PAGE 12 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20.1984 Misc. 32 Merchandise MICROPILMER Eastman Kodak Recordak Reliant 450. Wmi 4J0T Endorser, 310A film raadar. and i cases film. Exc. cond. SI,290.115/648-2401. ROWER OOUBLE gas, oven, copper in coter, bottom oven door •> thermostat needs repair, (50,312/499-9545. DISHWASHER Portable, S40; clothes washer, $40; gas stove, 130; Soars port, sauna, $150; convection heater, $170; Lazy Boy rediner, $40; 2 dbl. bed frames. $20/$10; 2 chairs, $5/ea.; chair, $20; 20" boys' bike, $25, 2 V» hp elec. motors. $25 ea.; couch, $10. 015/344 0740. BUY YOUR /Mattress factory direct, save $50 to sioo Woodstock Mattress, 2720 Raf fel Rd., 10 AM to 2 PM, or by appt. 015/330-6674 or 815/338 DRAFTING TABLE, 6 . w/drafting machine. Good con dltlon. $350.312/669-5926. CLOWNS CLOWNS Crackers the Clown for Parties. Picinics, and Helium Balioom Del. Pup pets. Magic & More! BIS/MS- HEAR DOG KENNEL 6x12', 6' high, $125. 815/943-5268 F I R E P L A C E W O O D delivered. $40 per face cord Call 312/584-6043 BED Queen Size. Good Cond. $50. Swimming pool, 12' x 3' Never used, filter used 1 mo $100,815/344-3572. PELLA DOORS l 5' 10" x 14' section, 1 6' 10" x 14' section. Best offer. Sturdy pine tables, 4 chairs ea. $95/set 815/385-2014, John or Joy. WEDDING GOWN, viel & slip. Chantilly lace trim, beaded bodice, size 8, $100 . 312/381 5296. MOVING SALE: Baldwin Acrosonic Spinet, Amana 17 cu. ft. freezer, stereo. 312/658 6409 LIVING ROOM, dining room 8< bedroom furniture. Good & ex cellent condition, call 815/385 6143. before 6. WOOD BURNING Stove, $400.00 815/385-7144 after 6pm. Misc. 32 Merchandise Misc. 32 Merchandise 1 JOHNSON OUTBOARD motor gas tanks, used once. $30. each; Toro cordless trim mer /weeder, $50.; tablesaw, $50.; 815/385-0993 keep trying LENNOX FURNACE, electric forced air, with duck work 8i thermostat. 7 electric baseboard heaters, & ther mostats, 6 yrs. old, $750, 815/568-7178. SAVE - BUY direct from manufacturer - bird baths, flower pots, patio, cement ben ches <i cement, legs to make wooden benches, air condition ing pads, manhole & dry well blocks, car stops, figurines. Anderson Concrete Products, North Illinois St., Crystal Lake. • 30 years in business, 815/459- 2137 WHIRLPOOL UPRIGHT FREEZER 15 cu. ft. good cond. $200. 815/338-0011 .GIRL'S FRENCH Provincial "Bennett" bedroom furniture, 11 pes., 6 drawer dresser, 4 drawer dresser, mirror, desk, chair,. double hutch, 2 night stands. 2 twin headboards 8. frames complete. Enough for 2 girls. If new, would sell for over $1400. All 11 pes. for $500. 815/675-6362. BATH SHOP Inventory reduc tion sale. Up to 50% off on many Items. Bero's Plumbery 8i bath boutique. 375 N. McLean Blvd., Elgin. ROTARY ANTENNA complete, $75.00/offer 312/497-4072 2 HUMIDIFIERS 2 Schwinn bikes, 2 couches 815/459-2283 DINING ROOM Table w/6 chrs., $50, Coffee Table, $15; Poker Table w/4 chrs. $25; 3 Window fans. $10 ea.; Chest of drawers, $35, Dresser, $20. 815/459-0983. HOT DOG COOKER. Stack chairs, bar stools, assorted cocktail tables. M5/459-4700. COLECCO DeLuxe Swim Pool. 24 X 48 redwood w/ lint pot, & skimmer. Needs pump & liner. $275/ best. Call 815/653-3871. TABLE SAW. 10". 