Life Today KAREN DLSTHIMER AND JIM TORRICELLI Announce engagement Donald and Patricia Dusthimer, 7401 Parkwood, Wonder Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter Karen to Jim Torricelli, son of James and Kathryn Torricelli of Springfield, III. The coo pie graduated from Southern Illinois University at Carbon dale in May of 1984. They are planning an Oct. 20,1984 wedding. Marriage encounter sponsors potluck The McHenry Area Marriage Encounter Community will sponsor a potluck supper at St Patrick's Church Hall on Washington St.. McHenry. Saturday. June 30. at 7 p.m. Members of the group will also be attending the world wide marriage encounter convention held this year at Circle Campus in Chicago. June 29 and 30. and July 1 All couples who have made a marriage encounter weekend are encouraged to come to the potluck even if they are not traveling to the convention. For further information call 385-7397. Births * SWEGLE Gary and Bonnie Swegle of McHenry announce the birth of their first child on May 7. Michelle Marie was bom in Good Shepherd Hospital. Barrington. and weighed 6 lbs 12 oz. Paternal grandparents are Darrell and Joanne Swegle of Janesville, Wis. Bruce and Mary Cooley of Lake Zurich are the maternal grandparents. JUN A boy. Aaron Frank was born May 11 to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Jun of McHenry. He entered the world in Good Shepherd Hospital. Barrington. weighing 7 lbs. 14 oz. Maternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Alvarado of Moline, 111. Mrs. Frank G. Jun of Barrington is the paternal grandmother. PRUCHNIAK Raymond John H is the name chosen by Mr and Mrs. Raymond Pruchniak of McHenry for their first child. The 9 lbs. 4 oz. baby boy was born May 22 in Good Shepherd Hospital. Barrington. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Rose of Palatine, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pruchniak of Crystal Lake are the paternal grandparents. KOEHN Kimberly is the name chosen5 by Ronald and Mary Koehn of McHenry for their second daughter. The 10 lbs. 2 oz. baby girl arrived at Good Shepherd Hospital. Barrington on May 25. She was greeted at home by her WALKER A baby girl was born May 21 to Jack and Peggy Walker of Wauconda and they named her Rebecca Nicole. She entered the world in Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington weighing 8 RESIDENT REAGAN'S M Now You See It.. New Yeu Don't HEARING AIDS HAVE NEW LOOK! • v4 Six* ot otheTaid* FITS WITHIN YOUR EAR CANM. FREE MEARMC TESTS 1 v it's there ADULTS ONLY WE MAKE HOUSE CALLS! LmIm Conion, AedM*f 1st Mm tw Staff! Ms. Conlon, audiologist. comes to McHenry Hearing with a Masters Degree from the University of Illinois. I MCHENRY HEARINO AID CENTER 3937 W. Main St. McHenry (815)385-7661 OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY 10 TO 5-REPAIRS ALL MAKES POOLS N STUFF E V E R Y T H I N G Y O U N E E D POOLS-SPAS-SAUNAS U.P.S. A D.H.L. DROP OFF STATION HOURS MON-FRI 10-9 SAT A SUN 10 5 Show Lamaze-cesarean Alms Memorial Hospital for McHenry County and the McHenry County Area Child birth Educators (MCACE) are sponsoring the showing of two important childbirth films. Friday. June 22. "Nan's Class" is the award winning film that depicts the labors and deliveries of five couples and a single parent who have prepared for the birth of their child by attending lamare classes. Topics discussed during the film include the latest in family-centered maternity care. It will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the lower level conference room of the hospital. "A Shared Cesarean Begin ning" documents the experience of a young couple as they prepare for and share together the cesarean birth of their child The father involvement makes the events of the delivery room touching as well as informative It will begin at 8:30 p.m., in the same location. Anyone interested is invited to attend one or both films. A registered nurse who is also a I a maw and cesarean chihirirth educator wfll be present to answer any questions. For information regarding either film or any aspect of childbirth preparation, please call Mrs. John (Janet) Smith at 385-3318. ̂ Plan ice cream social and picnic The regular meeting of St. Clara Court No. 659 of the Foresters, will feature an