Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jun 1984, p. 11

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I PAGE II - PLAIN DEALER - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20.1984 24 Help Wanted TCLCPMONE SALE order tiktri. Exparlanca not momtry. Full or part time Mm up to MO • day. Cell •1S/49M40, tt am to 6 pm, Mon. thai Frl. tor appointment. PRINT SHOP Looking lor ox prow operator* for second Shift. Caflil2/ttS-H20. PETLAND la growing again A Is accepting applications tor a Manager/Manager Trainee at thelrSprtng Hill Mall Store In Wast Dundee. Successful can- dWatas will have management A Pet store experience as well as a dynamic sales oriented personal Ity- rottand Is also acceptinng ap­ plications for Kennel Techni­ cians l Sales Counselors. Pet exporiance preferred. Dynamic sales oriented per­ sonality a must. Apply In per­ son. Nophone calls. WOULD YOU LIKE... To make more than just the usual listing/sales commis­ sions? If you nave an active or kmacttve license in real estate, call for an Interview to discover how ERA and our office can of far you addad opportunities that no other local or national company can. ERA Caravan R.E. 312/421-2610 LAWN CARE, exterior pain odd lobs. Part time ting, od I3j0/hr. References required Call 815/330-7727 IMMEDIATE POSITION For Experienced Machinist Excellent Benefit Package. B.T.M. Industries Inc. 404 Washington Woodstock IL •15/331-6464 24 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED Legal Sicntify. Typlno md shor • Tnana rvauirea. wora process- iHg skills preferred. Send resume to: BOKAJV c/o Free Press Newspapers P.O. BOX 290 Crystal Lake IL 60014 GYMNASTICS C O O R D I N A T O R Full or part time. Responsible tor supervising gymnastics, pre school through class II or I levels. Must be 21 or older. Full time would Include supervision of fittness programs. Resume deadline, Ally 10. 1914. Send r e s u m i s t o ; D o u g Noushwondor, Lake Region YM.CA* 7315 South Rte. 31, Crystal Lake. IL 60014. Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F. PAINTER- Full time, year round position. Apply in person at Mike's Car Wash, 7210 Tackier Blvd., Crystal Lake, IL. PIN STRIPING Helper wanted, Dundee area. 17 to 10 yrs. old Drivers license needed. Call: 311/416-4641 TRAVEL CONSULTANT, ticketing experience preferred to |oin friendly progressive of­ fice. 312/420-7600. COOK, Ideal for female, full timet, for fast food kitchen Small Sandwtoh Company, McHonry. 015/305-6101. FULLTIME Energetic and enthusiestic salesperson needed for garden center. Must enjoy working with people and plants. Knowledge of plant material, horticulture background or related work experience necessary. Weekdeys & .Apply In person: The Bam Nursery 010* S. Rt.31 312/< CarylL 2/650-300 TEN WHEELER, plenty of work. If interested, call 312/639-9261. SALES PERSONNEL 4 Part Time Hours Applicants must be available to work Days end Evenings and some Week-ends. Must like working with people. Sales ex per ience helpful. Apply on Person Thurs. JUNE 21st, 11AJM. NO PHONE CALLS, Please MORROW'S NUTHOUSE Spring Hill Atoll Dundee PART TIME TELLER Experience preferred but not necessary. Apply McHENRY SAVINGS & LOAN Huntley Office 312/669-3333 24 Help Wanted START YOUR OWN BUSINESS Farmer* Insurance Group is looking for college graduates or other professional sales people to develop their own agencies. We wilt help you build your business with comprehensive train­ ing and a guaranteed Income program. You can start on a part- time bests I earn full commissions while you learn. Once you complete your training you will operate your own agency with unlimited Income potential. WrHt: Larry Forsbtrg HI Wing St., Elgin,IL 40120 SECRETARY/ "ifcrOyrtemlc printing/,communications cOrrtpafiy has an - immediate vacancy for an individual to provide cleri­ cal assistance for one of its regional sales offices. Typ­ ing of 45/50 WPM required. Good verbal/written com­ munication skills a must. For immediate consideration send