Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jun 1984, p. 13

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PAGE 13 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20,19M » 13 Garage Sales HOMOCRLAKK 1 4710 Winnebago Dr. JMBISM DtahM, kntck knack*. dothes. tow and much misc. JOHNSBURG MM Oakdaie. follow signs Dutch Crook Woodlands Juno 21.2L23,0-5pm. Electric Emmonoo Organ, itoroo w/turntabie l 2 •Mlurr white loo crown parlor wrought Iron 30" glass m taMo w/2 chain, one. cond.; appro*. 3'x4' picture fromo 4 HVt'xT; vacuum doanor; picture puzzles bar;sloetrie owed ootor; 2oots tlilt; daok light; socrotary no, much controls. cartrMgo caoo w/10 tapes; swag lamps; baor itrthh lawiifhilri Iihiium: 'Steago Boars OutflewTO) folding chairs, oak 4 sM, «2 each; dailgnor loans, blousas li dresses; much cMhing; much much mora, must coma to soo. Cash only. No Early Birds! I CRYSTAL LAKE Four Colonics 1070 Abbey Dr. Juno 21.22.23,9-4 baby swing, car saat, lots of baby clothes.* misc. W FAMILY SALE! RINGWOOO Bernard Mill RdJRte. 31 June 22-24,* em-4 pm Antiques. collectibles. din. rm. tractor, various furniture, dolhos (oil sins), & much. much morel Dont forgot to Rlngwood ft look tar tho 10 oar ago sola signs on Barnard WllRd.fconRfc.31. MULTI-FAMILY SALE FOX RIVER GROVE MSBoachway Juno 21 thru 23; 9-4 t laaL§|| ^«mlw nswio, »»w» «v, aporrs equip. CRYSTAL LAKE Church Rummago Sale 173ft Rt. 174 Vk mile W. of Bur tons Bridge Juno 22.23.9-5 Much misc. E X C L U S I V E A R E A 14 Families Rt. 724 Randall Rd., Dundee, 2 miles west. SAT & SUN June 23 & 24; 9-5 Good clothes, much misc. Look for signs household ALGONQUIN 302 Summit St. June 22123; 9-4 Adult & children clothing, toys, dec. meet si leer, now ceramic craft Hams, new aloe, garage dr. opener, much more. LAKE IN THE HILLS 1117 Potion June 21,22.9-5 electric stove. Beta VCR, Wk. ft wht. TV. childs dresser, ft GARAGE SALE Crystal Lake (Coventry) 715 Darlington June 22 thru 2S MCHENRY-Foxridge Winding Creek W Huntington Dr. June 22,23,9-4 »kbdrm. sot, baby Items. I JnJl Inrtitlao I IliHs •• mk* IWRJÎ T LfUfTlvS# inlSL. • GARAGE SALE EmbemoodWWSubd. 5011 PlnohurstCt. (near Rlngwood ft Wilmot Rd.) Thurs.ftFri49-5pm. uinorsm ciovncSf air cono.# numorouo Items. GREENWOOD VILLAGE -m 111. • î -» »-Wrm Or VVPOOSTOCK Juno 21.22,23,9-5 3 mi. North of 120 on Green­ wood Rd. About 10 sales throughout our village. Riding mower, stereo, camping equip., woman's 3 speed bike, furniture, pionts, buggy, gos grill, lota, lots more. MCHENRY 2411 Club Rd. In Chapel Hill Golf Club June 20-27 9-5 house full of furniture, wtctcer. tools, dishes. pots, linens, toys, dolhos, etc. M C H E N R Y S H O R E S 3105 Kinley June 21,22.9-4 Fonaaonlc stereo system. wooden toldlwg chairs, dresser, «id table, glass tables ft mud McNENRY 4 FAMILIES 4901 Bonner Dr. 1 Frl.