Lake a Algonquin res.. 0t5/49H*99. 11 Lost & Found FOUND: Female adult Ger­ man Shepherd, black w/tan marking*, Algonquin area. 312/658-7646. FOUND. Set of keys on NIU key chain. In the vicinity of Briarwood & Butternut. Crystal Lake. Call 015/499-0212. LOST DOG 6/8/84, Dundee area, small 14" high, beige, scar on nose, answers to Shan na. Reward of $100.312/436-3007 or 312/426-3399. Jo CMMrsa Mar m LOST CAT orange a white, 5 yrs. old. Vic. of Rts. 174 & 31 Crystal Lake. Call Tamara: Days, 115/459-4455; Eves. 815/455-5543. LOST CAT, grav tabby, neut. male, vie. Buckingham (Coventry). Reward- child's pet. 115/439-8044. LOST PEACOCK, male, blue neck, Woodstock, reward, 815/338-5774. LOST CAT, South side Woodstock. Orange tiger, male Reward. 815/3364354 i jr oM. Ran w6hdayem. LOST SHEPHERD MIX, spayed female. 13 yrs. old. ar­ thritic. Lost 4/15/14, near Haligus & Ballard Rds. Call 815/455-2045 or 459-5437. 12 Personals • "SUMMER SPECIAL" Have long beautiful PORCELAIN NAILS..815.00 Monday thru Saturday AMERICAN GIRL BEAUTY SALON 312/426-4545 PREGNANT? NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-1 lam. And from 7-9pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service. 815/385-2999 HYPNOSIS Stop smoking In 1 session, lose weight easily controlled eating. In- foal/group sessT< 313/426-4070. through dividua Ions. JOB HUNTING? Laam how to gat one of thoao unadvarttsad |ot»l (10% of the Job Market!) For Free Consultation Call Janet Marsh, MSW •H5/33M421* TEMPTATIONS JEWELRY 13 N. Third St. Charles We Buy & Sell Antiques & Costume Jewelry 312/504-2323 LOSE WEIGHT NOW! Ask Me How Call Paul SiS^SP-TTao LOSING WE IGHT equals mak­ ing money. If you have 5 to 200 pounds to lose, call Arthur, 312/223-1839. 18 Auctions LAND AUCTION JUNE 23,1984 2:00 P.M. 79.7 ACRES M.O.L. WEAL FOR SPOaiSaaAN rmt (OCR TOWNSHIP, otu county. ILLINOIS aOCHELLE, ILL (NWV 2S1) 10 BIILEf Sale to bf next on premises located 10 miles .est ol ftockelle II oft ot H.( 2bI (Old H.) 5|) on the Hau black lop (WalcH lo< Sign) Pltl ol sections 31 and 32 Pine Rock lownship Ojle Count) Illinois Consisting ol 79 ? aces M 0 I »illi appion IS aces tillable l(BMS 10% down day ol sale balance due in 30 days oi sooner al closmj *1 .inch tune deed and title policy .ill be lumished Possession on tillable aues suiecl lo tenants least Buyei to iecieie hall ol last cash tenl licelient oppoiiunil, lo putchase some line .ooded aciea|t with small st-eam llo.mi lhiou(h il FARMERS a MERCHANTS BANK TRUSTEE SrCANOM. ILLINOIS BROKER PARTICIPATION INVITED AUCIIONCEIS OMH«II(IIS)M2Z;IO 0«h*I Hwmi(llS) S42 8781 NOIL AIL ANNOUNCEM(NFS OAT Of AUCIION WILL TARE PRECEDENCE OVER ANY PRINTED MATERIAL PUBLIC AUCTION SUNDAY, JUNE 24, IN4 • 12:00 AMERICAN LEGION POST 945 Huntley Road Lake in the HWs Atf onqwin, H. Sears Six (*) HP Riding Lawn Mower. Gat Mowtr. Signature Avo­ cado Refrigerator. Black Lounge Chair. Ladder Chair. Black 1 White Television Sets. Crocks. Dishes. Tool Boxes. Lamps. Pots i Pans; Punch Bowl Set. Blankets. Rugs, AAeat Grinders. Glass Sets. Wash Tubs With Stand. What Not Shelves. Record Players. Re cords (7H. ns I 45s). Wall Unit. High Chair. Marble Insert Coffee Table. • Track and Cassette Tapes. American Flyer Train Goods. Lawn Spreader, Bed Frames, Stiens. Childs Electric Organ. Pocket Knives. Card