4 TA60 tires on slotted mag wheels, 2 H 10x14 snow tires, interior shutters, 9x36 819x24, 312/426-7704. AMERICA'S BEST Major swimming pool distributor needs extra floor space. Must sell big, new 1983 31' family size swimming pools complete with huge sundeck, fence, filter & warranty complete for ONLY S999. Financing Available jCall 1/800-942-1798 RIGHT NOW WHILE THE SUPPLY LASTS Misc. 32 Merchandise KENMORE electric stove, ful ly automatic double over, w/pull out burners, copper. $1S0/best offer; 8 Hp. Mustang riding mower, like new, $250. 815/455-1270 after 5pm. PIONEER SX 1290, stereo receiver, 160 watts, 4 Realistic towerspeakers. very powerful system, 8700/best. 815/728 1228. AIR CONDITIONERS, win dow. 2 -110 v, excellent cond.; antique oak pew. 815/459-8639 SECTIONAL SOFA, 3 piece, neutral color, exc. cond., $200, 312/658-6627 after 6 pm. G.E. PORTABLE Dishwasher, Huffy 20" bicycle; Sunbeam electric 16" snowblower; 815/344-2797. DINING TABLE, oval mahogany, w/4 Duncan Phyfe chairs, exc. cond., $400. 815/338-0306. • HAPPY GRAMS Singing Telegrams. Male 8, Female Belly • Dancers. Call 312/888 3060. WATERBED Queen, bookcase headboard, padded side-rails, fully assembled. Exc. cond. 8450/best. 312/658-7069. HAMMOND SPINET Oroan with speaker. $400. Toro riding mower. $500. Top shape bargains. 815/385-6694. AIR CONDITIONER, older model Whirlpool, 4 ton, $50.00. 815/338-9277. 3 STEP VANS & 1 pickup truck. Not drlveable. Great for parts, best offers. 815/459^060 ask ' Allan. FREE I Tractor tires (all sizes) great for sandboxes. Call Crystal Lake Park District 815/459-0680 ask for Kirk, 8 am to 5 pm. CHINA CABINET, oak English Country, 36" wide, exc. cond, after 5:30,815/455-3647. • BALLOON BOUQUETS for all occasions. Have "The Chicken" deliver today! Costumed deliveries avail. 7 days a week. Bloomin' Balloons, 815/459 R AVE. MEN'S GOLF CLUBS with geld bag, 1-4 woods, 2-9 irons & wedge. S90/best offer.815/385- 0819. • BASEBALLCARDA COMIC BOOK SHOW Sat. JUNE 23rd, 1 to 4 P.M. Liberty Hall 1304 Park McHenry Doug--815-675-6017 Corky-312/658-4981 AIR COND. 18,000 BTU, Sears. 5 yrs. old, good cond., asking $150. 815/459-8706. CAMPER JACKS Never used. $50. 815/459-9269. Misc. 32 Merchandise MOPED in excellent cond., A 2 blue van seats. Call after 4:30, 815/459-4259 ^ PECAN END tables, marble top coffee table, brass table lamps with black trench shades, green upholstered chair, Atari 2600 game car tridges. 815/455-5143 HEAVY DUTY pool filter, pool tender, vacuum net, $400, 815/338-4340 after6p.m. STUDIO COUCH (double) w/table, $80; picnic table, $12; recliner rocker, $40; TV cart $15; 2 antique tables $35 ea.; 2 patio chairs. $3/both, 6 ft. Christmas tree, $12. 815/385- 1993. WINDOW AIR COND. IW ton 220 A.C., TV antenna, deep well jet pump & pipes 8i valves, 6 dinnette or bar stool repalce- ment tops, 8 HP snowblower. 815/459-2346call after 5p.m. KING SIZE Set with frame. 2 yrs., exc. cond. $l75/best; solid oak headboard (king) available (price negotiable). 815/385- 0210. USED FURNITURE for sale. Large variety, reasonable prices, Weller's Furn. Factory Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. 