-Sat. June 22-23. M. 1973 Ford Stettonwogon; TRS g Home Computer; antiques, loci, unique desk; hide-e-bed; boys ft girls doihlng size 0-12; bDOks; games; F.P. toys; ping pong table; bikes; quality man's clothing L ft XL;lamps ft much misc. ALGONQUIN Three Family OHickoryL June 22.23 ft 24; 9-7 Luggage, bedroom set, spreods and drapes, small appliances, (dent Hems. »hlsc. much CRYSTAL LAKE 179 Union Street June 21,22 ft 23; 9-4 '4 Camaro, bicycles, misc. ports, tires, toys. No early I HAMPSHIRE 3S1 Highland Ave. June 21.22,94 clothes, intent to sin 14, 12-40, lots of misc. BURLINGTON 1, mile south of town on Poplow ^ June 22.23.9-4 Items, clothes, toys, car high chair, strollers, fbrn., much more. Garage Sales CRYSTAL LAKE 104 Eastvlew Ave. June 21,22,9-5 Nooortyi 'bWtepSm0m# 1W'n SYCAMORE SlSGeorgoieon Frl. ft Sat. 9-3 girls 3 pc. canopy bod w/covor. muchmics. SYCAMORE 930 Ester Ave. June 21.9-5 June 23.9-12 lots of clothes, chlidrens, adults. Many other misc. CARPENTERSVILLE 2M Fairway Rd. June 22 ft 23,9-5 Tools, dothes. ontiques. fur­ niture end much ml*. MULTI FAMILY Algonquin 1430 N. Harrison St. June 22,23,9-5 girls bike, desk, dbl. bed frame, household, misc. ft much more. GENOA June 2123,9-4 Hill Rd.. North Many, many Items, clothes, skates, camping gear, glass. Avon, books, knick-knacks. CRYSTAL LAKE 7405 Fox Fire Dr. June 210-4 stroller, couches, water skis. rug, baby clothes, typewriter, oowing machine. ELGIN 1014 Stewart June 23; 9-5 Furniture ft more KINGSTON 301 West St. • Frl. ft Sat., June 22 ft 23 Children ft adult clothing, Norm doors, books, misc. MCHENRY ' 3*20 McCullom Lake Rd. I. W. corner of McCullom Lk. 4 Richmond Rds. June 22-24.9-5 washer, day bed. new wwo Oi Cluinfj. MCHENRY Lakeland Park 402 W. Shore Dr. , June olture. Something for MCHENRY 721 Country Club Dr. June 22-23; 0-4 Quoon bod, dresser, children's furniture, book shelves. en­ cyclopedias, much misc. MCHENRY cogeorooK neignTS 3711 Timothy Lane June22ft23; 0-4:30 Lawnmower, furniture, toys, elr conditioner, much misc. MCHENRY 1409 Fairview Ln. (Neor outdoor theatre) June 22.0-5; June 23.0-12 Baby Hems: crib, chenging buggy, stroller, domes, tabie.! picnic 1 , much misc. MOVING SALE 4404 Greenwood Rood Thurs., Frl., 9to4pm. Antique furniture ft collec­ tibles; little girfs clothing; toys; misc. household; quellty iwcncvvvf T Foot Ridge Areo 5005 Dartmoor Drive June 21 ft 22,9 am-4pm MUCH MISCELLANEOUS! VIOOOSTOCK SOOW.Jvdd (corner Juno 21,22 ft 2X0-12 Aitttte of orerythlng, br- nltura, coHoctaMoa, books, table sow, CorvMr hoodb auto ft MCHENRY 7041!. Country Club Dr. Juno 22; 0 em - 5 pm. 1 Doy On- » y Everything must go! Tools end much misc. WOODSTOCK 517 High lend Ave. June 21; 9-Dusk June 22; 9-Noon Misc. ft many good buys. CRYSTAL LAKE IIOFortngdon Dr. June 21.9-5 girls bdrm. turn., 20" bicycle, J III ill Irm CVwviVooy, mix. 4019 Barnard Mill Rd. Frl. thru Sun., 9-4 Last annual contractors garage sale, part of the Rlngwood nttgnoornooa Mit, nana m power tools, building motor lets, Rockwell wood Mho, TO Ford Van, 1 ton w/htych ft stainless ladder rack, $1500,2 ton utility trailer, w/tooi box, $050, also ig. brass national cash register, antl- rn, misc. turn, clothes, ft 10 by 20 ft. 2 car gar. Don't miss HH MCHENRY Foxrldge 203Windrldge June 22.23. *4 toys, tools, baby items, dothlng, ft much misc. • FLEAMARKET WOnder lake Association House Welnut Dr., follow signs June 21K 9-3 For tables or 015/453- r spaces 73H WONDERLAKE 0015 Aldan Rd. Off Thompson June 21,22 ft 23; 9-4 Multl Family. 