resume and salary requirements to: George F. Valassis & Co. Inc. 33 W. Higgins Rd., Suite 4030 South Barrington, IL 60010 EQE 24 Help Wanted OWN YOUR OWN buslnoes In CrytM Lake A McHonry. In- multl-line. na- draw + bonus, training provid­ ed. college grad preferred, female/male. Send resume to P.O. Box AJR. % Shaw Free Press, P.O. Box 230, Crystal . . |L PART TIME Steno for WOOQSTOCK HW OTTICt. MUST Dt good speller A able to do machine tranacrlption. Hours flex. Apply ̂ P. O. Bex 660. HEATING A Air Conditioning Person, must have some ex­ perience. Call 015/305-7623, 0:30-4:30pm. SECRETARY 5 mornings per week, 60 wpm, dictation/ dlctataphone ex­ perience required. DRAFT SPERSON. full time. 5 yrs. commercial/ office experience. Resumes only please. MUTERSPAUGHt ASSOC. ARCHITECTS 100 McHonry Ave. Crystal Lake, IL 60014 CLERKGraphics Experience with various office machines preferred. Good typ- 31 ability necessary. Ex-lent salary and fringes. APPLY NOW THE PERSONNEL OFF ICE COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 300 405N. Sixth St., Dundee, IL. 60110 312/4X6-1300 An Equal Opportunity Employer Education TEACHER AIDE With teaching certificate. Minimum 5 hours early childhood development & l year experience required. Apply In Person: PLUS INC. HEADSTART 222 East Wilson Ave. Batavia, Illinois ttnploytr m/f 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted Driver BUS DRIVER Kane County Must have "C" License and school bus driver's permit. Must be 21 years of age, have good driving record and 3 years ex­ perience driving in the State of Illinois. For interview, Please Call: 312/179-1185 PLUS INC. HEADSTART QQmlcyportunity wiployof m/f Education CENTER COORDINATOR Must have 5 years ex­ perience in Elementary of Early childhood Develop­ ment. Supervisory ex­ perience required. Send resume to: PLUS INC. HEADSTART P.O. Box 217 Batavia, IL 40510 •quel opportunity tmptoytr m/f COMMISSION Sales Person w/Mdo. constr. background to do selee A estimating for in­ sulation contractor. AAc Henry, Lake A Kane Counties. Must have own trap. Good oppty. for right peraon. 312/420-5561. TEACHER BwalMfidk aMMialaMe arli Ia • nwnwi requires Twcning degree In Earty Childhood Development. Send raewmelo: PLUS INC. HEADSTART P.O. Box 217 Batavia, IL M510pMel060f2sw05equal opportunity employer m/f PART TIME counter help wonted. Days or nights, must be 21. Apply in person after 2 pm. The Crossroads, 7600 vtrglna Rd., Crystal Lake. 24 Help Wanted PERMANENT PART TIME DELIVERY Cary, Lake Zurich, AAc Henry, Weuconda areas. Early morn­ ing hours, 7 days per week, 2 to 3 hrs. per day. Dependable vehicle required. Salary and auto allowance. Apply 6 a.m. to 12 NOON, 312/430 3600, Chicago Tribune. • WANTED Journeymen Bodyman For Details Call: Hl-Pcrformance Auto Body 312/639-0707 FULLTIME MATURE PERSON Good Typist, some Swit- i Flexible starting hours Call for Appointment 312/428-1700 Ask for Sandy R.W.Moll Insurance Ctr. . Dundee, IL. BARTENDER, part time, eves. A weekends. Call for ap­ pointment 015/338-2191, Woodstock Country Club. DRIVER Part time position 3-4 hours per afternoon, Monday through' Saturday. Company car available, however use of own vehicle may be required with miieî e plus hourly paid. Contact PotbohnoI Department NORTHERN ILLINOIS CLINICAL LAB, LTD. 1110-X N.Green St. McHenry, IL 60050 <• 815/344-1603 Ambitious, mature, career minded person needed for full time position in Composition Department of large Spring Grove, IL forms printing facility. Background in camera­ work, keyline, typesetting, a plus, but will train promising beginner. Position will be temporary first shift, second shift following training period. Contact Jerry Bonde Forms Corp. of America 81S/67S-2392 • PUNCH PRESS SET UP • PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS Familiar with press set-up up to 200 tons; experienc »ed with air feeds, compound & progressive dies. Three years minimum experince. Excellent pay & hill company paid benefit package. Apply to person