176, Crystal Lake. 815/459-3363. CEILING FANS 41", 3 spd. w/reverse, $39.95, Voss Vacuum 8i Sewing, Marengo, 815/568-7477. HAPPY COOKER Weber grill. $20. Call 312/639-0206 • COUNTRY GREENHOUSE Big Clearance Sale! Bedding plants, buy 1 pack and get 1 pack free. 20% off on all hanging baskets. We're at 417 Oak Crest Rd., Cory. Open 9 am to dark. 312/6394337 OAK DINETTE SET, 42" round table w/2 leaves, 4 chairs. Very good cond., $150, 815/459-3686. FRIGIDAIRE, 40" electric double over, electrl clean, $150, 815/455-3314. NEED FIRE WOOD? Approx Imately 70 trees for sale. Easy access. Call for details. 815/597 1801 W U R L I T Z E R S P I N N E T organ. '79, model 630, orbit syn thesizer, with bench and head phones Three keyboards, pro grammed rythym orchestra and much more. Frultwood finish, perfect cond. $2500. Zenith am/fm console stereo, antique white finish, from 1960's. Best offer. Call after 6 pm only. 815/385-1436 CHEST FREEZER, Wards 10 ft., used l season, $175; Criterion Dynascope 6 in. telescope, $75. Sears electronic air cleaner, $50; New Home sewing machine w/cabinet, $25; Ward's ice cream maker, $10. Wed., weekends, or eves. 312/639-1815. WINE PRESS ANTIQUE. $100. Mac tool box, $325; exercise bike, $15; Gym Pac 1000 fitness system, $200.815/344-2686. Misc. 32 Merchandise WINDOW FAN. 30 m., 2 speed reversible motor. $75. 815/385- 4268 INSULATION. 10 rolls of 6 x 24, unfeced. $15/each, 815/728- 1282. WASHER 8i Electric Dryer, heavy duty, 2 yrs. old., exc. cond., «M0/both. 815/455-2790. GE REFRIGERATOR, white, excellent condition, $200, •15/344-2578 OAK DESK. 7 drawers, ex cellent condition, $100. Call 312/658-9S30 after 5 pm. • GOINGOUT OF BUSINESS SALE Starting June 20,10am • 5pm Glass eases, new pouring machine, used molds, ana greenware. 10% off on $1 to $15 20% oft on $16 to $30 30% off on $31 to $45 40% off on $45 and up. CERAMIC STOP 122 N. Main St. Crystal Lake IL 815/455-2740 COUCH good cond. 8100/best, • 815/344 2804. OFFICE COPY machine model: Sharp, excellent condi tion, $700,815/678-4177. CLOTHES DRYER, Whirlpool DeLuxe, gas, $100; double bowl stainless steel sink, $25; 815/455-1311. USED A NEW desks, chairs, files, bookcases, storage cabinets, banquet tables and conference tables. Large selec tion at budget prices. Brand Equipment & Supply Co., 137 N. Main St., Crystal Lake, 815/455- 4550 AIR CONDITIONERS: Energy Efficient Ward's unit, 11,500 BTU, $150; Emerson Quiet Cool bdrm. unit, $50. Call 815/455- 0857. TOUCH TWO 2-Line telephone businesa systems, built in inter com, speed dialing. Call for full details. Virginia Wood, In terstate Communications, 312/980-7150 SEARS Frost free refrigerator, white, 14.1 cu. ft., top freezer, $100,312/639-8888. JOHNSON OUTBOARD, SVh hp, w/tank ft, stand, exc. cond.,- $225, 3 Sets Drapes: Beige 150 X 93, $50; Green Print- 150 X 93, $40, Black w/Gold- 150 X 84, $75. All good cond. Call after 6 pm, 312/639-6625. DINING ROOM, set, solid oak, table w/6 chairs 8i china cabinet, $600/best. Antique rocker A cradle, best offer, 312/639-8231. QUEEN SIZE Waterbed. Newest style. Box spring, mat tress and frame. $300. 815/338- 7636 $5 A PAIR I for any canvas shoe in stock, now through June 30! The Spare Pair, 53 Brink St. in Downtown Crystal Lake. Misc. 32 Merchandise TRUCK TOPPER. 8 ft. long, white, exc. cond. Asking $225. 