30" elect, range, turn., baby Items, clothes, playpen, stroller, crib, toys, kitchen items, drapes, knick- knacks, clothes- child to adult. Hartey ft Suzuckl I25*s needs work. Tlresets. wrangler ft super things, 33x123x15 LT Ford ft Chevy 4 spd. trans., Chevy engine pods, much misc. from A to Z. McCULLOM LAKE McHenry 5202 W Maple Hill Dr. June 22 ft 23; 9-4 Furti* doihlng, dishes. Home ivegetewes. mochmbc McHENRY Lakeland Park 4515 Parkway June 211-0; June 219-4 Solo ft popper collection, wr­ inger washer, TV gome, dd sowing machine, A/C, much misc. . McHENRY MOVING SALE 2909 N. Martin Rd. June22,23 ft 24; 10 am-5 pm Furniture, antiques, chlidrens clothes, misc household items. MOVING SALE 2901 Michael St. Sat., June 23; 9-5 Furn., bikes, oil pointings ft misc. • WOODSTOCK 1544 Clay Street June 21-219 am-5 pm Clothes, Stereo, Vacuum Cloonor ft MUCH MORE! CRYSTAL LAKE/ Country Woods 4114RovineDr. June21,5pmto0:30pm June 219am to 0 pm 015/499-0120 rototlller, couch, twin bods, photo onlergor, ass, household. FOX RIVER GROVE Community Sale Bayvlew off of S. Lincoln Ave. June 212121 9 AM.-5 PM. 33 uarage Sales McHENRY Cooney Heights 4213 South Street Frldoy June 210:30-7? Desk, ontiques, good children's dolhos, furniture, ft ml*, household items. MCHENRY Lakeiend Pork/off Home Ave. 1003 Flower June 21.21219-4 toys, clothes, nick- toon, collectibles, ft nodes. furn.Alllnoxc.oond ftl̂ yCHBV T Mc Cullom Lake 4 Family Yard Sale 2911N. Knoilwood in Gate 0 Sat., June 23; 0-5 Console stereo, bikes, toys, doihos (somen a bag), misc. MCHENRY Yard Sale 3700 W St. Paul's Ave. June 21219-5 Hondo motorcycle ft profes­ sions! drafting table ft file cabinet, other Items too numerous to mention. CRYSTAL LAKE 0901 Sends Rood June 20-24, lOem-Opm Upholstered choirs, tobies, stereo, toys. Belly plnball machine, toolsft much misc. CRYSTAL LAKE 042 S. Brentwood Dr. June 21 ft 22; 9-3 Clothes, toys, baby Items, skates, much misc. MCHENRY (Whispering Oaks) 4014 Chesterfield Dr. June 21,2123.9-5 A bit of everything. Merchandise 34 Under $50 USED DESKS, chairs, bookcases, storage cabinets, banquet tables and file cabinets. Many to choose from. Brand Equipment & Supply Co., 137 N. Main St., Crystal Lake, 015/455-4550 35 Antiques WALNUT BUFFET, ex cond $100; Victorian sofa, $150, Walnut dresser w/curved tilt mirror, beveled glass, ex. cond. $175; Queen size bed, $50 Call 312/426-4474 aft. 6. OCCUPIED JAPAN pieces, many, figurines, cups ft saucers, bisques, porcelains, 015/459-0706. 38 Boats CRESTLINER 10', w/75 hp Johnson. With skis, ladder, gas tank ft trailer If needed. Greet river or leke ski-boot. Very, very reasonable. Best offer this week totes It. 4*20 Shore Dr., McHenry. 015/344-5449, eorty HOUSE SALE of quality anti­ ques, collectibles. & ac­ cessories, furniture, lamps, pictures, mirrors, primitives, glosswere. china, vintage dofhlng, oriental rug, Beam bottles, chlidrens Items, jewelry, linens, plus much more. Property of, Nora ft Gene Lipskls, 1534 Stonehi of Sycamore. 