Tables. Blue Table. Radios. Mis, Doll Fur nlture. Hampers. Electric and Manual Typewriters. Chairs. Mir rors. Vacuum Cleaners. Yard Tools. Cabinet. Chlldrens Scooters. Electric Lawn Edger. Suit Cases, Electric Heater. Comer Hutch. Desks, Furniture. Ottoman. Knick Knacks, Large Amount of Box Lots as This Is a Partial Listing of Goods Available Cash of personal check only II known to Auction Company. Not responsible tor accidents Thore will be no reserves or buy backs. All announcements the day of the sale shall take precedence over any printed advertising. Sale An sagsl ICwiHtKi By: AacMeae By Jekeoea 21 Pi"illliifc like leffiwls," tB 101 ~ (112IM8-1N2 *r CM4I7S THE SOUND THAT SCLLS PUBLIC AUCTION PRIME FARM LAND DEKALB COUNTY, ILLINOIS 118.2 ACRES M.O.L. SAT. JULY 7. 1984 2:00 P.M. SALE LOCATION CRISI0N SUPPER CLUB HMV 38 CRESTON IILI0NI0S BROKER PARTICIPATION INVITED (ARM LOCATION l'i miles west ot S»cimoif II on Rt 64 lo OW SUIe Rd 2 milts noith ol «est on Old Stile lo liim Match toi Sign PROPIRT* DESCRIPTION P»it ot the south east 1-4 ol section 22 I 41N R «f Maylieid Up OeKalb Count, Illinois Consistmf ol HI? acres M 0 I Land lo tie ottered m 2 fads and then ,s i unit #1 31 2 ictes MOL on the south side ot Old State Rd »2 hi icits M 0 I on the north side ol Old State Rd *3 as one unit consistm|ot 118 2 acres M 0 L TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1 10% domn sale day balance due m 30 days at closing At which time deed and title polic» wilt be lumished 2 The land wrili be sold by price per acre times total acres 3 An agreement conning the conditions ol sale will be signed by buyer and sellei at the close ol the auction 4 1984 Taxes to be pro rated i Possession ot settlement subiect to the rights ol the tenant who s lease eipires March 1 1985 6 Buyer to reciene I 2 ot the 1984 cash rent When cash rent is due 1 loi moie inlormation contact auctioneer Don Hall Don Hill Realty t Auction Co H«y?SIN Rochelle II 61068 (815)562 2710 Soil Types Drummer Flintgan Catlm Elbum Saybrook Batama Peolone and Herbert WINIFRED PATTERSON: ESTATE »RttnaioN incvToa 12 Personals • THE FREEZE has e Delicious New Specie! every Tues. 4 Wed.! Stop In for e reel Teste Treat at 141 Virgin* in Crystal 13 Instruptlnn Rapid Reading/ Study Skills CLASS NOW FORMING Ttti-ttti GRADE • Learn To Study !• Write Effectively • Crack The Report Barrier • Increaee Reading Rete 2-3Tlmes • Improve Reading Comprehension • Snacks, Swim, Break Learner Support Programs, Inc. I15/45M931 312/381-8418 CLASSES FOR ALL AGES PIANO LESSONS Eves., week­ ends In your Crystal Lake home. 17.50/45 mln. Call I15/4&5-4IS7, after 7 pm. ART CLASSES for the young, • yrs A up. now forming, my Lake In The Hills home. 312 19 qfrildC are LICENSED child care in E. Dundee. Get the care your child 312/421-7411. LOVING YOUNG Granny will care for children. Any age, deys A evenings In my Crystal Lam hi tings In my v 815/455-5494. 18 Auctions 19 Child Care CHILD CARE In my Cary home, degree in Child care, mom of 1, two yrs. or older. 