ice cream social. Thursday, June 28, at 7 30 p.m. in the Oak Room of Montini Middle School. All members are invited to attend and enjoy an ice cream sundae with the flavor of their choice: and they are also urged to bring a friend along. Sunday. July 8, the annual Forester Family Picnic is scheduled to be held at Pearl Street Park. The outing will begin at 11:30 a.m. and end at 5:30 p.m. Hot dogs, pop, beer and games will be furnished for everyone's enjoyment. W MR. AND MRS. PETER PASERPSKY RBCHS dinner-dance set Celebrate anniversary Tickets for the annual Rich mond-Burton High School Alumni Association Dinner- Dance are available now for all RBCHS alumni and guests who wish to attend the function slated for July 14. They may be obtained at a pharmacy and bank in Rich mond or from George Richard son. Hie deadline for purchase is July 6. Andre's Steak House, Rich mond. will host the reunion with a cocktail hour beginning at 6:30 p.m. and dinner at 7:30, followed by dancing at 9:30. This year, the alumni will honor the classes of 1984, 1959 and 1934. Space available at outdoor flea market The public is invited to rent 2 p.m., at the church on State space at an outdoor flea market sponsored by the LCW of All Saints Lutheran Church, Fox Lake. Park Rd. Rain date will be July 20. For further information call The event will be held the church at 587-7727, mornings Saturday. July 14. from 9 a.m. to only. Sunday, June 17, Peter and Louise Paserpsky, 9109 Pine Ave., Wonder Lake, renewed their wedding vows in St. Adrian Church, 7000 S. Washtenaw, Chicago; the church in which they were married 50 years ago, on June 16, 1934. A reception for family and friends after the Mass, was held in the American Legion Hall on 44th St. and Western, Chicago. It was hosted by their daughters, Mrs. George (Mary Lou) Pece and Mrs. Greg (Phyllis) Coakley, of Alsip, 111. and Mrs. Bill (Vicki) Hoffman of McHenry. Also in attendance were the celebrants' nine grandchildren. Peter and Louise will also have a special anniversary Mass at their parish, Christ the King in Wonder Lake, June 24, at 12 p.m. The Paserpskys are members of the Wonder Lake Senior Citizens Club and were pleasantly surprised by that group at the regular monthly meeting May 21, when they were presented with gifts. Everyone wished them well as they en joyed cake and punch. Mrs. Paserpsky also belongs to the McHenry Grandmothers Club and Christ the King sodality. Mr. Paserpsky retired from St. Regis Paper Company 10 years ago, after 45 years of service. Birthright holds bake sale-pancake & sausage breakfast Sunday, June 24, Birthright of McHenry County will hold a pancake and sausage bi at St. Patrick's church hall McHenry. The breakfast will be served from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. at a cost of $2.50 for adults and 81 for children. Also, in the church hall at the same time, there will be a bake sale. Proceeds from this sale will go to help the family of infant John Phillips, the McHenry baby who has un dergone two heart operations and kidney dialysis in the past few months. Proceeds from the pancake breakfast will help McHenry Birthright to provide necessary emergency services to its clients and to defray operating costs such as rent and telephone, as well as various office supplies. Funds are also used to help purchase literature and books on various topics such as prenatal care, nutrition, alternatives to abortion and other counseling materials. Donations are used to pur chase pregnancy tests which are used as part of the services offered in problem pregnancy situations. Birthright stocks maternity clothes and cribs for loan to its clients in need, and any such items are appreciated. Arrangements can be made to pick them up or drop them off at the office in the Whispering Point Center, McHenry, by calling the office. There is always a need for individuals who would like to volunteer just one or two days a month to staff the office hotline. All those interested are urged to visit the office by appointment to become acquainted with the procedures and services of fered. Volunteers will be interviewed and screened and then trained by experienced volunteers who will work with them until they are ready to work with clients one on one. This can be a challenging and rewarding experience. Anyone interested in receiving more information is requested to call the office at 385-2999, a 24- hour answering service. Those wishing to donate baked goods to benefit the bake sale may ***11S. Grant at 385-0795. Community Calendar three-year-old sister Tiffany. Maternal grandparents are Robert and Therese Rebman of Wauconda. Arthur and Jeanette Koehn of McHenry are the paternal grandparents. lbs 12 n>z. Maternal grand parents are Harold and Gene Ernst of Wauconda. Peter and Lorraine Delmonico of McHenry are the paternal grandparents. JUNE 20 Mary Martha Circle-Mtg.