9 am to 5 pm only. June 23 ft 24. tonehenge, > 5 pm only. 13 SELLERS Wicker, oak ft primitive fur­ niture. Quilts, country crafts, tole painting, dolls, handmade clothes ft an deco. Ridgefield Emporium (Between Crystal Lake & Woodstock off Rt. 14.) Open 7 Days 11-4 015/459-9725 BOAT LIFT Roife, 2,000 lb. Handle to 20 ft. boot. Keel credie. 015/305-7992. WANTED USED electric motor lift for a boot shore sta- tion. Call 015/305-1200. 14' ALUM.Storcraft, somi- V,74,15 h.p. E vln. w/trir. Very gd. cond. $1,090,312/742-5203. LARSON V-HULL "All American 4500", 15 ft. fiberglass. 75 hp Johnson O/B (Stinger racing series), EZ- looder trailer. Mooring cover; meny eccessorles. Less then 100 total hours. Exc. cond. Must see. $4,500. Must sell. 015/330- 7763. PONTOON BOAT,24', 55 Hp. Evinrude. exc. cond., recent canopy ft carpeting. Ber ft refrigerator. All deck furniture stays, $4,200. 015/305-0520 or 015/344-1717. Musical 39 Instruments WURLITZER PIANO and Organ sale in progress. Save 40%! New and Used. Bell Mor- ford Piano ft Organ Company, 72 Fountain Square rlaza, Elgin, IL. 312/741-0700 ANTIQUE PIANO Upright. Earliest tuning date 1904. Orig. hardware. In exc. playing cond. Some ivories missing. Bench Ind. $400 015/330-0371. CONN ORGAN, like new condi­ tion, $500 . 312/650-6627 Coll after 6 pm. KAWAI CONSOLE Orgon. Double keyboard w/percus- slon. Auto chord and auto rhythm includes bench ft music. Excel, cond. $l200/best Offer 312/650-9597. GET A HEAD START On the school year. Band instruments, new ft used. Reasonable prices. SIS/4599337 Pets& Equipment 44 Pets& Equipment OlO ENOIISH Do* free to good homo w/fencod yard. Male. 2 yrs. old. big. friendly, child's pot, 015/4$ 2071 AKC POODLES, Toy ft Minoture. Exc. pedigree, gen­ tle disposition; exc. for pets end/or brooding. 3 males, 3 females, 1 rare chocolate col­ ored male. Must sse. Coll 015/94*4071 after 3 pm ft 44 "LOVE ft FLUFF Dog Salon- Professional Grooming of All Breeds. Free pick-up/Delivery. 312/426-5077. PROFESSIONAL GROOMING All Breed Dogs Pat Wdbdruff, 015/640-2546 * GROOMER, 7 yrs. experience. Wnl come to your home. Reasonable rates. Call Val: 015/455 3062 anytime. FREE to good home, female, house cot. spader good natured. 312/420-2153 after 5 p.m. MALE POODLE 3vrsold, AKC registered. $90. Coll 815/344- FREE KITTENS to good home Cute ft Cuddly! Litter trained, 0 wksold. Call 115/499-0572 aft. 4. GOLDEN TETRIEVER, AKC, 0 months oM. female, exc. fomlly dog. $200.015/4993179. AKA registered Wk. Schnauzer puppies. 4 wks. old. 2 males. 1 female, $200,015/305-1690. A U S T R A L I A N SHEPHERD/border Collie Puppies, ready to go July 1st. Reserve yours now. Coll 015/335-2140 offer 4pm. GIVE AWAY loveabie Peek a- poo dog to a good adult home. 015/330-3006. POODLE BABIES. Toy ft Tiny Toy. AKC Champion sired, hap­ py, healthy, precious, $l00/up. Stud Service avail. All breed grooming. Pick Up ft Delivery. 015/330-2155. COCKATIELS: Young Plods $15 eo.; Cinnomons $75. Breeding age Lutlnos ft Pearls $40. Phone eves., week-ends. 015/330-0549. FREE: 2 CutePuppies, male ft female, Gormen Shepherd, mother ft "big black Lab- Shepherd", type father. 015/330-2127 days; 015/330-4333 FREE PUPPIES: German short hair, mixed, call after 6 p.m., Mon.