312/43M154. QUALITY daycare for school age children in my Crystal Lake home, call I15/45MU3. RELIABLE MOM Exper. Lots of TLC for bebies * toddlers. Play yd* swing set, refs. 312/43M055. CHILD CARE in my Cary home, Ig. play area, meals 4 ref„ 312/439-342>. LOW COST Child Care, my Crystal Lake Home, near Cen­ tral School, former pre-school teecher, provides meals, ac tlvitles, In-door playroom A outdoorpiay equip. Call after 1 p.m. H5/455-5M2. Situations 21 Wanted DRYWALL quality work at a reasonable price, call 115/455 0110aftor4p.m. PAINTING A PAPERING Fully Insured - Free Estimates Don Johnson. 815/33M850 RICK'S ROTOTILLING. Have U Hp. Kabuta diesei tractor with 42" tiller, 4-12" deep, very reasonable. Call anytime, •15/72HM1. • HOUSE PAINTING, Interior, & exterior, reasonable, rates. 115/455-3559. TUCKPOINTING, chimneys, buildings, bad bricks replaced A roof repair . 312/526-3151 QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford! 115/459-7194 after 5 pm. AUCTION Sunday, km 24,11 a.m. Variety of 75 colItctori plltot tram 1M* If03 by B 1 G Norman Rockwell, SchmM. Norltako. Neat Vltrall, Knolat. Kaiier. Ora* dan. Bavarian, Rorfrand. Brantwood. Norway, Cranda Oanica, Gaorga Good Carp., Roco. BAB Kjobanhavon. Calendar plates, depreuion glats. mantel clock cate. Jenny Llnd bad, crocheted work, antique wood-burning slave, walnut & oak furnishings, American Orientals, new hand tools, colored TVs/hutch, window air cendltionart, gas ranges, refrigerator fraeiers. washers, dryers, upright treator. metal storage cabinets. 14mm movie pro lector, hand power mowers. Ige. pes. of carpet, cap for mini pickup. I lot from lumbar yard. '8S Chevy Chevette D«k« Rath Auction Ctnttr 3mLW.alDKliionllta.20 Terms Cash, MasterCard or Visa "AUCTION" Located at 218 E. Jackson St., Hampshire, 111. REASON: Giving up housekeeping and living at retirement home. SELLING REAL ESTATE AND CONTENTS SATURDAY, JUNE 30 at 12:00 NOON REAL ESTATE: 2 bedroom frame ranch house w/full basement, breezeway, attached garage, large kitchen w/new no-wox floor, plastered walls, hardwood floors on a 70'x140' lot. Walking distance to shopping, schools and park. Nice neighborhood. TERMS: Excellent terms, S5000. earnest money by cashiers or certified check on day of sale. Seller will toke land contract w/15% down (including earnest money), 1IV«% interest, monthly principal & in­ terest payment. Coll auctioneer for further infor­ mation. OPEN HOUSE: Sen., June 24 from 2:00 • 4:00 Complete list of household items in next weeks paper. JOHN KIRKOVICH Auctioneer: Gordon St ode, McHenry III. S1S.3SS.7032 AUCTION Located 3 miles east of Marengo on Route 176 to P & O Road, then south 1 '/> miles to Ocock Road, then east, or 2 miles east of Union on Ocock Road, between P&O and McCue Roads, on SUNDAY, JUNE 24,12:00 NOON FARM EQUIPMENT AND MISC. TOOLS: Farmall cub tractor w/sickle mower; Farmall H w/looder IH 8' disc; IH 2- 14 RT plow; hay rock wagon; buzz saw; Planet Jr. seeder; 3 walking cultivators; walking carrot and shovel plows; port, sprayer w/gos engine; 16 hot bed windows; 3 Hp. cent, pump; wooden ext. lodders; large omount plumbing equip, includes Ridged No. 400 elec. pipe threoder, pipe vises, cutters, threaders, reamers, dies, 2" and 4" cutters; large amount iron and cop­ per fittings; 5 elec. motors; lead pots and heater; large wooden well pipe jack; log chains; tarps; cistern pump; fence posts; poultry equip.; '/»" drill; many hand tools; Skilsaw; meat and produce scale; lawn mowers; large amount scrap iron, a 2 generation collection. You can't believe whats here. Come