815/338-8735 aft. 6 pm. ATLAS 6" metal lathe w/bench, 3 yrs. old, $300; boys 5 spd. Schwinn Hurricane 20" bike, $75 815/385-2111. OAK FIREWOOD $50 PER FACE CORD Call 815/544-2411 Eves BEAUTIFUL couch & chair, Ilka new, white w/red trim; 2 occasional chairs, red w/whlte trim, long cocktail table, $200 for all; Double bdrm. set com plete $75; Wards 8 hp tractor, needs work, $75; small chest freezer, $100; single bed w/meple bookcase headboard, like new, $65; encyclopedias. $20.815/385-7894. BEAT THE HEAT! Free Soft Serve Ice Cream Cone with Shopper Stopper Coupon through June 24. CL DELI, 105 N. Main St. in Dowtown Crystal Lake. 815/459-3443. SMALL Business Sys. Com modore 8096, 8050 disc drive, 9w printer, complete business acctg. software, plus wordpro. 5+, and visicalc. $3900.815/338- 8000,8 am to 5 pm weekdays. 33 Garage Sales MC HE NRT Brittany Pk. Subdivision 5508 W.Sherman Dr. 1 Block N. Of Rte. 120 Off Rlngwood Rd. June 8-June 10.9 am-5 pm No Early Birds Something For Everyone 1 pr. new fireside chairs, household Items, lawn tools, fishing equipment, CB radios, ladles & mens clothes, much misc. CARY 614 Krenz Ave. June 21 thru 23; 9-5 , Retired truck mechanic tools, housewares, furn., clothes, books, plaster figures & much it A GIGANTIC - GIVEAWAY Circulation Day FREE TO ALL Unity Church of Crystal Lake 3 Chalet Dr. (behind the Arnold Palmer Golf Range) Corner of 14A31 Sat., June 23,9-4 Toys, clothes, Ige. A small household Items and much more will be freely given. Reverend Rudy Leidlg Invites you to share In our annual celebration of prosperity. CRYSTAL LAKE 642 S.Brentwood Dr. June 21 & 22; 9-3 Clothes, toys, baby items, skates, much misc. GENOA June 22,23,9-6 209 East Hill St. 10 band partable radio, silver ware, dishes, vanity lamps, small appliances, nice things, lable. 33 Garage Sales • SUPER GARAGE SALE June 22,104 June 23,8-3 Trout Park Pavilion Over 100 famlies contributing. Lots of new A used Items, hand crafted Items. Something for everyone at giveaway prices, Adventures In treasure hun ting. Sponspered by Golden K Club of Elgin. Procoads used for community service. GENOA 8 Fam. Gar. Sale A Craft Show June 21-23,9-5 727 Cooper Ct. sunlamp, dry bar, backpack, sunbrella. lots of clothes, many like new. Mchenry 2313 Oakwood Ct. JUNE 16,17, A 23,24 • AJM.toSPM. Light fixtures, chain saw, playhouse, clothes, picnic table, electric typewriter, lots of books, and much muct WOOOSTOCK 344 Lake Ave. June 21,22,9-4 June 23,9-? chlldrens A infant clothes, lots of misc., A furniture. • CRYSTAL LAKE 4817 Tile Line Rd. (N. of Veterans Acres) JUNE 21,22,23.-9-5 10" Radial arm saw A much misc. • CRYSTAL LAKE 250 Ash Street June 21A 22,9 am-5 pm June23,9am-Noon LARGE POTPOURRI SALE! Honda XR75, E-Flat Clarinet, Jeyco pop-up camper, home A lawn furniture, Conn organ, bikes, AFX Track, typewriter, stereos, dishes, clothing, bird- cage, A much misc. CARY 48 Park Ave. June 21 thru 23; 9-5 35 yrs. of accumulation, dining set, air cond., some antiques, much misc. EAST DUNDEE YARDSALE 536Wendt Thurs. JUNE 21st ONLY! 9-5 Something for Everyone! CARY 314 A 315 Crest Dr. JUNE 21,22, 9-4 Weber Gos grill, recliner, chlldrens clothes sz. 4-10, cur tains, etc. BARRINGTON 20990 