-Sat., Sundays anytime, 015/704-0474. LAHSA APSO ft 2 mixed Spitz dogs. Free to good homes. H o u s e t r o i n o d , g o o d w/children, 015/0534606. SHELTIE PUPS AKC, 7 wks, Champion bloodlines, raised w/chlidren. $1904100. 312/650- 5030. FREE KITTENS Yellow male, 0 wks. Grey female, 10 wks. Lit­ ter box trained. 312/4264056. 36 Bicycles & Sports Equip. BOYS 20" Schwinn Stinger bike. $50; Schwinn little tiger bike, w/training wheels, $35; Ross 20" bike, $20.015/305 7478. BOYSPREDATOR MEN'S 27 in 10-spd. bicycle. $40; 26 In men's bicycle, $10; Childs car seat, $25 . 815/338 0571 BIKE. 10 speed, $30. good cond. 015/305-4050 37 Lawn& Garden Equipment 72 Real Estate For Sale TWO DARLING male. AKC, buff. Cocker Speniels. $100 OOCh, 015/943-4725 or 943 7205. FREE kittens, male/female, litter trained. 9 wks., gray, gray/white. 015/3304254, week­ day mornings. 44 Pets& Equipment GOLDIN RETRIEVER AKCRE&iroREO 312/4264079 G U A R D D O G . M o l e Weimaroner/PIt Bull very loyel, Free to .good home. 312/5404901 AKC ENGLISH Springer Sponiel pups, Mk. ft wht., liver ft wht„ field champion Wood linos, shots ft wormed, $150 ft up. i wks. old, 015/475-2025. 47 Horses ft Equipment QUARTERHORSE Registered Sorrel. 14 yr. old geidino, 154- hands. Exc. trail horse. Gd. for beginners. 015/720-0971 QUARTER HORSES (2) Registered; one 5 yr. old more ft one 2 yr. old filly. Three Bers bloodiino. 015/720-1220. BAY MORGAN gelding, gentle, excel lent starter horse. $650. 015/455-3017 Farm & Dairy Equipment 48 & Products STEER. 000400 lbs. FFA pro (set prime beef, or will trade for car or pickup, 015/9434990. 49 Livestock HORSE FOR SALE excellent for beginner. 312/404-5126. Machinery & 53 Equipment USED 20x00 and 20x40 Harvestores. Also a used 0123 Slurrystore. Call 015/235-4461, after 7 pm. CULTIVATOR J.D. RG30. 6 30" rolling shields. $200. Hydraulic fertilizer auger. 312/420-5616. HOBART WELDER. 300 amp w/302 Ford Engine. $1,500. After 6 pm, 312/420-1947. VERMEER 4WD tractor w/6 way dozer, 5 ft. ditcher ft 0 ft backhoe $4500.; Vermeer TS44 trailer mount tree mover $ 7 5 0 0 . ; S c o u t 4 W D w/snowplow. $050.312/430-5101 MASSEY FERGUSON 202 Tractor Loader Backhoe. ex­ cellent condition. $5,050. 312/430-5101. CUB CADET 12 hp, Koohlor Pw iifwî pvnc wTivv* • »A -J»i UfHi Will DV NS¥ Wi I'W "ilUUH of the summer budgst! CaN 015/597-1001. Machinery & 53 Equipment FMC truck-computer wheel be lancer, velve face grinder, veive soot grinder, battery load tester, engine hoist, set ad­ justable king-pin reamers, 5 hp. eir comp., dial Indicator (magnetic base), 000 ft/lb tor­ que wrench, battery charger, truck speedometer cable kit, air opereted truck tire machine, grease dispenser, snep-on multi ohm ft tach motor, 015/330-3047. Business 66 Opportunity FORD 3000 ges tractor loader, 3 pt. hitch, line P.T.O., dlff. lock, turf tires. Exc. cond. $4500.312/430-5101 METAL LATHE by South Bend; oxv-acetylene torch ft tanks; peoestal grinder; misc. tools, cabinets, ft hardware. 015/4594397. DMI QUICK Hitch, rarely us­ ed, exc. cond.. $200. 