and look I COLLECTABLE AND HOUSEHOLD: Pot belly stove; wooden borrels; milk cans; iron seats; 12 go. shotgun; harness a collars: solid ook twin BR set; upright freezer; window air cond.; oak dresser; pic­ nic table; many old toy farm machinery pieces; cop­ per boilers; old furniture and many unlisted items. ESTATE Of ERVIN PRUETER MVCWORWRE VQIQWII AVOW, MCVWWRY, HI* LSJSL2SS 21 Situations Wanted WILL STEAM clean Living room, $20. rooms, $10 aa., S •1J/NHTO. n carpets. Additional yrs. exp. WE 00 all Mow's the time. Have It done. Call I15/3IS-3SM. C & E Con crete. McHenry. A 4J high school student would like to offer her tutoring abilities at $4.0S/hr„ H5/3I5- 37V. Johnsburg Area. PROFESSIONAL ROOFERS w/» yrs. experience will do repato. decks, teer offs, re- roof. Shingles Only. Call am 4 pm,312/i3MW4. PAINTER Wants |obs, large or small. 30 yrs. experience. Free Estimates. Call Howie at 115/923-24*3 • TOUCH UP-ORUSH UP Interior Exterior Painting Free Estimates 115/331-4205 STUDENTS NEED grass cut ting 4 odd |obs (in Coventry area) H5/45»-23l». OFFICE CLEANING, daily or weekly. 10 years experience. Reasonable. >15/33Q-M54. RELIABLE cleaning lady will cleen your home for reasonable fee.m/455-5611. Barb. HAVE DEBRIS TO DUMP? W0 help you empty your attic, •"Si,1 », basement or yard, ill: 312/421-2471. DJ. 4000 watt, $12,000 sound system with lights & records for all. 312/504-0002. TYPING, other office work done In my home. 115/455-4596 WILL DO housecleanlng, Hampshire/Burlington area, call Kim 312/603-2751. WHITE GLOVE expert housecleanlng, we do windows, homes, offices, stares, clean up before a after party, etc., •15/499-0742. S COLLEGE STUDENTS for yard work & misc. odd jobs. Experienced. 015/455-2531 or 499-5300. TOP NOTCH cleaning lady has days avail., exc. ret., 815/459- 6515. Household 23 Help Wanted WANTED: WOMEN for general cleening, once per week, Johnsburg area. 115/305- 4132. BABYSITTER wanted In my Woodstock home, full time, 4ays. After 5 p.m. 015/337-0070. D E P E N D A B L E , l o v i n g babysitter for 3 children, Tues- rri. K©Terences. vvooasTOCK, 015/330-7560. MATURE WOMAN for house cleaning on Pistakee Bay, every other week. Must be careful a good worker. 815/305- 7396. BABYSITTER WANTED full time In my Carpentersvllle home, tar two children. Must be mature, & have own transpor- tatlon. 312/420-4364 after 5p.m. RELIABLE BABYSITTER-for Infant, In my Mchenry horn*, 2 days a week, 015/344-4047. BABYSITTER WANTED part time, Tues. a Thurs. for 2 children, 312/603-2467. Hamp­ shire. BABYSITTER tor intelligent 9 month old t~ my home. Must have transportation, II houee duties, call 4312/6074016. ti 24 Help Wanted ENJOY YOUR WORK SELL AVON. Flexible hrs. Call 015/459-5757 SHINGLERS B Laborers. 2 yrs experience. Call between 8 am & 5 pm. 015/653-4431 24 Help Wanted RESUMES Professionally prepared. VIsa/MC Welcome. Norton & Associates. 312/420- 9255. D R U M M E R - G U I T A R PLAYER Rock Style, serious musicians only. Wonder Lake, 815/728-1496. NURSES AIDS full time a part time. Spm-llpm shift a split shift 5am-9am a 4om-8pm. for Interview call Highland 414/279-3345 Genoa City. PART TIME position available to income- eligible person. Ex- Kinece In housecleanlng iful. Hourly wage plus mileage. For appolmtmtnt, call McHenry County Housing Authority. 