-Lunch 11 a.m.-Faith Presbyterian Church-Lincoln & Chapel Hill Rds. JUNE 21 Catholic Daughters-Potluck Lunch 1:30 p.m.-Liberty Hall (K. of C)-Mtg. & Soc. Hr. Follows. JUNE 23 McH. Sportsmen's Club-WeingaH Rd.-Practice Shoot, 1 p.m.- Public Welcome. McH. Moose-Flotilla-Antioch Lodge. JUNE 24 McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Meat Shoot & Games 10 a.m.-Public Welcome. JUNE 25 McH. Sr. Citz. Club-Mtg. 1 p.m.-East Campus High School. Aurora Area Blood Drive-Zion Lutheran Church-3:30-7:30 p.m. McH. Area Toastmasters Club-Dinner 6:30 p.m.-Village Squire- Mtg. 8 p.m. JUNE 26 McH. Garden Club-Lunch 11:30 a.m.-McH. Country Club-Mtg. 1 p.m.-McH. Public Library. JUNE 30 McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot 1 p.m.- Public Welcome. Canoe Trip-Lyons Prairie & Marsh-6:30 a.m.-Info. 338-1405. - McH. Moose 691-32nd Birthday Dinner <r8 p.m.-Dance 8:30-11:30 p.m. JULY 1 McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Registered Shoot 9 a.m.-- 100-16-100 Handicap-50 Pr Doubles-Public Welcome. Nineteen members attend recent V.F.W. auxiliary meeting Anne Scarbrough, president, conducted the June meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4600 with 19 members present. Gail Szamlewski and Jodi Silva became members of the auxiliary in May. Dorothy Bergman transferred in June from an auxiliary in Chicago. The auxiliary will begin loaning child restraining seats which will require a $25 deposit; crutches, wheel chairs and the hospital bed will be loaned for a $5 deposit. Membership chairman, Ila Hogan. stated the auxiliary had 100 percent in membership for the 1983 membership year. Mrs. Hogan, also the auxiliary hospital chairman and co- chairman at North Chicago Medical Center, stated the auxiliary had received over $600 monetary credit for books, puzzles, utility bags, deodorants and tooth paste donated to the verterans administration hospital during the months of April and May. She added that the annual carnival at the veterans administration hospital will be held June 19 and 20. CHICAGO I now SOAOOO ONLY iV7 ROUND TRIP AIRFARE ADVENTURES UNLIMITED TRAVEL 4720 W ELM ST., RTE. 120, McHENRY • 344-4100 Donations made by the auxiliary were $50 to North Chicago Medical Center car nival, $10 to the Veterans of Foreign Wars National Home Remodeling Fund and $50 to the McHenry County Drug Abuse booklet. Cancer aid and research chairman, Barb Bryniarski, was presented a citation by the president for 100 percent par ticipation in the auxiliary national program. She stated 209 auxiliary members in the state of Illinois had received cancer grants totaling $68,900. '/ For Your Information Dear friend*. Edith Reinagle, poppy, chairman, stated "Poppy Day * in McHenry was successful and thanked all of the members who donated their time. Mary Fergen, Ila Hogan, Gerry Kuck, Pat Raiford, Eva Sneil and Pat Spoto were elected delegates to the state of Illinois auxiliary convention. Alternate, delegates are Barb Bryniarski, Lu Garifi, Gert Gregory, Dora Krocker, Frances Nells md Edna Olson. The next regular meeting will be Wednesday, July 11, at the; post home. t Foster Grondporenf* over 11.000 older persons or* serving in various Hospital* for mentally and physically hondkoppad children across the country. The program allows the older, experienced poopla and tho handicapped to meet each other's special noods in a very beautiful way. The old aro often lonoly. with time on thoir hands and a lot ol lovo to give; the youngsters need and respond to love", states a program director. Respectfully. PETER M.JUSTEN & SON FUNERAL HOME a"«0»\ HUOt) A (more next week) 815 459 -0500 C R Y S T A L L A K E P L A Z A \ f