nel department. GENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. • 201 E. Brink St., Harvard, IL (.0033 8151943-7411 Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F FULL TIME POSITIONS PRESSROOM (Must be strong and mechanically inclined) CLERICAL (Typing, special projects, computer order entry) TYPESETTER (Keyline paste up artist with typing skills) ASSEMBLY (Some Drafting, Mech. Drawing, Experience helpful) Applications will be taken with a brief interview at 640 Industrial Drive, Cary, IL. If it is impossible for you to apply during regular working hours, please call Mrs. Petersen at 312 639 5658. FOX VALLEY SYSTEMS, INC. BARTENDER & COOK ELM STREET INN 3811W. Elm St. McHenry 815/385-2368 between 9 am-5:30 pm JOURNEYMAN TOOL & DIE MAKER Tool & Die Maker for expanding operation in plant fabrication work involving building and/or repairing progressive & compound dies, jigs & fixtures. Job shop experience preferred. Good wages & excellent company paid benefit package. Apply To Personnel Department GENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. 201 £. Brink St., Harvard, IL 815/943-7411 An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F fciviceH Technician' EictlM wpartNity far aa iltctreaicaHy triiaad tetaiciaa with a strN| aeduaical aptitafc Sean wrt npariMM will pawtr sMricaaiacter Mi Nit«|/lt|itai circuits. This pnitiaa mveives re pm af mt praMcts it cntMNr facility. Traiain MaarprMact tins will M praviM. la aMHiM la m ucalieat start iff salary we alter •m el Re fiMst Meet it pragraarc available SeM rtuaw ia mWmi la: Kama Rtsaarcts Ma M|ar. Eata CarparatiM. Electric Rim Dimm, 312214R Aw. KMMsfea. ViSMMia 53141. Power Transmission Systems ^ Lqu»l Opvo'U'i:ty Imployt. M ROUTE SALES REPRESENTATIVE Hostess Cake Temporary Full Time Female/Hale Immediate opening available. Musi have good driving record and ability to drive manual shilt vehicle. Base plus commission. Complete line ol company benefits. Tuesday thru Saturday work week. Ap­ ply in person Position located in McHenry, linois. v HOSTESS CAKE ITT CONTINENTAL BAKING COMPANY, INC 3315 E. Pearl Street McHenry, IL 678 0491 Equal opportunity employer m/t sjlii 24 Help Wanted SPECIALIST Accounts Payable/ Payroll/Federal Grants Previous Clerical experience required and bookkeeping ex­ perience preferred. Excellent salary ana fringes. APPLYNOW PERSONNEL OFFICE COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 300 405 N. Sixth St. Dundee, IL. Mite 312/426-1300 An Equal Opportunity Employer COUNTER PERSON needed to sell used Auto Parts. Will­ ingness to laarn and a polite manner are a must. Apply in- person or call Steve, 815/338- 2000, Rt. 14 Auto Parts, 14020 Washington St., Woodstock. TOW TRUCK DRIVER, wanted. Must be responsible, mature and have good driving record. Apply in person, Rt. 14 Auto Parts, 14020 Washington. St. Woodstock,. Ask for Steve, 81S/33Q-2IOO. SALES FOODSERVICE Growth oriented food service wholesaler needs experienced food service sales person to call on restaurants, hospitals, and schools. Lakes territory. Food service sales experience preferred. Full benefits. For personal interview call 815/385- 8808. Fayette Distributing 72*McHenry,Woodstock IL COOK Will train. Apply In person, In- f I. House of Wine & Cheese, 11302 Rte. 12, Richmond, 815/678-7171. LINE COOK, must be ex perienced. Full time evening position, salary commensurate with experience. For appoint­ ment, call Kirk at September's, 815/459-2660. MANAGER for Dundee Theater, Supervision ex­ perience required. Apply in person after 6pm, Dundee Theater, Main Street, Dundee. CERTIFIED COOK for sum mer camp; also college or high school kitchen helpers; Year round maintenance man, salary plus room & board. Call 815/385-3545 between 9-5pm. 24 Help Wanted EUROPEAN Skin Care Com­ pany looking for consultants & managers. No investment. Must be over 18. Call: KAREN, 312/888-2230. Executive Director PART TIME . Campfire, Inc., Non profit youth organization is looking for professional with recruiting ana volunteer mangement skills. Will establish and imple­ ment systems to attract young people and adult volunteers. Also administers Camp Fire programs. Send resume to: WaKlya Council Camp Fire Attn: SEARCH COMMITTEE 164 Division St. Room 310 Elgin, IL. 60120 HELP WANTED for Night Shift. Experienced Welders for structural steel fabrication, Factory Shop Helpers. 