815/338-7752. GIRL tar part time office work ino phones ll Call: a typing. Hrs: 312/420-5533. • SUMMER WORK Local branch of regional firm has several full ana part time summer positions. Pay rate $6.85. 18 or over. Need use of car. Call: 312/741-1920.11 am to 7pm. SET YOUR OWN HOURS Do something for yourself and earn money while working in your own community. Greet people and represent local businesses. Permanent part- time. Car necessary. Welcome Wagon is now interviewing. Call Betty. Friday 10-4 pm 312/900-9266 E.O.E. PART-TIME CLERICAL for small office. Accurate typist. Computer experlnece helpful. 2 half days rer week. 815/385- 2007. PART TIME evenings. Phone work tar insurance company. No sales. 312/639-0091 COOK, part time. Mon. thru Frl., 1 jjm f̂o 5 pm. Call Greg, Y o u Unlimited, 0990. p o r t u n l t l e s " ' " 015/330- BARTENDERS a Waitresses needed. Must have experience. Ask for Joe. El Niagara, 230 N. Virginia, Crystal Lake. 815/459- 4121 BAKER'S HELPER wanted. Apply in Person, The Riverside Bakery, 1309 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry, IL. BAKER WANTED. Must be ex perienced. Apply in Person. The Riverside Bakery, 1309 N. R iverside Dr., McHenry. PART TIME ambitious person to do faclaTs a make-up. Will teach facials; must know make-up. Call 312/639-4590 for interview. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS, machine operators a staple packers. Apply In person. Staple Center Mfg., 6711 Sands Rd., Crystal Lake. GENERAL OFFICE C o m p u t e r b a c k g r o u n d necessary. Good starfina pay. Apply in person Staple Center Manufacturing Corp., 6711 Sands Rd. Crystal Lake. CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANTS: Are you looking tar a congenial atmosphere and the opportuni­ ty to give quality care? Call Mrs. Manga no, 815/. FULL TIBIE position . Bldg. Malnt.'Co. tar person w/buildtng trade skills. Only experienced a hard- worki Krsons need apply. i/455-5740. rking Call SECRETARY With writing skills Must have good organizational and communication skills. Shorthand beneficial. Please apply In person weekdays 8 am to 4:30 pm. Ask for Mrs. Petty, FOK Valley Systems, 640 In­ dustrial Drive, Cary, IL. If it is not possible tar you to apply during these hours, please call 312/639-5658. 24 Help Wanted KEYBOARDplayer w/Modric piano, organ for band. Should knew standards, some contemporary musk Pat at 312/697 312/4364104. 2260 Ext. 309 or DENTAL HYGIENIST Must Be Licensed. Cary near Crystal Lake, part time, Tues. a Thurs.- Ind. eves. 312/639-5300a leave mossagi. RETAIL SALES. Clerk, pert time. Photo knowledge helpful. Call Lion Photo, 815/455-1700. SECRETARY/RECEPTION IS T needed tar Crystal Lake firm, accurate typing a light book­ keeping. Send resume a salary requirements to Bex A J K, Show Free Frees Newspapers. P. O. Bex 290, Crystal Late. IL 60014. COMMERCIAL CLEANING Service hes 2 permanent port time |ob openings, 1 for Jenitor, mostly evenings; 1 Housekeeper, day$. Must drive, be energetic pleasant a bondabie. Interviews Sat. Call tar an appointment, 8TS/3I5- 1877 ASSEMBLY WORKERS 7-3:30 pm. Apply In person. Per­ formance Stamping Co.. 14 L a k e M a r i a n R d . , Carpantersvliie. S T Y L I S T S W A N T E D Guaranteed salary, liberal commission. The Hair Event, Crystal Point Mall. 815/459-9654 