Ex moor Ave. June 21,22,23,10-6 doll house A furn., usual A unusual Items. CARPENTERSVILLE MOVING SALE 322 Sedgwick Dr. i JUNE 21,22,23,9-5 j Furn., beds, tables, etc. 33 Garage Sales 33 • ANNUAL LAKE MAR IAN Area Wide Geraoe Sale (Entranceat Skyline Dr. A Lake Mat-Ian Rd.) "OVER 50 FAMILIES" Sat. JUNE 23, 9-5 Sun. JUNE 24, 12-5 • 7Nt ANNUAL Flea Market 4 Fountain Sq. Plaza Downtown Elgin Sat. June23,f:30am-4:00pm Rain date, Sunday. June 24 For Information call: 312/695-6500, ext. 329 MOVING SALE Aloonquln Gypsy Glenn Farm 8818 Pyott Rd. June 21 thru 23; 9am-? Odds/Ends, you name It Come and be surprised Please, no Early Birds • ALGONQUIN Annual Sale Just Different Address! 45 Center St. June 21A 22, 9-5 June 23; 9-Noon Antique collectibles, furniture, much misc. CRYSTAL LAKE 96 Maple June 21,22,9-5 tools, furn., clothes, A much misc. Houaahold Contents Sale Golf Club i HOLM'S, Opposite Chapel Hill tub parking lot June 21A 23; 9 am LAKE IN THE HILLS 1202 Pine St. June 21.22 A 23; 9-5 Clothing, Furniture, LotsofMisc! FOX RIVER GROVE 8813 Gardner Rd. E.onRt22fronRtl4 June 22,23,10-4 Brass, glass, some antiques, atari, plus 13 games. Royal typewriter, linens, kit. A bath items, lights, aquarium set up, much more. No checks. MCHENRY Country Club Estates 3203 Skyway Dr. June 22-24,8-5:30 Freezer, refrigerator, crafts. A MCHENRY, Lakeland Park 1812 Park Lane June 23,9-3 Misc. baby Items, 35 MM camera, household goods, coats. WONDERLAKE June 20-22,10-4pm. 8415 Richmond Road (Thompson north to Burton, east to Greenwood, north to Richmond, east to 8415). 1976 Chevy Mallbu, $600; 1974 Starcraft popup, sleeps 6, $500; refrigerator; single aluminum sink; quality clothes, Infant thru adult; baby Items; toys; rimes; books; household Items misc. June 23, Sat., 9-1 Pool table, platform rocker, \ misc. Garage , Sales': & Y Eight Famlies E. Main to Hickory Nut Grove Rd.,lefttoBlonor. 6/22 A 6/23.9-5 Camping trailer, windows, studio bad. Greatvarloty. MCHENRY, Whispering 824 Royal Dr. June 22. Frl., 9-4 Oaks ALGONQUIN 9 Washington St. June 22,23 A 24; 8-6 Baby clothes, some furniture. . much misc. ALGONQUIN Highhlll Farms MO Huntington Ct. June 21,22,9-4 baby clothes, stroller, cor seat, • adult & chlldrens clethino, , household Items, air cond., • macrame lamp, maternity « clothes, toys, A much more. CRYSTAL LAKE Coventry 811 Kingston Lane. June 21.22,9-5 tandem bike, much mis. at low prices. JUST MOVED McHenry-Sunnyslde 4415 N. Hilltop Ln. June 21 thru 23; 9-4 Refrig., Hoover clothes washer, dishes, glassware, an tiques, ping-pong table, clothes, much misc. SYCAMORE 930 Esther Ave. June 21; 9-5 June 22; 9-1 June ' 23; 9-12 Lots of clothes. Chllderen's, , adults, many other misc. . Items. CARY Multi-Family Garage Sale 698 W. Main St. JUNE21,22, 8:30to2P.M. Furn., Yamaha 400, misc. CRYSTAL LAKE Moving Sale 5006 Amy Dr. June 21,22,23,9-5 Lots of everything. SYCAMORE 515Goorgejean Frl A Sat; 9 3 . ' Girls' 3 pc. canopy bdrm. set, ' complete trundle bed w/cover, mucn misc. CRYSTAL LAKE 567 Lochwood Dr. June21,22,9-4 TV's, poker table, infants A chlldrens clothing, misc. household. YARDSALE Wonder Lake 7706 Pheasant June 23 A 24; 9-5 Antique turn., kitchen cup-a board, tables, buffet, bed,'* hlghchalr, couch A chair, bicycles, air conditioner, sink, TV, rollaway bed, dishes, clothes, toys, lawn turn. . GENOA June 21,22.23,8-5 210 Reid Rd. furniture, baby Itmes, toys, bikes, misc. 7 rt •\lF H.' IK. y ^ 1 ^ BATH REFIN1SHING w TUB RENEW Porcelain Refinishinq Bathtubs Sinks Ceramic Tile Fiberglass Units Chips Repaired 312/639-6055 or Answering Service •15/459-3888, Ext. 