312/381- 4900. COOK and Waitress Experienced Call 312/639-7800 DIETARY, part time. Apply in person Sunset Manor, 920 North Seminary Ave., Woodstock. WELDER WANTED * Must read prints. Pay based on experience. Barrington area. 312/301-3530. WANTED EXPERIENCED Automobile Mechanic. Ex cedent opportunity for the right person. Send resume to: Box AKB, Free Press Newspapers, P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 PERMANENT PART Time help needed, weekends at flight operations. Need personable help for customer service oriented work. Starting $4.50/hr. Several shifts available. Call Joanne at 312/537 1200 ext. 59 between 10 am and 6:30 pm. Equal Op­ portunity Employer OWNER OPERATORS Weekly pay, 312/426-6999, days; 312/639 7255, eves. WAITRESSES WANTED, 2nd & 3rd shifts. Must be experienc ed. Apply in person. Tareydale Restaurant, Rts. 76 & 31, Crystal Lake. OUTSIDE Employment. Li­ quid lawn spraying, mowing. Full time, some experience preferred, but will train. Call 815/459-4400 or 344-5449, early am or eves. LONG JOHN SILVERS 'Seafood SHOP n .I** Is now Mjrfttg'full & part time days and evenings. Crew members apply in person at: LONG JOHN SILVERS 4313 W. RTlE.120 McHENRY ACCOUNTING RECEPTIONIST Handles incoming telephone calls & receives office guests in addition to preparing bank re­ conciliations, maintaining accounting files and typing financial statements. One to three years experience and typing required. Riae Corporation 5801W. Elm St. McHenry, IL Equal Opportunity Employer m/f 24 Help Wanted PULL TIME COOK Immediate opening. Institu­ tional cooking experience helpful. Excellent salary 4 benefits, Including tuition reim­ bursement, group health A den­ tal insurance. Apply In Peraon at Americana Healthcare Center, INS. State, Elgin. SELL Long Distance Phone Service. Start part time. Own the company after a short time. All information over the phone. Call Fred after 5 pm at 815/455- 67*1. PERSON WITH pleasant soun­ ding voice to make telephone apiwlntments from our of rice in Wonder Lake. Please call 815/728-1090 for interview. TEACHER Position requires teaching degree In Early Childhood Oev^opme^nt. Send HEADSTART P.O. Box 217 Batavia, IL 60510 HMO* apQorluwttympfcy m/t CENTER COORDINATOR Must have 5 years ex­ perience in Elementary of Early childhood Develop­ ment. Supervisory ex­ perience required. Send resume to: PLUS INC. HEADSTART P.O. Box 217 Batavia, IL <0510 teal eaperhmlhr sn^pt̂ ysr ni/f PART TIME Church Nursery Supervisor A responsible, mature adult who enjoys caring for children from Infancy to 5 yrs. old in a growing Elgin Chruch. Must be available to surpervise the A.M. Sunday Nursery In various times throughout the week. To apply, call: 312/741- 4045, between 9 A.M. to 4 P.M., Monday thru Friday. 24 Help Wanted BODY fc PENDER worker w/some experience to work in Richmond area garage. 414/279-2024. M A I N T E N A N C E M A N wanted. Welding, Electrical and working knowledge of pump repair required. Flberglas experience prefer­ red. Apply In peraon, Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m. to Noon. Southern California Chemical Co., 17415 E. Jefferson St., Union, IL. 60180. 31 Wanted To Buy 71 RPM Wurlitzer Juke boxes, old slot machines plus any related parts or items, cash 312/464-5661 ANTIQUES WANTED: -Fur nlture, toys, lamps, wicker Hems, stained glass. Paying cash. 414-248-3796. SLOT MACHINES Wanted. Paying cash. Any condition; Also old juke boxes. 414/248- 3796. WANTED TO BUY Aluminum Cans, Copper, Brass, Batteries, Aluminum, Automobile Radiators, Gold & Silver. T & C Metal Co., 24 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake, IL, Mon thru Frl • 8 to 5, Sat 8 104.815/459-4445. WANTED: DRUMS...nlce starter set of drums, complete. Reasonable. 