815/648 2716. Business 66 Opportunit; STARTYOUR OWN BUSINESS WITH FARMERS INSURANCE HELP Does owning your own business without investing capital ap­ peal to you? Does influencing people give you satisfaction? Have you more than average initiative, self-discipline and stability? Can you budget yourself on $11000 to $10,000 an­ nual guarantee while acquiring the experience and knowledge to earn more? Complete train Ing in auto. fire, life ft com- merlcal insurance. For a con­ fidential Interview, call Dick Robb. 312/362-4244 1 yh LOOKING FOR second in­ come? Tri-Chem crafts ft gifts has openings for four in­ structors. Commission to 50% + many other benefits. Will train. For interview, 015/544- 6600. JANITORIAL Office Cleanlng-Estab Accts Will Train-Bob 312/2554530 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Stock from Floral Shop, over 1,000 stems. 50 containers. 45 s e m p l e a r r a n g e m e n t s , bookcase and much misc. The estimated value over $5,000. Asking $1200 firm. Also fixtures end displays for sale, 312/669- 5712 offer 5 p.m. WOULD YOU like to own your own real estate office, but lack the capital to stad? Here's your opportunity to step Into an established business. Write Box 102, Genoa Kingston Kirkland News, 606 Park Ave., Genoe.IL. 60135. LOSING WE IGHT equals mak ing money. If you have 5 to 200 pounds to lose, call Arthur, 312/223-1039. ... .rr.̂ PRINTING McHenry County, established, ofltable, ' printing b below votue for cosh sale. profitable, fully equipped i rinting business. Priced for $22,900. Reply to: Printing, P.O. Box 801. Woodstock iC. 60090 70 Business Properties CRYSTAL LAKE Route 176. Business lots and buildings east of Adams Lawn and Leisure. $350.00 front foot and up. 501/442-9300. WEST DUNDEE. Spring Hili Mall Main St., Commercial. 2 story brick bldg. Downtown location. Parking. Total: 3400 sq. ft. Rear entrances. $102,500. C o n t r a c t S a l e . B a b s Lindemann, Starck Realtors, 312/420 5544. Real Estate For Sale • "10*% INTEREST A.RM. $3000 dwn., $635 P.l.T.I. raised ranch, 3 bdrm., finished family rm. Priced under $60,000. "entury-21/Cardunal Realty 312/426-6600 McHENRY/ Fox River Water front. 3 bdrms., 2 baths, 2 car gar., 2 frplces., sea wall & pier. 1 blk. to country club, in city. $162,000. By Owner. Call 815/3854626. Real Estate 72 For Sale 72 Real Estate For Sale CHARMING Is the word for this air conditioned 3 bdrm. ranch homo. Updated kitchen with butcher Mock countertops pantry bookcooes In living/din ing area-family rm. with separate heater ̂ fenced in yard nicely decorated. Price $99,900. ERA Caravan RE. 312/420-2610 REPOSSESSEDHOMES OUR CUSTOMERS CANT BE WRONG! 10 Yrs. E xperlence In Repos'! AM Counties. From $500 Down Sutton Realty 312/625-0800 "The Leader in Repo s" CRYSTAL LAKE, 3 bedrm brick bi level, din. rm., (am rm., 2 baths, central eir, 2 car gar., desirable neighborhood, close to lake ft shopping. 597 815/439-851 Lee Dr.. $06,000.015/4 312/543-4100. >4515 or MCHENRY Country Club Estates. 3 bdrm. ranch near golf course, Ig. lot, full base, air, Ig eat in kit, new everything except the oc cupants.hard wood floor s, $65,000,815/305 2625 • BY OWNER Crystal Lake. Coventry, $8500. moves you in this 3 bdrm., 2 bath. fam. rm , 1000 sq. ft., cent. elr. fenced yerd, appliances, fireplace. 