'H' BLACK DIRT PURE BLACK DIRT SAND&GRAVEL Spreading 4 Grading Top Quality At Competitive Prices IMMEDIATE DELIVERY POLO-815/459-8692 BLACKTOP MARIO Blacktop Paving Driveways'Parking Lots •Sealing 'Patching •Resurfacing Gravel & Black Dirt FREE ESTIMATES 815/455-5638 312/697-7117 BLACKTOP MYER'S BLACKTOP Summer Special 30% Off All Blacktop Work Over 10 Years Experience Guaranteed Free Estimates CALL NOW & SAVE! •••815/459-7147*" BLACKTOP PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Residential-Commercial-1 ndustrial "Big savings on Residential work. Proven by thousands of satisfied customers." SPRING DISCOUNT ' •Machine Laid «New Drives •Resurfacing "Parking Lots •ieal Coating All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates 312/546-5600 Grayslake, IL BLACKTOP ALLAN'S BLACKTOP EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 50</Sq. Ft. For grading & blacktopp ing only, on driveways over 1,000 sq. ft. • Parking Lots »New Drives • Long Lanes 'Patching •Resurfacing «Sealcoating •24 Hour Servic All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates 815/459-3960 Call Now & Save BLACKTOP WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. Established in 1954. We are now tak ing orders Deal d i r e c t w i t h owner & save!! COMMERCIALHKSIKNTIAI Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES GRAYSLAKE: 312/223-5634 LIBERTYVILLE: 312/367-0676 CLEANING SERVICE HATE HOUSEWORK? Too Busy Unable To Clean? We will do it for you! •One Time & Overall Cleaning Reasonable Rates Monthly, Daily, Bi Monthly Ann Sailors & Assoc. 815/459-7628 CONCRETE ANCHOR CONCRETE •Foundations •Room additions •Retaining walls •Sidewalks-stoops •Driveways-Patios •Bastmentai Garage Floors Free Estimates 815/344-1080 312/639-0248 CONSTRUCTION Bucci Construction, Ltd. Specializing in Concrete Installations & Replacements Foundations-Floors Patios-Driveways Exposed Aggregate Expert Craftsmen Fully Insured 815/4554644 312/658-6023 CONTRACTING PAUL'sCONTRACTING Construction Demolition Roofing Tree cutting Garbage & Junk Hauling. j 815/728-0858. COURIER SERVICE CONNIE'S COURIER SERVICE FAST mm For Prompt Pick-Up and Delivery at Reasonable Rates Discount Avail. Serving McHenry, Lake, Cook, Kanei DuPage Counties Prompt safe delivery of: •All your delivery needs •Packaged Goods •Business Documents •Printed Matter Bonded & insured Days-Nites 7days 815/344-1497 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Moritz Fire Extinguisher Service. Inc. Selw tmd Sanrtce •Industrial •Commercial •Residential FREE ESTIMATES •••815/338-4677"* ff HANDYMAN •CLEAN BASEMENTS •LAWN WORK •TREE REMOVAL •LIGHT HAULING 815/653-6896 or 815/728-1833 HOME IMPROVEMENT T p l H O M E J&LJ IMPROVEMENT Remodeling & Room Additions Garages & Aluminum Siding Sottit*Fascia*Gutters Roofina*Decks Low Prices & "ree