815/653-5876 or 815/653-9848 evenings. SECRETARY Weekends only for busy real estate office. Call tor appointment. Realty World Durbln Stovall; 815/459-3145 WAITRESSES WANTED App­ ly In person; Wed. 3-7, Thurs. 2- 5, Frl. 10-3. Country Lounge, Hampshire. EXPERIENCED Tool Room Machinist with mill & lathe ex­ perience. Pat-Lin Enterprises, Inc., 4909 Rte. 12, Richmond, II. 60071.815/675-6606. FULL TIME help needed In foreign auto repair shop. Would prefer 17-19 yrs old. Call 312/639-1150 PART TIME/ Cary. Diver slfied position includes kitchen planning, selling A general of­ fice work. Must be adept at figures. Rotating schedule. Saturdays included. Call for ap pointment, 312/639-6262. BILINGUAL SECRETARY for medical environment. Ac curate typist. 312/232-9100, ask for Holly. MOVING? Cleaning house? Buying antique furniture, china, glass, etc. 815/678-4141. WANTED: Lionel, American, Flyer Trains & old toys & baseball cards. 815/675-6379 aft. 5:30pm. BUY, SELL or TRADE Guns, Old Shells and related Items. 815/338-4731. • DAYS SCRAP METAL We buy cans, copper, brass, scrap aluminum. Open daily, 7-6pm, Sundays 8-noon. 306 Brlarwood. Crystal Lake, 815/459-7751. OLD WOOD planes, Stanley iron planes, old woodworking tools, 815/338^374. GOLD & SILVER Coins, Diamonds, Class Rings Used or broken Jewelry, Sterl Ing Flatware, Collector Plates. FAMILY COINS & INVESTMENTS 366 Virginia St (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, Illinois 815/455-6190 WANTED: Sturdy free- stan­ ding basketball goal for drllveway, including backboard. 815/943-5039. CEDAR FENCE POSTS New or Used. 3-4" diameter. 312/428-1647 H.C. COIN A STAMP CO. . WE BUY Si SELL 10 Crystal Lake Plaza 015/459-3940 WANTED TO BUY 3-10 Mini Farm or Farmefte. Reply Box 104, Genoa-Kingston-Klrkland News, Genoa, IL. 60135. 24 Help Wanted GENERAL OFFICE Part-time position available in our inter national sales office. Candidate must have good clerical and communication skills. Shorthand desirable. Apply only in writing to: P.O. Box 447 Richmond, IL 60071 I HOWARD A Division of Shodiai Ud., I SALES-INSIDE EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Rough .. trim commercial work. Must be willing to travel Chicago Metropolitan area. Must be responsible, self-starter for our small company. Send Resume To PO Box 502 McHenry, IL 60050 Sales professional with two-plus years of experience In Industrial telephone sales Is needed by rapidly growing Crystal Lake company. If you are articulate and per­ suasive with a successful track record, you will find unlimited opportunity for growth with us. Competitive base salary, commission & benefits are part of our package. Hew, modern company location will providt excellent working conditions. Call for Immediate Interview 312/669-3373 PARTS INSPECTOR Molding Inspection • 12PM to 8:30 PM Qual'fiEd applicant must have a mini- mint fc I year inspection experience in Hi? inspection of close tolerance pi is i: mok-ed parts. This requires working knowl­ edge of al1 basic measuring instru­ ments and ability to read blueprint. We offef good starting salary and an excellent fring package. Please for an interview. 815-675-2321 TTtMTEPMATIC I N C O R P O R A T E D Intermatic Plaza Spring Grove, IL 60081 j Equal Opportunity Employer iHfc mcHENRY PLAINDEALER will be needing early morning motor route drivers for rural McHenry Tube Delivery to our customers. The papers could be picked up anytime after midnight on Tuesdays and Thur sdays, to be delivered no later than 7 00 a.m. on Wednesday and Friday morning. A smalt economical car is a plus. If interested, please apply in person at: 3812 W. Elm St .-McHenry NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. 