10% VA asiumable. No points. Imm. occupancy. 312/660 5965 CRYSTAL LAKE-BY OWNER 4 bdrms., 2+ car aft. garage w/loft, C/A, Ig. kitchen, Ig. fam rm. w/frplce.. 2 decks, full bsmf., cedar & alum, siding, on beautifully wooded 1 acre lot, Crystal Lake Schools. S124.900. Principals Only, Please. Shown By Appointment Call 815/4554089 RAILROAD TIES. $5 each. Driveway Gravel, Sand ft Stone. Mushroom Compost, Kverlzed black dirt. 312/650 I. I RAILROAD TIES black dirt, sand ft gravel. 312/6904167. j MADE TREES Large supply.! Also evergreens ft shrubs < Quantity sales only. 312/430 SW. j CUB CADET 0&11,0 hp riding mower, 12 In. cut, rear i dbcargi w/new betters ft I town sweeper. 1/2 price of cur­ rent nwM- 9995/bOSt. 015/455 1 4070 days; 4554250 eves. LAWN CHIEF 725 Lawn Trac­ tor, rope start, $450/best offer. 015/305-7144 after 6pm.' 38 Boats BOAT MOORING FOX RIVER $100 Season 815/305-0169 • SAIL AWAY! Flying Junior 134 sailboat, sails ft trailer. $1400,015/459-6965. SAILBOAT AMF Puffer. Exc. cond., $1700 w/trailer. $1500 without. 015/459-3502, after 6 pm. RIVIERA CRUSIER 74, 24 ft alum, pontoon boot, some furn. No motor. $2,000. <15/459-3620. AMF FLYING FISH, 15' w / t r a l l e r . G o o d c o n d . . $000/best, 815/459-9507 after 5:30pm. INVADER, '74, 10 ft.. Mercury 1 4 0 h p . , o / b , p / t r i m , E - z Loader trailer, cover, good ski boot. $3250/best. 815/344 3629. SEARS 12 ft. aluminum row boat with oars. $250. Call 015/459-1343 CRESTLINER, 76. 20 ft. w/235 hp. inboard/ outboard ft E Z Load trailer, perfect condition, $7,900. Call 312/428-0903. , ROWBOAT14 ft. fibergless. Vh hp motor ft trailer. $600/best of for. 815/728 1234, days, 720- 1273, after 5 pm. SAIL BOATS, 20 ft C Scow, flood cond.. $1,500; 16' M 16 Scow, 2 sets of sails, needs work. $400/best offer. 815/728- 1605. W RUN-A-BOUT. 75 Chrysler $1400; 16' Boat ft Trailer Tri hull Evinrude. No motor, $1350. 312/497 3077 after 6 p.m. BAYLINER, '83. 16'. 05 hp. V Hull, bowrider. mooring cover, canvass, extras, exc. cond. Must sell, $6,000/offer. 815/455 3305 after 6 pm 15' ALUMCRAFT Tri hull. '60. 3 5 h . p . J o h n s o n m o t o r , $ l , 1 5 0 / b e s t . 8 1 5 / 7 2 8 1 7 7 6 a f t . 5 pm or week ends RUNABOUT 14' fiberglass. 40 hp engine. Evinrude. Tilt bed trailer. $700 312/420 2432 The Affordable Dream I / A ££A D D D D RICHARD EASTY DEALER/GENERAL CONTRACTOR (312)639-4242 960 RT. 22 SUITE 208 FOX RIVER GROVE authorized dealer for: ,A\1 The Bradford B 2752 3 2 LUXURIOUS RANCH with many deluxe features. Garages & Basements optional. MODEL LOCATION, Route 22 at Route 14, Fox River Grove. Shown by appointment. The Chatham C 2440-2 Roomy Cape Cod. Main level complete. Upstairs standard unfinished/optional upstairs. Complete with front and rear dormers. M o> M MATTf* Fflls Innoott .fir Jrwiia i 1 The Harsax H -2440-3-1 V-i Priced right for that Starter Home, that Getaway Weekend Home, that perfect Retirement Home with 100% maintenance free exterior. 7 models. ioo Moor plans

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