Estimates Fully Bonded & Insured •815/455-4226* If No Answer, Call nvift-mfMU 7 1 ^ - **f> & LANDSCAPING THINKGREEN LANDSCAPING & LAWN MAINTENANCE Stop, think, call & compare prices. Complete weekly lawn care landscape services. FE RTILIZ ING*DE-THATCHING*SOD SEED BLACK DIRT*DECORATIVE STONE'TREES SHRUBS'EVERGREENS (Installed or Delivered) Railroad Tie Construction FULLY INSURED 815/385-6103 LAWN CARE LANDSCAPING GRANDPRE CONTRACTING Spring Clean up Weekly Maintenance Complete Lawn Service and Design 815/455-5536 LANDSCAPING Will provide and plant Evergreens, Shrubs and Trees at discount prices. 815/385-8829 LAWN MAINTENANCE LANDSCAPING Will provide and plant Evergreens, Shrubs and Trees at discount prices. 815/385-8829 LAWN MAINTENANCE MASONRY flp^ ^ TGMNBOV Landscape Maintenance Services Commercial/Residential 312/669-3880 312/669-3245 Huntley, IL. LA BELLE MASONRY •Residential *Commercial •Brick *Block 'Stonework •Sidewalks *Patlos •Fireplaces *Brick Veneers DUALITY WORKMANSHIP Fully Insured Free Estimates Call 815/338-6480 t LANDSCAPING Landscapes by Garv Weiss PLANS*PLANTS«PLANTING •SEEO*SOD*GRADING PATIOS AND RETAINER WALLS INSURED. GUARANTEED WORK FraeliHiMtM 115*12^1141 MOVERS LOCAL MOVING ANDHAULING Reasonable Rates 815/385-9386 PAINTING DECORATING Commercial A Residential Custom Service at Competitive Prices! Interior Painting & Wall Papering Guaranteed Work-Quickly & Professionally Done Ask For Roger-815/455-0190 PAINTING R.T.81R. PAINTING CO. Commercial & Residential Interior & Exterior. Low prices. Insured Free estimates. - Ron 115/721-017* POLKA MUSIC The FOUR R s POLKA MUSIC for any occasion. 414/877-3505 REMODELING COMPLETE REMODELING SERVICES 30 Years • McHenry County Basement to Roof Repairs & Additions Prompt Service New Home Builders OEA CONSTRUCTION 815/344-1632 315-4566, 344-0748 REMODELING REMODELING CARPENTRY CABINETWORK PLUMBING, ODD JOBS No Job too small. Call TIM PIGOTT IIMttCII REMODELING QUALITY CONSTRUCTION Senior Citizen's Discount REMODELING. •Kitchen •Bath •Window 81 Door Replacement WE BUILD •Garages •Decks •Room Additions •Construction of New Homes NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL!! WE AIM TO PLEASE 015/385-4937 312/359-4339 or Answering Service: 815/459-3881 Ext.'? ROOFING a" SUNSHINE ROOFING •10 Yrs. Shingle Expertise •Quality Ma^eria's •insured •Free Es4 images •AH work guaranteed 815/385-0009 ROOFING BENCHMARK CONST. •SHINGLES •HOT TAR •NEWWORK'REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed Quality Work Reasonable Prices SR. Citizen Discount 312/658-5301 SEWING & VACUUM REPAIR SEWING MACHINE 8^ ACUUM CLEANER Sales Serviced Parts ' Household & Industrial In Home Service Free Pickup & Delivery KEENER & SON 815/728-0672 TREE SERVICE MARSHTREE SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED Call 815/675-2427 or 815/675-2465 TYPEWRITER REPAIR TYPEWRITER REPAIR Repairs on all makes & models. Service calls, pick-up & delivery or drop oft. FREE ESTIMATES. New & Used Machines. HAYNES&SONS 312/497-4923 WOOD RESTORATION JENSEN WOOD RESTORATION Accurate and careful restore •ion of antiques, furniture and i kitchen cabinets Also chair regiueing BIS/385-4034 To Place Your Dial •A* Service Ad Call 344-4800