31 Wanted To Buy •cree of vacant farmland tnphr Bo* 104, Genoa Kkmaion-Kirkland News, M6 Part Ave., Genoa, IL. Misc. 32 Merchandise WANTED: Glassware • Depression, Heisey, Cam brMoe, Fostoria. Candlewick, etc. Pottery-Fiesta, Hall, Waller, Roseville. etc. 815/895 «33. MOTOROLLA Low Band, 2 way business radios, 100 watt base, 2-100 watt mobiles & antennas, $3,500 or best otter. After 5:30pm, 815/385-1097. TRADE-IN SALE your sofa $100, your recllner-850, your kitchen table & chairs-850, your mattress set-$25. Weiler's Furn. Factory Outlet, 4612 W Rt. 176, Crystal Lake. 815/459 3363. VILLAGE RESALE SHOP Needs Your Donations •Furniture*Clothlng •Any Re Saleable Items All Donations Tax Deductible 65 East Woodstock St. Downtown Crystal Lake 10 AAA to5 PM • Mon Sat 815/459 3401 All Proceeds Go To The Sherman Hospital Auxiliary (Crystal Lake Branch) P E A V E Y special, 130 amplifier, 2 channels, Scorpian speaker and fender, stratocaster copy w/case & 50 ft. straight cord. Both like brand new? asking $450 or best Offer, 312/695 0775 or 931 4021 Scott. WASHERS4 DRYERS, Recon ditioned & Guaranteed. $90/up. 815/385-6431. FATHER'S DAY BALLOONS mailed or delivered from $8 50. F a n t a s y F e s t i v a l Costume/Magic Center, 432 Virginia St., Crystal Lake, 815/455-4910. EUNICE'S EGGERY (All Items AAade From Real Eggs) Now Featuring: Confirmation, & Father's Day Eggs. Decoupaged Eggs, Music Boxes, Jewelry, Gifts. Open weekdays. Call first for eves 8i weekends, 815/455 4856, 164 North Main, Crystal Lake. • REPLACE your old furnace with a new High Efficiency natural gas fired furnace. r* Harold Joinnson Heating A. Air Conditioning, 815/459-0078. GIRLS FRENCH Provenclal "Boanett" bedroom furniture. 11 pieces-6 drawer dresser 4 drawer dresser mirror, desk, chair double hutch, 2 nightstands. 2 twin headboards 8i frames Complete Enough for 2 girls. If new, woula sell for ove $1400, all 11 peices for $500 815/675-6362. RATTAN HANGING CHAIRS (2), $160.; 815/653-5176 after 5:30pm WHY PAY MORE? Twin siie mattress sets, *39; Full size mattress sets, $109, Queen size mattress set, $189, Bunk Beds complete with mat tresses, $189 Lenny Fine Furniture 312/742 7801 FOR SALE OR TRADE Large desk for smaller one; After 5pm. 815/385 2335. LADY KENMORE Apt. size Washer/Dryer. $175 for both 312/497-4072 BASSETT DINING Room Set, mediteranean style, pecan col or, table, 2 leaves, 4 chairs, 2 captains chair, china cabinet $1,000.312/639 7790. INVENTORY CLEARANCE Ultra-lift #700, V3 Hp. chain drive. While stock lasts $143.00 Master Charge & Visa Card Accepted Swanson Garage Door, 815/385-6830. PANASONIC 4 channel receiver, 4 speakers, & BSR turntable, exc. cond., $150/best offer. 815/344-0955. MUST SELL 1972 VW Van, $1,000 or best offer. 815/344 5496. LIVING ROOM SET. 8 pes , all wood, brown plaid cushions. $700/ best; 3 X 5 ft. framed mir ror, $35; 10 drawer dresser, 8. other misc. furniture. 815/568 5521 after 5 pm. COMPLETE BEDROOM Set incl. matt., queen size. $600/best offer. Call after 6pm, 815/385 9055. RABBIT CAGES (3), $5/ea or $10 takes all 815/459 9507 after 5:30 pm CHEST FREEZER, 23 cu ft., Wards deluxe, like new, $250. 815/568-5667, even H" GOLD VELOUR Tradi tional Sofa & Lazy-boy recliner, also marble top coffee table 815/459-6708. MUST SELL this week, 120 ft of wooden shelving, Ig. display cases, greeting card racks, cheap, 312/428 4497 290 PYRAMIDAL Arbo'vitae 7,8,9 & 10 ft. sizes Very Reasonable. 312/438 5101 5 H. P. COMPRESSOR w/bostich stapler & nailer. $450; 14' cement shute w/float 6 accessories. $125. Transit $50, wicker dressing table stroller, buggy, car seat 815/728-0681.- HELP WANTED-PARI TIME Typesetter Must type at least 60 w.p.m. Good lan­ guage art skills necessary. Needed three days per week, Monday through Wednes­ day. Come in and fill out an application at: The McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Street ( McHenry, IL 60050 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE <#> SHtw'F'ee Pf«" N*wtp*»*r G» pop SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP iifbU Williams Hudd • Idipeiiimtfillu, II till I 111 lUUAl UI'KJMllJNIit IMI'HIVIM

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