TRAVELAGENT Elgin's leading agency Is look ing for the ported agent. Must have minimum of 1 yr. agency experience with Apollo train- Ing. Call 312/697-0616. TRAVEL AGENT Elgin's leading agency Is look ing tar the perfect agent. Must have minimum of 1 yr. agency experience with Apollo traln- ing. Call 312/697-0616. PART TIME, leading to full time In growing medical com­ pany located in McHenry. Flex­ ible hours, evenings preferred. Ideal candidate will have plea­ sant phone manner a munketive skills as well as generel office a bookkeeping obilities. Medical billing background a real plus. Posi­ tion could grow into manage­ ment responsibility with bright future a profit sharing poten­ tial. 815/344-0670. , PERSONNEL OFFICER Bachelor's Degree required. Minimum 3 yrs. experience In personnel administration. Ad­ ministers the Personnel Office, maintains appropriate records, coordinates employee recruit­ ment a selections end provides orientations to new employees. $18,000^20,000, 12 moo. con­ tract .'Excel lent fringe benefits. Send resume with credentials to Dr. Donold Waters, ELGIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE, 1700 Spartan Dr., Elgin, IL. 60120, by June 22, 1904. ECC is an E O C / A A , S e c t i o n 5 0 4 • STYLIST Full a part time, for pro­ gressive salon. Only those ex­ perienced need apply. Greet opportunity tar ambitious | pie. All applications Hal. Changes 015/459-1815. CARPENTER I att phaoes of remodeling, experienced need apply; n have own trans. Call 5 to 91 815/455-4226 or 499-3001, ext. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Hemy Penny Rest* 1709 Rte. 120, McHenry, II., 819/385-1230, ask for Jerry. TELEPHONE OPERATOR Permanent pert time. Mature person to work evenings. Ap- prox. 20 hrs. per week. Cell 015/459-4400. FULL TIME Seles with op ̂ portunity for advancement. Retail experience preferred. Call Mon. or Wed. Musicland, 312/420-2111. DESIGN ORAFTSMAN S lo n years eocperteno ̂ I Include CnSSeSMi nont a birttdbiD hard- Send fnynn toMvUnt Products lee, P. O. Bo* W0. ig Aucttyns IL mm. ATTEN- TION: PNHJWJ ENGINEERING "AUCTION Located 2 miles north of Woodstock, III. on Route 47 to Alden Rd. then northwest 5 miles, or 5 miles east of Harvard, III. (Rt. 14) on McQuire Rd. to Alden Rd. then north 1/2 mile, or 3 miles south of Alden, III. on SATURDAY, JUNE 23,11:00 A.M. Reason: Owner devoting full time to business. FARM, DAIRY CATTLE, DAIRY EQUIPMENT, FARM EQUIPMENT r REAL ESTATE: To be sold. Attractive complete set of farm building w/4 bedroom, 2 story house on 5 acres, more land available if purchaser desires. Presently a dairy operation, is also suitable for horses, hogs, poultry or raising kids. Located on a nice blacktop in cen­ ter of a triangle between, Woodstock, Harvard, & Hebron. Woodstock schools. Bub at door. The barn has 57 stanchions and a maternity pen, attached feed room w/overhead protein bins and 2- 14x50 B 14x40 ribstone silos and 2- 2000 bu. concrete block ear corn cribs. Also a 24x50 concrete young stock barn w/upstairs mow, (or chicken barn), 26x60 concrete garage S machine shed w/cement floor. There are 3 lots w/concrete around barn ond 3 fenced grass lots. The house has a new kitchen, full basement, alum, storms and screens, in a nice setting. Contract terms available if purchaser desires. Call auctioneer for details and appointment to view the property. Title policy and survey furnished. 68 HEAD DAIRY CATTLE: 50 Holstein milk cows, including 4 reg. red and whites. A well uddered dairy, 43 milking presently producing over 2300 lbs. daily. Ave. BF test for year near 4*/.. Includes some typy young indiv. Several fresh oH springing, balance bred back and milking good. Bred cows carrying services of o Reg. Weingart bull. Cattle will be bruc., TB and anaplasmosis tested and vac­ cinated cattle will be elegible for interstate shipment. Trucks available. 5-8 mo. holstein heifers: 3 red and white heifers 10 to 18 mo; 6 red and white heifers 6 mo.; 2 Jersey heifer calves 3 to 6 mo.; 1 hoi. stock bull, 18 mo. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: Pati barn cleaner, all new Nov. 83, 188' Hi-flite chain, RH, 20' chute; Surge 2" stainless steel pipeline system for 54 stalls, w/5 milkers. Electro Brain washer, vacuum pump, complete and operating; Majonnier 300 gal. bulk cooler w/washer; Acorn 14' silo unloader, complete w/tripod, motor 8 cable- Acorn cable barn cleaner for single 20 cow gutter a extra Acorn cable born cleaner drive unit and cable; 13' Acorn silage conveyor; 20 Jamesway steel stanchions and stalls (taken out); 30 drinking cups; large driveway born fan w/stand & motor (choice of 1 or 3 ph. motor) round bale feeder; 16' treated wood feed bunk, Exc.; 2 steel feed carts; several gates; 50 lb. Surge milker unit; elec. barn fogger; fiberglass salt 8 min. feeders; elec. 8 LP milk house heaters; Stewart dipper; can't kick clamps; hoof trimmers; 35 neck chain numbers; usual milk house items. FEED « CROPS: 10 corn siloge in 14' silo; 20 large round bales corn stalks; 36 acres stonding alfalfa hay - 2nd and 3rd cutting (fertilized). TRACTORS. BOBCAT, BALER, ETC. Case 930 Comfort King diesei tractor wide front, 3 pt. 8 18.4x34 tires; Melroe Bobcat 610 Skid-Steer looder w/ROP canopy, exc.; Ford 861 tractor w/Superior loader 8 3 pt. Farmall Super M tractor w/ 2 way hyd., a good one; IH No. 430 "All Twine" baler; 1983 Meyers 20' cattle feeder wagon w/flotation tires; Gehl No. 65 Mixer-Mill, exc.; New Holland No. 479 9' haybine; New Holland No. 36 green chopper; New Idea No. 217 manure spreader w/single beater and reor pan; 3 pt. round bale mover; 6' 3 pt. rear blade; 60' 3 pt. rotary mower; Allis side unloading foroge wagon on gear; 2 hay rack wagons; Nl Rollabor hay rake; 50' elevator w/motor; 42' 9" silo pipe w/hood (on silo)'; 2- 13.6x28 new tires; 12x28 tractor chains; M-C twin pickup fuel tanks w/tool boxes; 3 JD 8 IH hyd. rams; Case front weights; 930 winter front; 10'x12' wooden building w/floor; 4 rolls snow fenced 100 used steel posts; used barb wire; Nl spreader apron; platform scale comp.; pile used plywood; new 8 used lumber; Omaha stock rock for Ford P.U.; sewer rod; 3/4" drive sockets; and usual rock lood small Items: 4-3/4 to 2 Hp. elec. motors. CONSIGNED BY NEIGHBOR: IH m' tractor, wide front 8 new paint; IH 'H', new point; Allis CA tractor; Allis WC troctor; flare box wogon SALE ORDER: l 1:00 small items 11:15 farm machinery 8 truck; 12:30 Real estate; 1:00 dairy - bam equipment 8 feed; 1:15 cattle. HILLTOP FARM AugtloneenGordonStode,McHenry. III. tlS-3t5.7Q32

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